The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 22, 1949, Image 1

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This Community’s Business People Extend The Season’s Greetings — Read Pages 4,5 & 6
Christmas Party | 3
wie The Mount Joy Bulletin fix
And Employees y Florin Recently
The Employees and Directors of | rt ht A A The Junior Society of the Florin
the Union National Mount Joy Bank 7 . EFUB Church held their Christmas
¢ Shion Nationa! 20 VOL. XLIX, NO. 30 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, December 22, 1949 ear in Advance | program and party on Sunday af-
were entertained at the second an-
Everything That

gems, | at four o'clock.

nual Christmas Party on Saturday, | - pe
December 17, at Hostetter’s Banquet The program presented was:
Hall. Thirty-three persons attend- Prayer, Darlene Gerlitski; Christ=-
or mas Carols, Group singing; Piano
Mr. Martin S. Musser, President solo, Sally Ann Wisegarver; Poem,
of the Bank, was presented with a Christmas Fverywhere, Helen
pen and pencil set, Mr. Carl S 5 | Hess: Duet, Silent Night, Norma
Krall, Cashier, was given a desk | Eichler and Brenda Pierce; Piano
set, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester G. Hos- | Solo, Wayne Kleiner: Piano Solo,
fetter received a set of fire place Linda Kieiner; Duet, It came Upon
fixtures. A bonus was given to all A Midnight Clear, Connie Wise-
the emplovees, and carnation cor- | : | garver and Carol Herr; Piano
Solo, Vivian Gable: Poem, Little
Those attending were: Mr. and Boy Blue, Betty Lou Brooks; So-
Mrs. Martin S. Musser, and daugh- lo Away In A Manager, Marcia
ters Rosene ang Audry, Mr. John reste eee. | Accordion selections, Dar-
ene ha gy 3 T | v . . : .
B. Nissley, Mr. Henry Koser, Mr 3 0 . . CHURCH OF GOD CHOIR TO B. A. Sh FOUR CHRISTMAS NOTES AT | lene Gerlitski; Piano Solo, Lydia
yy ' . J | PRESENTS XI S CANTAT! | « | mn TTY KC SUNDAY | Weaver: Pi: So arris ia
and Mrs. Alvin Reist, Mr. and Mrs. rganizations PRESENTS XMAS CANTATA upp, Ergatan Class of TRINITY E. C. SUNDAY In Honor of | Weaver; Piano Solo, Marris Wea
Clarence Newcomer, Mr. and Mrs The Church of God choir, un- f | On Sunday evening at 6:00 p. m. | | ver: Trio, Jolly Old St. Nicholas,
a » yur der the direction of Mrs. Ethel S lk T oe : Sandra Crowl, Deanna Growl and
arvey ‘ttew, Mr N. ssly, | he Christmas Irogran entitled
rvs ween, 71 5 vi | Held Xmas Parties | grea ne Ji, 200 State Milk Tester, Church of God cvs, mur. i Martha Jane Frey iio: coi: vane sain Foy
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Krall, Mr. : )
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Krall, Mr. and Christmas Cantata, “The Light Buckwalter; Song, Jingle Bells;
Mrs. Norman Sprecher, Mr. D. S . M k 4.0 Fern a lai Ww k presented hy the Young People of oie ors
are en cere | AL Saint Marks | coesior. ow oman pl ams or Held Yule Party «cio me son's win Whe w as an Suis Clos Puppet ‘Show, Mes.
sages were presenied to the ladies.

