The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 29, 1949, Image 1

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The Bulle
Boy On Tricycle
Collided With
Big Stone Truck
Walter Bailey Jr, five, East
Petersburg suffered head injuries
when his tricycle and a stone
quarry truck collided on N. Main
St.,, East Petersburg.
An emergency operation to re-
lieve pressure on the brain was
performed that night. He sus- |
tained a laceration of the scalp
which required five sutures and |
brush burns of the forehead. Ta-
ken to the hospital by ambulance,
became unconscious
he while un-
dergoing treatment.
The truck was owned by the
Binkley and Ober Stone Quarry of
East Petersburg and was operated
in Wishes
John Haines Won
Prize In Contest
With Reindeer
Well folks, you may say what you
like about Dancer and Prancer,
Dunder and Blitzen and the others,
but when Old Santa added Red
Nosed Rudolph to his reindeer, he
lit up that fleet-footed aggregation
so much that it caught the judges’
| eye and John Haines, east of town
walked away with first prize,

| Tt was awarded in the Christmas
| decorations contest held in Mount
Joy and Florin, and was announced
Friday night. Mr. Haines’ home
features Santa Claus and his rein-
deer on the lawn, with many bright
lights on the surrounding shrub-
The contest was sponsored
the Mount Joy Lions Club,
money awards were given
winner. First winners receiv-
ed $10.
the residential
in the order of awards, are
the following: Clinton G. Eby, Mt.
Joy; Paul Weiser, Florin; Anthony
Warta, Mt. Joy; Jack Weidman, Mt.
Frank Germer, Mt. Joy; Lester
Mt. Joy; Lloyd Garman,
(Turn to page 6)
Weddings Thruout
winners in

by Harry McMinn, Lancaster RS.
McMinn said he was driving
south on Main St. and as he was
passing a tractor (trailer truck
headed north, the boy rode out
from the rear of the vehicle on
the (tricycle. McMinn said he
swerved to the right in an effort
to avoid the accident hut the left
rear wheel of his truck struck
the tricycle and tossed the he y to
the street, causing him to suffer
head injuries.
ee A MU eee
Twenty-five motorists from this
section of the state, had their
cards withdrawn last week by the
Bureau of Highway Safety, Har-
risburg, for infractic of the]
State motor code.
Twenty-two other drivers from |
this area had their iving privi- |
leges restored. |
These to lose their licenses im |
Marlin R. Longenecker, Et ywn |
Shirley N. Reheard, Florin:
layton L. Buckwalter, Mount-
ville; Henry A. Bovd

Stamp Colliers
May Secure
A. B.A. Stamp
Mount Joy
an opportunity to secure the
American Bankers Association
Stamp collectors of

commemorative stamp which will
be put on sale on January 3, 1950,
at Saratoga Springs, New York, it
has been announced here by the
Union National Mount Joy Bank.
The stamp will be sold at the local
post office on January 4.
It is being issued in honor of the
75th Anniversary of the founding
of the American Bankers Associa-
tion, which occurred at Saratoga
Springs at a national meeting of
bankers in 1875,
The AB.A. commemorative stamp
an attractive central design de- |
a coin on which are shown
some of the fields in which banks |
give service—a home symbolizes
family. life; a farm, raw products; a
transportation; and a skyline,
er is the wording,
the bord-
“American Bank-
ers Association,” with lettering, “U.
S. Postage,” below the central por-
tion in a dark panel. The dates,
“1875” and “1950,” appear in the
upper corners, while the “3¢” de-
(Turn to page 3)

Citizens Of

Top Row: Left to right; Lucina, ( Harry Farmer Jr. Florin.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bottom row, left to right, Beverly
Eshelman, Mount Jcy; Barry and | and Patsy, daughters of Mr. and
Mabel, children of Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Dean Robinson, Florin;
Christian Nolt Jr.,
nie, daughter
bia; Con-
nd Mr"
Mr 2


