The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 28, 1950, Image 2

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2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, September 28, 1950 |

Stimulate your business by adver= (1
BPE NICE NEWTOWN [The Grandview hus n the Bullen. | rsh Fhe: &
in Wie Hou rd wan or (From page 1) | INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED res ruits eta
The Mount Joy Bulletin aoe i rd Wier and an POR ARG | Tse Oo Ret
Howard were Sunday guests of
re frame structure, located on the Mt.
leg 9 4 For abdomen, back and breasts

For fruits and vegetoblas that
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher LONG AGO Virs. Calvin Ness at Columbia. Pleasant Roud, two miles nortl |
ESTAS SURE IIR + aaa l Mr. and Mrs. George Schoelkoph |, >" Oe, HHO HE TEA 0 | MRS, EDYTH B. BRUBAKER ore harvested fresh, delivered
( here, wi sighted at 9:3 Ln, by . . fresh ond sold fresh—A&F is

cfien neglect and fail in cur duty to wed | entertained Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Mrs. David Sheare Mt Jov R? R1, LANCASTER, xs. the plate to get them. Come in
Published Every Thursday at No. hh Hy Miah ea ohm » Hippler son of Lancaster Sun=| AVL Ware, fo iy He Phone Landisville 4374 a W "soe reelf,
oi) Evert Thussch La Py. | Our community, There are always 20 Y ears Ago Hin er and son of Lancaster Sun from’ Ber window 300] e 437 Custome i 8’ and see for you
39-3mo. |
people in and around Mount Joy yards away
-.. | illi i NE — Mi and Vii Irvin Witmer, Mrs. nr
ubscription. per vear .. $2.00 | Who willingly devote much of their Mrs. Shearer Baw. & J 1
S pion, p y $3 i ywn Chamber of Ce m= Lillian Witmer and Mr. Amos Wit- te saw smoke curling LIVE and DRESSED
Bix 00000244 .. $1.00 time and energy to the problems of
. yond frcm underneath the schoolhouse
Three Months 80 | their neighborhood, their town, But | mere, on a good will tour will make! mer and Mrs, Serena Fogie spent | a
vit a chimney in the rear of the building | H Most of the thou-


