deThe Bulletin, Mt. Jovy, Pa., Thursday, April 27, 195 0 : MUTT AND JEFF vn NT \ OWL LAFF) | | BY A WISE OWL ed from 3,142,872 in 1948 to 3,416,888 in the way of flub-dubs in Govt. | last year. But wait. Today the agriculture Casualties among hunters. includ-| asus questionnaire came in the Women are a funny lot. Didja | ever notice that a wife does'nt mind being miserable if she is certain | her husband isn't having any fun.) Harry's really in bad shape. His| insomnia’s getting worse all the time. Now he can't even sleep when it’s time to get up. Got a good laugh out of a paper | agent who called at the office to- day. During our conversation I offered him a cigarette and he ve-| fused. Thinking this odd for a young man, I asked: “How-come?” He explained: “Welly I kissed my wife and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. Haven't had any | money. for tobacco since.” i nt | One of our grade school teachers | is getting an awful wallop out of | an, incident that took place the be- | ginning. of the week. One of her | pupils came up to the desk at re- | ¢¢ss and she asked: “Yes, sth what is'it?”? And Johnny replied: “I| don’t want to ‘scare, you teacher, but | Pop says if I don't get better grades | someone is going to get a licking.” | Marble | national tournament begins on the country or in the city—and have When asked why he never got excited no matter what happened, a Salunga man explained: “Oh, it's a matter of environment. You see| 1 have a wife, seven children, two dogs, a cat, a parrot and a cigarette | lighter.” | From the day she tips the scales] at’ 140 pounds a woman’s chief oc- cupation is spotting women that are fatter than she is . With cold wars and possible hot wars our topic of conversation got| around to rationing during World| War II. Mike said he never worried about getting horse meat when he ate at a restaurant until one day he saw the Lone Ranger riding past] cn a bicycle We usually admire firmmess in ourselves, but find it darned stub- bornness in others. ip Now I know why some men live| in the dog house continuously. 1 was an overnight guest at a Read-| ing home and in the morning when we sat down to breakfast my host- ess had prepared hot cakes, delici- ous tiny sausages, hot cereal and | many other tempting dishes. Natur- ally she had to get up and hour or more ahead ot us to prepare it and when she sat down to the table her hubby said: “You look just like Ve-| nus this morning, honey.” She beamed and I was thinking what a| good hubby he was to start the day | with a compliment “But, when she| said: “Oh, do you really mean it, dear? I look like Venus?” And | hubby dug into his Spanish om- elet and answered: “Yeh! You look | like youre a thousand years old] and all cracked up!” The older fellows were gathered | at the bank corner Saturday after-| noon and as women passed wearing | various styles of clothes a fe llow | from up town asked: Do you re- | memper the wasp - like waist of | years back?” And one of the other| guys (I'd tell you his name, but his | wife's a terror) wearily exclaimed: “Remember the wasp-like waist? 1 hope to tell you. That's when I got stung:” Here's why I almost give up. A kind reader sent us this one about two fellows in a padded cell, and one of them is trying to hammer a nail in the wall. And he’s got the head of the nail against the wall and he’s hammering on the pointed end. Then he turns around to the other fellow and he says: “I'm sup- posed to be nuts but the nails they | igive you here have the pointed end ‘on the wrong side. And the! other fellow says: “You're crazy, alright, that nail is for the ‘other: wall. 2 “ie A vn family here * a street colored lady she come to do the family washing ‘any more as they bought ~ A During Past Year | ged by ing the 1949 season, Commission report says. | woodchucks (265,135 -259,534); doves and. | (10,840-6,847). | town level. | to the state finals. Sometime in June | are now competing for | crown. | with his runner-up will be eligible 1950 as Rural Mail Box Improve- i ing of | Boro Grade school yard. second and third place winners, | well | town champion. | emberked in the | Joy and Florin. { Mumper on Sunday. WHAT'S ALL THE NOISE ? Game Killed By Penna. Hunters INDIAN IN deer hunters dur- a State Game A total of 130,723 was bag- Pennsylvania In a final survey of the 1949 sea- the a to- Commission reported son, [tal kill of 84,121 anterless deer