The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 20, 1950, Image 3

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Fliner I. Shearer, Mount Joy,
cently sold a registered Holstein-
Freisan cow to Hiram Phenneger, of
Change of ownership for this ani-
Martha Clothilde Texal Lass,
has been officially recorded by The
Association of
mal, a
Farm Electrification Bureau
It has been said that cows produce |
enough heat in an average size closed
barn to warm a fairly large farm
home. And that the air exhaled by
The Choice

the herd contains enough moisture to
tied Auto Insurance
LH BE Before Getting

Excessive Moisture in Barns Can
Re Removed by, Ventilation System

Growing. @ These Facts
3 Learn how you can get superior
Champions: BROADFORM protection at
substantial savings. Semi-annual
i premiums, Strong company with
ATEN 5c you boy ch
Paris B. Gruber
Dial Mt. Joy 3-4846
Before you buy . . check with me
«+ no obligation.
Ray N. Wiley
Landisville 2201

Shown above is one of the more
widely used types of dairy barn ven
tilation equipment installed next to
Pi the milker vacuum pump.
Operating in lowa as
American Farmers
irrigate a garden—quite possible when
we realize
quarts per cow per day.
But don't try to prove it. It's enough
just to know that such conditions
Mutual Insurance Company ist so that something can be done
about them—particularly in the win-
when natural ventilation often is


Made Now!
(From page 1)
Ordet Now-Pay Later! | nine, Marietta R1, widow of Alden
! Smith, died at her home Sunday.
Complete Awning | She had been in ill health for seven
. | years.
Service! She was born in Lancaster, a
W of the late Jacob and
4 > | Sarah Curran Hake and was a
| member of St. John's Lutheran
| Church, Maytown.
| Surviving are
1 Helen,

wife of Mervin H.

: | Greenberger, both of Marietta R1,!
Call Columbia 48101 or write : | and {our grandchildren
§ 2 : | 'Virs. Henry Freymeyer
Haldeman'’s Upholstering & Awning hop Mrs. Jennie Mae Frymeyer, six-|
(3 : Tu
tv-six, wife of Henry K. Freymeyer
| dic it 6 pm. Wednesday at the
11th and Spruce Streets, COLUMBIA, PA. Lome of her daughter, Mrs. Harry
oT | Mount Joy. She was a|
AL + daughter of the late John and

What Advertising
Does - - -
When someone starts adverlising,
Someone starts buying;
When someone starts buying,
starts selling,
Someone starts
When someone
Someone starts making;
When someone starts making,
Someone starts working;
When someone starts working,
Someone starls earning;
When someone starts earning,
Someone starts buying:
An endless chain, so to speak, and
the merchant who doesn’t advertise
and advertise regularly is doing noth.
ing if he isn’t breaking links in this
endless chain,
Simply Dial 3-9661 Mt. Joy, and « skiled ad writer of The Bulletin, a newspaper
brimful of reader interest—about everything that happens in this community—will
be glad to place your merchandise before the reading public.

