The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 16, 1950, Image 5

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Church Notes
The Schedule Of Dr. Zigler Will
During the business meeting offi-
cers were elected as follows: presi-
The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, February 16, 1950s

ver, Esther Clinger, Edith Kaylor,

A Miss Alice Zachariah, a native Mrs, Clyde Mumper entertained | dent, Mrs. Irvin Nauman; vice pres- ryn Newcomer, Hazel Zeller, Doris
a 5 nT > ’ i ry 8 | Rn Roh . . > J
Law NEWS FPERTAINING TO ALL|of India, paid a farewell visit to : (From page 1) [the Ergatan Sunday School Class at | ident, Mrs. George Broske; secre- Margaret Mackinson ~ Mrs. A. P. penpell, Helen Schroll, Betty Jane
i THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY {her friends in Trinity Lutheran Assem €S t Brethren mervite | ( Os a [her home on Donegal Springs Road, | tary, Mrs. Robert Schroll; treasurer, | Stover, Darlene Neuman, Mrs. Ir= | oqarles, Marguerite Dock, Hilda
pr INT a ¥ wy : le is spending si» nths in the | Wes . . lo 2d ’ Ni an, Evely et, Grace
AND THE INTIRE ~~ SUR- | Church on Sunday evening. She Bea a Si nn = tls February 14th. Mrs. Mumper was | Miss Helen M. Schroll. Naum he tv po B DA He . Weidler, Lovey Barnhart, Kathryn
ROUNDING COMMUNITY. | was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. E. D al Hi h | [United Sta S rt condi= assisted by Mrs. Jay Barnhart, Dec- Following the business meeting umma, Betty Rice, rs. Haze MN me Re
W. L. Koder Sunday afternoon and; oneg 18 tions in Eurcpe, The re | ovations were in keeping with the | Pollyanna gifts were exchanged and Shenk, Thelma J. Eshleman, Ethel pe ace
Fir Presbyterian Church | evening and spoke a farewell mes-) The faculty assembly committee nen: here is part of a nation wide | yy je 0 Felon ames were played. M Broske, Anna Newcomer, Kath- | Maude Schroll,
‘Vv Pp Py speaking ur, " . od 4 ————————
iy Feb airgun, Pastor sage at the Vesper Service Sunday | of East Donegal High ‘has announ- Ot ; i : I" Vimet I'he Scripture was read by Mrs. A very delicious luncheon was —
A No services on Sond w, due to | evening. Following the service, | ced the following scheduled assem-| n' dest n 4 . bod Coa d | Grace Hawthorne and prayer was | served to the following: Lottie Me- |}
Ey . " . . Known representative ol Hs de=| o i. ‘py
repairs of the oil burner, Sunday evening, a tea was held in |blies: February 17 - Spelling Bees ; pre: re 4 J offered by Mrs. Myrtle Mowrer. Mullen, Carrie Grove, Myrtle Mow=
I I | I Yani od. Senior Hid School!" mination, Ziglef has been as
er honar ¢ e arsonage ’ + an Senior igh School a ER ———————— = wn
I \ Pract MS — a oe parson og I | Co ad A Bris. 2 Movic fl ciated with its national head- BA I —_— RR |
yonega reshyterfan Church ( omens Issionary Society. | Lontests; < oye arte Elg since 1919 his
Rev, T. A. McGregor, Pastor Approximately sixty members of | "Great Expectations March 3 =~ 3 ra ih, yy Ie . i ( ® He’ 5 the man who drove car
Sunday, Feb Try 19th the congregation attended and en- | Book Review by Mis Charles] FD . 18 is ers Fy re | FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING without Auto Insurance had
Church School | ’ hemi mission Later 1c also
9:30 a. m, : '
gd . joyed & soci . an of Lancaster; March 10-
30 p. m. Evening Worship joyed an informal social hour with | Wefkman of Lancaster fare cerverl
School Talent Show
and, under the

retary for OF THE
| | an accident —
























ne . 3 Ww if te ' ‘ o} -
“The Difference of one Letter k i High land for Christian education. pi new Financial Responsibility Law
— New York on February 23, on the | with representatives rom each . | » | . - 3 :
- Wily Since 1941 he has been closely | ’
Mount Joy Methodist Church Queen Elizaketh, to England. | nomeroom; March 17 - St Pa- ted. with i Brethi g y ailC oun am reall 0-0p SS il | of this state, he lost his driving
. . : 3 { ociatec 1 0 ne ‘en | 1
Rey. James F. Mort, Pastor From there, she will embark on a |irick’s Day Assembly sponsored Ly Yous : . . license.
