The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 29, 1950, Image 2

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2-—The Bulletin, Mt,
Joy, Pa.,
Thursday, June 29, 1950

The Mount Joy Bulletin
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher
Published Every Thursday at No.
9-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa.
Subscription, per year .. «$2.00
Bix Months $1.00
Three Months 60
Single Copies ............. 05
Sample Copies ......... FREE
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt.
Joy, Pa. as second-class mail mat-
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper
Publishers’ Association

had a few”. Teen-agers in “hot
rods” are giving safety comm-
issions a headache, too, We would
not mind the Connecticut plan here
in Mount Joy, if it meant reducing |
accidents, Such does not take the |
place «f regular court procedure,
but is based on the idea that vio-
lations lead to accidents,
® eo
Mony who return from study of
foreign crises, declare that educa-

iff we
20 Years Ago
The 48th reunion of the Sixteen-
er's Association of the Mt. Joy
Soldiers’ Orphan School was held in
| the Legion Home.
| Mr. Harry Leedom, feed
left on a week's auto trip to St.
{ Louis, and Kangas City, Mo., where
he will visit the Purena Mills.
| The Alumni Assoc. of Mount Joy
| High School held their banquet at
{ Indian Echo Cave.
Mr. Samuel
Publivation Day. Thursday tion of the youth is the logical H. Clair, Chestnut
Copy for a change of advertising | means of building democratic and | Hill, Philadelphia, visited friends
should reach this office Tuesday. | friendly relations with them. There | here after an absence of thirty-
We will not guarantee insertion of | js 4 mave to build an international | five years.
any advertising unless copy reaches
the office not later than 9 a. m.
preceding day of publication.
Classified ads will be accepted to
9 a. m. publication day.

Some wives call it patience in a | typifies. Japan, if inclined to dem- |
| Christian University in Japan to
| carty out this idea. The U. S. would
contribute $10 million for its cre-
| ation in Tokyo. War is far more
{ costly, the last one taking $300 bil-
[lien from America, just in money.
| The Far East is a problem as the
| influence of Communism in China
Wm. F. Conrad, barber, has em-
| ployed Earl Hinkle, who is an ex-
pert on Ladies hair cutting.
| Mr. and Mrs. Abner Hershey gave
a werring reception for Mr, and
| Mrs. Alfred McNuel.
Markets: Lard 11 cents; Eggs, 21
Jana 22 cents, Butter, 35 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Warfel,
husband while other wives call it | ocratic ideals, friendly to Western | Salunga, entertained sixty guests in
pure laziness,
® oS
Any mother with a large family
perpetual motion.
® 0
Did vou ever notice that the fel-
low who wants te bet fifty dollars |
usually can’t afford to bet fifty
© 0 0
We notice where a young man at
Laneaster was arrested three times
within 5 year on the same charge—
reckless driving. If that chap meets
with an ascident it isn’t his fault. |
The blame should go to those who |
permit him to continue to drive.
co © 9
High Humidity which is fre-
quently with us in summer, brings
the housewife to face
mold. The soft, fuzzy looking, gray-
green, dustlike ~ growth,
understands the principle of |
and erase
clothing, bockcovers, grows
under carpets, on drape folds, even
walls. If it isn't removed soon it
mzy discclor and
which it adlieres. Mold has a bene-
rot that upin
ficial role, as science has proven.
Penicillin is the miracle drug ev-
olved from it. Yeast for bread and
rolls, is mold. But it sheuld have its
place and according to homemak-
ers, it isn't deing
feather ang cloth, though
any good on
it may
save stme day. As you bemoan it,
also bless it.
sc 8 ©
Whether vou have two weeks
with pay or months of summer

