The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 28, 1950, Image 6

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    6—The Bulle tin, Mt. Jovy, Pa., Thursday, September 28 9 ley: Secretary, Avis Shetter; Treas. committee and the grade school!
, 28, 9 30
Esa ——— Se School News From Anna Siegrist; Freshman Class - teachers. The proceeds of the sale
President, Sidney Gibble; Vice=| will be placed in the grade school . aid al ‘ ;
’ i ' ’ i f i ' E. Donegal I Wp. Pres Donald Wolgemuth; Sec.-| projector fund.
GE I A Treas, Yvonne Brubaker. F. F. A. News Felix °
‘lass officers elections were . . "™ .
Maytown Grade School Food Sale The Lancaster County Vocational . HEINZ J ariely FAIR
wl O 9 pleted Friday under the direction I'he Parents’ Club of the May=-| Agriculture Teachers announced J Retires
of the Student Council Results | town Grade School will hold a Food | at their last meeting that the an- | . . .
I 1 were as follows: Senior Class Sale in Arnold's Show-room, May- | nual Leadership Conference would > By Richard Hill Wilkinson | Featuring Low Prices on the 57 Varieties
. a : 2 : EE
President, Wilbur Brubaker; Vice-| town, on Saturday, Sept. 30 begin- | be held in the high school at May- HEN FELIX BRE Joa 14 Cc
MOUNT JOY, PA. President, Peggy Hicks; Secretary, [ ning at 10:30 o'clock. On sale will | town, October 25. The conference retired to private life Heinz Tomato Ketchu bot. 23
Jean Shirk; Treasurer, Ammon |be cakes, pies, candies, fresh eggs, | will be for the FFA officers in York ceased to be a ‘figure’ in a
”» ”» Smith; Junior Class = President | deviled eggs, red beet eggs Cole | Adams and Lancaster counties. In-! field. If you took time to Lo Cc
No Smoke Screen Nothing Hazy Stanley Murphey; Vice-President, | slaw, vegetable salad, potato salad, | cluding guests, an estimated group we reason, the was Simple einz Cream of Tomato oup cans
; For 30 years Felix had left his|
About Booth S Paul Dick; Secretary, Kay Warfel; | baked bean nd hot rolls rs. | of 200 people is expected to attend. home on Pleasant street at exactly |
Treasurer, Collen Ibaugh, Sopho-| Milton Mowrer, chairman of the | Last year the conference was held 7:35 in the morning, walked a quar- Heinz Pea, Bean o Sou LY 7 25°
Boo Helios rout" ste Vegetable
more Class - President, Betsy | food sale committee will be assist-| in the York YMCA building. The ter mile to the railroad station,
the 7:48
You Know You Get 1 op Value Here Mumma; Vice-Pres,, Arlene Hub- | ed by the members of the projector | program will begin with lunch in boarded : ego 12-02 c
—— - ee —— tt { the high school cafeteria follow- Minut train for Long-| Heinz hili auce bot
| . : inute view, and spent
; | ed by a meeting in the gymnasium Fiction | dav in that
lastic Dr 3 \ Kit ‘urt 4 a : . . e day
Plastic I $1.39 } l I $1.29 Wn 7 Plant NOW for Spring Color! where the chapter officers will hear chlo distant city at a : : A
Brighten vo ooms NOW ! ay i) WW IMPORTED | a series of talks on leadership. La- desk in the insur- einz Cooked pag e 1 cans
ter they will be broken down into ance offices of Booth, Gill and
ra. J
HOLLAND BULBS smaller groups and sent to special Dyer. Every evening he disem- 16-02 C
Ib. 79c¢ a) 3 barked from the 5:52 train and re-| nz Oven-Baked eans cans
Just In — Schrafft's Chocolates
rooms in the school where they }
is |
10 Fresh Varieties to choose from Ns Y Newer Kinds—Larger Flowers will hear and’ participate in diseus traveled the quarter-mile to
« Clover Mar tlow Scuares 49¢ 1b ring) Better Colors Ce pe ... | Pleasant street home, Cc
‘ 2 $e The big quality Bulbs that give sions dealing with the responsibili-' * 3 citizens were used to| einz Strained 00 S re
i PKJ Sc - , ¢ vou the most for your money ' ties of the various FFA officers. the sight of Felix walking briskly
23¢ COME IN RIGHT AWAY CHOOSE These discussions will be lead by to and from the railroad station . Cc
. : triers ow ask Junior Jars
CEE AIRE sf rr the instructors of agriculture from Sometimes some one would as
$1.93 to $3.25 / the three counties : ° ? a lio one : ®
/ ‘ . : . h | The evening program will includ and he'd always oblige. Frequently Fresh 16-02 .
These cool days are remin-er f thi t om Get readv now - - AL g program wi neiude he would deliver choice bits of | eInz 10 e i
Sizes - Mo Tulips Daffodils Hyacint §-Lrocus a banquet under the direction of news to friends and acquaintances. Cucumber Jap
2 , and Other Kinds | Mrs. Robert D. Slaugh, Vocational Booth, Gill and Dyer had for their ° c
GOING LIKE "HOT CAKES”— FOR YOUR FALL SEWING IE, Basy lo — you'll have | Home Economics Supervisor of clients two large steamship lines, | einz Cooked (Caromnil cans
7 8 | Maytown, followed by a program and Felix could tell when the boats |
Har $2.75 a wonderful garden at little ost \ ® arrived in port, or when they were|
> eo ater ° ® o
$1.79 to be announced later. . delayed by storms and when im- Sunmaid Raisins Seedless 19°
75¢ H. S. NEWCOMER & SON, Ine. Mt. Joy { Mr. Thomas Malin, Supervisor of portant personages were arriving Pkg
c Vocational Education in York and from abroad.
59¢ a - Lancaster counties; Dr. J. w. There were a hundred and Breast O’ Chicken Farmdale White Cream
Style or
Bingeman, Supervising Principal of one things that Felix could Light
A Fast Donegal Twp. Schools; and Mr. and did do that achieved for | Meat i U NN A CH O0EPEG CORN
$3.50 each 7 . Gene Love, Supervisor of Vocation- him a certain recognition.
A | al Agriculture at Maytown will be After he retired, Felix ceased 7-02 C 20.0% c
Te Hs contorend to be a figure, He wasn't an | can ais
in charge of the conference. especially imaginative person,
——— . .
nor were his neighbors.


