mt yy ry sy FOR... Watches-Clocks-Jewelry And Watch Repairing Warren H. Greenawalt JEWELER 209 West. Main St, MT, JOY OPEN EVERY EVE VING LIVE and DRESSED CHICKENS FREE DELIVERY BLAIN KAUFFMAN MT. JOY, PA ROUTE 1, DIAL 13-4929 G. K. Wasner & Son, Bill AUCTIONEERS ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Phones 442]2 — 544R4 Always At Your Service GIVE US A CALL Every day farmers are involved in ex. pensive law suits because of farm accidents. Special Broadform Farm Liability Policy provides real protec. tion against ruinous financial loss which you might suffer as the result of your liability for injury to members of the public and damage to the prop- erty of others. Don’t risk losing what you work so hard to gain. Get the facts, Ray N. Wiley MANHEIM R. D. 2 Phone Landisville 2201 AMERICAN FARMBRS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Operating in lowa as (IHinois) American Farmers Mutual Insurance Company COME IN, let us explain how Shep- pard's FULL-diesel operation cuts fuel See how you can costs over 75%! save three out of every four dollars you've been spending on tractor fuel. Act now, before your busy season when the savings are greatest. CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION ON YOUR OWN FARM. (No obligation, of course) Leaman-Evans Co., Inc. V.OUNT JOY. PA. Phone 3-9351 | ; 12-4 | {lesel’s «the: Power-=Sheppard s -the «Diesel J | FOR RENT | €t., or phone 3-9661 Mt. Joy. 12-tf | | and at home. Mrs, Russell Kramer. { ATTRACTIVE | Garage. Corner property in Florin, f NEI EY stone will be received until 6 P, M. i CLASSIF IED) | March a1, 1950, by the Supervisors ; of Mount Joy Township, Lancaster County, Penna, and will be public- Rates for classified advertising m | ly opened and read during their this column are: | meeeing to be held April 1 at 10 3 lines or less, minimum ,..... 35¢ | A, M. Over 3 lines, per line .......... 10¢ | Proposal Forms and Each add. insertion, per line .... 8¢ | tions on which all proposals must he submitted may be obtained at FOR SALE: Minnich Tobacco Press, | the home of the Township Secre- John W. Kreider, 117 N. Market St,, | tary, Lloyd L. Risser, Elizabethtown Mount Joy 3-9081. 12-1p [R. D. 3, Pa.” 11-2 FOR SALE: Timothy Hay. Price | The undersigned will receive bids £25.00. Elias Z. Musser, Mt. Joy R1, | for the purchase of materials con« Phone 3-4928. 11-41 tained in a two-story frame huild- Ry [ing situate on the Northeast Corner ATTENTION FARMERS! Get your of West Main and Manheim Streets, | Whirl A-Way Egg-Washer. Cleans | Mounf Joy, Pa, until 12:00. noon, 3,600 per hr. 10 day free trial. Les- ter M. Gehman, R2, Manheim, [dismantled and all materials Phone 3-4746 12-tf | moved from the site within 20 days iter the award which will be made to the highest responsible b'dder, R. E. HASSINGER, Secretary, Church Council re= I wish to thank my friends for the cards and flowers sent to me while in the hospital; Mrs. Kenneth Leib 12-1p Trinity Evangelical Lutheran . se me | 12.8 eo t Jo ANTIQUES: Will pay high prices | of Mount doy for antiques of any description. Mr. | YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE Hart,” 161 N. Charlotte St, Man- NEEDS PROTECTION: Careful heim, Pa. Phone 407, | dyivine plus State Form Mutual . re | Aulo Insurance's complete coverage FOR SALE: Home-made tractor |. . : 2 \ : will do the job. State Farm's low-= with plow and cultivator, in good wa Jo 2 I an De Farms low = J reasonable. ates make it ¢ Xtra: 9 nation. J easonable. Phone Mount vestment, Don't take chances. Un- LOY Demi lder new laws in most states, one WANTED: Young Man to work by Mishap can cost you your license, fav cr monih. April 1st. Christian | unless you can prove financial re- preferred, Elias Z. Musser, Phone | sponsibility. Call cr come in today. Mt. Jovy 3-4528 11-2t AMMON R. HOFFER 119 David St., Mount Jey, Pa. April 14, 1950. The building must be | and North of South Orphans’ Court ( Auditing Notices J exton Road, | Alley, 2. To change from Residence “B"' | district to Business District, an | a area bounded on the North by | APRIL TERM, 1950 | Pennsylvania Railroad Company To ‘all heirs, legatees, creditors and |property, on the East by South High Street, on the South by East Don- egal Street, Oak Alley, Delta Street und West Donegal Street, and on the West by South Market Street, Copies of the proposed amend- {ments are on file in the Office of the Borough Secretary, and may be in- spected by any person interested at his office No. 128 N. Barbara | St, Mount Joy, Pa. between the {hours of 10 A. M, and 8 P. M,, | Monday