Newspapers Are Read And Re-read-BUT-How Much Of The Advertising Left At v our Door Do You Read? MOST UP-TO-THE =~ ‘The Mount Joy Bulle M INUTE WE EKLY I N LANGC AS TER tin VOL. XLIX, NO. 24 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, November 10, 1949 $2.00 a Year in Advance A Number of Changes In Zoning Ordinance Chamber of Commerce Wants 3 Traffic Lights; Hour Parking 6 to 9 Fri. & Sat. Recommend Legion Ausiliary ; Christmas Party | Tues. Dec. 13 The November meeting of the | American Legion Auxiliary was held Tuesday evening with Mrs. Edward Brown presiding. During the business meeting con- | tributions were sent to five Veterans | hosnitals. Coatesville, Valley Forge: South Mountain and | Aspenwall, Three dollars ts the Needle Guild and five dollars | to the Community Chest. Perrvpoint, | donated These committees were anvointed | by the president: Membership, Mrs. | Sick. Mrs. Laura | Mrs. Joe Ger=! Helen Bronson: Hoffmaster; Troop, mer. Coupons. Mrs. Romaine Coop- | er. Rehabilitation and Child Welfare | Mrs. Harold Bender: Entertainment | Mrs. Tee Ellis; Popov. Mrs. Lee Rice: Pan American, Mrs. Frank Germer, Dime Cards, Mrs. Chas. W. Roth. : Next Mondav, 14, the | first card party of the season will | be held at the Legion Home. November The December meeting will be the annual Christmas and all members attending are asked to bring a dollar gift. This party will party be held at the Legion Home on Tuesday, Decoriber 13. Emma Detwiler Celebrated Her 91st Birthdav Mrs. Emma M. Detwiler, on W. Main St., is setting a good example keen voung. She before on how to never gets to bed midnight but take an nap. Mrs. celebrated 91st birthday anniversary at a family party at her home last Thursday. does afternoon Detwiler her Norman Bain- Hoffman, Two vounger br-thers, R. Hoffman, eichiy-one, bridge and Abraham L. eighty three, Maytown and vyoun- ger sister, Mrs. Mary H. Cover, ecighty-eight, Marietta, were also brother the Mich- Her clder former State Assemblyman present. ael R. Hoffman, Maytown, ninety- two was unahle to attend. The party was held by her children. Mrs. Detwiler sewed every day until injured in a fall about a year ago. Asked about the younger generation, she com- mented that things are not like they used to be, because of the increased hurry in life’s tempo. — Mrs. James Wanner, Akron, was shot in the face while hanging up, wash. A boy fired at a pheasant fiying across her yard. | the Fire Company's. | Rast side of North Market street to | B: Territory of Oak Alley, east side and on private terms. Mount Joy Boro Council met in regular session Monday evening with all members and Burgess pres- ent. Checks were received from James Hockenberry Sr., $395.00 for Octob- er violations and $395 for 1949 tax collected. Outstanding 1949 tax, $7,- 221.88: and Christ Walters, Zoning Officer, $16.50 building permits. A communication from the High- way Dept., was read asking if they were. to ramove snow and place no- «kid material on highway through {the Borough. Same was approved. Borough Solicitor informed Coun- cil the new fire engine shall be titl- in the Borough’s name and not Changes in the Zoning Ordinance are: District of North Barbara St, hoth sides changed from A to B of Pinkerton Road to South Alley, North along South alley to meet the now restricted B district, including (Turn to page 5) i A eee RAPHO TWP. TEACHERS TO ATTEND WORKSHOPS Four workshops will be held in the 1949-50 school year for the Rapho Twp. school teachers, the program chairman, Mrs. Catherine Link, announced at the meeting of the teachers at the Sporting Hill School. The first workshop was held on Tuesday, Mrs. Mae Breneman, su- pervisor of geogravhy at Millers- ville Training School, being in charge. Three other workshops which not have a definite time cet will be an art workshop, lang- nage art and nutrition, Mrs. Daisy Spangler was in charse of the meeting, attended hy 18 tea- chers. > — MR - MRS. J. HOCKENBFRRY WEDDED THIRTY YEARS Mr. and Mrs. James Hockenberry Sr. were entertained at a turkey dinner in honor of their 30th wed- ding anniversary. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. William DeCarlton and son, Gary of Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. James Hoc- and children, Jimmy Mr. Mrs. Elder kenberry Jr. and Ronnie, and Gibbons of Rheems and Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Hendrix and son, Jeffery Lee. s a SUMMY POSTED BAIL IN MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE Abram H. Summy, Jr, thirty- one, 121 Columbia Ave., this boro, prosecuted on a charge of involun- tary manslaughter has posted bail for a hearing before Alderman J. Edward Wetzel at Lancaster. I Wil =i BOUGHT MUMMA PROPERTY COVERED DISH LUNCHEON ERGATANS ENJOYED A Tuesday evening, a covered | dish luncheon was enjoyed by the Ergatan Sunday School Class of the Church of God which was held at the home of Mrs. Milton Mower. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Theodore Weidler. After a short games were played and prizes won by Mrs. Theodore Weidler Mrs. Clyde Mumper, Present were: Betty Arndt, Dor- business meeting and is Rice, Lotie McMullen, Grace Hawthorne, Mrs. Paris Hostetter, Marguerite Dock, Myrtle Mowrer, Helen Schroll, Margaret Mackinson Betty Jane Charles, Maude Schrol! Ann Newcomer, Kathryn Newcom- er, Naomi Leed, Doris Pennell, Ha- zel Zeller, Lovey Barnhart, Hilda Weidler, Thelma Fshelman, Han- | nah Sweigart, Kathryn Mumper, Betty Rice, Dorothy fer and Hazel Shenk. ——————— eee Effort To Keep Price Of Apples Going Too Low The Federal Government | rently buying up thirty-three car- | | | Beamender- is cur= loads a week of Pennsylvania | surplus apples to feed school chil- dren. This is due in an effort to hol-| ster the apple market for com- mercial growers. John Smith, Secretary of the U. S. Agriculture State Production and Marketing Admin- announced program will cost $166,000 for the! six week period ending Nov. 19. Devartment’s istration, Friday the “We're encouraging the move- ment of these apples in order to keep a live commercial market end to avoid having the market demoralized by low prices,” —————— A CI YOUTH FELLOWSHIP ENJOY JAPANESE TEA Twenty-one members of the St. Mark’s Fvan. U. B. Church | met at 5:30 Sunday evening to | take part in a Japanese Tea that | marked the beginning of a serie: of mission studies on the theme, | “Which Way Japan?” After | playing a Japanese game the | young folks removed their shoes ond were seated on mats on the floor, following Javanese customs They were served rice which was eaten with chop-sticks, with fortunes concealed in them | epple slices on tooth picks and | tea. A worship service and pre- | sentation of some home customs | of the Japanese. people followed | the tea. The program ned by Thelma Sherk Witmer. was plan- | and Julia | A +e re MRS. HUMMER, OF TOWN WON CRAFT AWARD IN NFW YORK | Mrs. Jacob Hummer, 34 Detwiler | Avenue, this boro, was selected a the division | at the 26th Annual In- | ternational Exposition, which open- ed Monday at the 7lst Regiment Armory, Park Avenue New York. Mrs. Hummer third hand arts Women's winner in | | won honors J. G. Forney Co. sold 114 West Donegal street, this boro for the Flida C. Mumma Estate, to Jay L.; and Marian B. Koser at private sale Lancaster County Mount Joy high school’s Day's instructions. Emerging victorious from a hard! fought, nip and tuck, three extra period game over New Hol- land last Wednesday night, squad retained their Championship won in 1948. Scecer took its place on World War II, but was dropped until 1946 when Mr. John “Chuck” soccer squad in practice togs listen to Coach minute , the high school. | regular duties of teaching the | cal Mount Joy high school’s soccer | science and all boys’ health classes County | he reorganized which he has coached for the last the | four years, along with three years gports rostrum of MJHS