on Yow

: Acme Fresh Produce at Real
$1. 00 - 51.2 25 - $1.45
| ED WAS EIGHTY AND The neighbors knew unconsclous-
| IS STILL GOING STRONG ly that Felix was no longer differ-| J. S. No. 1 Jonathan
|S. Edward Gable, president of ent from Any of them. Felix knew| oh
| the Lancaster Automobile Club, 1 too, It roubled um. It rs, I bag
{ ” made him lonesome. It made him
| was the guest of honor recently at wonder. It threatened to develop
i ial dinner given on his in him an inferiority complex. | CALIF. RED TOKAY GRAPE! TOKAY GRAPES 2 >= 25s
| a testimonial
HAE 4. BAAS: ty, vd 7 YY 10... | cightieth birthday anniversary by Felix tried hard to find pleasure EASTER U.8.12 lbs
WHEN YOU THINK OF BLANKETS (EAST TY {Li 0 {ad the Board of Directors of the Club. in his retirement. He planted a| ST N DELICIOUS APPLES 2 Zic
. i Ahh ici i garden and bought some chickens | WESTERN FRESH PRUNES 2 29¢
Ji i‘ | Local and State officials, national
and occupied his time as much as . ee
Crisp Calif. Pascal Fancy Western
' ck LA
COME TO BOOTH S husk | and state representatives of organ- ; :
| ed ay and’ mane he could. But it was a physical oc-|
I ' , : motordom 9 ay cupation, and this gave him plenty
he maximum amount previously COv- | and associates in’ Lancaster County ,¢ opportunity to think. Eventually |
cred by Federal Deposit Insurance was $5.000 | attended the dinner, held at Hotel his thinking changed to brooding,
re I Wiis NY | Brunswick in Lancaster. and the brooding nourished the c <
J . WEE ue ey { stalk bchs
growing inferiority complex.
Now cach depositor of our bank is insured up Mr. Gable has been president of TOW
Felix's wife noticed the change.
Fr Hor OS] ) / ; aks LF ¢ ) PO 1 \ ite hele | the Lancaster Club since 1919 and « 5 Aime lie ir sre va §
Au Fumn Harvest of Food Values! to ama hint of $10,000 for 24 deposits held fa ons ie 10) sun She od to tok 12 Bien, to osm U.S. 1 Md. Golden Sweet Potatoes 4 25¢
- 5 lbs. 47¢c in the same right and capacity. f ton has grown- from several hun- Felix couldn’t explain it. He felt a Calif. Brussel Sprouts at 29¢ | Fresh Local Beets 2 bchs 90
rye can 33¢ Good ‘bank management. sound bank super: | dred members to more than 31,000. little ashamed, and didn't want to| Prepared Spinach ¢''> Pka 23¢ | Large Peppers 3 for {0c
large can 29¢ {| : SUR ig Ung wank , For ten years he served as presi- talk. Prepared Kale cello pkg {9g Large Eggplants ea {0g
lara. can 35¢ Fi vision, and the security of deposit insurance { dent of the Pennsylvania Motor Another month passed and | tr mr em :
| Federation, AAA, and for many Felix's wife began to think he SEABROOK FARMS EXTRA BY SS PEAY Plgs do
was a case for the family doc- RV. GUN
tor. Then one day a letter are IDEAL CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE 2 6-0z cans 47¢
2 large cans 25¢ {| |
| i American Automobile Association. tir
| WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT 4 rived from Booth, Gill and Top Quality-Homoaenized
: 10c ! asst ee Dyer, They wanted to know if Yop ua ny. D Rogen Gold Seal All-Purpose
> can 35¢ || al [ITALIAN SPAGHETTI SUPPER Felix would consider coming EVAP
| | S11.) : St in for a few days to assist in RM Nic e our
e can 37c | | The St. Hilda's Guild of the St.
| |S RIN (1) TRIG (0 ci, Sl nego” som? | ells MEL IKG >
. as "| _ez47