The Newtown U. B. Church has

Single Copies ......... one JAB we never ha y brief stop here the eekend ting | in
> 1 y ve as many of these | 2 i p her the w end visitin friends in| | : es aia
Sample Copies ......... FREE |. of fobks 3 » need. '¥ | hea 37 vite) : vi. | Braddock and Plitsburah She telephoned firemen and then! sands of letters re-
Kind of folks as we need. You will he 3rd annual reunion of the K wi . } ‘ : ’
Te De. hear a local man express views on pils, { i i I Jack snd Jean Witmer spent the| oo © the school to notify the | ceived by Customers
" [ . wear ace { C "OSS on | pupl riend n patron of Elim JACK 2nd Jean y € 1 | .
ered @ ne . cache ‘ ;
Ente red atthe Postoffice at Mt Washingt lic he UN. Kore Tree Scl 1 will shal Oe weekend with theiry grandparents, Meri Corner are complime n=
Joy, Pa., as second-class mail mat- | policy, the UN, Rorea, | Tree Sch will be held in Oectob- Assistant fire chief Sam B. Mille
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. and yet he won't know his county |e Mr. and Ms. John Kauffman at| “oF 0 { the! tary comments on the
i Foal ol the | L JOY company Sal 1e . .
EE officials by name. He blasts ithe! waiter 1 ) T [ronville | : service vou gel in your
ember, Pennsylvania Newspaper |. . i Walter D. Keener, Rapho Twp, cca . | building was a total lo which he . = :
M Publishers’ Association pap inertia of Congress but won't take | chased the 931 re farm ol Mr. and Mrs. Mahan and Jacob Jaced at $7.000 oe uf FREE DELIVERY A&P
S 1S 4 +“ . pul ‘ ( €e Ja'2 acre ar ) placed at $7, | ‘ .
! » to engage in civie projec He | a . epn: ancaster. Mr. |
tet ene in hie wets. He Rs on We ones rs Sir of Laver, Me” and P51 Sie in [| BLAIN KAUFFMAN
Publication Day, Thursday { will write his Congressman or Sena- |). ¢1¢ per acre Mrs. Andrew Zercher, of Mt. Joy, schools coal stove early that morn. | MT. JOY. PA { We are proud of our J
Copy for a change of advertising | tor, but ignores the PTA, the local were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Dan- EAT WE JU, 22 i . IAG. #
h 19 each this office Tuesday. | hes OETA Fash A shot gun lost six years ago by 2 is ; | ing. Exact cause cf the fire was|§ ROUTE 1, DIAL 3-4929 loyal employees, and
should rec S ice uesday. | health programs, youth plans, oid 7 | iel Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Maur-| | alk A hard they
We will not guarantee insertion of activities duck hunter, was found by a pipe ico. Frusingar determine | we know how hard they
any advertising unless copy reaches | «| io ine employee he Susat : Seid : The pupils will be given a vac: -| strive ase VOU.
hy advertising unless copy reaches | "Loot and right that we ‘ployee in the Susquehanna) np. and Mrs. William Haines and| ,. 2 ie ca lit M t | trive to please 3
. oH ry river. . 0 un vionaay, vhen ‘lasses |
preceding day of publication. should look beyond the horizon, be family spent, Sunday at the home|... , = aa ua 1 y ca S It makes us happy
6 i ls : : ghtsville as its 8 "age i e resumed nm a te ary | cna &
Classified ads will be accepted to | interested and concerned in nation- le ville has its 8th case of ,¢ My. gnd Mrs. Henry Rollman and basis in the : yp ol ALSO l I Pp
nati ’ | : ‘ § > cal ever. 4 asis the former gra se ny r of
9 a. m. publication day. al and international affairs. But, et | I family at Lititz oe 37 Hage hoo ¢ A FULL LINE OF to learn that their ¢
. A West Donegal Twp. farmer building at Milton Gi forts are : ‘eciated
| this community needs your atten- rs sd wp. bt Mrs. Hathaway Breneman, Mt —_— —- — orts are appre ciated.
E D 1 I | O R | A L tion. intelligence. co-operation. for | Near Shank’s school, grew a canta- Jov. visited Mr. and Mus. Daniel n -
| y i =! . 4 ere I B ie i . Joy, visited Mr. ¢ { S. | i half
| what we do in all of the towns such loupe that weighed 16 pounds. Geltmacher on Sunday. Thi Y J F | SAE A | On behalf of the
il Koser and 1S car S arm men and women of

as ours, all over the country, makes | ' Mr. and Mrs. Pa
+. + : heen laced on the Bri wrville > }
Living with an optimist can make | US what we are as a nation. i on tne family of Millersville, R. D., spent (From Page 1) Fruits & Ve etables ALY; we want Flaming Red
a circuit. a : . NM Sa ;
a pessimist out cf a fellow. D> Harry 8. Musser sold { | Saturday evening with Mr. $200, all other entries $1.00;] ¥ Yon lof TOKAY
| AFTER THE SE 1S arry 5. Musser sold his farm o ot: ¥ Ih .
AFTER THE HORSE IS | Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher. Draft Horses $25.00. $20.00. $15.00 ing comments and con-
cee ot anion
STOLEN 3) acres in Rapho Twp. to Peter a — . RE ye ? ry i 3 1
“a Peace. reigns in almost every | eden $10.00 and $5.00 | fd ar p | structive suggestions. GRAPES
Well, here we go again, locking
home where a golf hound is mar-| "°° ©. "FF CR i | The new $3.000000 concrete SALUNGA The pushmobile contest will pre- .
the barn doer. A detailed investi Is cede the parade on the North Mar- Wert Main St., Mt. Joy They are really help- c

