The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 07, 1950, Image 2

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2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday Septembe r 7. 1050 | Inns meme orm renew | I C il | 714 PUPILS REGISTERED Pafronize Bulle lin Advertisers (
pL » GL a
t 11 {1 HAL I ENINGS (From Page 1) A total enrollment cf students of | 3 S ee bes QF
I'he Mount Joy Bulletin he local schools To the fist day o A&P Ring
el pe The treasurer was instructed to . oa a
> of exchange treasury notes for $5,000 ! oh : foo year, , ast Fine 00 a Les’
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher - ONG 0 te of “indebtedness. R day was announced b ut
: JNU AU ertilic of indebtedness. Renews Principal, Wilbur Beal
ESTABLISHE D JUNE, 1901 oa ho d at 114% interest due Nov, 1, 1951 St
— soldier shauld have Al Hoy nstiucted 1 w en hundred and fourteen pu i
Lie A 1 mstructe “Ie
Published Every Thursday at No.| another $200 for the family, but 20% A se $8500 treasury. bonds to bel, We registered, exceading o + Customers
9-11 East Main st. Mount Joy, Pa.| 1. + believe in placing him where ears go oJ0 treasury bonds to be f bast seve y
arr eo 1 nvested until July 1, 1950, The $8,- a | 1
‘ be can’t pay nt or buy milk for a i in { des ol the ele men { ‘ner
Subscription, per year .. $2.00 , can't pay 1 wb) 1 or eh} ; oward paying off $15 Ls L180 } L 179 401 1n¢
hi . the youngsters, ) can 4 bons 1001, ‘ a 9
Dix MONths $1.00 ‘ and: reported to 4 | 000 water | | indebtedness . enrolled? in iunior 'h
Three Months 60 ee 3 ~ ¢ 1 4 «din
Single Copies ............. 05 \TTENTION, PLEASE George Brows Tenis oh preity] | tp nd in th Cleanliness is desirable
Bample Copies FREE . { damnit n woo ( ( which if passed | chosl, 110 boy nd 121 gi a
Comes the close of daydreaming Dr, I V i : Bo in wo and it is
a » repeal linane ass in any store ana it 1s
bh y favorite fishing holes, the ¢li- | delegate t . At peal an erdinance passed Su, bt hc i Ya 3 ”
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. oa Li ia a he 1 J The ordinance concerns . essential in a food store,
Joy, Pa. as second-class mail mat- of vacationing pleasures, ask 1 I | ble damages to the Joy Com i Ne a
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. | the school - bound parade march- t C ty Phan i A i ‘ } cery, bill shows that tw / Our employees strive cons
rn pn : : pan an ter resurfacing opera- 1
es to the classroom. It is a parade 1 { ¢ two — Le sure that
Member, Pennsylva ia Newspaper | +a woal si luati os me, horn and he A on Route 230 {from the bridge - — Ns yo
Publishers’ ociation WAFL 2 ANT COM. JY! ar. {1th the Boro. Councll to Ne when you go to your
pletion of an education, a free pur- ( rm 1 t nvil | Ee : Subscribe for the Bailetin A&P, vou will find:
Publication Day, Thursday suit of learning that many chil- tr i : ih ——— : if 4
Copy for a ch inge of advertisi dren do not now appreciate but M Marie Hoff was elect state Policeman Simmons report- y Clean Food + + +
o . 2 . § { \ 1 ed that uck ing Ww 1 Re (hE°
should reach office Tuesd: il will later when time proves the president of the I Aux that a truck being weighed for Ww ndow Wor ICE R Sold 1 by Clean
> an + ve tee sort 1 { : A ” okt 4 vowel ‘ oH A { ‘i
We wi w not rane in gi jon Ol value of knowledge. Elementary The Fal 1th and 1 ) ery ht violations was damaged { ENSEMBI Ci :
any advertising un 5 COpy reaches : . i ‘ ), 1 » a¢ tad ter ks eee
an offi A not later th > 9 a. m. | Schools, high schools, colleges and have been closed permanently by I it ef Council Keller sug- : bo 00 . I C J Stor :
5 oy ¢ a eT ge i. : . - . todd HB 1 1 ie 3 J dean Store !