to Friday, inclusive, and 10 A. M., and 5 P. M,, Saturday. WILLIAM F. BRIAN other persons interested: Notice is given that the following | accounts in decedents’ estates and trusts have been filed in the office | of the Register of Wills or the Clerk | 27. of the Orphans’ Court of Lancas- ter County, as the case may be, and | that the same will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of said county | 28 for audit and confirmation, and for distribution of the balances shown | therein to the parties legally entitl- ed thereto, on the date hereinafter designated at ten o'clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard Time, in 29. | 11-3 Borough Secertary | the Orphans’ Court Room on the Pre | 4th floor of the Court House in the AN Ny ORDINANCE ANNEXING | City of Lancaster, Pa. 30 | TERRITORY TO THE BOROUGII | APRIL 17. 1930 OF MOUNT JOY : eR 0 | 1 BLICKENDERFER, ANNA W. | IT IS HEREBY enacted and or- | : | dained by the Borough Council of | Settlor. Deed of Trust. | the Borough of Moun: Joy, Lancas- ter County, Pa., as follows: WHEREAS, a petition has been | | presented to the Borough Council of ‘he Borough of Mount Joy, request- ing the Borough to annex to itself and make a part of the Borough, | certain land hereinafter described, situated in Mount Joy Township, Lancaster County, Pa., which is a | second class township. And it is! | represented to said Council by the said petiticn that the signers of the said petition, 32 in number, consti- | tute a majority of all ot the free- No. 42, o March Term 1950. The first and SL final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, trustee | under Deed of Trust of Anna W. Blickenderfer, for the use of Grace Blickende: fer, W. Eugene | Blickenderfer, Alice Blicken- | derfer, now Alice I. Freeman, |* and Lena Blickenderfer, now ! Lena Skeen, | 2. BRACKBILL'S CEMETERY, In- ter Vivos. No. 32. December | Term, 1934. The first and final | ~ Trust Company, Succeeding FOR QUICK SALE: 1941 G. M. Phone 3-4901 12-11 polders of the land described in the trustee under Deed of Trust Truck, New motor. Come and see | LAT re aos [said petition, and said Borough | created for the upkeep and re- | it Phone Mt. Joy 3.3373 or call at | EXECUTRIX NOTICE | Ea is satisfied that the said | pair of Brackhill’'s Ceinetery, in | ann | Estate of Charles S. Morton, late 237 Marietta Ave., | 7, 12-1 | » ¥ Morienla Bye Mount Joy. 12-1 | of Mount Joy Borough, Penna. de- FOR SALF: 7-room house, with |ceased. : all conveniences, ‘in Florin. Phone | Letters testamentary on said 11-2p | estate having been granted to th rere _ - | andersigned, all persons indebte CARD OF THANKS: [| wish to | thereto are requested to make im- thank relatives, neighbors and | mediate payment, and those having friends, who gave their kindness, | cldiims or demands against sympathy and beautiful ficral offer- | same, will present them without Mt. Joy 3-9531 after 4 P M. ings in the death of my husband. | delay for settlement to the under= Mis. Abram S. Holwager. 12-1 | signed, residing at 151 New Haven EE PEST TT ——= | Street, Mount Joy, Pa. LOST: Red Truck wheel 650x186, ANNIE S. MORTON between Mt. Joy Reservoir and Wa- | Executrix te: Works. Reward. Richard E. Arnold, Bricker & Beyer Miller, R2, Mt. Joy. Phone 3-9263. | Attorneys 12-2 | h Ett Tr a To ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OR FARM BUREAU INSURANCE | fpgtate of Elizabeth B. Sherer, late 8-6 see BENJ. F. GARBER, 518 South | of Mount Joy Township, Lancaster Market St. Elizabethtown, Penna. County, Penna., deceased. “hone 23-R. | Letters of Administration on said Torro | estate having been granted to the owriters ach’s Cast €8 Je LE 8 Add. Macks, pit { undersigned, ail persons indebted fe Sisters hee 3 Per. New ii { thereto are requested to make im- 8-18-f | mediate payment, and those having a claims or demands against the same ray, iron, also | will present them without delay for 3 ; | settlement to the undersigned SIMON F. SHERER Florin, Penna. ELAM F. SHERER Route 4, Manheim, Pa. 10-6 Used. Elizabethtown, ’phone 14J. I BUY all kinds of ser: sell stove wood. Guy D. Spittler. Phone Mt. Joy. 5-12-tf 3-5573 FOR SALE: Building Lot 62x156 on corner of S. Market and a proposed | street, Mt. Joy. An “A” zone loca- | Carl G. Herr, Attorney tion. Apply E. E. Brown, Mt. Joy. | ~ ed er 1-tf | EXECUTRIX NOTICE - - Fstate of Milton Mowrer, late of FULL TIME East Hempfield Twp., Penna, de- SALES OPPORTUNITY ceased. Near-Ever Aluminum Letters testamentary on said | estate having been granted to the | undersigned, all persons indebted . [thereto are requested to make FOR SALE: Oliver two-bottom | immediate payment, and those hav- tractor plow. Richard E. Miller, R2, ling claims or demands against the Mount Joy. Phone 3-9263. 