2The Bulletin, Joy, Pa., Thursday, August 17, The Mount 1250] | Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher | ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1501 Published Every Thursday at No. P-11 East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Subscription, per year 2.00 Bix Nlonths $1.00 Three Months ............ 60 Bingle Coplag ««.... 05 Sample Copies . Sas iiss FREE Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. Joy, Pa., as second-class mail mat- ter under the Act of Mare 1 3, 1879, Member, Pen: sy lve nia Newspaper Publi: s’ Association Publication Day, Ti Copy for a change of ac ing should reach this office ™ 1esday We will not guarantee insertion of any advertising ss copy reaches the office not later than 9 a. m. precedin day nN. Classified ads will be accepted to 9 a m. public: ition day. RTT EDITORIAL"... + + & An educated man is one pays for all who can figure out hew much he of the free services he gets. ® 0 A free land is where people vol- untarily submit to the chains a tyrant would force upon them. eo 0 @ The old-fashioned man saved for . The modern man de- government furnish him a rziny mands th with an umbrella. ee 9? One never knows what the mor- row may bring forth. John K. Terry. 28, successful restaurant operater at York, former Ww orld champion weight lifter, and a mem- ber of the Olympic team in 1936 in Berlin, now charge of murder. He shot his wife and she died. faces a © g @ KELLER AND MILLER Messrs. Robert Keller are going to | don’t mean long Ere and Samuel H. Mill Now we change places. that Sam is while Bob retires—mnot by means. In reality it will be the re- will have a lu devote to his business will “be any verse, Mr K more time ts while Mr. Miller (as chairman ef Boro Autherity) to | sacrifice much of his time to the best interest of the hsro. To Mr. Miller it will be like re- turning to old job. an member of Bere Council he served | ms chairman of the water committee, (a sition now relinquished by Mr. | Keller), for many years. He knows | weriss inside out and | the w » quite czpable to the ificed rincer Geo. blems and works ® ® AUGUST ir as the season ripens, stiil the animal fan making takable preparation for winter. ries en the bush, bass in the streams, st rain on the roof, ripening corn in the field, they eas shadew of gloom in this menth of is when the that the a refreshment. It unfurls its ‘long leaves noxious ragweed flourishes and sends its pollen cn the winds to beset the sufferer from hayfever. The beautiful world of goldfinches, sting ears, children, purple chicory, ros iematos happy lazy hours, holds pollen traps, sniffle areas, Streaming eyes, handker- | chie seyums, spores, air-berne pol The month may n speckled robins and hammocks to you but to the hay fever and asth- © ma victim, it means sniffles, sneezes | and wheezes' Luckily science isn't so bewitched with August's charms that it dismisses ifs alarms. ® Oo 9 SERIOUS MISTAKES we all make mistakes, but the mistake VERY Sure, heaven help us when report that a type weapon reach- BY MISTAKE, nv firing was included, report followed ammunition, but didn’t make us costs lives, A ship- ment of a new ed Korca but, ammunition fer made us gasp. A that there WAS not the proger size, breathe in relief. the account of three American tanks, so badly needed for defense, that sat on a railread siding in a South Korean city, for four days, because they lacked fan belts. The | ing tanks were te be destroyed rather | than lmve them captured. An in- | vestigation is being made to find | why ne fan belis despite two emer- | sell ca'tie | obliged | While a| « it will be quite a | much of his |’ propagating, | unmis- | Ber- | corn lush | Then aleng ccines | HAPPENED TO YOU The hungry, ltoking weary motorist starts table, a to stretch fin- | for a roadside place to stop for lunch, his legs. Riding and riding, he ally gives up and draws over on the ground under a Then fur- shoulder, seeks the shade whet ther he c to rest,. eat a bite, About a delightful spot with roadside bench and table, per- i a deep well, It's does (ree happens? a mile mes to