The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 09, 1950, Image 1

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Three Gigantic Sales Days, February 16,
The School Board)” © 57
Names Delegates
To Joint Meeting
The monthly meeting of the
school board was held Monday
evening when two representatives
attend a joint
were named to
meeting at Marietta on Monday
evening, Feb. 13, to discuss conso=
lidation between the Mt . Joy,
Marietta and East Donegal Twp.
School Boards.
Named to represent the Mount
Joy board were: Paul ‘Stoner, vice
president and Albert Seiler, as
Attending from Marietta will
be Paul E. Portner, treasurer: and
Charles Bauserman, Harry Mec-
and Curvin Mar-
East Donegal
secured from
Department of Public
in attempting to arrive
Mullen, secretary
tin will present the
Twp. board. At
delegates will study
icles of
the State
the session
a copy of
at a tentative agreement.
Other business included granting
permission to the Alumni Assoc. of
the high school to use the old aud-
itorium on M day night, granting
permission to purchase 17 new
window shades for the high school,
ordering 14 tons of sand for the
baseball field, authorizing repairs
to spouting of the grade school and
repairing a door ty, the health
room in the high school.
The board granted permission for
the members of the Senior Class
to take a three-day rtip to Wash-
ington D. C, in May. They also
announced that drinking fountains
in the grade and hich schools wil]
be replaced.
Neighbor Admits
Having Shot H.
G. Eichelberger
Shortly before the Bulletin was
printed last Thursday John L.
Troutwine, of Florin, confessed to
the murder of Harry
berger. We published a brief ac-
count but here are the details.
Troutwine, who can neither read
nor drite, told police he shot Eichel-
berger to scare him away so he
wouldn't keep him awake all day.
Troutwine occupies a
ty across the street Eichel-
He room
stores his junk which he collects in
the other.

2-room shan-
lives in and
berger. one
Troutwine told police he
22 calibre rifle when
Eichelberger came over. The latter
asked to come in and was told he
better not as he, John
to shoot. Eichelberger
John shot..
cleaning his
was going
went in and
Several times that day Troutwine
said he went over to see how Har-
ry was getting along. Eichelberger
was found dead that night by neigh-
Troutwine wag formally arraign-
ed before Alderman J. Edward |
Wetzel and charged with “wilfull |
and deliberate” murder. He was |
held without bail for
March Grand Jury.
rs atl CBee een
Brief News From
The Dailies For
Quick Reading
The Waltham Watch Company,
oldest in the nation closed for good.
Dr. Paul Ochenrider, Wrightsville
was injured when his auto collided
action of the
with a truck.
Want to buy a swimming
The City of York is offering
large pool for sale for $50,000.
Lancaster is to get another drive-
in movie at the junction of the
new Harrisburg and Manheim. pike.
It will be completed May 1 and ac-
commodate 1,000 cars.
The first meeting of the Sewing
Class for Adults will meet Monday
February 13 from 7:30 to 10:30 in
the High School Home Economics
room. Instruction in beginning and
advanced sewing will be given. This
Class is open to all adults and there
is no charge for the course.
a Iie
Monday, Feb. 13th, both the Un-
ion National Mt. Joy Bank and the
First National Bank and Trust Co.
will okserve Lincoln's Birthday
and close for the day.

~- THE -M
The Mount Joy Bulle
17 and 18, by ML.
CY "TY Mortuary Record

Robert B. Heilig
Is Promoted To
Rank Of Captain
President Truman has announced
that Navy Commander Robert B.
Heilig a native son of Mount Joy,
has been promoted to the rank of
Captain U. S. Navy.
Captain Bob Heilig is an Anapolis
graduate, class of 1931 and is now
serving with the Bureau of Ord-
nance (Gunnery) in the Navy De-
partment, Washington, D. C.
Prior to the Washington assign-