e that moisture is breathed |
into the air at a rate of from 5 to 8 |
Mortuary |
FOR SALE: Used Model 4W19 Weil | FOR SALE: 14 ft. outboard
| | McLain cast iron coal fire boiler, | boat with deck, used two n
| Mrs. Lillian Witmer was a Sun- | Complete with grates, cap. 385 sq. Price $150.00 Phone Mt. Joy
| day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs, | ft. hot water radiation, Good condi-
The problem, during cold mon‘hs, | | Robert Frank and family. tion. Inquire Phone Mt, Joy 3- esl BIDS ON ROAD OIL & STO!
i te ajori t} at | : 2
a Thy che he | i Mrs. Howard Witmer visited Mr - Sealed Bids will be received
A ‘ a > v a1
of the excessive moisture, For too | | and Mrs. Calvin Neiss at Columbia | SHOP KLOHR'S HALF PRICE | William F. Brian, Secretary of
much moisture results in the decay | | on Sunday. CORNFR Cameras, Film, paper, |Joy Borough up until 7:00 P.
of barn timbers, corrosion of F C i oh SANE | photo lights, supplies less than cost. | May 1, 1950 for the 1950 season's,
and the spoilage of hay. ontinuing | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank and! Vietor Klahr's Little Shop with the [requirement on Penna, C-2 quid
Fortunately, the performance of 'T B . | family and Mrs. Lillian Witmer | Bit Stock, Middletown. 16-1 | Asphalt and Penna, F-3 phalt.
this double chore is not too difficult. | 0 uy Machinery Sunday zuests. of Mr. and - " Emulsion Oil in truck loads applied
It can be done effectively through the | | were & uni gue 8s 0 r. ang Experienced Carpenter to streets under pressure and!
use of a good ventilation system. | Demand Backlog Labor | Mis. Wilbur Fogelsanger at To Supervise Construction stone to be applied at the ' sar
Such a system not only will protect {| Wrightsville, of Houses High Wages time. Quote price per gallon on ol
the barn, wiring and paint, but also | Costs Held as Factors | Sunday. visite We and] § NISSLEY GINGRICH, Ine. and price per ton on stone, Certi=
will help maintain milk | ‘oduc ion | far 3 wae Sunday visitors with rang 12 South Duke Street fied analysis of material to be fur
at high levels, eliminate drafts, assure Although farm operators’ net in | aro john Cromwell were: Mr. and 1 waster, Pi 15-3
better working conditions, ‘and pro- | €ome and their purchases of agri | ars. Jonn Leomwel, were: Hr. an =i 5-3 | nished must accompany bid.
vorking ations, 3 “4h | Warlor re SONS ——
vide a healthy atmosphere for the | cultural machinery were both down Mys. Charles Cromwell and SONS POR SALE: Vinegar 50c¢ per gal. 15-3 MONTY JOY BOROUGH
Bick, in 1949, neither has slipped very far | © Lancaster, Mr. and Murs. Oliver Delicious, Reme Beauty, pn am Han yi
To do the job right, ventilation | fram their nak wols > od | Cromwell and daughter, Mr. and! Pp; a 2 q se og
Sa Sal Ste eon 1 000] Hot Weir peak levels, i OI A a rah tli Paradise and. Smokehouse apples | ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE
pound cow with six changes of air Ne from agriculiure in 1949 | Mrs. Edward Cromwell of Colum- sold at storage. Mrs, ithryn sny- Fstate of Gilbert C. Hoffman, de-
per hour. Electric fans, us ed for this | approximated 14 billion dollars, ac | pia der, Floss Fairview Orchards. ceased
r hour, Electric fa thi Yo a oth of the ¢ M 9. 0)
Pe era Wi Fated a fon a I ates wil hei | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Isler en- Phone Mt. Joy 3-348). 16-2 Letters of Administration on said |
to '2 horsepower, depending oh ureau of agrice ral economics, . y — 2
| the size of A and Be Nore The ‘bureau reported th r. | tertained on Sunday: Mr. and Mis. | WANTED: Painter, Must be a ecate having been granted to the |
ie size of the barn : rel. Mops | reau reported that no o , good, painter, and a hones; worke= undersigned, all persons indebted
than one fan usually is used in large ficial figure of agricultural ma-| Wm. Westenhefer and son, Mr. and "at sohet Sra fovea a Gack He |. | thereto are requested to make ims.
1 y in ie draw t o > | : ; { sober, see ems Jac =
build ngs Air | drawn on of the chinery purchases in 1949 is yet | Mrs. Roy Lindemuth, Mrs. David bo n) at job on Colebry Kk St. or mediate payment, and those having:
stable om a point or poi S near the | p . A i ie ( wt,
floor, Where ps ed, os are pro- available, but informed trade and | Aleman, all of Marietta and Mr. see Mr. Hart, 161 N. Charlotte St, claims or demands against the same,
| vided around the barn to deliver air | Washington Sources expected the | 44 Mrs, Aubrey Boles and daugh-! Manheim - Phone 5-2163. 16-1 | Will present them without delay for
| upward { the ceiling without | total to be down from last year by | [i 4. of Bainbridge | Sot tC 40: the undersigned
draft. Fans can operate continuously | about the same percentage as farm- Jer, 1 Of oR 4 Be. FOR SALE: Motorola Telev. Comb. EVA A. HOFFMAN =
| throughout the winter or be con-| ers’ net income. That would indi- Weekend callers with Mr. and| AM - FM. Perf. Cond. Will sacrifice. ¢/o Arnold, Bricker & Beyer
trolled by thermostats and speed re- | cate a figure of about two to 2.1 bil- | Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher were: Mr.! 1 yr. on picture tube. Phone Mt. Joy 110 E. King Street :
| quivers very cold weather. tila: | lion. Robert Keith, of Brunnerville, Miss 14-tf Kk Lancaster, Pa.
| In addition to winter use, ventila- he vena Au m . 3 2 . reer eee | Aynold, Bricker & Beyer
| tion systems are also being employes | in i record ye a 1948, pur- | Shirley Killhefner, of Hopeland, |g, ! ! Earn extra money selling | A y 15-6
1iasers reached 2. an all- | “
| to expel hot air in the summer. Ir HE I Shed 3 ion, xu boli | Mr. and Mrs. Russell Geeseman and Dupont Nylon Hosiery. Good com- | By Owen P. Bricker
| these instances vever. larger fans gh. 049 expectations ma- | v tet Tok : , \ | -
nsipncos. He rats : | daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Zeag- | mission Write Hosiery, Rl, E-town. | T= een
K rs are used tha 105€ gen- Co : 15-2 ¥
| erally recommended for winter use er, of Manheim, R. Do MER rm x P| Estate of Milton Mowrer, late of :
only. : ] | of Centreville and Mr. and | FOR SALE: Timothy Hay. Price | Rast Hempfield Twp, Penna, de=
| Ventilation systems operate best . ; a $99 : A er | lal s
| { | Mrs. Ralph Keith of Brunnerville. 00 at the farm. E lias Z. Musser, | ceased.
| when structures are well insulated . i | ML. Jov R1, Phone ~4928. 11-6
Installations can be made easily anc kb | Mr. John Kemmerly is still on the | 7 JOY 1 one abe es Letters testamentary on said
| at reasonable cost. Electricity used a | sick list and Mrs. Daniel Geltmach- ROTOTIL I. ING: Alvin S S. Engle, 215 | estate having heen granted to e
| amounts to approximately two kilo- po te ermine | Marietta ‘Av Mount Jov. Phone undersigned, all persons inde
| watt hours of power per cow per TE ow | er is recuperating, . 481 Ab Jay. Phone | thereto are requested . to make
| month WE fi Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer and 8-548), + 0 19% immediate payment, and those hav-
ans ’ m-mec $ id family visited Mr. and Mrs. John ANTIQUES: Will pay high prices ing Sims or demands against the
BoC oi gE, Hae 2 vere vile Rn vA CsI EE ; | same, wi present em wilthou
Louise: Reigart Sweigart and a J | Kaufiman at Ironville on Sunday. for antiques of any description. Mr. |
Dh a i ih : : i DR | Mrs. Wilbert Witmer and son, of Hart, 161 N. Charlotte St, Man- delay for settlement to the unders
member of St: Paul's Evangelical 2 [ i and Som, Ob} | eim, Pa. Phone 407 9_94- | signed residing at Landisville, Pa.
| United Brethren Church, Elizabeth- V4 AY | East Petersburg, spent Friday eve it . EVA.C. MOWRER
Besides her husband she is AR | ning with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wit- | FOR SALE: Fec nd-hand Washer, | James N. Lightner ; Executrix
a Haas J $e | large kitch- | Lancaster, Pa, Atty 11-6
| and Lillian Agnes, wife of Harry W. |