Joseph Shaeffer, Supt. 3 i : 4 vice Commission, the denomina- i |
Sunday, February. 19th passenger ship for Bombay, India, | Student Council; March 24 - De- Hoi o post lief ( ® |
S ay, y 1§ 5 : en tion's agency in ostwar relief, | }i
9:30 a. m. Church School irriving there about March 18. bate - Elizabethtcwn College vs. % for world peac nd care of | In The Auditorium of | What happened to him can :
i 1 \ 7 : ' . - V k lo VO eace a are ;
6:30 p. m. Junior Youth Fellow- | Upon her return to her homeland, | Lincoln University; March 31 religious objector He' was theif . | happen to you, too. i
\ 3 . . Lgious ins. > was >
wi 1 Fell fs she will resume her work as Sup- | Senator Wade (Pa. Assembly)| nission’s executive ecreluty | McCaskey High School, Lancaster, Pa. | I
5:45 p. m. Fellowship ; en : . : 1. AR 8 ECL * secretary | | |
"oo y ud | erintendent ‘ses a i. | speaker; April 3 - Holy Week As- | { nol
7:30 p. m. Worship Service of Nur os in the Kug- | spea P ted = = Lo |until 1948 when he assumed his Don't risk the loss of YOUR
Board of Education meeting. ler Hospital in Guntur, Madras|sembly - Rev. Wm. Biechler asl. "0 Goon (Hl drivi ivil y
. : a . i > ‘ pe. |
Tuesday | Fresidency, India. Before coming | cpeaker; April 4 - Rev John H Greatly interested in aterd | riving privi eges
7. Senior . : . 1, A 1 real reste interde=~ ° |
7:30 Bi Senior C hoir rehearsal. | to America, Miss Zachariah had | Thompson as speaker and April nominational eration Zigler e es ay, -- . d. m. |
Wer nesday [ . . i 5 1 not ational Cot nation, JERI | 4 | -
. een associate y Sari 5- Rev. E. H. Ranck, speaker, y |
110) a m. Week Doy Church | Loon associated with Miss Sih i Rev. 2 1% Back, 9 toen active in numerous in- ||| | | ite Drop in to see us, i for
School, Snyder, missionary nurse, formerly | Members of the committee 00 and | Lo t :
i rehurch crganizations move- |} Ww COS utomobpile insurance
—— —— ( ( /1 E it: 4 one Si | 1 M I Te |
| [ town, in Kugler Hospital. Mr. Eugene S iylo ) r. ; Morrell ments. mong them the Home IH ADDRESS BY DR. THEODORE DISTLER. | Phone that meets all re uirements of
Salunga Methodist Church { A Wi ——— Shields, Mi Robert Phillips and Missions Council of North Amerie [§! President - Franklin & Marshall College { | ® OR qa
Rev. James I. Mort, Pastor . Mr. Stanley Dotterer. he International C | : i | | this new law.
