The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 26, 1950, Image 2

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Bogus $10 and $20 bills are on
2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, October 26, 1950 Ww d Thrvout (John Singer and Ammon Smith. | Quarter oe
- ding re er ilee Singer s the @xceptions is one culated at Lancaster
e S$ out Deep River Jubilee Singers Among 1e gxception circ! ve A & P's D lic $ ;

The Deep River Jubilee Singers) charging that the hearing before
The Mount Joy Bulletin Our Ee will present a program in the high the commissioners September 19 at Electric BAKERY: Op
y | school auditorium Monday evening, the Court house was a cut and dried and Gas e ing Y ’
Other points being sukenitted Sl Customers TRE: A TS
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher Ww October 30. The program is spon- | affair
== During ast eek sored by the school assembly com- | to the County Court is one charg- Also Specialize On

ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 Ee a that neither the Mt. Joy Town-| FARM MACHINE WELDING |
rittee and is for the benefit of the | !N# that neither the «Joy { orner
i 4 At the end of this time a young igh Miss Doris Mae Rice, daughter Wot x tnd [ship school hoard nor supervisors AND EQUIPMENT | CG n
pT abated i se hon) girl came into the on WA Mr. ; and Mrs. John Rice ns West | § Ast Ya | were notified when the viewing was | futomobilé and Truck Welding |
mar a” fel Te ey tooth I aga hi il Fi ” = : G | held on the property under discus- LAWN MOWER SHARPENING | Becanse they want
ia AR 5 concise opinion o at ye reds | son of Mr. and Mrs. Miles E. Gas- i sion last Jwne.
Shain, per year « px and wants, She said: We want mn- | sert, Pork Street, Elizabethtown, | axpayers 1 Al listed th at that ia ’ W Idi Sh | your A&P to become a
Ik d 50 lis s the poi at fa-
Three Months ............ 60 | derstanding from cur parents, our | were married last Friday evening (From page 1) | eilit ; iy Ko an and >the over S e ing op | better place to shop,
Bintfle CORIO 05 schools and our community, We in Arizona oe i= ies ise algnly Alor ME . : our loyal employees
oF . way up to the new pike { jointly maintained road can be Deltg and Marietta Streets J
Bample Copies ......... FREE want to do modern things. We want Miss Rice went to San Diego, ot : | it . ined | inl dereerent as oY. PA Ph 3.5031 are never completely
. . > yor » CO oners | maintaine rie agreement as . - p
to lead cur own lives hut we also! California two weeks ago and will | The report of the commissioners | maiitained by J Mr Joy, ee satisfied with the job
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt.
Joy, Pa. as second-class mail mat=-
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper
Publishers’ Association
Publication Day, Thursday
Copy for a change of advertising
should reach this office Tuesday.
We will not guarantee insertion of
any advertising unless copy reaches |
the office not later than 9 a. m.
preceding day of publication.
Classified ads will be accepted to
Ps a. m. public: ition day.
+ + +
The most wonderful thing ever
made by any man is a good living
for his family.
oe 0

