The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 12, 1950, Image 1

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Concert By Lincoln Universi Glee Club In High School Auditorium, Feb. 23rd


a T he Community’ S Banks T
Je t I t he Mount Jo Bulletin
« the Appended are the directors elec= | ographer; Mrs. Ruth Sharpe, rs
food ted hy the various banks thruout | keeper; Charles Latchford is the |
: “ > > pr y ;
Ideal this locality messenger and janitor, Louis S.| VOL. XLIX, NO. 33 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, January 12, 1950 $2.00 a Year in Advance
it or First National Bank and Trust May, Esq. counsel, .
5 Company, Mt. Joy The bank increased its surplus )
Cc The annual meeting of the stock- | $25000 at the close of the year hur Fi L ddi E. H fi IdT j his I y Mt A a t D a tle y S L al F Ik Ar
25¢ holders of the First National Bank | The surplus now is $225,000 i re a es emp 1€ wp. | LS S + rar un S S 0C 0 S €
and Trust Co. was held on Tues- Union National v
35¢ day in the bank building. Mount Joy Bank Installed Officers ‘School Board 0OKS| Copping hare
Directors were elected as follows: I. D. Stehman, W. A. Coventry, en e a S oy
Henry H. Eby, John E. Melhorn, | Phares R. Nissley, Clarence 8S. ‘Buildin Pl v F Sh P 3
C Amos H. Risser, Paris H. Hostetter, | Newcomer, Henry H. Koser, John Thursday Eveng. | g ans arm ow rizes
Dr. E. W. Newcomer, - Daniel M. | B. Nissley, Harvey Rettew, Martin At ‘the reel AU ti | School directors of East Hemp- | What a beautiful week for the
. non : : e Ie ar Ja ny me n " | i :
Wolgemuth, John M. Booth, S.|S. Musser, Alvin J. Reist and oF Boling Fire Company o | field Township have approved the | Penna. State Farm Show which is
Nissley Gingrich and J. Musser | Claude H. Grosh were re-elected i ' ® Il past J f | building plans fcr a new elemen- heing held at Harrisburg this week
y OI 1 as ran i. 1e ollicers elec were mstallec or > | i
Wolgemi te 3 : : 8 directors : . i the year by past president Zerphey tary school bauilding in Rohrers- | We hope the Weather Man contin
The reorganization effective on The reorganization was held this Er or > 6 "i =e . y “! town. Details of specifications | ues his kindness throut the week.
Tuesday morning follows: Henry | morning as follows: Martin S. ey re © No ows Jom FEN and drawings were explained to | heretof
C H. Eby, president. Mr. Eby has | Musser, president; John B. Nissley, drix, President; Levi G. Dillinger, i the board at a meeting this week | Lancaster wanty Ng in pos
been a member of the board of | vice president; Carl S. Krall, cash- first vice-president; Earl Zink, se- | by Ross W. Singleton, Lancaster 5 copping Prizes right ond oft, on
the First National for 34 years and [ier and trust officer: Victor Shank. | ¢ond vice president; Richard Divet, architect | the opening day prizes officially
was re-elected president for his | assistant cashier and trust officer: recording Segretaty: Thomas J.B J. M. Swarr, board secretary | announced Monday 1 4 vais
tenth term. S. Nissley Gingrich, | Norman Sprecher, assistant cashier Brown m, assistant; Rescoe Has- disclcsed Thursday evening that i 107 to Lancaster county exhibi
vice president; Dr. E. W. New- | Lester G. Hostetter and Linneaus | financial secretary and official state approval is given the | 70 for tobacco; 23 for home econom=
comer, secretary; E. M. Bomberger, | Longenecker, tellers; Ruth Coble treasurer; Henry Zerphey, assis- | plans this week or early next ies exhibits; and 14 for fat lambs.
cashier; R. Fellenbaum, trust offi- | Krayhill, stenographer, Ruth ap Rev. Thomas McGregor, the | week, the board will promptly ad- | A $40 cash prize was awardetl he
cer and assistant cashier; Warren | Shenk, Christine R. Weidman, Hairy ag Hustes vertise for construction bids. | Lancaster Fra Growers Ae
H. Bentzel, assistant cashier and | Clerks; Florence Miller and "Lois > Hig A) oo fire The new structure at Rohrers- tion for a display of 15 bushels o
assistant trust officer; Joseph Bre- | B. Hostetter, bookkeepers; Isaiah ro . fue! : Miller, assistant; | py to be erected on a new five- five different varieties of apples.
