The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 01, 1950, Image 5

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FoR .
0 the maid of honor, wore a white Ch h N 1 7) } H / :
he Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa. ? Oty
H Y AWNINGS Weddings frosted marquisette gown over pink urc ofes doy, P . Thursday, June 1 195
ave Your (From page 1) taffeta. Miss Doris M. Rice, the
Made Now! Evisconal © . bridesmaid, wore a similar gown Mt. Pleasant | 3
ok plavopl Chureh, Coates= | green taffeta. They carried Brethren In Christ Church | FORMICA 3 HATS
Order Now-Pay Later! Le: ie double ring ceremony | bouquets of yellow roses Elder C. Fi. Moyer, Pastor Th $ MADE and REMODELED
: was used with the Rev. William |, 4 picardy gladioli and wore sim- Sunday, June 4th e Sinktops & Counters 2 DRESSMAKING
. Hugh Fryer officiating. a By 9:00 a. m. Sunday School KITCHEN & 4
ilar headbands. CHEN & BATHROOM @
Complete Awning The bride wore a white suit and Edward J Middl a | Threesome WALL TILE 3 ALTERATIONS
Service! hat and carried a white Bible with idgletown, at. Mt. Joy Mennonite Church | Tile Floors Venetian Blinds 2 GIFTS
an Her sister Lois Weaver tended the bridegroom as best man,| Henry Garber, Amos Hess, and | By Richard fill Wilkinson 3
; . bh an Her sister Lois Weaver, we. ware 1: Wake. & Henry Frank, Pastors LEONARD L. SAFKO 4
We Measure, Give Free Esti- Mt. Joy, was maid of honor, kn ushers Wen Fadl H. Bret. and Sunday, June 4th fm HAT MAN,” Janice thought as Phone 3-31491 - Mt. Joy, Pa. 3 Margaret-Jean Shoppe
mates, Sew, end Hong Awn- —————— Anthony Centourione, also of Mid-|""g.)6"} "m ~ Sunday School she brought her roadster | 3 ET Ww. D al St, MOUNT JOY
ings of Top-Qual dletown., 10:00 “hurch Servic “has \ —
3 0 op-Quality Mater Clariotie. An 8 00 a.m, Church Service. to a halt, ‘has possibilities, It \
als. Also FURNITURE UP : a ennett Miss Esther Walters presided at : can't be that he lives here.” | a st
HOLSTERING & VENETIAN . Chubb the organ and Miss Dawn M. Mos- St, Julep Shere He sto Just Sve the picket
2 sei ye atresia Miss Charte Ann was veel A . ev. Donald ‘Boyd Kline { fence—six feet of tall leaness. Fair
| BUNDS. Tor PEC daughter of Mr. and Mrs Carles ie yO > Teneo oe Viear | hair. Blue eyes. Bespeaking the May Be Hot Now!
shih, Rr ee Bl rooms: loflowe € | Sunday, June 4th | easy arrogance of youth, He wore
ay Call Columbia 48101 or write J. Bennett, 45 East Main Street, | ceremony after which the couple| 9:30 a. m. Church School a blue cotton shirt and blue denim BUT
became the bride of Henry A.|leit on a wedding trip to Canada. 10:45 a. m. Holy Eucharist (Ist jeans, Steer
Chubb, son of Mr. and Mrs. ROSS) Thev will reside at 340 Race St. and jd Sundays) (Morning pray-| “You're not Janice Burdon?’ he | Why not do yourself «a favor
‘ . OR Teens . : twa . : | er other Sundays. | said, And then : "WORD ‘
y . Chubb, 1256 Emaus St, Middletown | Middletown. ., I s © - « [at nd then at her expression:
: 9.9( Sunday wih = Middletown. Ms: Chai is employ Brotherhood of St. Luke Corpor-| “Heavens, you are! Why couldn't ORDER YOUR WINTER COAL
at 2:30 p. m. Sunday in the Meth-|ed at the Middleto Post Office » 3 i
i 1e | letown Post Office, | ate Communion on last Sunday of| Aunt Bertha have warned me?’ S
dist Church, here. The Rev. Earl|and Mrs. Chubb was employed by each month at 7:30 a. m. [15 Aunt Be YOULL rt Ti or | UPPLY NOW
‘ R. Thomas officiated Watt and Shand, Lancaster : HOLY DAYS off. : pa When delivery is re p
‘ ated. att and Shand, Lancaster x [ “My real aunt. You only call her VIS sure, and pric
11th and Spruce Streets, COLUMBIA, PA. The bride who was given in ma i BE - 7:00 a. m, Holy Eucharist, i Seal aug, You Bly § al hee are lyn prices
y as give ar= | @ ause she's a close frien
riage by her father, wore a white| SEASON'S FIRST CARNIVAL | of your mother.
: Ea hur { Th: reve
satin princess gown and pleated | HERE SATURDAY, JUNE 10 Rev | ¥ Oy Cl stor » - Minute That Takes Ne
; y Cu WF, wot cousins,” he “ ;
satin cap caught to a fingertip veil.| The first carnival of the season |Sunday, June 4th { ad Tt ' | ORDER NC
. ! aay, d added with frank OER NOW Al J HESS
. She carried a white orchid on af will be held June 10th, by the La- 9:30 a. m. Church School il Fiction reliet. : OL J P L E.
very 0 y, verywhere, Reads The Bu etn white Bible. dies Auxiliary of Friendship Fire WR Phe worship, Janice rescued X X
cn, p rayer of Ing | i
: Miss Florence C. Kaylor, of town,) Company No. 1. Sinner” y mam nel her suitcase from the rumble seat. FLORIN, PA.
ee - - - - - 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship, Ser-| fis 1 like one of those things <) 4
— mon, “Spiritual House Cleaning.” read about,” he grinned, tak- PHONE MT. JOY 3-4885
Monday |ing "it from her. He studied her ’
7:30 p. m. Church Council Meet- i pest “And 1 |
ing. ight my vacation ‘was going to | eee ——
| Wednesday be one of those dull, uninteresting |
7:30 p.m. Junior and Senior Pray-| things.” .
| er meetings. | Minutes later Janice faced her | Th - -S :
Next Sunday June 11th, will be| Aunt Bertha in the bed chamber urs. Friday . aturday
Children's College Day and the|over the front parlor. |
[ Annual Child Dedication Service| “Oh, Auntie, why didn't vou June 1 - 2 " 3, 1950