| Telephone
| truck damage at $200.
Wayne Hummer,
Our Community
During | Past Week
Freda M. Frederick
Floyd H. Gutshall
Miss Freda M. Frederick, E'town
md Floyd H. Gutshall, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Gutshall,
also of E'tcwn, were married at 6
o'clock Christmas Eve in Metho-
dist Church, Mount Joy The
Rev. James F. Mort, pastor, offi-
ciated at the double ring cere-
mony. Miss Esther Walters, or-
ganist, played the traditional wed-
ding music.
Lillian S. Dinkel
Tobias H. Siegrist
Lillian S. Dinkel,
Charles Campbell,
Tobias H. Siegrist, son of
Mrs. I. 'S. Siegrist, Mount Joy Rl,
were Saturday in Salem
Evangelical Reformed Church,
Columbia. Norman W.
Mr, Mrs
Mecunt R1, the
brother-in-law and sister,
the couple Mr.
grist will make
Chestnut St.,
bride is employed by
Co. Mr.
employed by his father.
+ rr UD re eee
Irvin W. Lighty, 19,
driving a truck of the Pennsylvan-
traveling on Route 117, about one-
half east cf Mount Gretna
about 2 p. Friday when
truck skidded on the wet highway,
Mr. and
Mrs. Sie-
home at 640
ia Game Commission, was
m. his
embankment and
over, The driver escaped
but Lebanon State Police estimated
hit an

Mount Joy and
| Business
from 2 to 5 o'clock (also January |
Its Patrons 2hd Friends a Most Prosperous and Happy New Year
Ww E
‘Mount Joy Bulletin

Residents of Mount Joy and vi-
cinity will see the new 1950 Chev-
rolet for the first time on Saturday
January 7. at the of |
nounced today by C. S. Newcomer.
Making its nation-wide debut,
the new model Chevrolet will be
unveiled to local residents at
same time it is appearing in other
In addition to the new passenger
car models, available in a complete
line of styles and colors, the
1950 Chevrolet trucks also will
on display at the local dealership
at the same time.
“Open House” will he at
the Chevrolet dealership
out the day and evening on January
7 as the public views the new car
and truck. Residents
this area havé been invited
tend the special event,
“We feel that the 1950 models will
prove even more popular than our
1949 cars and trucks,
occupied the No. 1
the United States,”
“The new
here on January 7
high for
which again
sales position in
said Mr.
1950 Chevrolet to be
shown sets an
all-time our products,” he

On the
in like
eas they
County Agent
of trees is
farm trees protect springs
and manner on large
where springs
planting of
says even are
dried with removal of
trees, a new stand
to have revived
the springs.

School News From
E. Donegal Twp.
Three members of the East Don-
High School
selected participate the 1950
Southern District Band Festival
held in the York Catholic High
School from January 5th to the 7th. |
Lilly Ann Greider and Hazel Crank- |
shaw will play in the clarinet sec- |
egal band have been
to in
to |
tion of the band, and Betsy Musser |
will be a member of the oboe sec-
tion. The band will be composed of
160 musicians representing 72 high
schools from the eight counties that |
form the southern district of Penn-
Mr. Morrell Shields will
Donegal’s three
accompany partici-
pants to the Festival.
The 1950
Feen chosen
has |
The staff |
and they
work on their yearbook.
consists of the following
Co-editors, Hazel
Marion Ney; Literary Editor,
thy Sperla; Sports
Waller; Art Editor,
Photography Editor,
Crankshaw and |
Doro.- |
Charles Hess;
Merle Arnold;
Circulation |
Managers, June
and Glenn Forney;
Managers, Wilmer and
(Turn to page 4) |
————- Or ———
Christmas Exhibit
At Neffsville Fire
Hall To Jan. 15
A Christmas display is open
the public at the Neffsville fire hall. |
The display
trains with usual switches and sig-
has seven electric
nals, trolley car, miniature build- |
ings, park, electric fountain. Ice
skaters, round house and turn tab-
le, farm scenes, church and nativity
and a most complete circus,
also many
with sideshow people, wag-
ons, kind of animals and horses
more added attractions.
The display is owned and built by
Giles Kiehl of Lancaster,
many years making miniature mod-
who spent
el and articles in his spare time as |
his hobby.
Edmond Baltozer and Charles
Kratzret assisted in erecting the
The exhibit will be
evening from 7 to 10 o'clock and al-
so Saturday and Sunday afternoon
open every
from 2 to 5 o'clock) till the 15th of

Glassmyer, Mt. Joy.
Newcomer Motors, Inc., it was an- |
the |
dealers’ showrooms throughout the |
new |
be !
to at- |
New- |
ar- |
water-sheds. |
S. Frommeyer
| posting

A former Lancastrian, Wallace
W. Gardner, now residing at Glen
Rock, N, J. has been awarded a
without the use of thumb tack.
en ee tl.
patent ¢n a fastening device
notices on bulletin
In spite of all the strikes such as
labor, steel and whatnot, the auto-
motive industry had its biggest
year in production, sales and prof-
it ever,
Moline Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, December

Deeds Recorded
and Elmira
Mount Joy Twp.
gal Twp,
s H. Martin, East Done- |
to Rhoda H. Martin, of
East Donegal Twp. premises and
The leopard never
in provements,

Shearer and Miles J.
Rapho Twp., to John W.
K. Fry, Rapho Twp, |
11 acres, 66 per-
East Donegal

changes his
But the leopard frog does.