19¢ | work together to safeguard your deposits. |
> y i years has been a director of the
an Italian Spaghetii Supper in the ered him an expert
dlc i 3
NATIONAL i Church Baseme Saturdav. Sep- . : cans
TLS DN] (VED Ud | Ch rch. b Sern nt on S turd ys Se “The idea,” Felix’s wife ex-
tember 30, from five to eight o'clock. “Don’t they know—but of
[YB JOY, 1]. { Complete dinner will be spag- course they don't—I'll write im- Buy Quality Meats - - - with Satisfaction Guaranteed
i salad ic /
“ Po
| 77 4 | hetti and meat balls, tossed salad, mediately and tell them how poor-
Everybody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin ek ie | french bread, ice cream and coffee lV you are!” . . Small Cc
—— tor rie dallas “You'll do no such thing!” Felix Lean 1
a Sel : = exclaimed, eyes gleaming. “I'm Smoked
catching the 7:48 in the morning!”
HE JOB lasted three weeks. | FRESH CCUNTRY STYLE PORK 43
During that time Felix became
/ eo .89-
- Ww, 17) IAS / NY Sirloin Steaks
| ® ENB Fully Dressed Chickens | Lean. Smoked Picnics
EE FE ESE TAR TREY i 7k ? (Vil |
ie 33 Stewino

“Rockets” and only “Rockets” are rolling off the production line at = a (6%; Ibs net)
x bh. Oscar Mayer's (6% lbs ne
Y each $ 99
i 0! nobile! Because of record-breaking public enthusiasm for this nd ]
By Popular Demand, Production Concentrated on : ; Pu 3 #53 i BONELESS CANNED HAMS
: famous engine, Oldsmobile is concentrating 1009, on
Sensational New High-Compression 8-Cylinder :Power Plant! production! And you'll know why as soon as you try Oldsmobile’s ge Skinless Franks '® 59¢ Lebanon or Sweet Bologna '= '° 39¢
sensational “88” with the “Rocket” Engine and Oldsmobile Hydra- a ad wool Ey ©
gi oa | Fancy Pollock Fillets '> 25¢ | Fillets of Haddock 39¢
OVER 450,000 “ROCKETS” NOW ON THE ROAD! Matic Drive*. See your Oldsmobile dealer and try the “Rocket Ride! 0 )
nasa : | Fillets of Perch Ib 35¢| Fancy Large Shrimp 69¢
“You'll do no such thing!”
Felix exclaimed, . his eyes | re 3p T
’ ) { « , reals
gleaming. “I'm catching the | Fresh Virginia Lee Ba Lee Bakery
V48in the moming.” | ile \ Delicious Home Style
to the train. Unconsciously they Chocolate Layer Cakes ea
fell into the old routine of asking|
lin to 40 hens se demanding] o> I” Golden Macaroon Crunch Bar Cake 35¢
choice bits of news. Felix was hap- id ea
py again. He beamed. He put on | Square Golden Pound Cakes 43c
Vai fle felt important. He was| pe a Cinnamon Streussel Loaf ©2 25¢
mportan | 1 LT .
On the day that Felix finished! ? Almend Filled Ccffee Cakes ©? 23¢c
up the special work, Mr. Gill ap- fo [ Cocoanut Coffce Cakes e©2 23¢
proached him.
“Felix, how about staying on ye Tempting Jeily Buns {gg
with us awhile? You're not old
enough to retire. We heed you| Today's Big Bread Value--Enriched Jc

here.” large
“Need me?" Sepreme i kb read loaf
“As long as you'll stay. Oh, |
I realize that sooner or later | Big Double Loaf Family Bread 19¢
we'll have to get along without |
A Blend For Every Taste!
your help—but none of us real | (et dmerica’s Prise-Winner
ized how important you were.” | ere! ; BiB ORANGE JUICE
Sweet Crea
Felix's face glowed. *T hanks, | Especially prepared dog 29°
Mr. Gill. You couldn't have said | B fier "for babies cans
anything that would make me hap- | Fas u
pier. But as far as staying iid Quality safeguarded from cow-to- WIN-CREST COFFEE
you ‘is concerned—I'm afraid I'll | customer. That’s why Louella is Lighter bodied ; Ib 77
| have to turn down the offer. You| America’s Quality Standard. Vigorous taste c
A General Motors Value *Oldsmobile Hydra-Matic Drive optional at extra cost on all medels. | see, I've got some chickens and a 7 75° Wrapped ASCO COFFEE
] Ib cor
SEE YOUR _ NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER Ty Tome Qt my. ai Quarters veers: 1218¢
able to retire with a clear con- Richland Creamery. iDEAL COFFEE
Ib 7 3c Heavier bodied; |b can 83¢
Vacuum Packed
n C *y . 9 ° |
; ; When in need of Printing. (any. Prices Effective Sept. 25, 29, 50, 1950. Quantity Rights Reserved.
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT THE ACML ]

ll aE