preceding d& wv of p ub lication. universities will see the greatest Sta ( of Education ( 1 the truck 1 epaired and i grained ca 520.003 no fed, tac, ne 0
Classified ads will be accepted to mass return fo study of any coun- Emanuel 8 I t pay the bill. ih 3 he Smart color choice If vou: think we need 5
m. lication day vb be ‘ong ihe. Aaron Kovperl Pay: ante : sof 7 i Ne
2 gn. publ ee | try on this earth. VaR ney Reppe sidan treasurer reported these balane- : Hi | sprucing up, the men and 4
a SE | Great is the responsibility [ the north st of Florin, R 817 921 29. Wate sg it 2
the resy msibil ty of the ; ¢ 0. a int 17,921.33; Wate 5 3 hah women in your store will ph :
teachers who strive to allure the An ex-service men picnic was | $21,606.75. York 3 op ill
i it 1 : held Yo rl ; ¥ appreciate it if you wi o
reluctant with modern educational | held at 1. 5. Sieg i south o I'he purchase of three new nets : § Ww x i]
+8 4 metheds to excite their interest Mt. Joy for the tennis courts snd two new i 84 let us know. rie: *
1 : : | With scienlific advancement. But A counterfeit half dollar ires tl 1 . . | ‘
Ten dollars in cash is oft times advair nt. Bu rl all dollar WV tives for the pclice car was report- gh ust lati tment :
ihe, 1 3. : ’ 1 : : : ations Depariment, Sif. te
more Vi to a fellow than $100 | 211 this is not only the instructor's | passed on a Coulmbis merchant ed i busion Rule Yering ¢
responsibility, Parent have 0 Mr { M Harry Gutshail S WH Miller af i} wth 3 1 A&P Food Stores 5
worth of advice. iy . y ive . Mo: >. H. Miller cf the Boro Authori- 3 —3 § : a fle
eo ® @ { discharged theirs, simply in send- entertained at kitchen show it v instructed the Gas Co. that when i 1: edd} i 420 Lexington Avenue 4
.,. | ing the voung off te learn Ne honor of Mr. and Mrs. H 1 Dives they 1 J Hl $id ew York 17, N. Y
Seemingly money has lost its 1d 3 ro 3 un. W SH : ¥ they lay pipes they must get per- eee New York 17, N. Y.
oy | would have better schools, better | 51500] mission {¥ol ha tl ag end i
anners. sesn’t talk as much as : . 1 irom the authority as to dot : | rn RP FRYE VII Axe :
manners. It d ye pupils. better teachers, better par- 1 W 100l 4th annual re- | which side of t} { tt) 1 us ; § | SHEAFFER'S TUCKAWAY i
it used to and leaves without even 2 3 : i i lle Of We sueel ey May rr oe} 4 ENS| . , feminine size x
. i ents, if there would be a mingling | union |i being planned f | lav the Zerphey cor y ¢ a for purse t. Pen. $10.00: : y
A xc . : \ 10) n- wy t. Pen, $10.00; :
saying | of all interests, an exchange of month 1ad Mr. Miller wh of 1 Pencil, $1.00. Complete in keep i SNO-W HITE 5
oe 9 3% . . vi TOIL r. Miller was out ol order W sake case, $14.00: no fed. tax.
; | ideas, a consultation on problem ket I - ts; But- | 4114 1 matters are in the hands \ Sparkling colors
Citizens here cen profit by the | concerning each. Teachers appro- | for, 35 ¢ I 1c gre Jan i 5 A AU IF OWER
Mowing ive : i : 3 : f the Street committee, no ( : ” x i
follewing information given out| io from parents, help in were. [lags t the PRR | go, Thong es 2 =P \ : !
Hie “dtv he- : A bg : ) thority ouncil agreed 3 3 }
by the Lititz Sewer Authority be knowing the individual child © Wolge M Flo- il York S N Pri 1 Higl
: 3 hen sew= | 3 : with the Burgess A . ibis 2 1co Jioher
cause there is no telling when sev through a parent's eyes. Parents rin, when road roller stalled -or a Smel lered i 4 xork tate one ici »
a he 5 . . . . 4 1] visor Smeltzer -was orderet i } |
age may be a problem for our | need the teacher's reaction on a the track build { t liminat Bo
tiv 21.30 . vy le bulla a pigeon rap to eliminate | .
authority. | child's mental and physical hehav- George S. Vogle, Auctioneer, sol the faxthored. ; Eig i | rae head Cc
A Sit » pst is estimated 3 : 7 Sy ih ome ol the feathered nuisances. § wa .