A Int of brainy women earn their
own living but the sensible ones
let men do it for them.
oo 92
Alwsys remember that when you |
have both feet on the ground you
don’t have far to fall.
A pharmaceutical house has is~
sued a warming to the public, that
due to error, boftles labeled castor
oil, contain the poisonous carbon
tetrachloride. Druggists are aleried. |
It is » mistake that is very serious, |
but a Mount Joy father gives us
humercus side. He says it is diffi-
cult enough to get Junior to take |
castor «il under normal circumstan-
ces, but since Junior cam read, he
will now refuse definitely to co-
operate. We expect this is going to |
be a fine excuse for many oldsters,
who never
anyway. However, in all serious-
ness, such an occurrence makes us
mere fully aware of how our very
lives are so dependent upon the |
carefulness of cthers. We all make
mistakes, but perhaps not such cost-
ly ones.
oe 9°
When hunting seasons open.
sperismen take to field and woods, |
marsh and stream. The true sports- |
man abides by restrictions, consid-
ers rights of others by preserving
an amiable farmer-hunter relation-
ship. Unfortunately all hunters are
not sportsmen. The signs that read
No Trespsssing or No Hunting |
were probably put there by farmers |
who met up with the hoodlum |
hun‘er, the kind who cuts wire fen-
ces, tramples crops, kills stock. |
Mcre land is restricted each year,
more ccunties have passed No Sun-
day Hunting laws or closed the
county entirely, all because of the
ill-mannered gun-toter. Some
sporismen’s clubs issue hunter's!
cards to members and will stand for
fess to the f:rmer through careless-
ness cf those members. Such clubs |
are few. If today’s hunter wants to |
preserve the right for future gen-
erations, he will rep at the enemy
hunter to authorities.
eo ee
Fruit, nut, potato and apple grow-
ers got together and organized to
publicise their product and boost
sales. Now the onion growers, feel- |
ing that in cnion—we mean union— |
there is strength, are uniting to
put breath into their neglected veg- |
etable and bring tears to the eves
of those who have underestimated
the onion’s culture and health val- |
ue. If everyone would eat onions
they wouldn't objeet to an onion
breath. If onions make you weep, |
maybe a good ery would bring you
emctional relief. You'll see literature |
soon, felling of the nutritional value
in onion soup, cnions fried and |
crearhed, onion salad and sand-!
wiches. We wish to state to the | anc
recently formed committee for the
= | Midwest and Canada, playing at
wint to take part in the family dis- | remain there for the next few
cussions, share in the budget plan- | months,
ning, have it explained why we can’t | Mr. Gassert is stationed in San
afford this or that, In fact, we want | Diego with the Navy.
to be considered and enough to
| share in some of the secrets of the | Anny M. Espenshade
| family. Parents here might well | B. Musser Farry
| consider the words. They may be The marriage of Miss Anna M.
the answer to a few of their own Espenshade, foster daughter of Mr.
| problems a at home. and Mrs. Harry J. Fishburn, Mt.
_—— Joy R2, to B. Musser Forry, son of
{ Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Forry,
Scotch Kiltie Manheim R2, took place in Mount
{ Pleasant Brethren in Christ Church, |
(From Page, 1) with Bishop Henry A. Ginder of-
mers parade. ficiating,

