The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 10, 1950, Image 6

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    BE TUR Gn Sonn Ty TRE IR ONIN TN ThE Tv Hi a Se yet Tg gy, ye I ra a a ay Jy ing oops rg + ww TL t v «4

6~=The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thurs day, August 10, 1950) It is considerate of the Hollywood THE CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S ( Ta 2 NEWTOWN (
A 5
A - . —— rs to offer to entertain troops in HOSPITAL BIDS DUE AUG. 20 . LAI
THE DUPLER REU NION the program at 1:30 P. M | : ; ok:
Kcrea, but we believe that those Bids for construction work at fl
a . p sr Re- There e contests and game | | agner He a
The Fourth Annual Dupler Re Then will be contests and nes boys would be better pleased with Elizabethtown State Hospital for M t Cr oh i. he Yale 9 | Emma
union will be held Sunday, August for the children in charge of Mrs ' re } ount Joy, anc r. anc rs. Jos- |
an immediate arrival of tanks, | Crippled Ct wa are 4 > ea
ppled Children are to be sub- '
20th 1950, at Elizabethtown. Park, ! Kenneth Martin. Mrs Theodore heavy guns planes, more ammunie | tted to the © ” Aut! L f eph Wittle and visited | Keeping Prices Down Keeps M
: . | mitteg » the General State Author- Mr. and Mrs, Aristice ittle on
Elizabetht , Penna, Salter, and Miss Mae Kauffman ion and more soldiers |
betklown, Pena, {Sete nd Mie Sos Sain, | on nd more |e fo the Ge 02 Sunday. | Pushing Acme Sales Up!
Jatieh wil begin i Ws 5 cloe i rome on ns I, | The project will provide housing a | By Richard Hill Wilkinson | Mrs. Mary Gamber and children,
yegistration, 12:00 o'clock noon; and | lunch | 8 vonville. calle Mr. and Mrs. np
. : | for employees and staff members of | @HERIFF FELIX BRENDLING- o Jolie Onis, 2a National tional Vegetable Week
eye | 11 " ER was just about to sit down|[ J} on Hd FRESH, FULL-PODDED
i the hospital, The program calls for as J A og atilds arr enioved a - ’
OF THE AGE Heilio nea | to his supper when the telephone| Mrs. Matilda Derr enjoyed 4 mo
THE GREATEST DISCOVERY =~ i the construction of a six-apartment | pars He lo ked at the instrument tor trip to Mifflin, in Mifflin Coun- LIMA BEANS
| building and eparate dormitories ruefully, Before him was a heap-|ty on Sunday. —
* m | :
CREATED IN FRANCE Funeral Ho e | for Fel and Women employes | Ing plate of meat loaf, fried pota- Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rice and VO.
The most talked about lipstick | 23 Wi"Main St. Mount 1 | mh. toes and fresh green peas. children, Doris and Paul, Mr. and C
: | [ The two-story dormitories will | Felix sighed, glanced across a Ibs
in America! Ask the woman who wears it! i | | each contain. 16 ; a vive. Orr wr J hg Mrs. Andrew Zercher, all of Mt.
| each contain 16 bedrooms. Archie Elvira, then moved to the wall
: :
JAMES B. HEILIG, [tecture will be patterned after the | phone. “Hello,” he said. Joy, visited Mrs. Daniel Moore on
Funeral Director | existing structures at the institu- | “This is Chris Verne out at the |Sunday. WHITE OR GOLDEN Cc Pj
: | Hon. Estimated cost was previously Rowland Sb! Miss Evelyn Pliage en | SUGAR C RN curs
: s ( ( Jcamé a low and|week-end with Miriam olt o
THE listed at $300,000. erie d vor O Bg
NON-SMEAR LIPSTICK [€ Fiction ones ‘hel Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sones of | New Crop Southern Golden 3 29
ke ! | bia Tia bs
1.00 pes tx HERE IS INSUR ANCE ont som. Tm Manheim, Me ond Mis Salem | SY POTATOES Tc
hiding in the library, but I may Gamber and family of Columbia, | Calif. Pascal Celery stalk Te Large Cucumbers g for 10¢
i — Salunga.

