The Bulletin, ML, Jov, The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher | ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 = a $10 million. More needed Pa., Thursday, May 18. 1050 | to cost Published Every Thursday at No. East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. urgently for sick veterans in this area. Subscription, per year .. $2.00 oer Sik Monthy $1.00 SLEEP A MENACE Three Months ............ 60 - ‘ Single Copies ............. 05 About 300 tons of sleeping pills are heing made in this land every Sample Copies ......... FREE year. Surely it is not in ignorance Entered at the Postoffice at Mt.| that people take them, continue to Joy, Pa., as second-class mail mat- ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. have prescriptions renewed and —— sleep the deep sleep. There has Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ Association heen wide-spread publicity con- cerning the harm of sleeping pills, Publivation Day, Thursday [le Sanger of 2 ce Copy for a change of advertising | Addicts delirium should reach this office Tuesday. | convulsions and We will not guarantee insertion of | temporarily any advertising unless copy reaches | lic Health the office not later than 9 a. m. leepive ui preceding day of publication. | sleeping pills cause worse Classified ads will be accepted to | than morphine. becoming an addict. have tremens, hecome S. Pub- that addicts often insane. The U. Service reports Doctors aren't un- =====| have handled enough cases of the O R A | mentally unbalanced to understand | the effect of addiction. Few in this 9 a. m. publication day. | aware of the dangers. Psychiatrists community read in SSS — EDI’ + + + i : | newspapers or magazine the God gives every bird its food, but | that ith th Sh | that come with the he does net throw it into the nest. bit habit. ® ov a, , SR iL who have not perils sleeping pill Experts say our government is | based en a system of check and SALU NGA balance. The taxpayer turns over the check but wonders what the » | The 1 sthers Clu! x of | government does with the balance. | The thers Club of Salunga will PRE | visit Philadelphia and Valley Forge | on Friday making the tri y S Franco's newly wedded daughter | on Friday ma Ing i wp by bus, secvived wedding presents vosting | Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Butler and | . ye is | children of Elmira, N. Y. spent the | an estimated seven million dollars. | ) | a . .; | weekend with Mrs. Butler's sister We are trusting they weren't paid | ee re di éy for with Marshall Plan ‘dollars | and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wil-| or with Mans ars. Fev. oe 0 . os | Hore? i the wine Mrs. Crippen returned to Elmira, | ere’s ene o any reasons | beds are © Yomi HAPPENINGS Walter Gibbon accepted a posi-| Lane. Co. with 44,480,100 pounds | devices. tion with Hallgren & Heilig, Ice {and Milk dealers produced approximately 93 percent of all tobacco grown in Penna. i of | Tom Mix will appear in person | 1929, | with the Sells Floto Circus at Har- Abram H. Young was elected show to be held at the Ol Stone risburg, president of Mt. Joy Twp. School Mill, Locust Grove, Bainbridge. Ministerial Association of Mount | King's Daughters Bible LONG AGO directors. The Lancaster County Fair will in | be held August 19 to 23 this year Farm Women No. 8 plan a flower | Class | AAAs Anders A A 3 | J met at the me ov. x : ™m vt | os : nt re e home of the Rey Maytown hotel was raided on | surprised one of its members, Mrs. | weorge Kercher, cis : > a Talo arty 20 Y ears Ago | charges of maintaining gambling R. J. Myers to a birthday party. { Lancaster County high school rn | principals’ Association, held their|____ = Hershe Chocolate Corporation | picnic at Long's Park. purchased the Florin Dairy Co.. al Senior Mechanics Lodge enjoyed subsidiary of the Penn Dairies of | a chicken and waffle dinner at the Garden Spot Restaurant. A stray | pounds, Annual