PENNA. LTH Inc. ister, Pa. es 3s by aces in ch in of-thes lies. 0 BOX CY PENNA. d! [ 3rd IER H 5th E how OW IRDAYS ND IDAYS P.M, —— e?? | UNION LENTEN SERVICES (AT METHODIST CHURCH | A series of Lenten Services Church Notes for NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL av i . i THE CHURCHES IN MY pod Mount Jay and Salunga Methodist | AND THE IN WN Nh yor |Churches are being held at the Mt. | INTIRE SUR- [Joy Church on Thursday evenings | ROUNDING COMMUNITY. [at 7:30 P. M. The Pastor, The Rev. [Jamies F, Mort spoke at the first | Mount Joy Methodist Church | ervice on February 2 est | A | 3 ary 23. Guest Rev. James F. Mort, Pg fae ‘ ' . . i Joseph Man olor Speakers include the following: (March 2, The Rev. William F, Sunday, Mar. 5. 9:30 a. m. Church School Woods, Pastor of Trinity E. U. B. Won pm. Junior Fellowship, Mrs. Church, Baltimore, Md., March 9, Sloan. Yay 8 “ ig | 6:45 p.m. Senior Youth Fellowship The Rev Jame s A. Simons, Supt. of 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. | |E ifth Street Mission, Philadelphia, The hoard of education meeting March 16, The Rev. P. B. Gibble, Wednesday w I). D, Pastor of E. U. B. Church, So a. Mm eckday Church Ephrata, March 23, The Rev. Leon Thursday T. Moore, D. D. Pastor Methodist West Levi Chester H. Zerr, Church, The Rev, Lenten Service to be Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p. m followed by Sr. REV. KENNETH ADAMS Director of The Rev. James A. Simons, speaker + E ’ & ve were § wot of Methodist Churct 4 mwi Friday 2:30 to 9:00 p. m. Adult If v were to head the subject of of X hure 1 Home, Comy all Workers Conference to meet at the | this article some of you who are “nd April 6, the Pastor. Special First Methodist Church, Lancaster. | rot interested in Missionary work|music will be rendered by the Sen- Bs | weuld not read it. We simply want 1°" Choir under the direction of Salunga Methodist Church to announce that on Friday at the| Mrs. G. Walter Sloan and Miss Ww. James F or >, i's : i Rev. James F. Mort, Pastor Calvary Bible Church. Mount Joy|Esther Walters, Organist. Miss Alice Strickler, Supt. d cs mere stl — at 7:20 P. M. we will have The Rev. Sunday, Mar. 5 9:30 a.m. Church School. Kenneth Adams with us to show a 10:30 Worship Service film on Japan, titled, “The Sun Vednesdav a1 » + : : Wednesday 5 | Shall Rise.” You will have a glimpse| 7:30 pm. WSCS will meet at the n of : | of Mrs. J. Melvin Newcomer of Communism’s bid for Japan. Thursday Shall Communism or Christianity 7:30 p. mn Le en Service held in| win in their separate struggle for Mt. Joy Church. : It. Joy Chu supremacy in Japan. These and : other scenes combine to make this] Calvary Bible Church | @ ica] Rev. .C. 1. Sumy. Pastor { film cne of the most unusual mis- E. M. Wolgemuth, Supt. sionary films yet shown in Mount Friday Evening Mar Joy. 7:30 pm. The Film “The Sun . "i >... 3 a . Sq ‘day “we oF : dD, Shall Rise” film oa Japan in calor. | On Saturcay evening at 7:30 I Saturday. Merch 4th M. The Rev. D. L. Cornell ‘will 7:30 p.m. “Three Miles High” film | shew the film “Three Miles High,” In « olor ou. Indi; 1 Tibet. | an all-color film of missionary ad-| 51 Vv, rch oth | : oh 2 y venture in the remotest areas of a. m. Bible School : : ro m. Morning Worshin Northern India and Tibet. Thrills Kenneth Adams, Japan, | await you as you follow two heroic sp : P ‘ W.E.C. missicnaries over the Hima- 0 ).m. raver Period. | : « " iv 00 1 vi : 010 wrist, | layas into the “closed land of Tibet 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship, With BN : PS y Ys TA VIZ ph Bx Bening With | picking their way over treacher-| DR. JOE WILLARD KRECKER Wednesday : ous trails—plunging into raging, icy| The