ment Captain Heilig served with
the Pacific, First Task Fleet, a fast
Carrier; Cruiser: Destroyer and
Submarine Task Force. The primary
mission of this impressive mobile
fleet with its armada of amphibious
invasion vessels is that of placing
into effect the policies of our gov-
ernment when and wherever the
need be. Captain Heilig was the
Gunnery and Fleet Combat Readi-
ness Officer for this Fleet, one of
Uncle Sam’s most impressive in-
struments of peace. The Huge
Carrier U. S. S. Boxer designed to
operate with 100 plus combat air-
craft and recently dispatched to the
western Pacific was a unit of the
First Task Fleet.
Undoubtedly the Captain's effi-
cient work with the men of the sea
force was instrumental in his selec-

G. Eichel- |
tion for duty with Officers and
civilians of the Navy's Ordnance
Department who decide on type and
specifications of future naval weap-
Captain Heilig’s present address
is 4341 36th St. South Arlington,
Virginia. Mortician James Heilig,
West Main street is a brother. He
is the son of Mrs. Pauline Heilig
and the late Dr. W. R. Heilig and
is a graduate of the Mount Joy
High School.
——— -—
Weddings Thruout
Our Community
During Past Week
Doris Marie Kline
Harold R. Buckwalter
The marriage of Doris Marie
Kline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
| Howard J. Kline, of Landisville,

and Harold R. Buckwalter, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Buck-
walter of Lancaster, tcok place on
Saturday in the Landisville Church
of God, with Rev. Raymond H.
| Daihl officiating.
The bride
ty her father.
| Miss Joan Kline,
[ wa 's maid of honor.
| Eugene Kcser

was given in marriage
of Landisville,
man and
Kline, of
was best
were Bernard
Landisville and Glenn
{ of Lancaster. Miss Louise Grube
was organist and Mrs. Esther Roh-
rer, cousin of the bride, sang.
A reception was held in the Lan-
disville Fire Hall after which the
couple left on a wedding trip to
the South. They will reside in
{ Landisville.
Members of the St. Mark’s Evan-
gelical United Brethren Church
Youth Fellowship were entertained
lat a Valentine party in the church
Thursday evening. Self - denial
offerings were presented which
will go toward mission work in the
Philippines and in Kentucky.
Margie Herr was in charge of the
recreational program and Barbara
Ranck arranged the devotional pe-
ricd. Refreshments were handled
ky Bonnie Bigler.
i held in the gym

lO Qe

Donald Shipley, twenty-four,
was arrested and confessed to
sending in the false fire alarm that
sent Manheim firemen here thru a
snow storm to fight a fake fire at
Gerberich - Payne Shoe Factory.
He accompanied the firemen on
one of the engines.
Shipley has a wife and child, is
reporter for the Lancaster news-
papers and said he did it because

they pay him for news tips.
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, February 9, 1950
The Alumni Association of the |
Mt. Joy High School will sponsor
a card party in the Mt. Joy High
School, Monday evening, February
13 at 8:00 p. m. Pinochle, bridge
and 500 will be played. Two
prizes per table will be awarded
and door prizes will be given,
Since a farmer's meeting is being
auditorium, the
affair will be held in the old audi- |
Jack Breneman is
the Christian
secretary Lester
treasurer, Christine Weidman
and Mrs. Roy Packer are in charge
of prizes and refreshments, Any- |
one who would like to
toward making the party
may get in touch with any of the |
above persons. [
— eee
president of
Hostetter is



a success

| planning
Approximately 60 quart bottles
of milk were broken when a milk
delivery truck and an auto col-
lided at Market and Wood Sts., at
Florin on Monday.
State: Policeman John Szabo said
James M. Brandt, 19, Florin, was |
driving north on Market St., when |
the front of his car collided with
the right rear of the truck operated
east on Wood St, by Robert Hall-
21 of Florin. Damage to
vehicles amounted to $350
Big Preparations
For Sales Days
Feb.16,17 and 18
The gigantic Sales Days to be
held here on February 16, 17 and
18 by the Merchants Division of the
Chamber of Commerce, is shaping
up very well and should be a shop- |
pers paradise.
A twelve page advertising tab-
loid to be distributed to all the fam- ; :
ey i Szabo said he will
ilies in the surrounding community,
Brandt for failure to
both urban and rural, was complet- | right of way
. f ¢ vay.
ed Tuesday and ready for distribu- |