| Tt
4 Positively will not rub off if need help.” visited Mr. and Mrs. Abram Gam- | doz.
‘prbperly applied! | Spinal Meni sitis Against M: i ye. It was five miles to the Rowland bay on Sunday. | Large Green Peppers 3 for 10¢c Large Sunkist Lemons 33¢ mE
Suid Spinal Meningitis Against Mankind’s : ov road: | : eer
4/ Nb constant retouching! camp by way of the river road. | Mrs. David Alleman. Mrs. Au- | LARGE, PINK MEAT CALIF,
4/ No more embarrassment! Rhe atic F M ) Felix made it in eight minutes, ’ . c Wi
4/ Colors the lips but leumatic Fever ost Dreaded Diseases | despite the ancient vintage of his|°raY Boles and daughter, of Mar- | each
V8 fovely Paris-designed shades! ids € | down the steps to meet him. /iward Isler on Sunday. Pre
Vv It's new, different, a Lipstick Miracle! Poliomvelitis | “Too late, Sheriff. He got Mrs. Giles Urban and son Bie | | LUSCIOUS, RIPE FREESTONE Cc
SI Pharmacy MT. JOY. PA I : 1 Fi D Co. away. We had quite a tussle, [spent a week at Atlantic City, Ibs
oan's MT. y BS { (Infantile Paralysis) but he whacked me on the mel- | Nr and Mr B a
| rst ay overa e p Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brosey anc Ir
P ae i h fi
| Encephalitis Automatically ay aa a re of Mount Joy RD2; Mr. | Calif, Bartlett Pears 2 '>* 29¢| Summer Rambo Apples 3 ** 25¢ Wor
leit Sal ec . . | tall, rangy caretaker gingerly RY Keith. of Brunnewille: Miss | Galif, Seedless Grapes "> |Tc|Golden Ripe Bananas 2 '"* 29¢ oy
Sle Sick ’ F C
(Sleeping Sickness) Entire Famil felt of a bump on his head Marian Nauman, Mr. and Mrs. | eee. re L
1 1 Y “Ge vay with nythin 3 F elix [Naumon, and son, of Mount Joy: | Seabrook Farms Frosted Foods - - - Guaranteed to Please by vol
Diphtheria Husbands Wife and All Unmar- ask i Ray a i Mrs, | H " " Fr: ok nd daught rT. | Extra Fancy Green Peas 2 12.02 pkgs 53¢ The
. ried €hildven from 3 0s. t 3 ohry urang, anc aughie 6-0xz cans ara
Leukemia Ace 18, including ih en “Don’t know yet. I was looking of Ronks RD1, were visitors of Mr Ideal Pure Concen. Orange Juice 2 49¢ are c
childf-en born during the policy | When you drove up. Come on in and [and Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher dur- | IDEAL CREAMY woodl:

ly, No
7 essary
3 ’ dings.
the, wi
Smallpox form. Nee aah ine the past week.
Fxpenses from any of The caretaker went directly to Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt and |
Tet: 3 Pa S : the safe behind the fireplace
letanus Y these diseases up to | RE TR parece: Mrs. Elizabeth Hitchcock spent |
rs tops
can kiss this job goodbye. Rowland [Thursday visiting Mr. and Mrs. |
| will never keep me on when he Harvard Johnston at Lancaster. |
| 3 | finds out those bonds are gone.” rR a Mrs. R. H.|
} {

