¢-—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, August 24, 1950! MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher = OWL LAFFS| Weekly Letter By Penna. State ‘Game Commission For the guidance of persons who MARSHLAND TENEFLY AND CHICKALAGOOSE BOROUGH “4 rc or IR c 40 - train their dogs on game, the fol- lowing extract from the Game Law N | of Pennsylvania is hereby cited ht, - “During the hours from sunrise I i A to nine o'clock postmeridian, east- ern standard time, dogs, when ac- companied by and under control of their owner or handler, may be trained upon any game in this Commonwealth, except elk, deer, or bear, or wild turkey, from the twentieth day of August to HICKORY GROVE thirty-first day of March next fol-| {dE LOW DOWN from [lowing....as long as no firearms : : Rico th —~BY-- | usually raised at arm's length and You know, most folks figure that | fired from the shoulder are carried their grandma and grandpa were A WISE OWL and no injury is inflicted upon said skookum persons. But what I animals or birds, except that during choose to pop off my bazoo now is, These are the weeks when the | the foregoing period, and under the that vt in: : . itions stipulated. it shall be/that most of us are not in the retty little high school graduates | condi Uf ) f pretty 1g 8 lawful to train dogs upon raccoons same class for sturdiness and whether to marry to college have to decide the hometown boy or go and try to do better. from sunrise to midnight, eastern yc sense, as were our forefath- standard time: Provided, however, . that it shall be unlawful to Now don't get mad—and quit | dogs on Sunday, unless the consent reading--I may say something. | of the owner e lar where | : Po © Owns of the land h "el We must win New War--1 such training is being done ‘has . . been secured. but no such consent/am for same, everybody is—regard- shall be required in the case of less of cost. But while we are pour- State and National forest lands ls : ; : aT Bl oR . : {ing out dinero for guns and ammu- pal immediately replied: “A bag| ‘Under control’ is hereby defined 8 I Be i ling filled with perfume.” Our young| to Hig within gall except When SROs, ae Sadia prt Sar he - Sh 5 ring! | actually cn a trail or trac of le-lour efforts—an make the job blood keg Sway ne | XT gave” Pedic br, else: Doug, out Ottis Well, live and learn; I was out wit Pennsylvania Deer Goes Aquatic millions unneeded. Jef handed ex fy" 3 ons a - one last night. | Game protector Levi - Whippo| ee. across the | thinks that a female deer he saw|Periments. As we gase across the in mountain country near Williams- oceans and find how little we have port must be part moose, judging in the way of equipment and weap- from her feeding habits. for « past 5. vears of spend Whippo says that in July he ob-|0Ds for our past » years ol spe served the doe standing in a ponding of around 60,000,000,000 on de- ; | with her head under water untillfense what is cooking on the home Last week we advertised for an| only the tips of her ears were ’ Nn koy. One lad came in and was | ible. She remained this way for as ror now, today. 1t 1s Socialis being interviewed. “Why did you | 100g, as 50 seconds. Each time her coming in at the back door —the leave your last job?" he was asked. | gp Bh Se had 2 mouth= Govt. is barging further into every- “Illness,” the boy replied, thing. When some Senator—like A local youngblood approached a our pal in front of the Lincoln and ask- | ed: “What the heck's a sachet?” His You know, the main trouble with being married thirty years is that it makes you middle-aged. “What| Project Food Plots For Wildlife ai was the trouble?” he was asked. | During the twelve-month period this Paul Douglas person of Illinois “The boss was sick ‘of me,” fe | ending the 31st of May, 258 food|. says, as a beginning, let's cut out | plots totaling 150 acres were plant-|_ f climatioh’ exbensel frankly answered. |ed by Game Commission employ- some lancy reclama es on Farm-Game project prop- On account our crops already too Sammy Dock told us this one! | erties. In