| town
survived by three daughters: Mrs.|
Harry Kendig, Mount Joy; Elva
wife of Paul Belser, and, Miriam, * 4 LA. ly
I wife of Elwood Boyer, both of Eliz- Typical of the ever-increas-
grandchildren’ ing use of farm machinery, is
this farmer operating a tractor
abethtown. Seven
andchild and a brother,

one great-g

Scott Sweigart, Denver, also sur- to break ground in a matter of
vive hours which would have pre-
: viously required days.
Funeral services will be held at
the Miller funeral home at Eliza-| {apialize, farm machinery pur-
bethtown, on Saturday at 2 p. m.| chases would still be almost four
Interment in Mt. Tunnel cemetery.! times as large as the 1935-39 aver,
| | age
{ |
| Mrs. Susan G. Heisey | Several factors besides high in-
| | comes have acted in recent years
| Mrs. Susan G. Heisey, eighty- five| : : yd
| to help boost purchases of equip-
fof hii died Tuesday noon “ ment. In some measure they were
the home of her daughter, Grace,| expected to add strength to the
wife of Karl B. Guss, Mifflintown.) equipment market for some time,
She was born in Silver Spring, al ran eet ea
daughter of the late Henry and!
BR : Automatic Feeder
Anna Greider Breneman, and was|
a membe: of Donegal Presbyterian

