2—The Bulletin, . Joy, Pa., Thursday, April 13, 1950 ZZ We ddi (From Thruo n | The a J oy Bulletin. | bein, cousin of the bride, and Ro~| Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher sie Holbein, the bride's sister, 4 ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 be flower girl. This cuts inte school | David Risser, brother of the| bridegroom, will serve as bes a inattentive | ridegroom, will serve a t ma n.| tery prow ies. > Hails Funeral Home 23 W. Main St. Mount Joy JAMES B. HEILIG, Funeral Director Published Every Thursday at No. homework, leads to ‘ 9-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. minds because of lack of sleep 1g | Ushers will be Cloy Risser and| Subseri =r television hasn't already reached | Richard Kahler. Ca Spit, per your . iy | into local homes, it won't he long | -— Three Months va 60 before it does, so local parents can | Vivian Jean Hershey Single Copies ............. 05 | plan their television strategy ahead | John N. Walter Sample Coples Tare vue FREE | of time. | Miss Vivian Jean Hersrey, daugh-| -—— oo 00 | ter of Mr. at the Postoffice at Mt, Hest Petersburg, and John N. Wal- HURTING THEMSELVES Joy, Pa. aes second-class mail mat- a ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Wha éffect the striking coal min- ter, son of Mr. and Mus. Monroe Walter, Lancaster R3, were married Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper | have had on the marketing of | gunday afternoon @t 2 pm. in the | the product, is apparent to people | a : i {a G Evangelical Congregational | in the building trade. There is al Race nies | Church, at East Petersburg. The | Publishers’ Association INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED and Mrs. Christ Hershey, SOENCER SUPPORTS For abdomen, back and breasts MRS. EDYTH B. BRUBAKER Rl, LANCASTER, PA. Phone Landisville 4374 12-3mo. Publivation Day, Thursday st onde > : | strong tendency of new home own- | Rev. William Beichler, officiated at Copy for a change of advertising | ”; should reach this office Tuesday ers to look to other heating facili- | the double ring ceremony. We will not guarantee insertion of | ies besides coal, as well as house- | Mrs. Charles Miller, Lititz R3 est any advertising unless copy reaches | holders and industries to reconvert | faid of H d ‘Char Milter the office not later than 9 a. m. {to other-using equipment. When | Maid o OngY, nares preceding day of publication. there is a practical choice, the coal | sefved a5 best man. Classified ads will be accepted to | = Ushers were, Lloyd Hershey, bio- 9 a a. m. publication d . { industry suffers. Coal shortages due | ther of the Bride, and Elmer Walter,} to national | | cousin of the bridegroom. emergencies, doesn't help to devel- | Samad to strikes, even leading Doe f Lancaster | El D 1 T 0 R I A L op and expand the coal market Miss Grace E. an 6 i is "| played the wedding music, and Mis. | | Such conditions makes the user | 7 Fast, Petersly of $v | wary. Reducing rather than ex- Cranes | li 0 We are quicker to blame a man ing. the miners are atting | was solois » Following the ceremony a recep=| for what he doesn’t do than to give | out of more work and | tion was held at the home of the Dr. H.C Killheffer Optometrist MANHEIM 163 8. Charlotte St. Telephone 137-R ‘Mdn. & Wednes, 9.5:80 Tues, Fri. Sat. 7-0 P, M, Tues Fri, Sat, 9:30-1:00.2.5 P.M, ELIZABETHTOWN 16 E. High St, Telephone 24.R him credit for what he does. This goes for mine | | more money. | bride, after which they left on al | wedding trip to Louisiana and Tex-| as. They will reside at the home of | the Bridegroom for the present. rn on el NEWTOWN ™ Bank Plans vee | operators as well. Certainly the would suggest that ministers | user blame for figuring repeat their Easter services again | cost, service and practibility. next Sunday for the folks who | A eh were too busy Easier morning see- | ing how the congregation was dres- | We isn't to sed. | sey ! (From page 1) Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt spent | | years ago from the Jacob N. Sum-~| The bootleg business is booming last Thursday in Harrisburg. and why shouldn't it. Federal ag- | Mr. Ray Geltmacher, Mrs. Ann | my estate. 4 ents seized 1,792 stills during Jan. Martin of Lancaster visited Mr.