meet of M.J.HS. was won by the Sophomores with t | Castel | track | Don't Skip The Grease steer weighing about 900 farm of John . came to the a two point lead over the Seniors. St. Marys Guild of the Episcopal Church enjoyed an outing at Camp Betty Washington, York. C. Nevin Sherlock, W. Main St., county game pro- | Berrien | is a candidate for Our regular lubrication tector. service . . positive pro- A movement for a new fire house| ; I lisvill | fi ! I'he grades of the Marietta street tection agaist burned at Landisville was enthusiastic: { : wy A wa siastieally | oo, rendered a musicale under Drive up supported at the meeting. Harold Shaar. out hearings . | the direction of Prof Misses Mary, Rebecca and Helen | Hoffer left for Chila Vista, San | today! AUTOS THRIVE ON OUR SERVICE! SSO SERVICENTER 259 WEST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Diego, Calif.,, where they will re-| side. Several Columbia residents leas- | ed the Nissley property opposite this office and will open a cleaning | and pressing establishment. | James Kipple, weighed caught a carp that PHONE 3-5671 | fishing 6'2 pounds while 18-3 near Snyder's Woods. | MANBEIM 163 S. arlotts St, Telephon§ 137. Mon. & edn 9-5:30 Tues, Frig Saf 7.9 P. M oo Tues Fri. Sat, 9:30-1:00.2-5 P.M. ELIZABETHTOWN 16 E. High St. Telephone 24-R f, Spe ing sever: reeks | why we have such an enormous | N. WF atte J wg 2 ee r wr : ¥ " i amily . National debt. A congressional sub- | with Ne a and family, Mr. | . rand Mrs. ay ley. committee veports that the Army | Hy Su) y : t A parade and finance center “at St. Louis has ov-| tied : has been complete erpaid $157,596,000 ‘in allotments to os n compl Nay ams, A : « will receive a salary of $125,- | members of the fire company, and Sox, w peeive a salar $125,- | 000 this season. It compares with | » $30,080 paid Babe Ruth in 1930. i a 4 : fetes Ruth kept $68,535 of | tWO o'clock inrluding thirty units After taxes $68,535 Ske EL) hi or 00 Williams keeps $62,028 with four bands which will form on his $80,000. s $62,028 | i | James Street : rth | of his. $125,000. Inflation, deliber- | JAMES Street and Nort tol gineered by the govern- | ON Main, back to Broad, out to Main | ately engineere v { ] ni ge > 3 and disband at ment to sustain its vast A | at Coopers Garage _ »| Hiestand’s NN [ar cuts the relative value of Williams | Hiestand fill Yard { progrant will take | speaker is Mr. F. F. superintendent of has a seven man enclosed cab. The parade will start moying at proceed spending, r where the place. The| Bailey, assist | County $62,028 by nearly a third. eo & Q a! ant It appears to us there should |<" | Schools. be : isi ay or the | soon be a decision one way [=e : ; : aa wh n strikes. There is no end] Mrs. Frank Diechler, Upper: Dar- as i i so | by, Pa. spent the week-end with to the inconvenience | a sl - | her other, r. J. ©. endig and | brought about too frequently for | her brothe petty reasons, by unions. The present firemen’s railroads is an illus- public's family. strike on| The Woman's Society for Chris- | | tian Service met at the Mrs. Walter Peifer. Those present: | i home of major They want an extra iwe-| four tration. yh Est WRT od Tics lire man on Diesel locomotives—one to ge Mary Youn, Moy 4 ve see that the oil flows from the tank | Strickler, Mrs. M. M. Newcomer, | ic the Mrs. J. M. Newcomer, Mrs. Dolly | he engine—the second to ride] ; Be is pi | Rosenfeld, Mrs. Willis Kendig, Mis. along and smoke his pipe. . | < vw Fshlems Irs ar 3les= This strike will not only incon- | Walter Eshleman, Mrs. Harry Ble . . | 12. venience cur mail, freight and pas- |S! : : . i but it will close] The Square Dance held last Sat- senger service, bu A ‘ gid fost So rday ni the Ladies’ Fire Co. many plants and throw thousands |W lay night by the dies’ © ; | Auxiliary was well attended and | out of work. bw ; enjoyed by all i 1 { was i all. Must the nation swallew anything 10] as | The regular