Grossbrenner Evangelical The Technic or Scan ific oka: | streams — defying death as they United Brethren Church, Florin, ous film "Dust or stiny 1imec : jai 1 : Wiad | % Te creep across great icy glaciers. will have its annual Spring Rally by the M:ody Iustitute of Science. | ot di y y & pry a All showings free On the Lord's Day Mr. Adams|/day on Sunday, March 5th at 9:30 will speak at the morning service/p. m. The speaker for the occasion Macadenia A. M. E. Colored Church | and Mr. Cornell will speak at the/is Dr. Joe Willard Krecker, Harris- | Rev. G. L. McCrayon, Pastor evening service. (burg, Pa., editor of the Telescope Sunday, Mar. 5. . Next Wednesday evening March] Messinger, the official weekly pub- | 3:00 p.m. Come One! Come All NE eh y Bhan licat] he Ths Heal U ted | fo hear the Rev. Scott White Jr., 13 | 8th, at M. we will have ol luvangelica nite: » ad vr . Ire re ¥ oc} years old and Sister Spiritual Sing- | us a representative from the Moody Brethren Church. ers. 6 Bible Institute of Science who willl The Children of the Sunday | — show the latest of a series of film,|School and the Church will hear | oe Glosshrenner titled. “Dust or Destiny” You mayjond see ‘a Flannelgraph talk by | United Brethren Church a ge “| Mrs. Daniel Rvland. of Lek n. P: Rev. John J. Gable, Pastor see this and the other fills free of] MTs. Lane! of Lebanon, ca. I A Wf > orvice > | charge at the Calvary Bible Church 4 part of the service when the Evangelistic New Haven and Henry Streets, Mt. Sunday School and Morning Wor- continue I chip services are pt or Joy cn the dates announced. ship services are merged xce 1 A Ce ee un- March 5th to 19th. 7:30 p.m. Lenten vices. These services will every night of the week e evening at 7:30 p. m. ser- the singing of the 25 voices. Church | will bé | Monday : y 2 er . hoir under the ‘ec [ Mrs til closing services ‘on March 19th. | Robert & Mander, one of the old- rh 2 on : direction 3 vi Visiting inisters will assist the : John Gable accompanied by Mus. | isiting ministers will assis the | 4 stove : manufacturers in the de Ble pan oy Mrs pastor in ringing the messages il el 500 ii Nerman Will, ) : 2 vile Jose. > On Tuesday evening, March 7th, Dr. | ccuntry will close. JU men ‘wi Goals for 4 lov 1360 x, 1 ian 3 none: Tuas ] » their bs at this Hatbor P. Iox 1c day Include ool | Samuel Dundore will speak: Thurs- | lose their jobs at this Hatboro, ra. S060 he Bail T oT ‘ nese and $2.60 “ ino day Rev. Jacch Earhart and on Sat- | plant. bp esent and $2,600 for the Building | urday, Rev. Bernhart will bring | = Fund. Mr. Clarence Musselman is | the message. Other nights not oth- i" . . ..1 | Superintendent © J Sunday Et So > OF OT | Mr. Clifford Schmid, Lancaster, will I i {the Sunday erwise specified the pastor Rev. | : School Joh Gable will prench lead the song service. =chool. om Liable wi Drench Tuesday to Saturday: Revival There will be music at these ser- [o = - : i le . | Services, sermons by the pastor; Mr. vices, song services, periods of [7.x I . Te 1 ¢ | Clifford Schmid, song-leader; The praise and praye | be a part of | jis LER the variou : Chapel Quartet. Tuesday night; The Ie various prec3al 5 ! Youth For Christ Quartet, Saturday rght. The Washincion S'reet —_—— Church Of The Brethren St. Luke's Episcopal Church Elizabethiown, Pa. Rev. Donald Boyd Kline Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Vicar Sunday. Mar. 5 Sunday, March 5th » 1 ay, 1 1’. 