At Lititz the c°st is Sst at [ier in the classroom and on the (he E im Hertzler estate prop- At the last £ Council ‘it ik Be NER @ { arg
orn pac 1 3 9p . Nii At the last meeting of yuneil i | -
$320,000. It recommends that each | Teo many of us fake | €rty to Harvey Campbell Ndi he 1 an 2 ol g¢ 3
an op AER , df Ww cided the boro woul strip § 1
of the 1600 property owners Pay | the school system for granted and | Crowded conditions Lan hh venetian blinds | "RS ADMIR AL 5 CALIF, SWEET EATING » 49¢ & NEW |
QF raw ha i ar ‘ . . i the 1 lighth to § ‘ - n fi “
$200 toward the installation and discharge cur parental duty by ser- | caster County Pris 197 it H = Outst nding qu H loneydews von FRICED HIGHER—IUMBO foe
ohare al rental o i . . . i nate ippery c¢onditions. How- cconom den. A IE N FULL E
service charge or annual 1 f ving Junior a hearty breakf and | men n ai than : n n, 5 rue WESTERN FULL PODDED
wh thereafter } iB So 3, Hoarty breakfast and Ah “lever when the state was contacted, m Simplest Installation Yet Devised 5. Attractively gifts | Peis Wont PRICED HIGHER 2 29¢ &
835 per property thereafter. checking whether hic. aus bv Viol ‘ir ig on a |
8 I I bd 1ecking whether his ears are clean r before in the history of i} : hd : a Trim, Sim Lines Throughout | boxed, $8.75. Choice of colors. i ¥
Thor ar mmber ome ——— Clint they, promised action in 10 days. Ii . 4 TO large
There are a o — County, repo P 1 Insp : : : ; Lowest Priced Tubular-Operation EE CHEAEZER'® NEW TOI y Iceberg Lettuce none pricen wicker hooks 29€ A
owners here who would cheerfully | Marita cit : ths : now one month and since th riced Tuby pe | SEE SHEAFFER'S NEW TOUCHDOWN PEM SOLID.
: J Vat citizens are oN ; : : Sell. > Tilt Device ! en in
pay that amount to be rid ef their Charles J I . Benn i Five € on "| staté has taken no action the boro a Sell-leve wt Easiest Pen in the World to Fill Fresh Tomotoes wow race Hicitr 2 ms 19¢ & Sc
sewage problems and then there are e hinds of ivy ded to do the stripping. ® DuPont Fi
ch: an electric si r $800 > Jo ia we . . li
he ite Whe “would (Fiom Page 1) rn x. Collector Qos al sAll Gal AD AM H GR EF IR | Yellow Onions , . nn. 10 39¢
1 2 Lincol 0 A B WAS ALY Li Ny .
shy off at that amount. inbridge, Md. Upon his discharg pened with an enrollment of Sted $hat he be given 5%: of Wik JEW : ty 6
eo | hé was employed by the Sico Com- | pupils. due taxes he collected” instead mLowest Prices Ever for this Quality | JEWELER 8
THERE ARE WAYS | pan here. | 1 won the Oblendet f 2 percent. Council fused hi C2 50 sach 87 E. MM: I ; Marvel Br A 7 NGRR
Fach week a woman goes to the fe; On June 15, he assumed the du-|Ti Media Heights Golf | Ws re PHONE 3- a 40 .