meeting of the Fire like this? : " Re Company Auxiliary met in the fire ae 90 A covered GREENER FASTURES Where is the good life found? Large cities have | hall Monday evening. dish supper was the special feature to be) A lunch ccunter will be set up at recruited 7 3tr . Peeper) the public sale on the Will Strick- | from the small rar by thel . | ler farm Friday evening by © Add this to the| ladies. | nn, rn ll A I ee — their population tewns and farms. immigrants and you have what has made the urban center the Mecca | for manv. Socieligists have worried | Full fa Pro fam about the increasing age level of | y g farmers who have stayed to work | (From Page 1) the land. I young men and WO- | appearing organization or Fire Co, men continue fo forsake it, the |i, the organization or Fire Com-| condition might well be serious. | pany having the most men in line However, there has been noted Following the parade the two some number of city dwellers who be housed. | buy country places as new fire engines will Cne ed by the citizens of Mt. Joy, while | week-end f these engines was purchas- | interest or to be named in the gen- tlemen-farmer Children ave| {he other was then intreduced to the land, the npr. KT. work of the farm. the pleasure and satisfaction of things,” With the manv improvements ad- ded to make rural living easier, there will probably be some re-! cuits from the younger generation who were city-bred. .. .. cv ® s YOU SAID IT! a generous gift from | Keller, President of] Chrysler Corporation, and a native class, “growing cf Mcunt Joy. The evening program is schedul- | el to get under way at 7:00 p. m. in| the Borough Park, with music by | the Mount Joy High School Band, | | Boys Chorus, Quartett, and a solo. | The speaker for the evening is the Honorable Judge Guy K. Bard, who Recently two news stories ap- | will deliver the address. Following | peared in connection with health | this there services which your government is | Borough Park NOW eperating. When Federal In Health Administrator, Oscar Ewing | the enthuses. over how much more ec- | High School onomical and efficient national | fire works display will be put on health care would be under social- | Friday evening, June 2. Everyone is | ized medicine, he might consider | invited to attend this gala event. these two items. | There is plenty of parking space | ~The U. 8. Army is closing the | for your cars, and plenty of refresh- | 540-bed Niurphy General Hospital| ments for eating pleasure. | at. Waltham, Mass., built six years| Plan now to come to Mount Joy on | ago, costing $5 million. Not en-| May 30th and spend the day. | ough patients to justify keeping it] so ——— open. 2—At Boston, Mass. (10 miles | your business than py local news- | from Waltham,) ground was brok- | paper advertising. “en by the Veteran's Administra- | will be fireworks in the case of rain the program in| evening will be held in the auditorium, and the your QI seats | | There is no better way to boost |, Sweet Corn Acreage WANTED| "SOMETHING PUT ASIDE FOR TGMORROW Dollars on dgposit iff a savings account come FOR FREE NG AMBASSADOR 21 jewels D \DRYIN ue in mighty hahdy Ifter on. Start your account it just as often as you can. THE W NATIONAL MOUNT joy By | with us—ad Price for fr $19.0( tn Price fol MArying corn $17.00 (SEED FURNISHED FREE) No charge for harvesting and hauling. COPE BROS. R. D. 1, MANHEIM, PA. Phone Landisville 6721 ALSO: — Hamilton and Girard Perregaux WATCHES ADAM H. GREER a Gk JEWELER IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH | 87 E. Main St, Mt. Joy, Pa. he PHONE 3-1124 ® 7 oo 2] = MOUNT) ol MOUNT JOY, PA. Ng Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation We of America’s Leading Dealer Organization invite you to / Drive home the facts! evrolet handles better. . hevrolet rides better! Drive home this FIRST . . . and Finest . > in! Sit 1 o ver'e > THRILLS AND THRI ome in! Sit in the driver’s seat of Chevrolet for *50 nd