e «= pr gam er ipped rters Eggs of Is ins 1 MOST UP-TO-THE-MINUTE WwW E EKG Y I N LANCASTER COUNTY "The Mount Joy Bulletin VOL. L, NO. 18 Viewers Recommend New Highway As Dividing Line At Rheems-- Would Put Entire Town In West Donegal Twp. Two Stabbed, 5 Jailed In Rows At A Labor Camp Brawls at the Kirkland Camp, near Salunga, resulted in the stabbing of two men and the jail- ing of five others during the week- Labor end. Sam Trutman, twenty-six, was stabbed in the left boulder early Sunday. According to State Police, he was attacked by Crowley John- son, twenty-four, who is heing held in the county jail for investigation. | State Policeman Michael J. Batutis, who investigated the happenings at the camp, said the two men appor- ently had been arguing about mon- ey matters. The weapon, believed to be a pocket knife, was not found, Trutman is in St. Joseph's Hospital, where he for the wound and shock. Stabbed In Arm T. W. Williams Bradley, twenty- (Turn to Page 4) ene was treated CHAIRS & CUPBOARDS NEEDED The Girl Scouts of the borough need straight chairs and cupboards for their scout den. Anyone wishing to donate any of these items, will please bring them to the scout rooms between ¢ and 8 p. m.,, or phone Mrs. Wm. H. Fackler, Mt. Joy 3-9571 and someone will call for the articles. re Qe ONE MORE SOLDIER Willie James Paul, twenty-three, of Landisville, was for Army duty at Harrisburg last week. Paul has had one year cf prior ser- accepted vice. AA Sa Weddings Thruout Our Community During Past Week Myr. and Mrs. Samuel B. ‘Miller announce the marriage of their daughter Dorothy C. to Howard R. Sharp, son of Mrs. Fannie Sharp, Front Street, Marietta, which took place September 7 at 11:30 a. m. in Bel Air, Md. The Rev. G. G. White- haust officiated. Elizabeth J. Knaisch Frederick Germer Elizabeth J. Knaisch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Knaisch. 520 S. Shippen Street, Lancaster, and Frederick J. Germer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Germer, of town were - married Saturday in St. Mary’s Cathclic Church by the Rev. Charles Park. The bride was given in marriage by her father and attendants were Jeanne Kruschinsky and Betty Las- caricles. A reception held Malta Temple, Lancaster, and the couple left on a wedding trip to the Adir- ondacks and the New England States. They will reside at 520 S. Shippen Street, Lancaster. The bride is employed the traffic department of the Bell Tele- phone Co. and the bridegroom by the Seiler Printing Co., here. (Turn to page 5) was in in DANIEL WOLGEMUTH GAVE CLASSIFICATION TALK Daniel Wolgemuth, Florin, spoke at the meeting of the Rotary Club on Tuesday at Hostetter’s. Mr. Wol- gemuth, a member of the lccal club, gave a classification talk on feed manufacturing. He introduced Har- vey Peekman, York, who also spoke on the manufacturing. Visitors were Jesse Snavely and Max Smith, both of Lancaster. It was announced that a joint meeting of the local club and the Lions’ Club will be held Octoter 17. Wil- bur Beahm, president, was in charge. | | new West Donegal Township will get a slice of Mount Joy Township, in- cluding the entire village of Rheems and the old Harrisburg PiKe if a recommendation made the Court by three court-appointed commissioners named to study the townships’ division line is accepted. The commissioners’ report mak- ing the new Harrisburg Pike the line of demarkation came one week after a lengthy hearing on the problem, during which Mount Joy Township authorities and some area the proposed residents protested | change. The report of the commissioners | filed Monday with the Clerk of Quarter Sessions said that the | maintenance of the old Harrisburg i Pike can be handled better by one | township than by two as in the pre- sent situation. The old road forms ithe boundary line of the townships at present. The change of the township line will eliminate the dividing of the Village of Rheems into two town- (Turn to page 2) et