grocery buy, she finds the cost of | ties cf acting postmaster, succeed-! Cot Fire ( reported that ® em ere EE —— ' ra & § K
: «os . ~ 1 v 1 + i eqular >
almost all essential feods, rising. [ing his father, Charles J. Bennett IJ. BE Bal Co. Te ently when the electric power i Fhe Sliced 16- 1
. who, after serving fourteen | held picnic using 1100 sanc hos iW off the emergency lighting GET iT AT 16-0z A 24-02 loaf 3

It angers her, perhaps puzzles her. |
fire house worked O
Hoarding and profiteerning is the years, resigned to accept a position | 37 tubs of lemonade and 75 dozen System at the fu di N 4 “IY B 26 |
answer fo her question. Hoarding { 8 an RFD carrier from the local| slices of ice cream. K. but there was no ht in the BOO LE 0

Sandwich Loaf == =x | | J c1



fice i w= : m. The propert 3
ereates a demand, a demand makes | piitoe. | Rev. I! A. MacDonald en room. The property com
possible and probable, the prefit- | The present incumbert is a Past! the choir and ushers of Rr i 7 23¢ 3
eering. But. the women whe pay | Commander of Walter S. Eberscle | of God. e re were reported OES FrRANKFURTER of 12 gt
hail socks o ho | Post American Legion. a member The sith ania James H erry, $470 August PLAIN SUGARED .
the increased costs, the men who | i A Legion, 3 member of | The sixth series of the Mt. Jo 5 Derry a Donuts DOZEN 19¢ DOZEN 20¢
work to make the money to buy the | BPO Elks at Columbia, Friendship | Building and Loan wili open Oec- auto violations: $80.85 of 1949 taxes
: Berta ay wi oN ( ; on fs 2a one -
higher priced food, are voters. | Fire Co. No. 1 Mt. Joy, Rotary Club | (cher 1st collected and $4,206.60 of 1949 out- Potato “nips yn * 23¢ eo 45¢ 1 3
rad A % land alse a member of the'U No- | The rf Dus ndis :
Maybe they are voters who won'l | and alse a member of the U. S. Na The teachers of riman I tanc » a &
: 1 ow Trang JANE PARKER 2-0z 4-01
haps they figure that if | val Reserves. partment, of the U. B. Churcl ( Brown 1I ) 1550 Pop Corn Pkg 10¢c Pkg 19¢ 4
oir srnment, through Congress,| He is married and has a son|a delightful party at the home of | tex collected: $6, ) of 1950 out-
can ereite inflation, as it did four | James Robert and a daughter Jo| Mrs. Maude Edward tandin 5 é
. . 1 Y 02
years ago, it can prevent inflation, { Ann. | A recital was presented by t Christ Walt Zoning Officer, Glasses 45¢ HE
as of today. Statesmen might bear | TTT Ty iano students of Miss izaketh | $18.50 3-00 39¢ |
this in mind and do semething | w eo 3 Fornoff of Ircnvill TUTTE Zerphey: $25 peddlers iy Py Glasses . 3
. x 3 | + . + ro am an > -01
abeut it before Ncvember, e i letin S ur E-town basketball players | licens $1.00 firearm permit and Creom Cheese Kraft or Borden's Po 3bc
| . we A ols - -_ . x 2 a « Ke :
oo w lightly injured when their | $34 wking fines The Regisirars for Permanent Registration of Electors 8 a a
| AA RL Sir Bavouake or neki Leal Sad} ; 7k Tall
NG MORE GUESSING Sera book f pol flicer Nei reported 15 ignor- |B in Poroughs and Township below mention. White House Evap. Milk 8 Ga 47¢
. | i o 3 Seren * 1 x
Cne of the ways the Post Office | bo p ° I ed lights, 3 improper pass, '3 ed places on the date or dates designated from >
3 : Lo >
Department expects to save mon- | FETS peddlers licenses, 7 overweight Hi Leed's Corned Beef Fash 4 Joo 49¢ 5 PHON
ey is the cut of its directory ser- | Week's Best Recipe: percent. 8 accidents in- | fg 10.00 a. in Le ) >) 2] ‘ =
. “+. IE : 2 y 1 2 ih ay . . ad, 9 oF Aa Re i) - ~
vice. Remember when you add- |- Chicken Fritters: 1 ¢ sifted flour, estigated, 2 par} in tickets and : : Red Circle Coftee Li 78¢ 30, 5-52. 28 These |
ressed a letler to the wrong street, | 115 t baking powder, 115 t salt, 1 b- | 1 traveled In auto { Lip E r = : %
i 3 34 Sg PE} mad Pkgs wp AE
mb even state, and by | egg, he 5 ¢ mi 2 t onion | I paid: $1,123.34 boro and 7.00 $ Frosree vessert bk 25¢ rr
1 11 ive produced isfactors / "O om Ee