b neman, Mrs. Elizabeth Strickler, | Sumpman, messenger and janitor: ise Shirk, elif erigineer; J2- | acre plot southwest of the pre- Tobacco growers from. the me
tellers; Dorothy Gingrich, book- | Solicitors, Arnold, Bricker and oh Arndt chemicalman; sent site will be a one-story build- | mediate vicinity who won prizes
keeper; Wilbur Hawthorne, teller | Beyer. Pa Brandt, chief hose director; | ji, containing six classrooms, a | for their seedleaf were: Donald L.
and bookkeeper; Lois Miller, sien- (Turn to Page 2) ] a £ ees. ciief hook and gymnatorium, cafeteria and kind- Swarr, Landisville; J. Arthur Swarr
Er er om po -— a” Ah ig An 2. Gang, Sopa of dergarten. Modern ventilating | Landisville; J. K. Hostetter, Man-
p e; 1omas Brown , delegate equipment and a vapor heating heim R1; J. Floyd Kreider, Man-
Wed . Th : RD2 MAN IN AUTO 2 ee anvention; Harry Hen- cys'em will be installed. . | heim Rl; and a number of other
sc dings Thruout corso a" [aie hemi moc ioe | “357 le 0% © GRAND CHAMPION GUERNSEY BULL ime
| Damage in excess of $209 re - § ANC au randt, delegates to c vhoolh : ; : ‘ : i rei
0 C . = 2 e in 2 € SS wil $ I Bodmin: Fe rod a schoolhouse at Rohrerstown hous- Mr. David Yoder, manager of the | ia State Farm Show being held at]placed second in the Aged bull class Lilly Ann Greider, Mount Joy RL
| ec "Om ¢ 'ollision of cars ve ’ é iM) i Iris we elementarv nile 3 . . 5.9 v . : mn Mode 4 , ‘ize
ur ommunity ie 1 ral " illic. 1 riven Shirk, alternates: James Markley ( lementary pupils of seven gra- | Southeastern Pennsylvania's Arti- | Harrisburg this week. at the Maryland State Fair in 1948, | Won a prize on sheep.
yy Ha . ams, wenty- j= hy 4 ates, James Me Yi | de + olaser | : : : | The: ve i
. eight, Mount Joy RD2 nd y { Christ Charles, Earl Derr. David les in four classrooms. ficial Breeders Co-operative at The above is a picture of the bull Anothed Winner These local prizes were won on
ight, | t Joy 2 a t ries, Le -2 4 avic st etl ———— iy . be n ing: i -
During Past Week R. Sullivan, seventy-six a Shelly and Horace Wertz, enter- igs Landisville, has the proud distinc- | when he was a boy. Mt. Ararat A stablemate, “Wethersfield La- | Home My: Danis} Vol
M1 Aigner County ¢ | tainment committee. SPOKE TO THE ROTARIANS | tion of showing the first Guernsey | Dauntless is a champion all the | vern’s Patrician”, entered by the gemuth, Florin; Mrs. William Lon-
Cc . TT { ov ar : . > Sel ‘mms firemen decided w S50 tedeem Your Routine’, was dis- | bull from Lancaster County ever | way. He was born Dec. 10, 1944 and | Landisville group, took first place in genecker, Mt. Joy R2; Mrs. Ethel
. Mary Ellen Book | Chestnut and shippen Streets at remen decided to. pay 3500 : : M. Longenecker, Mt. Joy R2
{ Luke R. Boml Lancaster, Thursday No one was | 10 the borough The payment, | sed at the meeting of the Rotary [to win and be judged the [tips the beam at 1675 lbs. He is al his class as the best two-year-old | M. Long ’ JOY ‘
i » roo) rs y rsday. » as | > pe H v m si 3 re e a le
be ee Of Yerger i 3 injured (Turn to Page 4) Club Tuesday, at Hostetter’s. | grand champion at the Pennsylvan- | sire of a very fine type and was{ guernsey bull in the show. There ; were a large number of
The marriage of Miss Mary El- red, : ee The Rev. Howard Blackburn, pas- | —— a oi as other prizes won by exhibitors from
len Book, daughter f Mr. and Williams told police he was driv- | tor of the Methodist Churcl f 1 BE this locality.
