&—The Bulletin, a Pa., Thursday, March 2, 1950 | The sn Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 Published Every Thursday at No. P-11 East Main St, Subscription, per year .. $2.00 Rik MORIhS $1.00 Three Months. 60 Single Copies 05 Sample Copies ......... FREE Entered at the Postoffice at Mt, Joy, Pa. as second-class mail mat= ter under the Act of March 3, 1879, Member, Pennsylvania Publishers’ Association Publivation Day, Thursday Copy for a change of advertising should reach this office Tuesday. We will net guarantee insertion of any advertising unless copy reaches the office not later than 9 a. m preceding day of publication Classified ads will be accepted to 9 a. m. publication day. Mount Joy, Pa. { Newspaper EDITORIAL The District Attorney meant ex- actly what he said January 10, 1948. His office is opposed to slot ma- | chines and any form of gambling. machines have disappeared from private clubs at Columbia. Gamblers better heed this warning as there will be no exception. ec ® 5 Siot The City of Philadelphia has pas- | | | sed a2 law patting a ban on BB vifles. Lancaster is seriously con- | sidering similar legislation and with our past experience we. can see no good reason why the same thing should not ‘he dene elsewhere. The modern BB rifle shoots en- firely too hard and far to be hand- | led as a toy by any child. Today they are really dangerous. ® 9 9 CALLS FOR ACTION A senator states that there are at least fifty-seven people : carrying Communist membership cards, who are an the payroll of our State De- partment. We cannot be that such is true, but it is a state- ment that should be investigated, a challenge to our Secretary of State. ¥t is for the goed of the country that | such an accusation shculd not be | passed ‘over as idle chatter, politic- al so-what. It should be looked in- to, and if the senator can prove his statement, there should be some ! rapid removals in the State Depart- | ment. oe 0 £0 LONG, FEBRUARY New we begin to see the effort of nature at work. It began with the flow of sap in the dead of winter, | Always striving to be helpful, I| where roots lie in the dark under- | Suggest as we go headlong into ground. Where much of winter | 1950 that every congressman -- | was extremely mild, flowering | mother’s son of 'em-go down | things have already rushed to pro- claim ‘heir living cells. The rising sap. the pumping cells, the process of osmosis, brings pressure to bear. certain The Bulletin’s Scrapbook ! + + wtf wn LONG AGO 20 Years ABO Twp HAPPENINGS A clerk at a Columbia store found a live rattlesnake in a box of CH LIVE and DRESSED CHICKENS Electric and Gas Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Cover's Welding Shop Delta and Marietta Streets MT. JOY, PA. FREE DELIVERY BLAIN KAUFFMAN MT. JOY, PA. ROUTE 1 DIAL 3-4929 oranges iil This | extreme | sulting from wearing shoes toa short for many | years, Cases like this are © hard to correct but prop- 9 er fitting can bring some relief and comdort. view shows distortion re. Tomato-Cheese Pie Prepare : I f hot roll mix, fol Cplumbia Boro decided to pur 1e pac Kallt 0 10 Toil nN, - lowing directions on package. Let this the ms a works, : . | making an offer $200,000. dough doukle in bulk once Di- ah of ¥ . ide in third Shape each third American Legion Auxiliary will [ V e 1 as eac ‘ "» into a ball and roll each one into sponsor the showing of “Old Glory 10-inct irel ne-eighth inch in the high school auditorium =inehn cirele, one-elig n | thick Fit aia 100 Io int Music clubs of Mt. Joy High nic 1 a 21 ose 0 lat T i Fillings School will hold a combined ccn- ple plates Im edges 8S 1.3 tea or salad oll. 2 No. 2 1°20 and minstrel show. 2 C Ol ec Ol Salad i -~ “ x avs tomatoes well “drained. 1 A Rapho Twp. farmer sold 10 onion, chopped fine, 1 1-2) 2°76 of tobaceo for 25 and § cents. medium ion, choppe -2 EF un t salt, 1-4 t pepper, 1-4 t thyme or | Mr. U. E Hoffer accepted the | . 