Recently Rev. and


{ 3 For Each Afflicted Person ast 5 the. Weel {Arndt and Mrs. Hitchcock motored |
us - e was up here over the week- |, than a bible: rantor. | It's great on on a
0 N ! 9 \ No Waiting Period | end. He had a lot of negotiable York to sitend a bible confor 16-0z C I Mrs. |
i ® Room ond Board Exwvenses| bonds and left them in the safe. ®nce held at Penn Grove of which | jor Also i
while in ANY HOSPITAL, X-rays. | Figured this would be the last Rev. Ralph Bover is director. | >. so
drugs. dressings, medicines, elec. place anyone would look. Well, he Ta. OW .............. | i \ able v
. . . , 9
1310.00 for EntireFamily =~ ® MEDICAL CARE expenses by | figured wrong.” purpos
Step in and begin your regular | any licensed physician, : osteopath | “Did you get a look at the thief?” FE tD o IT plan t
[ > Kenny “Not much of one. It was dark. as one a wp. | erties.
oh 2 re reatments if available. I was in the kitct setting myself | ™
7.50 for Husband & Wife 5 as in itchen getting myse (From Page 1) The
savings program. You'll be on 3 3 TENIAL OF IRON LUNG, soc | some sumer, when I heres 8 conte) ie - lod
f jal apparatus, mechanical aids, | in front. I switched on the light|Tohn Hart, who will teach math | a
braces. section
and listened. It sounded like some-| his coming vesr. Both Mr. Depoe |
® "NSF ith a. |
your way to future security and $5. 00 for Individuals Lk NURSE EXPENSES without one was trying to pick the front|/and Mr. Richter will be assigned |
strictions . . . not members of in. | "° Thi ing ; : ) ; APPLE JUICE Ideal Pure
sured’s family. Jor I k. Thinking of the bonds, | coaching duties. Mr. Hart will also AISE Buz dl 3°
. ie ® TRANSPORTATION b tune sneaked into the library. It was 1 river educati : 3 Fresh Hom-de-Llte
a present that is worry-free. Your ‘No Age Limits for Adults oO LT | ke dk il oe re ch driver gu ton,» ov | MAYONN jr Fir
ment . .. Ambulance Service. then went groping for the rifle to : 2ddey fv SALAD DRESSING Hom-de-Lite ig ¥
| Pays from FIRST DAY that the di.| Rowland keeps behind the safe, It [School curriculum this fall. The | REAM MIX 3 Jar 17¢
ICE C Ideal pkgs By
savings are insured up to $5,000. | Children 2 mos. to under age 18 seose manifests itself and thereaft. | Was right then something hit me high school guidance program, un- |
we wil { 19-02 Cc
Years hectment, Felix stood in the 2nd . Marchal College Guidance | TOMATOES Asco Hand Packea Sans 35 Nes
er, as provided with benefits for 3 | on the head der the direction of the Franklin |
} a 1 Center will gbe expanded. Mr Ar- | qt bots
center of the floor and looked { Cc
I E E R L E S “ around the room. The dial telephone | thur Hollinger, of the high school | BEVERAG ES Bala Club Plus tax 2 plus dep 2 3


1 J WS bi ¥ i was on the desk, with the receiver |staff will be the high school guid- IM Four
3 PEE. re {| ; > : onte art i
9 10M) sill Lisi 3 Casualty Company dangling on {is erg, Tare jane counsellor. | Ideal Fancy Cal. or De ve
- ; Rooms, iy palin Fle fra an’| School buses will cover approxi- aay 8
of |, Represented by | Je LAY hep : hy ome &n mately the same routes as in pre- | the I
o keep my supper hot? ft it in) 5 no of Salt
| [ a hurry. Meantime I'll take a look |ViOUs years, and it is expected that an
TA vs Te ELMER G. STRICKLER |: nu, dea er yy rt
{ 4 Tourn chi ny Woot ed es l Vs Aount
2 Za AR a Your Town and Village Insurance Agent | Chris shot a quick, sharp look at|Township and West Hempfield | nos 2 te
ia Chak 2 the officer, but Felix had already [Township will again transport high | oy pe
| PHONE 17 PA 135 E. WILLOW ST. | begun to browse around. So the |schocl students from their respec- | Five dglicious Cal. Fruits in rich syrup - - - Lancs
WN. PA. | caretaker crossed to the desk, tive areas. More than one hundred | Pineapple, Peaches, Apricots) Pears and Comm}
picked up the receiver and began | n-resident high school students | Cherrigs. For tempting dessefts, salads, etc. Each
to dial. He had whirled out two : its res

from these townships are expected |
Sy Ideal Gelatine Dessefts 3 oda 17¢
or Asst’d. Puddings
Extensive repairs to the town- |
B ship school buildings have been Trey Louella on Fresh Glendale Club Wisc. sible
RENE made during the summer months. Corn- is Tops! LOAF CHEESE Sgiling
Te (| A new roof has been placed on the | half in