The organization is one of the a . s . : |
¢ \ io 1 : bard ‘ The bride was given in marriage
| ’ 8 antic bag » bands in the : |
ow wuthentic bagpipe ands ne by Mr. Fishburn.
| United States. All the pipers are
i natives of Scotland, and all learned
| the pipes in early youth,
The band was organized in 1936 |
by K. T. Keller, president of the ‘
y K : I { E. Richard Espenshade and Henry
{ Chrysler - Corporation. Under the] . |
a f Mr. Rell | Forry were ushers. Mr. and Mrs.
>f Mr. ler : e
Supervision : 1 eer an Alton Dourte and Mr. and Mrs.
direct management of Ramsey, the
band has built an enviable reputa-~ |
tion in the past dozen years. It has
Miss Anna Mary Forry, sister ‘of
the bridegroom, was maid of honor
and Fayllis Dourte was flower girl.
Eldon Lehman was best man and
Jesse Dourte sang several selec- |
tions. A reception was held at Hos-
| appeared all over the East, the .
2D } oy The bride -had been employed as
| a dental assistant to Dr. W. L.
Shoop, and the bridegroom is en-
such special functions as fairs, ex-
positions, memorials and conven- : : ot
. £ all Tl 1 1 gaged in farming. They are resid-
s 2 pes. » band has . 3 ae
Hons types RE ing at Manheim R2.
been featured at the annual Mich-
igan Peach festival, where it has .
| 18 . Helen E. Greiner
paraded and played for crowds ex-
di 100.000 rd was! Charles M. Rawles, Jr.
ceeding ersons, ange jas: oo !
I Miss Helen E. Greiner, daughter |
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Greiner,
Tt. : book is) Landisville, and Charles M. Rawles, |
| ‘he , Sr engageme h 1S “ie ~ |
| 9 pi To Age mer 00K 151 Jr, West Allis, Wis., were wed Sat-
| crowded with dates for concerts urday in the Church of Ged, Lan- |
| among the attractions at the Phila- |
| delphia Music Festival. |
other entertai nts where | 5.
| and other entertainment he | disville. The Rev. Raymond H.|
“He 1 5 = 1 is So. . i
something a little unusual” is de Daihl officiated at the ceremony.
[secs At present the pipers and The bride was given in marriage |
liked taking the stuff | { drummers look forward to a long by her father. Attending the couple
| schedule of appearances at veterans’ | ara Mrs. Robert L. Gutzwiller, |
{ hospitals throughout Michigan and |y .ndisville, and Raymond H. Black, |
| Canada. | West Collingswood, N. J. Ushers |
Playing for veterans is one of the | were Dr. Robert L. Gutzwiller. Lan- {
| Kilties Band's most enjoyable as-| disville, and Martin Strickler, Jr, |
| signments, as about 95 percent of | Oyster Point.
| its personnel are veterans of hoth| Miss Mary Louise Grube was or= |
world War I and II. Some of the| ganist while the soloist was Mrs. |
boys, including Pipe Major Bill Mc- | Martin Strickler, Jr.
| Dougal, were captured in the first] The ceremony was followed by a
Dieppe raid and held prisoner un-| reception in the church social
til the end of the war. They were | rcoms after which the couple lef
| members of the famed Canadian |on a wedding trip to New York City.
| Essex Scottish Regiment, and are| They will reside at 1414 N. Fifty-
| present employees of the Chrysler | third St, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The bride was graduated from
| Fratt Institute, Brooklyn, and is |
| now employed as dietician of Dce- |
tor's Hospital. Milwaukee. The
| bridegroom received a degree in
Corporation of Windsor, Ontaria, a-
| cross the river from Detroit.
| The authenticity of the band’s
Scottish music is matched by that
of its dress. The uniforms are exact d :
the engineering from Purdue TUniver-
Seaforth Highlanders, one of the | Sity and is super visor of. tet bine |
emplcyment at Allis Chalmers, Mil- |
finest kilted regiments in Scotland. | kee.
The plaid is the McKensie Tarton.
| With the slim trend in feminine at- |
tire, ladies may be interested to S ho 1 Cl d
note that the makers of kilts for the | C 00 S 0se
| duplicates of those worn by
tl © I eee !
Kiltie Band use seven and a half | (From Page 1)
| yards of tine finest woolen goods per | | ninth grades has been selected.
kilt. They are: Yvonne Brubaker, Ruth
The bagpipe is a highly intricate | Drescher, Joann Fornoff, Sandra
instrument, which requires more | Forwood, Doris Geib, Shirley Ger-
{ special care than most. The major- | lach, Carol Ginder, Jane Gotshall,
ity of the bandmen obtained their | Nancy Hanshue, Patsy Hawthorne, |
bagpipes in Scotland, although they | June Heinaman, Anna Heller, Ruth
| can be bought from a manufacturer ! Horning, Patsy Houseal, Ruth]
{in Boston and from others in Can-| Jones, Mae Keener, Doris Landis,
| ada. The ilstrument utilitizes four; Joann Landis, Betty McKain, Tali-
| reeds. One of the reeds is in the| thy Minnich, Jean Mitchell, Miriam
| chanter, that part which resembles | Nell, Miriam Roland, Patricia Sag- |
{ an choe with eight holes and which | er, Gloria Scholl, Sarah Singer,
| provides the melody. The other | Shirley Von Stetton, Alma Smith, |
pipes, the drones, also use reeds | Jane Smith, Fanny Snyder, Jean |
{ and produce the continuously low, | Staley, Barbara Sutter, Jean Wag- |
or bass tones. | ner, Barbara Warfel, Rhoda Weav-
(er, Romona Winters, Peggy Wolfe, |
| Phyllis Wolgemuth, Margaret Yod- |
These In The Sonica | er, Shirley Yordy and Ann Young. |
Glee Club Rehearsal
The tentative senior glee club
Earnest B. Kline, twenty-two, of |
Landisville, has enlisted in the Navy.
list was recently announced by Mr. |
He is a graduate of East Hempfield | siti das : oy |
Twp. High School | Eugene C. Saylor, music director. |
Twp. Hig >
| They are: Soprano I - Cynthia
Pfc. Paul E. Ginder, son cf Mr. | Brandt, Marylu Fletcher, Doris |
I Mrs. Paul M. Ginder, Landis- | Ginder, Peggy Hicks, Jane Landis, |
ville, was graduated with a new | Ruth Moreland, Fanny Ruth Mus- |
furtherance cf onions, that here ind class of security patrol air police at | ser. Laura Rinehart, Jean Shirk, |
Mcunt Joy there are already many
seasoned campaigners.
® 0s
In Washington, early in Decem-
ber, there occuts the 1950 mid-cen- |
purty White House conference of
civie, education and social welfare |
leaders, who sre making regional | J. Germer, 520 S. Shippen Street, |
surveys, taking notes, to send to!
this Washington conference to as- | two years in China, and his krother,
sist in evaluating youth's prob- Pfe. George C. Germer, Mt. Joy ‘RY. |
lems, the potentialities of children. | They will report to different sta- | John Bitfs, 1 Pat
Folks often get enthusiastic about |
presenting the adult angle they
forget to check with the adolescent. | George, twenty, expecting to leave |
In Cantden County in New Jersey,
a éommittee of elders spent five and
a half hours discussing, reading re-
quoting statistics and trends.