addition, 1104 food what happens? The" oth- - totaling 372 acres were purchased qo) senators howl him down. A passenger staggered up the steps | from codperating landowners and 3 to the station and asked Sam for a|allowed to remain unharvested as! It will be a flimsy kind of victory drink of water. Sam noticed that food for game during the lick the communnists in Korea, the man was deathly pale g | Winter pa $1 line Bear then find we been donating our asked what was wrong. “Oh” ex-| gq. ive 3 oe about a time, and wake up with Govt. own- plained the traveller, “I always get|pear with a taste for bees recently ership and socialism ensconced in {erribly ill when I ride backward |came to light. Late in May a bear the saddle here at home. Grandpa on the train.” So Sam suggested: | ook a hve belonging to a farmer, grandma would not have been “ rs |living near Shickshinny, Luzrene|® ‘Well, why didn’t you ask the per- County, over a stone wall before slickered in such fashion—not on son on the other side to change | enjoying his stolen treat. There the your tintype. with you “I thought of that, but | ii opens] the hive and gle the Yours with the low dows, there wasn’t anybody there. jicombs, und colony of Dees, Which is JIMMY {about all a hive contains in May. This operation was different from| A memes eet ate 1 stopped for a bite to eat at a most in that the bear did not dam-| | “att Pe . : i | age either the hive or the frames! Fl highway diner down Buchs Coney | he took from it. Also, in transport- ews rom orn way. The waitress noticed my ing the hive as he did the bear had, luctance to eat the piece’ of pie walk upright, man-fashion, car-| (From Page 1) fore me, so she queried: “What | rving it much as a person would, led on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frye an does your pie taste like?” yey [fis om logs ng in the place 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson fr ankly and disgustedly I / Erie County Deer Are Bold |and family. “Fish-oil” “Oh,” she exclaimed,| Game Protector Clair Dinger, Al-| Mr. and Mrs. James Eschbach : 3 EE i i ie havine i . ri 4% 1 “you must have the pineapple pie, | bion, is having his troubles w ith|gpent Sunday at Pottstown with deer that demand human attention. the blueberry pie tastes like on- l . Bar y fe Cy p | He says that last month two Girard (MT- and Mrs. Harry Fox. Mr. Fox 0nS. woodchuck hunters walked up to, nas keen confined ot his home forg | fed and petted a “wild” deer that;some time due to illness. A highway engineer says the | Pventually followed them into Me ond Mrs. Earl Cerlitsid en- ? he f gill : od | OWN, where other Girard residents, 4 roads of the future wi © paved |i ck pictures of it. Three nights tertained the following to a birth- with rubber. No doukt about it— |]ater, Dinger was called to the Gir-/day party on Saturday in honor of 1 : |day party y i any motorists who examines the | 3 grade schoo} yard Where 3 tame | heir daughter, Darlene, to ti od | deer was reported to he loitering. tread on his tires will be convinced : A B10 vaare Avis i rs . fier Dinger says: “About two months 12 years old. Games were played it must be going somewhere. |ago I chased a ‘tame’ deer into the and refreshments served to the fol- BR ods wi he outskirts of Albion. lowing: Fay Ann Buckwalter, Jane . { his | Now ano r geer 0 same S= : Postmaster Bennett told us this | Now another deer of the same |G ishall, Connie Wisegarver, Pat- cription in the town of Girard. The h two towns are about twelve miles SY Shetter, Norma Eichler, Arthur apart. J wonder—."” |Graveno, Ronnie Heisey, Judy and . Rabid Foxes Attack Humans Sandy Miller, Sandy Stehman, Mrs. offices run in conjunction with .the In recent years several rabies in- John Kissinger and sons, Darlene general store when he told the post | fected foxes have been killed in Marion Gerlitski master: “There bach Indiana County—with the expected y bi Si : 5 | accompanying peculiar circumstan-| Don’t forget the Ice Cream Co- plaints that no mail has been sent| ces. One came into a farmyard and cial scheduled for