The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 24, 1950, Image 6

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    Charged with an overload two Baked beans, potate salad, pies,
6—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, August 24, 1950 | * summoned before Squire Hocken- | . N F
The Bullen, Mi. Joy, Pu Thurs. 201950 | (0 [0 Boke mm vl Deeds Recorded Brief News From
East Donegal Twp., tract in Mount
And Watch Repairing
. WALL TILE {a red light, were summoned before past Main Street. on Friday, Aug- A
| Caledonia, and Gwendolyn K, and| Wrightsville is scheduled to get| > Big Sale of
Ba in I ir da]? i : ala i 40 » Old Mennonite Cemetery] When his brakes locked a mo-| I» \ } x HEALTHFUL
» 3-3491 - Mt. Joy. Pa. weeks in succession was Windell cakes and cookies will be on sale, [to the O N s
200 West Main St, MT. JOY Phone 3-349) = Wits Joy
FOR... | A PITY: 3 on 1 m |
| (From page 1) "00D SALE AUGUST 25 Herman Gromeoll, Elizabet town, Th D ik F
Watches-Clocks-Jewelry| FORMICA | summoned before Justice of the POU SAE Yu of the Luth- |! Oliver M. and Grace I. Sager, e es or
Sinktops & Counters | Peace, Robert K. Brown; Margaret | Church will have a food sale ] - . MORE f Y AM
|3 KITCHEN & BATHROOM - Mary Landis Florin, ignoring .4 ihe Lester E. Roberts store room, | 70 TWP Quick Reading or our oney
— | Eleanor L. and Ray O. Brooks,| .
Tile F Jeneti linds | Squire Hockenberry, st 925
Warren H. Greenawalt | Tile Flouty Yo ust 25 Reid M. Graybill Jr, Landisville,|Dial phones next year. Kf REFRESHING,
AVERY BUR | Baldwin, Downingtown. This week EY Association of Landisville, tract in|torist tore down 33 feet of picket / »
UPEN EVERY PVENING ; | his overload was 9900 pounds, last Stimulate your business by adver- | Landisville, |fence on Route 1, Gap. A Nas F 2
EE — a week it was 9000 pounds. He was ‘sing in the Bulletin. Howard J. and Estelle M. Kline, | There were twenty-one auto ac-| A YUil
" a Landisville, to the Old Mennonite|sidents in the county over the A
pecial Cemetery Association of Landis-|eek-end in which eight persons| 2 | BR
ville, tract in Landisville. were injured. | J ON ul C
GE ! I I A i Bessie FE. Snyder, Landisville, to| mhe barn and contents on the| (6 NN fas
M: | i] 55 the Old Mennonite Cemetery Hershey farm, at New Dan-| HAN, 7 Fla Oran
dC 1111C wh, \ c¢iation of Landisville, tract in Lan-| ile. was destroyed by fire entail-| - ge,
Permanent BOOTH?’S [5 coo "0 mn Grapefruit or
0 “Be Ht ‘| Melvin J. Beck, thirty, Leola, fe
crmanc J Landisville, to the Old Mennonite glo wh Blended Orange and
|asleep at the wheel and crashed in=| Grapefruit