ried to a bridge fien gation is under way to ascertain bridge across the Susquehanna . boi .
ese ; : err gt wa , | ket Street hill. There's a prize for | ing us make your A&P
JEATHER FRIENDS? why a fast passenger train should "Ver a iumbla was opened to Ffe. Raymond L. Harple of the! every entry in that event. Get bt | i 1 ! 1
FAIR WE! 3 ite. § crash into a treop train, when flares | the public Sunday. U.S Cort spent a ten day it toil a | et ol | Electric Ww 1d; a better place lo shop. NONE PRICED HIGHER
is reporte a > our . ; op . 5S. Me » Co spent a te ay | boys and girls an ild th -
BS Ore na A Grecks | been set 100 yards behind the | The Mount Joy Male Quartet| "Cop Sil Clo Soap ong | ovens fd build that push-\ Gag € mg Pl t
; ts rea, the Greeks |, . voral he Billy | wi Is parems Vr. ¢ mobile ces ave ti lab- | 3 ‘ite:
slow efforts in norea, the | {rain into which the passenger ram- | sang several selections at the Billy Mrs: Charles Hartle of. Chicaue Ie. Joost have no De | ease write: Macintosh
are cpenly abusive and hostile to | sed. may be an ex-| Sunday Evanelistic meeting at]... HES LS uiple of orate, just so it runs down hill Also Specialize On
med. oer, visin/ity may he an ex . He reported back to Parris Island, | contact Joe Sheaffer for particul- FARM MACHINE WELDING Sus'omer Relations EATING

Americans. They expected from us | . fi
" cuse, but in this modern age why Lancaster. sr 1 3 ; Ai 0 ~
a quick victory. For over three | : +s ide : '{8. C, where he receives his basic | pg, AND EQUIPMENT A&P Food Stores
: depend wholly upon vision? There rin Trust Co. directors Amos _ .. =. farther orde ; : , : :
, | traming {or irther orders. Prizes in various departments | Rutomobile and Truck Welding 420) Lexington Avenue APPLES Q
a 2 we've be nding millions | . a x
Years weve been ee mt “lis the two-way radio telephone Mumma, Dan Wolgemuth, A. G. Mrs. Levi Peifer received ‘anoti
: trance. Fir lo < Mrs wi Peifer received anoti- | have been increase sneciallv = . | fied Vl ¥7 NI VV
of dollars to Greece. For less than used by ships, planes. police cars, | Walters, Andy Bard, David Eby and | | £ bool : } have been increased, especially the | LAWN MOWER SHARPENING i New York 17, N. Y.
er deposit of books from the Lan- prizes in the 4-H Baby Beef e gd
» months we have been fight
three months w 8 taxicabs, privately-owned autemo- Ezra Engle, enjoyed a fishing trip
ing in Korea. What do they expect biles, and seme railroads. We should | to Bowers Beach. Fa i ipa i > zs 0 i have Je § S Welding Shop
ve loaned free of charge to anyone | many instances. They ae $30.00 fist |

Miss Ruth Heisey, teacher of the 2
wy | eink aR. fA hy driver. ha Mothodis i ] |
Grandview school which was com- | The Bulletin’ S : : Tort, th fethedist Church Wednesday, There'll be more news on the featured set! Honeydew Melens EXTRA LARGE oath 49¢
ai { Pupils of West 1 3
pletely destroyed by fire Monday, | I 4 : October 4th, of the Parade and the show in next week's BULLETIN. 3 %
deserves considerable credit for the | presented Dr. H. Mifflin with a bas- Ho of 8 i Sweet Potatoes MARYLAND 4 s 25¢
Florida Grapefruit i si: 3 « 2%¢
oy d the situation : in =
for their money? And the situ: | be ashamed that it took lives of | Markets: Eggs 36c; Butter, 3c , “or can fT LO CALIFORNIA LARGE 29
goes further in aching one gl soldiers in our own country, to|and Lard 15c. = nmunily wishing fo read) prize, $25.00 second, $20.00 third, | Delta and Marieita Streets Iceberg Lettuce none none 2 29€
nt something. They should learn | _ . . EL ales rises «pg | HREM $15.00 fourth, $10.00 fifth and the IP Phone 3-5931 |
: § - » Log Ca Mini: e f - y ¥ A v PA. . |
me | awaken us to the necessity of bet-| The Log Cabin Miniature Gol § Lo 8 MT. JOY, PA - Western Pascal Celer NONE PRICED Large 19¢
that you ean't buy allies any more ter means of communication by a |C 7 t of Septem My. and Mrs. Hunter Petit cele-| jjance of entries each $800. 7 | HIGHER stalk
: . - )y ourse Tcurnament opens deptem- |, ial plas : iw oT. a i
than you can buy a good name. | dency: bor 28 ts. Gotoh £ Finer so. brated their eleventh anniversary | Additional prizes of $5.00 .$3.00, . New Green Cabbage Ib 3c
Sy» | Tye ives fine “2 1 Rol rtson” last Sunday. $2.00 and $1.00 will be awarded for Before you buy her ring, | . “
| elves ¢ nne vobertson 1 . oy yo - i
| . ont 2 Movie pictures will be shown in| see this month's U.S. No. 1 Yellow Onions 5 bag 2c
the new fire engine on tbr li
ket of 80 rose buds to commemor- M
quiet yet careful manner in which | Scrapbook | 1 ls rs.
she marched those twenty-nine |
y 2th, after the regular meet-
ing of the Fire Company.

