The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 03, 1949, Image 7

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    joyfully awaited in the oy, The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 3, 19495
spring, than the lily-of-the-valley? a is : t
some other kinds of toppings for
And, as a rule, we neglect the | F 0 R ces

Rotarians Hear |News From Florin Church Notes Lutherans Break | The Bulletin’s

{ (From page 1) | NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL | (From Page 1) | ! beds ‘of these toning | Casscole dishes or croquettes......
€po rom 5 long. ‘The . Bisement will cra 00 | beds of these beauties, watching | : W t h Cl k J Ir
| | Jane Gotshall, Charles Anderson Jr. THE CHURCHES IN MT. Joy» * ‘ont ie oe n , | them grow each spring and for- | Cover left-over olives with alive
n n NN] 2 ern | »d as assembly anc B . haps
Wi | Ralph Buffenmeyer, John Mann,| AND THE ENTIRE SUR-!'™ 3 ed a op or 2 y on { + + + | getting akout them by fall. It is | oil and they may be kept longer. | And Watch Repairing
| Jy + y nu [80 n 1 also 0 < 1 aj . . | . |
ssay mners { Jack Wagner, Frank Good, Kenneth] ROUNDING COMMUNITY. “An Will 50 & un Week's Best Recipe not too late to lift the clumps Inspirational
| Wittle. Fussell Yeager. Jertv Bie gitchen The first and second | 4 . ii I ———————
J (By Joe Shaeffer) = kr Moo. PR {loors will be used as class room | OVster Musarcom Pie: 1 slic- | and prepare the soil by adding a| So teach us to number our days,
4 secker, Mrs. Jay Biesecker, Mrs. Salunga : no = od s} 5 1-3 ¢ butter, 1-3 ¢ | well-rotted manure ot leaf-mold | that we may apply our hearts un-
On Tuesday the Rotarians were | ~y.. . a i : ‘ in 2 Eth or the nursery, beginners, pri- | mushrooms, l=d C l=3 ¢ : . { ’ arren reenawa t
ITS : Charles Anderson Sr, and Mrs. Tol Ch ch a fhe Breit n i wary. junior and intermediate de- flour, 2¢ milk, 1-2 ¢ oyster liquor, | and a complete fertilizer before to wisdom. Ps alms 90:12 2
privileged to hear a very fine and | Merle Buller John Ebersole, Elder In Charge aly, junior and | Wet ‘ i | vepl ~ the hardies TOWNS RE 19 West Main St, MT. JOY
} ) | Merle Buller. Mr. John Herr, Supt sarimants of the Sundav Scion] 1 pt. oysters, 1-2 t salt, pastry. | replanting the hardiest crowns. | |
: | " . 4 4 . y WN . Pd 1 is « 1€ Sunda: wCnool, y |
! interesting report on the United| The Church of the Brethren, will Sunday, November 6:h. The present Sunday School room: | €0ok mushrooms in butter for 3] Set them three inches apart each Patronize Bulletin advertisers. Dial : 3-5491
Nations from the two essay contest observe Love Feast on Sunday at| 9:00 a. m. Sunday School if tie church is uwlso to be coms | minutes. Stir in flour arid when | way. You will have an increase ITTY sc
4 | the Church of > eth 10:15 a. m. Church Service AZ mn 3 ain . : anda s f bi s next spring {
wingers, Mary Grace Bucher of the | By hurch f the Brethren at amd wd letely vonovated: and used for the i moothly blended, gradually add |©ot blooms next spring [
. : | Rheems. 4 nilk : ster . ring | Take int:
RT Junior class, and Barbara Ranck of | Tee ms 5 7 ; Everybody is invited. inday School purposes. milk and oyster liquor. Bring t 4 Take A Hint: i
the Senior class. tk - Mrs. Katie Foreman, of Bisons, Diving the month of Angus: the boiling point, stirring constantly Sprinkle wax paper with powd- ’
President Walt introduced Miss | Ts Suny ffuest of Mr- ani Mis. Mt. Joy Mennonite Church Church audit-rium was renovated, | and cook until smooth Add the | ered sugar first befere wrapping a |
> the § 1 tite 4 | B. F. Kauffman. Henry Garber, Amos Hess, and | [hic included 1 pairs to the plas- oysters and seasoning and turn in-| cake in it so the frosting of the | a 10 a
the first of the girls tc . ids 1 3 Include airs as he | ; : |
Bucher, " two His Mrs. Ellen Neidigh of Campbells~ Henry Frank, Pastors tering. vopuinting the. walls “and | 10 & baking dish. Top with pas-| cake won't stick to the paper..
speak gave a very e anc - i : : Rivsrddinyv Nave! "ww Bt » I 1 I vi ‘ .
spe ak, who ¢g Ve 1 very fin oo in town is spending the week with her : oth foul and. sanding the Root try, cutting gashes to allow for | A shiny shell denotes an old egg, |
res y report 1g Str © ‘ 9: a. . Sunday Schoo at ar € | =n | } |
teres ng Si ; aa the ucture | sister, Mrs. George Mumper. 10:00 Re m. Church Service Upon the completion of ihe Par- | €S¢ape of steam. Bake at 450 | So watch carefully when breaking | WIE E id
ERENT ( : tho ret iv :) : a m por | m ( ( li r= | 1s |
of the LU. N. Wh the nets of the | Messrs. A. D. Garber and George a 5h House furtiior improvements to degrees 15 to 20 minutes. | the shell... = An angel cake tin |
vari us der 5 Tn Miss Bucher | Mumper are spending the week at | St. Mark's he churchs are planned. Make Ready: need not be greased.. Bread C 1 bushel
then spoke ie? y on pat f the) puck Ridge Camp, Perry County. Evangelical United Brethren Ihe frame on the corner What is more fragrant or more crumbs brown more quickly than | 2
Jp! trip to Lake Success. Miss Barbara} apo zelda Miller spent Tuesday Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor West Thain orl Mord eels | — — | Ra NAR
Ranck, the second speaker, told | Sunday, November 6th. I west Man and Mannheim sireels i STAYMAN WINESAI