1-2 1i ted position as superintendent in the | a ram organo, 2 1D. Bre » . Vary hee Brash mechanical department at The sharp AINE can cheese. | ot | Bulletin. { dough with oil Place layer of", . Ss : { The State Hospital for Crippled | drained tomatoes over dough. : 4 | it ' : _ | Children at Elizabethtown opened Sprinkie with onion, salt, pepper, . : : with twelve patients. herb Add grated cheese Dot", {with ofl Bake in moderate oven | Toy balloons released at Colum- { i i AKC Te > V > : I'bia were found at Syracuse, N. Y. J0 minutes. . a | ns i A distance of 210 miles. | DID YOU KNOW? The last toll road in Lancaste: “ ; significant at » Ameri | ~ $i It is Say nt that the Ameri | County will soon be freed. le ics, where corr tne : : "Ren 105, wher oo 115 W€ 1 Florin Foundry was closed two | | leading cereal grown, have never | ; j ce a i | days because of cold weather. i { known a widespread famine,” says The - Artesian Well -Drillin ~~ 5 £3 Sle 8 \ 20 J. Schaben of the Office of | x "| Le > J I Rel so of Salunga has contracted to dig | | Agricultura elations. Lurope Sho Toop i . Ale and on te other hat an 8 inch hole for the fourth anrte- | Bice let. 202 Vell the water supply | ave © on gi 9 ed y oe | for the Rheems reservoir | astrous food shortages due to crap : i i 4 5 ot Ee =” + | A Valentine Social was held in | ailures of the older cereals. § the Landisville Church of G | “Keep more land in grass more | 9 iy < hein) of the time and some land in grass Sr oe Sewn Re i ale Ce Sale. i all of the time,’ is the first of ten 100 customer ah. chon t ° Po Ss Ss, d oy y rumme | points outlining the grassland ag- hand mirror fre ; Med . 1g er iv > + | . 1 DN pele) Jo the Ye U. 8. | Eighty miles of concrete, from ept. © griculture. } 1: ot : . | F i 3 | Lancaster to Philadelphia is un- | TAKE A TIP i ese : way : 3 | derstocd to be included in the high Slowly cook bacon strips in 2 | way construction. Tor 1930 : : vay ¢ : or 1950, frying pan, until transparent. Re- |" P.R R it: ordered 1 t | : vw hh. was ordered 0 restore move and line muffin’ ‘pans with lt . i rain service between Columbia and | strips. Place an egg in each bacon | ‘station wid | { cup, sprinkle with salt and pepper i oe and intermediate | | points. | | wooden clothespin in each finger of Will be i | to his ear Nature pours forth buds and blos- | The sharp bitterness of cold go. March will rising sun. Floods soms. days will seen f.eld an earlier come from swollen rivers accomp- anied by low mists and edgy air. But February passes and ahead lies the joy of spring donning her al cap and cape. ® eo» AN OLD CUSTOM An Eastern university forum of students members concerning college examinations. It is an ac- knowledged fact that there is con- siderable cheating in grade and high scheols, colleges and universities, hut it is surprising to learn that the majority ef chealing in colleges is and cheating in {| who elect their flor- and bake in moderate 15 minutes.... Scrape out measur- ing spoons and cups for measuring in recipes --Shave grind scraps of soap and dissolve in boiling water. Add powdered chalk cr whiting to make a clean- | and paste--Put a oven accurate or ing scouring and | the gloves you have washed | this Prevents shrinking. THE LOW DOWN memes § 1 © 11] semen HICKORY GROVE | specialist and find out just what it is that has been throw- | ing him for a loop and off his | ium. Find cut what is causing him to imagine that 500 | folks making a big hullabaloo cuts | more than 10,000 quiet folks | and then ex— | enough and | ice man | pect him to be astute smart enough not to be carried | off his feet by the noise of the | few looking for loot. These congress fellers, when they are htme know what to get | your holds a | faculty | bank--and have own earned security--that it | takes thrift. Even in the bank-- | and have your own earned security a nest egg in the | that it takes thrif. Even in the | schoolhouse -- first grade -- they | know that a nickel 5 week in the lings in a fancy spot when vaca- {ticn time comes and ice cream cones are tasty, not because the student is afraid of | failing, but because he ‘look good’. Lots of families great -emphasis high put on wishes to grades. | Graduate schools stress high scho- ! Iastic pvating. Employers often are prejudiced by high marks in col- lege. So there is cheating. If a students will eheat in school, he will have the habit, after . | he is out of | school. Perhaps more stress should | be placed upon daily effort that is visible during the school year rath- | er than on high marks in examina- | | potatoes to hold up the price. With | a surplus of 40 million potatoes, | THESE CRAZY PEOPLE | tions. ee 0 A Minnesota farmer sold 160,000 | pounds