| Sunday night, Decembe v i
i round a Christmas entertainment

and Mrs. Charles Heaps, Mr. and Three organizations of St. Mark’s | 7:30 o'clock. Solo parts wil T e\ Shupp, Mariett: | st Thursday evening the Er- Ean, od hs ; irs (Turn to page 8)
Mrs. Lester Hostetter, Mr. and Mrs. lo. | tq Tye : . : ; Ly A Bue. + the d presenting the practical side of in \ rence st ai etl rere:
: C Evangelical United Brethren Church | sung by Miss Marian Nauman, Avenue, this boro, i he dary | tan Sunday School Class of the Christy Tt I itt Landisville entertained from 2 w
a : : . { aa : 1 mn J» si wristmas. 1e play was written | neta om « \
Lineaus Longenecker, Mrs. Ruth C. held Christmas parties Thursday | Mrs. Evelyn Divet, Mrs Jetty | agent for the Philadelphia district Church of God, enjoyed a Cluist- tg 1as ig € iy was » en Sigg ia FLORIN MAN WITHDRAWS
Kraybill, Mr. and Mrs. Ce rald Hos evening. | Burger, Mr. Lester Eshleman, Mr. | of the Pennsylvania Milk Control | oc tary at the home of Mes. | 2 a Gram mn 2 gliort 1 Jhon 7 Mrs. Reists mother. Mi APPEAL FOR LIQUOR LICENSE
fetter, Mis Shenk. Mr. © , i Clone " ‘omission S { ik | show others how many who are un- | honor ot ¥ VEISt.S MOolner, syns
for, Miss Ruth Shenk: and The Usher's League | George Broske and Mr. Theodore | Commission, and tests five thou-| jh, zejle) : 4 + | Martha Jane Frey, who celebrated| An appeal from a decision of the
Mrs. Isaiah Sumpman, Mrs. Clara The Usher's letisue it at the | Weidler. sand mples of milk and cream | | happy and lonely can know the | Martha . rey, wh lebr: Ste. Li :
Wellman ane Mice Chatetine Weide Js s league met at the | pp ; id | The seasonal decorations were | eal joy of Christmas. All of the | her ninety-first birthday Friday. ate Liquor Control Board was
\ an. & Miss Sita Attar i» er ra he choir are: | every year i . : : . a y ot
man home of Lester Hosteiiars od had Mi Be os N 1 ih ’ ry } fest to | THOSt attractive Following a de-| children in the Children’s depart- Members of he family and | Withdrawn Tuesday afternoon be-
man. ne ils. sraslar Tivol rb Misses arlene Ni y Maury I'ne purpose of these te is to: [ Pens tore the 132 ; A
Nr ated Yi as its guest speaker, Irwin Miller, a 8 Tar) i . : | licious dinner served by hostesses ments of the Sunday School will | friends greeted Mrs. Frey, who is a | fore the Dauphin County Court.
After the party Mr. and Mrs. Les- {1 0 of Covenant EUB church, | Jéne Graybill, Theda Shank, Betty determine that the public is being { : oe 0 Ie ; | Harry A. Johnson, Jr., Flori
lor Hosteticr hod oben house at ayma ar 5 church, ordi rs ; y. | sovolied with hol : Ethel Broske, Evelyn Divet, Helen | | present their messages in peech | daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J arry A. Johnson, Jr., Florin, had
By I | Lancaster. Twenty-five were pres- rndt, Betty Jane Charles, Anita ed Yd yon and unt and Minerva Mumma. vd song ¢ 2 . Hoffman Hershey, Salunga, and the | Asked the Court for a hearing to
their new home on North Barbara | ent Myers. Mrs. Doris Pennell, Mrs, | adulterated products | and song at this time. appeal a ruling which denied him
S toon : ain T Santa arrived and presented Vi. 8 widow of Cyrus Frey, who died in| @Ppeal ¢ i
Street. sod’s Hele ass Naomi Leed, Mrs. Mary Grayhill Fhree Main Tests Mya Iriver In connection with the Christmas Usa ; 5 ;
——— SW Sols Helper Class Mr. Raymond Pennell, M Ed Three main test re mad on |®ifts to the fcllowing girls and | a White Gift Service will m2 perhission ts Wanfier a ¢
Pa Ta £3 ts aA Foca | WX: a) > 1, Y 2 1 ma Ss ai nade | gram ¢ x 1 ex " ait ~ lice: a fo Ah
NION NAL BANK God’s Helpers Sunday school class "© Th Vi a is Thos Arming their teacher: Mrs. A. P. Stover]; os ddl afternoon Mrs. Reist | liquor license to his establishment:
UNION NATIO held their poi in thie of ward Pennell, Mr. Charles Her- | 211 th ampl These determin: be conducted for the workers at i from the £3 h DeW .
ot y 1elc 1e1r party 1n 1€¢ basement o ean : vhath thn Grace Hawthorne, Betty Jane 9 " . 2 ; took Mis Frev for an automobile rom 1at ol Josep. an, also of
INCREASES ITS SURPLUS the church with four hostesses e sney and Mr. Guy Myers The Whethel the products have been > Clen Eden. Kentucky, Article . | Florin
The Board of Directors of The 4 es ; - a > oh public is invited to attend this correctly pasteurized f educe the | Charles, Grace Mumma, Hazel Zel- which are not of a personal nature | drive to Mount Joy. Formerly Mr : : 1
ot Sila nosy | tertaining, Mrs. Robert Germer, a Frio wi ler, Flossie Nauman, Darlene Nau-{ _. 4 | and Mrs. Frey operated a farm at At the time designated for the
Union National Mount Joy Bank Mrs Charles Webi Mis. Russell service, i riz. count and contain the re | will be distributed among the peo- | heaving 3 .
nave authorised the transfor of $25 | | Irs. Charles Webb, Mrs. ussell ; —— nercenia { butterfal | man, Lottie McMullen, Hilda Wei- ple living in and around Glen Eden. | Mount Joy RD | hearing it was anniunced that
from undivided profits Chapin, and Mrs. Norman Sprecher. | CONTROL. ORCHA v ! shupp ton the. distrel cone Le! Kathryn ~~ Mumper, Lovey | oi re Tei Ls Mrs. Frev is a member of Lan- | Johnson was withdrawing his peti-
il | Installation of officers will take | RD MICE by tithe tho cot Ann Newcomer, Kathryn | of Tinity invited 1 , sille Mennonite Church and is | tion
tc surplus, 1ereby increasing the { place in January. Twenty-five at-| Save the orchard trees from anv | SE a tel Nov Thel | attend this very fine presentation of i : J 1 | weet mt st of
latter item to $400,000.00. This rep- damage by placing poison hail 4 (Turn to page* 6) New ner, 1€ ma | “Fone Christmas Notes". Mis Mil | very active for her age. She listens
: .. | tended. : . A, - — ——— | Dorcthy Beamenderfer, Betty Rice, oe Rat : | to the radio regularly and reads the | Mr. Reuben Shellenberger visited
resents the second transfer during The Doveas Society stations located earlier ! Hazel Shenk : av dred Way is Director oy hi sb
the year as $25,000.00 had been| Sa : > - i’ ITITZ MEN WERE JAILED azel Shenk, Myrtle Mowrer, Dor- en eee newspaper carefully is sister, Anna G. Shellenberger,
The Dorcas Society was enter- IN BETTY BULLER CAT” IACK i Pennell, Elizabeth Hassinger, a ee it West Chester on Sunday.