ve at uv 1 y
more about the trip and what they AT a roi. am
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sauders and | pission: ary offering for Edith Shelly [plot of ground is to be landscaped.
saw while there. She also spoke on | | ll i >! ial .
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheaffer moved | project. The estimate cost of the new struc- ° clo kere! 2724 arrived!
t Lancaster. 9:00 a. m. Sunday School is to be razed and the entire corner |
Pitted Dates Ib 29
Klines Home Made Hi Ho Crackers
the cos fF me ai the J . : is. Te EE RFR
the cost of maintaining the U. the Christ Zeiters property on| 10:15 a. m, Morning worship. ture $35.000.00 Mr. E. R. Noll
and how the money is paid by all | Saturday. on Church Street, recents Women's ciety of World Servic
basi , speaker. ev. , pastor
Ze basis. n es Fr vive TAZ y oo ‘ Es 5%
€ Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eshleman| 6:30 p. m. Youth Fellowship meet-|p.ul's Lutheran Church is the ar-
One of the interesting things that | and daughter of Emigsville, York |ing: Japanese Tea, in charge of the hitectural advisor
" happened while they were there, | Co. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mum- | Commission on Missions. em Aen ten 624 PAGES CONTAINING 6,000
7:30 p. m. Evening Worship
bis 4 : oly ’ Thankoffering service. Rev. Sol-{Landisville is the contractor and |
participating nations on a percent-| |, booed by Mr. Sauders REY: SOI» a HE NEW JOHN PLAIN BOOK
ter’’ ly purchased by Mr. Sauders. | amon Cather Wd the Bev. B.A. . of St. T