i Mrs. Frank K. Book. of Bareville, | ing east on Chestnut St. when M . E d: Leola wos of A rch of | MRS. MARIE SUMMY IS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE a
i . ’ L + beh si a as the speaker. | 2 A ) DIT 1 i wT
de i and Luke R. Bomberver. son of | struck on the right side by Sulli- otorist scape y W. DePerrot was the Iv visi HOME FROM HOSPITAL ngagements HOLDS ANNUAL BANQUET
5 Mr. and Mrs. Elam M. Bomberger, | van’s car which failed to halt for ing Rotarian Tor ae ony visit-| Mrs. Marie Summy, twenty-sev- The Mount Joy Chamber of Com-
> ; of this boro, took lace at 11 [a stop sign. Sullivan claimed he olan present. | en, 121 Columbia Ave, who had merce held their annual business ortuary ecor
s bx {oo place a ayes . i ruc rom ear I'wo important announcements ie S seph’s Hos e own
m. Saturday at the home of the | did stop for the sign, while head- were made Rotary’s 168th Di [506i 4 Datjent ot SL Joseplis Hose meeting and banquet at Hostetter's °
* bride The ceremony was per- | ed north on Shippen Street, but James R. Tome, seventeen, Pine trict Conference will mee : i H I | Bile; since Oct: 309s the Yesult of : on Tuesday evening. Throughout This
formed hy Bishop G. Parke Book, | did not see Williams approaching | Street, this boro, escaped unhurt shey April 16 to 18th, nd on {2 two car crash on the New Har- 0C esl ents Prasident Jos. Shaeffer gave a
. : ( C S rec ) ’ a roc ich: ne
grandfather of the bride | due to another car headed south | Sunday night when his auto was I | risburg Pike, was discharged op . : resume of activities and reported .
1 the Rotary Clubs of Lebanon, Pal- : Miss Mildred L. Walters daugh~
C i M. Arlene Landis, of Willow St. |" Shippen Street. struck from behind by another | myra Annville and Myers Borg | Satprday. and taken home in. the es hare | VR that during the year the Chamber
tv was maid of honor. Miss Betty i TS car and forced dcwn an embank- Tickets to the." Ei owl hospital ambulance. for of ‘Mr and Mis Wail had sponsored a sales day, assisted Harry Seifert, seventy-four, Ma=
. Town Book of Berks: ue Brin 76 YEAR OLD MAN WAS eens on the Pike. at i niv ot Mrs. Summy was an occupant of Salunga, announced her engagement in Hospital drive, presented medals { sonie Home Elimbetilowr. the
oid 1 ornaliz ook | GRANTE ’ he Rheems Eine § wT ub concert to be held | an automobile operated hy her |to Charles W. Jamison, Campbell- : : : : : : fy
maid and Cornelia Ann Book, of | GRANTED A DIVORCE the Rheems underpass intersection. | in the high school auditorium , wn Miss Walters is employed | © the 4-H winners of the judging | Lancaster General Hospital.
Bareville was junior bridesmaid. A seventy-six year old man who State Policeman Donald J. Hol- | here on February 23 rd, ilk psa) Aram. 1. Samay: Js 0 Es ues J and showman contest held during Rev. George W. Welsh, seventy-
The bride wore 5 gown of ivory | charged’ his wife aged seventy-one | lywood said the crash occurred at] distribu ary 2irc wi € | thirty-one, same address, which [In the office of the Pa. Power and or Pari Shot crud soonsored mia ev. George , elsh, s y
af ) ory | chi 1 y seventy-cne | 1 88 as xd at | distribute anuar i : . \ . our Farm S 8 sponsore = | nine, : illia
ea | d January 17th The |.collided with + operated by | Light Co. here and Mr. Jamison nine, at Williamsport He was a
satin. The maid of honor wore |deserted him, was granted a di- [8:50 p. m. when Tome tried to | proceeds of is ev are. tor a ct peratecl Dy : : ries at the farm show. ANT Re i . :
proceeds of this event are for the | Russell Huntzinger, forty East | by Mark Memorials in Palmyra vies a x former pastor at Manheim.
