2=The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., The Mount Joy Bulletin Mrs. Cyrus Gainer Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher Mis. Martha Heivich Gainer, | ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 Forme on forty-two, wife of Cyrus G. Gai- | ’ i od nee, 33 Mt. Joy St., died at her Publ shed Every Thursday at No.! ¢ H APPL N | NGS home Monday at 11:22 p. m. af- East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa 4 i Jn ter an illness of seven weeks Su : 5 of — ‘ Born in Rheems, a daughter of | Sa er 1 iy per year $1 William and Martha Gerlach Het- So So 58 LONG AGO § eh she was member of th Single Copies ............ 05 Salunga Church of the Brethren Sample Copies ......... FREE ry ~ Aid - A | and was employed by the Morton : 20 Y Mfz. Co Mount Joy Besides yc oh Postofiice at Mt. ears Ago her husband and her parents, who bez under the Act of March 3, 1879. The Produce mailing Engle & | [Tae 1 bs. Joy, she is survived] by two children, Ernestine, wife Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper wson, was destroyed by fire of Londa J. Zurin and Kenneth Publishers’ Association De. W. D. Chandler, resigned a A. beth of Mt. Jay; also one . D hu eo 9 Seo heed i Ste grandchild and these sisters and | i adver dist es Bie xe Ete : hrathe: , Mary. wife of Henry hoold ren this fi Pues ! Ss dl ) Nauman, Etown:; William Hetrich, W A rantee rtion A pu willow tree was seen in’ Marieita; Beula, wife of Charles | p i n sche full bloom, at Columbia Sheetz, Florin; David Hetrich of { f thar 9 m I'he coldest weather of the season E'town and Arthur Hetrich, Man Clasico go a te was Saturday, 10 degrees above heim 9 a. m. publication da A new high price for Lancaster Funeral services were held from = County tobacco was recorded Mon- | the Nissley funeral home here this ‘3 rE > day it 27 and 7 afterncon with interment in E D | | 0 R | A LL Markets: Egg 17-51¢ per doz; | Green Tree Cemetery Eutter 40c: Lard, 12%. | ———— lA Ops ee sone + + A surprise birthday party was | . We are delighted to report that a ven in honor of Mrs. A. R. Martin Business Men At community merely beyond the of Harrisburg, formerly of town | cross-roads stage. has banded to- A Sunday school convention of | (From page 1) gether to fight demon five. The | Mount Joy Boro, Florin, Rapho and | the two old fire trucks A bid | citizens at Mastersonville will nev- Mt. Joy Twps, was held in the|of $510 was received for the! er regret ‘heir efforts to control the | Methodist Church. | Dodge none for the L. France. vorst enemy of destruction, name- Burle Schofield, who conducted a The Street Committee reported Ivy FIRE. i barber wp at the Florin Inn, re- | the garbage and ashes hauled and eo ® o igned and will ace pt a position at | patching done Times just continue to chance | the Weaver Shop here The Board of Health reported whether or ne! we like it. That I'wo U.S. Army fliers were slight | that No Dumping signs nave been little girl with a nickle allowance, injured when their plane crashed | posted along the P R R property. now thinks a $10. hat looks cheap. cn the Amos R. Herr firm near Eli- Mr. Krall of the Prcperty Com- oo © ® zubethtown | mittee, reported a roof on one of VAKES ONE DIZZY At the Boro Council meeting, it | the pavilions at the Cove park was If Bore Council ever decides to is learned that $21,000 would be | replaced regulate parking in our business pended for construction work by | Supervisor Smeltzer reported the district, ‘he recent survey will cer- the Boro in 1930 sub reservoir cleaned und all fice | tainly noe’ Le of much benefit. Of 85 guests attended a reception for | Plugs tes ed and OK ! the twenty-one interviewed, © they | Mr. and Mrs. John Eby at Erisman’; Pumping engineer Schatz re- | had five solutions. The largest; Church { ported 214 hours pumped by mo- | number requesting one ‘hing was An icy road at a fork near Corn- tor, $,060,00 gallons and 55 hours Seven. wall caused four nceldents, one water 5400 gallons © 6 9 man was Killed and many in- Fire Chief Myers reported three 3 \ . i | calls during November and asked FOOD FOR red. er ae ae We sincerely hope there was a Fhe Children's Christmas Party, | qd we member of our new Bure Authori- | sponsored by the Legion, Rotary, | el | io auxiliary pump purch sea | ty at the Gontz property tire near | Richland and Booster Clubs wag ome time ago, but which is not i: : | needed since the arrival of the | town, one week ago. One could | held at the Legion Home ie i : . : be F .. | NeW