kiddies out of that burning building | Se ral of our residents of the The chicken corn soup sale by A Youth for young people A&P Seedless Raisins gi 21c
to safety. Better still, she had some | Apricot Charlotte Russe: Soften | Borough and vicinity were to rie Company Auxiliary will| between the ages of tw Ive and |
of the older pupils remove a large | 1-envelope unflavored gelatin in 15 | caster to hear “Billy” Sunday at be held at the Henry H. Hiestand twenty-f ur will bh held at Su | Pillsbury Pancake Mix pi i 3ic [
lot of the equipment and children’s | Cup apricot nectar. Separate 2 eggs. | Convention Hall Hil home from eleven to four o'clock. M; rhs Evangelical United Brethren . . . 100
clothing, even their lunch. | Beat yolks, 2 cup suger and 's t| Pailip S. Pyle, of : Pittsburgh, | 6). taken by any member, 1, Sunday A 5 pam. Bonnie Daily Dog Biscuits in ‘3iec va
There isn’t a fzmily in the town- salt together in top of double boiler. | very well known here is recovering rn Mp Bigl iA igre Gon Julia Witmer
and Shirley Ilky are in charge oi
Prepared Spaghetti Ba 250 F
Pilisbury Farina er 14e-
Morton’s Salt a 10€ -
ship represented at that school that [sty add 1 cup ne | an infected foot. ‘3 | BRICK-MASONRY CLASS TO
{ the: 2 eV: ate nilk 00 Mi M: Gochne o Las Sr ATF TI ’
then % c evaporated milk. Cook! Miss May Gochnauer START AT PATTON TRADE
over boiling water, stirring con- | Petersburg, entertained the Mount|
ne affair.

dees not join us in commending
Miss Heisey for her thoughtfulness
at a time like that. stantly until thickened, about 7-10 | joy singing class at her home. : oy dL :
oe ® minutes. Add softened gelatin to Chas. A. Wealand, painter, re- the oa Twp. Public oh in FORMICA |
A MAN IS A MAN custard, stirring until gelatin is | ceived a contract to paint the in- Hers oy “. 1S aga conducting a | bind alg Sot, ting, $200 (alo
E 11 he United | dissolved. Remove from heat and | terior of the U. B. Church nd the | Bric k-Masonry Class at the Patton Sinktops & Counters lo ia act Jit ramon).
(per omie ) P Sgn > v cid : x “fic | terior oO e sd hen 1 1 mT. FUT ©. 57.50, Groom's ri 0 |
BPE, J the United 8 Trade School, Elizabethtown. This{$ KITCHEN & BATHROOM Bride's circlet, $37.50. Groom's ring, $69.50. | Pumpkin Pie Time
cool. When mixture is slightly | exterior of the Parsonage. WALL TILE
Naticns, state that from biological | . } 2 § aghtly | exterio SR beoanse of AL | sh /
standards. race counts but little in | thicker than unbeaten egg white,| The King’s Daughters of the U.j cours yu > Ue! Tile Fl Vv i Blinds t e d It Rete;
the mentality, tempermeni, char-|2dd 3 T lemon juice. Beat egg|B. Church enjoyed a “Moonlight | the great shown by the Me obrs enetian nes r C a rv TRY OUR DELICIOUS NEW JANE PARKER
° °