4 peach colored satin and the bride- | vorce in court Friday make a left turn frem Route 230 Lenefit of the Rotary Fi lati ae See Ys ast : : Messrs. M. N. Bailey, John D. i
EE io re " oe a = wotary Foundation. | Haddenfield, N. J. Her father a : oI? Geo. Resch, ninety-one, of Mar-
R maids wore yellow satin. Harvey H. Nolt, 131 N. Eighth St. | onto the Rheems road and was ——— we . Roland, Clyde Oberholtzer, L. |. ) 1d idents. died: Inst
Elton Bomberger was best man | Columkia received a divorce from | Struck on the left rear by an auto | Beamenderfer, was killed The Rev. and Mrs. Jeremiah R. Wivers and Cliris, Walters were cls ions dest Jon ents, Jey as
for his brother and ushers were |Mery Ann Nolt, Maytown. He |operated by Robert Mountenay, Everything That [anny in the crash. Charges | Rothermel, 1520 Palm St. Reading, ected to serve as directors for a 3 Thursd ay at his hoe, e was
Leon Denlinger, of Fast Peters- | charged she deserted him on Jan. | {Wenty-six, Doylestown, Pa + of inveluntary manslaughter were | antioynce the engagement of their year term. 8 bark director for 5 yeu.
burg and Jos Hess of Maytown. 1908. : "The couple wore Sl Mountenay, emplcyed as a de- | brought against Summy. He has | daughter, Geraldine to Russell P.|* a el me 3 Elizabeth, widow of Willard F.
3 I re mar 3 | posted: bail for ach f the Ls Yoiz Le isvill ; Interesting movies were chosen
A trio composed of Mrs. John | ried June 18, 1901. puty in the Attorney General's appene Bo 3 Op 9 te Lan. | Geiz, Londitvills, son of Mr, and as an entertainment feature Metzger. at the home of her days
a W. Neff, of Manheim; Miss Louise | bie -— office, told police he thought Tome | caster County Grand Jury. Mrs. William P. Getz, of Denver. |“ ° ’ : .. 'ghter Mrs, Mary Risser, E'town.
H ’ Lit » Miss Louise | ‘ : 8 ° memati fll Mi Rot} The reguar monthly meeting will She was eighty-four Mrs. Fd
ss z; ise , : sas merely p go 0 over- i liss Rotherme] is a senior : : che was elgnly- 2 5. -
ors of gi and Mis Jeanne | . Wes merely pulling. out to over orin Recentl | CARS IR , > es therme] is a senior at], peg at the home of President «i i :
Kreider, ¢f Manheim, sang Gif take a preceding vehicle Tome’s | RS DRIVEN BY B. Lebanon Valley College Conserva- ward Gingrich, it. Joy RD is a
Sse Tn y wale FL | an 0 e 111] 4 | AN TS : TY Shaeffer on Monday, January 16th! .
receivers were Mrs. Joe Hess, of vehicle was pushed about 50 feet Mr. and Mrs. David Mumper of | AND B. GUTSHALL COLLIDE tory of music and Mr. Getz, a : ; . : sister.
5. « 5S, } I I ‘Tuesday afer Trt Si Lr “lat which time the officers will be
Maytown; Miss Rhoda Buchen, of | and ran down an embankment | Camp Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Ji Uesiay Officer /LVC graduate, is supervisor of elected for the urrent yeai y
: : . 31 ael G investigated an : : . 4 lecte > cure year. hana &
"wr Farmersville; and Miss Marion | retna ottages about four feet high, shaking up | E. Eschbach over the week end. | ael Good investigated an automo- music in East Hempfield Twp. Mrs. Bella Shaeffer Sumpman
alf Burkart, of near Bareville. The Mt. Gretna Camp Meeting the driver Total damage was Mrs. Helen Musser and son, Jim- | bile accident at the intersection of | Schools. Mrs. Bella Shaeffer Sumpman,
After a reception for about 100 | Associ: ation’ met Suturd : and 1 = | estimated at $350. my entertained on Sunday: Mrs. | South Market and Marietta Streets. E | Albni ht wife of Rev. Samuel Sumpman died
guests at the home cf the bride, | gan plone to Ai a i re — — eee Adah Tichler and daughter Mar- | H. Blaine Gutshall made a left Mr. and Mrs. C. Cecil Rode, 250 ar rig at the Evangelical Congregational
be ans & oe of ! g , Ss. LU y ln
¢ the couple went on a wedding trip | Summer cottages de in | OLD TIME SQUARE DANCE garet and Miss Grace Pierce. | hand turn east on Marietta Street N. Second St., Columbia, announce Home at Myerstown last Saturday.
