d—-The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., OWL LAFES BY A WISE OWL was not a wedding you town klinkety, klank the other day, it was ex- postmaster Charlie Bennett. He's got a car that goes “jingle, jangle, but only when scme joke- No, that heard going down jingle”, ster ties a tin can to the bottom of his car.---What else could he do? You can’t just lie down out on Main Street and crawl under your car to untie the thing. I finally gave in to the temptation and joined the pop corn eaters down at the movies. Man! Is that pop corn good! I suggest that after eating a bag of the salted corn there should be a coke dispenser there also, but the management didn’t think much of the idea. But to get back to pop corn. I don’t know why you must wait un- til around the holidays, usually, to get the yellow and pink candied stuff. They tell me that up in the New ' England states pop corn very popular in every flavor, rasp- kerry, cherry, grape, lime, etc. Have you ever. tasted it? Must be real good. is Isn't it too, bad that when suc- cess turns a fellow’s head, it does | not wring his neck? One of the fellows boasts that he has cut down his drinking fifty per cent. He eliminates the chasers. Some of the real old folks can still match wits with the youth of | today as was proven after an ac- | cident that happened Saturday night. | A young man had made the rounds of several taverns and on his way to another he was driving along when the highway turned left but he didn’t. Consequently his car went a lawn, jumped the porch and crashed through the wall of a little white cottage land- ing in the where a | sweet old lady sat plaiting a rug. | When she looked up in surprise, the driver, sort of flustered, asked: “Could you tell me the to York?” “Certainly”, snorted the old across living room way lady. “Drive right through the | china closet and turn left at the | kitchen stove!” And on she went with her rug making Heard a pretty ridiculous argu- | ment up at the post office this A.M. One man contended that the white man is superior to the Indian. The | other fellow argued: “Now you take | when the white man came to this country the Indian was running things. There were no taxes. There were no debts. The women did all the work. Now you tell me how in heck you could improve on a sys- tem like that?” Men! remember that your wife still likes candy and flowers. Let | her know that you remember. Speak of them occasionally. You know, if the Russians were | really proud of their Communist experiment, instead of an Iron Cur- tain they'd put in a Plate Glass ‘Window. Jim Berrier just couldn’t back from his West Coast trip with- out bringing us a story, so here it is. He says they driving through desert country and they stopped at a ramshackle old house to ask how much more desert they bad to travel. When Jim saw how dilapidated the shack was he just stood and looked at it in amaze- ment. A bearded old man rocked | come were back and forth on what should | have been 3 porch and paid no at- | tention to Jim. Finally Jim exclaim- | ed: “Old Timer, one look at this house convinces .me you are worse ff than ‘anybody in this state.” The old nester; cackled: : “I ain’t as | hard upias ‘you taink I] be,’ son. If live here ‘but I DON'T OWN. this | place.” - ¢ VI : A WISE OWL % Gene . Pafronize Bulletin Advertisers nip AS J magi hg ‘Game Commission | Commission | 25¢ | study would enable anyone | their | Delaware and Schuylkill | meeting of the club this week at| Pilots hj pre Thursday, September 14, 1950! Weekly Letter By Penna. State MUTT AND JEFF ITS 3AM | | AND YOUR BRAINIEST { MILKMAN Sportsmen have often been | heard to say I'd like to do thing to improve game conditions in my locality but I live in town, not on hunting territory. | YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE BRAINS ON THIS JOB / THE HORSE KNOWS THE ROUTE! YOU DELIVER THE MILK WHERE THE MORSE STOPS! JUST DELIVER A = | J im NOT USED TO BEING UP ) BOTTLE OF MILK 4 DURING THE NIGHT / THINK ) WHERE VER THE fe TAKE A SNOOZE UNTIL HORSE STORS ¢ ™ | THE