———— a» — —
The Mount Joy Lions Club wish-
es to thank the general public for
its “all out” cooperation in
ating for the Christmas season.
The efforts of
churches and
to carry out the Christmas
is sincerely appreciated.
all individuals, or-

Charles Sheetz paid $20 and costs
for moving and failing to take with
him a dog and seven pups.
decor- |
business |

ceived mechanical pencils
| EE
| Mr. Zink
{ Mr. spent a
Mrs. Nathan
Mrs. Carl
days at the
and and
and Zeager
few “Christmas
Taunton, city is noted
for its elaborate decorations and
has been been televised twice
siesta la es ees
{ When a bull escaped from a
slaughter house at Manheim it
| threw a
scare into many while wan-
| dering about the streets and alleys

$2.00 a Year in Advance

3 ~ ly gv ~ |
All bu «L. of niversa €c ayer ro € urcnes
| A birthday surprise party was | Iv r r r r
Foie . . |
‘Tobacco Sold | given in honor of Mrs. Elizabeth |
| Sherer residing near Mt. Pleasant | M t J y Jan al y 1 t 8 1950 at
| Less than five per cent of Lan-| who celebrated her eightieth birth- n oun 0 ’ u 0 ’
caster County’s 1949 tobacco crop day. T M J Mi . | A a
is unsold, according to an estimate Mrs. Sherer is enjoying good Sponsored by he ount oy misteria ssociation
| made today by H. S. Sloat, associate | health and assists in the daily house
| county agent i chores. She is the widow of the late SUNDAY, JANUARY | SUNDAY, JANUARY 8
{ The wave yi arte ae. | St :] Sherer, wt yas a minister ‘
The wave of buying started Dee. | BE 3 I Ny mink | Servic s in Each Church remgelical Lutheran Church
| 24 and today dealers were mopping | in the Brethren Church ; ; oe
| up the remaining crops There are five children, Stella, Theme: “A Call to All-out Discipleship’ Rev, Ezra H. Rancl eaker
| The annual Lancaster County To- | wife of Jacob Horst, Elizabethtown | Sou gn Tl The Al A7
[ bacco Show will be held Friday at Rl: Simon, of Florin; Elizabeth, | IPS ANT "7
| the Growers’ Cooperative Associa- | wife of Witman Sollenberger, Don- TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 mem ——————
| tion warehouse, 220 N. Water St. | egal Springs; Elam, Manheim Rd; | Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church
Lancaster. All displays must be at! and Anna at home. Also 16 grand- R mR Nar : The Universal Week of Prayer has been
. . 1. } ev. 1. A. Macgregor, spearer . |
| the warehouse by 12:30 p. mr. B. ». | children and 6 great grand-chil- | 4 2 9 3 bserved | hri s of many communions
Coon and Edwin O. Schneider, of | dren a Theme: “The Christian Imperative in & lone Time his {fellowship of prayer be-
the local Tobacco Experimental | 104 years oo It is most appropriate
| Station, will speak at the meeting | { WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4 Hr he first
| / \ 4 Wey om | nC a
to be held in connection with the! ngagements | VY ok : than mnually during the [irs
| chow. : | The Methodist Church 11 since the beginning days
| ze Fa Of Well Known { Rev. W. L. Koder, speaker of the new year are days of finding our direc-
| WOMAN DRIVER PROSECUTED Th The CO I : Dou, oR , 4 for the months ahead. Prayer is like a
| ATR. £ TON I'neme: he Call to a Personal Witness
AFTER TWO-CAR COLLISION . t | mpuss in thet it helps ua to ast our BEATINGS
| Mrs. Josephine Smith, thirty- oca esl en S ! { life."
: : lor the irney of line
| six, Bainbridge, charged with the | . 1
| failure to yield the right of way = ai) THURSDAY, JANUARY ! The members of the Mount Joy Ministerial
) : ig 2 ay, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Miller; High | my ol f Cod I'he nt 3 of the Mount Joy ste
| Jas *( 3 Vv > oS nure " » 1 .
| was 5 ; ) State ah Street, this ‘place, announced the | ne hurcn ot Goc A ciation are cms 1s that this shall be a
as the result 1 two-car colli- : i ET '