police estimated.
yield the
Merchants cooperating in the |
t will be. represented 2 ll Forty-six Rotarians and forty-
event wi be represented among |, Boy Scouts attended tie week
the advertisers. They are already |
I'ly Rotary luncheon in commemor-
Hey puntata? ind:
specials” of all kinds, | ation of the 40th anniversary of the
and are sup-
| price reductions, ete, | Boy Scouts.
plementing their present stock with | Mr. H. M. Klein, Lancaster, was
additional quality merchandise. the speaker.
The Corner Stone
Of Luth. Parish
House Laid Sun.
Following the Sunday School ses- |
sion on Sunday morning, a Service |
for the Laying of a cornerstone was |
conducted the lawn of Trinity |
Lutheran Church, for the placing of
the in the
House being erected at the
the church.
The the
School, together with the congrega-
tion, assembled themselves before |
the new building to participate in |
the service, conducted
by the Rev. W. L.
the church. The openéd |
with the singing of the hymn, “The
Chureh’s One Foundation,” and was
followed by the versicles, seripture
reading, Apostles’ Creed, and pray-
er! {
As the Pastor announced the
ticles to be placed in the copper box
which was placed within the cor- |
members of the church |
council and building
placed the articles in
corner stone new Parish
rear of |
members of Sunday |
which was
pastor of |

the cor ner- |
stone. The following are the articles |
stone: The |
members of the Sun-
Cradle Roll to
placed is the corner
names of the
day School from the

the Adult Department; the mem- |
bers of the congregation: the names |
of the church council, the building |
committee, the finance committee,
(Turn to page 2)
——— — eee
Robert J. Harmon, son of Mr.
Mrs. Harold J. Harmon of Ventnor, |
N. J., a student of the Philadelphia
Bible Institute preached first |
sermon last Sunday morning at St.
Johns by the Sea of Ventnor. Ne xt |
Sunday morning he is scheduled to |
preach in Atlantic City’s large st |
colored church. Bob recently wrote |
“Escape from
life of Bob |
It we as |
and |

and directed a play
God” based on
Manderson the Evange list.
aired on WMD Atlantic City’s local |
station. Bob played the part of Bob |
Mr.. Manderson was thrilled
well pleased with the broadcast.
J. Miller
to Edward L.
property in
Eshleman, Landis-
and Ella R.|
Union National Mount Joy Bank,
administrator cf the estate of Ho-
ward M. Musselman, late of Mt.
Joy Twp., to William C. and Nora
M. Herr, Mt. Joy Twp., premises |
with improvements, Florin, $7,500.
eens coset tli
The Salunga Fire Co.
plans this week to hold a Father
and Son Banquet with the Lan-
disville Fire Coc. on Feb. 23 in
Landisville. The entertainment
committee announced plans |
for a minstrel show to be held
jointly with Salunga Ladies
A |
Lee A. Livingstcn, Elizabethtown
was ordered to pay $12 a week
for the support of his wife, Hida
M. Livingston of Maytown.
Thurman Lloyd, Elizalethtown |
R3, was told to pay $20 a week
for the support of his wife, Mary
Lloyd, Elizabethtown RD3 and one

| monstrous Sales Days event,
| 16, 17 and 18.
| of a solo by Mrs. Helwig and a duet
The Local News
For The Past Week
| knee cap in an auto accident.
Plan now for a shopping spree |
for real values during Mount Joy's |
Chief Armstrong of Lancaster,
Scoutmaster Earl Shelly and two
new assistants, Robert Hawthorne
and Jack Bennett were present.
re siemens