Friday evening ; SE Dr AE 5 j . oe hi v out from this station for several | got hold of a dog's hind leg; anoth- at the U. B. Church Lawn from 3 weeks. What's wrong?” And the|er was in a tussle with a cat on a) ‘ito ten p.m postmaster, who had just recently | who was cne. Seems a postal inspector was investigating a complaint concern- ing one of those very small post and have com- barn flocr; still another leaped at a | farmer as he walked from the barn 4 Personal property sale will be taken charge, answered. “Well, you |. hic house. . lheld on Friday August 25, by Mrs. can see for yourself that the mit More Pecenly; Dole Mitchell, Rl, Frances B. Nissldy beginning at < ain’ ay y ” 1 ane a. orav . % 2 bag aint nowheres near full yet."— Ca ore 8 pay ook Bun pm. C. S. Frank is the auc- for a bounty affidavit and told this tioneer. tale: Mr. Mitchell was working on| Saturday George S. Vogle will When an East Main Street angler | his car in his front lawn when he have puklic sale of real estate and went down to Port Deposit fishing | heard barking such as that made by | personal property beginning at 1:30 a ¢ Si |a young dog. He paid little atten- i a Wes ae hel fion at first but as the sound came PM Mr. G. K. Wagner is the auc- ad hooked the prize of all times, closer he paused to learn what/tioneer. and told his fellow anglers he had | That explains it. TRAIN LEAVING FOR SKWEE ZBORD, LASSING, MIDDLE TOE, BINKCRICK, ANKLE HOOF, SKWEEDUNK, BAT TLE SWO, CONDON SODAPOP, SWAMP RG, went on. Shortly, he saw a gray| The heirs of the J. H. Haldeman hooked a big one. But his elation | fox emerge from the nearby woods was short lived for to his dismay | he had hocked the propellor of their boat.— —If you want it veri- | fied, ask Jetter Grove. These Grove brothers | ardent fishermen. Gene goes fish- | ing with a wash tub. Two negro youths were discus- sing their chances cf being inducted | into the Army. “Are you ready to | go?” queried one. “No,” the other | came back, “I ain't ready, but I'se | willin’ to go, unready.’'— —That’s the proper spirit If you think summer isn’t almost gone, dwell on the thought that next week end is the holiday that winds up the season. § What are you lpoking for, Boog? A'WISE OWL You may boast ‘of a family tree but you're/a long way from being out of fhe ie’ woods yourself, brother! : Many a narrow-minded mind { board with which he killed the an- | imal. | coon and run straight toward him. When Estate will nave public sale of the it, came clcse the fox sprang at 212 story frame double house and Mitchell, who jumped aside andlot on Friday evening, September snatched up a nearby piece of th, at 7:00 p.m. Walter Dupes is As anticipated, examination the aucticneer. disclosed that the fox had rabies. - Tooth And Claw Battle ! This story will not suprise those GRETNA THEATRE who in past underestimated the| viciousness of a wounded or cor- i A nered woodchuck; it rates ZF aching the end, the Gretna attenticn from those who do not/ Playhouse has scheduled a lively know the fighting qualities of wild domestic comedy, “The Family Up- With the summer theatre season animals. Ni : . Early in July, West Penn Elec- favs as its next to closing at- tric employes walking down a dirt traction. road along East Cowley Run, near! This production will start a Fmporium, heard a commotion| sts 'S= ahead. Investigating, they found a Pas oft the Mt. stage Thuuy large woodchuck and a large rac-|%3Y August 24. so locked in vicicus battle] The play is the type that will they paid no heed to the men who show the brilliant Gretna cast at had advanced to ringside positions. |; best and shoul : The tce-to-toe battle continued|' > and Ss ould give everyone for fifteen or twenty minutes. Then|a@ chance to display their skill in the raccoon backed away and head-|light comedy roles. ed over ‘the creek bank; the ’chuck went «in the . opposite direction Miss ElajneilIvans, who hassmade | BEG PARDON, )[; WHAT DID 4 You The Bulletins Scrapbook ! Week's Best Recipe: Baked Fish Spinach: Trim coarse stems from 2 pounds spin- ach. Cook until