9:30 a. m. Church School 9:30 a. m. Church School with creative program of Chri 10:45 a. m. Holy Eucharist (1st {ian education. and 3rd Sundays) (Morning pray- 10:30 a. m. Moi Worship er other Sundays.) the sermon “Ha!lowed Be Thy Brotherhood of St. Luke Dorper: Nome”. © | ate Communion on last Sunday of p. m. Evening worship rach month at 7:30 a. m. “oc » sermon or Some HOLY DAYS n Faith and Prae- | 7:00 a. m. Holy Eucharist. tice “Report on Ref- Newtown U. B. Church ugees”. Pastor Zuck will preach at both Oscar K. Buch, Pastor these services. Sunday, March 5th. 1 : 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. PA Sl 51 EN el : : . . 7:00 Jorshi AUL A. ALLE} Trinity Evangelical Cong. Chureh 00 p. m. Evening Worship 2 iE I. Dallas Zeigler, Pastor Wednesday Paul A. Allen of Boston, Ma Sunday, March 5th Hi proves Meeting. [travelling representative of the | 9:20 a. m. Sunday School Christian Endeavor Watchtower society will speak Sun- 10: 30 a. m. Morning Worship - | Lest K L.C.E on day, March 5th at 3:00 p. m. at the Sone Service & worship First Presbyterian Church Community house, Marietta, Penna. ) Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor 1258 West Market St. - 0 p.m. Congregational meeting | Sunday, Mord il Scfiop) Mr. Allen has made several mis- uesday ( a. m. Church Schoo Sire i A dle | 7:30 p. m. Young People meet. 6:30 p. m. Westminster tours through the middle Wednesday ship. Miss Peggy Garber, Leader, |Wwest and returning to the east two 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship years ago, he took a post graduate Watchtower Bible col- New York State, Phuved an or Thur lay 5 . ; . | “Firstiruits 7:30 p.m. Ladies Aid and W.M.S. will meet. Election of officers will | course at the lege ol Gilead in Donegal Presbyterian Church x thereby, equipping him for fo be held. Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor ~~ | Sunday, March 5th. missionary service. Pending sailir — | 9:30 a. m. Church School for Venezuela, S. A. where he has Mt, Joy Mennonite Church 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. ag sermanently . .zssizned: he Henry Garber. Amos Hess, and | “Loving in Deed and in Truth”. 4, catral Pe; Henry Frank, Pastors | serv 3 centra nn ( Sunday, March 5th Trinity Lutheran Church 4, consisung ol Koder, Pastor tio of Jehovah's wtinesses of 9:00 a. m. Sunday School Rev. W. L. ign | | 10:00 a.m. Church Service. { Sunday, March 5th. {which the Mount Joy company is —- 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. tone: Mt. Pleasant {10:30 a.m. Morning Worship ma ic : «tb i Brethren In Christ Church 7:00 p. m. Vespers Nes Alien 900 Hed ge itl] Elder C. H. Moyer, Pastor | Wednesday : er of witnesses in, the 8. has | Sunday, March 5th | 7:45 pm. Mid-week Lenten Ser-|increased 50% in the past three | 9:00 a. m. Sunday School vier Chg Council meeting after! yours, while i world ‘wide ithere > Ser /1ce. aN * +. . ey | Thursday {over 300,000 actively participating St. Mark's spreading the gos Evangelical United Brethren fat Ezra 11. Ranck, Pastor Ie Revival Services continue Friday and Saturday evenings, with mes- es by Rev. Harold S. Peiffer, of Adult Catechetical mn pel of Jehovah | God's kingdom in 104 countries. | FAMOUS VIOLINIST TO | APPEAR AT COLUMBIA 7:30 p.m. the' parsonage. Church of God Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor Sunday, March 5th. {| from a I pk The Apollo Four male : | : ages p He the Ea Petersburg | 9:30 a. m. Church School | Hans Jose, world famous violinist, Male Chorus, will sing Friday eve- | 10:30 a. m. Morning worship |.) appear’ in a concert at the St. nine 2 ® Sermon, “The Divine Command”. | he's Lutheran: Chueh: Columbis. | Sunday. March 5i { 7:3¢ p.m. Revival Services at the [John’s Lutheran ure’, MONA, sunday, March 5th. Pa, 6th and Locust Sts, Tuesday, | United Brethren Church. | Monday | 7:30 pm. Church Council Meeting { Wednesday lin 7:3¢ p.m. Revival Services at the| | United Brethren Church. 