The Adult Education Division of



acter and personality of an indi- | Whites until stiff, not dry, and fold | gike.” many persons in and around the LEONARD L. SAFKO 4 RAINES P k i? : 3
ee ar : Te: 1 1 ) ie - > 4 . A N 3
vidual. Unprejudiced, broad mind- | info apricot mixture. Whip one cup The large store room of the form- Mount Joy, Marietta, Eliz i Phone 3-3491 - Mt. doy, pe. | ump in ie
es fev ov EOE il Hind yor Aver. 1 10V area. Inst tion includes ~t : ; surance of owni :
ed people didn't need the experts |icy cold evaporated milk until very | or Bernhart store is being adver-|'oWn Tnsttuciion e ox y | Ejay the a Sf wring a ry c ==
stiff. Fold into apricot mixture tard : | Theory & Fundamentals of Brick- | 1 yy | ine diamond, never before worn. Ar(- each a
po Po Hime e+ | tisec tor rem, carved rings are made by America's |

to tell them. Schuol teachers, espec- |
XL |
. : Tire Masonry, Prop » of the tools ¢
izlly, without a scientific know- iM wonry, Proper use of ( F o R oldest and largest ringmaker and na-
ledge of races, see it proven in the | waters or lady fingers. Spoon ap- the trade, Actual laying of bricks, 0 tionally advertised in Life, Look and
other famous magazines. Registered and
<lgss-room, Experts say it is the | rico! mixture into lined pan. chil Viewers Recommend Bade es is i Piha Watches-Clocks-Jewelry guaranteed. See our specia. group of Marvel White Bread 16:08 14¢ 2 19¢
Artcarved® Centenn ial values today.
Line springform pan with vanilla ee eet AQ eee

individual that counts. The Bible | until set, about 3-4 hours. Serves : : maa i |
AV Tha | eigh rom page | of windows, erection of inside anc 2 : 1 etuil *Trade Murk Reg. NONE PRICED
and your conscience says so. The | it. ; a ( otc And Watch Repairing motte Federal tx. So Sharp Cheddar Cheese HIGHER 59¢
color of your skin, the shape of | Work With Color: ships, will impro conditions as | putside fireplaces, ete. 100% HYDROGENATED - he
Ki heerful | far hocls, lights, and water are ‘lasses will start October 5th 5 hos i
your head and eyes, the texture | Kitchens are more cheerful | far as schocls, lights, and water arc Classes will start October 5th, ADAM H. GREER dexo VEGETABLE SHORTENING con 31€ wn 85¢C
: PIR ch rine. yoo " | I ill be in line of | meeting two nights each week from
of your hair, ¢esn’t make you working rooms when dressed in| concerned and will meeung 1w } arren reenawa i Ann Pa P n 8-01 12-02
dumb or bright. calm or hot-tem- | color. The range of choice is wide, | progress and beneficial to and for | g:30 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. and ¢ontinu- ve Lx JEWELER 8 ge ea ut Butter iar 24c jar 33¢
LT SN ee ry itd \ iv the mience: of all the inhabi- | ine for fortv his Je Zolle ER om Cael i 5 . tall
pered, selfish er charitable, kind ov | the combinations cf colors varied. he convenience of all t inhabi- | ing for forty nights. John E. Zeller 209 West Main St MT. JOY 87 E. Main St, Mt. Joy, Pa. White House Evaporated Milk 4 47¢
i | Mus UDA. Tha ries tants in the affected by the | of Mount Jov is the instructor. | y PHONE 3-4124
cruel. There has heen much mis- | Much depends upon the amount of | tants In the area a > {o! XO) OPE N EVERY I pli Pii i 14%;
1: 1 . 1: 1 | - I 2-01
ery nd tragedy caused by th:se | daylight in the kitchen, however, | change. - ee tr er enn ees | ilsbury Hot Roll Mix pkg 25¢
Fer thirty days the report will re- | RUMMAGE SALE Seaside Butter Beans Fy 25¢c =: 10s
who will not believe or accept this | But, one can do much with a can |
: “ps " . re: . Chr main in the office of the Clerk of ei od Satin 3 1
scientific truth. There will be fur- | cf paint, a brush and ingenuity. | main in the office of the Cl Friday and Saturday, September | . i
| <7 : r Q i fi 5 rN 2 1: 1 x | 7-o0z
ther suffering caused by those who | You might have a white ceiling, | Quarter Sessions before it is offi- | 59 4nd 30, the Ladies’ Bible Class of Musselman S Apple Sauce 2 jars 29¢
| Turquoise walls and woodwork : cially confirmed by the Court Dur- | Trinity Lutheran Church will have Leed's Corned Beef Hash 2 6-01 49¢c