transferred on June 30th.
ado tained at the home of Mrs. Frank | . Four Lilly ‘men who. went on | Naomi Leed, Ruth Helwig, Violet |
Germer for their annual nis | Weddings Thruout a. ohn Ee 1 ay | Sprout, Doris Rice, Ethel Brooks, One Reason Why
A 6 x : : Ba Bo IN AUTO CRASH SATURDAY The Possession
arty. Fourteen were present al their pleas and were se | Marguerite Dock, Edith aylor, A. C. Bower, eighty-three, Lan-
C ivi 1€$ of Our Te affair 0 C 1 Sun £02 wo 1y | Esther Clinger Margaret Macki M d R d a right shoulda
pum Judge Shaeller ne Ber, acki- digville, bruised h shoulder |
: : BL team ur Commumily | roe sore ary Grill, My mae. | ROBES [oi ed ee ey Limit Fixed At
Local Girl Scouts MRS. PARK NEISS HEADS D who plea led guilty today each w xt an, Evelyn Divet, Minerva Mumi- ill N L 1 and hi wife who uftered rib m-= | mi 1IXe t
a FIRE COMPANY AUXILIARY urmg Past Week entenced to 10 months "to. 0 Helen Schroll, Maude Schroll Wi ot ast | fue, were treated by Dr. Jo= |
25 Fish, 10 Trout
Pop ae ae alacto Ot and Santa | sani ‘ .
Mrs. Park Neiss was elected pres a years in county prison and was fin- We doubt whether highways are] seh Gilbert, Landisville, after |
cha ol rap cha