12-1 { same, will present them without delay for settlement to the | signed residing at Landisville, Pa. Cooking Utensil Company Phone Lanc. 3-8807 9-5t Furnished Ledroom, fey) oath. Inquir: Mt. Joy | EVA C. MOWRER [Rl oy. ci 2 | James 'N. Lightner Executrix Lancaster, Pa., Att'y 11-6 We wish to exypiess cur most sin- | cere thanks and appreciation to the many friends and relatives for their kind expressions ot sympathy | Estate of Michael H. Wagenbach, | late of East Donegal Township, od besutifid. floral: oiferings th Lancaster County, Penna., deceased. anc > IE ) S, | ee atte rs the loss of sur beloved husband and | Letters of Administration on said father. Mrs. John Grosh and | having been. granted to: the 8 jet: hints TTT 5-1 | undersigned, “all persons indebted ter Anns “| thereto are requested to make im-~ GIRLS CLOTHING: [oe payment, and those having FOR SALE ; size 12: Rose Wool Suit, $2.50: green | claims or demands against the same | will present them without delay fos skirt and sleeveless Jacket, $1.00; | t striped pleated skirt $1.00, cotton |seltlement to the undersigned, re- dresses 75¢ euch. Mrs. Oscar Starr, | siding at 283 Marietta Ave., Mount 122 N. Barbara St., Mt. Joy. 12-1 {Joy, Penna. ! a NE LESTER E. ROBERTS, | DRESSES FOR SALE: Black Executor | Arnold. Bricker & Beyer, Attorneys butcher boy linen, ' pink butcher boy linen with gold trim, white Sa- | cony suit, 2 wash cottons, 1 brown | and 1 green gabardine skirts; strip- Ra 8 ed wool and 1 wool plaid. All about SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1950 9 or 11. Call at 9 Fast Main | The un lersigned will sell on the | premises adjoining the Bank in the 7-6 PUBLIC SALE size ee me mmm | Village of Landisville, Lancaster I wish to thank my friends for | Co. Pa., the following: the beautiful flowers, greetings and | 25 STORY gifts I received while in the hospital i 10-ROOM FRAME DWELLING HOUSE bath, automatic oil heat, | haraweod floors in two rooms, Also STABLE AND 12-1p ATTENTION VETERANS: You may | 2.STCRY' FRAME «*ill get flight training on the GI | GARAGE, good condition. bill at Donegal Airport. Several | ByILDINGS ARE TO BE MOVED | have lately been approved. We help | FROM FOUNDATION OR DE- vou with you application. Call Mt. | MOLISHED WITHIN 60 DAYS 12-3 | FROM DATE OF SALE. = Heatins and®' Plumbing fixtures, go with property. Sale will be held at two o'clock, Joy 3 INVESTMENT: 3 Apartments, Frame House, Two- story bern 16x26. Immediate pos- | Satardie A a 4 3 or Saturday, April 8, 1950 when terms session. W. Main St, Beh: and conditions will be made known 2- I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 3 S 4 FOR SAE LANDISVILLE PA. 2-Story Residence, 5 rcoms, all con- | 3 : ap Spahr . 2. veniences, enclosed porch. 2-car | Elmer V. Spahr, Auct. 0 12 3 | PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that at 7:00 | P. M. on April 3, 1950 at the Bor- { ough Hull, Mount Joy, County, Pa., the Council of the | Borough of Mcunt Joy will hold a | public hearing on, and immediately { thereafter, is to consider the adop- tion of certain proposed ments to the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough, which amendments | have heretofore been, submitted to Bid on a 1'4 ton and a 2 ton chas- Je Ning Loni sis and cab (only one type truck to | db be bought), with a platform dump | ens be considered propose body, grcund grip tires, two speed | !he following: Price $10,500. S. NISSLEY GINGRICH REALTOR 12 S. Duke St. Lancaster, Pa. Dial 8295 12-tt SEALED BIDS FOR NEW BOROUGH TRUCK Sealed bids will be received and cpened by Borough Council on April 3rd at 7:30 P. M., for the fol- lowing: classification | Ol rear axle, long wheelbase, helper 1 To Change fo ry trict to. Rest $ 0 5 > - springs, heavy duly motor, heater f Residence “A” c pe vo! derce “B” district, following areas: (a) Along the East side cof | North Mirket Street from an alley | north of Frank Street to the Bor- ough limits; (b) along the Western side of North Barbara Street, from | Frank Street to the Borough limits: | (¢) along the Eastern side of North Si vr ou | Barbara Street from North Alley to “Cealed proposals for Bituminous | the Borough limits; (4), the area material and “clean” crushed lime- | South of Oak Alley, East of Pink- and defroster, necessary lights for | state inspection. Less trade in allowance for used Chevrolet truck with