to he Sah I'ney will reside | $100,000 fire last Nov. 27. | Like square dancing, fun, music? Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Geib were | *" % Ste was the engagement of their daughter, Heads Ironville The Fingal Was hel x M erst
in Bareville. ‘ : in wm Sunday guests J Ar. i « | west on Marietta Ave, when 12 : 5 > . Wednesday with the Rev. L. Dallas
Plans call for cle: 5 »bris | Tt ark “de awe Of unday 1ests of Mr. and Mrs 3 Grace, to Wilbur J. Brandt, son of
(Turn to page 3 S tel for clealung up debris | Then mark Thursday, January 26th Beri; | cars collided. Mo: oe a » Ziegler of the local E. C. Church,
er 0 page at the fife site, with on your calendar or « date to be) | oe lured ut demas Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brandt, 30 West ire om any as : : ;
¢ NM the purchase. of Lif plots | Rept ut the hich school Mrs. Katie B. Foreman of near | 0 one was injured but damage | np,i, St, this boro. Miss Rode lives p assisting in the service. Burial was
Th L al N in the razed block. The entire | The Parents Band Club of Mount Elizabethtown, spent Wednesday | ata Gi i aid with her maternal grandparents, New officers have been named al Middletown, The Surman the
€ oC ews area will then be replotted into | Joy will sponsor a square dance with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kauffman. iid Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shive, 642 | for the Ironville Fire Company and til recently lived on Donegal
| larger lots and offered for sale. | from 8 to 11 p. m. with Jim Hen- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Myers en- | Walnut St, Columbia. its Auxiliary. Springs Rond,
. For The Past W eek The owners will have pri- dricks, of Lancaster furnishing the tertained the following on Sunday: | School News From A graduate of Columbia High Earl Albright has been named Carrie K. Weaver
> ority for the purchase of the lots. music. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Becker and School, she is employed in the of- | president of the company. Other Miss Carrie K. Weaver, fifty-
9¢ Ver Briefly Told \ DE Young, Harrisburg, was| Mrs. Linton is chairman of the family ind Mr. and Mus. Jacob | fice of the Marietta Transportation | officers are Luther Ulrich, Vice| i tied at 9:20 a. m. Sindy
y A | named president of the association | refreshments and Jay Shirk is in Eshleman. : ‘De oneg wp. Corps Depot. Mr. Brandt, is em- | President; Glenn W. Kauffman, sec- | "© 5 00 04 ther-in-law
ve | during the session while William | charge of publicity. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Buller and | 5 Ni ional ployed by the Mount Joy Mill. He | retary; Charles Gingrich, treasurer; and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
~- H. Homer, Oberlin, was chosen iB daughter, Maude and Mr. and Mus. | James Garber, senior vocational | was recently discharged from the [John Fox and Raymond Singer | ¢.. jer Newtown, Columbia RDI
t John G. Meckley. fifty, was badly | yjce president; and Dr. C. H Emory Walters and daughter of | 28riculture student at East Donegal | ., os . i . ohyder, Newtown, Lolumbia ,
r nigel Whe By 4 fl orl ; ; ang r. A : a , i S an daughter o » i Hos eal U. S. Navy after three years of | trustees for three years, and Roy after an illness of nine years,
h 3 the strest dt = | Stine, Harrisburg, secretary. ‘Brief News From Maryland were Sunday dinner | OVID igh 300k bi ohe service. No date has been set for | Fornoff, chief. The company will | pics Weaver was born in New
- 3 oh LR iol | Sixteen cottages were destroyed , guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gerlit- | of six county hoys to receive the| , wedding. meet Monday at 8 p. ra. in the Fire | 4 daughter of the late Hen=
] Kolb, 10, New Providence, | by the fice and ten others damaged. | hs ski and family. | Keystone Farmers Degree at the - eee Hall = Y ST
ras bitte he tl b by a pet! A al ol ie es 'Th b | F : | pa Cintas. Thm al : Cn : ry and Mary Ann Kemmerly Wea-
Ay 5 vitten on the thumb by a pet | A number of the cottages were | e al 1es or The following guests visited Mr. | Pe nnsylvania State Farm Show, at SEWING AND HANDWORK Officers of the CGadies’ Auxiliary | ver and was a member of New-
horse. {owned by Loncaster countians. | and Mrs. George Mumper on Sun- | Harrisburg on January 11. iii Y ou include: Mrs. Benjamin Haverstick i
ave B.S t. Plizahe i] The fina | . ° Pa > wv 2 an ad CLASS FOR YOUTH-ADULTS include: Mrs. ben) aversuck, ) own United Brethren Church.