Church and Farm Women’s Society
No. 8.
These children survive: Henry
| B. Mount Joy Rl; Paul! W. Oak-
[ lund, Calif.; Mrs. Anna Schapp, of
D. C;
home she died:
W. Scott Heisey,
Mrs. G. Irvan
Murs. Guss, at
J. W. Heisey,
both of
| Washington,
I whose
Rheems: and
Scyoc, also
brothers, Phar- =
and Amos
grandchildren, four great
children, and three
es Breneman, Columbia;
and Abram Breneman, Landisville.
| Funeral services will be held at! Many southern farmers, whe
the Donegal Presbyterian Church! would like to install automatic
| en Saturday at two o'clock. Inter-| feed handling setups, often pa
ment in the adjoining cemetery.| them up because they feel they
| Friends may call at the J. W. Heisey lack buildings large enough to hold
| +» necessary electric equ ent
home in Rheems cn Friday 7 to 9 I ne
p. m necessary in cold climates, are not
Ye needed for this operation in the
| . South is shown by the above pic
Donegal Airport News «-
| Taken on a farm near Roanoke
Fr Va., it shows a combination In
The Chiques Aero Corporation door outdoors arrangement. Whole
| Flying Club held their regular| 18 fed info ihe outdoor mill, |
| a {to the left. Here it is ground and |
monthly meeting at the home of| then elevated by blower pipe into |
William Risser. | feed bins inside the combinatio
George Carriger made his first| grain and machinery storage shed |
the background.
solo flight during the week. in
Night Cross country flights to -
| Allentown, Lancaster and the Har-| Poultrymen Are Advised
risburg State Airport were made To Purchase ‘Quality’
by Albert Forry, Paul and John
3 : “Good chickens can not be sold
Hawthorne. at a low price,” G. 8. Vickers,
| Williams Grove Park and Speed-! ficld manager of the Ohio poultry
way opened their regular auto rac-| improvement association said in
ing season on Sunday, About 55 air- cautioning farmers to ‘buy on
planes from all over the state flew quality—not price
there to attend the races. Richard Outlining a procedure to inspire |
wise chicken buying, Vickers said:
with a friend, Paul Hess
Bringman, “Investigate your local hatchery-
| Jr. and Norman Heisey represented| yap first. Sce if he has a careful |
Donegal. ind thorough pullorum disease |
Early Sunday morning Albert control program. See if he obtains
Forry, Bruce Halk and John Haw- goed ng Hoos see if he
thorne flew to Forsgate, N. J. to at- eens up i and constantly
A improves it by careful selection
tend a breakfast flight being held and the use of ROP pedigreed or |
there. other good breeding males from
Pilots visited the Lancaster Mun-| good breeders.”
jcipal Airport during the week TTT
were: Ben Zettlemoyer, Walt Reil- Egg Preservation Methods
ly, Fred Loewen and Charles Bail-
ey. > i :
ih Ki : 1 g Lvl Present methods of preserving
Pilots taking friends on Sunday| t,pje egas may be revolutionized
afternoon sightseeing flights were| py the use of a new compound de-
Alvin Reist, Harry Risser, Herb| veloped bv Dr. Alexis Romanoff
Shelly, Norm Ney, Henry Weber, and W. D. Yushok of Cornell's agri
cultural experiment st
Raymond Garman and Harold Lon-| ral experiment station.
The compound, a mixture of a
genec plastic substance called poly-
lll Gp Ue '
styrene, with chlorineted rubber
and other chemicals, forms a film
Everybody in this locality reads!
The Bulletin—that’'s why its adver-
tisers get such excellent results.
the egg and
ary teinperature

a a

When in need of Printing. (any~«| Stimulate your business by adver-
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin tising in the Bulletin,

Seen Due for Improvement |
preserves it: at
The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa.,

(Apex) good condition;
Mr. George Blott
Middletown; Mir. and Mrs.
family, of Lancaster
Mr. Mrs.
en cupboard, 26 in.
Fhone Mount Jey 3-5271.
Howard | —- ad
see BENJ. F. GARBER, 518 South
| Market St.. Elizabethtown, Penna.
| hone 23 7-tf
Typewriters, Add.
Registers, Check Writers.
Used. J. M. Engle, 411 E. High St,
Elizabe thiown, ‘ph me 14 14J.
and family of
! Johnson, and
spent Sunday with and
Abram Gamber.
Mrs. Wm.