Cee Rev. Ezra Ranck Returned For His Thirteenth Year Only four pastoral changes were announced at the closing session of Pennsylvania Con- Evangelical the 151st East of the United ference REV. EZRA H. RANCK Brethren Church last Thursday evening in the Annville EUB Church. It will be good news to the con- gregaticn and his many friends to learn that Rev. Ezra Ranck was re- thirteenth his as pastor of the church here. turned for year Six. men were licensed to preach as probationers. Among them were Oscar K. Buch, of Manheim and Robert P. Longenecker cf Elizabeth- town. The conference established sal- ary schedules as follows: minimum $2,600 plus parsonage, and stan- dard minimum—$3,000 plus parson- age. The 1951 conference will be held in the Penbrook EUB Church. ————— Change In Xmas Decorations Instead of the Christmas trees placed along the curb as the borough’s Christmas decorations, cne large Community tree will be erected according to an announce- ment by tae officials of the local Chamber of Commerce. The announcement was made af- ter response was light for the “Christmas Decorations in Mount Joy” contest which had Sept. 1 as its deadline. The contest was plan- ned with cash prizes for residents of the community for suggestions on changes in town decorations and for financing the project. It was annunced the group will publish a “Christmas Shoppers Guide” prior to the Christmas shop- ping time. John Roland is president of the Chamber of Commerce. en ll CR usual Lititz will get a new industry, the Oregon Castings Company. Monday to Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday J Seniors Will Give Their Annual Play Oct. 26th And 27th The Senior Class of Mount Joy High. School will present “Our Hearts Were Young And Gay,” a three-act comedy by Cornelia Otis Skinner and Emily Kimbrough, at 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Oc- tcher 26 and 27, at the school. Miss Catherine Zeller, will direct the production. English teacher, Beverly Myers and Thelma Sherk will have the leading roles. Other characters are as follows: Vernon Wolgemuth, John Bowman. Gary Ellis, Ben Brown, James Booth, Jack Boyer, Richard Tyndall, John Krall, Bonnie Bigler, Mary Grace Bucher, Shirley Schneider, Anita Myers, Patsy Garber, Ruth Nent- wig and Marilyn Newcomer. Nancy Brooks and Marilyn New- comer are student directors. Chair- men of the various committees are as follows: Stage—Richad Messick: Programs and Publicity—Richard Tyndall; Tickets—Marion Wardrobe—Ruth Nentwig; Proper- ties—Marilyn Newcomer; Make-up —Peggy Zerphey; Ushers—Carmen Fogie. rr CEMETERY ASSOCIATION FLECTS SEVEN MANAGERS Smith; Seven managers of the Mount Joy Cemetery Association were elected at last week's meeting at the Sico offices. They are: Clarence Schock, Roy Tyndall, Lester Mumma. Robert Schroll, Jay Barnhart, Arthur Moy- er and Ralph Eshleman. Roy Herr was reappointed sup- erintendant of the cemetery for the year. James Metzler Joseph Breneman were appointed to audit the financial statement. Another meeting is planned for the near future when a secretary and treasurer will be chosen the seven managers. eet eee VEW And Auxiliary To Picnic At Cove Friday The Mount Joy V.F. W. Post 5752 and its Auxiliary will hold a joint family picnic at the Cove this and from Friday night at 6 p. m. Games are planned for the children. Commander Brown has announc- ed that the dues for the forthcom- ing year are coming in rapidly and indications point to a grea year in exceeding the previous high mem- bership for one year. At a meeting held at the fire hall last Monday night Past Command- er Charles Bailey installed James Forry in the office of Quartermagt- er to fill out the term caused by the resignation of Robert Brosious. Also installed was Clarence Rice as Trustee. Plans are also being made to hold games at the Community Exhibit same as last year. el 2 DRIVERS ESCAPED WHEN TRAILER JACK-KNIFED Both drivers escaped injury when a