sme str means, the letter juice, 1 T vegetable ming, oo es water account U P. mM. to My-T-Fine Desserts 00 3 2:23
reached destination? That |¢ cooked or canned chicken, finely | 4a. or fran ES : YW ~~ i EASTERN DAYLIGHT J da g 9 Pgs IC
a . » | dogs 1 n effective ins of con ~ EAD i lemme
“means’ was the directory service | chopped, 1 t pimento. Sift | trolling rabies in animals and hu- We sincerely beliey here ai Linen Pie Filling " 3 Pros 23¢
of the Post Office’ Department. Now | flo baking powder and salt into | man beings. we comedians on tel wh Sulit Ri
: Su 2.1b
ana ice Pkg. 2%¢
Ye oval
g bowl. Ac i beaten egg, milk, | Owners
stly know they aren't funny. | § £0 receive new registra
the is over, ‘he guessing n
game has ended for the time being | or
and yru are on your own. It was |un
i! |
your mistake in the begianing, so | ento and mix well. Heat ve bl : ar F OR... X notices for the Gen era i Election, November
y Stake in in negian $8 | ento ¢ mix il, ea 2getable advised to tect ther Gols xr. 3 ¥
the postaffice will retin your msil | shortening to 375 degrees. Drop | vised to protect them by vace | {yf atches-Clocks-Jewelry 7. 1950 Ann Page Beans ; i... 20. {
5 y AU n ¥

juice and shortenin beat their
| during 1

smooth. Add chicken and pim- fiona Sweet Peas “ 5 25¢
period of s




to you for cerrection. You me | mi ixture by takdespcons into hot he 3 : $
. The health servic recommend Quick
think the curtailment of such a ser- | shortening about 1% inches deep. that ve + he {is And Watch Repairing . 9 a bo Mothers Oats or Reg. 2 2.2 29¢
vice wont help the Department | Fr; il golden brown, about 3 EE on or before November Pic ki d BLUE LATE! i
deficit very much, but a harried | minutes. Serve with sauce made by | ' Wa rren H. alt 3 oi 1080 2nd can tein. list vole Chis Beets 2 ier 29¢c
axpayer will remind you that ev- | heating a can of ndensed mush- | a 3 w bye rmber 7. tool, ar CAMFBELL'S
Xpa ¥ mina 1d | a can ( 1aense sh- ; MFBELL'S 20.
1axpayer ie re { can ( nsed mu JEWELER ] fomeato Juice WFBEL 2 29.01 25e
ery little bit helps. | room soup wita 4% c¢ milk. Makes 200 West 3 St MT. JOY Electors who are REGIS ED and voted within two Sul¢ Pi fom
| about 14 fritters ve n ot, M1. oN i 4 . STE sig MY er te u n Choice—Siiced 20- on
. - on Laden nip : a EVENING 8 vears need not h otice o UNL ESS they have moved ana ineapple or Halved fs
IT IS ONLY BRIG : oi 400%. 70 You Shine: of . : ——————————— from the district from which they last voted Sunnyfield Flour [finn 5h we 10h We
The private or private {irst c Men say they dislike seeing wo- | 5 yan bod FR CHE bag 39¢ bag 75¢
who enters his eruntry’s services | men powder their noses in public, 3 FORMI ; Anyone living in an) ugh or any township in § Pastry Fleur ° ho be 1° 71 p
toc face hardships, perhaps risk his | but women don’t shiney noses iv > J § Lancaster County may register «t v of the below § beg bag c ¥
Jife, has enough on his mind with- |: n don't like 3 : Sinktops & Counters named places on the dates and days designated or in the Gums and Life savers 3 10%
eut worrying abou’ feeding and n. So. thei] 3 KITCHEN & BATHROOM ff Registration Office. Court House, Lancaster, Pennsyivania, § Ivory So: Pp 2% : 3
clothing his family, while away a ho find th 2 WALL TLE every Say up to and including Saturd September 16, § i Z: 27¢c
. ve cau ook THe Floors inds { ~ 13 1 a.nn uz Y FLALES, IV NOW Ov
from it. Wives and children of ser- | and ch Tile Floors Venetian Blinds Wl 1950. during Co uri House nours — 8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p, m. § Tide we or A ES a 28¢ be
vicemen are a nation’s responsibil- {over >, especially when LEONARD L. SAFKO 8 EASTERN DAYLIGH I' TIME and Saturday 9:30 a. m. to § - |
ity, at that time. The young soldier [one is nervous warm or under | 3 Phone 3-3491 - Mt. Joy, Pa. i 12:00 noon EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME Sugar 5 Ib. 48¢c 10 1b, 95¢ “2.