naps a stream or The stranger stopping misses too late for him. not know where these lacated so he them. They usually “just over | the hill” or “just around the bend”. The state of Michigan is issuing a their places are are guide to road- which bocklet as a side facilities will enable an oasis by checking its the Not a nd one other you to pick lo ca idea {ion on map. bad that states | USING THEIR HEADS finding there is no The rush | of hoarders slows down. We like the | method used by a wanted to shame the The consumer, shortage, buys normally. grocer who hoarders. He displayed two piles of sacked sugar. | The five-pound sacks were label- ed: “For regular 915 | cents a pound.” The pile of 25 and 100-pound sacks labeled: | “For h 16 cents a pound.” A reader suggests this Chinese pro= | | verb to fit here: “There is no evil like not knowing what is enough. He who grasps more than he can held often loses more than he! grasps. Only he who knows what is enough will always have enough.” customers. were arders, Local Rotarians | (From Page 1) | Fresident Wilbur I. Beahm, Secre- tary Ray Wiley and other local of- ficers on Club administration and | Rotary service activities. His ad- dress will str Rotary Horizons. | Mr. Shissler is one cf the partners in the law firm of Nauman, th, Shissler Harris- 1 1 the Ro- { tary Club of West Shore. He is one of the 201 Rotary District Gavern- ors who are Hall in g and is a member of supervising the activ- | ities of some 7100 Rotary Clubs i . . r | which have membership of 342, | scrim ; oy 000 business and professional ex- { | | ecutives in 83 countries and geo- graphical regions throughout the { world, Wherever Rotary Clubs are lo- their » of the i d, activities are similar to | Rotary Club of Mount | cause they are based an the | objectives—develop- eneral betier understanding and fel- wship among husiness and pro- fes 1 men, promoting community | hett undertakings, raising s of business and pro- | fessions, and fostering the advance- ment of good will, understanding and peace among all the peoples of | | the world. Each year, this world wide ser- | e organizaticn continues to grow | 1 in strength, During 0 Tac al the last example, 3 new Ro tary fiscal year, for Clubs were organ- South | Asia, the 36 countries of North, America, Europe, the Islands of Ween | GEORGE F. FORD, OF TOWN, NOW IN RECRUIT TRAINING E. Ford, seaman | USN, of 11 Lumber Street, is undergoing recruit | George recruit, Mt. Joy, training at the | world’s largest Naval Training Cen- | ter, Great Lakes, | Recruit the sharp leak between civilian and Naval { training is life in which the new Navy man ne 1 2 2 { uns the fundamental principles | cf the Naval service course of his training he Navy | ordnance, | In the taught seamanship, terms, basic ling and navigation pletion ¢f his training | 8 | gned either to to a assig units ; t or service school | for specialized training, ee en A ! HOSPITAL AUXMIARY MEETS | | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23rd A meeting of the Hospital Aux- | iliary held next Wednesday | Hostetter's Banquet | Hall. | Dessert 7:30 p. m. followed by | including the el- | will be evening at business meeting ection of officers. | All members and anyone | ested is invited to attend this meet- |. ar QUALITY IN EGGS Because candled cartoned eggs | usually ares of a more ' uniform | | 1930, a | placed an egg on the pavement | B. Church. | Catherine E. Newcomer | Harry K. Foreman gency air shipments. One shipment | quality than nest run eggs they | of belts turned out to be the wrong | command higher prices. Penn State | size, the second box was found fo extension specialists say consum- contain pistols instead of fan bells. | ers are becoming increasingly qual- | was a MISTAKE, | ity conscious in eggs, I HAPPENINGS of LONG AGO er In 20 Years Ago us sized first | | | | good the Back Run, a ceased flowing for The tream, time While nanna In many years. Susque- Stoner fishing in the Dy." D.C. salmon, caught three fine The old school house at Master- | sonville was sold to Milton S. Ry- der for $466, his farm adjoins the | school. Markets: Eggs, 24 - 26 cents; But- ter, 35 cents; Lard, 71% cents. | Eshleman Bros. clothiers, are | having their annual August clear- ance sale. Joseph Kline, Manheim and John - s ¥ y . DeMarchi, White Oak have regis- tered the name Teebeeban Com- | pany, for the manufacture and sale of a medicine compound. repairs made to the bridge. It was so hot Sunday, August hi were PRR | woman at and voked i in less than 115 hour it was ¢ and browned to a turn. | Boys Band of Eli2abethtown, will | give a concert at the festival by the | Men's Bible Class of the Florin U. The Paragon Nut and Fruit Co., are erecting a 50 by 20 feet. stor- age plant at their Martic Town- | ship orchards | Employes of Geo. Brown S ns | | Mill are holding their annual pic- | nic at Hershey. i rr A ee ee | | Weddings (From page 1) Goss, Mount Joy R1, The brides- maids were Mrs. George Monchak, Lancaster, sister cf the bride, Miss Shirley Warfel, Mount Joy R1, and Miss Jean Miller, Florin. { Barbara Ann Goss, niece of the Lride, was flower girl. After a wedding trip to the Poco- nos, they will reside with the bride- groom's parents, The ¥. Newcomer, Miss Catherine S. Locust St., marriage of 1057 Youre sure Hummelstown I Elizabethtown, and Harry K. Fore- man, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harry S Foreman, Elizabethtown Rl, took place Saturday in the First Church of God, Elizabethtown. The Rev. J. 0. Weigle officiated, Mrs. Chester Ketner, Temple, vas matron of honor, Chester Ket- man and the Groff, Rheems, Elizabethtown reception in the church the left wedding trip to the west coast, ner served as best John E, Amos Hertzler, ushers were and Alter a social room couple on a Nissley Hayman M. Jeannette Warren L. The marriage ol neite Nissley, daughter of Mrs. H. G. Nissley, 305 N. Barbara Street, | this boro, to Warren L. Hayman, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. L.. Hayman, of Harrisburg, took place Saturday Washington Memorial Miss M. Jean- in George Chapel, Valley Forge. The Rev. John R. Hart officiated Attendants were Mrs. James | Snavely, Landisville and William of Lebanon the on a two weeks’ ding trip to the South. A reception Saltzer, Following the wed- ceremony, couple left | Elizabethtown road was lifted after | at Deverax School, Devon. ntl OE love, thinks his girl A boy, in the Prettiest in town. er, he seldom mentions if wearing a new dress, a new | do, a new apron. Auto Insurance Before Getting ,These Facts Learn how you can get superior BROADFORM protection at substantial savings. Semi-annual premiums. Strong company with service in every state. Before you buy . . check with me « + 00 obligation, Ray N. Wiley MANHEIM R. D. 2 Phone Landisville 2201 ANBRICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Operating in lowa as (Illinois) American Farmers Mutual Insurance Company 4-tf Married to | she's hair- | KILL INSECTS IN GRAIN Insects can cause heavy losses to stored grain, but not if proper con- trols and precautions are taken County agricultural agents can give full informaten for fumigating grein bins and granaries. Cleaning the bing before they are filled re- duces chances for infestation, — about season's fig One bathing stylish. EL thing this suits, leaves weren't Living isn't getting cheaper, but way it looks, life is! Quality Meats ALSO A FULL LINE OF from the Tao Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Market Thieves stole the two front| wil] be held September 2 at Hos- | wheels from an auto parked at Blue | tetter’s Banquet Hall here. They | 3 Rock, near Washington Boro. | will reside at Hebron, Maryland, | A Duncannon farmer had a po-| where the bridegroom will teach tato yield of 457 bushels to an acre | in the High Schcol. Both are grad- | in one of his fields. { uates of West Chester State Tea- | The detour on the Maytown- | chers College, Mrs. Hayman taught West Main Si, Mt. . Joy Dr.H.C.Killheffer Optometrist MANHEIM 163 S. Charlotte St. Telephone 5-3376 Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 Tues. Fri. Sat. 7-9 P. M, Tues. Fri. Sat. 9:30-1:00. 