just tender, chop fine, drain well. Melt 2 T butter in saucepan, add 1 t minced onion and cook 1 minute, Stir in 2 T flour. Add % c¢ milk, 1 t salt, 14 Cook, stirring constantly un- thickens and boils. Remove from heat, stir in ¢ mayonnaise. Combine the and place in bottom of greased cas- serole. Arrange fish fillets on top of spinach. Blend together 2 T fat, 1 t Kitchen Bouquet, 12 t salt, dash of pepper. Spread mixture fillets. Bake in moderate oven about 25 minutes. For Dark Cottons: With dark sheers and cottons so on t nul- meg. until sauce spinach over (375) popular this summer, as well as being worn during the winter in blouses, it is wise to wash them and rinse them well, that they don’t have a Not properly and not using the proper sort of starch, may be the trouble. Use a gocd soap or detergent and then rinse thoroughly. 'A plastic starch is especially good for erisp- ness because it penetrates. Best re- sults are achieved by allowing the to dry completely before gray film. laundering garment dipping into the starch water. Use Of Tape: have ape. One Now the gardeners found many uses for cellophane suggests using a strip of it over the split of ripening tomatoes that have not gained full maturity. The tape Stems of bend or prevents deterioration. flowers or that break partially, may be bushes wrapped with the tape. Cellophane tape holds climbing bushes to a trellis. With very young smooth-barked trees, wrap two or more bands of around the trunk to prevent and from destroy the leaves or buds. smn ee ll Re wees LOCAL TENNIS TEAM HAD AN EASY WIN OVER WHITES The Mount Joy Tennis insects crawling up to team of feated the Lancaster Whites 8 to I, Saturday afternoon to continue to a clean sweep of the doubles I matches, and dropped only one of enty-eighth leggue win. Singles F. Zink (MJ) defeated 6-3, 6-1. H. Fellenbaum Engstrom 6-0, 6-3. Crider (MJ) defeated Kilgore 6-1 6-4. Newkirk, (MJ) defeated Divet (MJY) defeated Slager 5-7, 6-4, 6-0. Knisley (MJ) defeated Barber, 6-0, 6-1. Martin (L) defeated Brown, 6-1, 6-4. Doubles R. Zink and Crider (MJ) defeat- ed Barber and Newkirk 7-5, 9-7. F. Zink and Fellenbaum (MJ) defeated Engstrom and Kilgore 6-0, 6-4. Divet and Knisley (MJ) defeated Martin and Slagel 7-5, 6-2. rr el I eee According to a local reader, hu- man intelligence may be centuries old, but it hasn't as yet started to act its age. [BENNETT'S Restaurant 45 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY BULK AND GALLONS Try our old fashioned sugar cones with Breyers Ice Cream. TO CHURCH ORGANIZA- TIONS, CLUBS, Etc. across the road. who ‘wit- many friends with Central" Pel nessed the fracas said §ithat each sylvaina theatre-goers in her only fighter was bloody, having “ been appearance this season as the sen- cut and torn in many places by his > pa ss tk o stubborn opponent. |ator’s wife in “Strange Bedfellows has remained at Mt. Gretna for It is estimated that 750,000 per- “The Family Upstairs” in which | wears a size 8 hat. WE OFFER !% , SPECIAL PRICES ON ; ICE CREAM 10 Quarts Or More We must place’ orders on Monday and Thursday, by 2 p.m. if we can serve you at. any -time, please sons in every walk of life visit Director Charles F. Coghlan has CALL 3-9163 Mount Vernon annually. |cast her as the mother, CLOSED SUNDAYS i : ) +f ; ihe TRAIN LEAVING FOR SKWEEZBORO \ LASSING, MIDDLE TOE, BINKCRICK , ANKLE HOOF, SKWEEDUNK BATTLESWO CONDON, SODAPOR SWAMPBURG. / MARSHLAND, TENEFLY AND CHICKALAGOOSE BOROUGH ON / — TRACK FIVE! the tape, sticky side out, completely | { bugs | the Inter-County Tennis league de-, lead the league. The winners made | the singles events, to cop their sev- OH, You 2 WL \» J TRACK FOUR/ [ THOUGHT SAID (\ { feb et’ > SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. THU Donegal Airport News Last Sunday afternoon clear wi flying weather found many lccal pilots taking cross country flights to various points of Henry Weber and son vis= Fredericksburg rm interest. ited the airport at s did Fred Loewen; Gilkert Leh- man flew to Philadelphia; Walter Reilly and Clarence Kaylor flew to York