The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 03, 1950, Image 6

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    | ON THE STONER LAWN George Brown Jr, Mrs. Wm. R. | PRIZE AT HOBBY SHOW
On Wednesday evening, July 26, |Heilig, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Irvin | Audrey Musser captured first
the Ladies Aid Society of Trinity | Smith Sr, Mrs: Wm. Batzel, Mrs. prize in the annual hobby show of
Lutheran Church held a picnic sup- | Harry Hinkle, Mrs. D. C. Stoner, | the Florin Playground Friday af-| erty to the state,
| wv! ~ | : 3
per on the lawn at the home of | Mrs James Neal, Miss Flo Smith, ternoon, with her paper napkin Then came the hitch, State au- §
Mrs. D. C. Stoner, East Main St, Mrs. Bartch, Mrs: Harry Brown, collection, Second prize was Dar- | thorities decided that some addi- WHERE YOU'RE SURE OF
After the supper the regular| Mrs, Clyde Eshleman, Mrs. Clinton lene Gerlitski with a miniture | tional land was needed to provide,
business meeting was. converts ol Longenecker, Mrs. Raymond Gil- | shoe collection, Jeanne Heisey won a well-balanced park. Land own-| T he Most for Your Money
About twenty members and seven | bert, Mrs. Elizabeth Dillinger, Miss third prize with post cards, apd| ers, it was learned, promptly boost-
uests attended namely | Mary Charles, Mrs. Arthur Hendrix Frank Geib, fourth, sports cards,| ed prices to $1000 an acre and then
Mrs. L&8ter Koder, Mrs. Samuel | Mys. Berrier. Mrs: Edward Hendrix, Winners were given free craft ar= | dr pped to $500 an acre. Even that,
6—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, August 3, 1950 WELD A PICNIC SUPPER Crowl, Mrs Annie Ricksecker, Mrs, AUDREY MUSSER WON FIRST M Ab d Th
(From page 1)



I: - . wr, | Mrs. Hoffman, Miss Anna Hasslet, teles [ice authomities said, is more than iam
$b. RICE Mrs. M. J. Bieber, Rev. W. R. Ko~ | Next Friday the special feature | the state is willing to pay. PORK AND VO,
. . der, and Peter H- Koder | wil be a costume show. Directors The Commonwealth, it was point-| 7
| Plumbing & Heating i | John Hart and Miss Lily Martin | ed out, could condemn the land and
| Phone 3-4151 [here Is no better way to boost will be in | Pay a price fixed by the board of] v Zo
MOUNT JOY, PA. your business than by local news Viewers However, at Harrisburg
| a ! caper advertising. | WENGER FAMILIES REUNION it was explained th it the State Au- or Ideal Vegetarian Beans
— ——— =| AT LITITZ NEXT WEDNESDAY | thority is in no frame of mind to| A
| ES a wy The annual reunion of all the force the gift of a park on the c un-| J

ty if the people 't want to co=|
Wenger families will be held at| ie people dcn’t want to co
Lititz Springs Park on Wednesday,
August 9, 1950. The reunion will
cpen at 11:00 A. M. for a picnic
luncheon. The program is sched- :
| uled to begin at 1:30 P. M. The ad. | nas comple‘ed much cf the survey|
dress will be given by Rev. Roger | work, but with the state lacking]
OD. Wencer. Pastor of the First | Possession of the land he can go no|
ar ~ : | further. |
Christian Church, Charleroi, Pa.
on the subject “Ideas Have Legs.” Maybe has been one of the most|
operate in obtaining it. |
: |
Col. James H. Wickersham, Lan-|
caster contractor, chosen to plan|
and direct the building of the park,|

3 ho 20
" bots
- dep. C
Your choice of eight delicious flavors «+ « Golden or Pale Pl
Dry Ginger Ale, Orange, Root Beer, Cola, Sarsaparilla, : C
Club Soda or Grape.
| Ideal Creamy or Crunchy 12:08 33c
Peanut Butter
Sweet, .0Z severs
Farmdale Peas newpack 2 ine 29° wicts

The most talked about lipstick i
in America! Ask the woman who wears it!

