The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, March 16, 1950 tv The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher | ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 EH Published Every Thursday at No. 0-11 East Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. The Bulletin’ S $2.00 Jerdpbook ! di sf Subscription, per year 8 } $1.00 persons, comprising Bix Months ........ "ered : re killed Io Three Months ............ 60 + + > families, were 3 ec : y Single Copies ............. 05 1 Know: train at the Plum Street Sample Copies ......... FREE s Te at Florin sweaters [rom shed- Keep angora Postoffice at Mt. ding and to fluff them, Ly C. Emerson Rohrer toring ‘ his 21st yea: Entered at the aE at= in the refr ato T ick up : T ic heheh of Marah 3. TH. oon me io of poe | Lion Scho in Tapho Tw der the 3, 1879. | ken glass, use a piece absor- e en g use a piece ol abso A fried chicken supper will ent cotton jee a ~ Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper bent cotton a piece of bread served by the Junior Class of Publishers’ Association To make kid gloves more pliable, Joy High School lac lar | before wear- sub] D 1 place - ! a | before : a Rev. A. Lee Barnhart, pastor IVa ay, nursaay ng NY lake next summer 1 . Publivai on y ds : byes 1g em : Re ah : the Evangelical Church, Copy for a change of Advertising | hag out of hubby's last summer's | 1 wili we Port should reach this office Tuesday. | nama. hat Use bioach 1 nd will move 0 ( anama hat Jse a i . ‘ We will not guarantee insertion of |! ee hl d hil Schuylkill County. r reache: vhiten, 1s thoroughly while + , any advertising unless copy reaches | Whiten, v 1 thorough ing 1 Mr. Henry E. Witmer celebrated the office not later than 9 a. m.| wet, form into desired shape. Line : i eed , | his 78th birthday. preceding day of publication bag hrough Classified ads will be accepted to uy a. m. publication _day and make drawstring : : Mr. Henry Lutz was rings sewn t top or sides. : | a ie so Bishop to assist Bishop Isaac { Tip For Spring I aker in the A top designer shows numerous EDITORIAL + | of overskirt The ite area, Dr. Ralph W sporting aprons as a type | aprons may be i . © | cepted the inted, square, pleated : v + + + Po h : 5 Pr he nd SAW=1 College for a term of 3 years fia our mele Sa yothed. 1ey ca » sli \ If you forgot your Uncle Sam | toc fis oo, €y mn, be oT Nr 200 persons heard County Sis 5 | ar 5 i . yes s | . yesterday it's just too bad. mg to fall in’ ripples on the | Arthur P. Mylin, speak at oe ® side, The aprons are used on evening and cocktail dresses,” on A | ville Consolidated School. afternoon and sport dresses. They | Plans of Peris Mig. Co. calls for a | building, The fellow who goes into busi- ness on a shoe string, often gets bare-footed. eo 0 oe | may be of contrasting color, be | 9 out of it | s : 2-story brick | decorated or plain. 2s covering the entire Inspirational cf their property. A Uniontown man world jc 15 | chicken for 80 cents ~ and would ap- Some men can move mountains | but mest of us have difficulty sur- mounting the mole hills that crowd | our pathway through life. 6 The shortest and surest way to live with hongr in the to ke in reality what we nis wife cleaned it, she sear to be: all human virtues in- | In : § M110 dollay gold piggee. | crease and strengthen themselves . eens PI) Tired of living on apples, govern- | by the practice. and experience of the min- | them, iG . i | Street. ers have gene back in their holes —— OF eee Eggs scld as. low as get out of the hole. Doesn't | = dozen at Columhia market | sound much like sense but just the | Teacher Vacancy | The Sprity ni i i | same its (rue. And one of i ; Williams at Donegal Springs ment potatoes and such, things that probably had a lot wt . 2 do with settling the strike was the tend the fact that they themselves were | Directors’ meeting at cut of coal. | Thursday. oc O { also made that a new roof will be YOUR RED CROSS Where there is calamity from floods, fires, pestilence, famine and | there yeu find the world’s greatest humanitarian in- stitution at work. In a world where seogriphical lines, race and ; 3 » | lege. The diplomas will color and creed are “screened”, | ented ‘by P.M. . { sented 7 P. M. Hershey, this institution cares nought for | on Hor a, ot : re .. | of the Hershey estates, a graduate discrimination. The Red Cross is| dR ission of mercy and covers its of the Maytown High School 1900. n mission prey @ s its ; Fras : enior Class tr o Wash- cloak of gocd werks ‘round an ail- | The Senio: Cl iss