| conceptions of such, could produce
| leaders who would be friendly
| toward America. An international
university at Tokyo would be an
| influence toward this end, a butt-
| ress against Communism. No one
| can be sure of such plans succeed- |
|ing, but as a man states, our ex-
{ change system of students with
| foreign countries, is’ such an’ ¢b-
| jective. The process takes time, biit
| for long-term relationship with
| countries, such a program would
| take years in the building and
| molding.
® eo
conscience, whether to
conscience to right or
oppression or: freedom, to power or
your neighbar’'s good, your own
humility before God or man. Or-
give your
been the parable of July. The auto-
mobile has cut down on the oratory
and the state laws have done like-
wisé with the
fulfillment of the Fourth has not
been changed, however. Your con-
science won't permit it to change.
‘Americans don’t think
date as the anniversary of declar-
ing their independence from Eng-
their Maker for freedom and jus-

heen reconciled
still continue to respect and cher-
ish the pledged words. The cele-
The Fourth of July is based on
wrong, to
atory and firecrackers have long |
firecrackers. The
of this
land but rather as a time to thank
through brother-
| hood, but this has not concluded
{ cur celebration cf the Fourth. We

| honor of the 57th anniversary of
Mrs. Warfel’s parents.
Efforts to merge the United Bre-
thern, Evangelical and Reformed
{denominations into one church will
| be made at the convention at Mt.
Gretna this month, :
A birthday surprise party was
held in honor of Mrs. George A.
Kercher, ky the Young Ladies’
Bible Class of {ne Lutheran Church
The Brandywine Fire Company
cleared $3,200 at its recent: fair.
A full weeks service will bz held
in July in rededication of the May-
town Reformed Church.
Transcontinental Air Lines have
decided upon a fare of seven cents
per mile for carrying passengers by
Rural trolley lines throughout
the county will soon be ended and
| replaced by busses.
A plant, Night Blooming Cereus,
{ which blcoms every other year, is
in full bloom. The flower measured
eight inches in diameter, is pure
white and belongs to Mrs. 1. K.
Hinkle, East Main street.
The Bulletin’s
Scrapbook !
A . Ge

tice, the same as Britons have Week’s Best Recipe:
fought for in more recent years| Baked Rhubarb: 1% lbs. fresh
than 1776. We two nations have rhubarb, 1% T flour, %-} c¢ sugar,
to taste, 1 t salt, 2 t nutmeg, 1 t
grated orange rind, 12 c¢ orange
juice, V4 ¢ water or fruit juice. Cut
rhubarb in 34-inch pieces and
measure four cups. Place in large,
Weekly Newslet’r| Grocer’s Picnic |
Issued By The
Pa. Game Commis.
Undoubtedly, as a result of this
convention wildlife and conserva-
tion stories will be better told in
the future because into them will
be woven the vital
with the importance—to national
survival ao well as game and fish—
of continuing our way of life
through the wise use of soil, water,
minerals, and timber.
Dogs Chase Deer Into Town
Game Protector R. V. Rea report-
ed that on May 16 the residents of
Clairton, Pa., were wakened by the
baying of dogs and a crash near
the center of town. Dogs had
chased a desparate male deer into
the center of town. In its mad
flight, the buck crashed into two
plate glass windows, damaging an
electric shop display. With the dogs
on its flanks, it continued through
town for a half mile before going
down. The deer suffered a broken
jaw and a broken leg and was bad-
ly eut by glass. It had to be des-
troyed. Damage to the electric shop
totalled $175
Game IN Deep Freezes May
Bring Penalties
The Pennsylvania Game Law
provides that game lawfully taken
during the open season may be
possessed during the
therefor and for sixty days there-
after. Any person may obtain a
$1.00 permit authorizing him to
possess the flesh of a lawfully
killed bird or animal, or any part
thereof, for an additional period
not to exceed six months.
Game authorities remind
possessing the flesh of Pennsyl-
vania Game to check expiration
dates of their permits. In these
deep-freeze days it is easy for per- |
sons through carelessness or
getfulness, to retain unlawful game
beyond the time prescribed by law,
and thus subject themselves to
Two Bucks And Two Does
Killed By One Car
Game Protector L. L. Logan ex-
presses amazement at the report of
Deputy McGurk who early in May
picked up a doe deer killed by a
car near Murrysville, Westmore-
land County. The doe carried three
embryos, two of which were males.
Tney were fully developed and
spotted, and would have been born
in another two weeks. The un-
usualness of the incident lies in the
fact that the road-killed doe
weighed only about sixty .pounds.
Impersonating Conservation
Officer Costly
Last month, an Easton man who
described himself as a “game war-
den” collected a $2.50 “fine”
a Delaware River fisherman. Later
in the day he attempted to extort
money from two boys in the same
On the complaint of the boys’
father, Game Commission officers
investigated. They laid their find-
ings before the proper District Att-
orney. Result: In county court, the
Fastonian pleaded guilty to a
charge of impersonating an officer
and was sentenced to a term of
sixty days in jail.
Broody Turtle Emulates
Hen Pheasant
Harry Rickert, Kutztown Game
Protector, tells this stranger-than-
fiction story: “One day in May,
while mowing thistles on State
story dealing |
open season |
from |