Harry G. Shonk, Elizabethtown | The fire also threatened the camp | day: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Frye The Keystone degree is awarded president: Mrs. Wilbur Rettew, vice | g ived by tl followi
; ye | i sident: S. y She is survive fing
12 was prosecuted at Manheim for | meeting grounds auditorium of the uc €a gS and daughter of Adams C . |each year to the outstanding FFA| The Home Economics Department | . wr, 2 Nea amis Ne 15 SUIVIVE y he Jo owing
ie ; di 1 f Adams Co., Mr. A ... | president; Mrs. Paul Kauffman, sec- | sisters and brothers: Mrs. Annie
driving too fast for conditions. | Evangelical United Brethren Dial phones will be installed at | and Mrs. James Mumper and chil- | boys in the state. These boys are|of the Mt. Joy High School will retary; Mrs. Luther Ulrich, treas-| Snyder, York: Samuel, Mount Jo
———— Ww — y x pi $ BY | 5 : . : ar) J reas- | Snyder, ork; Se \ :
Ty | Church. | Middletown. Work started last | dren of Maytown: Mr. and Mrs. | chosen on the basis of their scholas- | sponsor an evening sewing and fiver. and Mrs. Christ. Eaulfinan, Harr Columbia RDY; Lizzie
LADY FRACTURES WRIST IN Fil ai = ek Clyde M sr and family of i tic record, leadership ability, and | handwork class for out of school : ny ’
oy xs fo week y Mumper and family of Mt. | X ya eh trustee. of Harry Heslet, Mount Joy; Em-
VERY UNUSUAL MANNER | ANNUAL SOCIAL MEETING Washingtonboro is considering | Joy; and Mr. and Murs. Charles | supervised farming program. Those | youth and adults. Instruction in be- i anuel, Rheems; Abner, Mount Joy;
Miss Grace Holwager, sixty-four, | OF OUR FARMERS’ CO-OP. the sale of its one rcom school | Betiner and sons of Milton Grove. | making the greatest programs in ginning and advanced Sewing will ATTENDING CONFERENCE wife of Pefer Greenawalt.
this koro, Main St, suffered = Next Monday, January 16th, the | buildings. Fire Co. Meeting | each of these categories after be- | be given. If you are interested in AT HARRISBURG oH : Lanc Fred, Columbia; Milton,
fractured right wrist when she annual meeting of the Mount Joy | Of all the peculiar fines handed The regular monthly meeting of |coming an FFA member are award- making clothing for yourself OF I Pastor C. 1. Summy is attending | Etown RD1 and Irene, wile of
1 was struck by a falling roll of Farmers Cooperative Association | down by Justice, at Middletown a | the Florin Fire Co., was held in| ed the Keystone Degree. : family or linens, curtains, drapes, a Contorencs and dinner meeting at | Victor Snyder with whom she re=
9¢ se lin leum she was inspecting at a | will be held in the Evangelical Uni- squire fined two disorderly men | the Hall with Ben Staley presid- | James has been active in both | ete. for the household come to the the: Hotel this Satur | Sided.