tractor-trailer jack-knifed into a car on the wet highway on Chickies Hill, the other morning. Sgt. Herman A. Ries, of the Co- lumbia State Police George Rapp, forty-five, of Marietta, was driving north on Route 441 when he noticed a tractor-trailer jack-knife said the highway in front of him. Rapp headed into the bank and the trailer-tractor, operated by Charles Plasterer, Lebanon, swung around and struck the Rapp of auto. r= tll Ce GARFIELD SCHOOL HOUSE SOLD FOR $1100 SATURDAY A county one-room chool build- ing located in Rapho Twp. and abandoned since the formation the new Union School District be- tween Penn and Rapho Twps. and Manheim borough, was sold at pub- lic auction Saturday. The building, known as the Gar- field school, was sold for to J. H. Engle, Mount Joy R2. 1 learned that Mr. Engle’s father had of sold the land to the township School District several years ago on which to build the school. Charles Frank was the auctioneer. was |, Afternoon, September 28, ATTEMPT MADE TO BURN NEW $10,000 RANCH HOUSE An attempt to set fire to a $10,- 000 ranch house under constriction in Mount Joy Twp, a quarter-mile north of the Colebrook Road. was being investigated Thursday by Cpl. Robert M. Strahan, of the State Po- lice. The was made by Joy RI workmen wood attempted arson complaint Lloyd H. Nissly, Mt. building after bits of between the hallway partitions in the middle of the structure. The erected by Nissly in partnership with his father, Levi H. Nissly, Mt. Joy RI. It will be ready for occu- pancy in about a month. Cpl. Strahan said rock wool had heen contractor, found scorched and excelsior’ house is being removed from the the partitions inflammable material was inserted Monday night, but the flames burned out before any dam- age resulted. : —— — — This Year's Farm Show Parade To Be Biggest Ever The horse, ponv, float and imple- ment parade, scheduled for Satur- dav, October 14, is shaping into the largest held in tion with Mount Joy’s Annual Com- munity Fxhibit. Five high school bands including Flizabethtown, New Holland, East Donegal, East Hempfield and Mount Joy, will participate. The prizes in the float and implement division by farmers and commercial before one ever monies being offered as floats should draw numerous en- tries. First prize is $50.00; second prize $25.00; third prize $10.00. Separate, but like prizes will be a- warded in these divisions which make it well worth anyones two time and effort. Merchants and are invited and floats in this event. Other division prizes are: Saddle Horses, $10.00, $5.00, $3.00 and Fourth a ribbon; Ponies $5.00, $4.60 (From page 2) © Eee eer FAREWFLL DINNER FOR POST OFFICE EMPLOYEE employees of the Mount Office honored a fellow at dinner on night at Brickerville. Kretzing who was called manufacturers urged to enter Twelve Joy Post employee Thursday Wayne to service reported Monday at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. He is a member of the Naval Reserve. He was presented with a Schaef- a farewell fer Life time pen. Those Kretzing, Dellinger, Calvin Kramer, J. Bennett, Sr.,, Mahlon Gerald Hostetter, Bruce Greiner, Frank Germer, Ed Keene, Harry Brown, and postmaster, Charles J. Bennett Jr. a rel A ———— Week's Birth Record Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farmer, 175 Manheim Street, a daughter Sat- urday at St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Brene- man, Mount Joy R2, a son last Thursday at the Lancaster General attending were: Wayne Joseph Sheaffer, John Charles Foreman, Hospital. Mr. Mrs. Elwood Miller, Landisville, a at St. Joseph's Hospital last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Haldeman, Manheim R2, a son at the Lancaster General Hospital Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James ‘A. Phillips, the and son of | 1950 E. Donegal Farm Brought $435 Acre At Public Sale An East Donegal township of 63 acres, on the road leading from Mayt wn to Marietta, was pur- chased