Miss Alice Strickler, Supt N : fe ‘nlernaliona wuncil of he- |
I y Supt. t iz { :
1 S | Sandan 1 ews rom orin Nat'l Honor Members ligious Education, the Federal ll Reports — Elections — Talk by County Agent
9:30 a.m. Church School Three members of the Junior|Ccuncil of Churches, the National |! B T R I A
9:0 : ational | §| an g n y
10:30 a. m. Worship Service (From page 1) Class - Peggy Hicks, Rosene Mus- Service Board for Religious Ob EVERYBODY WELCOME -—BRING THE FAMILY hs itus utt sur ce IC
: | f Ser arg gious -
5d Maude, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gerlitski i ‘rai : 33-9305
. he . yk ’ & S. La § ser and Richard Craine - were|jectors ‘hui 7 rina rE . : { PHONE 3-9305
7:30 p. m. Lenten Service held in| children, Mr. William Buller ; jectors, Church World Service, FREE LUNCH WILL BE SERVED
3 Mt. Joy Church. | 2X. Milam uler, | elected to memkbership in the Don-| Care Cralog and the dural | 85 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
: Friday | Mr. and Mrs. John Kissinger of gal Chapter of the Nat'l Honor so-|Life Association. ! | ~ emir A rere eee ar
- 7:30 P. 1m. World p y of Proves Lancaster, were to Hamburg on|ciety. They were inducted at the] He was a delegate to the world-
ge oe ay hs held Xe i { Sunlay to see the miniature village. | joint ceremonies held in Mount] wide religious conferences at Ed-
( 2s to e ele © . ‘ AY ie io ‘ " ~
Church cf God, Landisville. Sunday, March 12th, the Florin |Joy High School on Friday, Febru-|inburgh and Oxford in 1937 and te
i Fire Co. Auxiliary will serve alary 3rd drese , T'S i“ . 1 ;
wm { xilidry wi serve a |ary Jrd. Present memoers, aid|the Amsterdam assembiy of the
Trinity Lutheran Church | baked ham dinner at the Florin Hall | seniors are Dorothy Sperla, Jeannc|World Council of Churches in
d Bev, J. L. Koder, Pastor | from 11:30 to 3 o'clock. Miller, Marion Ney and Hazel 1948. In addition to extensive |
Bundy, Fe Puan 1 School Rev. and Mrs. Henry Becker en- | Crankshaw. Peggy Hicks, junior/travel in Europe since 1945. he
Jil a. . nw ay school. | >. y “4
i 10:45 “a.m Worship | tertained the following on Sunday: | class president and active in ath-|visited China and Japan in 1947.
7:00 p. m. Vespel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin Sr. and letics, music and journalism is a A native of Virginia, Zigler has
( m. spers es y :
yg 1 Tuesday t son, Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert daughter of Mrs. Mae Hicks, ofla degree from Bridgewater Col-
7:45 p. m. Woman's Missionary | Sentz, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin Ji | Maytown. Rosene Musser, active|le in that state. Ie has done
Saeisty Shoots at he Horne of Mrs. | ind Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ober-| in class affairs is the daughter of|graduate werk a Vanderbilt
M. J. Bieber, Leader is Mus. Har-|, (Mr. and Mrs. Martin Musser oi|School of Religion, Bethany Bibl a ; : :
{ riet Brown. Topic: Loves Work- i-oltzel “ Ric! et 1100. of pelgion, Hethany Bibi.) For the convenience of incoming tenants, electric service,
ing Arm. } Fire Company Meeling | F orin. tichard Craine, active in eal Seminary and the University of | wherever possible, will be left connected when a dwelling is
PENNA. 11:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Ladies| 1. ‘ocular monthly meeting of | Music and athletics is t ion of Chicego. He was ordained to the | vacated. If you are planning to make your home in a location TLS
Aid Scciety Douchnut Sale at the 2 ki 4x ey 2 | ? Mrs. | ya Cvaine from. ministre p 1 ried We va . Po : . >
Od the Florin. Five Co, was heldeon E+ and Mrs. Ralpn Craine {rom minis y of the Church of the served by Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, the chances x WW Ww INGE
~ With eidviden Mavietta Brethren in 1919 i are you will now find Reddy Kilowatt already there and waiting, U4 4
6:30 p. m. Catechetical Class members present and Ben Staley In All-County Band > ready to serve you. Just switéh on the lights, plug in your appli-
7:30 p. m. Ash Wednesday ser-! din: Eight members of the East Don ances, and enjoy carefree, dependable electric service immedi= p
———— vices and Choir Rehearsal follows. | Presiding. { Hod 1 ar : : RH E EM ately. '
on Thursday All officers except O. J. Kling | 82 Band will participate in the | a cia : 3
INES 7:30 p. m. Ladies Aid meeting at | were present. Fire Chief William |all county band concert. They| a Tele Ts. | NO DELAY, NO BOTHER; NO RED TAPE. I
3 ; C E530 es coh Avr ~ A hal O e held y
ND Par io House. Miticer repovied ofie fire dufing the | 4% Hazel Crankshaw. Lilly A Se Fite: Co + “he’s daniel] For your further convenience, advance deposits and signed
: Worl | Da { Praver t the m nth, at Snyder's Orchard, seven- Grieder, Fred Wetzel, Paul Wag- und dinin a n : Frid t applications Tigve, in cases, beent eliminated. When you
orid's ,ay a a le | IM gE ute” . - ah y * 1 grouna aning rooix 0 ay pe .