8:30 p. m. Choir Practice 9:00 a. m. Sunday School Decision Service in place lesson period. 10:15 a. m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. Revival Service; Sermon i by Rev. C. F. Helwig. Special music by the Mount Joy Male Quai’, March 7th, at 8 p.m. This will be of the and his outstanding | performance last year was well re- |ceived by music lovers in this area. two years, | his second appearance in Columbia | | tising in the Bulletin. March 30, | . could ‘not ‘wait. Proposing By Richard Hill Wilkinson | knew all the tricks. You read a lot, Books on | every conceivable subject, Even | magazine articles and fiction, | Unfortunately Vida's facial beau next to nil, When, at the age of 18, she IDA see, she ty was came to a full| « Minute | realization of this, soa and an under | Fiction standing of its possible conse | quences, she was at first unhappy. | But being a sensible pérson, sensi | ble enough to look at the thing| squarely, she sought for other means to achieve her end, The end was a man: love, romance. | The other means presented them: | selves in the form of books, learn: ing how to put yourself acrqgs when you weren't particularly attractive; to devices and technique girls didn't have | resorting that good looking to employ. The results were exceedingly gratifying, Even now, at the age of 22, the man of her | dreams was practically with- | in her grasp. Give her another month, two at the most, and he would speak the words that would make her happiness and triumph complete. The man’s name was Glen Lam: phier. He was: one of those fine | good looking, upstanding speci: | mens of young manhood. Intelligent, gracious, and with a promising career ahead of him, The type wha appealed by exerting only a mini mum of effort. Vida had aimed high | when selecting him as the object of | her acquired charms, but the | thought of failure had never once entered her head. | She had aroused his interest by | heeding the dictates of her Hotion| heroines. And Glen had seen the light. He had come to realize that | behind the plain features of this] girl were quality, breeding. In a word, Vida had been success: | ful in her enterprise—up to a point, Unhappily, it appeared now as if | that point might prove a stumbling | block, an unsurmountable obstacle. Coming into the living room one evening she found him waiting for | her, comfortably ensconced before | the fireplace, a volume of Oscar Wilde open in his lap. The fact that] her entrance did not distract his at. tention, piqued her no end. She hesi- tated a moment before making] kriown her presence, and in that | moment the feeling of being piqued gave way to torment. Suddenly she realized that something had hap- pened, that she was losing her hold, | that Glen’s interest was on the| wane. Always before, he had | awaited her ccning with eager an-| ticipation glowing in his eyes The thought made Vida Dy] WEEK LATER, sitting before) the living room fire, Vida aban seeking an answer to her for lack of something | picked up the copy of] Oscar Wilde and opened it. Her eye chanced to fall on a paragraph, which had been lightly checked with | a pencil. | intelligence. | | { i doned problem and, better to do, She read through it with a rapidly increasing pulse. *~—I real- | ly don’t see anything romantic ir proposing. It is very romantié-to be in love. But there is nothing roman He was one of those fine up- standing specimens of young manhood. tic about a definite proposal . . . .