at $435 an acre by Richard | C Yunninger, Mount Joy R1, when offered at public sale for the estate of Michael H. Grove on Saturday afternoon. | farm Improvements include a 2%: story brick dwelling of ten rooms with all modern conveniences: 1%: with improve- and two to hang story frame tenant house ments; large frame barn; with 18 acres of tobacco. tobacco sheds room Walter Dupes was the auctioneer. The 18-acre farm, located in East Hempfield Twp., on the read from Landisville Mechanicsville, offered for sale by Benjamin S. and Laura G. Ebersole. It was purchas- ed for $18350 by Henry Siegrist, Manheim R1. A frame barn and tobacco shed were includ- to was dwelling, ed in the property. Elmer V. Spahr was the auction- eer, en. THE GIRL SCOUT TROOP AT FLORIN DISCONTINUED Mrs. Sadie Brooks, assistant troop leader of the Girl Scout Troop in Florin, paid a visit recently to the Lancaster Heart Haven with a gift check of $56. Mrs. Brooks told officials at Heart Haven that the check repre- sented the balance in the treasury of the troop, which had to be dis- the banded because there was no per- son available to assume the posi- tion of troop leader. There were 11 girls in the troop, which was the first and only Girl Scout troop in Florin. Rev. Helwig Was 'Reappointed Here The East Pennsylvania: Eldership Church of God in North America, ended its annual conference at Harrisburg last Thursday night with an announcement of pastoral changes. The changes, to take effect October 1 are: Rev. C. F. Helwig, who has been serving here, was reappointed to the local charge. Rev. G. F. Broske, a former pas- tor here, goes from Wormleysburg to Windsor. The Rev. William Wagner, newly assigned, goes to Maytown to take the place of the Rev. G. M. Mar- zolf who goes to Mt. Laurel and Shopes. The Rev. H. S. Hershey, of Lan- disville among the ministers named to the Church Board of Ex- tension. The next meeting of the Fldership will he held at Middle- town on September 25, next year. EE OIL. HEATING STOVE SET FIRE TO A DWELLING The Fire tinguished a minor fire in the home of Ralph Zerphey on the Colebrook Road on the edge of Rheems Thurs- 1S Rheems Company ex- day at 6:45 p.m. Firemen said the resulted when an oil heat- fing stove reservoir overflowed and | became ignited. Damage was slight. a -E° WAS GRANTED A DIVORCE The Court Monday granted a di- varce to Margaret E. Barnhart of Elizabethtown, from Harry H. Barnhart 37, of 28 David St., this| boro on the grounds of indignities. | Mount Joy, will hold a food sale, Saturday, October Tih, at the Wol- | gemuth. Inc. show rocm, Main and | Delta Streets, for the benefit of the | church. Sale will be held from 10:00 a.m. | to 1:00 p.m. rl men VIOLATED MOTOR LAWS Ed Ladson, of the Kirkland La- bor Camp, near Landisville, was prosecuted for two motor violations drivinga an uninspected vehicle and operating on a learner's permit un- accompanied by a licensed driver. ( YW a Ss sday at . frown, 4 Son Wedhesusy = The couple was married July 4th, General Hospital. say 1932. : a FOOD SALE, OCTOBER 7 | PARTY ON 2ND BIRTHDAY The Rosary Society of the As-| jy... 1,yise Flowers, daughter of sumpticn, Blessed Virgin Church, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flowers, was given a party on her second birth- day anniversary last week. Present were her maternal gandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frank, and an Miss Elsie Frank. - ei aunt, NOW HE'S A SAILOR John William Burkhart, twenty- one, of Landisville was accepted for enlistment in the Navy at Balti- more. scl Ween en ent MARRIAGE LICENSES Jere M. Snavely, Landisville, and Pauline M. Hoffsmith of Annville, $2.00 a Year in Advance The Grandview ( By Fire Monday merly Breneman’s, in Mount Twenty-nine pupils, ages six to fourteen, quietly marched from the of Landisville. Afterwards, Miss Heisey, sent a few of the older children back in- side the and they carried out all the coats and the books, maps, slowly