oN First Preshwterian Church teen men reporting ner, Elizabeth Lawrence! YH move into your new hdme, and find Reddy Kilowatt already on
S Sey « 4 . 1 oruns. 3 (00 p.m | . . .
—— in Committee Teports were: Some Weaver, John and Jere I : Hot q ; the job, simply phoné or drop in at our nearest office at your
) t S V : SCt : : ml “A i a 1€ SCro nonoring nirty-four »arliest OWE ip . ih
8 St. Lukes Episcopal Church progress was gained in checking | Henderson. The band ig directed] ©. "pC bod Ad carliest convenience, to be sure your account is entered correctly
. > 5 . : " “ vel ins wn serve v var 2
Rev. Donald Boyd Kline fire hydrants; a satisfactory report ky Mr. Morrell Shields Nin fy oe on the books.
73 vin 3 a « ay fe pe oe 1 ~ 1 lel een change Ir > 7 . . . . or
Vicai was given in auditing the 1049] Mr. Saylor aiso anncunces that| . - jed, om tne | We think you'll like this simplified procedure, another step
; < Ia Pebruary was give 1 ‘ 5 . rd a r restaurant pre he | : : . : 3
: Sunday, Feb: vary 19th . members of the school chorus will ser 1 POS rty to the in our continuing program to provide ever-better electric service
9:30 a. m. Church School books. in the: Western G ‘ vn of the Rheems Fire Company. in Central Eastern Pennsylvania
3 10:45 a. m. Holy Eucharist (Ist| New motions passed were: to be cipate in the estern County et i et Ee ions 713 ennsylvania.
a 9% 3 av ‘ning Fo Chorus They are Ruth More
— and pl d Sundays) (Morning pray purchase 2 gas masks; and that the | 3. Iney arn R Tore i von EERO 4a re fhe Los a
er other Sundays.) | ud { fi 0} land, Martha Gerlach, Pegoy Hick 4 Tay oe 1g wale}
Bre 3 0 Cornor- | Fire engine, in going to a nre, stop S . x: +i y asic Couniy son dt or 1949
Brotherhood oi St. Luke eng Peuline Mille Rolan 1 1 prison during 949, | -
1 ate Communion on last Sunday of | at the Fire box, and if going east Hq # C 1 Pe a d, the prison board reports During | Pennsylvania Power & Light Company
7.9 : .. | Haze rankshaw Jeanne Miller i 4 I t 3
3 each month at 7:30 a. m. ey at McCauley worner and if ‘1 oqo ‘ | —— Are * me
mn« top at McLauleys colner a Yrs Fshel A he year 1,283 men and women |
HOLY DAYS : | Joyce shelman Shirley Warfel . . |
dong $ é 1 watering : X > vore risoned th
7:00 a. m. Holy Euc ist. Going. we bn if t John Mary Faye Kendi ere imprisoned there }
A trough; also In the case © onn Ti hea? "oo : - et rem BR cm x -
: k he band will play at the East- CL — Se a
Mt. Pleasant | trough; also in the case of John cra. County Mu ie. Festival :
ant. | 3 iy S1 suva to Df
Srethren In Christ Church | because of his inability to helply po 7p CF BE © 0 Annual Report of Controller of Lancaster Co., Pa, for Year 1949, E. M. Miller, Controller
Elder C. H. Moyer, Pastor ! . 1 nots a an 1¢ chorus and
: himself, the Fire Co. shall extend : - : -