The Girl Scouts of Troop No. ident of the Friendship Fire Com ; | : : :
bald a Christie Ton in honot of | 1 > S - | atricia Hannon Alexander ed $100 and costs. Raymond F.| built better than thruout our |their auto and a car driven by | The P
hone rt 5 ons Chis ; IY 3 TH WET y i. ) ie Pennsylvania Fish Commis-
their mothers on Saturday after- | Pany Auxiliary at a recent Christ- | y 0; Kenneth Shearer Myers, who also changed his plea i CELUBRATE State of Pennsylvania. This sub |F Rest J. Poiper, St sion has announced that the fish
noon, December 17, in the Scout mas party. | Miss Patricia Hannon Alexander to guilt was entenced to 1X VEDDING ANNIV. CHRISTMAS stantial method cof road construc § ey a Le ua possession limit at any time is fixed
: ; Other flicers are: Mrs. Kate . ‘ ' oh. \ Mr. and Mrs. Isaac G. Eshleman, len the new Harrisburg Pike near | PPPS al any * IS hixe
Rooms. Approximately 40 per- ) oilicers 2 te | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | months to three years in county TN ne = Hema, | tion is forced upon us due to th | | ti v No on = turd - noon. | at one day’s creel limit.
Barnhart, vice-president; Mrs. Edith i eceived a $100 fine (Marietta RL, will celebrate their |g, { + roads 1st take it
and 1 ived a $100 fine and fact that our roads must take it. This means that 10 trout, which