fight it.
® 0» cehbinets. Shelves, alcoves, work | ing that time protests may be taken a Rummage sale in the new Parish |
NATIONAL NEWSPAPER WEEK | cbuce can be accented with a deep | or an appeal lodged by Mount Joy | House. Cold Stream Pink Salmon 1502 3%9¢
Getober 1-8 is dedicated to the | blue-green and rcse with the floor | Township authorities : Sale siarts Friday at 1:00 p.m. and Dash Dog Food 6 1-1b 85¢
mation’s newspapers, and as a | color the blue-green. You might! The new boundary line as re- | Saturday at 10:00 a.m. | cans
| have the walls one color and then | commended by Henry H. Koser etl i renee | Butter Kernel Corn wioie kee 27: 20c

5-1b 10-16
reader, it affects you. News is what . : : Sona, es | ; i SE
interests vou. whether it is a poli- | 2¢cent the alcove with a bright | Fark Ammon and George erth. | Subscribe for the Bulletin. seven there 1s 0
‘ a nee | flcral wallpaper, using the color of | the three commissioners STILL TIME ; Pastry Flour SUNNYFIELD bag 36¢ svg 7c
tical speech, a war account, a short . PEL | be
notice of a dog trapped in a well, an | the flowers on. {he shelves and |come the new ‘Harrisburg ike > Family Flour SUNNYFIELD ft 39¢ og 75¢
J | from the intersecti of the old anc ‘
obituary, a weather report. You | | from Vie intersection of 1A ny Dr.H.C. Killheffer Asparagus Spears 19m gan
Revolutionary y i :
New Jer Nestle's Semi-Sweet Morsels bor 22¢
with the sealed thrift unit Ann Page Beans Jnaee oor 23¢ 2 2301 31¢
take the news with you to the din- | Mix Them: new reads st of Elizakathtown to
ONLY OIL-O-MATIC HAS IT! | Old Virginia Apple Jelly 2b 97a
WwW ill be= tee ee i tl

to install the
ing table for discussion, to the of- te a basic dress without frills|a point just wes: of the eastern Optometrist.
fice, tne club. Perhaps you don't and with slender lines, change it|terminus of the cld road. MANHEIM
agree with the newspaper's point sions| However, Mount Joy Township |] 163 S. Charlotte St.
= $

into an outfit for different occasic Telepk
elephone 5-3376

of view, buf it brings you the news Wearing over it a plaid or check- isors and schoo! directors MOR 9.5:30
: NT ole, gathere » waist 3 P that their township id hi 4.0: jar
for your diszgreement. Your home | 501 gathered at the waist by al ou Tues. Fri. Sat. 7-9 P. M : Also )
town paper carries world events | Pelt. Have a swinging bolero of [Stood to lose considerably more Lo BAA Sha Go Nectar Tea ws DAC oe $1 01
Y oly . 1} me . 3 ow nits... . |
. seal affairs, | as ancther costume. Use | than their portion of Rheems. The ah Juss, Fri. Sat, all sizes ve
and facts hot altalrs, [an over skirt with matchi } | lo they protested, by extending 9:30-1:00. 2.5 P. M | Pressure «olor { Hershey Cocoa lb 23¢ 1 45¢
Both are news. Almost everyone © ThE wi atching cloche, | RED We ELIZABETHTOWN Only. 1 ; warm air,
| . s turban | the Wes Yonegal line up cver a R, nl d hot water . w
rezds some kind of news. They may | Perel or turban. One dress that be- | the West Donegal line up cver the 15 E. High St. 25s moms | Ha BURNER steam, Nutley Oleomargarine i white A I 28¢
: : “| comes three outfits | old pike to the new road, would Telephone 24-R sim | .
complain about policy but profes | “OM ree outfits, I P a
p polie; pro‘est | 4 | | Daily Scratch Feed = 61.08


