i ¥ 3 MOST VOL. L, NO. 21 UP-TO-THE-MINUTE The Mount Joy Bulletin Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, October 19, Modern Gas Station Will Replace Ancient West Main St. Dwelling This Property In Kuhn Family for 95 years More than a month ago when it was real news, The Bulletin pub- lished an article stating that the Kuhn property on the South side of West Main street, may be replaced by a gas station. Well reality. now its a At the time we mentioned that the Atlantic Refining Company was given permission by the state for the installation of large gas tanks on the Kuhn property here and al- so at the intersection of the Salun- ga road and the new 4-lane high- way about a mile east of town. Mr. James Eshleman, of town, acting for Engle & Hambright, of Lancaster, sold the Kuhn property Thoutends At Our Farm Show Here Last Week Mount Joy's big annual farm show for 1950 is now a matter of record and we have every reason to be- lieve that all who in any way as- . sisted deserve a share of the crdit for its success. The only unpleasant feature was the weather but in spite of occa- sional showers, plus cool cloudy weather, everybody made the best of it. The show opened Thursday and most important was the agricultur- al angle, with emphasis on livestock and vegetables. There was a slight mishap Thurs- day night when a strong wind blew down a Main Street banner causing a short circuit in the light- ing. The street lights were out for about three hours until were made. The Corn Queen Brunette Mary Eila Stauffer, of Manheim RI1, was chosen ty Exhibit, Miss Stauffer, a senior at Man- (Turn to page 6) repairs | corn "has nine prizes. queen of the 29th annual Communi-, second, and third prizes for | most comical, fronting 95 feet on.Main street and extending in depth to Henry street, to the Atlantic Refining Company. This was the property of the nieces and nephews of the Anna Schwenker Estate. The transaction bwas closed Mondav and the pur- chasers took immediate possession The terms of the sale were private. This property has been in the Kuhn family for many years, nine- ty-five to be exact. The first deed to this family was dated October, 1855. We understand the entire dwell- most modern gas | found anywhere, will beautify the location. Prize Money. To Be Awarded In Lions Parade When you drive through ; the country one of ..these fine crisp mornings and see the silver spang- les of frost on orange pumpkins, it's easy to realize that the Mount Joy Hallowe'en parade on October 31st, is less than two weeks away. The Mile-of-Pennies campaign has reached a total of 1400 feet. If you have pennies to contribute, kindly contact any Lion. ‘The parade will form at 6:30 p.m. at the Grade school and start at 7:30 p. m. and will be followed by free entertainment at the high school. There is a total of thirty- five prizes. First division: Children up to and including the fifth grade; Second division: Children from the sixch grade up to and including the twelfth grade; Third Division: Anyone over high school age. Prizes are similar. Each of these divisions There are first, "the the most original and the fanciest. First prize $5.00, 2nd, “Turn to page 3) Was Crowned Corn Queen for 1950 Man- heim Rl, a senior student at the Manheim High School and repre- Miss Mary Ella Stauffer, sentative of the Lititz-Manheim ing will be razed and one of the] stations to be | : i enecker, Manheim R1, co-chairman; WE Co. Chest Drive Chairmen For This Locality The various chairmen for the coming Community Chest Cam- paign have been named. Those in this immediate vicinity are: Mount Joy, W. L. Tyndall, man. Conoy Township, Mrs. Wilhelm, Bainbridge, Vincens O'Conner, Bainbridge, visor. East Donegal Township, Hannan, Maytown, chairman; Endslow, Marietta Rl, West Donegal Township, Dr. Phi- lip P. Metzger, Elizabethtown RI, chairman; Mrs. W. Scott Heisey, Rheems, advisor. chair- Florence chairman; ad- Aldus H RB advisor. East Hempfield Township, H. Melvin Binkley, East Petersburg, chairman; Walter M. Ernst, East Petersburg, co-chairman. Landisville, John M. Herr, chair- man; Mrs. Kendig Minnich, Sa- lunga, co-chairman; George A. Shenck, Landisville, advisor. Mount Joy Township, Elmer F. Groff, Rheems, chairman; Paul M. Hess, Elizabethtown R3, co-chair- man; Linneaus W. Longenecker, Mount Joy