dThe Bulletin, Mt. Jovy, Pa.. Thursday, November 3, 1949 MUTT AND JEFF : a By Bud Fisher : | R - m— pc econ 5 y TARE YoU G, ( I NEED A DOCTOR! (Lavo? DONT BE SILLY! VE ER ANS ( ) WL LAFF S Mount Jo Wi NS | Tron see 1 T NEVER FELT i \ y ! ? fF THIS LIFE ANY | | Fron os C3) LONGER! OHH I' TRAINING IMSICK! IM ¢ J rush by Kicking the ball past 1 GONNA DIE! Q H 1 lie i 98 Thin, 0 | IS AGAIN AVAILABLE TO YOU i | ( iffered po ie | . ft ri UNDER THE G. I. BILL OF RIGHTS priv f inte ( tl ( late 1 - Cras oo FOR INFORMATION SEE Net through on quick 5 Ae . gr ~ 3 “ x 2 win After coreles second . - y ” ' 4 Jun New Holland vied tus. sh hint 43 to ais DONEGAL AIRPORT = rere THE LOW DOWN ec ie News, cin: oc’ 3 \ bee led and Bob We: SYOIR AT ONCE Bue a NDISVILLE i SS HICKORY GROVE, =o oe noc [LA = Zz er, referee Bill Re ‘ent parts of the So looking — EE —— x - - of {i BY- nother penalty, claiming that| Funny as it sounds , new stuff is | quer the deer hunting sections. The Ladies Aid Society of the vari A 7 S BE 0 \Y L; W d moved before the balljold stuff—-most of it. Take the! Some of these pilots intend to fly | Zion Lutheran Church will hold a . vo Ww ticked. On the second try, shepherd boy hollering wolf when | to their hunting camps. Food and Fancy Work Auction A alt i ECSEI0nN trip nad od tied up the| there was no wolf. Then take the | George Minick visited the Lan-| Sale in the Fire Hall Friday even- meric = Ran : 1-1 Govt. Bureau Boys today who yelp caster Municipal Airport. ing, November 4 at 7:30. P O S T N 0 : 1 8 5 mor: : re : ; Vi¢ > that chaos is around the corner or 5; emerge tll Olin eee A ov 11 ot was insul I Vit. Joy Pos New Holland iE Sam Balsbaugh and Sim Horton j r Saw Al J { OWN ( Sw eigart disaster lurks, if congress does not ee > = Shee itor Everybody in this locality reads MOUNT JOY , PENNA. he : Pl 1 : ke ht Ford LI RENAE ante another 100 million to fix some : swt i The Bulletin—that's why its adver= and t ight I wa i Ick 0 RI Gable ed bl Ct ng Dis al New Cumberla = i " ‘ i. | COOKed=-up problem. 1408 anc $= . . . e art t1 ind commented o1 n Spotts : Jeorge Fisher “red Tobias | tisers get such excellent results. €¢ par fo Commented on WIL ps Picrsol ister—brothers and _sisters—there | George Fisher and Fred Tobias | ers got such exe Where Friends Are Friendlier re funny face, ---- 1 of at | Lb RH iribble| you have 2 words that agitate me. | flew to Red Lion on business. bis i Was my own i : {So rd H Jo he 2 words that agitate me, On Friduy alternoon Musser Wolk LAA On falsie. K LI Eitner And. like it we ; armers | ge bner Wolgemuth and Jno. 3 . hap ’ And like it was when the farmers ! gemuth, Abner Wolgen 3 i. ZZ — - VieCue cr Weave . 1 ’ Yh vee IT | . Jas . Wilson a Witm wd rushed in with pitch forks to slay Hawthorne flew to Chincoteague, . ooh. Bat Z £4 AlNCiing hig Life s just on : ircle Harole RW Yuninger the phoney wolf, congress now } Virginia. 9:30.1:00.2.5 P. M. | En - - tater Folks used to ma i Score bv period rushes in with the key to the U. S. Elmer Groff and his son, John| We have Salt Water Oysters ELIZABETHTOWN ob Friday Night, Nov. a 2 I hs : 100 0-00 127m flew to Fredericksburg on Thursday Shucked Daily 16 ; High Sy ol Hy / a { I I : TEE hase ARIES . or . ‘ost! } 01.0 00 0-1 gy along spell now, a topic for | afternoon, FRFSH ROASTED PEANUTS eieplions — oa R wih acts gos \ J Boyd . | Im nenarickKs reagsra 4 teri : EO Holl aii of these learned essays, noW | piney Rice visited the airports at HERSHEY'S ICE CREAM \N/ y pp; New Holland—Shaub ? TN ee Gi ' E ! : ; Goal \ Joy ~McCue, Boyd; and then, has been AEsop. I €on= | Reading, New Holland and Phila- JERRY'S LUNCH BARS Electric ° | ee a rome and ¢ : New Holland—Wagner gressman can tell a patriot from a delphia. J M. BIESECKER and Gas e Ing | ~~ Suc ef oo helerec Remley and Hurst. confidence-man—a sheep from a Alfred Ousler was approved by » N i 3 \ ft y | - - oe . . € SiC Wels JY . os v 3 oll By sharper—it means there I some- |p. Veterans Administration to en-| IV REAR AT Also Specialize On SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 and Emily Post and Net thie oh "apd ses. | md 0 I T { mee I To and ; thing wrong in oui school houses, [7oll in the Commaraial Pilots course BT N. MARKET ST.,. MOUNT JOY FARM MACHINE WELDING | : : : 4 Se : N EWT colleges, and universities. They at: Donegal. 