: Visiting Rotarians were Jesse
KING'S DAUGHTERS BIBLE Snavely Jr, of Lancaster; Frank
CLASS MET TUESDAY NITE McFarran, Glenn Krone, West
The King's Daughters Bible Class | Shore: L. J. Vandergrift and guest
of the Church of God, met Tuesday | James Scolly of Lancaster.

evening at the home of Mrs. C. R. |
Charles. .
After devotions and the busi- nst g wo
ness meeting the program consisted
Traffic Signals
In Our Borough
by Mrs. Annie Stauffer and Emma
Refreshments were served to Mrs.
¢ Ee Js ms Boro Council met for its February
Bom fT. Ls gin alles Mis session Monday evening with all
ie 'S. < & 'S..
Dorothy Derr Mos Grove members and Burgess Zerphey
2 a ’ | present.
Mrs. Ellen Lindemuth, Mrs. Stella . i : :
Sweigart, Mrs. Lillie Sauders, Mrs. Couneil Teceived four bids for in
. stalling two traffic signals in the
Lulu Stauffer, Emma Shookers, Mys,
Blanche Parson and Miss Anna horough and awarded a contract to
7 ne ars ang " 58 rt
Hoffer R. D. Hobaugh Electrical Contract
—- ors, Moline, Ill, who submitted the
low bid of $1,603.80. Highest bid
offered was more than double the
Thursday |, oot $3735.00.
adjudicated The traffic signals will be install-
9, $3,043. ed within 50 days at Barbara and
East Main Sts. and on West Main at
the intersection of New Haven and
Manheim Sts. Council also purchas-
cd two clocks at $44 each to turn
lights on and off.
Clarence Schock presented a pe-
portion of
In the Orphans Court
the followng estate was
| Elida *C. Mumma, this boro,
ee el A

tition asking that the
| High street, north of Park Ave,
Very Briefly Told |

Millersville, will retain a 14 mill | vacated. There was no action but
horo tax. Council will meet Mr. Schock on
Tony Tronio, restaurant proprie- | the scene soon.
Friendship Fire Company
at Elizabethtown, was arrested |
300 feet, of
a charge of gambling. | council to buy
Galbreath, fifty-eight, of | council agreed.

sustained a fractured [ ‘Tax Collector Hockenberry
| ported collected $145 for auto viola-
The Frey Estate | (Turn to Page 2)
brought a suit for $31,600 against | ; Vin
Motor Express, Hagerstown, FIRE 00. AUXILIARY TO
a nga The Ladies Auxiliary of Friend-
1950 SALE SEASON IS READY ship Fire Co., will have a Penny
covered dish social at their meeting
| Manheim,
Samuel S.

in the
The Bulletin”s Sale Season for .
1950, that popular, widely read | o Posten February 16 at seven
| booklet containing all the farm | 0a 00
All members are invited to attend
i and bring knife, fork, spoon, plate,
| cup and covered dish.
and surr ounding |
for distribution.
sales in Lancaster
ies is

farmers will find this book * NAVAL RESERVES
handy guide to all their farm needs The following from this locality,
Everything they may need daily is have joined the: Naval Reserve:
{ listed by our many advertisers. | James NM. Ealimon, Ir and. Abram
{ Urban residents will find it a eon [gy Koser, both of Mt. Joy: John
venient. guide also. Patronize the | E Herchelroth and Robert E
Sale advertisers. Libhart, both of Bainkridge; Ray-
mond -E. Libhart and Paul R
Mrs. Elam Myers is a patient in
( the Good Samaritan Hospital, Leb- | | LETTERS GRANTED
anon, where she underwent an op- Elizabeth Hess, Rapho Twp.; Roy
for the removal of gall | Hess, Mount Joy Twp.; Paul Hess,
Robert Hess, Rapho Twp.
executors of the estate of Harry W.
late of Rapho Twp.
Davis both of *E'town.

