The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 03, 1949, Image 5

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Dm mae mE AE EEE TT

Thursday, Nov. 10, 1949
1:00 O'CLOCK P. M.
To be held at the Keystone Holstein Sales Barn, just
east of Mount Joy, Pennsylvania on Route 230.
50 Head
10 head fresh since September 1;
and December; fres]
bulls, 8 heifers bred to a grandson of
D. H. I. A. Herd Average 11932 Milk, 409. Fat.
Leechwood Fobes Posch. 611.7 of fat, 15,373 of :
testing 3.91% as 3 = old and 3 daughiers. One, Artkay
Rag Apple Pride, 2 years, 236 days, 397.9 of fat, 10,702
of milk es record) and her son by Lifloc Signet

8 head due in November
throughout the veor; 3
Marksman; 7
14 head lo en





Ladies Bible Class of the Church | + Farmer ‘S Deluge AE
of God, Landisville will serve Fives 7 Up
{ Oyster supper at the Landisville Wi h T ! ty
| Fire Hall on Saturday, Nov. 6th, State it aX Ls “7
| from 4 to 8 p. m. 4 ee arm.
| re Refund Requests BURTON WILLIAMS |
| Everybody reads newspapers bud ye —
[ NOT everybody reads errcular ad- Farmers by the thousands have Cart Eases Work
sevticine left on their door step deluged the Commonwealth with THERE'S an old saying that the
requests for refunds of gasoline tassios. way to do a thing also
taxes allowed under a 1949 law I op DO Xa i | y and rs § Qf
The Stite Board of Finance of many a laborious and time
Revenue said some 12000 requests consuming far ron. po i SN
already have bee tabulated for gre various liitle jobs around a
the quarterly period ended October 2 that can be made easier by
15 It added that many hundred aI os las i of kne mo rs
more poured in at deadline time go, L pon the idea of the wheel,
which have not vet been A home-made cart like that
The law permit Pennsylvania's ‘Wey below, Lol example, can save
176.000 farmers to receive refund en eit
f half of the five-cent state t TR [ —-
hey pay on gasoline used in food