2-5 P. M ELIZABETHTOWN 15 E. High St. Telephone 24-R FOR... Watches-Clocks-Jewelry And Watch Repairing Warren H. Greenawalt JEWELER 209 West Main St, MT. JOY OPEN EVERY EVENING CIRCUMSTANCES , may oblige a family to spend . BUT... no circumstance alters the QUALITY of a remem- jess ... ever Sheetz Service. It costs, ber, no more than elsewhere. Gai 6329 SHEETZ HOME FOR FUNERALS North Duke Street At Lemon LANCASTER, PENNA. 1 HULL Lit SRNR to be ahead with CHEVROLET TRUCKS / CHEVROLET / LIVE and DRESSED CHICKENS FREE DELIVERY BLAIN KAUFFMAN MT. JOY, PA. ROUTE 1 DIAL 3-4929 CARBOLA ISOTOZ Dairy Spray HESS BROS. Successors To HUBER OBERHOLTZER FLORIN, PENNA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 26-tf Disinfecting White Paint Con- tains LINDANE, Kills Flies Also AMERICA’S TA) WATCH. VALUE! ADAM H. GREER Phone 3-4124 87 East Main Stree{ MOUNT JOY Chevrolet trucks with Loadmaster engine offer more net horsepower —proved by certified ratings on engines used as standard equip- ment in conventional models of the five most popular makes, 13,000 to 16,000 lbs. G.V.W., Chevrolet offers Vatve-in-Head en- gine—rugged dependability, economy, quality. Chevrolet cuts maintenance costs—makes real reductions in operating expenses. Chhevroler Advance - Design Features! TWO GREAT VALVE-IN-HEAD POWER-JET CARBURETOR * DIAPHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH , SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS Chevrolet trucks have led in sales for eight consecutive production years— proof of owner satisfaction which makes Chevrolet's resale value traditionally higher. ENGINES eo THE NEW HYPOID REAR AXLES o DOUBLE-ARTICULATED BRAKES ® - ADVANCE- DESIGN STYLING « BALL-TYPE STEERING NEWCOMER MOTORS, Inc. MOUNT JOY, PA. For Easy-To-Make Meals at Easy-To-Take Prices . . . get Quick-Fix Foods at Asp! eo 9 Customers’ / Corner «Ay How is our disposi. tion these days? While tempers may rise with the tempera- ture, we don’t want the thermometer to have any effect on the cour- tesy and service you're entitledtoat your A&P. osha 25 Tuna Fish 7x 39¢ 1'EDIUM SIZE Shrimp 45¢c HEINZ COOKED (With Sauce & Cheese) 15Y% Macaroni 2'°%.: 35¢ MIN-OT : Potato Salads.’ 18¢c LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN “ or. Beans a 218 5 on, can, We know that shop- ping is a chore in hot weather and we want to make your trip to A&P a pleasant one. If there's anybody or anything about your A&P store that irri. tates you, please let us know. PHILLIP'S TOMATO Soup 35s 25¢ _' Please write: Customer Relations Depariment, A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Freestone Peaches Jersey Yellow LBS 20 CALIFORNIA-JUMBO SIZE 27 Cantaloupes NONE PRICED HIGHER wh DC . CALIFORNIA-EXTRA LARGE Persian Melons NONE PRICED HIGHER each 59¢ NONE PRICED 2 HIGHER CALIFORNIA NONE PRICED HIGHER mw 196 29¢c 29¢ 25¢ 5 1b mesh bag 49c¢c 24-02 1%¢ loaf each 49¢c élc Jersey Tomatoes Iceberg Lettuce Large heads 10 Ib bag S. No. 1 A Size Jersey Potatoes" FULL PODDED-YORK STATE 3 NONE PRICED HIGHER Lima Beans Valencia Oranges c... Marvel White Bread 27 14¢ Angel Food Bar ... 45¢ ‘ohne. Mild Cheddar Cheese Ib 45¢ Sharp 1 Ib. Salad Dressing 2" mnt 31e Evaporated Milk cans 45€ Del Monte Sliced Pears 60: 280 Kool Aid or Fla-vor-aid 6, 25¢ Del Monte Spinach 2 2 33¢ Dog Food 6 i 49¢ Asparagus io.’ Green RL" 436 Tide Lise 28¢ Butter uid 'ceamery 5. 89€ oie’. 716€ V-8 Cocktail 2 Red Pitted Cherries M4 2 "2x 43c Sultana Apricots os 2 M33 California Peaches tvs 2 “on 49¢ 1x26 ox 23 2 39% 37¢ Strongheart Dog Food Bonita Flakes Wilbert's Dot Cleanser Butter Kernel Peas Florida Juices SOUTHERN STAR 46-01 can GRAPEFRUIT OR BLENDED GRAPEFRUIT & ORANGE Realemon Lemon Juice 2% we 31€ Kelloag's Corn Flakes se 14¢ Uo 19¢ 2 527 Ranger Joe Cereal Pastry Flour “Was” 15 36 bg Tle Eight O'Clock Coffee i; 74c i; $2.16 Red Circle Coffee th 7c i: 92.22 Bokar Coffee Tle ix $92.25 6-01 bottle 27¢ 230 37¢ Glim Liquid Detergent’ Dial Deodorant Seap 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. All Prices In "This Store . Are The Same As Those In Effect In Our Super Markets mile mile Mos 40 o SHII GIPE ILLE FAF RAG 1 pry! t larg i bes Aucts Fedig