stones. She became ill last week at | Lititz;
Claude, of
the home of her son


ON fod Wy “on

.’ of

Flames Destroyed
10 Head Stock
3,500 Baby Chix
Ten head of livestock and 5,500
baby chicks burned to death when
fire destroyed a three-story
barn on the farm of Mrs.
Dohner, a widow along the E'town
and Maytown Road early Friday
Mrs. Dohner estimated damage
at $15,000 and said the loss is part- |
Firemen |
ly covered by insurance.
said the fire apparently started
around the brooder stoves and was
fanned by a high wind which
quickly carried the flames through
the big structure.
Aroused by the crackling of the
flames, Mrs. Dohner looked {rom
her home and saw the roof blaz-
ing about 4:05 a. m. She awaken-
ed her four sons, the oldest
23 years of age and then went to
the barn to save the livestock.
The woman drove three cows to
safety but the flames had

weeks Pierce spent the
six other cows and four calves. !
The 5,500 chicks, about three
old, were in the area of the barn '
where the fire started and could |
not be reached.
The sons went to
phones and ‘summoned
bethtown, Mt. Joy and
Fire Companies. The dwelling
garage and corn crib were saved.
The interior of the barn
cently remodeled and the brooder
stoves installed,
Two years ago, Mrs.
husband died and since
was re-
she and her four sons, Eli, Victor,
Leonard and Benjamin have
operating the farm,
Herman G. Kreiner, forty-nine
29 Frank St., Mount Joy is asking
a divorce from Maria S. Kreiner,
forty-eight, 135 S. Charlotte St.,
Manheim. They were married on
Nov. 20, 1920.
es etl ee can
The High School's
Honor Roll
For Third Period
Mount Joy High School announ-
ces its Honor Roll for the 3rd re-
port period: First Henor Roll -
All A’s; Second Honor Roll - Af
least 2 A’s and nothing lower than
a B:
First: Fredine Gehman, Barbara
Ranck, Mary Jane Zimmerman 12.
Jay Barnhart, Clair Wagner,
William Tyndall and Elinor Lane 9.
Robert Fish, Patricia Schroll,
Ccnstance Lane, 8.
Peter Nissley, Loretta Garlin and
Joyce Metzler 7.
Second: Samuel Dock, Marian
Breneman, Sarah Brown, and Jean
Wagner, 12.
Miriam Fitzkee, Anita Myers,
and Bonnie Bigler, 11.
Sally Ann Nissley, Marian Ob-
erholtzer, Eleanor Hostetter, Lov-
etta Kline, Mary Landvater, Geor-
gesnne Shatto, Barbara Shelly and
Claudette Zeller, 10.
Joseph Ginder, Mary Bailey,
Shirley Eby, Shirley Leedom, Gen-
evieve Zimmerman, Lee Hess,
Nancy Swanson, Kathryn Zeager
and Mary Louise Thome, 9.
Joanne Brown, Charles Mayer,
Darlene Schneider, Miriam Tyn-
dall, Doris Melhorn, Richard Niss-
ley, Carol Ann Smith, Shirley
Wade and Mae Zink, 8.
Helen Louise Bucher,
Hallgren, Kay Kear,
ler and John Witmer 7
er i Cees
Rev. Robert L. Cocklin will speak
at a youth meeting to be held in the
Rheems Church of the Brethren, on
Saturday evening, Thursday 11, at
7:30. The Gospel Light Girls’ Quar-
tet will provide the music.
This program is sponsored by
Elizabethtown Chiques, Conewago,
Kay Metz-
White Oak and West Greentree
eet Bec.
James Glatfelter of town suffered
a heart attack while visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Harold J. Harmon
of Ventnor City, New Jersey,
nearby tele- | Mr.
land Mrs. Benj.