should be provided an zllowance | strain, why not use the clear color- | 2 17-1 4 bag bag
sufficient fo guarantee maintenance | less liquid that is on the market. It | Ere eee TE MAY Jo = Mo : d iw 11 - ~~ Del Monte Bartlett Pears v4 37¢ O&M
be used the vear “round. Hives § Mt. Joy Boro~Monday, Sept. 11, 195
of his family. A domestic crisis is in be used the year round, gives CONV
Ha lovelv: dull finish MCN Cnr Har Grape Nut Flakes Bor g
as important to him as a nationa ovely dull finish that lasts for SPECIALISTS H.S. Newcomer & Son Hardwai Pkg. 5¢ for |
crisis, Restoring wartime | many hours. I can be applied sim=- | > Cl > »- i
ency allowances is necessary. Ob-|ply by patting on the skin with The Sheetz Home [or Funerals {8 2 =
aio ion ea ’ ) rails \ -— 1&5. ,
jectors say that men with large | Lit of cotton. It isn’t a liquid pow | a Gro { ‘Socialist ” Conoy Township Wednes : Sepr. ® Cuts §
families shculdn’t be called, only | der, but rather a de-shiner. i 2 Shoup a 5s, OED a Bainbridge Fire Co. House ® install
men who can get by on the pay With Present Prices: : yy ree een || knowing thoroughly his Place ® No alt
| ‘rancis B 1
i at present.| With meat prices rising it is wise | rancis Bacon and Part. : Nii irc ri ny i \ it
and allowances received" at p # eat} HSIng'IE TS WISE | vn 1034. Francs Bach Wrote. | : Elizabethtown Boro—-Thursday, Sept. i ot | 1
That is alright if such a plan could | to cock your meat the most tasty | com. neon. HIS acon Wile, | i , 3 4 .
be followed, but in case of a major | aud economical way. Follow the low | a ie 7 a ry a ® Friendship Fire Co., Market Stre :
caffa, made of ¢ 3% ! }
mobilization it couldn't be. oh rire guide in meat | namie, as black as soot and of a | i: ) 33 E Mair St M t J P aa
peacetime the man who enters E posal Hame . economists advise | strong scent. This drink comfort- 1 5 East Hempfield Twp.—-Saft Sept. 16, 19 : . oun oy, ad. fags
service kncws it is a case of work- | that it will’ keep savory juices | eth'the brain and héart and helpeth | a 6329 : . ial ’ ON Y
” Landisville Fire Hall tase

ing up in rank ang pay, and it is fp | | the meat, cut shrinkage, produce All p . I Th
him to adjust his private respon- | more tender, palatable meat, more | ny us SE Tp J I J KE KE 1 Z 3 ; rices In
a to conform to his yay drippings. "| LETTERS GRANTED i D H v 13 Store J i 4
ale. Bui it 1s different. wilh the | mrt eee | Alice H. Myers, Mt. Joy Rl, ad- | HOME FOR- FUNERALS | ff County Board of E ections Are The Same As Those
Guardsman | Stimulate your b . | ministratrix for the estate of Ed- | ‘ |
draftce, the National |B y usiness by adver- | m BH Worth Duke .Sirett ‘At Lemos. . |
or reservist, whe finds — ere in the Bulletin. win H. Myers. is 185 3 ite of : Lancaster, Pa. In Effect In Qur Super Markets Everyb

able for active duty terest) | ere nt ler re LANCASTER, PENNA. 7 3
pay scale, We- don't be “that an! Patronize Bulletin Advertisers ' Patronize Bulletin Advertisers J f =
{ }
aE 5 SE on » { {
PY ita \ 4