engine The property com- get an excellent idea just what our | The marriage of Miss Marguerite i firemen can do under such condi- | Shick] of Marietta and Sar J. Igjttes [Nor to tions such as these. It also illus- | trated cur water supply at points above. ® ow A SORE SUBJECT ignerant on They enough such as ‘he Same people are the subject of taxes. pay taxes, | figure them high to com- | plain abeut them and go no fur- ther, reports that a Commerce paid Department of total of taxes to Federal, state and local govern- ments tor past fiscal year amounts to $362 f r every person in the US. Perh:ps if vou check last year's | tax bit yeu will see you pad less than this for each ene in your family and conclude that y wir share of the average | was paid by big business or real | estate interests. Don't forget all | hidden t:xes. You pay indirect | taxes when you buy clothing, pay | rent. purchase groceries, You re- cognize ine me tax, gasoline tax, sales taxes, tax but for- get you pay tax when yca ride a bus, use a phone, electricity and water. The more yeu buy the the more (“x yeu pay. Rise in| price «f goods, pay more tax. So, if vour future in all the intangible faxes, you can sce where they get this £362 amcunt for each one of us. . © THOSE ARE FIGHTING specialist informs that WORDS Ameri- can women make poor mothers, One of the main reasons, he has said, that our women have too nw uch freed m. There will he lots of mothers who are going to resent his statement for a justifiable cause. We ave told, perhaps truthfully, that from the time the female leaves the cradle she begins to compete with the male. She com- petes in eduecaticn, often on an e- qual footing in business «or at least on a competitive basis, moves with equal freedom in society. Then, when motherhood comes, she takes to preparing haby for- mulas, washes diapers. has added work to confine her to the home, extras hours that might be spent en outside interests being absorb- ed by having to watch and en- tertain her young. This all is stipposedly stifling her own needs, a complete change over fr m par- ticipating with men in profes- worlds, in society with other women. So in her re- sentment she bec mes frustrated and the condition often is passed on to her children. Much of all this may be true | in thousznds of homes, where the | sional women can't adjust themselves, | but we feel that around here we | have good methers, superior in| many ways to men as they handle Thursday, December 8. 1949 | Mortuary Record (From page 1) bids sclemnized =! Board of Health secretary, Chas. Dock of Lancaster, was Thanksgiving afternoon rs — - — Dillinger reported no quarantines ind one nuisance corrected Hel ‘ON TOP (ORS : . ." ho Tol Loon ; aiso informed Council that No y Se S and mar- | E own High School's band mai Dumping signs have been posted | J AF | he ched off with top donor 3 the { along the creek and water shed 1 1 Int S r } ninth annual Central Pennsylvania | The hoard asked for a $50.00 ap- | marching contes rris- bend marching contest in Harris | propriation to defray expenses and burg Saturday morning 5 ame was granted. - _ Chief of Police Neiss re | the social and economic preblems th t I ported | Are Stop 14 / 94 wisely and well, problems that | imp: Sh Violations, une mp er YASS, ne J o - would stump many a male. Mo- 16% : : i + on rating Hn thers with lives filled to the influence, three disorderly | flowing with family love who conduct and one aecident investi 0 : { Xe gated with 583 miles traveled 11 meet their children’s needs with lib Tyee auto understanding and who are no Council : : ouncil passed a new yav y - more frustrated than their great | ) avn or 5 dinance which makes it possible | grandmother was when she bore |, =. . Dy and reared her young jor enizens to plant trees in| . - front of their houses, if so de- LOCAL BUSINESS sired lessening the pavement OCAL BUSINE 11 , 5 . IMPROVEMENTS width trom 8 feet to 7 ft. 6 in a. They also passed 0S 1 During the past lew months | . Sed & resolution there have Leen a number of Jansing by Remon the use of ‘ } i ? he new engine with rder. > . - v oraer marked improvements concern- $10 y | : mamtain it and keep it in gocd ing local business. all of which 2 \ : condition desery eredit. C | | unc passed on first reading When the Murphy Company 3 ir 1 : ang v lan ordinance ; > ¢ the ; took over the Hershey (formerly He : Tv er ain ing the zoning oN : ue nap nis ordinance ) rO- Trimmer's Store) West Main St, vicus blished oe wos end eH] 1sly publishec | things