$2.00 a Year in Advance |
| Manheim
Counsel has been engaged for |
John L. forty-two, of
Florin, charged with the murder of |
Harry G. |
his 73 year old neighbor,
It was announced over the week-
end that C. W. Eaby Sr
stn have been engaged by
the Mrs. Emily
Newcomer of Md, for |
and his
a cou=
sin of
his defense next
Meanwhile, it was reported that |
in the
raise the |
Eaby |
Troutwine at
Saturday in |
friends of Troutwine
area were attempting to
funds to aid in his defense.
said he talked with
the County
preparation for a defense.
Everything That
Happened At |
Florin Recently
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hershey vis- |
ited Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Roberts in
trapped | Mechanics} urg on Sunday.
Mrs. Lillian Hamilton and Brenda |
past two weeks at
Washington, D. C. with Mr. and
Mrs. Hatton,
Mrs. Katie Foreman of near Eli-
zabethtown spent Wednesday with
and Mrs. B. F. Kauffman.
Mrs. Emma Boyer spent Tuesday
at Lancaster.
Miss Marion Kay Gerlitski was a
{lonsilectomy patient at St. Joseph's
hospital last week. |
Mrs. Samuel Shelley visited Mr.
Ulmer near E-town
on Sunday.
Mrs. Michael DeLong and sons,
Dohner’s | Mickie and Dickie and Mr. and Mrs.
time | Edward Liggins of Philadelphia and
and |
Mr. and Mrs. William Brian
sons, of Mount Joy visited Mr.
Mrs. Martin Liggins on Sunday.
The Florin Fire Co. Auxiliary
will serve a baked ham dinner on
Sunday, March 12 from 11:30 to
3:00 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrp Frye and son
Kenneth of Carlisle, visited Mr.
and Mrs. George Mumper Thurs--
Mr. and Mrs. James Berrier of
Milton Grove visited relatives and
friends in town on Sunday.
Misses Janet Barton and Minnie
Shelly of Lancaster visited the lat-
ters father, Mr. Samuel Shelley.
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren = Eshelman
of Emigsville, York Co. were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Mumper on Saturday.
Mrs. Wilson Felty and Mrs. Jas.
E. Wagner of Lancaster called on
M:s. Benj. Kauffman Tuesday af- !
ternoon. |
meeting of
The regular monthly
the Florin Fire Co., will be
Tuesday evening.
Saturday, Feb. 11, O. J. Kling will
have public sale of some household
goods at his home on Main Street.
The Florin Fire Co. and Friend-
ship Fire Co. of Mount Joy were
summoned to Mrs. Kathryn Snyd-
er’s at Fairview Orchards Wednes-
day evening but their services were
not needed. Mrs. Snyder told fire-
men she was in a brooder house
when some hot coals fell from a
brooder house stove and unto the
She reported that she told her
children to bring a fire shovel from
the home with which to pick up the
coals but instead, they called both
fire companies.
The annual meeting of the Stock-
Florin Foundry
holders of the and
Manufacturing Company, was held |
at the office of the Company, Flor-
, Penna., on Monday, February 6,
1950. The following members of the
Board of Directors were re-elected |
fl. M. Colqu- |
for the ensuing year; E
houn, I. A. Prouser, J. W. Solan
houn, R. A. Schule, and H.
Sellers. The Board of Direc toe S
following offi-
President; J. W.
E. M.
then re-elected the
I. A. Prouser,
Vice President;
Sellers, Secretary.
——— et
Richard R. Bires, Manheim R2,
and Charlotte M. Hoffer, Manheim.
Leroy F. Sweigart, Mount Joy R1
and Marian A. Groff, Manheim RI.
Robert E. Bradley, Manheim R2 |
and Eva Lou Stanley, M:unt Joy |