| the excitement is all over. The very | essence of romance is uncertainty.” | Vida stood up, and there was | a wild look in her eyes. Glen had read that paragraph, He had checked it with his pencil. | He had remembered that her faith in books, in the printed | word was profound . . . | her way to fireplace. volumes removed the book Her eyes { contained | a copy ol | O'Brien's short stories, leafed it | through, * found the passage she | sought, and underscored it heavily, Glen called an hour later. If he was annoyed at the long interval in the living room before Vida's ap: he did not betray thai fact. Instead, he seemed deeply in terested in reading a paragraph volume of O'Brien's shor stories, which he found lying upon the table. He read it through twice before Vida's voice disturbed him, He was glad she had come, He welcomed ~ her eagerly, He had something to say, something tha! He ‘said’ it ently, babblingly, but plain enough for Vida to:understand and ‘nod hei head in acquiescence . . . Released by WNU Features men, seat Ae She made behind the the She case scanned therein pearance, Stimulate your business by adver= y Donegal Airport News' | by John Hawthorne, | instructor. Five days were spent on —— the trip. Mr. Hawthorne and his ® | passengers enjoyed the trip ime~! HESS BROS. menrsely. HUBER OBERMOLTZER » ) > > > R John Kunkle and Alvin Heisey FLORIN, PENNA Investments Insurance flew to the Lancaster Municipal : | will sing accompanied by Miss Es- ther Walters, organist. The Bulletin, Mi. Joy, Pa., Thursday, March 2, WHITE- WASHING | DISINFECTING | | Another cross country flight to Florida was made during the week local flight B. TITUS RUTT Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 8-25-1f airport on Saturday afternoon on business. David Nauman visited ports at Hershey and York during DIAL 3-9305 Heilig : 85 E. Main St, Mount Joy the air- | the week. 4 Bruce Robinson flew to Bethel _— and Fredericksburg on Saturday Be Just as Critical About Your Financing Loan: afternoon. Funeral Home 23 W. Main St, Mount Joy afternoon. Marlin Young and Sim Horton took local sightseeing flights during Saturday Other pilots doing considerable JAMES B. HEILIG, flying during the week were Albert Funeral Director Forry, Martin Brenneman, Bruce Halk, Martin Moore, and Alfred Gusler | The Donegal Dudes Flying Club held their regular monthly meeting : | at the airpert on Thursday evening, Dr. H.C. Killheffer MIPS . TEE Optometrist | PREACH HERE THIS EVENING MANHEIM | The Rev. William F. Woods, Bal- |] 183 S. ChRHuits st. ; : Telephone 137. timore. p imore, Md will conduct the union Mon: i&. 'Wednes. 956750 | | Lenten services for Mt. Joy and Sa- Tues. Fri. Sat. 7.9 P, M, i | lunga Methodist Churches at the v Fri. sat || rl. | Mt. Joy Church at 7:30 p. m. today. $:30.1:00.2-5 P.M, The Rev. James F. Mort,” pastor af ELIZABETHTOWN || There are: varinne: J 3 the charge will conduct the wor- wens. | Jou Fe ‘makes nd mods iy koto ship period. The Senior Choir, di- i. | pu © are Mm os. IS RI When you've worked out the down payment Jn your new car, see us about cash for the bal- ance. You'll probably make a maximum saving— and you'll certainly line up for future credit. dected by Mrs. G. Walter Sloan, When in need of Printing. (any- | thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | THE MARKET BASKET | NATIONAL MOU nn, 1 COLLEGE AVENUE, ELIZABETHTOWN oo ANE FRIDAY 4 TO 9 P. M. BIG SELECTION. OF FOOD | Fresh from the Farm 3 [IN BRING YOUR TICKET, YOU MAY BE A WINNER. : u N ION THE RI E IS ST RENGTH | Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation = PRINTING should be bought as an investment designed to accomplish some definite purpose, whether it be used to stim- n ulate sales or enhance prestige. Its value to you lies not in what it cost, but in what it accomplishes. ® het . . . . THE BULLETIN Do Your Printing Phone 3-9661 Mount Joy