Fogie and son, Rich-
Mr. and Mrs. George
Menninger at Florin and Mrs. Roy |
Cephart at Mount Joy on Tuesday. |

Ir. and M-s. David Lehigh of
{ 2: ne irs RY "Py a I BUY all Kinds of seray, iron, also
Wiightsville and Mr. Alfred Atland| 11 s(ove wood. Guy D. Snittler.
of Columbia visited Mr. and Mrs.! Phone 3-5573 Mt. Joy. 5-12-1

Fogie on Sunday.
ee A Winnie
Sule Register
If you want a netics on your sale
| inserted in this register weekly |
from now until day of sale. ABSO-
LUTELY FREE, send or phone us
Ly FOR SALE: Building Lot 62x156 on
| corner of S. Market and a proposed
street, Mt. Joy. An “A” zone loca-
tion. Apply E. E. Brown, Mt. Joy.
tops & Counters
Venetian Blinds
Tile floo:s

| Sherer, Adms. of the Estate of Eliz- |

| abeth B. Sherei dec’d. C. S. Frank, | whirl: A-Way Egg-Washer. Cleans
{ Auct. Sale at 1 p. m. 3,000 per hr. 10 day free trial. Les- |
TT ter M. Gehman, R2, Manheim.
{ Friday, April 28—On the premises | Phone 3-4746. 12-ti
midway between Mt. Joy & Florin, | se ——— -
11, story brick bungalow by Floyd FOR SALE
Gordon and Rachael Gordon. Wal- uw Cherry Hill School
ter Dupes, Auct. Sale at 7 p. 8 Acres, 2 Pelham Land
—— re Hiable
Saturday, May 6—On the premis- Barn, Tchacco Shed
ec in the Village of Florin, entire No
lot f household goods, Kitchen Reason ble I rice.
| furniture and some antiques by LEO L Ea, INC
} y whew Se 0 ealtors
(My 7X Babe. Sole wt 12 M 33 N. Duke St. Lancaster, Pa.
cnt Phone 8131 15-3
There is no better way to boost DR ESSES FOR SALE Black
| your business than by local news- | butcher boy linen, pink butcher
! paper advertising. boy linen with gold trim, white Sa-
| cony suit, 2 wash cottons, 1
and 1 green gabardine skirts;
nn eres op Ei —
. strip -
the Rulletin. P
Suhserihe for

Ses 9 or 11. Call at 9 East

Porcelain sink.
15-2 |
| tate having heen granted to the un-
| your sale date and when you are | Phone 53-3491 Mount Joy, Pa.
| ready let us print your bills. That's | 14-tf
the cheapest advertisingyou can get | FoR RENT: House trailer lots, 25x |
| . CARRIE 40 f{t., in shaded area. Water, elect- |
| Saturday, Apr. 29—On the prem- ric and sewage to each trailer. Rec- |
} teen in Mo ant Toy Township, 2 reation room & showers. Trailer |
HYCO x fy ‘1 cD «
| acres ground, $-room house dy Villa, Elizabethtown R3, Route 241,
ban 2 chicl on house house hold Jone n ile from town. Phone Eliza-
| goods by Simon F. Sherer, Elam F. be thtown 251W Se
ATTENTION FARMERS! Get your | pealers
| ed wool and 1 wool plaid. All about |
Main | kitchen;
(1, AS SIFTED © or phone 3-9661 Mt. Joy. 12-tf |

Tstate of Christian D. Musselman
late of Manheim Twp, Pa. decd.
Letters testamentary on said ess
dersigned, all persons
[thereto are requested {o make im-
Cash | mediate payments, and those having
New and | claims or demands against the same,
will present them without delay for
for settlement to the undersigned
residing at Landisville, Pa.
Lightner Executrix
Att'y 15-6
James N.
Lancaster, Pa,

| Farm Machinery Sale at
2, Elizabethtown, Pa.
Phone 442-3-2
| Saturday, Aprii 22,1950
10 A. M.
New and Used Farm Machinery
Crawlers of All Kinds
Three 45T Balers, Combines
Side Rakes, Cars and Trucks
200 Hogs
100 other Pieces of Farm Machinery
New Drills
Bring in your surplus machinery.
Farmers, everybody invit-
ed to sell and buy. Terms Cash.
Next Sale Saturday, May 20, 1950.
| Also Baby Chicks—every ‘week.
R. D.

