. EB cova - d—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, August 10, 1950] MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher alls | . TRAIN LEAVING FOR SKWEE 2500 BEG PARDON, ) TRAIN LEAVING FOR SKWEEZBORO OH. 1 THOUGHT SIMON PL MADE and REMODELED { IY LASSING, MIDDLE TOE, BINKERICK, |. ; LASSING, MIDDLE TOE, BINKCRICK , wary. 5 RESSMAKING \( WHAT DID ¢ ATTLESWO| YOU SAID 5 P 1 | ANKLE HOOF, SKWEEDUNK , BATTLESWO,) ANKLEMHOOF, SKWEEDUNK , Vv | FUNERAL | DIRECTORS | E { NS BC | You SODAPOP SWAMPBURG ALTERATIO from CONDON III |, SODAPOP, SWAMPBURG, [| CONDON, S : '/'| TRACK FOUR/ Moung fy, Pa. GIFTS | MARSHLAND TENEFLY AND \ Sav: MARSHLAND, TENEFLY AND Nace ir . ig - HICKORY GROVE CHICKALAGOQSE BOROUGH <0 - CHICKALAGOOSE BOROUGH ON /. : | M tJ Sh F; | 0 TRACK [7] a) ~~ TRACK FIVE! 9% ‘| Mlargaret-Jean Shoppe WP Vd | You know, good people, the way f FIVE! fo YY $ 19 W. Donegal St, MOUNT JOY the news reads, we have cause for ! $ > running an anxious hand across FO RMIC.: i A $ = our brow and cogitatin’ on how- Sinktops & founters $ \ come we been such a sucker. How- KITCHEN & BA THROOM 2 \ 1.» WALL TILE < | M come we have stcod for the rattlin 1 v : Blind 3 ol Vi around in big places of small 1 - = Tile Floogs enetian nye 2 URG Se pecple, Haw-come we have per- | SERVICES BY CHURCHES OF | TREAT FENCE POSTS LEONARD L. SAFKO ~~ $ EAST. Ty Eo mitted the term “big business” to A ANDISVII LE AND SALUNGA Fence post material cut and peel- Phone 3-3491 - Mt. Joy, Ju. $4 OM ROUTE 422 (Hershey Rd) | be blusteringly used as meaning GE il ed during the summer will be 4 p= - AA “dreadful business.” Mildred K. Reaver Aug. 13 — Devotions by Salunga ready for treatment with a pre- \ a a Cans IUR ony Af Nishi | And now, when trouble loom John Diuglas Day [ Methodist Church, Sermon, Rev. R. servative such as pentachloro- Dest End! Kids ‘in YFIGHTING -— AN ow, ! ‘uble looms, : a srine Reaver, | : oo | . so ¢ s' what happens! We ask’ the big gun Miss Mildred Katherine Reave hl H. Daihl, phenol, after about three months Electric . » FOOLS" also ‘WOLF HUNTER M | a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn| Aue 20 — Devotions by Zion a me. 1" FRIDAY - SATURDAY makers, the big TNT makers, the 8 A of seasoning, says F. T. Murphey, and Gas Wa oa WEST" A ' C. Reaver, Gettysburg Rl, became |p Church, Sermon, Rev. aris) forester. of the Penn~ il 7 PAUGHTRAS 4 THE i. Also | big iron foundries, to pass the . fas D 1. | a0 extension forester, o 1€ € Also Specialize/On | in Color, with £ ilip peed, Als i ton. and auidt. Vou dent the bride of John Douglas Day, III, | Robert C. Pike. sylvania State College. 50 Specializ - ‘BOMBA QN PANTHER IS A WISE OWL Sam ' 2 ! ke Jr., Atlantic City, N. J, Sunday in| Aug. 27— Devotions by Salunga FARM MACHINE WELDING | SUNDAY . MONDAY oy I Gi I a LR RR ey son of Mr. and Mrs. John D Day. | Church of Brethern, Sermon, Rev. NATIONAL PRESS SIDING AND EQUIPMENT |W Errol Flynn in The ADVEN. ith Brice. Hsing = Bp -. ith the se He _ wi will om Grace Lutheran Church, Two Tav-| prnest P. Leer. WASHINGTON, D. C. Beer! Call 3 41 89 flutemobile and Truck Welding n nicotor, , tar s © s wee 7 | ese hig plants hic ome " " ———— 3 - | will Start the column His wee with " 8 Pp Al will C ..erns. The Rev. Oscar E. Feeman, After defraying the expenses of 8y Anne Goode LAWN MOWER SHARPENING '. a household hint: How to keep to the rescue—are 1e very one Gettysburg, officiated the services. the offerings will #0 po For Home Delivery W CHILDREN UNDER 12 cL our grocery. bills m—Use a | that have survive » sniping of er a : Ss 1 5 & b : i . ETE SHOWS EVER your grocery bills ‘down Use a | tat have He sniping Both the bride and bridegroom |, the International Christian Uni-| Use one of those little nail WACKER V I's Weldin Sho | I a $200, theavy paperweight, —Sim=- | our Govt, Which has been chipping! oc or the Mount Joy High | vost Japan srushes to scrub extra soiled places SPRENGER 0 | FREE PLAYGROUND! : le, isn't it? | away at all private ventures via!’ : 2 In : : Vi | that by iol 1 of pestering soc- Following a reception on the | hanna Unive Hy. The or legroon offortlessly leaving a’ skinned ROLLING ROCK MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931 / Patronize Bulletin Advertisers v Didja ever notice that lotsa girls | | a Rh d oi Dr Il lawn of the bride’s home, the coup- | was graduated from Pleasantville, | afterward. # ALE & PORTER - | : | 1alist- > talent who smell : ‘ 7 iy Xn i Jo * * x ' who say they feel like a young |la!1St-mindec : left on a wedding trip to the |N. J. High School and West Ches oo solt’ lo e like a bunch of old | Something wrong in any business i They will live in Mount [ter State Teachers’ College. He | 'Top your favorite fruit salad Victor J. Schmoll ; " colt look more like a bunch | Poconos. They will live in : : 1 cup sour : V 15 | that has been able to succeed or] : served four and a half years in the [With this dressing: ” DR AVON ~Distributor— os: | survive Joy. ir lug cream in which %2 cup real mayon OPEN UNTIL 9 @. M. —- | survive. The bride is a graduate of Get-| Air Force, reaching the rank of [pri and 2 teaspoons confectioners Cre. To ier Cur. Servios i ot The only time a woman is right | We would be in a pickle now tyshurg High School and Susque- | captain. sugar have heen mixed 4 of : a a ._ | and how—if we were depending on! a Ee 4 spitting in her husband's face is | *™° I g on. ; : 4 in ik ng - 5! nis Ane 5 gd | teakettle plants for the big stuff we Whoops! There goes the jied Joa r 9 na MT. GRETNA, PENN Pi when his mustache is on fire. [nti 2f we. vould w lear 4 y ‘ . right down your dress! Ly is : | | goa we n is "All Makes of Sewing only cotton so you throw i igh ® NOW PLAYING — DON'T MISS IT ® : T I Ch » Nei listen to such able Americans as washing machine and are Jy ne th hose cases that “Cheesy” Neiss . stor’ Bur : ' sy Dy "is he hot water and s tz . : a that old “Soreback,” Senator Byrd prised. The ’. } t Costume Comedy of The Gay Nineties was sitting on down at the freight a Ls 2 9 Y Machines Repaired have set the stain permanently. Brillian y Y . . | of Virginia, suh! and renovate top Rw like vegetable juices, beer, | Station last week didn't contain to bottom—our Govt, we would be . . - Wop ins, highballs, contains tan- | n rn “J perfume, but sure did give off a] showing a wholesome tinge of We Modernize Your Machine nin which is often barely visible 45 EAST MAIN ST. range e 5 OWS powerful aroma. | George Washington-type rSe= BEFORE to Electrig, Conséle or Portable AFTER when fresh, ut shows gp Vigh edt | MOUNT JOY oll { « SO . ak 4 | alkali. Rinse such stains | sense. Olt Us Te Pen and Deter rare! aad alba Rin | WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16th I don't know why I don’t get up| Yours with the low down, * * * Jie - = earlier in the morning, cause you | PICA PETE SALES J V BINKLEY SERVICE The commonest crime against | If You're Looking For Laughs See This fe sure can miss a lot. Just like last | [| E fish is guereocking. Je SOON | Hilarious Baitle of The Sexes Wednesday, I'd have given any- | ] 111 N. Market St. ELIZABETHTOWN Phone 216-J | | complaint against fish is too S| ie thing to see Sam, clad in pa- | out of ten kitchens, is caused by @® CURTAIN 8:30 P, M. ADM. $1. PLUS TAX @ jamas at 4:30 a.m., cautiously going | overcooking. So, lev's take stock 0 : through the store armed with a | A x our fish manners. Even one-ha 3 7 hot 2 Der i ti ™ i minute extra cooking can ruin fish. BULK AND GALLONS Shotgun.