PA. s SKET ce Out | 45- tf 9 Ss SE want and Ay ladly outh | the ARTS J-up wter- asic, ink. et | SY 4 = 8 99 fe SPOKE AT DISTRICT RALLY | key dinner meeting in the Landis ( [FORMER DACHU ATHEIST TO Murs. William Mumma, Landisville * ville Community Fire House last | urcr Notes SPEAK IN E. C. CHU RCH. spoke to sixty-five Lions Club | week. Her topic was “A Slow Boat | | On Wednesday Dec. 7 at members at a district rally and tur- : to China.” | NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL|/m. Rev. Josef I ou is | THE CHURCHES IN MT. Joy to speak in Trinity Evan. Cong. SUR-|Church. Mi Herschkowitz was wm Vienna, Austria, of dox Jewish pacents. However he AND THE ENTIRE ROUNDING COMMUNITY. born lost his faith during the first Mt, Pleasant i ! wid Wap » "OE heis Brethren In Christ Church World War and became an atheist Elder C. II. Moyer, Pastor and so continued until the Jewish Sunday, December 4 9:00 a. m. Sunday School Mt. Joy Mennonite Church Henry Garber, Amos Hess, and Henry Frank, Pastors Sunday, December 4 9:00 a. m. Sunday School Church Service Mount Joy Methodist Church 16:00 a. m. God's Word, Shortly Rev. James ¥. Mort, Pastor Make a Joseph Shaeffer, Supt. hay Sunday, December 4 | deposit every 9.30 a. m. Church School | week and your money will “Decision Day Service | Waly Y 139 os 10:30 a.m Advent Communion | be Cheer fully re funded ’ in Service ant time for Christmas shopping. Wednesda (| | 11:00 a. m. week-day church (1 Tee chool at parsonage. I JOIN ONE OF THESE CLUB CLASSES 7:30 p.m. Hi-Gem Class will meet | =~ at the home of M:s. Norman Linten| Deposit Weekly Receive in 50 Weeks | ———— wr ie i $08 eh ye St. Luke's Episcopal Church . HERSCHKOWITZ [ Dia 2 Rev. Boyd Kline persecutions whieh began with the (1 200 . oii fen 10 car NN Bo ; Ansty - I! G00 aR eo 150.00 Sunday, December 4 Nazl « tion of Austria. J | 5.00 ' 280.00 re m. Church School el, escape, found his way | a. m. Holy Eucharist (lst}io Christian mission in Vienna { and 3d Sundays) (Morning pray-| whey he met Rev. Fmanue! [ . ow . RT er oder Sundays. | i bi \ Brotherhood of St. Luke Corpor-| Lichtenstein I 7 4 ate Communicn on last Sunday of| Six months later Jcset was re- i ; ' each month at 7:30 a. m. leased from Dachu. He went to MOUNT JOY BANK HOLY DAYS Holland and began the study of | 7:00 a. m. Holy Eucharist. OF MOUNT JOY thereafter he came (t America Mission Inc ————r — ee Sunday, December 4 missicnary of the n Euro- 8:30 a. m. Church School re-n Bethel Wednesday —— 7:20 p.m. Sunshine Bible Class METHODIST MASS Bishop Fred P. MEETING Churen of Goa Rev. Cc. I. Helwig, Pastor auet a Great Methodist Mass Meet- a ur Decen sa oi ing, Sunday, Dacember 4, at 3:30 P. $ : i : 9:30 a. m. C wre 1. Schoo! v3 . i qa Stale i ge | B | act Etestion of officers vin comvention tail, phitadel-| Harold R. Hunt va on 10:30 a. mu Nore worship phia. Special Music will be render- Pl Ci D R | Sormon, “A Worthy Walk” { 2600 Ycuth Ci ingi a Sormon, A orthy Walk ( by a SLU Youth 101 sSimnging ¢ Plain Clothing epariment CE pl IE bt yl Sle sn Li it - - cece 8 Mond A %. Church Council Messiah”. An Adult Choir singing : A ; wv 58 ner : the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”.! P1A NO ORGAN o Ga 3 Wadnesd Ir. | I 1} 8 \ Tomes icheaver will be Song ift He Fp 6 quarters ! nesday as Vr. Hom todeheaver will be Song 5 Cal 0 11:00 Chrstion Yd Class {cade Bishop W. Angie Smith, of »n 7:30 p.m. Junior and Senior Oklal ou Moning A it & Wl . i x Praver Mectings Mexico Area « 1e i wo YF ® a P 8:30 p oy Senior Choir practice | Methodist Church, will be Guest { for Plan People | ks I pin Nn 4 3 | Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church [Methodists will come by special : ai ou Rn L. Dallas Zeigler, Pastor ains, chartered buses and private if | Sunday Dec itl : = : V/ x. A 9 a nm. Sods School cars from a radius of over 100 miles 2 ool weaters i 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship This will be the concluding service RY] holy Communion {ol the Methodist Evangelistic Ad- - i & oe 30 p.m L C.E 0 ince Program which has been in Electric Weldin § \ 7:30 p . Fvening worshiy o 5 0 - ) | + ly onan : Drs operation in oe) Philadelphia Met- -| and Gas g Wt 4 nN 5 Ee y { 1 wet e Wf 4 Tue ge 1 Noa Pon li opolitan Area tf > The: Also Specialize On vi +100 p.m. Young r'eople will meet Service were in 27 | Wednesday ay "FARM MACHINE WELDING 5 7:30 b.m. Praver Meeting ; : : > ; AND EQUIPMENT : Rev. Joseph I Herschkowitz den VI weal Met : I’ : J 5 wi ( p . Truck Welding | i Bat a ; hi LAWN MOWER SHARPENING od hy 7. IS Ladi Id bs wil! mee HANKS GIVING BREAK Cover S Weldin Sho i Bi | po Dec. 11, the Annual iN 1. MARKS CHURCH Ne 4 1 ! Salis » be h 0 fe hip Delta and Marietta Streets a ” Ae } J T 3-54 8 St. Mark's Evan. U. B. Ch MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931 Fy) i Evangelical United Brethren t 1 rl “ I = ul 0 Ezra [1 Ranck, Pastor n eaklast 8:30 the n A Gracious Christmas Gift RK sun ? Lec ith nr in f Thanksgivin i bi 2:0 n una ! I" i wah, fre youn adie > Stockings 3 hi 6:30 p Youth I vship meel- I ol Thanksgivi by KENDEX i Evening worship Praise Service, presentir the GUARANTEED AGAINST ! : gi Bi hici wu $7 I 0 p. m. Women's Society of bi i i AL . KE gy ps ive Waar 0 lft VIDEO Christmas meetin 1 { 1s 3 Approved By Gobd Housekeeping Wl cual i” women and girls of the church Young peop rom the rio} Nationdlly . Advertised M W z 5 te : e invited, Mrs. Lehman Keere: nission fields of the church. Miss qa RTORES 4 servalive sty. # E-town, missionary to Haiti will Bonnie Bigler was in charge of NOT SOLE) IN STORES of —_— - - - - - 0 oe 1h Spenser. the braise service Lester Hostet A. M. BOLACK i Wec 1esday 5 : : Ba 2 av F-51302 MN. PA Ie me R W 8 7:30 p. m. Midwcek Prayer Ser- ter is youth director and Rev. ana | qr, JOY 3-513 - FLORIN, P: . "i GIFTS FOR OMEN 8 vice Cf M Rancl re counselors for the 15-41 ok ~ “i 8:30 p n ( Ce cil of Ml Knit Scarfs used as Shoulder Shawls, B| nel jroup. i 100°, wool $425 & $498 9:00 p.m. Choir Rehcasa 3 Chutslings bigeye sutileg d n i Salis ia wr n - i 1 ra ING Ye Wil i Shouidereites, 100°. wool $2.50 & 52.98 Trinity Lutheran Church d hi ith gre I A Large Aszoriment of Scarls 75¢ to $2.98 I Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor hureh on Sunday evening Dece 3 SON i : 1 15 # Sunday Dec. 41) a £1} Ready-Made Prayer Coverings 3 for 31.15 3 dati r 18. The ¢h of > ne, . 4 a m. Sunday Sofi will also participate v4 122 ‘South Barbara Street od Ready-Made Bonnets $3.65 to $4.98 [A 0:45 m. Morning iy He =u » u : | $2.75 Yd Wn in.m. Vesper ce, presenti num} MOUNT JOY, PA. x Imporied ager” Net Da. . 3 Wednesda : Christy On Christ- = J 3 1esday aristme eclio 1 ( a] wr. TIN ta Nylon Tulle Covering Material .... 52,50 Yd. be po. moraine. the: ron ROOFING SPOUTING : . Ph Hou 2 SHEET METAL WORK Unirimmed Winter Coats $32.50 to $57.50 Ladies Bible Ci | carolin d will conclude the tow ROOF PAINTING 5 : = fo Yeti reshm { ste ’ 4 fur-Trimmed Winter Coals . $45.00 to $57.50 in h veddin 3 ridge, by Mrs. Ethe Broske, 0 rip to the west Cc ast. ne nun- ¥ mT op | Mount Joy dred and twenty-five guests were {AGER'S LAIN CLOT {ING DEPT. JOY. 3 3 4 HA : 2 AIN = oe i I A i | The hostess was Mrs. Merle present. 