h Cemetery Association of Landis- ; cow)
25 [ 05 to a le near Lancaster. He wasn’t, ni
Formerly $5.00 Now $3.95 Lut | 2 ville, tract in Landisville. yO oF Wi
! sarvio-L. Pi M Joy T badly injured but the car was big
CREAM COI AVES, $8.00 & $10.00 ) \ ' tale . RE ou 2 Wiki wrecked. | B.A 5 0
lo Wuliam J, ang. Nuyradne «J, Wags A S-vedr-old Lancaster City girl | cans
he ur} Joy Township; farm was struck in the face by a load of| | f
99.966 acres with improvements, . |
fine shot from a .22 rifle and ma - .
Flizabethtown-Lawn Road, Mt. Joy ing S10 . : y Reg. 37¢ Can, Extra Special
T hi lose the sight of one eye. The rifle
mship. A
was fired by a playmate. MARGARINE Princess Ib 27¢
to Lizzie H. Heisey, Mount Joy
Open 9:00 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily
MAIN STREET, FLORIN Phone Mt. Joy 3-4330 | of. Best Hick Sect sociation: will hold their annual PEANUT BUTTER Ideal Creamy Voor Jar 33¢
a Elizabethtown. meeting at Safe Harbor in 1951. | MAYONNAISE Fresh Hom-de-Lite 8oz jar 23
Gilbert W. Smith, twenty-five, of| Ideal Calif. qt bot 27¢
CL. { Howard R. end Mary J. Land- . : PRUNE JUICE
Save 20 Te or More 1/Glen Rock, was killed when his car| FANCY TOMATOES Asco Hand Packed 2 No 2 cans 35¢
vater, Mount Joy, to John H. anc
Dorothy K. Landvater, Landisville, crashed into a tree. | Extra Standard 17+
premises with garage, Landisville.| A man driving a 1936 car, smell-| FARMDALE PEAS Del Ment 2 i J 2%
ee - n pecia a e » Roy E. and Julia Longenecker, ©d smoke, pulled off the road, five SLICED PINEAPPLE ms °F ean 29¢
Rapho Township, to J. Richard and Passengers alighted, the car burst APPLE SAUCE 'deal Fancy 2 2002 cans 33¢
Girls Blue Jeans with zippers $1.85 Edith H. Sides, Rapho Township, in flames and was completely des-|
Good Home-made Aprons each 89c¢ premises, Rapho Township. |troyed by fire. An hour later there] Farmdale Whole Kernel Homogenized
All 10c Notions 8c each
disse A lms was a 3-car collision at the same Golden Bantam Enriched
> Short sl Peis 75 t spot on the Lincoln Highway east
Joys Short Sleeve Polo Shirts c Don Call For |of Mountville. | M ¥ L IK
—— etl I. = |
Mens Short Sleeve Polo Shirts ‘ . $1.00
Girls Shorts with zipper .. : $1.95 | (From Page 1) M J S h 1 Cc
; did | silos No 2 tall Cc
Boys Shorts ........... : 1 95¢ | rules and regulations of the post t. oy C 00 S | Zins cant
a : : cffice department, for any person,| |
A Boys Sanforized School Trousers ........ $3.50 - $3.75 including a clerk, to withdraw any (From page 1)
Mens Genuine Goatskin Work Gloves . .. $1.35 of that mail from the case, except| remain in session until ooh this Really Fresh Produce at Real Savings
Plaid Sheet Blankets $1.69 each in extreme emergencies, and only|/day with regular sessions beginning| i —
Consistent savers are contented. Plastic Drapes ........ $1.39 Kitchen Plastic Curtains $1.25 | then after written request by i Filey. lot Ted) 0 R A N G E S Calif, Yglencia a: QA
| patron. Prior to this, it was being| Will be no school Monday, Sep-|
nuine O-Cedar Mops ................. es $169 § [. . i]
The know they are ready for Genuine O P . | done as a service, but the demand|‘€mber 4th, due to Labor Day holi-| Sm
y Cold-Pack Canners .... $1.95—Rotary Focd Press .... $1.95 has become s, great, and on Ho day, but school will reconvene! LEMONS Calif. Sunkist 360s doz 29¢
unexpected expenses ~ they are White ster Bowls .. 18¢—12% Wool Blankets . A that a halt must be called, and all|Tuesday, September 5th. GRAPES Calif. Seedless ‘21s 2Q¢
Oy $7.95 § | : d all} : |
ready to take advantage of op- Best Made Nylon Hosiery ... S100 - $1.25 povvons wishing their mall earlier] Mr. Russell Ristaden. of Colim-| BARTVLETT. PEARS . cali 2 29¢
Boys Spent Anklets - Nylon heel and toe gsc J tan the delivery, must rent a box|bia. who was elected to teach ~~ FREESTONE PEACHES 3 Ibs 29¢
portunity - ready for the good x ? Postmaster Bennett hopes 5, 6, is an officer in the 28th a a,
All 80 square Dress Prints a 49¢ vd. §! : |Division. Mrs. J. W. Bingeman of Jumbo Calif. Pink Meat 27 size 23
L. L ise H st, Elizal ; ; |
Ouse ors izabethtown The Penna. Canal Boatmen’s As-| ORANGE-PEKOE TEA Ideal Volt ha 3