platform body. Borough Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BOROUGH 9F MOUNT JOY 11-3 William F. Brian, Sec’y the | Lancaster | amend- | { Strasburg Township, Lancaster | signers are a majority of all of the ng | freeholders of the land therein County, Pa. . yy | described. Therefore. { <. BROSSMAN, JEMIMA G., dec'd, | No. 57, June Term, 1949. The | | Section 1. The Borough of Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., pur- suant to the above recited petition, | does hereby annex to the Borough, and make a part of the Borough, | | the following described land situat- | | ed in Mount Joy Township, Lanecas- first and final account of Ber- | liam B. Brossman, exors. 4. BROSSMAN, WILLIAM F.,/| dec'd, No. 29, June Term, 1944. | First and final account of Ber- | | tha M. Bressman Eaby and Wil- account of Northern Bank and | 99. tha M. Brossman Eaby and Wil- | 35. Bank and Trust Company, sue=| The Bulletin, ceeding trustee, under Deed of Trust of the Trustees of the | Zion's Evangelical Lutheran | Church, Leacock, Lancaster County, Pa, of a fund created under the Will, for the use of Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Leacock, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, GREENLY, ELLEN C., dec'd, | No. 22, September Term, 1949, First and final account of John Greenly, Jr, exor. HANK, PAUL B, dec'd, No, 65, August Term, 1949, The first and final account of Joseph exor, HANK, PAUL B, dec'd, Joseph Hank, estate for final account of Trustee to sell real the purpose of distribution. HOUSFR, ELLIS J, decd, and final account of Meta F Houser, extx. HARNISH, DAVID H,, dec'd, No. No. 65, | August Term, 1949. The first and a —— ™’”k Hank, No. | * 61, September Term, 1949. First 61, October Term, 1927. The fin- | al account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, succeeding | co-t:ustee and Martin H. Baer, surviving Festamentary for the use of Noah Harnish. HEAGY, EDWARD H., dec'd No. 42, October Term, 1948. The first and final account of North- ern Bank and Trust Company, guardian of Edward H. Heagy, a minor. trustee [ 60. HEAGY, SANDRA H., dec'd, No. | 42, October Term, 1948. The first and final dian of Sandra H. Heagy, a mi- now, account of Northern | Bank and Trust Company, guar- | HUBER, LEVI B., dec'd, No. 68, | March Term, 1949, The account | of The Conestoga National Bank | of Lancaster, exor, JANSON, JOSEPH, dec'd, No. 1, | December Term, 1925. The third | and partial account of First Co- | lumbia National Bank, for the use of Mary E. Becker end othe s. trustee | | ter County, Pennsylvania, adjoin- | : ; . | mg the Ay ae nao liam B. Brossman, admrs. dba. 36. KING, HARRY NOLAN, dec'd, | bounded and describe as follows. ! c.ta. No. 75, June Term, 1949, First | sounded snd described 2s follows, 5. BURGE, JULIA B., decd, and final account of David ¥ No. 119, May Term, 1949. First and | partial account of Kamm, exor. 6. BARD, GEORGE, dec'd, No. 33, May Te:m, 1933. The first and | final account of Northern Bank | us appears by survey and blueprint made by Henry F. Huth, Registered | | Englaeer, filed with said petition, | ‘0 wit: | | BEGINNING at a cement monu- | | ment on the North side of The Harrisburg Pike and the West side of Orchard Street, a corner of land lof O. K. Snyder, Jr.; thence extend- ling along the West side of Orchard | | Street and land of O. K. Snyder, J. land Kathryn Snyder, respectively, { North nine (9) degrees and seven- | | teen (17) minutes East, a distance [+ | of seven hundred and fifty-six and | | thirty-five hundredths (756.35) feet | ! ; | to a cement monument in line of and Trust Company, Guardian land of Charles S. Frank; thence Cr Mary Louise Buckwalter, a | extending along land of the said minor. { Charles S. Frank, South eighty-four | 8. BARD, MARY C. decd, No. 54, { (84) degrees and twenty-eight (28) | November Term, 1954. Ihe first | | minutes East, a distance of seven- | and final account ¢f Northen | {teen hundred and thirty-one and | Bank & Trust Company, Guar- five tenths (1731.5) feet to a cement | dian of Mary Louise Buckwalt- monument on the East side of Fair- | | view Avenue in line of land of | | Joseph T. M. Breneman: thence ex- | a " ] ' | tending along the East side of Fair- The first and partial account of | view Avenue and land of the said | G. Elwood Bartholomew, admr. | Joseph T. M. Breneman, South '10- BARTON, EMMA, decd. No. 19, | | twenty (20) degrees and eleven (11) September Term, 1949. First and | minutes Eas!, a distance of three | hundred and ninety-nine and forty- six hundredths (399.46) feet to a | 1! Trustee, of a fund for the up- | keep and maintenance of Tes- | tator's burial lot ir the grave- | yard of Zion's Evangelical Church, of Leacock, Pa. | BARD, GEORGE, dec’d, No. 33, May Te:m, 1933. The first and | 4. BARTHOLOMEW, STELLA. | dec’d No. 59, June Term, 1949. | Jr., admr. . BURKHOLDER, CLARENCE B,, | cies monument on the East | also known as C. B. BURK- | side of Fairview. Avenue and on | HOLDER, dec'd, No. 6, Septem- | 42, [ the Borough line of the Borough | ber Term, 1849. The first and fi- | of Mount Joy; thence extending a- | nal account of Harry B. Burk- | holder, admr. { long ‘he Borough line and land of | [Martin K. and Elizabeth S. Heistand. | 12. BRUNNER, LILLIAN S., decd, | No. 7, October Term, 1949. The | North eighty-four (84) degrees and | | thiriy-five (35) minutes West, a dis- first and final account of Ray- 13. tance of Five hundrei and ninety- mond S. Brunner, exon. { six (596) feet to a cement monu- 12. BARE, FRANKLIN H., dec'd, | ment; thence extending along the No. 77, May Term, 1914. The first | Borough lins, South twenty (20) | and final account of Northern | 44. | degrees and thirty (30) minutes | Bank and Trust Company, suc- ceeding trustee unde: the will, | for the use of Clara A. I'rantz. BARE, LYDIA, decd, No. 2 December Term, 1904. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, suc- ceeding trustee under the will, '45. of a fund for the upkeep of the burying ground on the Home- stead Farm in Manor Township. BAER, SUSAN H., dec'd, No. 17, | 46. October Term, 1924. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, Suc- ceeding trustee under the will, for the use of Sara A. Baer, 47. | West, a distance of eight hundred i {and fifty-one and ninety-two hun- | | dredths (851.92) feet to an iron pin | 14. on the Nerth side of the Harrisburg | Pike; and thence extending along | the North side of the Harrisburg | Pike, North sixty-two (62) degrees and (50) minutes West. a dis- | tance of eleven hundred and sixty- three and four hundredths (1163.04) feet to the cement monument, the | 15. nlac> of the Baginning. CONTAINING thirty and nine hun- | dred and nineteen one thousandths 30.919) acres. Section 2. This ordnance shall not ha ohetitute an. aecens | 10- BAKER, HARRISON 1., decd, edeamed so consi on aecen No. 51, March Term. 1549. First tance by the Borousch of any roads, | streets or alleys laid out or shown on the land accompanying said peti- | tion, and accomvanving this ordin- | | ane, or mentioned as streets, roads or allevs in the foreooing descrip- | tion. except such roads as now con- and final account of Ella H. Ba- ker, admrx. 17. COCHRAN, FLORA M, dec'd, | No. 22, October Teri, 1947. Sec- ond and final account of Mary C. Sprecher, John S. Cochran 18. i situate roblie township roads of and Alma S. Mueller, exors. Movnt Jovy Township within the | 18. CROM, HARRY E.. decd, No. | territory en annexed. All streets, | 65, September Term, 1919. First | roads, and alleys in the said terri- | and final account of Anna C. | torv other than present public twp. | Nikolaus, admrx. | 9. CALDWELL, LAURA K. 1 49. road, shall retain the same status |1 | with rence to the Boronoh as they | respect to Mount .Jov | immediately preceding | dec'd, No. 49, Septemnber Term, | 1949. The first and final account | f Raymond L. Caldwell and M. | Merl Wechter, exors. had with | Townshin i 50. the armexntion. 50 I ser'bhad hv law, | WNACTFD AND ORDAINED this | i rd day of Octohar, 1049, | J. POBWRT KEI LER Presidant of Council | Caction 3. All ordir~ness and / 20. DILLER, MYRTLE A., dec'd, No. | marts of ordinances inconsistent | 91, June Term, 1949. The first { herewith, are h~rebv repenled. This | and final account of Margaret D. | | shall become effective at Walker any Calista Helland, | 51 tha ‘ime and in the manner re- | acdmrees, c.t.a, | < : Pre” | 21. DITZLER, ALVIN S. No. 1, | September Term, 1949. The first and final account of Mabel M. Ditzler, admrx. 22, ESHLEMAN, ABRAHAM W., dec'd, No. 51, May Term, 1949. | Attact: First and final account of J. Willian F. Bion | Secretary of Touncil | Daniel Eshleman, J. Henry Esh- | Approved: Onstchar 2 1049, [ ! ELMER 7. ZFRPHEY | €XOTS. 2-1 ESHLEMAN, ROMA H., decd, |! — No. 42, September Term, 1949. | i beats | LADINO DOES WELL | First and final account of Rus- { | | leman; and Marvin L. Eshleman, | Chief Burgess | 23. | | i For a cover cron in the orchard, | sell H. Eshleman, admr. | 24. FAGER, Albert L. dec'd. No. 28, | Carl S. Bittner, Penn State exten- a 1 Pir | sion fruit specialist, like Ladino | Deer etm oy Oy ant ? final account of Albert L. Fager | clover. He exvlains that for good Jr. exor. ot? itl 54. i growth of this crop, the soil must | 25. FEIST, MARY, dec’'d, No. 87, | pe well supplied with lime, super- Mey Term, 10. Lt ad i vhas inal account of The Lancaster | Phusphae mg poly J — County Nat'enal Bank, exar. |55. 