3c furniture store at Lancaster on | ted Brethren social room. £5 or a pint of blood. They bled em. | ing. | school and club work since enter- | Home Economics Room of the High dow in Herrishur aka The funeral was held from hep
9c Tuc sday. She was treated at St.| a turkey dinner will be served at | Councilman Charles Keller, six- Installation of officers for '50 were | ing the Future Farmers of America | School Monday evening, January The Conference is being spon- late home Wednesday afternoon
Joseph's Hospiial. : 6:45 p. m., to the members and | ty, of Wrightsville, was arrested for (Turn to Page 3) | Organization. He has served both as | 14th at 8:00 p. m. sored by. the Stark: Norserics of with services in the Newtown Uni=
| femilies and invited guests. slashing a contractor in the face yy President and Treasurer of the = MR as ted Brethren Church. Interment
SCHOOL MERGER PARLEY v : i Th sal FFA Ch: «and Ras. als 9 . Louisiana, Missouri. Sr
. HELD AT MAYTOWN | Mr. J. Kenneth Stern, President | with a pocket knife. AGED COUPLE SEEK DIVORCE Donega 1apter an as a 50 E. HEMPFIELD SUPERVISORS el ty lism wes made in the adjoining ceme-
IS HELI % A) 2 i of the American Institute of Coop- Television network setups are ex- Mire, Gara I. Hershey... Eliza | heen very actve as a leader in his! AID FOUR FIRE COMPANIES terv.
srger » sci stricts : v Mrs. Sar: ; rshey, Eliza- |
Merger o the 5g 2 I o ricts Ob | eration, will be the speaker. pected to double during this year. } : oe aya i : . | community. The E. Hempfield Twp. super-
Mt. Joy. Marietta and E. Doneg2l eS Shan i ethtown, has sued her husband for | holastioallv. he is above ave : J
oo wiki inn uid John L. Lewis has ordered 66.-|. qivorce. They are married 49) Scholastically, he is above aver-|yjsors make annual contributions STOVEPIPE AND CHIMNEY
nD. was scussed at eo A . i ar é Bnet te bas : ular : 3
es a at un OYSTER SUPPER JANUARY 28 000 of his coal diggers back to work. yours and both are 70. She elatms | age in his studies and his project help support four volunteer| Samuel P. and Arabella Sump- | OVERHEATED, CAUGHT FIRE
Mc ay & a) . | « « . = > 5; i 7 A : . ‘ ’ .
Each district decided to appoint 4 The Ladies Bible Class of the A New York newspaper says the “ruel troatinent | program is rated as one of the best | fire companies in the township, | man, Mount Joy to Burd and Rod- Mt. Joy's Friendship Fire Com=
Lac 2C1ae é 2 . :
delegates to study the question | Landisville Church of God will | Justice Department is ready to - sn in the county. Edward F. Starr, one of the super- | gers Memorial Home, Herndon, a | pany was called at 1:00 p. m. Tues-
A further a : | serve an oyster supper at the Fire | compromise its suit against the ’ - | Merle Arnold, senior president, | visors reported this week. lot, Donegal Springs Road, East} day to the home of Clyde E. Wivell,
J i Betis Hall on Saturday, January 28 from | A&P. Week S Birth Record and chosen as “Boy-of-the-Month” | Starr listed these annual con- | Denegal Twp. Manheim R4, three miles north of
i Rev. Dallas Ziegler of the Boan- | four to eight o'clock. At Lancaster a man erecting a was the guest of the Maytown-Bain- | tributions (over and above State -ye Mt. Joy, when a kitchen stovepipe
: gelical Congregational church is a television aerial was stranded atop| Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Hoffman, bridge Rotary Club Thursday eve- aid); Rohrerstown Fire Co. $650; | TEST WELL WATER and chimney became overheated
] A surgical patient at the St. Joseph's Mr. George Germer was in the | a high building. Firemen rescued | Rheems, twin daughters on Friday ming. He spoke to the clubs on the | Landisville, $650; Salunga, $250; If your water supply comes from and caught fire. Firemen said the
4 him. at the Lancaster General Hospital. | duties of a class president. and East Petersburg, $250. a well, have it tested. damage was restricted to smoke,
hospital. Columbia hospital for observation.