d-—~The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pu., Thursday, September 21, 1950! MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher I'M GONNA TAKE A) NICE COOL BATH / OH, JEFF WILL YA FILL THE WITH WATER? ms OWL LAFFS Weekly Letter === By Penna. State ‘Game Commission THOSE FROGS IN Wildlife Habitat Restoration On Large Scale On observing the Game Com- mission's modern practices in the Commonwealth's forested areas, a person naturally contrasts the pow- erful, mechanized tools employed today to the crude implements early * cttlers used in carving a new civ= eems esl ents ilizaticn out of Penn's Woods. Fi During the last fiscal year, Game (From page 1) Commission employes used heavy a . : bulldozers, root rakes and tractors|0ld pike, presently maintained by to clear or reclaim 1770 acres in!/both townships, would be kept in —BY-. inered areas for food strips, On| petter condition were only one | these and other areas, 1665 food townshin responsible for 3t A WwW ISE O W/ L he t ling 2670 acres were plant-| p respon! : ed with fecod for wildlife, and 1210 Logical Dividing Line ——————— | acres v were mowed, fertilized il They said that the new Harris- ; imed to improve nesting cover anc y A close contender for the title of | provide additional succulent foods burg Pike would be the most log- the world’s most absent minded | for wild creatures. Augmenting| ical division line, and further main- man is the Marietta Streeter who these figures, nearby farmers Sin tained that under a single adminis~ a » A oN drat shares tate : : efter ‘calls the taxi wher his own 2010 sees of grain shares on State|(yaticn would he simpler to get a in Eo ame sand car was waiting for him. When the On the food strips planted, over water system and a street lighting taximan asked him where ‘he 9600 bushels of grain were harvested|set-up in the Rheems area. wanted to go he frequently gives to be used for Boma Seeding lsc; However, opposition countered 45 | where, but a sufficient amount was sti i i - . 4 with testimony that they did not his telephone number. Once when | to remain to supply game 03 they d 3 he left the house, he left a note [in the area with supplementary|S€€¢ Why the townships jointly which ‘read: “Will be back in fif- | fcod. In addition, 170 acres of grain could not arrange to provide the | teen minutes.” When he got back ised by Share croppers were left water hydrants and street lighting. = BL standing for wild birds and animals. : . a . é ers sai they ir own to the house he saw the note and | Also, 1372 separate farm food plots, s said they had their o water and did not need water from sat down on the porch to wait for | totaling over 470 acres in open, himself private owed, hunting territory (the Rheems Water Company. Where game thrives, were purchas-! Thome in testimony said, “It does ed with the Game Fund dollars. The gi Vie ahs mG not matter where you put the He finally realized who he wa | last-named grain strips were allow- I tory ; ill be we and opened the door and walked in. | ed to rerazin standing to provide — it will be just a siep- He kissed the cat good evening and | Wildlife with food during the fall ping stone to other townships to and winter months. jask for the same thing.” Others then put out his wife. He got half a the |said that with half of the new pike ham _ from ice box, carefully Hawk Flight Begins Early bucked it in bed, then climbed into| Early in September Game Pro- in each ra the same question he io Bex and went to seep. | Se flares Kuteown, would aie asin rere ing ‘number of hawks = 1 my rene Hearing the several Witnesges If, you ‘want to see ninety, don't | trict just recently. Maurice Broun Were Henry H. Koser, Park Am- look for it on the speedometer. Curator at Woerth. Alfred C. Hawk Mountain hel AT and George tuary, informs me that many of the Alspach represented those petition- “UF : | species are coming through a full £ You know somethin Esther? your | tw, weeks ahead of schedule this ing for the boundary change; Mt. husband wanted me to’ tell the| year.” Joy Twp. School Board was repre- 3 . . 