at the close of the Children’s Pro- re
: ~ xa) z | tell me he was going to be
gram. The Service will begin at] poe § qidn't bri thing
1]19:30 A. M. and it will be a Com~| Sun's Being a Hung.
bined: Service. Not a thing, except my shorts,
two cotton dresses and a bath- | 5
Calvary Bible Church Bg aL, We Reserve the Right
Rev. C. I. Summy, Pastor “Who?” Aunt Bertha asked in-. | to Limit ntities
E. M. Wolgemuth, Supt. nocently. ‘Phil? Land sakes, don’t | rere a oe
Sunday, Jung Hh ow | worry about him. He dropped in [J MASON-DIXON BARLY JUNE
9:15 a. m. Bible Schoo unexpectedly yesterday and an-
ho 1d b b ht ; t t we 3 m. Mo ning Worshin { nounced he was here for two weeks. EAS Ne. 2 c
: Nn e¢ Pastor speaking. | He's a dear boy. You’ ke hi | :
S € oug as an Immves m C 3:00 p.m, Baptismal Service using] Te rary, Youll like I, : - ne
3 the facilities of the Calvary Inde~ i Aha wrth. Aas Pe | SHURFINE FANCY WHOLE GOLDEN.OR.SHOE BEG :
) Phil up to the north pasture and, |
pendent Church, Lancaster. tate ; os |
7:00 pan. Prayer Tine | watched him prune apple trees.
d » 1 5 d 1 : : ll 7:30 pm. The message by the | ought this. was your vacation,” | CO N Nol ¢
~ . dod i : | she said after awhile.
esigned to accomplish some definite Pastor. 8 dart oil
Monday : It is,” he told her. “I like work- | SWIFT'S MEAT OF MANY USES
8:00 p.m. The Monthly Executive| ing on my vacations—out doors.” |
’ Board meeting at Parsonage. {He pointed away over the fields. PREM 12.02. C
h h . b . Tuesday ae day I'd like to see all those | Can
»d t St 7:30 pm. Ordination of Brother| ields set out to apple trees.” 3 rt ——— rr z
purpose, WwW ct er it e use O S 1im- Clifford Brain at Faith Calvary | Two days ago she wouldn't have | TRI-VALLEY UNPEELED HALVES — CALIF.
hare, Letort, Penna. [believed him. She was city born |
rv C ey By | and city bred. To her a farm had | APRICOTS a 2Y2 Cc
1 1 or, pooh of ne: Brey Jays hav warke ang | a, |
& SN 2 » I ‘ >t # It ane shee p i v1 aneat | /Ing, bugs and snakes and
u ate Sa eS or en nance pres 18¢. S 0 Sous on at Lancas [not days in the sun, long lonely | CADET BRAND
a | evenings. Even the thought of a D 16 Cc
The Washington Street farm had made her shudder. Cans
Church Of The Brethren She wondered about Phil. He | —
» ® . i i
5 ; a [claimed to be a law fir ember |§ PENN DUTCH
n 1 t 1 t h t t Klizasbetttown, Pa, c rm member FANCY
ed value to you lies not in what it cost, Rev. Now Hi. Zl, ur. (on 1 her but || OPK PB c
. . id it or a lawyer he was mighty skillful | EANS No. 2a
D 9:30 a. m. Church School | handling pruning clippers. And his | Large Can ~
AVS with a class for each age and knowledge of farming was pro- | i
mM b 3 i * 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship; found. LIBBY'S FANCY LONG CUT
~ | Reception of New Members: Recog-
SS ut in what it accomplishes. ton ot the minis of wep secoxo vax or wee || SAUER KRAUT eens kt OC
a Ee ry c ‘ ans
| Pastor Zuck will preach on “The off 9
early and went for a swim. 5 Gre. —
\ | Disciples Prayer”. The third day they played ten Thase Sanco, Stores and all other Lanco Stores everywhere offer the
7:30 p.m. Community High School] pic The fourth Aunt Bertha g vey an? 3
’ Ba caionrcuter Servic ins fe Fira hi ole four) 4 ia JOHN BENDER, SALUNGA ROBT. HOUSEAL, MAYTOWN
’ | Church of God drove to Mount Carter, climbed | BOYERS GROCERY Vl A Er Ce NG
é bib to its summit and watched a L. G. FORENY. F 2 QT
First Presbyterian Church glorious sunset while nibbling B. 0. GROSH, MILTON GROVE VILLE
Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor delicious sandwiches. S. G. HERSHEY & SON, ELI- J. N. WALMER, ELIZABETH-
| Sunday, June ith On the second Saturday following ZABETHTOWN TOWN
\ | 3 am. ( har h hoot | her arrival she was with Phil. They
0:30 p. m. Youth Kellowship had climbed Mount Carter again, | ——
.L t | Miss Peggy Garber, Leader. 7 py
Cc ® oe LJ 0 Trini Ik.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor
| Sunday, June 4th
9:30 a. m. Sunday School. | ‘
: | 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. When the e é 15
4:00 p.m. A Tea in Sunday School |}
A Room honoring Mrs. George H. ’
| Brown Jr, for her forty years as! bh
4 | organist of the church. que er i an
——— | Wednesday
® ° {7:30 pm. Church Council. h bh d
Do Your Printin he fut
3 A . | Donegal Presbyferlan Church
{ Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor
| Sunday, June 4th
9:30 a. m. Church School
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.
| “The Motherly Comfort of God.”
Aletin Ph 3 9661 M t : | Newtown U. B. Church She wondered about Phil, |
; one nr oun Oy | Oscar K. Buch, Pastor |
| Sunday, June 4th had sat for long, silent moments
9:00 a. m. Sunday School. watching the afterglow of a blood-
| 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship red sunset.
| TE — GW vee Unexpectedly Phil said: “Well
| COMMENCEMENT AT LANC. |it's gone. And our vacation has |
| SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE Sons. Tonight: wings vo £0 tio |
" . Ss. |
| The fificenth anual Commetice- “There’s always an end to nice |
ment of the Lancaster School of the! things,” she told him evasively.
Bible and School of Theology will “There doesn’t have to be.
be held on Thursday evening, June| gyer. Listen,” he went on