23 Sunday. Febragry 10th iimse ] 1 et orchestra will present iis concert I t rable. the Judges af the|B. Primary and General Elections Office Supplies ... 124.11 _ 18.674.11] AGRIC ULTURE .. 5,500.00 Balance oo 14.783.33
9:00 a. m. Sunday School every effort to see that he is ade-|{, ny joy this comin in Pleas of ‘Lancustex| Pay of ection Of LAW LIBRARY: ny | TOWNSHIP COUNTY AND FINES
quately defended, and that justice . 0 mputing Ret 230.00 Anpropriation «x. 000) SY ERS 291.37| CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS:
9 : ! ® ; of Polling ORPHANS' COURT: | on =m | County Fees Col-
9 Mt. Joy Mennonite Church on the highest plain is done in this Everybody reads newspapers but 3,310.00 Office and Court HER, Gove RN IMENTAL lected 5,671.67
Henry Garber, Amos Hess, and matter: a motion to accept these . bi co} s thar > | 1 cal new. i sang Supe 13,450.71 ' Dh 3 rae —_ eral Mi oi: : Fines’ Coliected 1719200 __22.800.67
Henry Frank, Pastors , TH 1 aloo Jugmesy han 9% ‘ocal news made and | Equipment $071.31 symm SOURIS: Lo os tai eous ........ 20.330.69 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES
——— Sunday. February 19th members was Howard Lr. | wertising left on their door step. I TAX ASSESSMENT - er s 3% Refands jaa 36.2 OF THE LANCASTER COUNTY
Sunday, Februar) ) : Smith: Fait Robert: Nissan to Fis ths siviounts charged | Sak ASSESSME s 1,100.00 Interest on 35.08. . 2}.3585 INSTITUTION DISTRICT
9:00 a. m. Sunday School >mith, James hkobert INSsly and] = Ee his 4 er EE aie 0 a ey HRS amoun ale Bsa $ 22.116(75 BO os re Count ’ porary Loans . ini Sn, FOR ThE 1 ENDED
5 10:00 a.m. Church Service. Carl E. Buller. sixty-one members and eight social CEE Preparation of A riers, Tipstaves | TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $__ 62,308.31 Es EMBER 1949
5 essment anc ax 6,040.16 TEMPORARY
ee To date there are two hundred | members. Cash Balance 1. 140. al BOOKS 1,623.92 AGL |" Loa Al 135,000.00 Anportionment oF
Calvary Bible Church — re — rere - _— B ny 1 "i010" bite arn 5 i 9 $ 96.019.96! S: = 4 {CASH BALANCE AT Levied—2 Mills $300,194.56
Ca ‘
tev. C. I. Summy, Pastor 4 Fund 0,394.90 re. END OF YEAR Institution District
Re v. ‘We I th St : t y i Out San : Pr ou Wy ’ Ta Pe (W pent BAND MEASURES: 2.710 00 | } m Ban} Collections .. 76,168. 39 $376,362.95
; E. M. Wo gemu 1, dupt. 4 A 4 i [48 18 63.574 7g) Salary inode 2,710.00 2,710.00 1 ren hee Gi : ; : EXPENDITURES
Sunday. February 19th i ow. Personal Tax— | TREASURER 1 BE Anos Family and Chil-
” : Si id Rita Shon) | A iE ‘ 1,997.35] Salary of Treasurer 5,500.00 and FE Xpenses . .. | i i 35,082.57 dren's Service .. 49,020.41
RO RR. 9:15 a. m. Bible School 2 ied i | Salaries of Deput Fees of Views {Ca Ban] Beef 24,420.34
—————— 10:25 ‘a. m. Morning Worshin 1 I 465,307.91] and « ler) 5,025.70 Court Printing and re ay | y ex, 4 Ted 000 714.680
ad do. . AE. Ta | Omi 3 65.64 Advertising 495.41 | ed Gas Ta . Certificate aa 34.00