Sweet Cream
2. 75¢ | made
Buiter box | betweer
high school building. A new ma-
cadam parking area has been built
| near the high scheol building The
| Re TE | Wrapped : ¢ [BALL MASON JARS -
| Painting has been completed in all | Quarters Ib int CELER
fires schools. New: soir save | pints quarts LLEB
ol hree schools. New power mowers | Fresh Vegetables you of ton hoe doz 79¢ WITH |
[have been purchased, also new | its creamy-fresh, sweet cream qual- Thice
| school furniture, tand instruments | ity. It's Amenica’s Prize Winner. Nothing Refreshes | Like Iced fies

at the |
Asco or Ideal O. P. Tea Sa
Ib 15-1b a jus
ho BTC hg BAC ™ Jo
i and typewriters. |
About ten teachers have been | Richland Creamery Ib 68¢

| taking graduate work during the | t
Chris shot a quick, sharp summer Months at Columbia, Penn | . ferent ft
Only Chevrolet offers such a | ead tas ‘ricer, but Felix State, Elizabethtown, Millersville | Mild Creamy Cheese > 450 ™ Toa Bags ws,
already had begun to browse and ry Soveral of the district Sharp Cheddar Cheese '°65¢ Killarney 0. P. Tea 'alb dle Mrs. 3
had th

| around.
te: achers expect to enroll this fall or Your Money
& : :
2 7 o | numbers, when suddenly the lights|at F. and M. College to take the Meats of Guaranteed Quality Refunded present
7’ went out. | graduate work offered there in co- Robert
Zi Ce 277 ZO > 7 Cs oe Hl in yelled, startled. [operation with Temple University. Small, Lean Smoked Skinned C greatly
< . | . >
“Keep right on dialing, Chris,” | The district school directors are Whole or THESE
Felix said from the doorway. “Fuse | Mr. E. G. Morris, Maytown, Pres- Shank Half op