began to happen. The Tl kee | he jamtor aske for i Se new owners so completely revamp- ho : wid ! ay increase but same was not grant- | ¢d the frit and entire interior { : : ed at this time that roday it compares most fa- The hid: host K : 1e gh school aske . ne vorably with any store of its c NI i ed for Offs} ois er NNelss to direct traffic "ing fype to be found in seme cities, | oo 1 ct traffic during [much less in towns the size of ames this winger: and 2 the matte wa 1 | Mount Joy I f | I placed in th | , lds ol the burgess to act s he Along chout that time p . RP $ be t : it lime Pro | sees fit bably a short time prior, the Firs Couheil led ig = mci! awardeg { I for ¢ National Bank and Trust Co. be- Kohi I : ig for a : : ohler emergency lis} gan to make marked interior and t : $561 ging system : : at a cost of $561.00 ne extericr alterations and improve- Supply C I Sto te Raub : Supply 0 at ancaster (ments. At that inspection a week T y iq pens: cgoe by meorly 1500 people, were treasurer a reported a bal- ance mm the bho: COL f 85 men from almost every walk of | ,.,- qo ny of ig : . 190.024 an In the water life, particularly the banking fra- $10.467 TO Bill Mey. seco ABT Ss were i . | evnity. And did they get an a ¢ a were paid uw. . 1 y 2 cye-full? There were many | 10 3219.03 ater aceonn| ! >» | a * and $1,187.72 boro account { vighly complimentary remarks » “ge » a SG which verifies that finer banking institutions are few and far be- SALU NGA tween, The change is a credit | » . . CL —— ! te the ins’itulion and all connect- a ed therewith { Twenty-eight members attended Only several months ago Dr. E. the Christmas party held by the K. Tingley purchased the Roy IB. | Mothers Club of Salunga in the | Sheetz property. corner Main and | Shoo! house on Monday evening. . illic 1 isvi | Delta Streets and note. tie im- | Mrs. William Mumma, Landisville provements there. Wolgemuth | 5! oke on her trip to China, Games | store | Were played and Christmas carols | there is a Were sung. Santa Claus visited the Beauty Parlor plus several quite | ¢'ub and distributed the gifts. The | modern apariments, club will give baskets of fruit and | New take a walk diagonally a- | flowers to the shut-ins. A party for | cross Main Street and take a peek | the school children will be held on | at the newly revamped interior at December 23rd. | the Acme Store, now in course of The hostesses were Margaret Hies- progress. When the work here tund, Milly Greider, Elvina MecEl- | is completed it will he difficult to ' henny, and Kitty Harple. The next | impreved addition Ine. room. In occupy an Friday afternoon, find a more modern, more con- meeting will be held on Jan. 9th in | venient or mere beautiful food the school house. store. And so goes business in Yh l Lit'le Old Mount Joy. ' Subscribe for the Bulletin, ) RE i DEC. 15 DATE FOR BIDS FOR program will result in construction | KINDERHOOK WOMAN IS FIRST HOUSING PROJECTS costing more than $50,000,000. | FINCHED FOR DISTURBANCE Secretary of Commerce Theo- | These grants will be made by the | Lucy Nissley, Kinderhook is dore Roosevelt II, has announced | State Planning Board with the | : ; 1h : v x ' charged with disorderly conduct by [that bids ‘for the first five pro- | Governor's approval | es jects under the new State Housing Advertisements appearing in the | Anna Mae Nissley of Columbia RI, Assistance Program will be re- | newspepers in the affected cities and was arrested by Constable John ceived Dee. 15 by the State Plan- | requested bids until 2 P. M., De-| Kuhns and posted bail for a hear=- | | ning Board, which he is chairman. | cember 15 for the construction and (ing before Alderman Wetzel. She The housing projects will be lo- | operation of these State assisted | was accused of creating a distur- coated in Allentown, Bethlehem, | Housing projects. bance on November 29. | Butler, Erie and Johnstown und | — - - - Tr provide for the construction and war io ee - > - —- es - ns re i | 'perati nol 849 additional dwel- I» wor =X ling units for rental purposes 111 | The bids , will be. for capital I [ grants to produce rental housing i | at lower vents than would other- (1 wise be possible. These grants | ||| | | will be paid from a $15,000,000 ap- | ||] { propriation which the 1949 Legis- | | lature authorized as aid in pro- | | duction of additional rental dwel- Ho | | Iimgs for families of limited in- [1 [ come, It is ‘expected that the f= { {i Em | | Your weekly \ || deposits provide | | Funeral if "deposits if | [ll plenty of cash | { Ee © | pre? Services {ll for Chygistmas | 1! . | ||| shopping needs, NT | |! | 1H ¢ i |. COMPLETE i I DIGNIFIED I JOIN ONE OF CLUB CLASSES | { H Deposit Weekly Receive in 50 Weeks H | ~ {1 [1] | FAIR PRICES I Lire it { ¥80 Lois 50.00 [ o [1 TOD is yee vy 100.00 | 7 ~ oy pon pg (11 B00, ene 150.00 [ROY B.SHEETZ | | ‘gg °° 25 1 Furderal Director | HI || | y ” NNT iti [1] LANCASTER, PENNA. 