Sight as your target — education, business,
travel, security, a home~and you can’t miss,
if you save for an opportunity. You'll find
satisfaction and security in a savings account

1. 00 plus fox
#& Positively will not rub off if
properly applied!
#/ No constant retouching!
4/ No more embarrassment!
4/ Colors the lips but
A program, consisting f vo- enthusiasic hackers of the pro-|
osed park. |

cal and instrumental music, will be |}
| given. The State Authority planned tol
——— ES te | rebuild the White Oak dam, swept
{ BENDER REUNION SATURDAY |?Way by a flood several years ago,
The sixteenth annual Bender [8nd later partizlly rebuilt. It pro-| |
family reunion will be held at posed to build a two-lane road
| :
Long's Park, Lancaster on Sat- |2cross the dam and create a lake in

in th

does not coat them! wrday which swimming and fishing would| count
IVR JOY, [J 4 Sect to! 3 —oozgZ - —— have been possitle.
t's new, different, a Lipstic iracle!
Weber FD.I.C. v : ? pe {| Everybody in this locality reads Along the shores, plans called for|
> SNOW MADE IN USA. Sloan’ S Pharmacy MT. JOY, PA. | The Bulletin—that's why its adver- | facilities for picnics and outings. IDEAL PURE STRAWBERRY bottle
. ROA, Sa I tisers get such excellent results. | State Senator G. Graybill Die hm Tar 39 ht
& SE "| was interested in the park and did| P R E % E R Vv E % ar ha
{ much towards having the Author-|
| ity approve the project. (ASCO HAND- PACKED, SOLID 19.02 Cc
| What happens next no person in| M A T O E cans
authority would guess. One high

| state official said merely, “At those ' HOMOGENIZED, ENRICKED i a
| long 4 priess I guess the project will tall C } Imsutt;

— joint |
H : G : | Garden Fresh Summer Fruit and Vegetables ! 3
| | araen . : that {
‘narvesting Grain pes
(From Page 1) C i § C i Tiki) 2 bchs 17 ional
mately three acres in an hour. If! a E arto ‘ result,
gn ig put De today the] Cal. Iceberg Lettuce 2 "9s 25¢ Largs breoh Popes 2 for 3 en
| same way it was done 50 years ago. | for Q¢ (Local Tender Beets chs 14e er
we'd all starve. Bixler commented Extra Fancy Cukes 2 the cc
At that time it took 25 men to do/| VALENTINE ci Board
| the same job that two can handle B E A RN 8 Ibs action
| vir |IGREEN
f At
Newey en to] FRESH FULL-PODDED 2 25¢ board,
| make the job go more quickly and] Ibs sed tl
{more easily is the self-propelled] L I M A B E A N % residet

{ wheat combine which is becomin«|
[ : C Calif. Large 36's Cc bond i
a more common sight on mz ny| ania OUPes Pink Meat each
— county fzrms. This piece of equip-|
Ran, ie ent “ i name comes| Golden Ripe Bananas 2 Ibs 290 Sunkist Lemons 360's doz 35¢ A
| e ) S OV y a
wih Bs own driving oo) "Bartlett Pears 2 bs 29¢ | Cultivated Blu-Berries Pt 2T¢
| raratus and is not attached to a
tractor. The grower simply goes ov- | Vine Cc Do
: f )
i! I 4400 FARMERS KILLED ler the field of ripe grain with his HONEYDEW MELONS Ripened €a 39
\ \ | cylinder knocks out the|
2 | 3 {grain and a shaker separates the| FRENCHED GREEN BEANS 210-02 pkgs 490
AQ \ ’ | grain from the straw. Grain / IDEAL PURE CONCEN. ORANGE JUICE 2 sop cin Hae
may | Due

automatically be posite. into ¢ . v pr
Fo pte ly be de posited into a| Virginia Lee Bakery Treats for th
{bi or bagged on the combine and 9 Exhibi
| if the farmer has a truck or two he| Oh, Mom! Let’s get one of those
| can load directly ont, this from his| GOLDEN PECAN anothe
J : 14 14 | bin without bothering with bags. RR BR EK E % ening
| Another trip over the field with] at the
|a baler, collects the straw, bales it They're Cc It is
| and, 3 a wagon is attached, the| Only Directs
1 | straw Lales. can be stacked onto| { one in
| f !
I ( ) N RB a M fie oun and hauled directly int | | Round French Crumb srumb Cake ea 209¢ | his
| a ' Almond Cofiee Cake ea 23¢ be Thi
| kg 6 is i
SALUNGA MAN INJURED Delicious Jelly Buns P<9 © [9¢ this is
TRYING OUT NEW TRACK | Cinnamon Streussel Loaf ©225¢ Jo
: . 7 I the
A field half plowed—a furrow left unturned—work stopped by accident! 9 Te new Lancaster Speedway PINEAPPLE ICED LAYER CAKES ¢49¢ et
{has had its first casualty, although| ea :
itl : | the half-mile dirt’ track in Pequer| 1 ROPIC DELIGHT LOAF CAKES °* 29¢ terest
To the farmer, working against time and weather, delay can mean the difference | Valley isn't scheduled to open until | The best bread value in town - - ENRICHED C id
i : . . Saturday night, large Bt
between a crop and no crop, a good year or a lean one. So accidents have no place in his fiving out the touck tn Supreme Bread loaf withou
schedule; they cost money, delay production—and the growing season keeps rolling car, Earl Way Jr., twenty, |
: Salunga, lost control on a turn and, | 1 or
eat - - Low Prices - - S ictio i]
along. crashing through a guard rail. over. Quality Meat - - Low ces atisfaction Guaranteed avail.