HORSE REACHES HIS THATS FIRST STOR/ / Individuals and organizations can contribute to the welfare of game and the continuance of their sport by purcnasing st nding gram preferably yellow corn, and | HE | that will remain uncut as food ’ {winter cover for many forms of | KORY GROVE wildlife when severe weather and a low supply of natural food often | make survival difficult. t “ {here a Futhermore, such grain purchas- : : : es create a favorable impression a-|Was touring the nation—having a mong the hunters’ farmer hosts| nice time too, I recon. The weath- {who are not only paid for was nice. And what do you sup- grain but who, through the trans-1 , ce he told us. Told us that the action, learn that sportsmen are willing to give as well as to take census shows that people are mov- g a as Hf Home-Raised Rabbits Preferred |ing from the cities and crowded Over Imported Stock _ spots to the country. Yep, that is A number of states continue their what the main said. Just as though | ban against the importation of cot- | hadn't | tontail rabbits. The game depart- |everybody—man or woman—hadn { ments of these states believe that known same, and for years. . its ocx a 1} a | western rabbits cost more in the | Now folks 1 long run than do habitat restora- his litt] [tion and livetrapping and transfer |this little newsy { programs at home. The authorities kinda guess what we [ believe, also, that home-grown fo, our tax money. It is bunnies produce more offspring, | ole. A sample of the unneed- are hardier and provide better x: te. for | hunting than do those bought from [ed things -we paying y | other states. {thousands it has cost to be told that the country to the The Big Chief of the census was Hickory recent-like. He am commentin’ on item so you can getting a fair are are | Disease factors, however, are prefer major reasons why conservation | city, Oh me! agencies rule against rabbit impor-| _ Aaa | tations. Massachusetts, once free ofl There are one million persons on | tularemia, has experienced several/Sambo’s payroll doing even more | cases within the past few years. useless more uneeded, also | These were the result of infection |, eo things than this {by imported rabbits, or of native ie A | rabbits infected by imported bun [han and his sashaying up an { nies. [down and across the land. It is | : [ New Mexico, which exports|time for a rising up—little people, { thousands of rabbits each year, re-hig people, middle size people. | ce y ic agile ra Q : | cently found bubonic plague WaS|The Govt. is far and away too big, carried by its native rabbit popula- : t bus arrying tion. Pennsylvania sportsmen have|t00 expensive, too busy carrymg [ bought rabbits from New unneeded and harmful projects {in past years. Having this know-|of a 1000 kinds—including Social- | ledge of disease possibilities sports-| {men will likely heed the warning| sounded in other states. the rapbit more census ism in many garbs. For study by literary clubs and hungry lunch clubs, far and wide, For years, trapping {program has worked successfully in here is a place to uncover some |the Keystone State. Should the ex-|fummididdles. When you have perimental cottontail farms succeed done so, hang a lantern aloft. Don’t as anticipated, a network of these : ; y= > a shrink y right | naturol propogating areas over the [Pe 2 shrinking violet—talk 8 Commonwealth should produce so|out—tell the citizens. well that the importation of west-| JIMMY > {ern stock, already lessened because | of its questionable value, could be| Sys v rit | abandoned with beneficial effect on BENNY BROWN RETAINS the Commonwealth's rabbit popu-/JR. TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP lation. Benny Brown, son of George Hunters Warned {Brown, East Main Street, success- Soon hawks will start their south- AT MARIETTA’'S PARK. A full weeks entertainment, fun, plenty of excitement is | at Marietta Memorial rides and Church of the Brethren will have guaranteed saanhi i he local v x preaching services In the tod Park carnival. Starting September Ju S ay p preceded ey i Church Sunday morning | 18 and continuing thru September | § by Sunday School. 