was they ate in the cafeteria where | per and daughter of Neffsville were | wognesday REV. ADAMS REPORTS | Cand bh 69 hb 29
all the delegates eat. They told how | Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.| 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer ser-/ GN JAPAN | an y C C
: a interesting it was to see people from | Mumper. ’ vice. Genefal MocArthur re= WONDERFUL GIFTS & HOMEWARES
° ; all over the world in their native | ——— eran 830 p.m. Sunday School Execu-| tiv hol tl av about Io
gs 1 tice Council meeting. gently aad VS to say apoul én HESS
ssi: costume, eating in the same cafe- | pAGS GAME LIMIT IN Thatedeay pan “The present situation ‘in at Koser’s Watch Shop
25rd i teria. | LESS THAN TWO HOURS 7:30 p.m. Ushers’ Leag Jepan is withcut counterpart since ; § bunches 0
They were accompanied to Lake | Mr. Loy Trostle, the capable and ing at ‘he home of Arthu he birth of Christ If this op- Dial Mt. Joy 3-4015 Chocolate Ave, FLORIN, PA. ome [OWN e ery
nian Success by President Walt, Inter- | efficient job pressman at the Bul- x. portunity is seized and wisely us- |
ational Chairman Clyde Eshleman, | letin, felt-as though he'd be farther Churci of God ed, a revolution of spirit may be | .—
me oe oy os & Rev. C. I. Helwig, Pastor : hkl ol
and their Rotary Anns. At the | ahead by working on Tuesday than | Sunday, November 6th. expected to ensue which may FRESH L l
meeting President Walt introduced | geing hunting, as did many of his 9:30 a. m. Church School more favorably aller the course of | \ S | Ww 0 0Ca
the judges, Robert Phillips, East | friends. 10:30 a. m. Morning worship civilization than has any economic | alt ater ysters i ic ens
: in Mth s+ Th Brake SB er ARIA 3) nd J Sermon: “My Duty to God and | gr pelitical woluti he his- . Cu Ch k
Danese! 1. 8, TH, lis | Ale 4 plugging Bway ati Sou Country”. y of : i > ren n eX an oO en Stewing & Frying Pp
RR zabethtown H. S. and D. C. Witmer | two thirty he just couldn't control The local units of “The Americ Sry Of ithe. Woy
—_— { our m club. Mrs. Margaret that trigger finger any longer so he | Legion. The Veter: of Feveiot It is of the conditions in general . @
oi our Ow club I 3 ai trgg g 3 g .egien, 1 cterans of Foreign 4 an - : .
Williams, a teacher in our school, | knocked off and went hunting. Wars, The Boy Scouts, and the present day Japan that the Rev i hese Services MOHAWK VALLEY—AGED SHARP .
| 1 Ho thi orvice 1 lo Ad: y h ‘hrict-
who helped much with the detail| He got afield about 3 p. m. and will Hoa iis Serve, Mr: Kenneth Adams of the Christ ib 0
; { ? . : 1. >. m. Evening Service iterature vusade will speal
work in the contest, was introduced, | immediately proceeded to fill his Ma emh ervice ian Literat Crusade will speak . e ar eese

And would you believe 7:30 ».m. Church Councils Meet it a peciai Missionary service | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4~7:30 p- m.
as was Wilbur Bezhm our Princi- | game bag.

pal. it before five. o'clock, the closing ing. : which will N he i tus Friday
wv Wiley C oh for game that day,’ Mr. Loy | Wednesday yening Tn Woy, hist up MW h d N
Ray Wiley presented Clyde Esh- jtime : game that day 11:00 a. m. Christian Ed. Class |in the Calvary Bible Church. Mi Rev. Kennet A ams Norris Corn Norris Corn
leman with a flower for his birth- { had bagged himself the limit on| 5.4 Junior Praver Meeting! a 1 ]
lems h a flov { | pag :30 p. m. Junior rayer Meeting! A General Director of the
day. Important meetings schedul- | rabbits and pheasants, four and two. 8:30 p. m. Senior Choir practice |. : Altai ff ; JAPAN Whale White Whole Yellow
3 3 rusade yaintaining office
ed—The employer-employee meet- | He was just about the happiest iene i = : : ices ,
$ : Trinity Lutheran Church toronto naga ane. comes {0 bd 2 tor 35¢ 2 for 35c¢

; y fives + We saw Tuesday and could
go November 15. Capon Day on | kunter we saw Tuesday and co ; € :
ing on Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor unt Joy for this one night in a
you blame him? Sunday, November 6th. hu ried schedule of onferences SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 ~ 7:30 Bp. m.
ee. seer meet 0 eer.
November 22 and Ladies night on