(From page 1)
| Oberholtzer, A. J. Rodgers, Clay-
| ton Stehmap, Al Zinn, David Cold-
| ren, J. N. Walmer, Elmer Witmer,
| Jonn N. Bender, and J. L. Ruoss.
K. Schupp, Amos Shrom, Martin B. |
Sheaffer, H. Clifford Thomas, Mor-
ris Trimmer, C. J. Wolfe, C. M. |
Woerth, Charles Binkley, J. E. Al- |
‘exander, John Godfrey, Robert
Houseal, R. A. Mendenhall, Mar-
| vin S. Boyer, L. J. Paytas, Paul
Weaver, R. D. Hoffecker, Ward |
Kurtz, Charles Dagen, F. R. Dixon, |
W. S. Groff, Clara Kaufthold, Leon
Smith, George Alvon Leaman, W,
| Earl Stober, John J. Sweigart, Le-
Roy Stumpf, R. E. Smith, Herbert
R. Wagaman, R. E. Hecht, W. J.
| Eshleman, and Mrs. Helen Good.
| Maharg, Clyde J. Wiggins, H. S.|
| Root, F. Richard Riffle, John Ober. |
| holtzer, C. S. Zartman, Earle Diem,
| H. L. Sensenig, Earle M. Kreider, |
| Jchn H. Herr, E. L. Hobks, John |
| Kershner, Charles L. Ritz, Alvin |
Geller, Robert E. Lee, John K.'
| uel Aptekar, David Benn, Willis
Byers, F.R. Weaver, W. A, Fuenf-
Frey, Wayne A. Buffenmyer, Louis
M. Chance, E. H. Ebelhar, Walt
Fessler, Herbert George, and E. H.
stueck, A. N. Barley, John G. Seb-
clist, R. G. Rice, R. E. White, R. A.
Grubb, Norman Leisey, John K.
Fuss, L. G. Forney, Eugene Becker,
H. G. Myers, John M. Booth, Dav-
id Messner, George A. Miller, M. S.
Buckwalter, Alice Daveler, Rufus
K. Burkholder, W. R. Wise, J. R. |
Messner, H. S. Grill, Ivan P. Low-
ry, C. Marvin Eshleman, P. M.!
Hollinger Clarence Haldeman, Earl |
Hassler, Verne Hiestand, J. Walter
Enader, David Moseman, and Mary
/.nna Schaffer, |
James A. Hess was named Hon- |
orary Chairman, and Charles B. |
Dorsey Secretary.
Advertisements giving full in-
formation about the Picnic will be
published in this dgwspaper.
hed In this
Everybody reads newspapers bul
NOT everybody reads circular ad-
vertising left on their door step.