23. A traveling carnival will be on The Ladies Aid Society of the | he field. This will be augmented Church met on Tuesday in the| hy independantly operated con- sewing room of the church with the following members present: Har- riet Kaylor, Ida Brubaker, Susan Hostetter, Mrs. Douple, Ada Brene- man, Sadie Becker, Alice Eshelman, cessions of the Park Association, the Marietta Lions Club, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Ambulance Fund, Pioneer Ball Club and Merchants Ball Club, It A WEEK OF ENTERTAINMENT I COUNTY TARGET CHAMP eign of M. S. Evans as Lancaster County New Holland Saturday as he de- 24 to 21. | the 100-target shoot with scores of 97. Evans hails from Kirkwood. All Makes of Sewing Machines Repaired We Modernize Your Machine a to Electric, Console or Portable AFTER Coll Us Today—We Pick-up and Deliver . . . Anywhere! == J, V, BINKLEY == 111 N. Market St. ELIZABETHTOWN Phone 216-J \ \ Everybody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin CARL SHIRK, BAREVILLE Earl Shirk ended the four year 3rd Annual Lancaster County Old Fiddlers Jamboree ROCKY SPRINGS PARK, LANCASTER | Sunday, Sept. 17, 1950 Trap Shoot Champion at cated Evans in a 25-bird shootoff Both men were tied at the end of Shirk is from Bareville while Patronize Bulletin advertisers, (RAIN DATE-Sunday, Sept. 24th) From 1:30 to 11:30 P. M. Grace Becker, Mildred Douple. | will he the first cooperative carni- Ruth Eshelman, Salome Shank, | yal of its kind in Marietta. A large Naomi Hoover, Dora Gruber and | {ent has been rented for games and Ida Becker. Miss Janet Horning of this place student in the Hospital School | bleachers will be provided to seat all. Under the supervision of Charles Bauserman, Carnival chairman and Appley, thirty- eight Marietta have been organized and are cooperating enrolled General has as a Lancaster of Nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wittle attended a family at Kauffman’s Leroy assistant, merchants reunion J FREE DANCING (Afternoon and Evening) GATE PRIZES — PICNIC TABLES — GOOD PARKING 2500 good seats at our stage . ADMISSION TO PARK 42c¢ Plus Tax Children under 12 Free Ta All Fiddlers and Musicians are invited to attend free. Jewerly - Silverware Watches - Gifts Watch Attachmemts ; (WATCH REPAIRING) Complete Ronson Lighter Repair Service Koser’s Watch Shop| Dial Mt. Joy 3-4015 Chocolate Ave, FLORIN, PA. OLD TIME Park near Manheim. on Sunday af- | in promoting the carnival. Each ternoon. merchant is giving a coupon with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoover | each purchase from his establish- announced the birth of a daugh- | ment. Every evening during the ter at the General Hospital on Sat-'| week a traveling sound wagon will urday. announce that nights attractions in Miss Doris Rutt, daughter of Mrs. | our neighboring towns. Harry Heisey of this place and Mr. Samuel Singer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Two amplifying systems on the park grounds will keep the crowd Samuel = Singer of Elizabethtown, | informed of other exciting events were married on Sunday at the | during the entire week. For com- TIVAL ar FLORIN of FREE Entertainment SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. | FES The Home Christ Evangelical and Reformed | plete details of the entertainment Church in Elizabethtown. The Rev. | see ad elsewhere in The Bulletin. ——— —— eee Philip Saylor performed the cere- Patronize Bulletin Advertisers Beer!Call 3-4189 mony. Miss Beulah Gibble of Lancaster visited with Mrs. Ida Gibble of this place on Saturday. her mother, Mr. John E. Hershey and daugh- For Home Delivery | MILE EAST ter, Mrs. Samuel of near av on a Also RALPH SHOPE ORCHESTRA izabe ; risite > Vv THURSDAY Elizabethtown visited the Elmer VALLEY FORGE BB DOLLAR-A.CAR NIGHT “Block: WITH STREET DANCING \ Engle family on Tuesday afternoon. PIEL'S - heads" - Laurel — Hardy. “Don't! as Ais 8 The weekly cottage prayer meet- PRIOR Fence Me In" - Roy Rogers. Season Prizes Will be awarded This Night iN : EE af I ROLLING ROCK red Second Prize—PORTABLE RADIO ing was held at the home of Mr. ALE & PORTER RB co ty URDAY Me Fn Priz TELEVISION SET 3 “Colorado i - . 