0 3 y 71 1s . yeople about you and the mice, but| Feeding Habits Of Deer Change |S€ nted by William Arnold; and the I y g ange I don’t put anything in this column | In many parts of Pennsylvania Townships supervisors by W. Roger about my special friends. | once preferred deer foods long] {Simpson : so Te ince have decreased below the re- issioners ove snho I wouldn’t let him out’ this Fri-| fines has vE decreas 4 bel he a commissioners are sched- i i ; . e ay : day night, if I were you | sult deer: have gradually changed to meet Monday and reach’ a from browsing to grazing animals, decision on the boundary line. Two expectant mamas were Sip- i have develope®l a liking for] Testifying Tuesday were: Dr. er : oods they or f } > ping cokes and chatting when one | os i Chee a el ak. Philip D. Metzger, West Donegal \ : said: “I do not agree with your pre- | Corry, brings this out in a recent Township; Paul L. Zeager, West which he says: “This is/Ponegal Township; Melvin O. Nolt, year I have observed that West Donegal Township; natal influence.” And the other one answered: “Take my case for exams | 3 r oo Ross Es- (awarded $10. Jacob Brown with WHAT'S THE IDEA [TM RAISING PUTTING ALL IEROGS MUTT, THEY US THE You K MALT Al Ki - D X53 "dll Makes of Sewing Ps! oi y Machines Repaired El ing We Modernize Your Machine | » BEFORE | to Electric, Console or Portable AFTER Oall Us Today—We Pick-up and Deliver . . . Anywhere! == J, V, BINKLEY == 111 N. Market St. ELIZABETHTOWN Phone 216-J Everybody In This Locality Reads The ] SPORTSMEN AWARD PRIZES his | Patronize Bulletin Advertisers FOR LARGEST TROUT CAUGHT |15% in. rainbow trout was awarded {4d Prizes were awarded owners of | $5. is the largest trout, brook, brown, and| In the junior division for chil- Beer! Call 3.4189 i P rainbow caught during the season up to the age of 12, Albert For Home Delivery by the Mount Joy Sportsmen As-|Myers won $2.50 for a brown which WACKER EVENINGS MATINEE sociation. Abram Mumma had the { measured 137 in. and Donald Zer- val SHOWS SATURDAYS bi largest brook (127% in.) and the lar- | phey won $2.50 for a brook trout PIEL'S 7 any 9:04 P.M. TH EATRE Wi ses COW 23, i 2 aE on) as bh i PRIOR SATURDAYS gest brown (12% in.) and was) which measured 11% in. long. ROLLING ROCK BB PN SSP. W, - ALE & PORTER | Mount Joy, Pa. Victor J. Schmoll FRIDAY — SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 - 23 —Distributor— x IN ih. S h OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. MARIE WILSON — JOHN LUND -in : upport the... dri in Ton S20 Sve “MY FRIEND IRMA GOES WEST Mount Joy MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 . : Lions Club JEROME COURTLAND — BEVERLY TYLER -in- bb 99 eh 8 Palomino THURSDAY 2 Dollar-A-Car Night, ‘Miraculous - Journey” In Color. “The Cowboy a and The Indians’ Gene Autry. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26 FRIDAY - SATURDAY i “Last Bandit" I a ta. - OF - = was, Bandi BUD ABBOTT — LOU COSTELLO -in SUNDAY - MONDAY oe __g 99 00 vou Love Me?" “Jt Ain't Hay nn Technicolor, Harry James . Maur. een O'Hara - Dick Haymes 2% = TUESDAY . WEDNESDAY ’ “The Outlaw’, Technicolor — - - “The ‘Outlaw", Technicolor WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 ™ ok UNDER 12 FREE DANA ANDREWS — GENE TIERNEY -in- 2 COMPLETE SHOWS EVERY NIGHT “ i g EN LAL RTS AT DUSK RIA co(16LR CAMPAIGN Rs: WHERE THE SIDEWALK END Add your “foot” to the when a LION contacts you! Or go hunting” and help reach the goal of 5280 feet of pennies. Proceeds will be used to help de- fray the cost of the 1950 Mount Joy Hallowe'en Parade. Support this popular community pro- ject and help make it better than ever, Watches - Chocolate Ave., Jewerly - Silverware (WATCH REPAIRING) Complete Ronson Lighter Repair Service Koser’s Watch Shop Dial Mt. Joy 3-4015 FLORIN, PA. Gifts CARNIVAL ate oats to any extent. I had a'} } 1 Mi OX ae aie yy a benchade, Mount Joy: Towns) ple. My mother was accidentally | complaint in the Scandia owning 1 I y wnship, hit with a phonograph record just | section and I was really surprised ing land in both townships; befcre I was born, but it hasn't | to see the damage done to this far- Ralph Gable, Mount Joy Township, done me any harm, any harm, any | mer’s shocked oats. Deer had strip- owning land in both townships; | or » Bly | ped oats from the shock as they do Harry K. Landis, West Donegal | harm | kr uc kwheat. T hi me ro oda | “The farmer said that