R2, advisor. Rapho Township (North of Route 230), William: R. Witmeyer, Man- heim R3. chairman; Elam B. Long- Mrs. Anna Rohrer Zock, Manheim R2, advisor. et THEY LOST THEIR DRIVING PRIVILEGES LAST WEEK Thirty-one motorists had their cards withdrawn by the State Bur- eau of Safety last week. Those from this locality were: Speeding: Henry W. Harsh, Man- heim R2; Esther B. Daily, Elizabeth- town and John D. Ressler, Mount Joy R2. Failure to appear for a hearing: Claude S. Brubaker, Elizabethtown R2. John Gable Will Speak To Schools Armistice Day Trustees of W. S. Ebersole American Pest will Tuesday with an architect to plan the Legion meet for the enlargement of the post home kitchen. Other improvements discussed were for the parking lot and men’s rocm. The post decided to give one hun- dred feet of pennies to the local Lions Club Mile of Pennies drive for financing the Mount Joy Hal- owe’en celebration. A Hallowe'en costume party planned for memktoars and friends on Friday evening, October 27, with cash prizes for costumes. There will be orchestra music for dancing. All members are invited. Brief Cases will be purchased for the use of the finance officer and adjutant. John Gable, chaplain, will be the speaker at the Mount Joy high school Nov. 10 at 2 pm. At this time, the post will present copies of the “History of the American Le- gicn” to the high school and grade school libraries. The high school band and glee club will present musical selections. Armisiice Day services held Sunday, November 12, Methodist Church. THE GRANDVIEW SCHOOL MADE LIFE MAGAZINE Mt. Joy Township's famed Grand- view school not only “made” Life magazine by burning to the ground, but Texas and California newspa- pers. Mrs. Robert Rindt, of Bellflower, California, the former Louise Bak- er, of town, sent a clipping to her mother, Mrs. Wesley Wittle, that was taken from the September 26 issue of the Long Beach, California Press. mis etl laine SUES FOR DIVORCE Complaint in divorce: John F. Fox, Jr. twenty-one, 146 E. Vine was will be at the -H Club, was crowned Corn Queen at the fair Thursday evening. The | crown bearer is Jay Bixler and Helen Musser was flower girl, ‘Street, vs. Marion F. Fox, twenty- two, Mount Joy R2; fraud; married J September 23, 1950. ing before Squire James Hocken- | berry he paid the costs. Neiss arrested William Stohler, EKLY N Grand Champion Aberdeen Angus steer entered by Ray Mil- ler, eighteen, of Manheim R2, who walked off with the grand champ- ionship award of the show. It will be entered in the distriet 4-H club roundup to be held at the Lancas- the This is Smokey, ter stockyards in December and fi- nally at the State Farm Show, Harrisburg, in January. Brief News From The Dailies For Quick Reading There were 945 traffic deaths on Penna. highways the first eight months this year. A robber smashed a window at Kay's Jewelry store, Lancaster, and stole 37 watches. The manufacturers jumped the price of newsprint $10 per ton ef: fective immediately. Navy and Marine Corps casual- ties in Korea totaled 2,958 thru Oc- tober 12, the Navy revealed. A T4-year-old Palmyra got lost in the woods at Indiantown Gap. She was found next day. At Lancaster the police arrested a man driving a car and drinking a bottle of beer at the same time. Two York men rented a motor- boat, Accomac woman it capsized in the river below and both were drowned. Walter Troxel, 36, Ephrata Motor- cycle racer, was killed on the Read- ing Fair grounds when he ran into the fence Mayor Bare, of Lancaster, has been called into the service and has successfully passed all his physical examinations. such a electric Duncannon is squabble having alout its power that four councilman resigned after a recent meeting. While on a hike in the woods two Phila. found 4,906 pounds. of coffee in cartons and wonder it’s so high in price. ————— Cr Activities of Our Police Officers Saturday night Chief of Police Park Neiss arrested Arlington Blantz, S. Barbara St, on a dis- orderly conduct charge. At a hear- men boxes. No of town, on an assault and battery charge brought by Paul Hershey, LANCASTER 1950 Mrs. H. Brown Heads American Legion Auxiliary Mrs. Howard Brown was installed as president of the W. S. Ebersole; Post 185 Auxiliary American Le- gion last week. Miss Maude Schnei- der becomes vice president; Mrs. Gwendolyn