|8, at 7:30 p. m.
in the Y.M.CA.
eagerly. “I gave vou the wrong
was too late.”

| auditorium, W. Orange and Queen impression about myself. I'm
| Streets, Lancaster. not a successful lawyer, 1
| The Rev. Ralph H. Stoll, pastor] hever should have tried to be
| tale is Poplist Chime a lawyer. Thank heavens I
SICO CONTRIBUTIONS oem a Chae loon] 2 wes. Thane sven 1
| will be the speaker of the evening.
| The invocation will be given by]
| the Rev. Oscar M. Kraybill of York,
| and the Rev. Clarence I. Summy of
| Mount Joy will read the Scripture.

Actually it takes you less time to
find 2 number in the telephone di-
rectory than to call “Information”
for the number. It's only natural. You
seconds to find it your.
You mean you're not leaving?
You're staying here?’
He nodded. “I'm going to try
and raise apples. Auntie and I are
going to be partners. This fall I'll


{The Rev. Harry C. Mark of Royal-
ton will lead in prayer, and the
Tuesday, June 13th a meeting of|
the Mt. Joy and Donegal Mission-|
ary Societies will be held in the|
Sunday schdol roonis of the Mount
Joy *Chugch, “at eight! o'clock”
sell what we have and next spring
set out new trees. He picked up
“I could chip in my roadster,”
Janice cried excitedly. “It's all I
have, but it ought to bring $500. |
How many apple trees can you buy |
with $500, darling?”
just need a few
selt—and you don’t have
you find the number isn’t
the directory first—won’t
¢ tainly help speed up service for you.
to wait while “Informa
| :
- Rev. Clifford L. Brain of Letort .
her hand. “Honey, let's make it a ion” 5 i
[ will pronounce fie | threesome. I Snow. it's a y > tion” does the looking.
{ - ask,” he added wistfully. “A city | “Information.” of : if
{ 3 i of course, 15 at your service 1
| SOCIETIES MEET JUNE 13th girl like you. It'll be dull. But Spi : vs Y
Fy | you have difficulty in using the directory or if
listed. But try checking
you, please? It will cere
5 ‘ The MORE SICO CUSTOMERS — The MORE | Col. Cooke of Marietta will show| 0 Toon $3id Phan reading her |
YCNOOLS PROFITS for PUBLIC SCHOOLS. | ictures of Japan. Ano | lanes "7 | coy UMBIA TELEPHONE CO
APRIL 1950

welcome to the meeting. | 3
When in need of Printing. (aiy~| The Bulletin—that’s why its adver-
| thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | tisers get such excellent results,
‘Everybody: in this locality reads |