they not|1°Wnship; L. L. Risser, William A Florin man had been side- | only eat his oats but they scatter Theme, W. Blaine Stevens, E. Mus- | 4 ncke - rer } ie } tracked into a deed ‘end jobs snd | the all vet i isle his ser Heisey, Paul G. Mumma and J | is probably a trick o we buc > rl didn’t seem to care whether he ad- | deer who seem to delight in ger- Elmer Groff, all of Mount Joy vanced or not. His wife constantly | ting their horns into something Township. . y 1 vas nd tos y it around. A ave — eG Aen berated him for his lack of amhiticn a to i ok Also, > have . : Ba notice hat 1e oats planted on 7 SIRS SO but the words rolled off like water | Ging ands stripped | RE V. ROBERT ETTER SPEAKS off a duck’s back. “Here you are | quite bare in some sections, while HERE SEPTEMBER 25th | : : x | twenty-six years old and still plug- | in other areas the grain has hardly] The quarterly meeting cf the! ging at the same old job,” she scold-~ been touched Sunday School Workers Conference | » | an I Dhaai: fo 3 . Wh ed. “I winder what youll be in | Bear Food Plentiful will ke held Monday evening, Sep-| rq | , Titus Fayre o > . 9K : n three years.” And the fellow re- | Dave Warren game pro-jtember 25, at 7:30 in the Evangel- : “ : | tector, observes that this s apf . plied: “Twenty-nine”. i sad it this summer joa) United Brethren Sunday School J the many Juneberry trees in his S—————— | district produced the largest crop Ooms. Heard over a local bridge table of berries he has ever seen. Titus] The teachers and officers of all She has traveled quite extensively, | SVs that hundreds of twisted and the Sund: iy Scheols in Mount Joy. | sit she? Tt ust } broken trees with tell-tale claw Florin and Newto : 4 s st have broadened : ( ritec hat 2 must nave broadened | orks hear mute testimony to the ewtown are invited to her mind. high rating these tasty berries have be present. ¥No, it has merely lengthened her | with pruin.” Rev. Robert Eiter will Le the ecnversation.” Small Car No Match For Deer Speaker for the occasion. An open = { Many a person has wondered discussion will be held concerning | The window of a store which | what sensations he would exper- Sunday School work. . ience if, while driving a midget : : went bankrupt after only a few ' bh HB This promises to be a very = P Ee auto, huge truck were to bear; . I ; 2 De. 3 yery inter weeks of business carried the fol- | yon him. One small auto meeting. Special music will lowing sign: “Opened by mistake.” | can supply at le st part of the an-|be furnished. | swer, says Game Protector Glenn : | Kitchen, Weathe ly: [ “hildre ally will take pride | 1 | : Child en usually will take p Kitchen received a call recently in anything unusual about a rela- | telling him that a large buck deer tive. “My uncle has a wooden leg,” | had been road killed in his : 593 district: At the collie ox bragged little Bobby and launched | district. At the collision scene he, | { found it the car involved was | into a detailed description of that | al : iat d d E of an Austin. It certainly proved no remarkable appendage. Donny walt- | mstch for the deer. The little car ed patiently until Bobhy suffered $150 damage and had to ished, then said: was fin- | “Aw, if you want be towed away. | to see something really good, come | Lazy Beaver Uses MM M- > TY on over tc my house and look at my | Man-Made Tunnel sister's cedar chest.” | Beavers have been known to oh make their homes in rift mine tun- | nels lecated near water, but it re- And speaking of youngsters: A | mained for a mine foreman to find little fellow, jingling two pennies in | One there when he examined an : A | operation near Johnson Run, Elk his pocket, walk arbara | ~ ; : poe walked up to a Barbara County. Beavers being testy ani-| Street gardener and pointing t0 a | mals when man-handled, the fore- tomato hanging lusciously from a | man was fortunate in that he came vine said, “Pd like io have that to-| out of his experience unscathed. ? . Here is foreman Jackson's story mato. How much will you charge| .. he told it to Edward Richards, | " ne for it?” “Five cents,” replied | game protector at Portland Mills:! H. li the farmer. “But I only have two | “While making 3 rune check of el lg 5 Tau . a _ | the mine I heard something