es he Be oi tw ge oy engagement of their daughter,| Rev. Donald Kline, speaker real week of prayer. We urge the members
) e 241, yo miles nor yin J - ; i x :
Lol She will bo sum. Dolores, to Mr. Joseph Yurkovic, | Theme: “Our Unshakable I tts he ris io attend the plahnad services
ee ya : J. High St., Elizabethtown. { 4 :
| moned for a hearing before Jus- W. Irigh > ED ats of Mt pir 1 pray seeking for divine
| tice of the Peace Mundorf, Bain-| Miss Miller is a Page FRIDAY, JANUAR der n our personal lives and in the
| bridge Joy high school and is employed at JAY, | \R 1 1 Ir personal lives md i
State Policeman Walter Miller | Olmstead Field, Middletown. Mr. | First Presbyterian Church So We urge further that vou get aside
caid Mrs. Smith’s car pulled out] is a graduate of Eliza- | Rev. James F. Mort, speaker finite periods each day for meditation and
from a stop intersection and col | Pethtown high school and is ey. Theme: “Witnessing to a Dow le 5 est prayer ir ur ho mes
lided with a. cor driven 1 Dedn ated in business with his mother. | i
1 ith a ve WV | SSS = mm =
C. Minnich, thirty-five, Bainbridge | | LOCAL MAN INJURED
3oth vehicles were damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Shearer, Everything That i Mr Torry Beamenderfer. New Mortuary ecor
-— M: >} i a ave | Mr. arry ¢ ( 3
> Manhs im > WY the | { Haven St.. suffered head injuries on
JOHN BUTZER NAMED PRES. gageme nt « nal C Wg sie | Ha en d A t | Monday, when the car in which he T oughout This
Bria av ay ar SON | :
SILVER SPRING FIRE CO. Marle, to Jay fies Sor PP € | was a passenger, driven by his son
The Fire Ccmpany- has Vented of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Wit- | © co ag at . : Ls .
{ pany 1s elected Lancaster RDS Mise Shea=1] James, East Donegal St., and a sta t
| the following new officers: mer, Lanees 4 2 . nee] F orin Recently tion wagon dripen by a Hunting- ntire 0C y
| John Butzer, president; Fred | Is op oye y 2 don motorist collided in the fog, in
| Broich,. vice president: Payne Shoe Co, here and Mr. | Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hershey and | )
| Broich, vice president; Josephdwes: . a 4) | front of the Buch Mfg. plant in Eli- Toseph A. Peters,‘ sixty-one “at
| Forrest, secretary: Joseph Nitroy itmer is farming with his father. | on. Robert “of Lemoyne he htaown . Jos 2? ; ors, sixty
st, ary; Jos v, A gs 5 a | zabe . ‘olumbia.
treasurer; Richard Wekh, chief . with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hershey Mr. Beamenderfer was treated at hn Dohner, seventy-two, a na=
engineer; Arthur Mort, trustee Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon H. Miller, | on Saturday evening the of the accident Dr. Al do y-two, a ni
| : : TI : Seat I + { . v7. oes a 1e scene of the accident by Ur. Al- | {jya of Columbia, at Harrisburg.
| The Fire Company Auxiliary has | Carpenter St., East Petersburg an- | Mrs. I. B. Gladfelter was a Christ- | vin Wentor. ‘of Elizabethtown. snd Soh L Sred :
| elected Ella Kreider as president; | "ounce the engagement of their | mas Day guest of Mr. and Mrs } conveyed to his home : in 1 ok wg rd ag
[ Mary Kreider, vice president: Ruth | daughter, Betty Arlene, to J. Ken- | Benjamin Kauffman. | The left front of the Beamender- a Bis Widow = TX
| Broich, secretary and Anna Nit- | neth Bender, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kell and | for d es and i only survivor
: : i. Bender. Saluns: [ y fer coupe was damaged, ana the: Daniel H. Rhoads, forty-five, at
roy, treasurer. John N ender, Salunga. | family of Carlisle called on Mr. and | station wagon was slightly dama 4 .
- . < ) vag vas shy y amag- oe Sau oe iodo up .
ee ee Miss Miller is employed in the { Mrs. George Mumper on Monday. | East Petersburg Friday. He was
ed } - : i'r 1 « [