trip to W ash- ing ‘globe Money used by it ington D. C., will be held June 5-7. ing g SF ls Students will be binds wounds, shelters and feeds. : (From page 1) Lancaster County School | one of the largest held in Millersville | Section. Announcement was | Christ ~~ Walters | placed on the high school kuilding. Harriscn 8. Nolt, Silver It was reported that the Rev. | Was elected president of the Nevin Zuck, E'town, will speak at | County Agric. Assoc May | H. S. Newcomer is { | the baccalaureate service on storms or war, machinery. Ed. M. Barto has concreting | Fisher er on June Ist will = Dr. A. C. Baugher, president cf E'town Col- | be pre- | outfit of the late president Hoffman. Republican Legislature. Markets: Lard 11 cents: nomination for accompanied by Er ax snr) Rass ly i} I bscripti joi { Mrs. Vera Gingrich and Alva Ben- |? cents and Eggs 21-22 cents. Only through subserip dons der, faculty members. M S. Bertha Menaugh is able to meet the demands pan } S| rn | covering from the effects of ervices. We never know when | {| Subscribe for the Bulleyn. stroke we may be calling upon the Red | - Cross for succor. Let us help re- | gent realize though, how we Ste | lieve another's misery and want as | round ourselves with would have others help Michael A. as director of Mi. unnecessary | Loan Assoc., to fill the relieve | noise, contribute to the din. Take ellman was caused by the resignation of our own. room full of people chatting! B. Sheetz. vee with a radio going full blast. They | ———— TO BE OR NOT There comes before Congress the issue of statehood for Alaska and Hawaii. Since last March these | aye not bethered by it, perhaps Company has made only bills hzve been waiting a House | fearing the quiet. Psychologists | mere thin debate and vote.” It was two years might explain all of this ago that the Democrats and Re- stateh-od for Alaska political plat- aren't listening to the all are trying to talk above it. | PER POUND ON COFFEE a penny a pound as hu- | before taxes away from thoughts and selves. 8 Is it that we don’t like was told today included for | Consider the number of people you | po NL admissicn in the President's . Civil | knew, who never like to be alone. A&P's Rights program. !| There are many of these. They Desiring statehoed is not a new resist the idea of a quiet space, depen- | they must have others around dencies. Fer over ten years have | them. Or else they must have a they desired admission. By leg- | radio turned tv» high and loud. islative act and by referendum vote | What is it these people fear? their pecples have expressed their | 0» Why don’t we act? IT'S ABOUT TIME oo a Around the middle of March ASK A FARMER the maple sap starts running, up | A revolt against the sliding scale | New England way. It starts later! May Queen at of parity payments is being stiyed | | College's : annual Spring by farmers, cspecially in the mid- | maple is done for profit. Maple on May 13 will be Maxine west. Polls show they favor the | syrup time is also time for plea- | Mm ©! King Fer:y, N. Y. Brannon plan ef direct govern- | sure. Tu the initiate of “sugaring ment paymen's, while reducing the | off” the delectable flavor of the prices ts the consumer. The pil- | newly made sweet is nectar. the | ing up of surpluses by the govern- | bright fires, clouds of steam, stok- | ment, while food prices still re- [ing beneath frosty man high on these surpluses, is nights, hard work and neighborli- not only chjected to by the farm- | ness, is all a picturesque event. ers, We are affected by ii 2nd This industry is an inheritance many here are violently objecting | from the indians who hacked the | to such a set-up. With a drop of hard maples with an ax, collected $5 to $6 billion in farm income. | the sap in a hollow log, destroying publicans put and Hawaii in their forms. They were mittee investigating Coffee silence? Kurtz, issue with our two major ho ret AY lie willingness. in some sections where milking the maid of honor. Both girls body. i — FINED $100 FOR DRIVING evaporators, Raymond C. Findley, 22, heim RD2, a motor vehicle after his | COSts. farmers fear income will drop even | and wasting the trees that grow | Find] . . ge . | mdaley we arre, > ; more under this sliding scale par- enly in North America. Modern | Y was arrested by | policeman Oreszko Dec. | Manheim Pike. sweet with that | . 