| Air Force bases.
Tyndell Air Force Base, Florida, | Kay Warfel and Clara Anna Weav- |
He was trained with a group de- | er; Soprano II - Margaret Clark, |
{ signed to prevent sabotage against) | Jeanne Gingrich, Fay Landis, Betsy |
attack cf enemy agents upon U. S | Mumma, Anna Siegrist, Margaret, |
| Stephens, Carolyn Weaver; Alto 1
i Valera Johnson, Jeannette Gin- |
! | der, Mary Faye Kendig, Rosene |
ing processed, are Pfc. Frederick | Musser, Martha Roland, Pauline Mil.
Lancasier, a veteran of more than 16% Betsy. Musser; Alto JI - Joves|
| Eshelman, Ruth Miller, Joyce Me- |
| Millan; Tenor - Bruce Bernhard, |
Créankshaw,: Luke |
tions; Frederick, twenty-two, leav- | Drescher, Gerald Lindemuth, John |
ing for Camp Lejeune, N. C., and | Waser, Fred Wetzel, Jere Hender- |
son; Bass - Glenn Arnold, Wilbur
Yor Parris Island, S. C.. Monday. | Brubaker, Richard Craine, P aul |
The Germer brothers are sons of Mr. | Dick, James Drescher, Robert Mil- |
and Mrs, Germer, Mount | ler, Harold Musser, John Moser,
Joy Ri. | Renneth McMillian, James Shank,
Ordered to duty, and already be-

allowed for exceptions to be filed. Patronize Bulletin advertisers,
The 30th day was up Wednesday.
Filing the exceptions for Mt. Joy | SIMON P. NISSLEY
Township School District was Wil- MARY G. NISSLEY
liam B. Arnold; for the township FUNERAL DIRECTORS
supervisors, W. Roger Simpscn, and Mount Joy, Pa.
for the individual taxpayers, Aus-
tin E. McCollough, Jr. The éxcep-
tions are now scheduled to be heard
by the Lancaster County Court of Quality Meats
was filed in the Court of Quarter | well as by one township.

. : 3 . RE I a
Sessiohs office and 30 days were .