Mount Joy Township' about | .
; | Mail Coupon or Phone Us . . . NOW! j
if the newspaper isn’t delivered on

NOT everybody reads circular ad- |
vertising left on their door step.
time. Whether you carry it under | Every brave heart must treat | E3450 Worth, of real sstate, |
your arm from work, leave it on | as a child, and never allow | However, others insisted that the | et i an i cn SLI
: {it to dictate ew pike was the only logical di- {
loss it the sh, | it to dictate new pike 3 d : ; : ;
pe bus, toss 2 on the couch sey { ° es | viding tine. Served Sup joy & Vicinity | The SICO Company Mt. Joy, Pa. | \
‘ter it on the floor, ycu are execut- | 1 IW. Rider? : ro 3 Your Bo 1 \
ing one of your American rights, THE CHOOL, BAND CLUB A a ger Simpson, attorney for | ear : entlemen: | x \!
: RE al. Oy PD *X Ms C 1i€ - |
to do with your news as you please | TS 4 NEW DIRECTORS | Mt. Jo wp., expects to file ex { I want to know more about the NEW: “Fifty-Ten” | 3
enjoying ene of your constilution- | Four new directors were elected Io 9 ec al Will continue Same Honest | Please give details SOON at no obligation on my part. : ;
al privileges of having a free press, | (© the Board of Directors of the Mt. | the entive village of Rheems be ; 5 ics As B . ig | | NAME
sour of in | Joy High Schcol Band Club # the | nade part of West Donegal Twp. ervice As Before. { Cee eee ease eRe
liberty. annual reorganization meeting | Simpson the move af- | ADDRESS ; aos a) | ®
Nour. newspaper is your ‘today, | Mcnday. ter a report was filed by three court \ NEE ERE REINER a | 83 ‘ ain t. Mount Joy Pa
yeéur yesterday, your tomorow. It is | They are: Raymond Gilbert. Jay appeinted commissioners proposing A EL i | PHONE I 9 ®
the purpose’ of your newspaper 10 | | Sherk, Mrs. George Shatto and Mrs. | thet the boundary between West | rR IYI ttre thea q |
| Jay . Barnhart. Mrs. Bernard ? Kear | Donegal and Mt. Joy Twps. be mov- oP» ~ eh kt ; | .
serve you by ‘interesting you. y ioe art. Mrs. Bernard Kear z 7 S 2 7 { Fo te sm ce st se se en 2 sn en Se ee se en ee se ee st fs nn ems eed]
> > 0 { was also elected to fill the unex- | ed to the new Harrisburg Pike. OY eh 1¢ elz ! ~4 | All Prices In This Store
AN i > of tr tee. UN Meee ees | | |
BEGIN AT HOME pired term of Jcseph Sheaffer. f | Rk |
In harkening to the needs of far- Following the reorganization these | Everybody reads newspapers but Day or Night. 4 e company | Are The Same As Those
| . |
off pecyles, concerning ottrselves | | officers were elected: Alvin Bigler,
with keeping the economy of the | president; Jay Sherk, vice-presi- Sunday or Holiday

"MOUNT Joy pH. 3.3112 { || In Effect In Our Super Markets

(in hand, thinking of democ- | dent Beulah Smith, secretary; and ee tH ha or
as an international force, we ' {Raymond Gilbert, treasurer, ! | Patronize Bulletin advertisers: i . ll |
\ |
re 4 \
iF i {
i 4 }