Write for Price List
Machinery and Hog Auction
Of Valuable Real Estate
On the premises midway between
Flor'n and Mount Joy, second place
South of Herr's Garage.
~~ A 1, Story Brick
Slate roof BUNGALOW
containing five rooms
and bath; vapor heat hardwood
floors in dining and living rooms;
asphalt tile in one bedroom; inlaid
linoleum in kitchen and bath; al-
uminum tile hathreom; plastic tile
venetian blinds.
Building in very goed repair. Lo-
cated on lot fronting fifty feet a-
l:ns Lancaster Pike and widening
to ninety-six feet in the rear, 189
feet deep.
Property can be viewed any eve-
ning after 7:00 P. M. during the
week of April 24th. Inmediate pos-
session can be had.
Sale to commence at
when conditions will
known by
7:00 P. M,,
be made

Walter Dupes, Auct.
D. L. Landis, Clerk 15-3
Desirable Building Tract of Two
and Forty-two One-Hundredth
Acres, adjacent to the Borough of
Ilizebethtown, Pa.
SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1950
at 2 o'clock P. M.
On the premises on the Elizabeth-
town-Lebanon State Highway, 4
mile North of the Borough of Eli-
zabethtown (formerly part of the
Ezra W. Martin tract), having a
frontage on the North side of said
| hichwav of 229.53 ft. and extending
| in depth of unequal width 300 feet,
| mere or less.
FOR SALE: H. Farmall tractor: 8 |
N. Farmall tractor; cultivator and |
Rates for deta "adverts ing In planter, Oliver 60 with culti- |
this column are: vator, Massey Harris High Braun
3 lines or less, minimum ...... 35¢ | disc plow, Oliver Orchard disc,
Over 3 lines, per line .......... 10¢ | Practor weeder, Weeder Hog Har-
Each add. insertion, per line .... 8¢ | ow. Paul Hiestand, Marietta. Phone
! | 6-3285. 12-tf |
FOR SALF: Two pairs Men's Black |
Walk-Over Oxfords, sizes C FOR SALE
and 9D Dial Mt. Joy 3-3452. 16-1 2-Story Residence, 5 rooms, all con-
ee - veniences, enclosed porch.
| FOR SALE: sller folding cot. | (Garage. Corner property in Florin,
{ rand iew, never used. Phone Mt. | Price $2000.
Joy 3-3423. 16-2 . NISSLEY GINGRICH
| FOR RENT: Lot in Florin. Inquire | 12 S. Duke St.. Lancaster. Pa.
{ Mrs. Alice Herst, Square St., Florin. Dial 8296 12-tf |
16-1 re -
| WANTED: Carpenter, Must be a | APPLY for State Farm Mutual |
| good mechanic, honest worker, and | Auto Insurance. Careful drivers
| suber, see foreman (Jack Hellman) | mean fewer claims lower rates
at Job on Colebrook St. or see Mr. | for you. If you're a careful dri- |
Hart, 161 N. Charlatte St, Manheim. ver, you too, can enjoy State
{ Phone 5-2163. 16-1 | Farm's complete coverage at low
| # { rates. Call or come in, i
| Plumbing & Heating 119 David St. Mount Joy, Pa. |
! Phcne Mit. Joy 3-4151 15-1f Pho ne 3-9401 16-1 {
used one month, price reasonable, Estate of Clavton B. Landis, late
phone Mt. Joy 3-9865, between 6 | ¢ Twp., Co {
and 8 p. m. 16-1p | penna.
| estate having been granted to the
| is the time to roll your lawn. Call : :
ye indersigned, all persons indebted |
Chas Z. Derr, Dial Mt. Joy 3-5462. |
Well of never failing water on
| premises with pump installed.
Letters of Administration on said |
| elevation
{ thereto are requested to make im- |
This is an ideal building site wth
overlooking a large part
of the Borough.
The location of this lot makes it
| Lo ete 188 | mediate payment, and those having | desirable for business development
| FOR SALE: 250 bus. shelled corn, | claims or demands against the | and also for residence.
| $2.85 per cwt. Baled Hay. Eli| same, will present them without| Sale to be held on the premises,
{ Breneman. Manheim RA. 15-2 | Aelav for settlement to the under- | Caturday, April 29, 1950 at 2P.M
signed. when conditions will be made

| WANTED: Man for profitable Raw-
| leigh business in town of Mt. Joy. Administratrix
| Must be satisfied with good living
| at start. Write Rawleigh's Dept. [James N. Lightner
J) PND 647-101, Chester, Pa. 16-2 Attorney
CORA B. LANDIS | known by
R. F. D. 1, Conestoga, Pa. | Wm. J. Wagner, Auct.
|W. A Herr, clerk
16-6 ' Carl G. Herr, Attorney