| After the new bank building is| | Margaret-Jean Shoppe | HATS MADE and REMODELED DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS GIFTS 19 W. Donegal St, MOUNT JOY aut 287 more than during the | and Mrs. Earl Geltmacher Sunday. | completed, the: present brick strue-| ago. Here's! Mr and Mrs. Irvin Witmer and | (re at the “point” of Bank Street higher tax, the | family visited Mr. and Mrs. John | the old Harrisburg pike will be Today the fed- | Kauffman of Conestoga on Sunday. torn down, and a portion of the eral tax is $9.00 on a gallon which| Mrs. Lillian Witmer was a guest | | land ‘will he macadamized and used | puts whiskey out of the reach of | of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Germer | oq 4 parking lot. The remainder | so they make or buy moon- | | and family in York County. | will be offered to the East Hemp- | field Township Supervisors, with- and Feb. : same period one year the reason: The more moonshining. many, shine. The following persons visited re= ev | dently with Mrs. Annie Risser and | out cost, to ‘eliminate the sharp an-| The Li‘itz War Memorial com- | Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Arndt, Mr. and | gle in the intersection, for the con-| mittee has extended an invitation | Mrs. Ammon Hoffer, Rev. C. I. venience and safety of motorists. to every organization in the town|Summy and Mrs. John Mellinger of ~~ W. Scott Bushong is president of Electric ‘and Gas the bank board, which also includes! MT. JOY, PA. Welding Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT ‘Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Cover's Welding Shop | Delta and Marietta Streets in an effort ‘o adopt an, extension | Mount Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Almos | Recreational program as outlined | Barhart of Marietta; Mr. and Mss. | William F. Hoffman, E. G. Myers Salem Gamber and children of Co- | Phares B. Stehman, Jesse Snavely.| lumbia, and Bishop Henry Hostet- { Jr. G. Frank Trout, Robert Good. ter of Washington Boro. | Elmer K. Cope and Amos Newcom- Mis. Minnie Hahn of Lancaster, | er. | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gamber, Mr. and | The World War I Memorial clock | Mrs. Mark Winters, Mr. and Mrs. | which stands on the point was not ! Guy Winters of Manheim visited | mentioned in the plans, but it was Myr. and Mrs. Abram Gamber on| suggested the plot on which it Sunday. | stands could be left as a traffic is- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Urban of Holt- | land, or the clock might be moved! | wood, Mrs. Louella Zeamer, of Co- | to a new site, Hollyweed's Movie Men are put- | lumbia, Mr. and Mus. Lloyd Nent- | HL. fing up quite a squawk about how | wig of Florin and Mr. and Mrs. receipts are dwindling thruout the | Henry Rollman were Sunday guests | by the State Planning Board. | Such a plan is not a new and un- | tried venture, rather one that | has been adopted by almost 700 communities in the State in a little | and in every instance | but over a year, has proven successful. Probably something along this line could be adopted for our vet- Hew about a try? | oe crans. Engagements and i’ < 1 ay | rand < 7 aes Contry ad i Ss ant time. They Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edwards, «f aim te is ; ur ting t e | Mr. and Mrs. Bl eager | Landisville, announce the engage-| susiness. Probably it is to some ex- | Mrs. Kate Heisey, Mrs. Ida | ment of their daughter, M. Mae.! tent but we can see no good reason > f ore Sunday u ca e no good berger of Mount Joy, were St ¥ | and John H. Billmyer, son of Mr. Crown Coal A PREMIUM QUALITY ANTHRACITE ESSOHEAT FUEL O OIL PAUL E. E. HESS | FLORIN, PA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-1885 visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice | and Mrs. O. B. Billmyer, 461 South Frysinger. | : | State St, Ephrata. i Mis. Franklin Miller af New| 5 A York City, spent several days with | Ir. and irs. Howard Kline, Lanai her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hitch- Wy announce the engagement) cock who is a her home with of their daughter, Joan, to Paul E.| Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt. Pickel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Peter H. i of Baltimore is | Pickel. Manheim. Mr. Pickel is spending part of his Easter vaca- in the Lancaster Plant of the {tion visiting his great grandmother, | New Holland Machine Co. The wed-| | Mrs. Elizabeth Hitchcock and Rev. strikes fam- { and Mrs. R. H. Arndt. we cities, countries, and results| Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel to men and causes. Arriv- | Geltmacher during the week were: North China ‘ell of great| Mrs. Walter Kopp and Mrs. H.