Graybill, secretary; Mrs. Edward Brown, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Charles Bennett, Sr.,. treasurer; Mrs. Mae Grubb, chaplain; and Miss Jean Grubb, sergaent-of-arms, Mrs. Brown appointed these com- mittee chairmen: Mrs. Marlin Sine- gar, membership; Mrs. Edwin Hoff- master, sick; Mrs. J. H. Cooper, coupons; Mrs. Harold Bender, child welfare; Mrs. Lee Ellis, entertain- ment: Mrs. Joseph Germer, histor- ian; Mrs. Ruth Rineer, poppies; Mrs. Frank Germer; Pan American; Mrs. Lee Ellis, Americanism; and Mrs. Thomas Bronson, rehabilitation. A card party has been planned for Monday evening, Nov. 20 at the post home. The group decided to give a ward party at the Coates- ville Veterans’ Hospital, November 8: to give $10 to.the Community Chest and $3 to the Mt. Joy Branch of the Needlework Guild of Amer- ica. a... POLE BROKFN WHEN HIT BY TRUCK NEAR TOWN A telephone pole was broken off when hit by a heavy truck trailer on the Harrisburg Pike, a short distance east of the boro Thursday afternoon. John Falls, twenty-nine, Alle- gheny County, told State Police that his truck skidded on the mud cov- ered road when he tried to stop to avoid hitting a passenger car. No person was hurt. ED © DONALD MOWRER, WAS THE QUIZ CONTEST WINNER Donald Mowrer, senior, was the Pennsylvania Quiz Contest Winner at Fast Donegal. Such contests are held in each high school in the county. The winners will be the guests of the retail mehchants of Lancas‘er at a luncheon to be held at the Hotel Brunswick, October 21, Our Public Schools Obser’d Pa. Week Representative Walter Bomber- ger, Manheim, was the speaker for the Pennsylvania Week program in the high school Wednesday after- noon. The program featured three Pennsylvania Dutch setting skits, Going to the Store, with Darlene Schneider and Ralph Berrier; Home from Market, Mae Zink and Miriam Tyndall; and Going to the Fair, Carol Smith, Richard Nissley, Dor- is Melhorn, Donald Zerphey and Norma Nentwig. Shirley Wade did Visit from Aunt Fan- a monclogue, nie. Mary Grace Bucher sang a so- prano solo accompanied by Nancy Brooks. The ninth grade, sponsor- ing the program, sang Pennsylvania Dutch songs in dialect. Miss Helen Alexander, Mrs. Lewis Williams and George Houck were in charge. Charles Mayer, freshman president, was the announcer and devotions were in charge of Constance Lane. tl East Main St. At a hearing before Hockenberry, Stohler paid the, costs Hershey's doctor bill and loss of | time. Police officer Mike Good arrested Delbert Flowers on a disorderly charge. At a hearing before Squire Robert K. Brown, Flowers paid $10.00 fine and costs. Overweight truck operators pros- ecuted were: Thomas Andears, of Akron, Ohio, 8,000 lbs. overweight and Darvin Fox, New Vienna 18,- 000 lbs. overweight. Both drivers will be summoned for hearings be- fore Hockenberry. —— THERE'LL BE A DOE SEASON The State Game Commission has ruled in spite of objections there will be a two day doe season this Fall, November 27 - 28. tr A AM seni MARRIAGE LICENSES Benjamin Musser Forry, of Man- heim R2 and Anna Miller Espen- shade, Mcunt Joy R2. LETTERS GRANTED Union National Mt. Joy Bank, Mount Joy, administrator of the Estate of Anna Mary W. Gibble, late of Columbia. Elwood K. Gerber, E. Donegal Twp., Laverna M. Spittler, Mt. Joy, and Irvin K. Gerber, Elizabethtown, executors of the estate of Christian S. Gerber. re i A CP NATIVE OF TOWN NAMED CAPTAIN FOR STATE GUARD Word was received here that John E. Eshleman, son of Harry E. Eshleman of town, was named com- manding officer of Greensburg’s Company I of the Pennsylvania State Guard. He will be commis- sioned with the rank of Captain. John's many friends here will be pleased to learn cf his appointment. reel @ Eee Phares Fitzgerald Jr. twenty-six, of Florin, has enlisted in the Army. He has had two years and eight COUNTY $2.00 a Year in Advance Ann’] Leadership Training Confer. At Maytown The County Vocational Agriculture Teachers announced at the Septemher meeting that the an- nual Leadership Training Confer- ence would be held in the high schcol at Maytown, October 25. The Conference will be for the officers of the FFA Chapters in York, Ad- ams Counties. An estimated group of 200 is expected to attend. Last year the conference was held in the York YMCA building. The prcgram will begin with lunch in