7:00 p.m. Prayer Pei iod. | ; Ad i lls—1949 .. 810,205.27| Premium on Bond 212.50 Office and Court atm | Fund . . 604,559.41 799.641.98| Payments 2,100 00
7:30 p.m. The Message. x Li vied 1949 188.3 7) A tic Due i 5080s oR Bi 848.17 |G IAND TOTAL EXPE, DI 2.207.810 § goal aa 15,252.71
e Liquid Fuel ind Exvenses .. 5 708.8 I ‘ ow. an TURES AND BALANCE $2,207 3 anc
Monday PIONEER H F ed PROGRAM 73% wax © TORS TF sf 19 $46,785.64 ——— Clothing 6,599.48
7:30 Bible Institute Cla in 0g e : Cha tor "” TAX COLLEC TOR JUSTICES AND ALDE on of RECAPITULATION Diugs . leet 4,946.63
23 3ibl nstit . ‘ A in . nling hc Eas Bn S RBS +. | RECEIP Furnitur, ave 5.
Missions and Bible Synthesis. Over 50 commercial feed-lo} records ing Lands as plane Tax Bills 540.52 Dismissed gise sal Fond ite ods, mao
Wednosde prove that the labor-saving Pioneer ter-County ~~ Bridge wa ppl Commission 19,962.38 CON aa OEE
7:30 m. Prayer Meeting Program produces quality pork ai low ion Fee Bre Hors 1,055.01 Count S 38a 3,438.93 C I Lumber ad 3.824.63
3 n bh : F | 3 Bon Woo ho iat ’ | Farm Supplies anc
Bible Study feed cost per 100 Ibs. gain. a i CONTROLLER: T AL JUDICIAL......$ 168,946.93 668,426.18 | Live Stock :
: : Te Or y Loa 'y 3 or 4 0) — tht 3 yer
— | Pioneer's high levels of all essential minerals, Trend ry J Receint BSL Controller $000.00 for AL G GOV : oa an am
Glosshrenner vitamins and proteins are carefully blended ¥ire Arms License _ and Clerk 6,484.16 ERNMENT ...... 5 Ji 30 | (General) .. .
ni 2 re Church “ : " Fine Forfeit Solicitor vas 660.00 II. CORRECTIONS 1° Out-Door Rel
United Brethren Te { to produce "Quality Results at Low Cost Tax I haiti | Office Supplie 197.90 PROBATION AND PAROLE. Qil and G
>, astor . . Excess nal Tax | Advertising viola ) anlar: f Officer {| Prmting 000.
Rev. John J. Ga ye, ra when self-fed with your home-grown grains, Res onal Ame ont 641 a5 HE He 41.00 |" iss el] LP otatons
Sunday, February 19th ae "hi po Tax | Premium on Bond 70.00 Office Supplies . 120.59 |! Vegetables ....
oat World Service Day Get big, peppy" litters, grow (Duplic Teen red Association Due| Expenses e000 : | ade Queensware ......
observed Mrs. J. B. Showers of | thrifty shoats, hit early high ness County 7a And Expense 20.00 ___ 12.0898 | Examinations 40.00 § 4.202.438 : Salaries :
Pica : A ey ax B oS #597! RECORDER OF DEEDS IAINTENANCE IN STATE AND OTHER 188,384.0 ies 1: :
oor Harrisburg, National President 9 | 89 Joe f Deen Ta Penal 1 169.00 lary of Fh 4,000.00 y CORRECTIONAL AND PENAL INSTI- [I
~ 3 . - -— ~ on 1 ar salaries CP TT 3
Women's Society of Worlds Ser- | >’ vend lor Public Office Pees... 164,014.25 | 58 BUC ro vy 27.700.72 Bat aaa Feniten- 7.833.30 1,040,302.69| ater Rental
vice will speak. FREE! 36 page booklet on feeding 2,314,731.22 | Office Supplie FF Se : non IMT 5170.20 376.362.68
and management. Le Abatement | Premium on Bond 80.67 LAE ss Abate : 5,179.20 _ 376.362.