“If It Swims, We Have It”
£4 food's

1. PUT a reasonable part of your
earnings (at least 10¢/) in an ac-
count here.
BR \\
| = >

. KEEP your money mm your ac-
count. Don’t withdraw for minor
3. ADD to your account regularly.
Thus, you provide your own ever-ready
solution to unexpected money problems.
mm T I
= Ee


Did you ever notice
that the wrapper on each
quarter pound of A&P
butter is marked off, for
your convenience, in tea
spoons, tablespoons and
That's just ote of the
liftle extras that make
A&P butter the best buy.
We buy top quality
We package it for your
We price it low.
If our batter, or any
other dairy product, ever
fails to measure up to
your most exacting stand-
ards, please brite:
Customer Relations Depariment,
A&P Food Stores
420 Lexington Avenue
New York 17,N. Y,

83 E. Main St.
Fancy Creamery
1 Ib. solids
Vs Ib. prints
un. TOC
Florida Red Ripe
ws 5°
Arizona ort dn ™
Iceberg Lettuce NONE PRICED HIGHER ING: 19¢
Fresh Green Peas Long Island ¢
None 2 lbs. 29¢
California Seedless Grapes
Florida Seedless Limes
New Green Cabbage
Regalo Salted Cashew Niits
Orange Concentrate Nedick’s
Realemon Lemon Juice
Hudson Napkins Rainb
Ritz Crackers
Rold Gold Pretzels
RTER Ib. 3¢
oe, 29
Moen pkg. 19¢
5 3€
Ls. 23¢c
we 55¢
0) 19¢
al: 35¢€
ow Colors’ és 19e
Fig. Je
12 oz. 29¢