5 AND EQUIPMENT Roy Lincoln $ Orchestra i I ror ot 1 m teach you there the rumba, the so- Dale Arnold made a quick trip to! 8 E NN A bil d Truck Weldin i" ; 4 An Mi Joh a sur-| cial sciences, but they neglect the Perry County last Thursday, flying | Stowell ex fie 8 5 — To Bost querade birthday party in|/foundation. Horse sense is becom- the re i et ned with a ol aur LAWN MOWER SHARPENING | — ema meres rr eee ers permease of 1 a 4 absolote here, and returnec V ; x | | will r of Mr. John mwell. The ing abso : received from a {fellow Pontiac e 5 auran 4 read choot just up | were Willian Witmer, Mr. So you college presidents and from a | Cover’ S Welding Shop See How Easy? | vho Pre oi che Fo=otl3t Ist ru nd M Harry Weaver, Miss Della) school superintendents—do us cit- reset A Ulin ssi 45 EAST MAIN ST. in > | CAT pre TE RR om worl spread---perl MG Mi id Mrs. Oliver Crom-|izens a good turn—put AEscp into A ve anded a husband | Delta and Marietta Streets | as 1 y Mr. ar [ : y A judge primanded a husbanc " tis ao nT I W Irs. Edward Cromwell, Mr. all curriculums, up to and inclu- for letting his wife support him | MOUNT JOY : MT. JOY, ra. Phone 3-5931 pal. Se Tl ee 5 I Mrs. John Heisey, Mrs. Ruth|ding the PhD. while he just josled around the} —_— H Ri NIgg Im which ae | wn 1 dria all of ‘ours with the low down, “ Hi lem: : Kilgore, and daughter all of Colum=| Yours wit C house. Arent you ashamed of Mew Store ours I Jer Jy de in a Robert Ere of . JIMMY having your wife m: ake Beer! Ca 3-4189 i heap : Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. Omar Hos- Tx Ct living by taking in washing’ For Home Deliv e- h he want to know what 5 Te e Delivery : SY y tt Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hostet-| The current anti-trust action “Yes, I am,” the man answered, | 6 = 8 «iM. ing to do an ncicsed a picture of a avis and | WACKER os eg md ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forward|against The Great Atlantic and |_._ —— —— | Monday thru Thursday | SPRENGER Nov er spouse 1 the corne : Ti Wn: Mr. Paul Prev Pacific Tea Co. is a threat to the | VALLEY FORGE Nov ae | of Elizab thtow: M au i ‘|security of employes and to the 1 NC G E R ELS op Our editor answered f Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. Fran “living standards of consumers, . 6 a.m.~10 ROLLING a | nd ter, Margaret and son, El-|Jonn A. Hartford, company chair- Rebuilt Electric ALE & PORTER May Judging from tl} nans ng : x reople the most good food for the : Lineral Trade i nd pr place it there be- itmacher. mcney. » PATIO ‘ Mrs. Hows ner and son," FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION fore hie skipped Wl ne : This attack the letter said is a — Howard spent Sunday with hey ass wi US threat to Mii conipany J. Y. BINHLEY Wi in J ¢ ecently I de | ent VI) nd Mrs. Calvin Nesh, of which you have al workec SO | f ; : hard and 1 ally to bug, As} Ph BIST a ‘M Des BULK AND GALLONS - such we must also admit that it — arkeft . Slot foun tq} Vih Vi Abram Gamber threat ie. 3 { | ( I 1s also a threat to your job and] ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 1 ) ist but mo 1 Sat fay per guests of Mr. your future. i rs so | 1 Gaml at Manheim 3 A and P has been M | Mi G Winter Me. ay i" 