1 . * | eighty | thin, bittersweet flavor which has | Ruby Marti oud f uby Martha, daughter o ity plan. That is their main con- methods preserve the trees to help cern. To the man who goes to keep the wereld the grocery store and pays cents a pound for butter and there | no substitute for the real thing. | is a surplus, pays nearly 50 cents |The falsely labeled “pure maple | for 10 pounds of potatoes while | syrup” can fool some of the peuple, | 4 AE | the Dean's list at Lebanon the gevernment is selling surplus | but not all of them, whose palate | : potatoes back to farmers for «| knows of the perfidy. | College, Annville, Pa. Ruby cent a 100 pounds, that concerns! In maple sugar areas festivals a freshman there, 3 the consumer most. | are held to herald the season of | | irom Mt. Joy High School in 1949, { where she was a member of eo | “sugaring” and there are hun- | . band and also of the THE FEAR OF SILENCE | dreds of thousands who attend. | Numercus cities have anti- |The man who brings home from | Honor ek — moise campaigns to {ry to reduce | there a can of freshly made maple Es Cai traffic — honking. Some people | syrup is bringing home a pearl Be ST. PATRICK'S DANCE take cases to court protesting a- | great price and the retail cost of | gainst noisy neighbors, noisy | the product makes it doubly pre- taverns. Noise seems to be an cious. unavoidable feature of our civiliza- | rup is worth several million dollars | tion. As a whole, is in sympathy | We acclaim the sections which | | 24th from 8:30 to 11:30 p. m. with those who object to the of pesce and quiet. Many of us | troducing it. | dancing. HAPPEN] NGS LONG AGO 20 Years 590 an express Crossing celebrated teacher of resigned Carbon, named Landisville Mennon- Schlosser has presidency of E-town dedication of the new Master bought found Mr. Frank Young pruchased the | George Neiss property on Marietta | 20 cents purchased Dierolf property on East Main St Spring | having PF or spring sa { y £ cp Foy | 28th. The commencement speak- | SPYing sale of new and used farm | purchased Cyrus H. Goud, Rapho Twp., at nounced his candidacy for Butter elected Joy Building : vacancy radio but | A & P MAKES ONLY PENNY They are aware of the radio but| The Great Atlantic & Pacific Te: slightly n its Coffee sales the manity’s unrest, its desire to get | pact two vears, a Senate | President Coffee Division and its : lated American Coffee Corporation, informed the Committee that the two-year period ending Febru- ary 25, the Food Store Chain has an | identical net profit in each year of | Maybe you're a merchant who sup- 1.05 cents per pound before taxes. | skilled craftsman — you probably E'TOWN COLLEGE CHOSE N. GIRL AS THEIR MAY QUEEN Elizabethtown | a | festival | Joan Martin of E'town will selected by popular vote of student ! | AFTER LICENSE WAS TAKEN charged with operating license | was suspended, was fined $100 : 6th on the and Mrs. C. F. Helwig, 22 W. Done- gal St. has recently heen placed on graduated National | . | aN | A i 0 ADDRESS : | . The Junior Class of M. J. H. S will sponsor the St. Patrick’s dance | This crop of sugar and sy- | | to be held in the high school Audi- [OF FOREIGN WARS | { torium on Friday evening, March | lack | produce it and the Indians for in- | Charlie Neimer Trio will play 5 | American Legion (From page 1) athletic program for Joy. The boys meet each in the elementary sium and engage boxing or tumbling The Legion- naires also voted to pay the Boy Scouts $35 toward making a trip possible for cne boy to attend the Sa Scout Jamboree this It was announced that the air con- ditioning system will ke the week of March 13th. St. Patrick's held in the Post home March 17th with trio music, completed taimment, RR pp LETTERS GRANTED Ira K. Huber, Florin, administra- tor for the Emma F, Stauffer estate. Helen D. Wide, 116 East Main Street, this boro, executrix of Levi G. Dillinger, late of this boro. ence ll A Ie emt: When in need of Printing. Beer!Call 3-4189 For Home Delivery WACKER SPRENGER VALLEY FORCE PIEL’'S PRIOR ROLLING ROCK ALE & PORTER Victor J. Sehmoll —Distributor— OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. Drive In For Curb Service ’ Sales & Construction Amos G. Rohrer SALUNGA, PA. | Mt. Joy Twp, in basketball and | Amos W, Fast Donegal Twp, containing 5 acres and 100 perches. Spring. | DEEDS RECORDED Claréhce B. and Dorothy Heagy to Elwood R. and Betty F. Barbour of Florin, pre- boys of Mt. | mises and other week | Church St, school gymna- | Alley at Florin, Florin and lot, Mary W. Frey of corneal Qi Patronize Bulletin Advertisers improvements. Spring E-town, to and Anna V. Hassler of r Day Party will be | favors and enter- Dr.H.C.Killheffer | Optometrist MANHEIM 163 S. Charlotte 88, Telephone 137-R Mon. & Wednes. 