Bu A FULL LINE OF Heats quicker, stays hotter,
Y $999 . A irons fastef. Hot in 30 sec-
onds! Thumb-tip heat regula-
tor in handle, cool, easy-to-
set, conveniently marked for
all type fabrics. Available in
two weights—lightweight, 4
© Fruits & Vegetables bs. or lighterweight, 215 Ibs.


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Why put up with dripping walts - of barn piping. : It will save paint.
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cally with easy-to-install electric Talk it over with your PP&L
ventilation? An electric ventilating Farm Representative. He'll be glad
fan replaces stale damp air with to show you how to make an in-
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Controlled electric ventilation will ventilating program under way...
prevent excessive moisture. It will greater production means greater
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they are doing.
That is why all of us Jane Parker
at A&P are constantly .
checking up on our- Fruit Cake
selves to be sure of | 1. 135 ap 265

. coke coke
three things: : np cone SAE
Our prices are right. Fault CAKE FOR A |
vy is sigh. VE OR ee
1 I 6in
Our service is good. Buns en 3le
Will you help the Do Je a He
. on
men and women in onurs
vour A&P by letting us |
know how we rate on Layer Cake each 95¢
these points? Please | JANE PARKER :
write: ; Ake Pumpkin Pia. 49¢
Customer Relations Dept,
A&P Food Stores
420 Lexington Avenue
New York 17, N.Y.
os on Sena oF

Iceberg Lettuce NONE RIED HIGHER ; hon 25¢
Anjou Pears won mice nicer 2 . 29
Tender Cabbage rot ice women © 1» 3€
Emperor Grapes NONE PRICED HIGHER 2. 29¢
U.S. No. | Yellow Onions boy 19€
Frozen Orange Juice "5's." ia™ 2 oi 39¢
Birdseye Tomato Juice ws 29€
Snow Crop Fordhook Limas we 25€
Mixed Nuts or Almonds » 49¢
fresh California Dates ys 35¢
3 i» On my far
Western Delicious town, 2 mi

Macintosh Apples 4." 35

1% pound
plioflim bag a,

Seaside Butter Beans oe. 10e
Del Monte Fruit Cocktail 37e | X
Iona Tomato Juice Bo 25€ BANGS:
Marvel White Bread ar 19e +! These
A familigs in
Fresh Roasted Peanuts rcao i 3967 21¢ deg dag
Jelly Eggs Ly 25¢ hd
Candy Corn wormmore be ligs a 2 ye
. . fat 4.1% te
Thin Mints cocoate covereo box 41€ fi Saversig
a 1 due
Pretzel Sticks 5 3le of Glenafto
Potato Chips ane parker or 89¢ u tule
@ Apple Cider wre.uranon yy They m
Best Pure Lard He 17¢ hy,
Grapefruit Juice "Nairn. on 27€ !
100% HYDROGENATED 1-1b 3b : ys
dexo VEGETABLE = % 31e¢ = 85¢ i HESS and
Pastry Flour “irc bog 36¢c 4 bag 71¢c | McNeil & I
Butter FANCY CREAMERY soi FAC prints Ib T4c

Cheddar Cheese sr » 59¢ mo Erg
Ched-o-bit Cheese Food w 75¢ 1}

Tasker Mince Meat To 37c
Keystone Mince Meat = 55¢
Gerber's Strained Baby Food 10 .. 9%¢
Gerber's Junior Foods 6... 83¢
Gerber's Baby Cereals we 15¢
Dash Dog Food 6 Ln 85¢
Pineapple Cheese Cake © 2 39¢
Libby's Pumpkin 2 loc
Eight O'Clock Coffee [veg
Ocean Spray Cranbe: ory Sauce 2 3c
A&P Sauer Kraut ios oo 25¢
lona Cut String Beans 2 23¢
Del Monte Peaches J Jobin, 232

83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa.
All Prices In This Store
Are The Same As Those
In Effect In Our Super Markets 3