4 gd ne mo rown 0a See how easy? It’s no wonder this trio of mother and brother and ister ss a b ie L artforc 1e | y { ks a little dubious. But the Visiti s adept at teaching others Abram Gamber on .,m s started in 1859 bv | WHITE - WASHING | A PREMIUM QUALITY \ 7 loo 2 3 ax ion : ix Lhe : 1 i ; r Ne a Pp 1 1 re their Taf who opened the first x i 7 short cuts to skillful care of the newborn baby. Sh : : T tore in downtown Manhattan. | AND | ANTHRACITE instruction in the home and in classes for es tant } i I Irs. Martha Fogie and ns, tomate Hy : tna, Tats in 2 Sse . ents aT. i es he A [he firm rose tc leadership in the | 3 1 { cate $0 0 Everybody benefits that way s another sp d service the Visiting be X Richard visited Mr. and Mrs. . tion's retail food business by | DISINFECTING { Lovely deli golds Nurse offers this s families. The Visiting Nurse Association When I thanked the manager of | Ajfred Ortland and Mr. and Mrs elling quality food at low prices. Sol an oy In See cmble: is one of the Red Feather se es you help support through your Come the Nudist Clul 1e Int Rav Barton Cclumbia on Satur- The trust acticn filed in| hance Y? munity Chest. When you make your pledge this year, give enough for 1 tual | 5 » Bb B h id. “That ; ich New Y K i Joni ou he HESS BROS. { ESSOH EAT ; " all Red Fe rather services 3, vite pul we have nothin VI \ristice Wittle en- court to on er. & anc to get Successors To | bo He diay rid of most of its stores and its’ HUBER OBERHOLTZER { ™ 9 » 4 ‘al i S VI nd Mrs. { FUEL OIL L te < Com IN f he x —————— f M 1, and M u fing 2 : I eed to the FLORIN, PENNA. ancas cr 0 Os om LH Wi ICS ) 0 q ; oh Wittle of Colum- suit “particularly distressing to ! Phone Mt. Joy 3-4920 | | a #3 3 It leaked in 0 : my brother George and me for | 8-25-tf | N d Y ( ¥ t aa Gove : we have made every effcrt to in- | ce S our ONL ion 2 ina sh , VI Ruth Wittle spent the week .,,.. tho security of all CIETY | . OUR GOAL IS $416,798 ! 4 1ggesied nd t VI nd Mrs. Charles Wit- emplovees.. I mean security, not | 2 - 1 t 1 Y ‘ry avine vou fee] | ~ » ™Y DTT es : way to fix it yo Maret jus In terns of having you feel = FLORIN, PA. EVERYBODY GIVES - - . EVERYBODY BENEFITS | cH the N! pat md Mis. Daniel Geltinadiior safe in your ich but by Zeveloping 23 oi ©. i. a i ; itl | . 5 i : Bi : the pension program with which fd Phone Mt Joy : 3-4885 This Space Contiibuted ‘to A Worthy Cause by vithout hesitain hy nel OCP | visit VI nd M Lewis Farlow you're familiar and hy setting up 3 N\ Pr ns did just that. And the the 1 fwnilv on Sund the training program to help each { 1 ) undaay. » kb light dawned All he had wa irl rset 'mployee fit himself fcr a better G7 A FO varal. bie ot hos: He ol job. And now comes this attack 1 M W E i B me x “A ional ER pms oN | WEST AFRICAN LEADER which. if succcessful will wipe Bg PD * . , = walting 1 George who {| . a - SE. y oll on o red 5. ! Td SPEAK HERE : ww out all these gains. WY MOUNT JOY BANK Poarca susiuy, | St. Mark Evangelical United] Fortunately, over the years cur Sa : Layaway now for Chris‘mas. i ter Sh Se Church, Mount Joy, will policy of fair, honest dealing has hin ; A small deposit will secure your JUNT JO w d " en ; v Thankoffering Sunday un-/Won us the friendship of millicns &) y 122 South Barbara Street Bil Member of Federal Der t 1 wr ecleaning. we men folk ‘ Teno Ta he : W 0 , |of consumers and thousands of the i JV o MOUNT JOY, PA. mat a OY = Nn - Ber 3 : ler the leadership of the Womensiq,,sliers. We do nct believe that — ealiy navin I in time ii 1 . : ive ai iot f World Service of the the American people will stand by T : forth ROOFING — SPOUTING is not moving the piano, carry- | “Ce : : Ey : op off your shave with Seafort 22 To a church, en Sunday morning, Nov- and see this company, which has Lotion and