1S rize—10 “4 A Mrs. Leroy Wednesday evening and was very well attended. DQ Ws. and Hawthorne on Victor J. Schmoll —Distributor— OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. Drive In For Curb Service Subscribe for the Bulletin. ward migration through Pennsyl- | "uly defended his American Legion vania, using the flight routes this/Post 185 Junior Tennis champion- | | kind have followed year after year.!ship by coming through in the fin- | When the flight is on hunters at|,]s Sunday, defeating Bill Beaston | mountain top positions have prac- in straight sets, 6-2, 6-2. ticed indiscriminate off-season wing| : shooting by intercepting these mi-| This the Seccnd Anal) granth as they fly past, killing many |tourney, held on the borough courts, | unlawfully. Commission employesiand the second time Brown has have been instructed to enforce thelwon the title. J hawk laws along these flight routes. : Unfortunately, many persons | He final class all hawks as villians but or-{scoring a 6-1, 6-2 victory over Ken | established that Engle while Beaston had to go most found in the Commonwealth sets to defeat Ben Clinger, nk are generally beneficial. Therefore, only three, the predacious goshawk, sharp-skinned hawk and Cooper's hawk, are not protected and may| be lawfully killed at any time. was entered the round by | nithologists have the semi-final round, 6-4, 3-6, 6-1. Saturday's Scores: First Round Een Brown defeated Jack Beas- Hawk hunters should study the{ton, 6-2, 6-2 appearance of these birds on sight to| Owen Phillips defeated Charlie avoid violation of the law. Many Groff, 6-3, 6-2. excellent hawk and owl publica- | Pete Nissley defeated Frank Zim- ticns are available. The Game Merman, 6-2, 6-2. Ken Engle defeated Glenn gemuth, 6-0, 6-2. Bill Beaston defeated Vern Ober- holtzer, 6-0, 6-0. Don Martin defeated John Hend- Wol- publishes one such, a booklet, titled “Pennsylvania | Birds of Prey”, which pictures and| describes each hawk so well a little| o iden . Tu x irix, 7-5, 6-4. hawks that. are. logs: avant tify hawks that are legal targets. Toby Weber defeated Bill Derr, IA {5-0. 6-0 LANCASTER COUNTY OLD Ben Clinger defeated Charlie FIDDLERS HOLD JAMBOREE 6-2, 6-0. The Third Annual Old Fiddlers! Second Round : Jamboree will be held on Sunday.) ;; 20. Breen defeated ‘Owen Phils September 17th at Rocky Springs| Ken Engle defeated Pete Nissley Park, Lancaster, starting at 1:30/6-1, 6-0. : p.m. Bill Beaston defeated . (tin 6-2, 6-3. The Old Fiddlers Jamboree is pay Clinger defeated Toby Web- held to do honor to men that used er, 6-0, 6-1. talent to provide enjoyment and entertainment to so many rural mt Donegal Airport News Fiddlers and musical groups from > Sunday after fred Gusler, Chester, Berks, York, Dauphin, Fr Siermeon Allred Gudle! red Loewen and John Hawthorne | Lebanon, Montgomery, Allegheny, | the airports at Harrisburg re a Counties|, 4 New Kingston. x have signified their intenticns to Several pilots stopped to refuel attend this jamboree. SR lon the way home from New Jer- Any fiddler musician is in-\say hound for various parts cf the vited to attend and lend their mu-|giate. There were hundreds of air- sical talent to make this jamboree al planes at the seashore points, one big Sucoess. {pilot reported. | Sim Horton and Fred Sherick re- MOUNT JOY SPORTSMEN ceived their Private Pilots Certi- IN MEMBERSHIP DRIVE |ficates during the week. The annual membership drive of| Fred Pease and wife of Westmin- the Mount Joy Sportsmen Associa-| stor, Maryland, stopped to refuel tion is now underway and will a cross country flight. Mr. Pease tinue until December 1 it was an-|flies a Cessna 140. nounced at the regular monthly The annual Airplane Owners and Association Roundup was the Fire House. Two trap shootsheld during the weekend at Wild- will be held at the sportsmen’s field|wood, N. J. This annual affair fea- northwest of Florin