before | each of baseball and basketball. Soccer Champs aa Day joined the teaching staff of Adding to his physi- general education, freshman the soccer team, for her entry in the quilting div- | Ribbon awards are made to | the winner. Thirty different hand | arts are displayed and demonstra- ision. ted by hundreds of women repre- senting fifty different nationality, | groups. | Oras NO ONE WAS INJURED RUT CARS WERE DAMAGED No one was injured when an auto driven by David A. Aker, twenty- sideswiped a | five, Shippensburg, car operated by Ralph E. Herr, for- | ty, Drexel Hill, on the Harrisburg | Pike, just east of Elizabethtown. | Damage was estimated at $200. State Policeman Edward Conahan | prosecuted Aker for failure to drive in the proper lane of traffic.. rapt ilies seme sent LOCAL MOTORISTS MINUS THEIR DRIVING PRIVILEGES Forty-seven motorists from this | had their last week while had theirs restored. | section cards withdrawn | thirteen others | Those to lose their licenses were | Paul Hawthorne, this boro; James | B. Wolgemuth, Florin; Ralph Sny- der, Elizabethtown; Thomas H. In 1948 Mount Joy high school (Turn to page 4) Herchelroth, Columbia RD1 all for J intoxication. Lloyd Nissley ‘At Donegal, Wis | reckless driving after he had been | where her left TRINITY WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY HOST TO GROUP The Women’s Missionary Society of Trinity Lutheran Church have as their guests at their regular The Women's | Missionary Society of Christ Luth- Church, The societies will meet at the parsonage the Rev. and Mrs. W. L. will monthly meeting, Shot In The Hip the present hunting season occur- : eran Elizabethtown. first shooting accident of home of red at Donegal Springs one day, Koder, on Tuesday evening, Nov. last week and it was the most - pm J . v 15th, at 7:45 p. m. unsportsmanlike affair we have ve im v4 h I'he topic for all the Women’s | ever published. | wwe i oa ; Missionary Societies of the Lloyd Nissley, aged about twenty son of Levi Nissley, on one of the ’ 4 a a “Convention Cameron farms at Donegal Springs, ing the highlights of the convention was working in a field when sud- . . : of the General Society which was denly there was a shot gun dis- » in Gre apids ichigan, on charged and he was knocked to! held in Grand Rapids, Michig: | September 28 - October 3. Dele- the ground. All the women of the congrega- He was immediately removed to a physician who removed eighteen f also welcome guests who are inter- work of man’s | tested in cf the shot from the young hip. the mission When Nissley was knocked down | church. | by the shot, he rose in time to gh ; | see a young man run from the | field, jump into an auto and de- The Local News part. Mr. Nissley is certain he knows the man and the car and F The Past Week an investigation i now being or | made. T Id Incidents such as this would be Very Briefly 0 a good reason for all the farmers = arcund Donegal Springs or even elsewhere, to trespass their land machinery in use in Lancaster Co. against hunters. EE state win Sunday movies at Tues- day's election. East Petersburg, the youngest boro, has already estab- lished no parking zones. The receipts from parking meters at after one full month's operation, were $5,593.92. Amos Arndt, thirty-nine Colum- bia and killed his wife and daughter, then committed suicide. ev. and Mrs. Frank N. Kreider, MR. AND MRS. HOSTETTER'S NEW HOME DEDICATED On Thursday evening, November county's 3, a group of relatives and friends gathered in the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester G. Hostetter for the dedication of the home. Rev. Ezra H. Ranck, pastor of St. Mark's Ev- United Brethren Church, led, and the group participated in : shot angelical the sacred service, dedicating it as a : . : pi Ns East Petersburg, celebrated their place of devotion, friendshin, beau-| =. : . : eqs ~ sixtieth wedding anniversary on ty and service and hospitality. Fol- : ; Monday. lowing