song attended. | Alexander of Charlotte, North Car-| Prison )
The girls made purses from Johnson, second vice-president; became tha Bride of eit 50th wedding anniversary on Christ- | phey must carry millions of tons | Peipey was treated at St. Joseph he dite: free]
irs David Mumper, secretary; | . mh 0" ‘ a mas Day i | | Hospital for a bruised right eye [ 135 the aily creel limit, would by
felt which were presented to the ) | Kenneth Shearer, son of Mr. and Fhe fou man, Glenn 5. Mearig of freight daily plu passenger! the same token be ti DOSSE3SI
Kitty Gebhart, recording secretary, | Mis. Daniel B. Shonee: ff M ow) tered a plea of nolo conten The couple was married on Dec. | {yaffic | Bower who wa enroute to E 1 a 18 Possession
v rs. . : . | fh shearer o vaornt [Will dd eel Lee y v . y : A liry c roy inc > »
Tenders or the sroup are Mis, J and Mrs, Bavior, | 3." "3 corem av ai the Yor ¢] dere, w placed on probation for 23, 1899 by the Rev. Mr. Yenzer,\ ww. to0 our ponds a Mad Petersha wi charged with | mit a would include the trout
£8 S g Mrs is ! : | Jo) a ceremo a ie home of | was place i atl ( 1 a iy i e 0 owt oads are vi v | one mg ave caug sarlie
Ear! Shellev. Mrs. Clvde Nissley The carnival committee of the | = oo, parents in Chotlotte a | thi t ordered to pay $100, then pastor of Zion Evangelical!) via many overloaded . trucks. | failure eld the right of way | : ie may have caught earlier and
4 YY, ILS. cc > B's arents lott | Ie A pe Ly ' . . 1 y "w Uaatlt re Bede 14 J ) Ty $y we in ‘ef rigerati ‘te F
and Miss Coristine Weidman, fire company, Frank Good, chair- 5 olelock Saturday. Deccmber 104 I cost the éount and Reformed Church, Marietta Hore are twa nore. \ State Policeman John Szabo ; Ire ig! ition, el If a
[ : f day, Decembe 1. | th y : rae dl : U1 before Ju of th eave CGeorve | fisherman caug 4 an
Troup committee members are | Man, entertained members of the Bev. ¥. M. Cooper of Suelo] Charge ore. hroueht iv cone I'hey have two grandchildren resid how our highway e overloaded. | Justice of the Peace George ( : « ug } four trout and
. | 13 : icy Cant . We. . Noy 0 le ree : : : ng i 7 Hina “1 Schenck, Landisville | placed them in his refrigerator and
Mrs. Joseph Germer, Chairman: | auxiliary on Saturday for assisting Creek Presbytrian Church officiat | tion with an attack on Betty Jean Mt in Marietta 28 1-2 Tons Each | [ 4 n tl t d ht
a : Ll fe ! at- | smell es 1-2 x ien the next day caugh more,
Mrs. William Fackler, Mrs. Ellis | during the Summer carnivals. he Y COVE | Buller venteen, Mount Joy R2, | We | ; . 2
A | jk ed, using the double ring ceremony. | no ’ A PIER IE Sis Four monster trucks, a trailer-| WILL JUDGE XMAS { he will be in violation of the law
FFellenbaum, Mrs. Roy Packer and | Pe mR a . | - oo ~— RECKLESS DRIVING CHARGE nett or | { : ,
: 0) { i . The vows were spoken before a : job, measured 35 feet from head- | DECORATIONS FRIDAY NIGHT | bv having four more trout than
Mrs. Richard Dillinger. MILK PRICE MAY DROP : ware | PUPILS TO CHOOSE State Police prosecuted Percy L sir wl 19 Emad) { . :
3 J background of palms, white flower light to tail light; nearly 12 feet Judging of outdoor Christmas | the legal possession limit allows
= ONE CENT ON JAN. IST nad candelabra. Mrs. G. W. Lott, | NAME FOR MERGED SCHOOL Beaver, 19, Mount Joy, a farm | poh. more than 12 feet wide lecorati Mt. J Flori nd | him at ny on tim If th fi h
~ \ 3 “rs : . . . 5 | 3" Y doe ation 1 Vit 0y 10 1 and | Lh ol any one e e 1
} MORE ACRES OF TOBACCO Milk prices will go down a cent (Eom Pace 6) Students of the seventh and worker, after his car and another | phay weighed 57.000 pound h : 1 J : HE
au rs . x i dg y . ; J > iy in vicinl Wil take place riany | were black bass the number woul
PURCHASED AT 30 AND 10 a quart here Jan. 1 if provisions ——— > -—— SE. ighth grades of Rapho and Penn operated by Robert C. Rose, High- [pha (rucks came from the Easton {1 i 1 :
3 . ws ~ . indi cvening | be SIX and SO on
Approximately 43 acres of tobac- | cf a State Milk Control Commis- PLANT MEMORIAL TREES Fownships and of grades seven to spire, collided on the Lancaster! c,,. and Construction Co. of East It nips! 1 hel mi limit i
: | eon ane Bi iis Rid po : its : : 8 1e contest, PoONSoOre( the 1e possession limit however does
cc have been purchased in the : sion order sre earrled ou. | Many communities are still | twelve in Manheim Boro, will have | ike, west of Middletown. on, specially made for hauling iron | Lions Club will have three classes, | not prevent the fisherman from
. 3 . r i . — — hn Willi 1 \ mn ( 3S S, 1 » » » sher £ "0
Landisville section by Morris Levy | The drop was termed almost { planning to make memorial plant the opportunity of choosing a name ore in Venezuela They passed | gn { residential lecorations, | having 10 trout t but
. . sorta ne Milk Con- |: od : YE SINT GYR i x AO 3p] Jo 5 JUL, SIX Lass, cle, du
and Sons at 30 and 10 cents. certain as H. N. Cobb, Milk Con |ings. The grounds around chu fi the present Manheim high | MARRIAGE LICENSE through Lancaster and were en- | usine and hurche Ten| does fix the limit at 25 of the con
0 . . Yi ad : . "a : ob y J . alld CIR 0es I > at «ov 0 I coni~
I'he Levy Co. began buying to- | trol chairman, said there is a ches, schools and grange halls can | school when a merger goes into ef- Fobias H. Siegrist, Mount Joy Rl to the boat in Baltimore prizes and five honcrable mention | bined species at any or in A
- {ogra 3 OL : Se} 3 i | ; 4 a hh nk AA Rd 4 C108 § any one time £
bacco at 30 and 10 cents last week | liberal supply of milk at this |p, improved by plantings feet, next Jul and Lillian S. Dinkle, Columbia (Turn to Page 2) wil be given in the residental | pamphlet of the fish 1:
and said it plans to remain in the | time and we de not foresee chan- : ; [ pi phlet of the fish laws re ecting
class, two prize hd one honor-| these regulations will accompany
ise, sco : | RATE FI TIM GM TH TIN MT ATH STI HAT wT TN TN > 7 Lo ATL uF tw | 3 4 1
our seasonal orders in the | SORE SE BE Bh TL TE TE OL OL FL BOE BE TE Ch Bh TE TE BE BE PEER OE TEE OE PE FEEL EEG | |, Plies and one honor
| each license issued in 1950

market for the cream of the crop. | 8ing
There is no indication when general | Near future. the church classes eet ees
buying might start. It is estimated | Milk prices here would drop | ins is the second year the Lion ow y
that about 8.000 acres of the 1949 from 20 1-2 cents to 19 1-2 cenis | C gre MT. JOY HIGH SCHOOL. BAND
i i y ¢ . i ul will cari out th neject IVER ‘ Sp « wr
crop have been sold. The total crop | @ quart for grade B (standard) | : ; ol GIVEN CHRISTMAS PARTY
is in excess of 30,000 acres. milk. Se A Christmas party was held for
ll se wie | the Mount Joy High Schcol band