and | TE LOW DOWN | 46,602 deer. from The kill was antlered deey 124903 - higher than for the 1948 season. KORY GROVE There was no anterless season in 1948. Maybe you think, my country- The total bag of all game increas- men, that you have seen everything ed 25 deaths and 453 gunfire fom the U. S. Dept. of Com- ies. The commission said this was, ence. It is big as a barn door -— an increase of two deaths over 198 in fine print, both sides when injuries numbered 418 per-' ¢ {he paper—334 questions. The' Sons. first impulse is to sell out — lock, The individual game kill last year stock and barrel—before the census compared with 1948 (first figures guy heaves into sight. open Lao a. (1860.436- Now don’t quit readin’ because ou don’t live in the country. Say | (92;- 1,791,550; snowshoe 5.616); Hungarian partridges hares, Fo horn-rimmed boys there on the wide Potomac find that the number! 430); squirrels 78,26 100); £ S 57 . 4 i { R67- 564,873); of bees in California, outnumber raccoons (81,007-98,242);: wild tur- GRE sve in New Jersey, then what. keys (6,885-4,318); ruffled grouse ,, : " iri Sh oR . Well, T will tell you. The census (36,304-24,297); ringneck pheasants 1d tb ski 234 fool UD: Eyre . Tuy wo ne e askin oJ O (343,767-277,254); quail (5181-5, BUY Would no pking ° - a questions about bees, lima beans, | 780); woodcocks (26,748-26,210); bbit nd’ sooseherries if sons : rabbits, and ooseberries some- wild waterfowl (59,103-40,3 g 52); |body was not planning some fool ancy thing to spring the city folk. And if you been think- ing the census was just for people and not for bees and bathtubs, or if there is a shortage, you need to on lO Wn ‘MARBLE TOURNAMENT : Following the pattern of the past be alerted. few years, the Mt. Joy VFW Post With all the old plans on powder- is again sponsoring a grade ©d eggs and 100 others backfiring and making this nation look like a school marble tournament. At this same time, gitls and boys sucker and amateur, it takes no big from every town and city in the and fancy chrystal ball to see what | nation are competing for the 1950) the new census statistics will hring Champion crown. This! forth. And whether you live in the Each town and city bees or don’t—you can hold your district hat—yea brother. Yours with the low down, JIMMY champ then competes in playoffs with the victors moving on the new champion representing all Byes will compete for the final Rural Mail Box Foley reports children from the local grade x= [provement Week Athletic that approximately one hundred the Mt. Joy The Post Office The town champion along designated the director Department has first week of May for district sometime ment Week. The Department has set during the second week of May. |aside this week in the hope that all The tournament is rural patrons will take special note in operation every week day even-jas to the conditions of their mail this and next week at the boxes, whether they erected Children! properly and in the 1st thru the 8th grades are whether or not the box itself is in competition local marble are substantially, and bis | a . | eligible and parents as well as the good condition, for a mail box that I E erected or in a bad the delivery of invited is improperly retards general public are cordially to witness these contests. The town condition, VFW Post will award prizes to first, mail to that box. as Patrons who have the unapprov- the'ed boxes of top-opening, revolving other type are NOT requir- so long as they as an airplane ride for door or (ed to discard them, eo are in good condition, or have been rt ‘News From Florin vv ne oresnt” owners ir several years. Any boxes not busi- standard type which public on design that they cannot be properly time they served by the carrier from his ve- o'clock and (From Page 1) restaurant ness began serving the Friday. At the present will open the are of such of present IN hicle, or are in such a condition as the near open alli not to protect the mail should be day. replaced with boxes of the approv- This is the opening week for the eq types. Boxes, regardless of type. | Gager Hotel. Seafoods, steak and should of course be of such design | chops will be served. A special for and condition, so as not to injure the opening turkey dinners. the carrier. Walter Dupes, auctioneer, National Mail Box Improvement call the sale of the Gordon property week is for your benefit. on Friday evening, between