the service the host and 9 —- hostess served refreshments and the CLASS WILL SHOW NEW PUBLIC SPEAKING METHODS Various types of public be demonstrated guests enjoved a period of good fel- lowship. speak- by the WMS Observed Its Fiftieth ° Anniversary The of the here, observed its 50th anniversary Hostetter's, ing will Public class of East Hempfield Twp. High School, in asssembly on Nov. 18th. Participants wil] be Frank Nolt, Stanley Nolt, Noll, Anna Toews, Dorcthy Sensenig and Ber- tha Miss Mary Forney is the teacher. ce im Mlle ese Speaking Grant Dissinger. Lee Women's Missionary Society Trinity Lutheran Church J. HAROLD FORWARD BOUGHT ALBERT GREENAWALT FARM A Rapho Twp. fruit and poultry with a banquet held at last evening. The invocation was given by the | farm of 16 acres, three miles just Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor of Trinity | ncrth of town was purchased for Lutheran Church. While the dinner | §200 by J. H. Forward, Deodate was served the group joined in| when offered at public sale by Al- | singing of songs and hymns. The | bert A. Greenawalt on Saturday { program which followed the dinner | afternoon. A 2 1-2 story frame | included the singing of the Anniver- | house and bank barn are on the Hymn, Ah, Holy Joy. Greetings were brought premises. ntl 0 Wiles eins DFEDS RECORDED sary Rev. Koder, and the president of the so- by ciety, Mrs. Clyde Eshleman. The | The First National Bank & Trust scripture lesson was read by Miss | Co, of Mount Joy, trustee under the Flsie Lefever. last will and testament of Elmer S. A brief history of the society | Weaver, late of Florin, to Bertha Y. “These Fifty Years”, was read by | Landvater, Florin, tract with prem- Mrs. Harold Brown, the secretary | ises, garace and office building, in of the society for twenty-seven | Figrin, $12,000. years. ES Een (Turn to page 7) — ntl - Week's Birth Rerord and Mrs. Paul Zook, Mt. Joy BILLMEYER MAN FINED Charles H. West of Billmeyer, Mr. was fined $100 and costs for dri- | R2, a son Monday at home. ving an automcbile after his li- Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer, Mt. cense had been lifted. Joy R2, a daughter Monday at the City policeman S. Kenneth Cliff | General Hospital. Hartman the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fast Donegal street birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rettew, Landis- ville, a son at the Osteopathic Hos- pital at Lancaster, Sunday. rt lA Personal Mention Gladfelter attended his brother, Penrose testified West was arrested Oct. 4th at S. Duke and Ann Streets for announce 55 miles an hour. eet dillon mt clocked at LEAVES THE HOSPITAL Mrs. Eva Reigle, Mt. Joy, who was St. Joseph's Hospital middle finger was admitted to amputated after being crushed in a James press at work, has been discharged Mr. James the funeral of at York. He was 87 years. Mr. Reuben Shellenberger spent Sunday at New Holland with Mr. and Mrs. Phares Harsh. Mr. Chas. E. Reed, Philadelphia, arrived in town yesterday to spend some time here. according to hospital authorities. arn oa db FRIDAY, ARMISTICE DAY Gov. James H. Duff proclaimed Friday, Nov. 11 as Armistice Day in Pennsylvania and urged the dis- play of the flag by all schools and public buildings. United | | [.utheran Church, for November, is | Conversation,” cover- | The greater portion of the load | . | struck Mr. Nissley in the hip Lancaster Conference was Mrs. Ww. | Eleven shots went through al b : wallet and its contents which he | 5° attended as a visitor. Mrs. Bie- | carried in his hip pocket. Tt was | a double leather wallet and con- | tained a number of cards. the group. tion are invited to attend. We shall | Mortuary Record Throughout This Entire Locality Columbia. Harry Smith Wright, eighty-four, | I at Manheim. i Mrs. Reda Mae Ober, twenty- three, at Columbia. Miss Ellen K. Brehm, eighty-two, at Manheim, Saturday evening Jennie Neiss, wife of Harry Mul- liken, at Columbia three. aged