: : and | Solicitor 550. trial Si fies 1910 42.184.86 AVERAGE NUMBER OF
Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church Liens . us 181 86 Association Dues 5 s $4724.08 Glen Mills Schools i, : Outstanding : ? INMATES DAILY
all: 7 Pastor Less Outstanding i : and Expense 25.00 5 J 4,724.08 Rotary Home ..... 8 195 10 tty. < Ta HOME A a are sea Joleen
| L. Dallas Zeigler, Ia A. C. MAYER County Tax 67,561.56 | MISCELLANEOUS: Shelter Home 4,316.34 tb Sonn 67.561.56 | HOSPITAL 239
9 a a. m. Sunday School yr Lo 150 106,920.92] Office Supplias i EA jes, Quisianain THE LANC An TEES” OR
A ivy ve ; , on ax . 34 | 5. ... re for nen 3,226 Personal I -
a. m., Marhing Worship MOUNT JOY, PA. | $2.207,810.30 Re 4,790.58 Protectorics oni 18.894 Tersonal 3a 6.174.50 105.9 0.92 FOR THE YE R ENDED
1 t rs ster onitenti
For ) K.L.C. ee EXPENDITURES TOTAL ADMINISTRATIV Ed 218,636.86 Bry a 11,120.91 196,316.38] Total Net Ta DEO 19489
5 8 p. m. Sermon is Sooo Too = Cominissioners Warrant .$1,408,168.52 REISE: or COUNTY JAIL general rund eo
onday . Cash Balance De- Appropriation 58,426.06 | puklie Office i aa
7:30 p. m. Building Committee to | ( camper ol 1949 105.088.57 lary of peel i Hy 4,400.00 TOTAL CORRECTIONS... 145.42| and Fing he 5 1 340
mee. ) Cash Balance 2 old Cle rks 5. 7.399 111. CHARITIES oT J TOTAI me Department » 0
n TR ( cember 31, 1949 ice Supplie 3 A. EXPENDITURES BY COUN’ PEN c > ts
Tuesday : Pensie set | a n | 5 Gasoline Tax _ nl FrEImM ON Bong: 20250 19,286.61 COMMISSIONERS : PN EDI TUN Groh Payments
7:30 p. m. Young People meet. |) Fund ..... - 604,500.41 op 3 NANCE OF ADULTS IN NON-| {qn inistrative Cont and ‘Fuel Oil
y \ .810.30 | Sal: f Si 7. 6.600.0 + add » OTE Judicie TES Lo. . coe
. Wedne sday waver Meeting yo A EER RETIN | tt oe State Hospit oe 3,915.02 a ui mn an Dry Good
7:30 p. m. Prayer A 8 ! I. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Solicitor... A COUNTY 1 Pt Fon ir and Bread
«20 ‘hoir Rehearsa | A. ADMINISTRATIVE Office Supplies . eh COMMISSIONERS. 1 JCRaritiesy ardware .