i . by the High School Band Club on
( VI. and Katie S. Myers, Eliza~ |
| Thursday evening, in the local

ee Ie ee te

Brief News From | 7%, Simm tt Sudo Fr spe el
0 | at 5 P. M. from the Philadelphia | whos M : Two. tract © high school. An exchange of
oe Airport for Des Moines, Iowa, on a | Park Avenue Twp guts, gemes and refreshments
business trip | Ct Se made up the program in charge
1 Ir g SS p. John S. and ite M. Tome, f
While in Chicago he stopped with I Hanoy: Yorl M12 Mrs. Norman Linton, chairman
’ k R din friends and attend Church ser- | nd Marv B Ha oF. Nios { Mr. and Mrs Jay Sherk, Edward
uc ea g vices at Cicero Bible Church. Dr. i Chap y I rt Tian Lane and Mi Dorothy Zellers.
: | rl 0, « Rapho Twp. eee
McCarrell the Pastor is a close to Russell! Kram Viount
ar A #1 Children’s Christmas Party SN JLo conn » “= Mortuary Recind
The summer cottage of Walter J snr masses Al
ers. at Fishing Creek. was de- | VMANUFACTURER'S MEET 8 ME rl A 9 OAC Y\ Th h Thi
eK oa won| AT HOSTETIER'S TONIGHT WC Friday, December 23, 1949 AeA VA eek’ Birth Record roughout i
$1,600. A meeting of the Manuacturers ) Vi \ 4 | ( y y TT] E A T R E : | ko J Entire Locality
Mr. and Mrs. David Flora, of | Association will be held at Hostet-
Samuel Dyke Jr, claims he saw
an albino eagle at Chickies Rock
while on a recent bird hunt.

Liberty Square, Md., have con- | t¢1's Banquet Hall. ey a6 DOORS OPEN 2:00 P. M. — SHOW STARTS 2:30 P. M AN 4 | gemuth are the proud parents of a
fessed to robbing forty school William B. Wagner, Harrisburg DH A ix pound fourteer ince baby | James P. Waltz
houses in southern Lancaster Co. | President of the Pennsylvania As- avy A f niidr 15 1 mmunity are invited to be JTL | gi Sharcn Adell, born at 11:45 James Richard Waltz, three
Three Parkesburg boys who stole | scciation of Life Underwriters will 4 \\§8 Ol t uy md including the age of twelve years [A M. on Deca ber 5, 1549 | menths, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay-
an auto there, were arrested in |speak on “Industrial Welfare, and : : : : : NEN | Corporal Wolgemuth, son of Mr. |ton Waltz, Marietta RD1, died at
Georgia with the auto. Pension Plans.” FI POST NO. 185 £1¢ | Josepn M. Wolgemuth, Mt. Joy, |the home of his parents. In ad-
Forty-seven dollars in cash was Tt \ MERICAN LEGION is with the Pe nnel Division of | dition to the parents the baby is
stolen at a Gap gas station. GAVE CHORAL AT RHEEMS h eo | Camp Stoneman, Calif famous | survived by a brother, Clayton
Alvina Carpenter, Manheim, had The Church of the Brethren hy MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA | west coast military persontiel pro- | Lee: a sister, Carrol Lee; the ma-
$19 stolen from her purse while on| Youth Fellowship of Chiques and | cessing center ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
{ Rev. and Mrs. Wilson H. Yost, | Harry Farmer, Florin, and the
a shopping trip to Lancaster. West Greentree Church gave a
The Musselman Co., at Bigler- | choral and anthem program under
ville, purchased five fruit farms] the direction of Mrs. Mary Longe-
totalling 1,300 acres, 500 of which | necker and Mrs. Esther Shelly.
is orchard for $265,000. ect
The first Pa. Farm Show was| When the Pacific Horned Lizard
held in 1917. Now its the big-| is frightened, it squirts blood out
gest of its kind in the country. of its eyes.
1 m | 1
Knoxville Penn, a son Saturday, | paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
I December 17. Mrs. Yost will be | Abram Waltz, Mt. Joy.
remembered as Jeannette Potter of |
i 1 A thin coat of white or alumine

Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, of | um paint on a screen will make
town, a son at the General Hospi- | the intericr of a house less visible
| tal on Thursday from the outside.

SR i 0 3 Le NL