the high school cafeteria, followed by a meeting in the gymnasium Lancaster and Lancaster Senior Class Play, Thurs. & Fri., Oct. 26 -27 — Lions Halloween Parade Tuesday, Oct. 31 The Local News For The Past Week Very Briefly Told The First Methodist Church at Marietta is celebrating its 120th anniversary. Six of the eleven places raided at Columbia recently will get 25 days suspension each. Seventeen Posts county will participate in the air raid test on November 4 Emanuel Lutheran Church at thruout the first Rev. McGregor Pastor Going To Camden At the 64th quarterly session of the Presbytery of Donegal, at the Dinegal Presbyterian Church at Donegal Springs, Tuesday, the Pres bytery confirmed dissolution of the pastoral relations between the Rev. Thomas A. McGregor and the Don- egal and Mount Joy Churches, ef- fective November 1. He will move to Camden, N. J, Brickerville celebrated its 225th anniversary last Sunday. Arthur Connor, eighteen, heim R4, arrested for izing the White Man- was burglar- Eugene general | store, Elizabethtown sell four properties at sheriff's sale boro council will for the payment of delinquent taxes. Three teen-aged Columbia girls were apprehended for defacing the public ‘comfort station there with lipstick. Manor Twp. has organized an build a new $200,000 building at authority to consolidated school Cresswell. The new East Hempfield elemen- where the chapter officers will hear a series of talks on leadership. La- | ter they will be hroken down into | smaller groups and sent to special | rooms in the school where they will hear and participate in discussions dealing with the responsiblities of the various FFA Officers. These discussions will be led by instruct- ors of agriculture from the 3 coun- ties. The evening program will include a banquet under the direction of Mrs. Robert Slaugh, East Donegal Home Economics Teacher, followed by a pregram to be announced later. Mr. Thomas Marlin, Area Super- visor of Vocational Agriculture in Lancaster and York Counties, Dr. J. W. Bingeman, Supervising Prin- cipal at East Donegal and Mr. Gene Love, Vocational Agriculture Sup- ervisor at East Donegal will be in charge of the Conference. Local Realty Sales In This Vicinity Made Recently These real estate sales were made in this locality during the past week: Peifer Property The two and one-half story frame dwelling, corner of New Haven and West. Donegal Street, Mount Joy, was sold at public sale on Saturday afternoon for Carl D. Peifer to Mr. Paul - Hostetter for $7,950.00. C. S. Frank was the auctioneer. The Miller Property A. tract of land containing two acres and 26 perches, located on a road leading to the Salunga- Chestnut Hill Road was offered for sale Saturday by the First Nation- al Bank and Trust Company of Mt. Joy, executor of Harry H. Miller's estate. It was sold to Hiram Strick- ler, who lives on the Adjoining | property, for $10,100. The improvements consist cf a two and one-half story frame house, frame barn with space for two acres of tobacco, and other farm build- ings. C. S. Frank was the auctioneer. Farm Brings $17,925 J. Quentin Buckwalter, near Neffsville, paid $17,925 for a Rapho fownship farm of 52 acres, located on the road Union Square to Mount Joy, at public sale held by Allen H. Hoffer, Tuesday ofternoon. The farm ccntains a frame dwell- ing, frame bank barn with tobacco shed and corn barn attached, poul- try and brooder houses. There are leading from facilities to house seven acres of tobacco. iat Uf RUMMAGE SALE THIS WEEK The WSCS of the Methodist Church: will hold a rummage sale in the Sunday School room this Friday evening and Saturday all day. Bring your rummage to the church Thursday evening for mark- ing. Remember the dates, this Fri- day and Saturday, October 20 and 21. You are invited to come in and look around. etl As pea. CARDS RETURNED TO 18 Thirty-eight motorists lost their driving privileges last week but none of them were from this vic- inity. Among the cards restored was Paul Earhart, Jr, Mount Joy R2. Is Donald M. Houck, twenty-one, Columbia Rl, was watching several ringnecks in a field and crashed months prior service in the Army. of the Derby with Kenneth Wittle, tary: school near Rohrerstown, is expected to be ready for occupancy January 1. Marietta boro will adopt a trailer The minimum is $12 for portion ordinance. each six months or thereof, payable in advance. A SE CALLED FOR ACTIVE DUTY Cpl. Martin S. Brown, Mount Joy Commander of Mt. Joy Post 5252, Veterans of Foreign Wars will re- port for active duty with the Marine Corps on October 19th. He served in the Marine Corps in World War II in the Pacific Theatre for 51 months, participated in three battles, Tarawa, Guam and Okina- wa. Cpl. Brown will be succeeded in| the office of Commander of the V.