H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc. in-
vite all farmers and their families
torattend John Deere Day at the
Mount Joy high school on Monday,
February 13th, at seven fifteen P.M.
etl A A Bee. cme.
On Saturday Lillie M. Mummaw,
of Ironville sold a frame dwelling
there to Henry Musser for $7,600.
| at St.
| Mrs.
Florin | ning
and M. H. |
Thr This
tin mae
Mrs. Alice Beck Westerman, nines
fa at Columbia,
Mrs. Anna W. Donley, sixty-eight
widow of George Donley, Eliza=
| bethtown R3.
Clarence A. Good, seventy-nine,
Joseph's Hospital, He was a
native of Mount Joy.
Mrs. Anna M. Musselman, sixty-
wife of Benjamin H. Mussel-
at Donerville, West Hempfield
sixty-eight, at
| township.
Sarah Arndt Gise
Arndt Gise,
Sarah widow
of Elmer B. Gise, died Tuesday eve- .
at her home in Berwyn.
Deceased was born in Florin and
| moved to Berwyn about thirty-five
| years ago.
Surviving are two daguhters,
Ephraim Arndt, Sr,
a brother,
| also neices and nephews.
's Funeral servees will be held on
Saturday at two o'clock at Manger’s
| Funeral home in Malvern. Viewing
| Friday evening 7 to 9 p. m.
Michael M. Wagenbach
Michael M. Wagenbach, 8, died
Tuesday evening at his home on
Chocolate Avenue, Florin. A
Deceased was born in W. Hemp=
field Township.
Funeral services will be held on
Saturday afternoon 1:30 at the late
| home and 2 p. mu. in the Evang. 1,
B. Church, Florin. Interment in the
Eberle Cemetery. Friends may call
at the late home Friday 7 to 9 p.m.
Surviving are a brother, Andrew
| ' Wagenbaugh, Lancaster and a sis=
ter, Miss Mollie Wagenbaugh, Mt.
Charles S. Baltozer
Charles S. Baltozer, eighty-four,
died at 12:15 p. m. Sunday at the
home of his son, Joseph G. Bal-
tozer, Church St., Florin, after a
two week's illness. Born at Blaine
Perry County he was a retired
farmer. Surviving are these
children: Floy, wife of IL. D
Kauffman and Oreville Baltozer,
both of South Mountain, Berks
County; Joseph G. Baltozer, with
Elizabeth, wife
Mifflintown RD
whom he resided:
of Harry Yiegh,
and Margaret, wife of Clarence
Sheaffer, Loysville. Twenty granll
children and 21 great grandchildren
also survive. He was the last of
his immediate family.
The funeral was held in the
Methodist Church at Blain, Perry
County on Wednesday afterncon
| with interment in the Blain Ceme-
{ tery.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sherer
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Sherer, eighty,
Mount Joy R2, widow of the Rev.
Samuel H. Shearer, died Wednesday
fat 10:45 a. m. at her home. Death
was attributed to a cerebral hemor-
by Dr. David E. Schlosser,
(Turn to Page 5)
a —
H.G. Eichelberger
Left An Estate
Of $6,500.00
{ Harry G. Eichelberger, 73 year
old Florin man who was slain last
at $6.-

| week, left an estate valued
500 and upwards, records at
| Courthouse showed.
| The handyman who fixed lawn
| mowers and radios for a living left
| personal property valued at $5,000
{and upwards and real estate worth
Ms 500 and upwards, according to
{letters of administration which
were issued Monday to two neph-
| ews and a niece.
| The real estate included the
[ house on Square St., Florin, where
was found dead of a gunshot
Ho on Sunday January 29th.
Adminstrators for the estate ave
{ Herman E. Brubaker, 51 W. King
| st , Lancaster and Carl Brubaker
| 329 Ryder St, the nephews, an
| D. Ellen Stoltz, E'town, a niere.
Weeks Birth Record
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Cramer
| Landisville, a son on Friday at the
Lancaster Osteopathic Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sipling,
of Rheems, a daughter at St. Jo-
seph’s Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. William Stum of
Elizabethtown R2, a son Friday at
St. Joseph's Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller Jr., of
Manheim R2, a daughter at the
| General Hospital Tuesday.