er ee








vacation, plan ahead, prepare for it | bration will not be the last but! shallow baking dish. Use a shallow | Game Lands 182, one of the | \
by listing bills to be paid, services | continue as long as our conscience | dish. Mix all dry ingredients and orkemen disturied 3 hen | a ZZ A= * The Anh P i kis v
to be halted, publications to be for- is fer good. There continues to be | sprinkle evenly over rhubarb. Mix | fused to Pulh Ea a id 2 IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH | Ne nh 1a e-mark is your
warded, repairs around the house | attacks against our defense of dem- | ordnge juice, rind and water ahd|was abandoned for two days. To | a | best “buy sign”. For Ann Page
to complete, lining up things for | 6Cracy, unconquerable passions in| pour over all. Cover dish and bake [our surprise, we found a turtle on| ~~ Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | Foods are A&P’s finest, made in
packing. All of these can be irrita- | men who would conquer traditions | at 350 degrees, 20 to 30 minutes, the Saas during ne Jp day. Nope co its own modern Ann Page food
tions Jater. Last minute Fishing | gh privilege > we re ot until tender. Serve warm or cold. |turbed and the turtle remained on | | { factories!
might spoil your trip. Figure how ‘ath, resolve to preserve nationa Lawii Care the eggs for half a day before we |} ANN PAGE PINT QUART gE
much money you can spend, keep | independance, individual liberties,| pont rake out all of {he dead 4 OF 1} | Mdyonnaise ax 358¢ ne 59¢
: 4h is | is . Sav . onserv Sources r mpover- | -
the vacation costs within this | aly Toth al every Fourth for | leaves oh the lawn in the spring. ® ish The ‘Nation | a Salad Dressing AN Tas Te 29¢ “x 49¢
amount. Don’i mar your heliday by | €ver and ever, amen. | They provide organhlc matter and| A short time ago, William F. ’ 1}
worrying constantly over money | ® eg [will help fertilize, as well as the| Warne, Assistant Secretary of In- | | Sparkle Geldtin Desserts 3 wes 17¢
atters o whi sleas | THE FARMER IS N N | dios fog : ; terior, said: “My contention is that [41
metters. Do what you please on Ci OW NEWS | dead grass. It will soon be covered thie Utiited States need rot be & 1 Ann Page Peanut Butter 12 ot 31¢
your vacation, if possible. If you | ime was when the farmer sel- | by the new grass. Top-dress the |phave-not Nation. I do not believe | = a ews 1 A ug a
want to sleep, read and relax br | doe made ii front page biti | with about a half inch of | that our economy must run down | nn Page Ketchup some 19€
stead of golf or fish, relax! Don’t | recent years he finds his problems | good black soil, peat or well-rotted | like a tired clock. I agree that, in '§! BI ANN PAGE 2 or 4 oz —
: : acs S01, : wh hav |} ack Pepper crouno. cant 39€ un 75¢
expect the vacation to be a series | on Page One. City dwellers are|mantire. Decdmpositidn will add | many ways, we have been profil: | H isiti ? 1 : L
: add | ote” with fhe natural wealth the ave You Been Visitin : ;
of perfect days. But, take it easy, eae conscious of him. They fol- | minerals to the lawn. Apply fert- | Sup I iy We | 94 Stuffed Queen Olives “™ ™ font 49c a
brother, and return to your work- | lowed him through the period of | ilizer twice a year, in the spring however, developed conser- | ra: 2 fl ANN PAGE 9 oz
a-day world renewed, refreshed, | the "30s with foreclosed mortgages | and then in late August or early Rethody 74 Philosophies | - Had Visitors . pi Dark Mustard JAR 1c
renin | and dust-sterms, his efforts t | A . that can and should be stringently . | 3 : ANN PAGE PINT QUART
yenceated, | the world duri io lors Is Led September. Don’t mow the grass t00| They are taking firmer | Been Divorced ? | White Vinegar som: 76 som: 18€ |
a |, 2 gurms Hie wan his ight | close. Don’t water until necessary | held in our National habits. There |] | : | Black Rasi bert Jam AN rast 1h 43¢
CONNECTICUT HAS A WAY against ceilings on meat in '46, gov- | and then soak the soil. Frequent, [is no short-changing conservation || Bought Anything 2 P y SEEDLESS JAR
"An cperafion is in progress in | ernment parity or support prices| shallow sprinklings encourage sur-|and restorative Ffouree Programs | ed nl i : Ph
Connecticut that is being studied | tnd food surplus problems. face rooting and are harmful. in Sur Stas a a | Sold Something ? Mild Cheddar Cheese » 45¢
by other states. It is a program for | The city man says the farther has | Watch For Accidents ren and future generations for a | | Ched-0O-Bit Cheese Food 2.1 69¢ A