. office of Armstrong Cork Co. and| Mr. and Mrs. Emory Inmers of | a bom fn. Raphe township, &
Chiques Aero Mr. Bender is employed by his | Lancaster visited ‘Mr. ‘and Mrs | Abram and Amanda Helt Rhoads.
father | John Eichler and family Chri: Stmas | Madeline, Wile of . Clarets,
C H Id 2 d | Day e oC ews Weibly, Columbia R1, at the Col-
. | ia Hospital Sunday. She as
orp. 01aS Zn Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson Mohler,| Mr and Mrs. John Wittel spent] umbia Hospital Sunday. She “was
Rohrerstown, announce the engage- | Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs or e ast ee forty--nine
Annual Banquet ment of their daughter, Theresa J | Victor Snyder at Newtown.
Mchler to John Henry Herr, son| WM Ir. and Mrs. Martin Ligging i V Bri fl T Id Walter G. Loraw
The Chiques Aero Flying, Club{ of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Herr, | as their guests on Christmas, i ery re y 0 Walter G. Loraw, sixty-four,
hy vs their annual banquet at Wig- | Landisville | and Mrs. William Brian and id died suddenly at 7:50 p. m. Thurs-
| gin’'s Restaurant, Lancaster, on Miss Mohler is a Sophomore at Jeffery and Gregory of Mount Joy | At 4 cattle. sale at Willew Strest day. after a lingering illness at
Thursday, Dec. 22. This local up |[F'town College and Mr. Herr is | and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Liggins 4 Holstein cc a NE 1d for $600 the hcme of his son-in-law and
© solehrata . ~ . Siem co § S0/g for Sb \ug ) Mrs ni 3
and coming flying club celebrated | 5 Senior at Pa. State College | Mrs. Adah Eichler and daughter, The Community center building gan his, Mr. and Mis. Prank B,
: : : 1 mia y ntex AMZ | rondal or N avhar:
its second ham dinner with their| where he is a member of Beta | Margaret entertained the following | .¢ Lititz was consider d so unsafe Tyndaly, 5.4 r Sifect In
ladies ques “Uncle Charlic v 0 atiz. we sidered so unsafe | oc the son of the . YAYY
Adles as guests Uncle Charlie (Turn to Page 6) | guests on Christmas day, Mr. and| (hat all activities have been su 3 : n Ie late Henry
Voices? free x Y Nast ds = . £ £ £ y 3 ay SUs- i and Elizabet} eib Loraw g
Mayser” from F and M. College r,t Mrs. Cyrus Geib, Mrs. Helen Mus- pended and the place closed 2 1 o! > nd !
furnished the ere rtainment. LICENSES ser and son, Jimmy and Mr. Lan- Two soldiers were Killed hd 4 H ns Fe i i" this : gh
The club president, Sam Bals- Earl D. Longenecker, Landisville,| dis Hess. third injured near Westgrove when » on = Co Te i or:
baugh, introduced Mr. Mayser and and Reba N. Spence, Lancaster R4. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Becker en- thelr nb 151 off the dus ih ugh Counci i : ig Jou
anole So oi ir ar ran ( ghw: =| four years as president. > was
other speakers. Norman Sprecher, John Eisenhauer, E'town and | tertained the Doner family and Ine 4 fou : 1 2 ; : : profes was
one of the club directors gave some | josephine Mary Nye, Bainbridge | friends at their home on Sunday. A driver who admitted he wa 0 a d or ie ys De
Tite ahhh ln 4 V aa 1 as his retireme ine years ago an
| enlightening facts concerning the | Ry tev. and Mrs. Henry Bucher en- | grinking struck four 1 od deste Ona a, : C
or {rks ov sia ST 2 ~ . 8. 8 K ark 5 | wa smploved W EAP =
organizations activites: . In the past Francis Georvis Brosey, Mount | tertained the following on Christ- and then ran into a house at Mid- | Castin Te here. H
: an into a house at Mid- | Castine here. » also was 2
year their small plane flew mileage | Joy RD1 and Helen Irene Ha- mas day, Mr. Samuel Becker Sr. | dietown be St po K's io oy !
yp 2d ON Pais 1. . | VY member of Mark's IKvangelica
| cduivalent to one and one-half) becker, 202 Charlotte St, Manheim | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becker and| The Lititz Bird Club sow thirty- | U ted Brethren Churd I