| Bainbridge, announce the engage- farm families a- of Mount Joy; Mr. and | ment of their daughter, Doris Fay Mrs. Clarence Brady of Columbia; | Pale C. White, son of Mr. and | Mx. and Mrs. Mervin Kieth, Mr. and | | Mrs, Norman R. White, Marietta. | { Mrs. Ralph Keith of Lititz. Miss Bartles is a graduate of Con- Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt spent | Twp, High School and is em- ed provinces in China. The estimate | Easter week end visiting their | ployed by the Wyeth Inc., Marietta. | in China. this spring, is ten million. | daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and | pp. White. on graduate of E. Don-| of over-all deaths from starvation | Mrs. Habet Khelghatian at Chester | gq] High Sahool. is now a senior Last summer the Yangtze valley | Penna. Ruth Allen Khelghatian re- | o¢ Ursinus College had its wors: flood in 18 years and | turned with her grandparents for a | majoring in English. why Movie Stars mus: draw those high salaries when the money in a] great measure is paid by poor kids who lay their last 10 or 15 cents on) cash window. should be admitted for only a nickel. Tha'’s a better place for them than on the street getting hur! or into mischief. oo "9 FOOD YOR THOUGHT the Kiddies fess if its | ding will take place in the near fu-| Hunger causes wars, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Bartles, | ilies, in death als from suffering where round Peiping, are eating tree bark and grass, for food. Travelers relate of an increasing mass starvation in eleven of the most densely populat- | where he is sory, ane to ony W000 You never WHEN YOU'LL BE SUED. Thousands of accidents happen every day and one of them might in. volve you financially. Don't take a chance. Enjoy ‘Comprehensive Per- sonal Liability protection up to $10,000. for as little as $10.00 » year, Get complete information! Ray N. Wiley MANHEIM R. D. 2 Phone Landisville 220 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY lowa as [llinois) American Farmers Mutual Insurance Company damaged crops have resulted in | visit. v | No date has present suffering. In some areas, A birthday party was given for | wedding. farmers are eating the seed vice | little Billy Urban, son of Mr. nd | ee eee that should be planted for next Mrs. Gile Urban on Sunday. hon, summer's crops. Chinese Commu- | present were: Dale and Lloyd 'LANDISVILLE nists are indirec’lv admitting the | Nentwig, children of Mr. and Mrs disaster, attemptin to fight it. Com- Lloyd Nentwig, of Florin; Billy The Ladies Aid of the Lutheran “lose face” in provinc- | and Patsy, children of Mr. and Mrs. {Church met dt the home of Mus. starving people | Henry Rollman of Lititz; Shirley | |ond Bernice, children of Mr. ang | Elizabeth Ruth Monday evening. 14} LA J { Mrs. Wm. Zeamer of Columbia R.D. | {members attended and Mrs. Jay) AS CHILDREN SEE IT ‘and Jack and Jean, children ‘of Wir. | | Dombach, the new president was in| Seme school principals have be- {and Murs. Irvin Witmer, Columbia | charge. gun inves‘igating the startling in- R. D | A covered dish social was held in crease of failures in grade schools] Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wittle and | the social room of the Lutheran| and found ‘he fault lies in too many | | daughter, Nancy, of Marietta, Mr. | Church Wednesday evening by the| evening hours spent watching tele- and Mrs. Simmons and | Ladies Aid, as hostesses to all the] vision. In scme cases more hours daughters, Nancy and Gale Ann, of | | new members of the Church. Mov-| were spent with video than the to-| Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. Ragner | fes were a feature of the entertain-| tal number of hours that week in| Hallgren of Mt. Joy, visited Mr. [me i school, plas hours for homework. and Mrs .Annie Wittle on Sunday. | had dropped 15 percent. Parents) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westenhafer, | | ave held responsible, for they can of Marietta visited Mr. and Mrs. | Young and daughter. and friend | control this. Some advocates of | Edward Isler and family on Sunday. | | Carol, Mr. and Murs. Lester television feel it is a good way of | Mr. and Mrs. George Schoelkoph and