enjoy the bracing air ef SHEET METAL WORK ADAM H GREER | ——————— SR a iE runks to ti atti carryin . i Solo Caulker @one more perhaps than any other oS i ROOF PAINTING EVENINGS SATURDAYS i farpitn lite ember 6. Rev. Solomon aulker. oy Jower living costs and raise the Scotch Highlands —the cool crisp- JEWELER | ors MATINED i i i k. cy 1 Dean of Students and Instructor in living standards, destroyed. ness of heather and fern! PHONES: ORY { t., Mt. Joy. P 7AND 9:00 P. M AND PAINS ne woo aX Fourah Bay College, Freetown = Seaforth Lotion soothes and cools | Mt. Joy 3-4081 E'town 928R7 87 E. Main St, Mt. Joy, Pa. : . T H = A T 23 E HOLIDAYS ng the floor, it i Yung the ry { the leading sov- a - .. smells fresh, not fragrant. Start PHONE 3-1124 SATURDAYS : We Alrica, one ol the leading gov 6.8.10 P.M. 2:00 P. M. And in this 1 ur sa ! : 52 wee your days—and dates—with That — — . ernment schocls of Sierra Leone, — - eT HATE TO. SAY | | ? re | CLARK GABLE — ALEXIS SMITH -in "WE TOLD YOU SO | J | | { ( ( Mount Joy, Pa. FRIDAY — SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4.5 He i! i i Caulker was trained in the . wi : 0 4 Rela { | Brethren mission schools of 7, hous ki Be 1 Leone, was graduated from ¢ housework! Bea 1 I Ira nd 1} I t Lebanon Valley College, took post and blue Show \ jo] 1] 3 ; , : : not want to wasn dishes, or cha ) raduate work in the University of P [ A N O — RGA N erful Seaf eel eaker for the occasion. arold R. lu nt Wonderful Seatorth Feeling! | l 1 “Any Number Can Play i BUT = { diapei S Prove t 1t that ) “hicag and is at the present time SHAVING LOTION ‘ : : % hl a srending six months in studv atthe ios {it Every year about this time the winter duds { | MONDA am, REG 5 rT Whe ne Chive: of Peunsvivenia. ‘He ¢ | I} that weren't cleaned and properly stored over the | MONDAY — TUESDAY. NOVEMEER 7 - 8 le ky os J that : was principal of Albert Academy Only $j00 i summer come into our plant, With moth damage if ROBERT RYAN — AUDREY TOTIER -in- £aity nose =e Nl ay =r i i too extensive to repcir and spots and stains im- i at not only can vcu take i r his return to nis native coun- T 17 ARFTHTOIWD { fi ) tha! ! hit Bev tha try and several years ago was €lect=|n me o 2 PRI IOV Ne Dp. 1 th possible to remove because of their age and eect i sey he Set “Up” 7 joe ton ih By THIF) Sel Yous savas 0 om D1 i on the malerial, they make a sorry lot. “ a ) \nd the wi iinisterial Training department of it Save your clothes and money by sending re anand oe : > i Bav Coll = = Tm MN your summer garments to be thoroughly cleaned WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, NOVEMEER 9-10 C ————— —— I Ad i ay Cs ( 2 il | fa our opinion, an econcinisi . | and pressed belore storage. Remember, moths { YVONNE DE CARLO — HOWARD DUFF . Buy who makes plans io. do| Put five quarts of aleohol in the 10 | and scil do their “dirty” work in the winter too. fh Po max with comann. | car’--Well, now, that explains it. } ) 6 TANE A CAP 19) Odes Mois is with necn "The cor’s inebdiated (I Vv. ALUE | BE SMART i CALAMITY JANE AND S$ AM B ASS I ey 5 Mon A WISE JOWL i p | Senne PARADE { | SEND THEM TO 1 Loa Ce = An E-town motcri in int a | - i hmm 2 see and when a cop rove, © E Noun ay | | FRIDAY — SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 - 12 ahd Stariod ty ho. ec. TAKE ST PS COLUMNS S| an’s Pharmac { IC er ys DAN DAILEY — ANNE'BAXTER -in- ed Wor Lives 1 1 been | | TO BUSINESS WILL LEAD 0 y | | LY — ANNEBAXTER i |p irinkin tori sestlv | ‘OU : be 9 Ba 9 drinking. The motorist earmesty| | SUCCESS ol youre The REXALL Store YOU PHONE 34071 WE CALL i You're My Everything’ | replied: “Oh, no officer I am | SAVINGS ain aire ae. RoE ) some perfectly sober but I did just | Phone 3-3001 MOUNT JOY, PA, SRT & Ay 4 f 4 rm. ails, ts ih a atone mel 1 ey |