November 28th. The committee 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. it. Circles alons fhe eastern sede i .
appointed for Ladies night was Art! FOOD SALE NOVEMBER 4 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. SF TI oil] hi
ppointed I i 7:00 p. m. Vesper Services. board. He will be speaking on Herman Neidig einz atsup bottle
Mayer chairman, Dr. Walker, Wil- Ladies Bible Class of the Luth-
Maye 1 y Fr. ) : Li sd Wy the subject J ipan’s Second Chance
bur Beahm and George Keener. The | eran Church will have a Food Sale ~ bh. Council at the! And Ours ny should GOSPEL FILMS
:30 p.m. Church No-one ould miss |
Directors will meet on Wednesday t i Mlarket House on Friday, Loni h House : ‘
D € me q 4 : ; Li 1 J ) h nt lI messag ® CAMPEELLS
November 9, with the chairman of | November 4th, at six o'clock. | Vednesday Other special speakers who will |
I > Ry ee i 0: 30 y.m.. The Fifticth Anniver- i rats, i i |
all the co ttees at the home o + i i Lentini : 1 vile: . C
| the committees at the home of say Banquet of the Womens Mis. be featured at the Calvary Bible WEDNES., NOVEMBER 9~7:30 p. m. omato oup




the president. "Subscribe for the Bulletin he Society at Hostetter's. Church are Evangelist Henry Nie- . { /
">. ee : == Weisner lig hs will be showing Gospel | Miss Rose Warmer
Mount Joy Methodist Church Film n Sunday night November |
v. James F. Mort, Pastor n no tai vi \ ' |
2 et Sunday, November 6th. ening Mi Rose Warmer will be | y
9:30 a. m. Church School pecking to the Prayer meeting £ssS 00 ores
: In : IN Or . 10:30 a.m. Worship Service and grou Vliss Warme) present
Perl Dive oy cone ll CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH
ning 30 pom. Men's Missionary Rally py in Potland, Oreson. I Hoo take. a MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE
a LANCASTER. PENNA. Tuesday TNO $d gw Haven Hey Yes, Woun Joy '@ PHONE 3-9094 MANHEIM 439
5 00 7:30 p. m. Senior Choir Rehearsal MRS. HELWIG HOSTESS C. I. SUMMY — PASTOR
IN Z Wednesday TO THE KING'S DAUGHTERS These Prices Effective’ Thursday, Friday and Saturday (this week)
[1¢ school at parsonage. irs. C. F. Helwig was hostess to
—— { oly 3 Da 12 > Bible cla 5 Of - ———— — . - — |
ee = — St. Luke's Episcopal Church the Church of God on Tuesday eve- [
. a 3 AA CA RE NBII - - Rev. Donald Boyd Kline nine, Th were |
Vicar a a wn NEW 1950
Com- Sunday. Noventher Cth Mi Elsie Grove Viv Florence |
fh fom 9:15 a. m. Church S ‘hoo! Kaylor, Mrs. C. R. Charles, Mrs GAS AND ELECTRIC || R O B E R I F R Y
16:45 a. m Ho Eucharist (2nd Kate Barnhart, Mrs. Stella Sweig- | ®
and 4th Sundays) art, Mrs. Dorothy Derr, Mrs. Mary
net What 10:45 a. m. Morning Prayer. Walle ia Sy = A 7 Ranges |
esi 7 (Other Sundays) r, ni re od = i 2 i : PRICES REDUCED MANHEIM R. D. 2, PENNA.
St. Andrew Brotherhood Cor- Ell Smeltzer, Mrs. Ellen Lindemuth |
porate Communion on last Sunday Miss Emma Shookers, Miss Wilma
of each -month. Faton. Mrs. Blanche Parson. Miss a . ire
A 7:00 a m. Holy Euch wrist Anna Hofler and Mi Hele I'he
Fostess served refreshments after . |
! Y B Vi itin 2 Salunga Methedist Church the business meetin Combination Ranges | AIR COMPRESSOR - ve EXCAVATING
Have ou been Visill g . Rev. James F. "Tort, Pastor AY) lise { i} - pin