September 17/tured a clambake and other. enter- and October 1. ¢ tainment oni Saturday, afterngon theland evening * and * demonstrations Dcn Mar- or eet * Black bass were stocked in Little Chiques : and Big Chiquesiand displays of new airplane mecd- Creeks September 11, George Bow-|els on Sunday. Many pilots ‘and ers a member of the club showed their friends from all over the | movies on hunting and fishing fol- country attended the affair. As cne lowing the business meeting which pilot remarked on his return. was in charge of Elwood Martin, “there were thousands of airplanes president; |parked on the field” 0 BB Crea - = HA wa Dietrich - = [J WF CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1950 OKLAHOMA TRAVELERS purcEl featuring Sard, Holsopple, the Dutch Comedienne and Flo, the RIS ( Hawaiian dancer, returning by popular demand. Virginia Mayo. SUNDAY - MONDAY Foreign Affair” Marlene John Lund - Jean Ar- Soft Drinks FREE Chicken Corn Soup Sandwiches FREE — Florin Fire Co. thur. TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY “snake Pit” Olivia DeHavilland. Li) Qe Kunzler’s Sliced Bacon (WHEATLAND) lb. 59. bot. 23: 2. 19: an 4G NORRIS FANCY Whole White Corn No. 2 can 2 3 Sc Snappy Dog Food 3/25: Barrel Molasses Barrel Vinegar SAVE MONEY, BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINER Swift's Select Swift's Premium Beef Veal We Make Our Own Sausage Hess’ Food Stores MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE PHONE 3-9094 MANHEIM 5-7811 These Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday (this week) NORRIS FANCY Prune Juice VELVEETA Cheese SWIFTS Prem 2 COMPLETE SHOWS EVERY NIGHT Ji] ST DIS ed | ERIN 2 GIL i EVENINGS MATINEE | SHOWS SATURDAYS 7 and 9:00 P.M AND '0 | saturoavs | THEATRE] 6:8:10'P, M, 2:00 P. M. Mount Joy, Pa. Try our old fashioned sugar cones We must place orders on Monday | and Thursday, by 2 p. m. if we can | serve you at any time, please EE NR A RN SER | FRIDAY — SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 - 16 Restaurant if 45 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY -in=- JAMES STEWART — DEBRA PAGET “Broken Arrow” MONDAY — TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 - 19 DANA ANDREWS — SUSAN HAYWARD | “My Foolish Heart” BULK AND GALLONS | -in- | WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 - 21 BEN JCHNSON — JOANNE DRU “Wagon Master” with Breyers Ice Cream. TO CHURCH ORGANIZA- TIONS. CLUBS, Etc. WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES ON ICE CREAM 10 Quarts Or More NT wT aim FRIDAY — SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 - 23 MARIE WILSON — JOHN LUND “MY FRIEND IRMA GOES WEST” -in- \ CALL 3-9163 CLOSED SUNDAYS MARIETTA MEMORIAL PARK CARNIVAL—Sept.18-19-20-21-22-23 FREE ADMISSION — FREE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY EVENING PLENTY OF RIDES FOR KIDS, EXCITEMENT FOR YOUNG, ENTERTAINMENT FOR OLD MON. 18th TUES. 19th WEDNES. 20th RIDES, GAMES, MARIETTA - DONEGAL ’ ENTERTAINMENT High School Band Shope’s Or chestra ’ under direction of Morrell : Shope’s Orchestra Shields RIDES, GAMES, 4 with latest dance hits ENTERTAINMENT °, AWARDS EVERY HALF HOUR AWARDS EVERY HALF HOUR Games, Entertainment AWARDS EVERY HALF HOUR FRI. 22nd PEDROS FAMOUS International Musical Clowns from Philadelphia Gee-Gee” “Ho-Ho” & “Bimbo” playing continuously from 7:30 to 11:30 AWARDS EVERY HALF HOUR 1+ Rides, "Games, Entertainment GIANT ‘PIG ROAST By: Marietta Lions Club Rides, SAT. 23rd TWO GIANT JACK POTS “The Musical Hicks From Hicksville” Plenty of fun for young and old PIG ROAST By Marietta Lions Club : i \ THURS. 21st GALA DISPLAY OF Fireworks at 10:45 P. M. Sharp Popular Elks Quartet from Columbia, singing on stage RIDES, GAMES, ENTERTAINMENT This carnival is «a Community project in that the Various organizations will operate :con- cessions independently —THE PARK ASSOCIATION, LIONS CLUB, VETERANS OF FOR- EIGN WARS, AMERICAN LEGION, COMM UNITY AMBULANCE FUND, PIONEER BALL CLUB end MERCHANTS BALL CLUB. 2 aX . | 8 Ant Chi Cos Col Ele Ele Eng Eng n Eng toc giv ten For