3 SECOND FLOOR Good who entertained the Music] Mrs. Kreider is the former Paul- 5 ~r oo D "i nT: . . Sl y 25 - 31 West King Street Lencaster, rennd, 3 Club members at her home follow- ine Miller of Landisville I'he Srna SR ARTA PR A RARER RA RSS RE RARE aX | ng the recital. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Cp Salunga Methodist Church An . | > Cw vt Pas America where he received his aa Rev. James F. Mort, Pastor : hh { fA Miss Alice Strickler, Supt. ining and is now the itinerant Corson will con- {couple will reside at Manheim R3. | entertained on | Mr. and Mrs, H | dolphin; Mis. I. B Thanksg News From Florin (From page 1) Thanksgiving Day, A. Barr, Gladfelter Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bigler of Mount { Joy. Marzolf, George Rev. Gerald of Maytown called on Murs Mumper on Tuesday Clarence and Mrs Vivian on Mr, and Mrs man entertained Rev. Gable and daughter, ving friends of Mi Cornwall will be The many Harry pleased to learn hc Saturday after ing hospitalized for 10 days. Adah Eichler Sunday returned home be- Mrs. and daughter, dinner Kauff- Margaret guests of Mr. man, Mi and Mrs were Thanksgiving were and Mrs. Benj. Mumper Sr, Day Geo guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bender at Mil- J ton Grove. Mr. and Mrs. N. E, Hershey and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Weaver were entertained to a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. RW. Roberts at Me- chaniesburg. 1 ! tl OUI ACCIDENT highway de FOG CAUSES At least was blamed cn the one accident fog as motor- mucky weather, That just ists caught in the headed for home. was a crash on Route 230 east of E town. No one was injured. SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mcunt Joy, Pa. f Phila- | and Mussel - Jno. | rs Ja Aa PACIFIC COAST FOLKS [ The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, xD tuber 1, 19495 Mr. Richard Gerberich, of Glen= | seca dale, California, spent Thanksgiv-| During the evening Mr. and Mrs. | ing Canasta. Rob- | James Keener called on the Rindts. Linda, at Ms. Keener will be remembered Rindt was | as Beatrice Derr of An en- joyable cvening was spent play- Mr, Gerberich is a frequent vise itor of the Rindts and entertained | them at Vietor Huge's in Laguna Baker | Beach, Saturday evening. ———— — = Il c. ROBERT FRY PENNA. ing day with Mr. and Mus. ert Rindt and daughter Bellflower, Calif Mrs town. Louise of town MANHEIM R. D. 2, EXCAVATING & GRADING Cellars Trenches, Etc. AIR COMPRESSOR Fass WORK Rock Drilling Concrete Breaking, Etc. / # a PHONE MOUNT JOY 13-4753 pecilizes in 4 Stop in and take a look at these powerful, ruggld, all- around utility trucks. See the load they'll garry, the . or fhe field . . . Look over their famous Whriftmaster or valve-in-head engines. AND THEN ask about their low cost and mowey-saphg upkeep! SEE THESE SPECIAL TRUCK VALUES wow? or the hills. | | 4 way they take to the rough road . . Loadmaster Two Used | COMPARE . . . and you'll see why 1940 | CHEVROLET SELLS MORE TRUCKS 3 Ton | NATIONALLY Pickups THAN THE NEXT TWO MAKES COMBINED! -—- ' WE KNOW FARM WORK— AND WILL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU SELECT THE BEST TRUCK FOR YOUR PARTICULAR NEEDS Newcomer Motors, .. CHEVROLET PHONE 3-4821 MOUNT JOY, PA. Tora SICO CONTRIBUTIONS _ TO DATE TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS $267,124 SICO CUSTOMERS are the BENEFACTORS "The MORE SICO CUSTOMERS — The MORE PROFITS for PUBLIC SCHOOLS. APRIL, 1949