of potatoes to the govern- | ment at $145 per hundredweight, | then bought them back for livestoek | feed at 1 eent per hundredweight. The potatos never left his farm. This is under the government pro- | gram te reduce surplus stores that the supported price is the taxpayer { who helps the government keep the During this last fall and winter | price up, at least enough above the otir country imported five million | level of Canadian potatoes that they bushels of Canadian potatoes, when | may be shipped to Louisiana and the native potato market was so | Florida for less than American over-loaded they didn’t know what | grown spuds. to do with them. Canadian potatoes deesn’t add up to crazy kind of planning, might ret in the bin. cost less here. Our government has the potato | the government's help, farmers will subsidy that buys American grown | grow another surplus crop this year. piggy bank puis the young gos- So you gents there on that mys- | tic Potomac where some are in- clined to the fancy that dinero grows on shrubs and bushes, 1 warn you. My crystal ball tells what is brewing. Listen. The 10.000 quiet citizens back home pack a haymaker and could fool | you on next election day. They | are not as sound asleep as you might think. Yours With The Low Down | JIMMY | to the farmer for fertilizer at two buys them back, was paid, on the | average, $1.10 a bushel, bushels, they will pour a contamin- | ating dye on them, sell them back cents a bushel. The dye costs one cent a bushel. The same farmer who The consumer buying potatoes at Now, if all of this nothing dees. And, with | | for | | ment: | tate’s General | The house on the Frank Hertz- | [ ler farm, near Aberdeen Mills, wag | slightly damaged by fire. Christ R. Hostetter, E. Donegal Twp. was elected Se lof the Board of Health at Palmers ton, Pa. Lanc. formerly of County's Agricultural August 19-23 Fair held next | Fall. | At Marietta, prizes were by Scoutmaster Frey Scout could do offered the Boy the most who stunts with @ yo a yo-yo ya top. School News Fr rom (From Page 1) and Glenn Forney. Miller Following the tour of the campus they were | entertained at a tea. The School Board of East Donegal | announced the following dates for year end { activities. May 28 - Bac- | | calaureate Service: Rev. Gerald | Marzolf of the Maytown Church of | God will have the invocation: The | Girls’ Chorus of East Donegal will | sing, directed by Mr. Eugene Saylor | v. N. H. Zuck, Church of the Brethren, will deliv- er the sermon, June 1 - Commence- Dr. A. C. Baugher, of Elizabethtown College, the address; Mr. and Re | | President | will give | P. N. Hershey Es- | Manager, Hershey, ! will present the diplomas to Mr. Her- | shey graduated fifty years ago; ors} | given by students of the gr: aduating | May 31 - Ninth Grade Pro~ | motion exercises. Monday through Wednesday of | this week, Dr. J. W. Bingeman, Supervising Principal of East Don- egal Twp. Schools, attended the School Administrator's Convention at Atlantic City. I IC Pa., the fifty-two graduates. ations and musical numbers will be | class. When in need of Printing. (any- thing) kindly remember the Bulletin Help Schools | | |W EST MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY. | { Our X-RAY Shoe Fitting Service Reveals the Caude of Foot Troubles If you've never had “foot trouble” your life, you should be thankful... and careful! Remember, it takes only one. pair of misfitted shoes to. start serious foot ailments that may bother you for years. Why take chances, when our X-Ray Fitting Service makes cer- tain that the shoes.you buy fit properly? If you already suffer discomfort or pain from foot troubles, a Free X-Ray Foot Examination may reveal the cause. Chances are we can put your feet back on the path to foot health with the right size and style of shoe...or suggest other corrective measures. This service costs you nothing, yet may save you or some member of your family from years of neddless suffering. X-Ray Fitting in child- hood is most important because it assures nors qual healthy foot de- velopment. Prevents cramping and crowding of tender muscles avd pliant bones. Enables you to see your child's shoes fit gorrectly. Jack Horner Shoes X-RAY FITTING COLUMBIA MOUNT JOY NEVER BEFORE SUCH TIRE EXCITEMENT never before a tire with EVERLASTING WHITEWALLS * NEVER BEFORE a tire with such WINTER DRIVING SAFETY -the great- est stopping power in tire history. % NEVER BEFORE a tire with PROTEC- TIVE CURB GUARD to save your tires from curb scuff and abrasion —give you EVERLASTING WHITE- WALLS. x NEVER BEFORE a tire with TRIPLE- TRACTION TREAD to sweep, bite and hold you where tires never held before. « Get all this in the tire with come« plete tread time, and up to 60% more safe miles—the great new Mid-Century U. S. Royal Master. WITHOUT RIVAL, IMITATOR OR COMPARISON ao ed A ru PRESENT VALUE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES! H. S Meckley tev & Sons Newcomer Motors, Inc. PA. DIAL 35-4821 TIRES | Tora SICO CONTRIBUTIONS , Welding i Automobile and Truck Welding Phone 3-5931 renewability at any | | | | | | | | ar SIMON P. NISSLEY | | MARY G, NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. Crown "Coal : A PREMIUM QUALITY ANTHRACITE > ' ESSOHEAT FUEL C OIL PAUL , E. HESS FLORIN, PA, Phone Mt. Joy 3-4885 TAKE HOME A BOX OF THE FAMOUS Fanny Femor CANDIES Eppley’s Town Pharmacy Moose Building Phone 310 ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. MANY PRICES ONE SERVICE Many Persons have questioned ‘the reasons why funerals differ in cost The answer; is simple-—it depends on, the merchandise selected by the family, and this covers a wide range Whatever the total cost there is no differentiation 1 the professional service we rey CALL 6329 SHEET. Z HOME FOR FUNERALS North Duke Strect At Lemon LANCASTER, PENNA. | $209.95 Reduced To KOHLER; KOHLER $139.95 up wo $199.50 Automatic Gas WATER HEATERS $105.95 Odin Beauty Gas Range $189.95 3 -Piece Colored BATHROOM SETS $278.75 PHONE MAIN ST., 3-5983 MOUNT JOY tf WEST Patronize Bulletin advertisers. TO DATE TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS $267,124 $ICO CUSTOMERS ‘are the BENEFACTORS The MORE SICO CUSTOMERS — The MORE PROFITS for PUBLIC SCHOOLS. APRIL, 1949 To Help You... CHECK YOUR PURCHASES YOUR CASH REGISTER SLIP To Help You... CUT YOUR FOOD BILLS mms ; Customers ¥ oh { 5, 3 Corner Do you enjoy shopping comfort at your A&P? Are the aigles roomy and uncluttered? 1s there plenty of light and good ventilation” Are the various dc partments easy to find and the I lve 10 i ach? What would you suggest we do to make vour A&P a more comfortable place to shop? Please write: Customer Relations Deparment, A&P Food 120 Le Non Stores xington Avenue, York City 17, N. Y. SMOKED PICNICS SWEET JUICY THIN SKIN Florida Oranges LARGE SIZES 5 OUND Be RR TT FATE PRICE AS LOW AS CATES r they're marked on ev the 4 yo stor in the CELLD WRAPPE HORT SHANK —4 TO ’ LBS. PDI PASCAL CELERY ROME BEAUTY APPLES ICERERG LETTUCE SWEET POTATOES FRESH DATES A&P DRIED PRUNES" SALTED PISTACHIO NUTS Reduced Price! CAMPBELL SOUPS BEEF, BEEF NOODLE, VEGETABLE BEEF CHICKEN, SCOTCH BROTH, CHICKEN N CREAM OF CHICKEN, CREAM OF MUSHROOM CR CLAM CHOWDER YOUR CHOICE! 2 Other Popular Varieties ELLOW ONIONS A 5 "he Bd Florida 2 stalks § gg 4 ibs 29c lose 25 3" 28¢c ik 29¢ so: 25¢ large 2 NO. 1 YELLOW CONSOMME, MOCK TURTLE CODLE, CHICKEN GUMBO, PINK SALMON 50:0" TUNA FLAKES “rm war CHEDDAR CHEESE APPLE JELLY 050% HOT CROSS BUNS ne rare 1-1b BUTTER rac" toi BUTTER KERNEL C BUTTER KERNEL P JELLY EG 20S WORTHMORE SALAD DRESSING GOLD MEDAL, CERESOTA OR PILLSBURY FLOUR pri bo: MILD [Also Muensic REDUCED PRICE 2" 1) Ib 45c = 250 gle pky of 10 in Yb ib prints Jic ORN 23% 2% EAS 2 7 39e¢ he 23C ta 43° sie 250 380 vee 49C it 10-1b bag HUNT'S TOMATO CATSUP 2.5 2 9C MARVEL BREAD "52.0 La i4c TOMATO SOUP cm BC ENCORE EGG NOODLES pe 23¢ A&P CORN Soon 2c MOTHER'S OATS 2 oo 29C a 33¢ FINE QUALITY POULTRY FEED DAILY LAYING MASH DAILY SCRATCH FEED DAILY CHICK STARTER 25 Daily Baby Chick Feed 25 251 bh. bag $1.05 25h. ba g 99¢ Ib. bag $1.08 ). bug $1.03 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. All Prices In This Store Are The Same As Those In Effect In Our Super Markets v 93¢c i Lo: north « Rapho 11 1 HEIF & SHO. ar nive 14 John D 12 disc packer, “on rubl Mel Ie row cutter } down pi heds, ca lift, Be Messing one row mixer [I carn she air comy and thi shelters of feede sets of f iocks. si tobacco | Factor ¢ ‘or Farm rake for shaped S Cale Wal‘er 1 Maurice ete F 28th SA’ On west of of Route on nr 41 chard Lc Apple S ified (Go 1 6 A Y CO Pedigrees Auclioneer Clerks—K]l Tester—FEly