seventy- | hes, of Columbia Wednesday aged : | : gate to that convention from the | seventy-nine. Mrs. Irene Groom McConnell, Koder, and Mrs. M. J. Bieber al- | fifty-six widow of George P. Con- nell, Ironville Road, Columbia RDI ber and Mrs. Koder will give a first- | died as she was being admitted to hand report of the convention to | the Columbia Hospital. | | Mrs. Mary Thorum | Mrs. Mary Baxstresser {, of Spring City, died in Pheonix- ville Hospital of a complication | diseases after a brief illness She was born in Maytown, a daughter of the late Jacob and An- gelia Sultbach Baxstresser. | Yohn Frank | John Frank, aged 73. | Mount Jov, died at his home in There is $16,000,000 worth of farm Philadelphia last Thursday. He is survived by his wife and Nine more cities thruout the [two children. Ida at home, Elenora place. Burial was made in Philadelphia. Mrs. John Charles Mrs. Esther R. Charles, seventy- three, Manheim R2 Old Harris- burg Pike, widow of John L. Charles, died Tuesday at her home She and after an illness of one week. was the daughter of Abram Hettie Breneman Rupp and was a member of the Salunga Mennonite Church. She is survived by these children: E. Ruth, wife of Carl S Krall, this boro; J. Robert and Ben John Rupp, a brother and four sisters services in the Salunca Saturday after- the East Fetersburg Mennonite cemetery OB Funeral Mennonite Church noon with interment in FINE HUNTFR FOR SHOOTING ON TRACTOR | ed out a ringneck pheasant | | while driving a tractor and then was one of four violations of the State Game recently. Game Protector John Haverstick said Claire Melvin Koser, Manheim R2, paid $25 on a field re- for moving vehicle, nineteen, ceipt shooting game from a He said Koser took a shotgun with him while working in the fields and when the tractor flushed out the bird, Koser fired at and killed it from the tractor ir i i THE BULLETIN CONTINUES ITS PERFECT SAFETY RECORD We are in receipt of our annual certificate of Honor from ihe State Department of Labor and Industry. It is presented to our management and employes of The Bulletin in recognition of another safety We are quite proud of perfect record. our re- cord as we haven't had an accident (and we struck wood on that for many years. We and all employes that’s our solution. UP. UNION NATIONAL DECLARES DIVIDENDS The Board of Directors one) preach care our of shot it, | hicl hunters fined for | Winch | was Laws | Samuel W. Siple, eighty-two, at: Margaret, wife of Walter B. Hug- | Thorum, the forty-seven, wife of Dr. A. A. Thor- | of a native of | Lambert, Philadelphia and one bro- | ther, George (Kersey) Frank of this | A Manheim R2 youth, who flush- | The | Union National Mount Joy Bank at | their regular meeting held Thurs- day, November 10, 1949, declared | the regular semi-annual dividend of | ividend of $1.00 per share. $2.50 per share, also, a special div- Both dividends are November 15, 1949. payable FLORIN PROPERTY SOLD Mr. Harvey Campbell his property, first dwelling the hotel on the north side of Main street. It was purchased by Jacob Stehman, local merchant, at private sale and on private terms. sold ab we has — — CUNT [Elmer Zerphy Elected Burgess ‘Schlosser & Stoner School Dir. Soldiers’ little Except for the there was very Tuesday's election in ow vote was light and there was not { even what one would term a con- test for any of the office 1 Chief Burgess ! Elmer Zerphey, Rep. | Oscar Donaven, Dem Tax Collector Brown, 111, Rep George H | Grace Shaeffer, Dem | Borough Audito Norman Sprecher, Rep School Directors (Vote for Two) David E. Schlosser, Rep Paul L. Stoner, Rep Fish, Dem | | | { Charles David E. Schlosser, Dem | Justice of the Peace (Vote for Two) Robert K { James E Brown, Rep Hockenberry, Rep Brown, Dem Dem Robert K | | | Harold Kulp | { | ‘Weddings Thruout Everything Our Community Esther M. Weldon Gerald B. Arntz of Mr. and Mrs Gerald B. Arntz, son of Mrs. H. B. {| Arntz, Mount Joy and the late Mr