“Come, come, Chris. Play actin’ | . the Eco
Be aro vot ony sone, 1 go Jewerly - Silverware Golden Pound Cakes ‘mon 35¢ | ministra
bonds, and busted the lock on the | Watches - Gifts Reg 59c Fresh Orange Iced Layer Cakes ¢2 49¢ as one
front door, toe. At any rate, you | visited
didn’t hastil ch Why Pay More? Get Enriched
the d: a Yul io el Watch Atta memts S B el large < dustry
i an anou
settled your own hash by proving (WATCH REPAIRING) upreme rea font A These
2 ar t ke Joe. An’ speakin’ of | Complete Ronson Lighter You can't buy a better bread or find a better value anywhere. Supreme resentat
wash, conmi@ along, Repair Service quality Ingredients give you a loaf that tastes better, toasts better datts
and stays soft longer. Why uot save that 4 or 5c? on ¥
cia re
| ’ ——
ec | 3
NEWCOMER MOTORS I Everybody reads newspa but! Koser 3 Watch Shop Prices Effective Aug. 10-11-12, 1950. Quantity Rights Reserved. and gen
9 ne. b Ee Dial Mt. Joy 3-4013 YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT THE ACME id
NOT everybody reads circular ad- Chocolate Ave. FLORIN, PA. tion em;
MOUNT JOY, PA. vertising left on their door step, Shoe m
! | Alta
t t t t musta blown.” |ident; Mr. H. W. Musser, Mt. Joy, | :
9990 an a € owes prices, 00: | “Don’t be dumb. I can’t dial in|Vice President; Mr. H. D. McMul | FRESH SHOULDERS Ib 49 honors
w w | the dark.” Shih len, Marietta, Secretary; Mr. C. H. hind DI
2 7 | ney Sl Jusisted, LL WE Joy RE and Mir. Jolin SMOKED PICNICS in g@e ision in
You can choose between You can choose between 7 You can choose between | tines you crazy? I can't see a| D Roland, Me doy' B.D. Mr. 5. hi k to 61° Baton |
. . . ; . 7% : A | { Werle ad Se] Somers
Styleline and Fleetline styling 7 Automatic and Standard Drive yw the Bel Air and the Convertible | “Good!” said Felix. He |" Binge man is supervising prin- y Frying “ iC ens ap Brawn =
: | snapped on the lights. In his |ciPal of the township schools. in C 1b c pT
Many an admiring glance will follow % You have an enviable choice of en- #% And if it’s a sports model you want, | hand he held the old time long | - Stew g hickens and Drawn 53 REICH
you when you roll by in your new yz gines and drives in Chevrolet, too. % here's your car! Choose the fleet, | barrelled six-shooter that had SYVVAMAMAMAAAMAAAAAN CUT UP FRYERS: The ¢
Chevrolet with Body by Fisher. That's 7 You can buy a Chevrolet combining 7 fashionable, steel-topped Bel Air, with served him during his many EYES EXAMINED BY : Ib 39 L B ts'b 89 : Backs 23¢ Evangs]
true whether you choose a Chevrolet w Powerglide Automatic Transmission* ,, smart, racy lines, extra-wide windows, | Jars Aylin oh right 2 APPOINTMENT Wings T 8 a fagsis a8 : on School
4 . %Z > : : 72 > Ss, m > iali | | as
Styleline model, with “notch back yw and 105-h.p. Valve-in-Head Engine yw and gray, leather-trimmed upholstery, | more.” any '$ DR. S MILLIS | Sliced Bacon Tor y1>59¢ Chicken Pies Prepared 39¢
styling, as the designers call it, or a "for the finest no-shift driving at lowest and you'll have the 0k its Soe : 3 : |
yling lesig Lor “0 ie 8 t dri 8 at Ic ost w ‘i yc have ihe only Cc ar of its | “Say, what is this?” The care- 3 OPTOMETRIST Ready-to-Eat-Lean 63 Ibs S 49
Chevrolet Fleetline model, with® “fast cost, or a Chevrolet combining the ,, Kind in the low-price field. Or choose taker replaced the receiver on its |$ BONELESS HAMS can ' |
back” styling. Both are available on all # highly improved standard: Chevrolet # the equally beautiful Chevrolet Con- | hook slowly. 3 59 N. MARKET STREET | Here's areal bu No Waste - - - ready for the tabie.
Chevrolet sedans and at the same #% Valve-in-Head Engine and Silent Syn- # vertible, with automatic top that lifts | “Well talk about it later, Chris, ELIZABETHTOWN . a NN fort |
prices! Remember—Chevrolet is the % chro-Mesh Transmission for the finest # or lowers at the touch of a button, | an’ look around for the bonds. In| 3 Hours: | 1 Pollock Fillets Ib 25¢ | Perch Fillets > 35¢ ti
only low-priced car that offers these 1; standard driving at lowest cost. # and you'll have the finest Convertible | Je Tho; in you come with me. 3 Daily: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 Fresh c
two outstandingly beautiful types of 7 in its price range. Also available is an oF I Ts ti alloc Evenings: Tues. & Sat. 6:30 - 8 C Claw; bi
, a » Wi e No H h |
styling . . . thus giving you an oppor- w *Combination of Powerglide Automatic yy; all-steel, four- -door Station Wagon— | too; That's what you git for makin’ 2 0. Hodrs Thursday { €l
tunity to express your own individual Transmission and 105-h.p. Engine op- ,, smartest in its field—listing for $260 | me let mine go cold.” |@ PHONE: 334) | Virginia Lee Bakery-Fresh Treats
: Wi F pe Y | g 2
taste in motor car beauty. : tional on De Luxe models at extra cost. less than last year. {[ Chris blinked. “What the devil Devilfood Cocoanut 1 The C
W | archive ® devi) each
ts | are you talking about?” B A Rn C A BK E S pany, of

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