Mount (your boxes and rhake the necessary at four future will be will 'vepairs if any are needed. Due to the curtailment of York service by the Department in a re- George cent order, all local persons receiv- ing mail in General Delivery must Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Todd of ake other provisions receive Manheim visited the latter's father, their mail, either through delivery Mr. George Shetter and family on or yent a box. Kindly keep this m Sunday. mind, and make the necessary pro- Mrs. Paris Shonk visions as soon as possible to receive patient at St. Joseph's hospital, in your mail through some other Lancaster. (source, other than general delivery. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Kauffman at- a tended the funeral of Miss Ruth IN CITY-CO. ROQUE LEAGUE Schmuck at Annville on Wednes-| At a meeting of the City-County day afternoon. Roque League it was decided to Rev. and Mrs. Henry Becker at- play 384 games, the season opening tended the Ministerial Conference May 12. Mount Joy is one of the 10 at the Indian Creek Church of the teams composing the league. Brethren in Montgomery County re Mri on Wednesday. MARRIAGE LICENSES and Mrs. Warren Eshelman' daughter, of Emigsville, visited Mr. and Mrs. mail Mr. and Co, to is a surgical Mr. and Mrs. David Mumper of Lester Musser Hawthorne, Mari- Nayown spent the weekend with etta R1, and Hazel Mae Miller, Flor- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Eschbach. in . Myr. and Mrs. George Mumper Sr., tg Gees — Mrs. David Mumper, and Mrs. J.B. J. “Nels” Newcomer, wants us to Eschbach ‘visited’ Mr." and Mas. Roy say, that’ he: was prosecuted at Lan- Neidigh.' at Campbelitown Saturday: caster for driving? thru a red traf- (fic light and not for speeding over | intersections rami an electric washer, The colored lady replied: “Well, just remember, that washer don’t) There is no better way to boost give you any of the local gossip.” your business than by local news- A WISE OWL paper advertising, JEEQW Check! / ON WHAT [ SIDE ARE YOu INDIAN? ETV INDIAN? I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD INDIAN MOUNT JOY HIGH EASILY DEFEATED MARIETTA 8 TO 4 Mount Joy High journeyed to Marietta and easily defeated the river boro team 8 to 4. McCue and Wilson allowed but three hits while the winners banged out 10. Score: Mount Joy ab h o a Bear 3b 3 01 1 SPP 88 3 211 BROWN VV ov $1 % 1 ef p 32 3 1% 3200 {Bowman 1b 4:11:90 Frey Bonini 1009 Boyd Bh oii ivan 1 0 00 2 172.0 IWHSon pof 2:1 03 vii. 211021 7 Marietta ab h oo a .............. 31.1714 | Dor SEV My iii 1 31 {Sweeney 2b ............ 10% 2 (Sargen 3b .............. 30070 iHendk of .............. 3000 | Leaman BP... len, 2:0 0 0 Smith If 2020 Johnson of ............. 3 0 2 ¢ Bausman:s8 ...:........ 2 + 1 8 McFarland 1b 2.1.2 1 Totals 2 321 8 MOUNT JOY......: 22- 010 2—8 MARIETTA ........5. 030 001 0—4 R — Sweeney, Leaman, Smith, Bauserman, Shupp 2, Brown 2, Mc- Cue 2, Frey, Kocser. E—Dorsey, Johnson, Bauserman, Brown, Mec- Cue. 2B—Bauserman, Shupp, -Mc- Cue, Brown, Harple. BB— Leaman 7, Wilson 3. SO—Leaman 5, McCue | 2. WP—Wilson. etl Beem: MOUNT JOY HIGH LOST TO ELIZABETHTOWN 8 TO 3 Nine hits off Mt. Joy pitching, five for our High lads, spelled de- feat with E'town after- noon. The score: Mount Joy Tuesday T JUST SWALLOWED AN INDIAN WET a a RE rr ev vw met Tag | The Market Basket A GOOD HABIT GOES A LONG WAY EVERY FRIDAY (On to the Market Basket) 4 to 9 p.m. 59-61 COLLEGE AVE. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Your Regular Appointment Mt. Joy Hi Schedule May 2-—East Donegal ; Away May 4-—-Manheim Boro Home May 9—Marietta Home May 11--Elizabethtown Away May 16—East Hempfield Home LEAGUE STANDING Section’ 1 Team w L ' Pet. Elizabethtown ...... 5' 0 1.000 Manheim Boro ...... 4 1 800 Mount Joy ......... 3 2 .600 East Donegal ....... 2..% 400 East Hempfield ..... 1% 4 .200 Marietta ............ "5 .000 Other Thursday Games Elizabethtown 14, East. Donegal :1.. Manheim Boro 5, East ‘Hempfield 2. Electric and Gas Welding Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Cover's Welding Shop Delta and Mariefta Streets MT. JOY, PA. © Phoné 3-5931 Beer! Call 3-4189 For Home Delivery \ WACKER SPRENGER VALLEY FORGE PIEL'S PRIOR _ ROLLING ROCK ALE & PORTER Victor J. Schmoll, —Distributor— OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. Drive In For Curb Service Want a treat for SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G, NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mouht Joy, Pa, Quality Meats A FULL LINE OF AER Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Market West Main St.. Mt. Joy | BENNETT'S. Restaurant 45 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY BULK AND GALLONS { al‘er- | Then breakfast. noon snack, or just anytime? try ‘our new, delicious Homemade Waffles | SERVED DAILY AT ALL HOURS CLOSED SUNDAYS ance. savings to you, 85 East Main Street Rear2bh 3 Frey If 2000 Estock p .......... - 1 0.0 0 McCue H-p ......... S210 Shupp-ss .............. 31 014 Barple: ................. 23100 Bowman 1b ....... 316.90 Wilschp ef ............ 3011 Brown oc ............... 2 091 Raser 3b ............... 3 00 Haines ................ 1 000 Totals 25.518: 8 Elizabethtown ab h 0 a Chapman ¢f 3b ......... 4 3 00 Chittum If ............. 4 210 Lambert rf 21 Weaver. 2:14 2 Distinecfp ............ 3013 Achoan ¢ .............. 3 011 1 Goodling p:3b .......... 3.1 1 0] Fshuitz 2b ............. 3120 Belser ss ....... 0.00... 2.000 Shearer ss... ...... ..... OO 000 Totals .........0..... 26 921 6 a—Batted for Esteck in 7th. policies don't prevent fire—they pay for it! ARE YOU FULLY PROTECTED AGAINST LOSS? Why continue to take chances ? Inquire about this economical coverage. | Most folks are amazed at the low cost of fire insur- | Old established Companies . . . . substantial B. TITUS RUTT AGENCY | PHONE 3- 9305 MOUNT JOY, PA. 300 000 0: MOUNT JOY E-TOWN: ....... .. 420 002 x—8 R—Chapman 3, Chittum 2, Weav- er, D'Augustino, Shearer, Kear, Mc- Cue, Shupp. E—D’Augustino, Bel- ser, McCue HR—Chapman, 3B— Chapman, Weaver, Goodling, 2B— McCue. BB—D’'Agustion 2, Estock Es- LP 1. SO—D'Agustino 11 McCue 1, tock 6. WP—D'Augustino (3-0). —Wilsen (2-1). Other Tuesday Scores East Donegal 4, E, Hemptield 3. Manheim Boro 15, Marietta 5. firemen Patronize Bulletin advertisers. $139.95 wp to $199.50 Automatic Gas WATER HEATERS $105.95 Odin Beauty Gas Range {$209.95 Reduced To $189.95 3-Piece Colored BATHROOM SETS $278.75 H. S. Meckley & Sons PHONE 3-5983 WEST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY S-tf Apr. GAGER'S Seafoods OPENING 26, 27, 28, 29. FLORIN, PA. AT THE WATER TROUGH Steaks Chops FOR THE OPENING SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER SERVED BEERS WINES LIQUORS Try Our Foods and be Convinced HAMMOND ORGAN 16-2 ART and SKIP LUNCHEONETTE FLORIN, PENNA. LIGHT LUNCHEONS- -ICE CREAM - CANDIES- -SOFT DRINKS - TOBACCO NOVELTIES PHONE MT. JOY 3-9535 Feat., Canvon', also “You're Not Tough" With the Dead End Kids. Tonite only: $1.00 a cadload. FRI. SAT—‘Albuquerque’ in col- or with Randolph Scott. SUN. MON—‘Cobra Woman" with Maria Montez, Jon Hall and Sabu TUES. WED—Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour in ‘Road to Rin", STARTS at DUSK«RAIN OR CLEAR! SHOWS ta Tees NIGHTLY RD oY EVENINGS J SAT SHOWS 7 and 8:00 P. VM AND SATURDAYS T io A T R i HOLIDAYS 6-8-10 P. M, 2:00 P. M. AE Mount Joy, Pa. FRIDAY — SATURDAY — MONDAY, APRIL 2829, MAY 1 VAN JOHNSON — JOHN HODIAK “Battleground” FIRST FEATURE SATURDAY STARTS 5:30 M. -in- TUESDAY: MAY 2 — ‘DOUBLE FEATURE EAST SIDE KIDS -in- “TROUBLE MAKERS" ' ALSO “CHINATOWN AT MIDNIGHT” -in- BURD HATFIELD WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, MAY 3 - 4 ROY ROGERS — DALE EVANS “Bellis Of Coronado” FRIDAY — SATURDAY, MAY 5-6 TYRONE POWER “Prince Of Foxes” -in- -in- SAVE NORRIS Labels RED SOUR Cherries Ne: 2 Be 25: 25: Coffee Liberty hb he Bartlett Pears No- 2% can 25: GREATEST DISCOVERY SINCE WASHDAY BEGAN NCRRIS § Prune Juice Bot Heinz Catsup Drip and Reqular Ib. CUTS WASHING TIME IN HALF rr DON'T... WAIT UN SHOW UP! Moths Are Choosy Lay Their Eggs, Usually Pick On Fabrics | That Are Dirty And Greasy. Drycleaning Destroys Moth Life In Any Stage Of Growth. Send Us Your Winter Garments For Ex- pert Cleaning Before You Put Them In Storage! Eicherlvs YOU PHONE — 3 4071 — WE CALL rr rns = goood | TIL THE HOLES About Where They $43 Pr new Surf now WORLD'S CLEANEST WASH with norinsing! Lux Soap Bath 2/21c|Swan Res. 3/23¢ Swan Lg. 2/25¢ Lux Flakes Reg. 2%7c Lifebuoy 3/22¢ { GARDEN PLANTS & PANSIFS te Hess’Food Stores MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE PHONE 3-094 MANHEIM 5-7811 These Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday (this week) nor Mor Ci We [I Sund 9:3 6:3 9:3 Th lowir Tues 7:4 Wed 114 Scho 7:3 at th