The double performed by The attend- Church, Philadelphia. | ring ceremony was Cc. C ants were Mr. and Mrs. Rob’'t Amtz | { | of the Rev Reeder Kennett Square, brother and sister-in-law of the bridegroom. The | bride wore a wine colored suit with taupe accessories and carried a white Bible. Her attendant wore blue with accessories to match and Both and groom are graduates of Mount Joy High School. The graduate of the University of Penn a yellow corsage. the bride bride is a Training School for nurses, class of 49. Mr. Arntz is employed at the Coe Camera Shop, Lancaster. After a wedding trip the couple will re- side at 39 Mt. Joy street Jeanne Gantz C. Robert Fackler Mr. and Mn George B. Gantz, Elizabethtown R3, announce the (Turn to Page 2) NRUNKEN DRIVER GOES TO JAIL Joseph Edward Wells, Dundalk 22, Maryland, was prosecuted by Chief of Police Park Neiss for drunken driving on a motoreyele He was given a hearing Friday night before Squire Tom Brown at time he the committed to county for the December term of court es meme lie WANT PARKING METERS High C Park 'Neiss i taking a verbal poll of the business mstable m 1-hour parking To date men of our town and parking meters the latter are leading two to one Bonus, terest in bor 0, The Durine Past Week Amtz | m. in the Chapel of the Kemble { Square Evangelical Congregational | pleaded guilty and | jail | (Deputy Sheriff Elmer L. Zerphey was elected Burgess, David Schlos= ser and Paul Stoner are the school | directors and George H. Brown IIL | was elected tax collector, | The vote: Fast Ward West Ward Total 3 281 614 133 150 283 320 208 528 1179 208 325 360 282 642 319 208 527 364 328 692 148 221 369 83 95 178 332 273 605 250 270 620 90 132 222 110 148 268 a That Happened At Florin Recently Mr. Foster Miller, of Falmouth | ! | called on his grandfather, Mr. Sam= Miss Esther M. Weldon, daughter | uel Shelly on Saturday. Ym. Weldon, and | Mr. and Mrs. Jay Foreman of Eli- zabethtown were Sunday dinner | euests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton were married Saturday at 3 | Breneman. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mussel- man entertained to dinner on Mon- | day: Mrs. Caroline Keller, and, Miss [ Arlene Keller of Elizabethtown and Richard Keller of the -U. S; Navy who was transferred from the Great Lakes, Ill, to Norfolk, Va. | A dinner was served in honor of | Robert Gephart, at the Florin Halk | on Sunday, who has been spending | a 15 day furlough from Texag! | Twenty-six guests were present. Mr. Neidigh to her home at Campbells« | town on Sunday, | week here, A birthday party was held at the | home of Postmaster and Mrs. J. B. { (Turn to page 5) —_—_—_—————- r.n MT. JOY HIGH SCHOOL OIL CONTRACT AWARDED The Sico Oil Co, awarded the oil contract for the high school at the meeting of the School Board The furnace is be= | ing converted to oil. | Miss Catharine Zeller, English | teacher will attend a speech clinic The American Le- | gion was given permission to use the was | | | Tuesday night. n Allentown. high school gym for basketball games { The financial report included a | balance on November 1st $14,587.82. Bills amounting to &1,488.49 were read and approved for payment. Taxes turned over of the 1949 du-~ | | plicate amounted to $5,798.66. | EE ————— | FOOD SALE BY BAND CLUB [On Friday, November 18 the Mt. { Joy Band Club will hold a food sale at the Market House beginning | at six o'clock. ar, is not much. But 3 to strive unceas- f 1 the democratic principles I for wh r soldiers died . . . and if we practice principles—without compromise—without | | purpose to their ¢ | | i A = > then perhaps preme 7 =n. J November exactly eleven everyone will from daily ac. to pay homage se who gave their res In two great wars, the rest of us might enjoy the privi- and de- | peace we shall have given sacrifice. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mumper and. * Mrs. Emma Boyer took Mrs. Ellen. after spending the .*