26. FORNEY, A. ELIZABETH, decd | No. 55, May Term, 1913. The first | and final account of Northern {When in need of Printing. (any- | thing) kindly remember the Bulletin John B.|3s7. and Trust Company, Succeeding | 38. final account of Northern Bank | 39. er, a minor. 49. final account of Isaiah H. Kame | 41. Kope, exor. KING, JACOB F., dec’d, No. 30, October Term, 1949. First and partial account of Emlen H. Zellers and Frank G. Hartman, eXCiS. KOHR, JOHN, decd, No. 2, Au- gust Term, 1936. First and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, succeeding Trustee under Deed of Trust created by Enos W. Kohr, exor. of the will of John Koh: for the use of Mary Krapp. LUDG ATE, ELIZABETH | 63. STAUFFER, Settlor, Inter Vivos | Trust, No. 41, March Term, 1950. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Com- pany, Trustee under Deed of Trust created April 1, 1939, {or the use of Elizabeth Stauffer Ludgate. LEBKICHER, SEDALIA, Inter Vives Tiust, No, $3, February Term, 1935. The first and final account of Trust Company, succeeding trustee for the use of Sedalia | Lebkicher. MICHELL, MARY McIL.VAINE, dec'd, No. 18, May Term, 1949. The first and final Albert M. Mitchell, MILLER, MARY K., decd, No. 17, January Term, 1931. The first and final account of North- ern Bank and Trust Company, Trustee for the use of Mubel V. Trostle. MULL, ISAAC, dec'd, No. 37, May Term, 1948. First and final account of Annie L. Mull, admrx. 60. Northern Bank and | account of | 68. 69. METZLER, BENJAMIN F., Set- | tlor, Inter Vivos, No. 84, March Term, 1950. The first and final account of the Northern Bank and Trust Company, trustee un- der Deed of Trust created April 10, 1935, for the use of Bertha Lutz. MILLER, BENJAMIN P., dec'd, No. 13, October Term, 1949. The first and final account of Edna M. Fleming, admrx. MANN, ALICE K., dec’'d, No. 43, March Term, 1949. First and fi- nai account cf Lauretta M. Sny- der, V. Grace Beane and Hcrace K. Mann, admrs. c.t.a. MILLER, JACOB K., dec'd, No. 56, August Term 1926. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, suc- ceeding trustee, for the use of Alice E. Landis. MARTIN, MARY M., dec'd, No. 58, February Term, 1930. The second account of The Cone- stoga National Bank of Lancas- ter, trustee for the use of Wil- liam G., Martin, Lulu Martin Kant, Howard Martin and George E. Martin. METTFETT, HARRY A., decd, | No. 14, April Term, 1927. Third and final account of Ira W. Bry- son, surviving exor. POSEY, SILAS R., also known as 8S. R. POSEY, dec'd, No. (8, May Term, 1949. The first and final account of Edna M. Posey, exor. PIERSOL, DANIEL, dec'd, No. 97, August Term, 1947. Second and final account of L. C. Pier- sol and Blanche Piesol Weitz- el, exors. . RETTH, JOHN W.,, dec'd. No. 35. April Term, 1934. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Comvany, succeeding trustee under the will, for the use cf Elizabeth Reith Orfanella. | . RENGIER: CARL F. dec'd, No. | 39, June Term, 1912. The first and final account of Pank and Trust Company, suc- ceeding trustee for the use of Alice W. Rengier, now Alice W. Brubaker. -2 -3 -~1 Northern | | 76. RENNINGER, FMMA, dac'd, No. | 7, September Term, 1949. The first and final account of C. R. Weaver, excr. ROCHOW, AMELIA R.. decd, | No. 28, May Term, 1943. The first | and final account of Bank and Trust Company, {rus- | nr “ol | | Northern | 56. RANCK, JOHN M.,, dec'd, . SWARTZ, 5. SWEENFY, STEPHEN L., 7. STAUFFER, . UMBLE, -1 ne Mt. Joy, Pa, Thursday, March 23, 1950~=% | — tee under the will, for the use | of Oscar O. Rochow. No. | 65, October Term, 1938, The first | and final account of The Farm- ers National Bank and Trust Company of New Holland, Trustee under the will, 37. ROSS, MABEL: G., Settlor, Inter Trust. No. 86, March 1950. The first and final Northern Bank Vivos Term, account of the and Trust Company, Trustee under Deed of Trust created July 17, 1940, for the use of Mabel G. Ross. SENER, ANNA Y., Settlor. Deed of Trust. No. 84, December Term, 1934. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, succeeding trustee under Deed of Trust of Anna Y. Sener, of the fund known as “The William Z. Sen- er Fund,” the income of which is to be paid to The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity of Lancaster, Pennsyl- vania. 