and Lancaster; William Aller and Bruce Robinson visited the airports at Hershey and Harrisburg; ther local sight- pilots enjoying seeing flights were Frank Hassing- er, Fred Sherick, Norman Sprecher, Paul Hess, Alfred Gusler, Warren Greenawalt, and Sim Horten, Mr. H. K. Anna M. Landis of Rheems recently attended Landis and the Sunday session at the Interna- tional Convention in New York City. The trip was made in the Chiques Aero Club Stinson piloted by Stehman Landis. John flight instruct- or at the Donegal Aviation Service, Hawthorne, has recently been appointed a Pri- vate Pilot Examiner by the Harris- burg Office of Aviation Safety. Mr. Hawthorne can now train the stu- dent pilots and at the completion of the training issue a private “ticket”. Owner Johnny Local Tavern Hartsough cof E-town went for ¢ hair cut a few days ago and wound up on a cross country flight with organist Joe Loraw.P.S.—he enjoy=- ed it far more than the hard seat of a barber shop chair, says Loraw. sn nti fA There is a whale of a difference Cassidy Denn Long Guest’, Wyman in Dude." FRIDAY “Gunfighters” Scott - In Case of Fire In Mount Joy and Vicinity Dial 3-3431 “Silver Butte Featurette, 2 COMPLETE FIRST SHOW START H OM ROUTE 422 (Hershey Rd DOLLAR-A-CAR Featurette SUNDAY . “Where There's Life" - TUESDAY . “White Heat” James Cagney W CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE W FREE PLAYGROUND! TOE I MILE EAST RSDAY NIGHT ‘Hopa- “Unexpected is Morgan & Jane “Singing SATURDAY In Color, Randolph Barbara Britton. MONDAY Bob Hope "+. Tex Williams WEDNESDAY SHOWS EVERY NIGHT NES CLP Tel 71 between the man who gets behind his work and the man who gets behind in his work, * “Alcohol “gets a man down, but it can’t get him up. Electric Ww Idi and Gas € ng Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Cover's Welding Shop Delta and Marietta Streets MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931 Beer!Call 3-4189 For Home Delivery WACKER | SPRENGER VALLEY. FORGE PIEL'S PRIOR ROLLING ROCK ALE & PORTER Patronize Bulletin advertisers. Patronize Bulletin advertisers. —— Eicherlys OPEN SATURDAY AUG. 26 ~ SENET, ¢ ee aes See At ee A, ST TTT Vietor J. Schmoll —Distributor— OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. Drive In For Curb Service mms ce ttt teem tee All Makes Machines of Sewing We Modernize BEFORE to Electric, Console or Portable Repaired l Your Machine | ~~ AFTER SALES 111 N. Market St. Call Us Today—We Pick-up and Deliver . . . Anywhere! J. V. BINKLEY ELIZABETHTOWN Phone 216-J SERVICE | ||| DEL MONTE LIPTON Frostee JUICY GREEN GIANT (New Pack) Peas | | NORRIS FANCY Fresh York Co. Peaches | Market Prices - | | Specials August 24 - 25 - 26 | Pineapple Juice Sardines in Oil 3 cans | Or ang eade Concentrate 2 ans No. 303 2 Evaporated Milk 4tal cans GRETNA PLAYHOUSE ' URN Ta dT We ATT © NOW PLAYING DON'T MISS IT Lively and Hilarious Domestic Comedy "The Family Upstairs” WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 Gretna’s Great Cast In Another Brilliant Comedy Hit ® CURTAIN 8:30 P, M. ADM. $1. PLUS TAX @ giant can 46-02. 33: 23: 20: Jo: 49: 39 45: California Bartlett Pears 6 for 25c 2 pkgs. 12 oz. « | | { All Yours For | 1 PLASTIC BAG VALUE 46 | 8 REG. SIZE CASHMERE BOQUET 50c | TOTAL'VBLUE ot 99¢ 59c MOUNT JOY PHONE 3-9034 Hess’ Food Stores | These Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday (this week) MASTERSONVILLE MANHEIM 5-7811 ANNUAL Chicken Corn Soup FESTIVAL \ | \ AT THE FIRE HOUSE Saturday, Aug. 26 MT. JOY Entertainment:— GAMES Ja FROM 11:00 A. M. UNTIL Curly Gibson and His Playboys EATS : SOUP WILL BE SOLD BY THE QUART ¥ * Auspices of Friendship Fire Company and Auxiliary of Mount Joy DOOOODOOMN.! JOEL MCCREA — ELLEN DREW EVENINGS J oO Y SATURDAYS SHOWS : MATINEE 7 and 8:00 P. M AND SATURDAYS T H E A T R E HOLIDAYS . 2:00 P. M. Sop Mount Joy, Pa. FRIDAY — SATURDAY, AUGUST 25- 26 . \ -in “Stars In My Crown” \ “Francis” MONDAY — TUESDAY, AUGUST 28 - 29 So DONALD O'CONNOR — PATRICIA MEDINA =~ JUNE ALLYSON -- DICK POWELL WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 - 31