— —Darn that. ice. ! * * % vy Id fashioned sugar cones 4p | ) Try our old fashioned g A | } ike the lightweight, no- , reyers Ice Cream. A patent medicine manufacturing | Ice Cold Watermelons ne Yo of nylon slips, but with Bifvers Je tn OLD TIME “i pa i Mowi 2 | also want an out-of-the-ordinary | 74 CHURCH ORGANIZA- Pe cecmpany received the following let- { colored slip to wear with sheers, TIONS, CLUBS, Etc. ter from a satisfied customer: “I am fi don’t give it up 23 2 Jost ae nd | ot] ery much pleased with your rem- | Nylon takes beautifullv and easi 5 4 " " IE a pane Ta | to all purpose dyes. SPECIAL PRICES ON | AT A edy. I had a wart on my chest and a. after using six bottles of your med- | cia = -— J A | . Bei ; : a icine it moved to my neck and now | yl MARING A RECORD We mst pla orders on Monday} The Home of FREE Entertainment i I use it for a collar button.’ The Maytown base ball team in and Thursday, by 2 p. m. if we can “EF | { Or oun y eacC the county league is making quite [serve you at any time, please SATURDAY AUG 12 1950 . : a 01/2 : A loca] man has finally achieved | = i a record. In thirty games played to CALL 3-9163 | s 9 Hi success. He crossed a homing pig- | Boog { date it has won only one. CLOSED SUNDAYS i eon with a canary and sells them of | 101 R NCH BOYS “p to a telegraph company for deliver~ | \ - it 1 | A ing singing telegrams. | wf | me ) Columbia Recording artists and’ Hollywood Stars, from station “1 Se | ELAINE IVANS ! Sum ) (§ WSBA, returning by popular démand. : A local spinster accidentally | Miss Elaine Ivans, noted Broad- ! 1S it { Milk 4 K ot dropped her purse at the Acme on | Way actress, has been brcught to NORRIS | AL 1 € oman A Saturday, spilling it's contents. I| Mount Gretna especially to play | { FIRE COMPANY CARNIV Quiz show of one thousand laughs. helped to gather them up and |the key role of Julia Cromwell in f oy | - | 4 R among her effects I found a mar- | “Strange Bedfellows”, a gay cos- I Orange - Blended - rape rut | Way ne Oberly & Junior riage license made out to “Whom | tume comedy, which will be pre- {{ v Unsweetened Unsweetened | da ; EB The Blind Man with the Seeing Eye Dog hy it may Concern.” — — That's being | sented at the Gretna Playhouse for!h { | g ‘| Chicken Corn Soup — Sandwiches — Soft Drinks “S prepared for any emergency. { one week, starting Thursday, Aug- f { | 3t ] il \ ° ° y [oe sll !'| REMEMBER ._ YOUR ADMISSION — REMEMBER | FREE — Florin Fire Co. — FREE ol Went into a bar for a birch beer | e N25 appeared In NUMETOUS yy | \ and above the bar was a sign that | motion pictures and on many radio I 0 CAN WIN A 1951 AUTOMOBILE | ] nde’ 4 . van drive vour shows. - . pe read: If you can drive your old | Be —— a i large 46 oz. cans | Tell Your Friends LOOK man to drink, drive him m here. | LOOK Ab t This Show Mi | Elementary Schools | Abou EVENINGS J O Y SATURDAYS £ { ildr r y EVE 3 > This little poem is most timely: | . More children are now enrolled 3 for > EVENING Di The bees to save their lives | Unies ates e The NBC SOUT EK SATURDAYS T - EAT R E HOLIDAYS Vo Went everywhere that Mary went | i | 6-8-10 P. M, 2:00 P. M. ( For Mary had the hives! | Baby Chicks : : Kk this famous group | dm ——— Mount Joy, Pa. Re y ha | Baty chicks thet turn semen ltd NORRIS FANCY Nothing needs to be said—everyonie knows this P| : A Florin hubby sneaked home at | saults and walk backwards may be e No. 2 can g { FRIDAY—SATURDAY—MONDAY, AUGUST 11 - 12 - 14 oul 3 am. His angry wife met him at | Suffering from vitamin E deficien- if pp es BETTY HUTTON — EDWARD ARNOLD -in- wr, the door. “So home is the best | €¥+ Ee ( i he I hree Cantons eo 999 pice gher all” :she snorted. “1 Shipping Catile DEL MONTE i ional Chi acts in show business | Annie Get Your Gun don't know about that,” her mate | Cattle shipped long distances . C One of the most sensationa inese replied, “but it's the only place | should be given plenty of rest and | 1 Ch k No. 2 BO: open.’ | light feed for the first few days aft- ! meapp e un S Can @ ~~ lics TUESDAY, AUGUST 15 \ rt | er arrival. Ni ic © 5 ) of V) : thy Of coursse, lots of lives have Sa Than, Thm of 1950 GENE AUTRY — GAIL DAVIS -in- i been destroyed by whisky, but | : 09 : Ape { * or : eo N 1 29 > barnyards well dr: 3 ie & r at rr jut ook at. the boats that have gua us of sons 1s G n or Wax Beans ||| the most talented group of Juveniles to appea Sons Of New Mexico rw ¥ © Ru. e sen . been wrecked Ly water. | helps to prevent foot rot in cattle | ree Rheems ey'r A Do or. byes hacer) 20 BR | pong WEDNESDAY -— THURSDAY, AUGUST 16 - 17 roves you, by any chance, know | i 7 why radio announcers have such Anemic Pigs he S New Pack No. 2 can C LeRoy Brother S RANDOLPH SCOTT — RUTH ROMAN -in- small hands?—You don’t? —“Wee | Deficiencies of iron and copper, raws, for station identification.” | Br a oe 4 The World's greatest iu: : seColt 45" S A 11. 2 . . ~ : 2 i 1 rice. ’ This is a whole show itself — Worth the entire admission p I knew that many prcnouncia- Arthritis Lipton S Tea Bags 16 S C tions have changed since I went to It is estimated that America lias FRIDAY — SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 - 18 school, but it must have gone far- | seven million arthritis victims. i Roy Reber’s Or chestra ther than that. A Frosh told me a - 0 JOHN PAYNE — RHONDA FLEMING -in- sentence has two parts — the sub- | ZINK & CRIDER ( ING AND PRESERVING NEEDS : regs NX BEEN ed 6b " ject and the predicament. | SUCCESSFULY DEFEND TITLE CANN EATS ~ GAMES ~ AMUSEMENTS | “The Eagle And The Hawk | Frank Zink and Eugene Crider, Didja ever notice, some women | both of Mount Joy successfully de- ° Parking Free ADMISSION 50c Children under 12 free — can dish it out better than they | fended iheir Red Roses Open Ten-| L d J R bb - ws OO can cook? | nis Tournament Doubles title ar 1 S ar u ers Bip ————— Sunday at the Landaster Tennis D XHIBI fey I'll catch it for this, but the temp- | Club as they fought off an early bid E I tation is too great to pass it up— | for the crown by Gil Rothrock and t 8 23¢ Sure Jell 2/23c i Mcst women are referred to as| Ray Stauffer, of Harrisburg. er 0 0z mi ommercial S ace O en Amazons because they're so wide | Zink, recently crowned Lancaster oor wh Limited Amount C P P | : . . Wi r when \ at the mouth. | Sigles pon, and Cee bi 4 CONTACT FAIR COMMITTEE AT ONCE A WISE OWL | der, dropped the first two sets o will help you? toni nn QL Jars Mee dm [QU] mil Er ELIZABETHTOWN CITY-COUNTY ROQUE LEAGUE with the Harrisburgers by 6-3 de- mist like been diagnosed as 4 4 te . Vopor, Asthma or po STANDING | cisions. i Hay Fever you owe R Team w L Pte. | The two Lancaster Tennis Club 7 For use only i it to yourself 3 3] 86 petitors rallied strongly, in ithe Psi § os diagled. 4 «to investigate h ’ i / Schoeriéek + ......... 8°. 4: 667 | competitors rallie ngly, he | QL i ; : . Lancaster ......... 7 5 .583 | closing ithree sets to’ take\tne decis- 5 : | 5 MA N i SEPT. 1 4 - 1 5 - 1 6 Six Ward Col. ..... 5 4 556] ion, three sets to iwo.\The" third set ; EA 1 / 2 # ! ou are u user of AsthmaNefrin, please ob 3a . . Mount Joy" 6 16 , 500] was won by a 6-3 score but they id in TOV een or res 97 Space & Priges fof Farm Produce-Home Arts-Handicrafts Ephrata s 5a were extended to 7-5 before wk. || MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE [}| vu wis | |§ Free Exhibits, Sp es East Petersburg .... 3 9 ¢ 250|ing the fourth set to even the (il PHONE 3-9094 MANHEIM 5-7811 DANE PHARMACY WRITE ELIZABETHTOWN BOX: 29 i i oo tech. Zink and Crider closed out . a LE ; N 9 A F gay night, August 11 | ate . ith a 6 rictors These Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday (this week) Mount Joy, Pa. ELIZABETHTOWN FAIR FUN FOR ALL East Pefersburg at Mount ‘Joy | he match with a 6-4 victory in Six Ward Columbia at Ephrata | the deciding set, EE - i’ - 5 regan pnt a ate, LT FP SR - : A ar -— ds AL An nlp tema AL BT, am we pnts dR a - - > slain wn is rida LX Etech Ae FS FR NR SN Ta anny ae ah Nata amb aR , ron A. ee.