39. SNYDER, ABRAM U,, dec'd, No. Term, 1920. account of Bank ol Malinda 44, November The first and final Keystone National Manheim, Trustee of C. Snyder, STAUFFER, ANNIE K., dec'd, No. 68, January Term, 1944. The first and final account of the Ephrata National Bank, of Ephrata, Pa., trustee for the use of William S. Stauffer. . STAUFFER, B. GRANT, Donor, Inter Vivos Trust, No. 38, March Term, 195C. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, Trustee under Deed of Trust created October 1, 1938, for the use of Rosa A. 5S. Stauffer, i2. STAUFFER, B. GRANT, Settlor, Inter Vivos Trust, No. 38, March Term, 1950. The first and final account of Northemr Bank and T.ust Company, Trustee under Deed of Trust created July 8, 1936, fr the use of B Stauffer, STAUFFER, ROSA, A. S., Don- or. Inter Vivos Trust. No. 140, March Term, 1950. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, Trustee under: Deed of Trust created Octcber 1, 1938 for the use of B. Grant Stauffer, DANIEL, dec'd, No. 46, December Term, 1948. The second and supplemental ac- count of J. R. Kinzer, exor: and SWEENEY, JENNIE B., Deed of Trust. No. 58, April Term, 1935. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Com- pany, Substituted trustee under Deed of Trust created Novem- ber 14, 1938, and to be known as “The Stephen L. and Jennie B. Sweeney Educational Fund.” SHIRK, BLANCHE W. decd. No. 28, March Term, 1934. The first and final account of North- ern Bank and Trust Company, trustee for the use of M. Emily Weaver. HENRY known as H. M. dec’d, No. 25, September Term, 1915. Second and account of Cleude R. Stauffer, Robert H. M., also Stauffer and Joseph C. Wentz, exors. SIRHAN HANNA S. also | known as H. S. SIRHAN, decd, No. 123, May Term, 1949. First and final account of Helen IL. Krebs, Samuel R. Krebs and The Fulton Naticnal Bank of Lancaster, exors. UNMBLE, CHRISTIAN J. Vivos Trust, No. 117, May Term, 1934. The final account of Nor- thern Bank and Trust Company, succeeding trustee for the use cf St. John’s Lutheran Church Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Grace Reformed Church of Eden, Lan- caster Automobile Club of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Lan- caster County Firemen's Asso- ciation of Pennsylvania and The Lancaster Community Trust. UMBLE, CHRISTIAN J., decd, No. 74, November Term, 1933. The final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, suc- ceeding trustee for the St. John’s Lutheran Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Grace Reformed Church of Eden, Lan- caster Automobile Club of Lan- Pennsylvania, Lancaster County Firemen's Association of Pennsylvania and The Lancast- er Community Trust, under the Will. use of caster, B. EDITH, Term, 1949. dec'd, No. 63, June The first and partial account of Clarence | H. Brubaker and Bank and Trust Lancaster, exons. WALTER, HENRY V. No. 63, February Term, fecond and final account of Catherine McCausland Henry Walter. Jr., and Margar- el, Walter Halligan, exors. The Farmers Company of dec'd, . WATT, DONALD M., also known as DONALD MERWIN WATT, | dec’d, No. 9, February Term, 1945. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, guardian of Laura | Merwin Watt, WILLIAMSON, SARAH E. a Minor. No. 6315, October Teim, 1646. The first and final account of Northern Bank 2nd Trust Company, guardian of Sarah E. Williamson. WEAVER, CATHARINE D, dec’d, No. 41, August Term, 1949. The first and final account of Gladys D. Miller. Dorothy D. Bowman and Catharine D. Hen- ry, exitees. WITMER, MARY ANN, decd, No. 48, September Term. First and final account of Paul Keller and Hiram S. Hollinger, | CXCTS. . ZIMMERMAN. S. R.. also known as S. RALPH ZIMMERMAN, dec’d, N», 18, Oc'ober Term, 1944. The first and partial ac- count of Mary M. Zimmerman, The | Grant | STAUFFER, | Inter | Church, | 1048. | Walter, | 1949. | exix, 78. ZION'S EVANGELICAL LU THERAN CHURCH OF LEA- COCK, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA., Settlor. No. 75, February Terny 1935. The first and final account of Northern Bank and Trust Company, succeeding trustee under Deed of Trust of Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Leacock, Lancaster County, Pa. the income of which is to be paid to the Trustees of Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Leacock, Lancaster County, Pa. GEORGE H. GOLL, Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans’ Court BOROUGH OF MOUNT JOY AN ORDINANCE An Ordinance vacating a portion of North High Street and removing same as a Borough Street from the Borough Plan. WHEREAS, by an ordinance en- nacted