10 | vie oo ~~ UNION NATIONAL | | At Your Service Day or Night AH l | 1 T best)’ MOUNT JOY BANK i » | i i . ht : | | he Carriage rade, Cl OF MOUNT JOY wea Ys the { I Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation oe wp 1 >» -~ best | a Nall he SOFT | | «.. for “Carriage Age" children. No | need to worry about letting your ittle | one walk too soon. Jumping-Jacks are | so soft and flexible, ¢hildren get used I to them in @ minutes The unique, pat- ented, one-piece sale will gently but | firmly help develgp correct walking habits. Nothing is more important to feet than Jumping-Jacks. For all | children from six months fo foyr years of age. Jack Horner Shoes MOUNT JOY COLUMBIA | Wednesday and Thursday THE COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY'S OPEN HOUSE A FOR ITS SUBSCRIBERS AND AHE PUBLIC DECEMBER 14 and 15 Evenings 7 to 9 o'clock IN THE NEW BUILDING 40 N. THIRD STREET COLUMBIA (Our Neighbors Envy 66. our house kr aways warm wick "blue al’ Gives steady, long-lasting, healthy heat HEN the thermometer goes ‘way down, Wo are mighty glad that ‘blue coal’ has a bt of extra heat to spare. And what heat it isd Steady, healthful, safe, never-failing in any Kind of weather. A trial order of ‘blue coal’ will show vou the dificrence. Phone us today. Enjoy Automatic Heat Control—Save Money, Too! A ‘blue coal’ TEMP-MASTER Thermostat saves up to 30% on fuel bills—soon pays for itself. Ends countless trips to the basement to change damp- ers, Free home demonstration, WOLGEMUTH BROS, Inc. FLORIN, PENNA. ~ Srv. la rid Ve py pm ‘blue coal ‘and CR DIFFERENCE CUSTOMERS’ CORNER The anti-trust lawyers who want to put A&P out of business don’t like our low price policy. it to drive They say we use competitors out of business. Actually, as every customer knows, our low price policy is designed to do just one thing: Give you more good food for Crax Reduced Price 1 lb. pkg. 25€ your money. Here are the facts about our low Grapefruit Sections A&P 2 2007. cans 37¢ price policy: 1. We keep our profits at a minimum. They averaged less than 1/4 cents on each dol- lar of sales during the past five years. 2. We have ‘for years had a strict policy against below- cost selling. Iona Peaches California Sliced or Halves . 2 2907. cans 45€ R&R Plum Pudding 3. We do not have any “week- end specials,” but feature 1 lb. can 39¢€ low prices the whole week long. Musselman’s Applepie 30 07. jar 29¢€ > We charge the lowest prac- tical prices everywhere we operate, That is why we say, regardless of where you live, you will save money week in and week out by all Red Creek Apple doing your shopping at 3 AXP. Juice A 2-qt. bottles 35€ 27-01. cons 23c 0 25C A&P SAUER KRAUT A&P APPLE SAUCE CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 VOGT’S Phila. Serapple Lan 24€ AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Mix %.) 16¢ ELENDED SYRUP Ann Page 2.2. 45¢ SULTANA RICE Lb 25e WARWICK Chocolates bo. 59¢ All Milk, All Dark, ¢r Dark and Milk. Evaporated Milk White House A full line of dates, figs, glazed fruit and nut meats are available for your Pre-Christmas Baking needs, Juicy, Florida ORANGES | NL 8-Ib 30c g =X Mesh Bag » CELERY uv 19° | 150-176 TANGERINES 3% ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 BROCCOLI carom RED ROME APPLES dozen 35€ wan 25€ orig nh 3° 29¢ 48¢ Ib. 19¢ DIAMOND WALNUTS 05% PITTED DATES IMPORTED KEEBLER SALTINES Te 28C OLEOMARGARINE 350 ws. BUTTER KERNEL ramos 2 720 35¢ BUTTER KERNEL CORN ROAJAH SALAD DRESSING ANN PAGE SALAD CRANBERRY SAUCE TOMATOES I, 2 2 > 33 we 35¢C wer 39¢ 27¢ 23¢ DRESSING OCEAM SPRAY 2 19-02, 2ic 1-lb. cans 2 Ys cans CREAM STYLE CORN "2° 4 "= 25¢ IONA PORK & BEANS" 2° 3». 25¢ PRUNE JUICE mom ras borin $C TASKER MINCE MEAT 3c PINK SALMON COLD3TREAM 7 Ty 39¢c CLARIDGE HAMBURGERS '" 49¢ IN MUSTARD MAIME SARDINES "2 on 25¢€ MOTHER'S OATS» 27 28¢ 33c 43-01. PASTRY FLOUR Wixi 55 34¢ ob BEST PURE LARD He oe Ny LANG'S PICKLES “1 19¢ NESTLE'S MORSELS ui 5 19¢ THIN MINTS samc Ci 39¢ KRAFT CHEESE!" 27¢ i", 29¢ JELLY ROLL COFFEE CAKE 25c GOLDEN LOAF CAKE > 29¢ 25¢ 83 E. Main St. ICED CAKE PLAIN CAKE Mount Joy, Pa. a Vi [ — pe x TP ‘yy JN