| every patron will bear this in mind
things of life. Start your savings $1.19 Triple - Sheer Bemberg R yon - 95¢ yd. and refrain from asking for Joy will substitute for him C A N T A L 0 U P E S
Printed Rayon for Fall .... 67¢ yd | mail, by calling at the st office in these grades. errr
with us this week in Y ya. | y « g a 1e post cffice.| |
program : | Your cooperation in this matter School Faculty | SUGAR CORN Fresh Lous 6 === 25¢
36 in. Spun Rayon - grey - green - brown only 59¢ yd.
| will be appreciated, for it may save The Borough School Faculty as! LIMA BEANS Full Podded 2 Ibs 17¢
| much embarrassment at some Ly W. I. Beahm, ICEBERG LETTUCE Extra Large Calif. 2 hds 29¢
| date. Remember—do not call at the| ViSing principal, is as follows: { Extra Fancy each
Miss Fdna Charles and Mrs. Em-| EGGPLANTS 10c

Make Food Shopping Easy
- 3 " 4 J iY { | cffice and call for your mail, if vou! | i for .
hs TIONAL BANK oa ' do vio Have = resid bas Good, Grade 1; Miss Ruth Bru-| Crisp Cucumbers =» 5¢| Large Green Peppers 3 or {0s™ =~.
PS Ud MILL Buy Your Foods At BOOTH'S Ji cor Som Got mt Br et 30] args Grom
f : JOY | (2; Miss Irene Hei | Miss D c
loo 4 3 : : ay Sq Ire elsey ang 1SS or-
Ver 1b. 15¢ | Tuna Fis ar an 38¢ > ; Ibs
10114) VV 8 1 in. n ws 35 EYES EXAMINED BY |othy Kaylor, Grade 3; Miss Irene G R » E N B E B N S
: YY JOY. PA (Bl Kidney Beans .... 2 cams 23¢ {Best Cream Cheese lb. 55¢ APPOINTMENT [bach and Mrs. Nancy Zeigler,
on ? 4 Orange Juice, big cans 39¢ | Hydrox Cookies . 39: HB |Grade 4; Mrs. thy ins
A se Juice, big can ydrox 5 Ib. 39: § DR. S. MILLIS rade 4; Mrs. Dorcthy Johnson, SEABROOK FARMS SPINACH Leaf or Chopped 2 pkgs 49¢
oer Grade 5; Mr. Russell Kiscadden,|
OM I Crades 5. ¢ 3: Mrs. Marv Casale] 7 v .
rades 5 and 6; Mrs. Mary Casale. | MEAT SAVINGS - « and Satisfaction Guaranteed
50 N. MARKET STREET Grade 6; Miss Helen Alexander, |
| ELIZABETHTOWN [Latin and Spanish: Mr. George |
Hols: Broske, Social Studies; Mr. John D.| Small, Lean Cc
{ Daily: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 |Day, Boys’ Physical Fducation and | Smoked I»
Evenings: Tues. & Sat. 6:30 - 8 3 Science; Mrs. Mildred Day, Com- | a
‘Chevrolet alone offers such a J} Ser ves [Sos x. Meir op om

