The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 29, 1949, Image 4

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    You Can't

mas day with Mr and Mrs. Lloyd, PRINT 1000 ENVELOPES a
Derr and family at Mt. Joy. School News From Like Last Time.

d—=The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, December 29 id NEWTOWN




Church Notes i sui ws ee Got A Semple? Tell Em Like ||| | ARE YOU IN THE | C
Miriam Shelly, as Mary the mot : 7 {vor € as radav | S$ 5
or a a ig as Mary the moth | Mr. and Mrs. Aristice Wittle and York : City spent Just Ts (From page 1) : Lo t ust J DOG HOUSE?
> wa Rufus Shelly, Vernon Wolgemuth daughter Ruth were Sunday dinner with he r mother, Mrs. Hite cock,| Vernon Hawthorne, Mr. John C. an q H WALLET.
NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL|and John Brubaker as Melchoir. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | who makes her home Rev. Hart is the faculty advisor for the = AND HER The .
THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY | Caspar and Balthsar, respectively. wittle and family, of Marietta, and and Mrs. Arndt. |yearbook. The staff has chosen the pl and The ADS In This Paper 2
AND THE ENTIRE SUR- al Shelly 23 Zondar, A serve) supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har-| Rev. and Ms. R. H. Arndt James J. Rudisill Company from E
ROUNDING COMMUNITY, at I ee ie place of | old Simons and family also of Mari- | entertained the following to 4 Lancaster to do the printing of the E
BR" Scene UI The home of Joseph and | etta. | Christmas dinner on Saturday, | yearbook. Phone Us for Your Ee
Mt. Joy Mennonite Church Mats. ted by Me. Cl | Clyde Kemmerly of Marietta | 2 . 17, Ms a Ma Habe) The Junior Class received their PRINTING =
Henry Garber, Amos Hess, and By Mr. Clarence Bru- foo. Christmas with his parents | Khelghatian and Ruth "class rings on December 5. The Subscribe for the Bulletin. te
Henry Frank, Pastor baker and Miss’ Mildred Shelly). . Chester, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Cal-| 4
Sunday Januar 1 iy ay The choir under the direction of MY. and Mus. John Kemmerly. C ? | Il hd P [rings were purchased from the
Sund: anuary 1s ; n . : ampbel] an aughters Pa-|_ —
9:00 a. m. Sunday School Mr, E. M. Wolgemuth will be sing- Mrs. Minnie Geltmacher, of Kin= od ev ty py DT Fo Disges and Clust Co., New York. =
10:00 a.m. Church Service ing these numbers: Silent Night, derhook visited Mr. and Mrs oy Ia ans Mot “ Mrs Bertl ’l The next meeting of the Elemen- RIG HT THIS WAY
. Christmas in the Air. and He gap Geltmacher on Saturday. Mes. ole ny ES NR) ary School Parents’ Chub will be :
watches over lIsrae ' eiffer an Mrs, Klizabe itch ‘
Mt. Pieasant W eines lay day visitors were Mr. and Mrs. | Peiffer anc Rhein “held February 6, when “Art Edu- gr \/) L A D | E S !
Brethren In Christ Church 130 Prover E. Stoppard of Lancaster RD | k. edtion in Elementary Schools”. will FH (23
Flder C. H. Moyer, Pastor £00 p. m. Frayer Meeting, § Mr. John Kinderhook. | Mrs, Samuel Peiffer spent Xmas * a | Pa Ye iff M Eo | To The A
Sunday January lst SS Mr. Jo , ho hous . daughter ang| Pe discussed. Paul Peiffer, May-
9:00 a. m. Sundiy School First Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. William Haines | “Veek-end with he: daughter and town, will serve as chairman of the J BEST BARGAINS in TOWN ME .
10:30 a. m. Preaching ] Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor and family were Christmas day son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George commnitise mews nO J
Revival services will begin at | New Year's Eve at 10:00 p. m. A priests of Mr. and Mr: Henry | Witmer at Millersville. Mrs, | meeting. Bre n ur .
Mt. Pleasant Brethren in Christ | Christmas Social and Waichnight 1 Wd iv = 7 . © | Peiffer is now staying at the home | P¢ rs are Mrs. Clarence Felty, Mrs. ADVERTISING COLUMNS rine A
Church on Sunday, Jan. 1st. Serves for Donegal and Mt. Joy | Ro man and family at Lititz. | of Rev. and Mrs. Arndt | James Hawthorne, and Mrs. Charles
Evangelist Bishop Luke Keefer | Presbyterian Churches at the Mt. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Urban and” 9 F B | Cunningham. Refreshment commit-
of Millersburg, P: veryone is | Joy Church. : Ho. am : tities it Three girls of the E. U. B. pla, rn .