9-56:30 Tues, Fri, Sat, 7.9 P, M, Tues Fri. Sat, 9:20.1:00.2.5 P. M, ELIZABETHTOWN 16 E. High St, Telephone 24-R (any- | thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | DAIRYMEN STOP LIFTING HEAVY MILK CANS ‘Let the T-33 Cool Your Milk WRITE = WIRE ~ PHONE FOR FREE LITERATURE PAUL E. WEBBER G.E M Appliance & Wiring 'ERSONVILLE, PA. 5-7151 Manheim R3 BATHROOM SETS RS. Meckley & Sons If you've a farmer, you belong to the Grange or the Farmers’ Union. ports the Chamber of Commerce or one of the service clubs, Or—as a pay dues to a labor union, Bankers, doctors, lawyers, car- ipenters, druggists, machinists— no matter what profession—they all belong to their own societies or associations. Why? tog ether they can get things done for the betterment of all concerned. Nearly always, that means for the good of the community at Jargee For the game reason, veterans should work together for those things that are important to them—not only as veterans—but as taxpayers and citizens, As an overseas veteran, you'll | meet men who talk your lan- guage in the Veterans of For- eign Wars, And one of these | days you will discover for your- self what other overseas vets { have known for a long time— “THE V.F.W. IS A GOOD OUTFIT" | | mmm - > TELL ME How 1 CAN E 8 JOIN TH : B 1 HONE wee" _ mm. “= VETERANS Post No. 5752 20212 East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Electric and Gas Welding Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING | AND EQUIPMENT Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING | Covers Welding Shop Delta and Marietta Streets MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3- 5031 | $139.95 up to $199.50 Automatic Gas WATER HEATERS $105.95 Odin Beauty Gas Range $209.95 Reduced To $189.95 3-Piece Colored $278.75 PHONE 3-5983 WEST MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY GET GOOD CHICKS NOW Early chicks are easy to raise and should make you more money because they lay more early fall eggs when prices are highest. Our chicks are very high in quality. They are: 1. Bred for production. 2. From disease-inspected flocks. 3. Producing flocks are fed for chick vigor. H.S. Newcomer & Son, Inc. EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. he) YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES ... WE DIDN'T EITHER! oFor The First Time Ever PROTECTIVE CURB GUARD Your whitewalls are kept free from all grinding, curb scuff and abrasion. oFor The First Time Ever EVERLASTING WHITEWALLS —To maintain the spot less beauty of your tires. Le PRESENT VALUE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES! N ewcomer Motors, rnc. WEST MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY, PA. oFor The First Time Ever TRIPLE- oFor The First Time Ever 3 FULL TRACTION TREAD--To sw eep, bite and ! hold in all weather in all seasons, winter and summer. LEVELS OF SAFETY The greatest stop- ping power in history with up to 60% more safe miles. DIAL 3-1821 3 Ways to Save Money on Coffee! (ONLY A&P OFFERS ALI Customers’ Are you completely satisfied with the meat de- partment in your A&P ¥ We hope so, because we make every effort to Top quality meats at low prices, backed by our guarantee of “Sat. isfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully Prompt, efficient and courteous .servieg. Full weight on accu rate scales that are easy for vou to read. If we should ever fail you on any of these counts, please let us know. Please write: Customer Relations Department, A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Avenue Whether you like mild, medium or strong coffee, there’s a rich, full-fla~ r A&P Coffee for y POUND FOR POUND.., IS NO FINER COFFEE IN ANY PACKAGE AT ANY U.S. No.1 Yellow ONIONS 3: 10 GREEN BEANS PASCAL CELERY FRESH TOMATOES FRESH PINEAPPLES FLORIDA ORANGES "** GRASS SEED ONION SETS SEED POTATOES SEED POTATOE ROUND STRINGLES® A a (FREE OF CRAB GRASS) or Sabegos=—=10 ibs. 45¢ orig. bag N MUSTARD SAUCE WAINE SARDINES HOT CROSS BUNS LAYER CAKE BUTTER TOMATO SOUP "= PAPER NAPKINS "> BUTTER KERNEL PEAS CUT GREEN BEANS 0» "os JELLY EGGS CLEANSER som sa nev PINK SALMON cv mow REYNOLDS WRAP KEEBLER GOLDEN CORN rou mv PINEAPPLE JUICE ° CALIFORNIA PEACHES IONA PORK & BEANS SALAD DRESSING FINE QUALITY POULTRY FEED DAILY LAYING DAILY SCRATCH FEED DAILY CHICK STARTER 25 Ib. bag $1.05 Daily Baby Chick Feed ST. DAY TOWN HOUSE 8.02 251b. bag $1.05 25th. ba g 99¢ 25 1b. bag $1.03 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. All Prices In This Store Are The Same As Those In Effect lh Our Super Markets