son, Mr. and Mrs. Edward keeping the family together, bul | entertained on Easter day, Mr. and | Mr. and Mrs. Bernard“ Schoelkoph i they do not seem to realize there | Mrs. Victor Fogie and family, Mr. | Craul and son, all of Mount Joy: can be too much video for children. | and Mrs. Cornelius Hiepler and son | and daughter, Mrs. William Witmer There are a few televised programs Mr. and Mrs. Semour Jones, all of | and family, and Mr. William Fogie,| that are educational, a service for | Philadelphia; Mrs. Anna Martin and | | oll of Columbia, Mrs. John = munism may es where hungry. care more for food than for isms. Bulletin A mem, Adver tisers improving young minds, but there | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dicks and of Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. Emlen of Lancaster: Mrs. | Buller of Mt. Joy, and Mrs. Martha Wayne ! Orio of Philadelphia. all Gephart, are numerous children who stay up | daughter late at night for spofts events, mys- | Miperva Mus. PAUL E. WEBBER DAIRYMEN STOP LIFTING HEAVY MILK CANS Let the T-33 Cool Your Milk WRITE = WIRE - PHONE FOR FREE LITERATURE GE. Appliance & Wiring ASTERSONVILLE, PA. 5-7151 Manheim R3 - Phone 3-5931 i | » Al Makes of Sewing Machines Repaired We Modernize Your Machine BEFORE | to Electric, Console or Portable | AFTER Coll Us Today—We Pick-up and Deliver . . . Anywhere! J. V. BINKLEY =v 111 N. Market St. ELIZABETHTOWN Phone 216-) The Market Basket | Reports a fine anniversary and Thanks the many patrons | in Mount Joy and neighboring towns. SALES It is your own Farm Market, giving this cominunity {| dnd you the advantages of the Lancaster, York and Har || risburg communities. See You Friday 4 to 9 P. M. | 59-61 COLLEGE AVE. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. | | | Excavating Work Cellars — Ditches — Ponds ASK FOR ESTIMATE JACOB G. BAKER, Contractor PHONE 5-359 12.4 MANHEIM, PA. | | | { | been set for Ge. AMERICAN FARMERS | WE ARE- i Discontinuing | | The Sale Of | {Handbags 1 | 1 GENUINE LEATHER HANDBAGS $3.95 | ITALIAN STRAW BAGS as low as $1.00 | FITTED BUFFALO BAGS TO SELL AT COST KAMRA = KITS, WITH CAMERAS $3.00 1 CHILDREN'S STRAW SHOULDER BAGS $1.00 | Jeweler | 87 East Main Street Dial 3-4124 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 2 4 | | “I know so] I paid | that billl” | | BUT SHE LOST THE RECEIPT | | : ; | | “From now on I'm | | paying by check!” | (CANCELLED CHECKS ARE AUTOMATIC RECEIPTS) | | 1 | START YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT WITH US NOW THE | ATIONAL MOUNT | | Yl MOUNT JOY, PA. ____ OY Bang Ir = : >[IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH | | #05 Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ser Every woman likes to have confidence in her grocer, We make every effort at A&P to give you: Quality foods at money- saving prices. Prompt, courteous and efficient service. Full weight and correct change. If we should ever fail you on any of these counts, | please let us know. Please write: Sustomur Relations Department, A&P Food Stores, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N.Y, KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes 13 oz. pkg. 19¢ Iona Peaches California Slices or Halves 2 30 oz. cans 41¢ V-8 VEGETABLE Cocktail 2 12 oz. cans 25¢ Sliced Pineapple A&P 2 9 oz. cans 29¢ Toilet Tissue Leading Lady 3 Rolls 29¢ Chocolate Covered Cherries Warwick 1 1b. box 39¢ 2 17 oz. cans 39¢ Large Phe. 27¢ Del Monte Peas Lux Soap Flakes AAA FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES { FLORIDA LARGE JUICY < Oranges -57%39c { § Peas caurornia 2.29. m0 ROME ? Apples may 3m 28¢ 4 $ Asparagus “""" 2 39¢ } Fresh Spinach 19¢ Pascal Celery sone 19¢ ) 8 8 3.29¢ orig. bog 96-1b orig. bog Onion Sets ‘2.75 Seed Potatoes "i" ‘4.69 | Seed Potatoes: iy. i tis "4.19 | A&P Apple Sauce 2 2 Dog Food Kun i. ® A&P Corn “fo 19¢ Sultana Tomatoes 29¢ Juices "ihn or Swit 39¢ Baked Apples ADELIGIOUS APPLES) con BDC Fruit Cocktail : a 25¢ Apple Jelly OLD VIRGINIA 2h 25%¢ lona Bartlett Pears an 29¢ A&P Sliced Pineapple 0 32¢ 29¢ can Pineapple DEL MONTE CRUSHED 11-02 cans 19-02 cans 46-01 can Sox fat cane NEW LOWER PRICE! STRAINED BABY FOODS Heine, Clapps, Beechnut, Gerbers, Br Libby; alse Bib Orange Conchnirate 10 JARS 93c ¥ i 39¢ 1529¢ Spam, Treet or Prem R&R Chicken Broth Raised Glazed Donuts bio) Marvel White Bread =>: 19¢ i: 14c Pabst-Ett "oo, one “24 Ched-0-Bit