plaid AAA Fruit Cockiail, big cams 35¢ | Rinso - Lux Flakes . 29¢

PHONE: 334) |Geography; Mrs. Almeda Griffith, | Pork
| SAAAAAAAAA, {Home Eccnomics; Mrs. Beryl Hahn, |
o o |
| i [Art Education; Mr. Charles Heaps. | S M 0 K E D p ! C N I C S Small, Ib 49¢
Sy Lean
wae ard ordered SL Fa
matics; Mr. George Houck, Music| FRYING CHICKENS Fully w §7¢
eye |Education; Miss Edna Martin, His-
ego itl | GTEWING CHICKENS = » 53
oO o and at the lowest prices, too! Funeral Home [Ti ay pr Fh a) Tasty Skinless Frankfurts Ib &§9c
: {Miss Thelma Taylor, Mathematics: | oh
23 W. Main 81. Mount Joy | Sliced Lebanon Bologna * '° 39¢
| Mrs. Margaret Williams, Guidance |
. . land English; Miss Mildred Wilsen Cut Up Frying Chichkens - - Buy Your Favorite Parts
i ke your choice and i 3 :
Come in and take y : eT | JAMES > RES, it IGirl's Physical Education; Miss Backs '° 23¢ Wings Ib 39¢ Legs or Breasts '° 89¢
. a aR unera ire uo! : .
of swank convertible or Pl "| Catharine Zeller, English; Mrs. i :
WD) Sadie Brooks, School Nurse; Miss Fillets of Perch '®35¢ | Pollock Fillets '°25¢
steel-topped Bel Air & Pe > rl il Eunice Herr, School Secretary; Mr.! Fancy Large Shrimp *19¢
” : A Ba ; ; 3 3 | (Fre nk a, Hig School jan-| CRAB MEAT Freshly Picked Claw x 63¢
™ a |itor; r. oy Herr, Elementary|
Wi iF ot Art C a rve di.
AND Anes mms | i We nr Fresh Virginia Lee Bakery Treats
100 YEARS IN BELLAIRE KITCHEN | The Cake Everybody Likes - - -
(1850 - 1950) Valualle kitchen equipment was| LOUISIANA
9 % 3 va A | v |
: 4 Ts |] These are the same famous rings |destroy ed by fire which damaged a) C R U MN C H R I N G
& Vo [| you've both admired in your fa- |[Summer housse at the home of |
o 0, { vorite magazines. Made by Am- |[Aaron Risser, Bellair, iza-| i
Take your choice of TP | RE dd | gia
Standard Drive or Q red oe goo Be ou | The fire destraed u deep frees. Severages, Tule desserts, ets.
d ve 5 : protection. We will gladly show jot refrigerator, stove and cooking Cc .
POWERGLIDE Automatic Transmission oligo you our ccllection. Styles and |/utensils. | ea CHOCOLATE ALMOND ¢
HR ; Sv Eg EE prices to suit your taste. Risser said he was in the barn] Crunch Layer Cakes °° 359
*Combination of Powerglide Automatic Transmission and when the fire started and could not|
105-h.p. Engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. Fig HET PRICES RANGE FROM - Bae
Wi rh a HR $50 FOR ENGAGEMENT RING | the cause. A kerosene Golden Macaroon Crunch Bar Cakes “*35c¢
stove was burning when Risser left
Yi ; i AND the house. The Elizabethtown, Lawn Best ad Value in Yown - - » large 14
Take your choice of 44 | $8.75 FOR THE and Rheems Fire Companies re- SUPREME ENRICHED BREAD loaf
Styleline or Fleetline styling ——— BRIDE'S WEDDING RING we Back Again! Fa ily Bread 19-
i io 3 : | HAMLIN, KANSAS FOLKS Big Double Loaf m
at the same price AP DN { ADAM H. GREER || are sexe ox a VISIT | Te Ps we 5
x => eR Sa Mr and Mrs Arthur of Sul, SWEET CREAM BUTTER rie 71°
; 2 : CRT : [| 87 E. Main St, Mt. Joy, Pa. Hamlin; Kansas, are spending sev- 7 oY 4 ss
= : p | PHONE 3-4124 | eral weeks here with Mr. and Mrs] RICH, CREAMY CHEESE i bk 45¢
| |Graybill Wolgemuth and other, GLENDALE CLUB CHEESE Vo-lb pkg 23 ¢
en | Sn friends ARMOUR’S TREET Handy Meat 1902 can 49¢
| 5 The Heises were accompanied by ASCO COFFEE “Heat-flo” Roasted Ib 76¢
.: Cy e.g | PAC [their son, Eugene and daughter, Ideal Pure 46-0z can 29
America’s Best Seller ATT : Eileen, who have entered Messiah APPLE JUICE Gold Seal 13-0z pkg 17e
1 a | = Bb | College at Grantham. SPEED-UP BLEACH qt bot 11e

Mrs. Heise is a daughter of the
he ret nd Adah Woigemuth, Household Institute Waterless | August Family Circle <P Be
> E || several years ago. This is TOP-STOVE COOKWARE Speed-Up Liquid Starch = 5
: | visit to this section in fourteen *Save 409, on our Card Plan Speed-Up Bluing P 10¢
NE A kL COMER : MOTORS : Ine. yeays. So Prices Effective August 24.25.26, 1950. Quantity Rights Reserved.
MOUNT JOY, PA. : Subscribe for the Bulletin,

i 5
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