drive home the facts of its greater value in your wn way and at your own pace! Convince yourself 1at this sensational new Chevrolet leads in all-round action as it leads in all-round appearance! Drive it—and experience a combination of Valve in-Head power, get-away and economy that makes it America’s best buy for performance! Drive it—and revel in handling ease and riding ease that make it America’s best buy for comfort! Drive it—and enjoy five-fold motoring protection that makes it America’s best buy for safety! Drive home this fact! FIRST . . . and Finest . . . for ALL-ROUND SAFETY AT LOWEST COST 5271 Again this year, more people are buying Chevrolets than any other make of car. And the reason is—more value. Come, test this car; drive home the facts for yourself; and you'll drive home in a new Chevrolet! Drive home this fact! FIRST . . . and Finest . . . for y CH EVROLET Drive home this fact! FIRST . . . and Finest . for DRIVING AND RIDING EASE AT LOWEST COST psn =: Come in... drive a Chevrolet. . . and you'll know why i's _ AMERICA'S BEST SELLER ... AMERICA’S BEST BUY! NEWCOMER MOTORS, Inc. MOUNT JOY, PA. tion for a new 1000-bed hospital, Patronize Bulletin advertisers. | THIS YEAR MORE PEOPLE ARC BUYING A&P COFFEE THAN EVER BEFORE e+ ond now we've reduced the price of Bokar and Red Circle bacause the cost of Green Coffen in these blends has come down , ., Join the swing to A&P Coffes—geot highest avality at money-saving prices, Bokar Coffee preferred by those who like vigorous and winey coffee, 69: NOW 318. BAG $2.01 | LB. BAG Red Circle the favorite of those who like @ Since the anti-trust law. yers filed their suit to put A&P out of business, three interesting things have happened: 1. Many thousands of our customers have written let ters expressing their opposition to this suit. 2. Public opinion polls reveal that ag most Americans rich, full-bodied coffee. are on our side. NOW ¢ 3. Our business has | Lb BAG 68 increased. More people are shop- ping at A&P than “< ever before. “All these things indi. 318. BAG $1.98 Eight O'Clock the lowest possible price for the cate that our customers world's largest selling coffee, have confidence in the NOW 67 policies of fair, honest LB. BAG dealing which have guided this company for the past 90 years. We want to do every- thing we can to merit your continued support. Please send your sug- gestions to: Customer Relations Department, A&P Food Stores, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. 318 BAG $1.95 83 E. Main St. ' FLORIDA CITRUS (2 18-0z cans 31c] I GRAPEFRUIT, ORANGE of BLENDED GRAPEFRUIT AND ORANGE _ uw 37 Gold Medal Wheaties $&15¢ © nc’ 22¢ White House Evap. Milk 4 di 45¢ GELATIN DESSERTS Ann Page Sparkle 6 DELICIOUS FLAVORS 3 PKGS 17¢ Ann Page Baked Beans iii ; 2 3le ANN \ 1-18 PAGE JAR rcs 25¢ Cherry Preserves Kool-Aid or Fla-vor-Aid Strawberry Preserves Sweet Pickle Strips Dog Food CALO, DASH, IDEAL, PARD, OR RED HEART BAGWELL'S Educator Crax fr - Wi 15¢ we 23e Salad Dressing Ate & "x 28¢ Tuna Flakes 7 fein Lem 25¢ Nedick's Orange Drink 19¢ 3 100% HYDROGENATED 3 Dexo & VEGETABLE NING TT Waldorf Tissue | Apricot Nectar x Rion on 3Te Seaside Butter Begdns 2 Corned Beef H MOAN on 34a BANQUET—ONE WHOLE 4.18 COOKED CHICKEN CAN DATED FRESH 1.18 DAILY % LOAF CHEESE i730 % Town Housg Crackers wie & Chocolate’ Drop Cookies «ii "7d 45¢ California Iceberg Fresh Tomatoes carton 19¢ New Potatoes "Win: 10 ws53¢ New Cabbage SOUTHERN ec 5c Fresh Spinach "= 2 4 19¢c Pineapples [TW mon 29€ Crisp Carrots ween 2 sunches 1 9€ Flerida Oranges LARGE Tro N28 oozen 45€ Oxford Park Grass Sced 5 snc $1.89 A&P Dried Prunes we 23¢€ eo 45¢ 34c lb. 65¢ lb. 45¢ Mayonnaise (Ann Page) Corned Beef (Pampa) Sharp Cheddar Cheese Mild Cheddar Cheese All Prices In This Store Are The Same As Those In Effect In Our Super Markets nw 37¢ B ae A5¢ 6 cs 73¢ In # T2¢ '3 rous 226 $1.69 19¢ SPREAD ©. bor 24¢ Loar 85¢ ne 3le LETTUCE 2 tse heats 29c Mount Joy, Pa. MOL —— Phone co