Had Visitors 2 rani ire | wi i Supt. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES $174.50 | WORK ‘a 4 TOW Eb I . & GRADING
1 9:30 a. m. Church School A Ser] 11 f i ngelistic vies R k D il; ay 2 - wo C Il
1 ? 2:0 p.m. Junior Youth Fellow- for the Mount Joy and Salunga oC kai : e
b Been Divorced ’ ship. Mrs. Rosenfeld Methodist Churches will begin on All Si F | n ing hE 3 Kink ars
. 6:45 p.m. Sr. Youth Sand evening. November 6. af ize urnaces .
Bought Anything ? Lr Dee [nay evenlay Novendier fo Il Concrete Breaking, Etc. : Trenches, Etc.
Monday hes Satur: ay big ar fie {
2 > 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic vice Church, and continde every evening "i
Sold Something . —— Monday threugh Saturday till No- KALAMAZO SALES &
a yd Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church vomber 20. Special Music at each A
Had a Party ? ve { L. Dallas Zeigler, Pastor service. The re will preach at SERVICE | PHONE MOUNT JOY
Sunday, November 6 a i 0 351 W. Ki St, L P 3-4753
aa ' all services. The public is cordially . fling ot, Lanc., Fa. §,
2s} To One ? ’ 9:30 a. m. Sunday School he I y |
ig Bee 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship invited to attend these services. PHONE 33598 |
: 6:30 p. m. K.L.C.E Em - 8-4-tf
8 Got Engaged ? ¥3 730 : m. Evening song service Me Frank ) Jr, 1.
: and sermon. I fain Street. Mrs. John Fellenbaum S——————— int a —
Been ilted 2 Tuesday will disc from the Missioon
pec J : 7:30 p. m. Young People Meet. Study Book, “On Our Decor Step.”
a Wedaesday
Joined a Club or . 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Mt. Pleasant : it 2 A
. 8:30 p. m. Choir will meet Brethren In Christ Church A 9
Been Thrown Qut of One Thursday EK Hder C. I. Moyer, Pastor T
99 7:30 p.m. Ladies Aid & W.M.S. |Su , November 6th i J OTAL S | CO CONTRIBUTIONS
y Had Triplets, Quads or will meet. 9:00 a. m. "Sunday School ;
) Le !
een Even a Baby ? T. Pied Gre Newtown U. B. Church TO DATE TO
| Rev. T McGregor, Oscar K. Buch, Pastor
. via Sunday. November 6 Sunday, October 6th :
Had An Accident ? : 9:30 a.m. Church Sche wl 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. PUBLIC SCHOOLS
10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. 7:00 p. m. Evening Worship
|§! Topic At The Cross Roads. Wednesday : :
’ Tuesday, Nov. 8 7:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting C. E. 5 ;
That S News. Please Tell Us So We | 7:45 p.m. Womens Missionary wre 3
|}! Societies of Mount Joy and Donegal| Patronize Bulletin advertisers.
. Will meet al the home Of VI. GI | w y
Can Print It and Tell Your Friends | ii: Fen wie om ei on |
| | Main Street. Mrs. John Fellenbaum Ne Mt OP! ‘ jy 4d 9
will discuss from the Mission J ;
Cy) & [§! Study Book, “On Our Dcor Step.” ONY |
| ———— LET y el t »
15.) ; men Sots | 2 ; SICO CUSTOMERS ‘are the BENEFACTORS
Rev." T.'A. McGregor, Pastor i ? i NA
— Sund YY, November Lo NESS NEN A ay 2 The MORE SICO CUSTOMERS — The MORE
e 9:30 a. m, Church School GET You DOWN a
| 30 ty, Westin fr x $2 PROFITS for PUBLIC SCHOOLS.
{ omas Greger, Jr. is leade ! i 5 .
MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9661 | Tuesday, Nov. 8 UL nes 2 DVEL Tse RPI LT PB Soi v4 APRIL, 1949
9G { 7:45 p.m. Womens Missionary Eres" 4 s AB Rey 8) mn a,
| Societies of Mount Joy and Donegal ry WONDERFUL, Sead :
| will meet at the home of Mr. and| |