times around the world and their i readies ho .. : ay : Linitec srethren «hurch, the
; : family, Mr. annd Mrs. Samuel| oven species Monday within a ra- | Knights of Mall Lancaster and
luxury four-place Stinson mileage ' kar Jr a aval re og Vine of Ant
: > y Becker Jr, and family, Mr. and| of fifteen miles was past president of the Friend
equivalent to one time around ji Pp S ecor Wirs. Charles: Becker and family : a Sl president of the ¥rieng-
world. Mrs. arles Oe : anc 3 amily | Over 500 persons were killed in |ship Fire Co No. 1 His wife
Local airport operator, a Mr. and Mrs. Dale Berrier, a i Ti i ay Fawn I | the U. S. over the Xmas holidays. | was the late Mrs. Miriam Hendrix
(Turn to page 5) daughter Friday at the Lancaster ie ns Sys : ml | Of that rmber 387 were vice | Loraw Besides daughter,
EE — Osteopathic Hospital. They reside | town spent C Asia ay: with i tims Dorothy, wife of Frank R. Tyndall
BIG DANCE, AT RHEEMS on his fathers farm near Milton and Mrs. Clayton re hemnan, | A tank truck left the highway, | with whem he resided, he is sur-
x Al N £ EME Grove. This is Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hershey and | struck a pole and damaged two |vived by three brothers, Henry and
CARNIVAL GROUNDS FRIDAY Tove. this is Mn, and Mrs. dames | sR de. and) i : ty ae
Berrier's sixtecnil wrandchild. | Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Roberts and| homes at Mountville George Loraw, hoth of this place,
Friday evening, Dec. 30th, a W. Sieenth gramiouwie | Mr. ind Mrs. J. B. Hershey were | | hie ih
biz dance will h 1d i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rudy of Lan- | aha AS, LRP Se A | Jacob Loraw, Florin. Two
big dance will e elc e its Ar. ¢ ry Melv .
tr n ch Reems sari. | disville, a daughter at the General | Buests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin | BANQUET AT WIGGINS ndchildren vive
aming "OC ( > S arni- | - y | . v
ns i 1e Rheems carn Hospital Monday. Weaver at Mount Joy The low! Lions Club: held their Tt funera services were
val grounds. tet A WB: amet Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper en- | banquet in the Plantation | held from James B. Heilig Funer-
Old - fashion, square and mod- tertair i inner i" SER an ooh | v7
>rtained the following to dinner on | 75 oes Parlor, on West Main Street
Ano) 4) sniove ith | THE NORMAN MOYER ESTATE room of Wiggins Restaurant, Lan- hy : in oireet,
on dancing will be njoyed with a Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. John | io Tuesday nicht Saturday afternoon with inter
| the Susquehanna Mountaineers An adjudication was filed in the Bender and son, LeRoy, Mr. and ae are] th Tadie in the Mi Cetrietery.
furnishing the music and hilarity. | Orphans’ Court in the Norman I 5 or I Hew ‘ark scr ill !
| { Mrs. G. Benjamin Bender and fam-
Charlie Trostle will be the figure | Moyer estate, late of Mount J es J: 8 “7 | eighty in all, enjoyed group singing
firlle Walle the igure Moy 2 a 200 oy ily and Mr. Charles Bender. Callers | ete. Mr. Fulirman Bailoy scived as
caller Da — : township. There remains $1,284.00 at the Mumper home Christmas Crier Personal Mention
; . ol for distribution among his heirs. night were Mr. and Mrs. Leon | The ladies were presented with 1
EX-LANC. MAN AWARDED Brinser of Middletown, Mr. and | corenges and candy. The Lions re Mr. and Mrs, Carl Musser and
FASTENING DEVICE PATENT (Turn to page 2) | fbi ) =. S YE! children of Lancaster spent Mon-
ith James
When a
day Childs and family
woman a bot at a
she had the choice of
all the men present or eat-
pounds of sausage. She
the sausage
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Weldom, of
New Street, celebrated their thirty
seventh wedding anniversary} om

{ there, No on was harmed