8:30 p. m. Chou | | COMMIS P Prosar oy Bond foo:00 LAN : INSTITUTION Keepers 3 Bow .s
nO. FB f oo DUN Nath Association Due DISTRICT a | THER) 2g paver:
2 ry salaries «¢ 2 "NSO 31.2" A
your tires, Newtown U. B. Church | i Salaries i YE ARO and Exp nses .. 51 3 ; Anportionment of 2 Lather
Oscar K. Buch, Pastor l aries of Clerk 35404 CORONER Lovied—2 mills. 300,194.56 300,194.56
LEVELS OF Sunday, February 19 i Office Supplies, .. 1306 | Pee nd ss TOTAL CHARITIES $s 304.109.50 195,082.57
60% more 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. Wi A missioner od 35.00 1 ai nt IV. HIGHWAYS : Sepals
sh and new Wednesday | Hand Expen 241.85 3 2 auest He BS AND. BRIDG RE 00.88 . 604,539.41 799,641.98 | -
ir 14 yoo Ga { : =. pent * Office Supplies . n ages 3 9,909.88 ay RE a 2 207 810.30 | T
their lives. 7:00 p.m Prayet Meeting. MADE TO YOUR i SOLICITOR 1 030.00 | Premium on Bond. s and Sup- 3304.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 207,810.30 {onscen
that gives Christian Endeavor Salary .. +s 1,880.00 | PROTHONOTARY: I Waiter
" aii COUR" r Ho! SE: Salary of Prothon- pairs ..... 715.36 Groceries un Five
1 uperintendent ... otary . ain Pain 6.60000 Construction or Re- Premium
Ne SAFETY Church of God MEASURE ti & anitors ... vues | salazies of Deputy building of Roads 186 +. ne. . pina, Da
ire ‘ 3 so Pas vi a ane and Clerks ..... Land Damages ... ; Number of Prisoners Daily
torye Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor { i Jones a | gfice Shpplie: i Other Expenses". 05] Average Ng Submitted,
Sunday, February 19 hook | I 's and 2,018.77 Premium on Bonds TOTAL HIGHWAYS ...... $ | zx iy" Controller
J 9:30 a. m. Church Schoo hin | @ I to Build: 2 692.27 Association Dues an 111.50 VY. MISCELL! ANEOUS | Salaries Paid .. stale of Pennsylvania, of
10:30 a. m. Morning wOrs. up I) sy 2,692.27 and Expenses .. _ 223418010» FICE Balance Decem ber 5 745.91 | County of caster, ss a ay
“The Unchangeable Christ” | 2hl and.) soso CLERK OF COURTS: SUR ERINTEN- 31, 104% soe ves 15,748.91 Zp Avpeared E. M.
¢ able © IW I lek AA ad doe de ee ome ben CRE ater, oi. Maa id ~lerk = {aon I STER OF WILI County Controller
TIRES! 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. | i ery 1,008.26 Ste: Chk ot 400,00 SCHOOLS ..... 514289 514289) REGISTER, OF WILLS State of Pennsylvania, who being |
“The > pensation gai Salaries of Deputy 1 y Salaries Paid 17,790.43 Affirmed according to A
The Two Bibles” { @ ( Compensation "In: 25.00 and Clerk ...... 6,170.41 MARY CoN, Balance December says that the above
Wednesday p tng. | \ Other EXpenses «.e 282.00 28,052.00 Qifice Supplies 369.30 Burial of Widows ° 300.00 31.) er ae + 9,050.12 herewith J3 re e and correct,
7 nior Prayer meeung. | 7 Ss =r ‘on ’ onuments ...... 9617. SHERIFF'S OFFICE: et
7:30 pm. Ju To I LECTION FEES 13,193.52 24,233.72] Memorial Fxpenses 3,815.70 SE Ia LICE! 070.33 and is a true tr nse ipt of the AL
Senior Prayer Meeting | Wi So m pensation of DISTRICT ATTORNEY: National Guard 5100 Salaries Paid .... 12,770.41 Controller.”
8:30 p. m. Choir Practice | Registrars and Salary of District DoS. ol ie 3,000. Balance December Affirmed ae
rr 76-78 E. Main St Mt. Joy i RR tid pears, | S500 ens Affalrs 2,552.84 20,315.54] 31, 1949 ........ 4349.92, Affirm ans of ve :
| - . Me St. ML. Jo} ermanen egise Sd =| RECORDER'S OFFICE:
: There is no better way to, boost | i tration Expenses 5,412.45 Dist, Attys, and 05 HISTORICAL 700.00 | Fees Collected vase 46,892.08
y busi than py loral news | i Oifice Supplies 1.16288 Salary of 3 ve 3,300.00 SOCIETY Salaries Paid .... 31.709.72 Fred Y. Oren, Deputy
your business i a SEER rea | —
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