inv i hg Eyeryone is Sunday January 1st iy Bl re oe Holley i | Sunday School entertained the|tee members appointed by Mr. Peif- B
SE 9:40 a. m. Church School [a1 fd Mes. Guy Foal TOM 1 dies Bible Class at their annualfer ave: Mrs, Milton Mowrer, Mrs. look
tht ‘ 6:30 p. m. Westminster Fellow- | Holtwood. (Wilbur Fuhrm: and Mrs. Phares How
Trinity Lutheran Church ship, Robert McGregor Leader | we i Me Victor Snyder | Christmas party on Thursday ev-| Wilbur Fuhrman, an I's, pares U D :
= eer: WL Roder, Pastor gi 30 Pp. m Boone Wor: hip 3 I y She 1 ” . a ye ening They were Peggy and|Landis. Mr. Galen Herr and Mr. Ot- for
Sunday January 1st oo Pe Me 5 a family dinner on Christmas a bi Lo { ; we. os. the alte
9:30 ny lay School Week of Prayer Service “A Call | ie om gine on : I 2 Janet Witmer and Dixie Lee|to Hecht will serve as the attend-
Jo a. m. Sunday Schoo To All-out Discipleshi { day. Guests were Mr. and Ms. | eq : Ik
10:30 a. m. Holy Communion 0 All-out Discipleship. ' et { Frank. The program opened with|ance committee. ? K
7:00 1. Vespe Tt John. Witlle of Florin, Mr. Abner | itat I Dixie I Franl Thirty-five members of the Junior ® uck
{ 1m. Spers , ; | a recitation by Xie Lee Ilrank| y-nve S < 5
Wednesday Newtown U. B. Church Weaver, of Mount Joy; Mr. and | ] : 11 rv} by! C negal z od the his
: ollowed by a ce J e wv {Class of East Donegal attended the i
7:30 p. m. Church Council meets Oscar K. Buch, Pastor Mrs. Edward Isler and daughter. | followed | oR ng e service o Dex >
it Parish House Sunday Jenuary lst On Monday Mr. and Mis, Vi the three girls. They read the|Hershey Ice Follies on Monday, De- =p :
di aris JUSE. ay Mr. ¢ S Cw! . . . 3
—— 9:00 a.m S ay Sc A . hi | Christma Story res sively. tember 1¢ y were accompanied d d d re) J)
340 1. m Sunday School. tor Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. | Chris tmas Story responsively.| tember 19. They were econ I d All Makes Repaire and Mo a rnize = = ir
St. Mark's Fp. mm, Evening Worduy. +E. | Edward Isler and daughter were | Prayers were offered by the|by Mr. Donald Staley and Miss Jane Ie they
Evangelical United Brethren I Pn m. Prayer Meeting C. E. a : . 7 : Rug A : teacher of the class. Dixie Lee|Wilson, class advisors. 1 3 caus
dora | TR >. wursday gue ¢ Mr, ¢ Ss. Audrey : \ \
tind Ezra 3, Kanck, Pastor : ———— B : 0! {at ie 3 riot a | Frank presented a pantomime to] | N T O | I ’ you
wunday Ja ary St 201CS ang am jo . x .
9:00 a. m. Sunday School Church of God Mr. and Mrs Daniel Goltmach [ Silent Night, followed with a reci-| Witmer were dinner guests of ther
. ang 5. « Je acnel ys
10:15 a. m. Morning Worship Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor > | tation hy Peggy Witmer. Lillian Witmer on Chrsitmas C 0
. ted Mrs. rock at Mar- | 3 ve : Q
Holy Communicn Sunday, January 1 Wik : i Bro pin | short playette, Prophecy Fullfilled| day. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Wit- E L E c T R | C Q N S L E Si
3:30 1. m. Youth Fe 9:30 a. n y Sc etta on S ay. Monday ey ge : |
30 F : ¥ ne ellowship i 3 Chyseh Se hoot. hip | vi i Mr. and Mrs. Ral K oy [ by Janet and Peggy Witmer, reci- mer and son, Ronald, of Peters- buil
iol ng VY Or" 4, a. A B LE) /1Sited Vir. a MIS. alpn e HR vs a The
Holy Communion hp Sermon: ‘Progress in the New Year’ | family at rE | tation by Janet Witmer. After|burg called on Christmas day. - OR - I'he
Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Holy Communion Ser- | Mr: d Mrs h a ; 1 the program games were played| Friday evening a community | POSS
8539 p.m. Choir rehearsal rin: Mr. and Mrs. John Cromwell |’ all ves. Si at WRIT Fotos. cota sic Bald 4 h SON
30 p. m. Choir rehearsa vices. : 2 : and ‘daughter spent Christmas. witt and presents were given, at which party was held in the
Meeting of Church Council Union Week of Services this week Mr i Lt Mrs pit d Ris en 1 ol time the class presented the tea-|Newtown school building. All
Tuesday to Frid t 7:30 St. Luke's Epi pl Church c pris. > rOmWER @ cher with a teachers’ Bible. [who attended had an enjoyable - Ss,
sday Friday. 30 p. m. 2's Episcopz re a. : e
S Veck “of Tos ug rd i te Re Donald Boyd Kline Mrs. Matilda Derr spent Christ | Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. time, especially the children who ® ° pre:
He . = 1 . A Mrs, Ma c Spe : tai y
various churches as announced Vicar rat | George Schoelkoph were Mr. and|were delighted with a visit from All Kinds of Sewing Supplies in Our emnant op the;
Sundav January lst Zaid voll Ben Soke f { Mrs. Victor Fogie and family, Miss|Santa Claus, who presented each hon
Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church 9:30 2. m, School 1 TH ron Priscilla Fogie, Mrs. Martha Orio,|child with a gift. An impromptu “400
AL Dallas Zeigler, Pastor. or Bg gol ot of the 20th Century. This year’s | Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D'Angelo,(program was presented, group Always plenty of free parking space and we are open evenings fat}
wunday January lst < > ays 5 wy 3 as : i :
9-20 3 1 op ne iQ a wsic w > pr > xed | of *hilade a; Irs. Annelsinging of carols was was
9:30 a. m. Sunday School er other Sundays.) music will be furnished by it Mixed | all of Philadelphia; Mrs singing Chri S
10:30 a. m, Morning Worship Brotherhood of St. Luke Corpor- Quartet composed of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius|led hy Leroy Shelly, who also J V B i MM i“ L iE ¥ the;
G3 p.m. KL.CI ate Communion on last Sunday eof AT and My jad Mes Hippler and son,’ Mr. ‘and Mis. played selections on the guitas eo ® 4 his
7+ wh 3 o Rap ~ ay ya 7.2 . ul 4 aver, an YY c y ~ = . . > nr EAE YD FE .
£7 ut is jo Seeh a Baschore “Violinist. The i Semore Jones all of Lancasterjland harmonica. Lunch was ser- SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE {he
esday through Friday is week SAYS > a x 1 esr Yara { 3 !
of prayer service as announced 7:00 a. m. Holy Eucharist. x the Gove Su fe given by Hie Mr. we! Mrs. ot Gino 0s ved to all present and the Som Phone 216] - 111 N. Market Street
— astor of the Church, the Rev. Nev- | family of Centerville; Is. 0y|tee on arrangements wishes to 35 S gra
Calvary Bible Church Church Of The Brethren nA Zeke ale ie concludes Gephart and daughter, Kathryn; thank each one for their coopera- ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 52-tf SWE
ro Perches wi > traditiona shting n=! : ; Li
Rey. C. I Summy, Pastor Elizalethiown, Pa. he aio 8! i | Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fogie and|tion in any way. a bak
Sund E NX Yoigennth, Sum. Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor per | son, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Caul cain ed eee ee eee ——
ay ar St . . * |
" 9 Fond . anc ) Margaret : L
9:15 a. m. Bible School Sunday, January 1 - | and son, Margaret and Bernell|
10:25 a. m. Morning Worship 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. The Donegal Presbyterian Church | Young all of Mount Joy; Mr. and sul
7:30 p. m. By special request | Pastor will join with many other Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor | Mrs. John Witmer, Roy Dolby of vh
there will be a repeat performance | ministers across America in preach- | Sunday January 1st | Marietta: Mr. a sg ary | wit
gt Lav $Qel v Tere? : - Y S | Marietta; Mr. and Mrs. Harry | vi
of the play “Soldiers of The King” | ing on the text, II Chronicles 7:14 New Year's Eve at 10:00 p. m. A | _ , ; of md
Characters on the theme: “How can America | Christmas Social and Watchnight Hessian! 224 fami o: Dad Sri
Almos Shelly, as Salvius. A Ro- | be Saved”. New members will be | & rvice for Donegal and Mt. Joy @ Mr Wm. Fogie and Mrs. Wm.
man Scldier in charge of registra- | received at this service. Presbyterian Churches at the Mt. | Witmer and family, Mr. and Mrs. | mn
tion at Bethlehem. 7:30 p. m. The Annual Candle- | Joy Church | Adam Fogie of Newville. a an
Robert Shank, as Marcus. A Ro- | lighting Service. 9:30 a.m. Church School Mr = Give Li :
ed i Cr : : : IW ha : an 2 orci ir. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer
man soldier, friend of Salvius. This year's service will have as 10:20 a. m. Morning Worship a a owed 3 in
Clarence Brubaker, as Joseph of {its theme, “The Light of the World” “A Day of Good Tidings and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard pap :
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