before tents, said the boy hopefully. | along the heading. Alout 500, Funeral Home Well, you can have that one over | feet inside the entrance of the mine there,” said the gardener pointing | I found a beaver weighing about| 23 W, Main St, Mount Joy I caught it by the back and carried it in my where I re- to a small tomato. The ® hounds. | s' § , | of the nec boy: plunked the two cents in the | arms to the stream, man's hand and said: “OK. I'll buy | leased it.” immature JAMES B. HEILIG, Funeral Director that one and come back in a week | libre for it.” — —— The man was aston- | PUBLIC CARD PARTY | ished, for he was only playing| The men of St. Luke's Episcopal along with the youngster and fully | Church will hold a card party, in IAA intended giving him a tomato. [the Fire Company Hall, Tuesday 3 EYES EXAMINED BY | evening, September 26th, starting at|$ APPOINTMENT Cooperation would solve many | 7:30 p.m. $ problems, For | instance, freckles | There will be tables for Bridge, 2 DR. S. MILLIS Id make .a nice coat of tan'if | Five' Hundred, and" Pinochle. OPTOMETRIST & they | would just get toge ther, ! The public’ is invited, : for ang 50 N. MARKET STREET 4 # { evening ‘of fun and good ‘fellowship. | } ELIZABETHTOWN I you’ f want’. a ree ‘soda, see the | Plenty of valuable prizes. Refresh- 3: Hong local theatre manager. Long ments at reasonable prices. Tickets # Daily: 9 to'1 and 2 to 5 % 7 are fifty cents. |€ Evenings: Tues. & Sat. 6:30 - 8. The farm show is fast approach~ ——- No ‘Hours Thursday i ing Don't forget it. Stimulate your business by adver- 3 PHONE: 334) sising in the Bulletin, 4 i © A WISE OWL TTI DAYS : lay BIGGER ol ETITES 4 Pork & Sauer Kraut Time SILVERFLOSS Sauer Kraut No- 2% can 2 23: Kunzler’s Fresh Select Pork Pineapple Juice %6-0zcan 33 No, 2 Can Ib. bag C oi 2:29 FRESH OYSTERS Hess’ Food Stores Chocolate Syrup 35 Pineapple Preserves Home Grown Celery ; Asparagus Cut Spears Coffee Rez. & Drip 7 b TRY OUR JUICY Tender Swift Select Beef MASTERSONVILLE PHONE 3-9094 RSONVILLE 57811, ev, These Prices’ Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday (this week) 4 Sat. Night, Sept.23 | MARY G. NIS FUNERAL Mount Joy, SIMON P. NISSLEY DIRECTORS REMEMBER REMEMBER Your Admission Can Win A 1951 Model Ford, Chevrolet, || Plymouth or Studebaker v8 SLEY Pa. LOOK LOOK LOOK Restau Try our old fashioned with Breyers Ice TIONS, CLUB and Thursday, by 2 p. PLENTY OF BENNETT'S 45 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY BULK AND GALLONS TO CHURCH ORGANIZA- serve you at any time, please CALL 3-9163 CLOSED SUNDAYS MARIETTA MEMORIAL PARK CARNIVAL-Sept.18-19-20-21-22-23 FREE ADMISSION — FREE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY EVENING Monday Nearly 1000 People opening night a big success. Back again by popular demand THE SOUTHERNAIRES © Those FAMOUS N.B.C. Singing Stars SNOOKUMS THE HIMALAYAN WONDER BEAR Presented by MR. EMIL PALLENBERG with Ringling Bros. - Barnum & Bailey 13 years SMOKY and HENRY to see them do The Haunted Station is worth the admission AL and CONNIE FANTON rant sugar cones Cream. S, Etc. WE OFFER OB SPECIAL PRICES ON ICE CREAM 10 Quarts Or More We must place orders on Monday They are Terrific Roy Reber’s Orchestra EATS GAMES AMUSEMENTS Parking Free ADMISSION 50c Children under 12 free m. if we can ¥ RIDES FOR KIDS, EXCITEMENT FOR YOUNG, ENTERTAINMENT FOR OLD Wednesday Expect Big Cr Tuesday 1200 town folks enjoy Mari etta and Donegal High School Bands wd made rx. i . Week En Don’t Forget Fireworks Thursday 10:30 Display THURS. Popular Elks ' 1 GALA DISPLAY OF Fireworks at 10:45 P. M. Sharp from Columbia, singing on stage rie RIDES; GAMES, ENTERTAINMENT FRI. 22nd PEDROS FAMOUS International Musical Clowns from Philadelphia Gee-Gee” *“Ho-Ho” & “Bimbo” playing continuously from 7:30 to 11:30 AWARDS EVERY HALF HOUR 21st SAT. 23rd TWO GIANT JACK POTS «The Musical Hicks From Hicksville” Quartet Plenty of fun for young and old "PIG ROAST By Marietta Lions Club 1 - Rides, Games: |G ANT PIG ‘ROAST By' Marietta Lions Club "EIGN "WARS, This carnival'is a Community project in that the Various organizations will opera ‘cessiops* .independently—THE PARK ASSOCIATION, LIONS CLUB, VETERANS Of CLUB and MERCHANTS BALL CLUB. AN LEGION, COMM UNITY AMBULANCE PIONEEH Nn