| F. W. by Warren H. Foley who was | Sr. Vice Commander. A Messrs. Kenneth and Donald Shank of Brooklyn, N. Y, spent the weekend in town visiting - Minnie Mummert and the Lee Ellis family on Marietta Ave. Mr. J. Omar Brubaker visited friends in Chicago and Princeton, Ill. over last weekend. While there he candidated for the Pastorate of a Church near Princeton. He return- ed. home Tuesday morning. Attended 24th Regional Confer. At Pittsburgh Miss Shirley Eby, Girl Scout representative from Lan- caster .Co., Mrs. Robert Hawthorne, Mrs. Edward Lane, and Mrs. Scott Heisey, Rheems, attended the 24th Regional Conference of the Girl any as the Senior (in N wember. Rev, John H. Thomp- | son, Marietta, was named moderator of the sessions of Mount Joy and Candidates will | be heard for a successor to the Rev. |r. McGregor. A | pastors, { Donegal Churches. of $2700 for vacation and minimum salary with manse, pensicn plan, was set. A resolution passed at the session I directed that no call be found in which does not contain this provision; provided that a man serving a multiple church field be granted a total salary of $2700 from all churches which he serves. Former minimum was $2400. The minimum does not effect con- in force, it was an=- order new tracts already nounced. The all-day session was attended by 75 persons. The women of Don- egal Church served the noonday meal. ———————— A — Mortuary Record Throughout This Entire Locality Jacoh F. Wetzel, Columbia. Mrs. Fannie Shelly Hossler, sev- enty-eight, widow of John Hossler, at Manheim. Myrtle Viola, wife of Romanus | Brackbill, at Strasburg aged sixty- one. She was a daughter of Charles and Catherine Reeder Foose, of Perry County. eighty-seven, at Mrs. Harvey E. Bard Mrs. Christiana L. Bard, sixty= one, wife of Harvey E. Bard, died at her Ironville home, Columbia R1, Tuesday of a cerebral hemorrhage. She was born in West Hempfield Twp., a daughter of the late Ferris and Barbara Stoll Linkey. Surviving are her husband, a sis=- ter, Katie, wife of Frederick Helf- rich, Ironville, and two nephews. (Turn to Page 4) ONE LOCAL LAD IN BASTILE; BROTHER AT ROTARY HOME State Policeman Cpl. Mark Mor- gan and Pfc. Paul Sheppard, of the Lancaster barracks and Chief of Police Park Neiss, Wednesday ar- rested Themas and Robert McGreg- or, of this operating a truck without the consent of the owner. The truck belonged to A. H. Hoffman, Inc., Landisville. Thomas committed to place, for the was Scouts’ held in Pittsburg October | 8 to 10. “Come Along With Us in | Democratic Partnership” was the! | theme of this year’s conference of | Region III,” which ‘brought together Scott leaders and selected Scouts * Pennsylvania, aware, Maryland, Virginia of ‘West Virginia. Headlining the program was Mrs. | to Page 6) ll Aer WINS RINSIE WATCH Mrs.” Park E. Neiss, E. Street, won the’ Rinsie watch given | away by Warrén E. Greenawalt, W.| Main Street jeweler, during the Community Exhibit. i Mis. Neiss guessed the time the | watch would stop ag: Hour 6, Minute | & Second 1. The - watch actually | stopped ‘at: Hour 6, Minute 8, Sec- ond 20. ' | Senior) and part from Donegal | . . 23, in the high school. Robert await to ‘the Juvenile county and Rotary Court. Both boys are priscn Home to free on bail from a previous charge. sr Week's Birth Record Mr, and Mrs. John Landvater, Lendisville, a son at the General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rinehart, 228 N. Barbara street; a son at the General Hospital. rt rl A ese | CALL SPECIAL MEETING Members of the Citizens Com mittee of the Centennial Celebra- tion for 1951 will hold a. special 7:30 p. m. Monday, Oct. The chairman meeting at ic Charles Eshleman. into a parked car. on the right, runner-up. Of course Soap Box Derby Winner-Runnerup On the left Joe Hostetter, winner (you all know Joe Shaeffer, center, [he was in chayge of the Derby, flat