and approved July 7, 1936, the Burgess was authorized to re- ceive and accept on behalf of the Borough a conveyance of land from Dr. Jerome Kendig for the purpose A opening an extension of North | High Street, as therein more fully described; and WHEREAS, by Section 2 of said Ordinance, upon conveyance of said premises to the Borough, a public | street to be known as North High | Street, was directed to be laid out and placed upon the Borough Plan, | and the proper Borougn Authorities were directed ty enter upon and | cpen said street for public use; and WHEREAS, by deed dated Aug- {ust 6, 1936, duly recorded in the | Recorder's Office in and for Lan- |caster County, in Deed Book X, | Volume 32, at page 125, Henry H. Koser, Trustee {or Jeroine S. Ken- | dig, et al, conveyed to this Borough a certain tract of land wus described in said Ordinance upon the express | condition that the premises con- veyed should be opened and mauin- tained as a Borough street; and WHEREAS, no street has in fact been opened or improved over said tract or any part thereof; and | WHFREAS, the owner of all land [abutting cn and surrounding the part of said North Iligh Street which this Ordinance would vacate, has petitioned the Boruvugh to va- | cate a portion of North Iiigh Street [laid out as aforesaid, under author- ity of the Act of May 4, 1927, P.L, 519, and the amendments thereto; and in said petition said owner hag released the Borough from all damages due to such vacation; and WHEREAS, said Dr. Jerome 8S. Kendig by his deed dated Septem- ber 29, 1949, duly recorded, has | granted, bargained, sold and con- [veyed to The Joy Company, a Del- aware Corporation having its prin- | cipal place of business in Mount Joy Borough, all right of reversion [and any other interest or claim which said Kendig has or had in said tract conveyed to the Borough as and by said deed has |1equested the Borough of Mount Joy to transfer and convey said | tract ¢f land to his nominee, said The Joy Company. NOW THEREFORE, be it ordain- ed by the Borough Council of the | Borough of Mcunt Joy, Lancaster { Courty, Pennsylvania, and it is | hereby ordained by authority of the same: Section I, That all that certain tract of land be- ginning at a pcint on the premises of The Joy Company approximate- ly Four Hundred Twenty (420) feet East of the East Side of North Bar- bara Street and Two Hundred Two and Five-Tenths (202.5) feet South of the South side ol Pine Street (formerly Stauffer Street) in the line of the Western boundary of the property of Charles Latchford ex- 12-4 | tended; thence South No degrees Fifty-Two (52) minutes East Two Hundred Six and Seventy-Five | Hundredths (206.75) feet to a point on the extended line of the North side of Detwiler Avenue; thence North Eighty-Six (86) degrees Thirty-Three (33) minutes West | Fifty and Fourteen Hundredths (50.14) feet; thence North No de- grees Fifty-Two (52) minutes West | Two Hundred Six and Scventy-Five Hundredths (206.75) feet to a point jon the North side of Park Avenue [as laid out, opened and shown on the Plar of The Joy Company De- | velopment, duly approved by this | Council and remaining of record in { the Recorder's Office in and for Lancaster County; ihence South Eighty-Six (86) degrees Thirty- | Three (33 minutes Fast Fifty and | Fourteen Hundredth (50.14) feet to Place of Beginning. (BEING a part of a Fifty (50) foot strip of land reaching from Pine Stree(, to the extendsd line of the No:th side of Detwiler Avenue, deeded by Henry H. Koser and wife, trustee for Jerome S. Kendig, et al, to the Borough of Mount Joy | for use as a street, on August 6, 1936, in accordance with an Ordi- nance previously passed and ap- | preved by the Borough Council of Mount Joy on July 7, 1926.) be vacated as a public street, under authority of the Act of May 4, 1927, P.L. 519, as last a- { merded by the Act of July 10, 1947, PL. 1621, said street never having been opened or improved; and that said portion of said street be re- | moved from the Borough Plan. Section 2. That the Burgess and proper Borough authorities are au- thorized and directed to convey to | said The Joy Compaiy the bed of | North High Street vacated as here- | in provided, such conveyance to be at the expense of said grantee. Ordained and enacted this 20th [day of March A. D. One Thousand | Nine Hundred and Fifty. J. ROBERT KELLER President of Council | Attest: | William F. Brian { Secretary of Council Approved this 20th day of March, A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred | and Fifty. ELMFR IL. ZERPHEY J 12-1 Chief Burgess