reducing auto accidents by weeding | never been so well off, a fat bank | Home accidents can frequently | temporary gain for ourselves. If we | Had a Party 2? ih : LOAF ¢
out unsafe drivers. The sysiem is, | ‘ol and a brand new car, the forte | |. prevented through common proceed rte and in | ? | lona Tomatoes Hs" a 25¢
to provide a scoreboard for every | that put Truntan back in office s6| sense. Don't use a box, chair, un- ER Loo why, Jur | B ? i a :
| : : . > s and prudently use what we have, | ee T |B! 8-01 17-01
mciorist in the state who violates | the good might continue. The farm- steady stool, instead of a sturdy | the ik De we have held of | n To One Butter Kernel Peas 2 is 27¢ ams 3%¢
the few. A grading of from one (0 $2 Saves lo {hat he is ladder. Don’t do your own repair- fe America of the future can be | Got Engaged ? 1 Peanut Butter Ne 336
16 prints is marked on the card, |S g rich off of the government. | ing of wiring unless you KNOW | realized. « G fruit S . AdP 20 oz or
{6 the gravity of the Many farmers around here are dis- | how. Don’t crowd articles on closet | if Been Jilted ? [ rape ruit Sections 2 CANS 43c¢
violation. A police, warning is one | Satisfied with the present set-up of | Don’t leave sHarp tools, ROBERT E. HOFFMAN | | nN V-8 Vegetable Juice 4 Su. Be
point, speeding gets three points, a | federal farm plans, would rather be | scissors and knives where children Shas! Agent 1 Joined a Club or c ks bib 20.68 Fi
fatal accident involvement if the | free from this tie, are suspicious of | can reach them. Watch when open- New [vdrk Life Insurance Co, 1 ampbell s Tomato Juice 2 &% 25¢
i a os i i e Brannan Plan, = : : P .5375 a 1} i Bg gk :
river i aa Hh Se rs ae Holes ihg cans, when using an iron, work- Sine 255 i Been Thrown Out of One 1 Rédlemon Lemon Juice some 35¢
prints. Motorists who ri x AS ing with a hot stove, boiling water, | LB A ae of oe
three points on their cards within | form of land conservation pro- | Slippery floors anid worn carpet on | Puasa PENNSYLVANIA | Had Triplets, Quads or | Leads Corned Beef Hash 2 ws 49¢
five years, are mailed a warning There is hostility to all gov- | stairs are apt to cause accidents. Ii Claridge Hamburgers 150 49¢ :
lettér. Those with five points are | €rment aid programs or preference | Don’t wax floors tco heavily and | < Evena Baby ? Sl Beaded ANE Parker hn
invited in to a driver clinic con- | for ones That protest the farmer's | have lights at the top and bottom || CHARACTER ...... || Marvel Bread wn 14¢
ference where such problems are | come while still guaranteeing him | of a1] stairwavs. : | 3 D EH Hi r eid ss JANE PARKER PKG” § fu PKG
discussed iri a friendly way and the | Bis independence. Are farmers get- 3 aways Our differently better | ~ Had An Accident *? Frankfir ter Rolls AS 15¢ 7% 22¢
motorist warned he may lose his | ‘in8 rich? re full-time farmer | Spimylate your business by adver= ee hk te T 1 Sandwich Rolls i ie «3% 15c 4%: 22¢
license unless he is more careful, | 53¥s no and reminds the urbanite | ying in the Bulletin 3 i» 4 J ; WwW |
Six points and it means a hearing that in industry the price is set to Loa forts ahd Traditions lend a i hat Ss News. Please Tell Us So e | .
with - the chance of having the | the manufacturer a profit, | | Character to the Tribute you 5 : | y ;
Jicense suspended. Connecticut | Put in food production the produce Cc ARBOL A will always remember pleasant- Can Print It and Tell Your Fri end S | ), ) "A ) CH
: is raised then sold fo ki ly. \
reaches the percentage of drivers : r a market Disinfectinl ‘Whit 3 . \ \ \ \
who are having more than usual | Price and asks how could he grow hin ale Poll Cdn x :
mamber of accidents, conviciions, tich on such a variable market? Also. 0 @é
warnings. It is working well there With the long hours, hard work, 1SOTOZ Daity Spray hy call 6329 a i ; chy oa Hd 4 “a " Bl
and has solved the “accident re. | hazards of labor, the dependence BC 1 RRs 1 Ty BEE yw ; q pe - Tw All P . Th
problem. (upon the weather, one thing is HESS BROS. q H E E T 7 The BUI] i | | 1 rices In This Store Ho
Summer finds many cars on the SURE, farming isn’t an EASY way 1 TY Ba
roads, people in a hurry to go “no | to get rich. . i Husehicsessons To HOME FOR FUNERALS MOUNT JOY Phoii Aré The Same As These \
place fast”. Drunken drivers are yo. | FLORIN, PENNA. North. Duke: Stet At Leitich ofié 3-9661 E f f 4 I 3 id
adding to the accident toll and es-| There is no better way to boost | Pode ME, Jos 3498 on a n ect In Our Super Markets
pecially the fellow who feels he has | VOUT business than by local Bees | 28-1 LANCASTER, PENNA.
J > og
» AE

perfect control because “he only | PAPer advertising.