, turned in a field, atout 8 bm | | FRESH PORK So w
. . . v Lu . q° . » ssday nig 3 ‘Woe FeBnrta meetin
Yet, farming ranks third most hazardous in eight major industries. ‘Think of it, while Tuesday night, it was reported. in thi
Token to St. Joseph's Hospital Ot ers Ib in nis
the death rate for all industry is 29 per 100,000 workers, in agriculture it is 55 per automobile, he was treated for al Hi
vossible fractured collarbone and|

100,000! One farmer in every 15 is injured on the job! Total—4400 killed, 300,000 later discharged. | LEAN SMOKED
: Way is a son of J. Earl W: |
disabled by injury every year. on wy, a C
{ | —— 3 Si
The wise farmer knows where his hazards are—and avoids them. Falls, machinery and GPPORTUNITY FOR WOMEN | TOP QUALITY SLICED BACON 'b59c 1
ou 0
animals account for most accidents down on the farm. Their annual cost—$75,000, 000. There is an all-out effort being SLICED LEBANON BOLOGNA 1% Ib 39¢ ap
Yet, they're so easy to prevent. Just a little caution is all it takes. S¥ee by Amy sal Ar Foros i
3 leaders So make a career for wom-| CUT-UP FRYING CHICKENS and §
en in the service both attractive BUY THE PART YOU LIKE THE BEST The
9, te . ” 3.3. ! te : 3» at 1 | : rewarding. | ™=
Don’t “cultivate” accidents and losses! Instead, “cultivate” safety and success! and rewarding. | WINGS'®39¢ LEGS or BREAST '°89¢ BACKS 23¢ the p
Every new recruit is given scien- Fully Stewers Fir
Prepared in co-operation with the President's Conference om tite apiftude ests ard interviewed) CH E C KER S Dressed 53¢ 61 I
Industrial Safety and contributed in the public interest by [> skilled classification specialists. acted
| This ‘new vocational guidance pro-| ; <
| { P Ib
[gram adopted by the Army and the Claw Crab Meat Frashiy ioked 33 C
|Air Force eliminates any possibil-| Fancy Perch Fillets 35¢c Fillet of Pollock 25¢ in spe
ities of malassignment. All girls| Fancy Large Shrimp ii 13¢ 1
entering the service are schooled 4
| after their basic training to ade-| For the Best Iced Tea--- Salads taste Better with our b
| quately prepare them for their ulti-| Asco or Ideal 0. P. Tea Creamy, Hom-de-Lite I
| mate assignments. { ™ -1b ME " C
| H ! N Bo Lo Hr ge onnaise above
Wh [ pkg 27 Bd ay
E B U L L E i | LOCAL MAN'S CAR IN A | Ideal Tea Bags jo. of 50 450 80z 23¢ 3 a wes
| COLLISION AT LANCASTER | Killarney 0. P. Tea sr mone
MOUNT JOY , PENNA. Cars driven by Marion E. Hies-| eee or Zestful Hom-d Hom-de-Lite for ou
tand, twen!y-four, Manheim, and | Household Institute Cookware
William H. Sauder, eighteen, Mt. | is Low Heat, Waterless SALAD DRES SING I
\ [Joy Rl, collided on Franklin St. at| See the complete Display &-0z 17¢ i 3 C fit to
| Lancaster, between Reservoir St | Get Your Card Soon Jar jar round
er ———————————————————
Prices Effective Aug. 8.4.5, 1950. Quantity Rights Reserved.
and New Holland Ave. Damage
was in excess of $100, according to
Er on police. No one was injured.