Tahari by a $7,000 son of Marksman, out of Lif] 1 ton figures indicate it will ke far
Hari Supreme, world record Jr., 3 year old on 2X with 90° less than that 5 :
of fat, 19635 of milk {esting 4.61% The 1949 Legislature authorized you Pinel; Siva and efron bi 0%:
. n ii > % ha - . tt ~ . . O S on one 0 N=
Man-O-War Rag Apple Betsy V , a daughter of the State Board of Finance and other: or for carrying milk cans,l|
Man-O-War Dictator. Several times Grand Chamy ion at _ Revenue to make quarterly repay- so machines, tools, bags of feed
Ti oN y Ct. PN Tr me 3 icatior ; » fap. an ) on.
Canadian Shows, 8y 493 lbs. fat, 14,284 milk 2X, and her PIIRLIC SALE Tenis ig op Aeon by the fa Tho cot ts anil ine
PR " { et io ers, The oar ‘ @ cf Ss simply and mnexpen-
son by Raymondale Rag Apple Paul as son of “Ajax Of Real Estate & Personal Property | ¢! Rib wii haiti et Radon os Bing d gi
Otonabee Colantha Lady, 2y, 2X, 460 fat, 13,043 | SATURDAY. NOVFMBER 19. 1849 ore tha’ 80000 forms throush- pigin wooden crate equipped with
milk. Sha is the dom of an AllConadian Bell and of a i Located in the Village of May- | out the St ite to granges, farm 2 handle or oes and Jeune on
OW O's ro vor for lav VO ubbey- vheels nm an
Reserve AlCanadian Progeny. |* 1490. #4. crested £00} eratives, form organiza- i : be Feline gy i rom a}
Spruce Brae Ormsby Segis Teake, 492.4 fat, dy, 15- Hons and gasoline stations in rural 4's, may have gate at one end.
J J : ld areas. ‘ A 1:
837 milk, 2X. In 200 days of her fine vear old lactation, | 21, STORY oe ; al p Sop goon I g uch Bye hicle
1 5 IGE t | : Se After a farmer fills out a form should not be ditlicult i she balks
she has 13,373 of milk, 419.5 of fat, up fo 93 lbs. FRAME DWELLING and returns it to the Board rp ai entering, pot Joo. grain in the
shi ; : ns » Board here, | 3 ing, put Ie i
of milk a day. equinped with electric and gas, > front of the car and entice her in.
5 ~ | : : he gets a code number and anoth-| yr
Bonnechere Rag Apple Supreme, a son of Glenafton {recently installed septic tank, Also : J eo If she per fl NAP Ped inal, PUL
Rag Apple Craftsman, the sire of the All American Moun two-car garage. work shon., and | °T form on which to apply for re- 2 basket over het i and back
1g ADDIE ~TALSIT Il, e sire Of th All-American ivioun- an Tas YOR imbursements ner an.
tain View Coralie Rag Apple. He was second prize } hos e. Petty seen. | rs pont tk ot id -— am
ye x = 5 | Alen at the same me and ace eceipls oy the amount f gaso-
calf Lampeter, 1948, and 3rd prize bull cal Whe following propery Willd i: of gaso
e pe nal proper:y line bought for use in farm mach-
Farm Show, 1949, | be offered for sale: | inery in the producti f food {a e gister
Several animals are bred to the two sons of Lifloc [White and junry paneled rani | must coon : a f ah
ane 2 tAYUR: ane eater: living 1 | must acco any the second ‘m.
Mata Hari Supreme, world record junior 3 vecr old on 2X fot i id : al heat living roo ov ; cong form
ans f ke 19.625 milk er Z 3 0; MAE Mk) | suite; extensicn table: cupboard; | The form also must ke accompa-! If you want a on your sale
ith m test { ote ru vias: Aner : B= : BY Rh Bs : : : :
wit! "ae Py a 0s : ing 61 € . 3 012 rug: throw rugs fl or and ! nied by a $1.50 filing fee to be paid nserted in this register weekly
erd Certi fied, A credi ted, ar 1d vaccinate p28 re owin hy LT quarterly. rem row until day of sale. ABSO-
table an trav: single MC with = Ae .
C. Arthur and Amanda K. Wolgem th Bd ay i he Oct. 15 filing deadline cov- LUTELY FREE, send or phone us
u Radio and cabinet; kerosene | €red the month of July, August: your sale date and when you are
Holstei Saou JOY, PENNSYLVANIA, OWNERS lamns: senles: electric sweener: el- | and September. The next dead- ready let us print your bills. That's
Keystone Holstein Sales, Inc. ertric washer: lot of cmned goods: | line will be on Jan. 15 he cheapest advertisingyou can get
Mount Joy, Penna.. Managers. eal pages tubs: h yess de Gasoline weed in’ tractors and LR
en meee tne eee — porch rockers: two lawn mowers: | : . : |
| ifi d € IL It P § | wren cultivatey: oarden tools: toe gas line powered farm ma- Saturday, Nov. 5—On the premi-
Use Our C ass Ie Oo umn ys | tools: sot of bitcher tenis: chinery is subject to a re fund, but ses in pho Twp., 3 miles North of
rdware bovine machine: cider | not that used in cars, trucks and Mount Joy on the road leading from ||
I free work bench and vies! Soa. jeeps and similar vehicles Backer s Se "Ves St Hien to Ho “ik
\ A E A ( | F fe A R RN A ea sizing boxes: ston and extension a — Church, at the church a valuable
L ladders; grass scvthes fruit and poultty farm, 16 acres
ma A : S rg » house, bank
ANTIOUES M t with 2! tory frame house, bank
® Secretary and desk: <et of 6 old- 0 uary ecor barn, etc by Albert id are AW Ht
ele 1S ersa a e fachicned kitchen chairs: walnitt C. S. Frank, Auct. Sale at 2 p.m
I sideboard; cherry Pnteh eunboard; (From page 1) rem rere
| cherry veneered chest of drawers: | enty-five, widow of Ph res K Saturday, November 5 On the!
Of 50 Registered | veneered mirror: dron-loaf table: | Kreider ot the home of her daugh- premises located in the Village of
i doughtrav; small copper Kettle! fiat : : = Bainbridge osite the Hawthorn
: pe | IQ Mus iel Forrv ~ .. oppor
irons: and some dishes: and a lot of 15D yrs, Daniel Pores C Tumba Furniture Store, 2% story frame
other arlicles tco numercus to RD2, West He mpfield Tw; after house, wash house. electric,
I ntion. >30 P. M an illness of seven years. ww Paul R. Gates and Ethel Gates
Sale to commence at 12:30 P. M., | —_— Walter Dupes, Auct. Sale at 2 p.m.
whe ‘ itions il > ade | + ‘ EC - :
Bangs certified and calthood vaccinated. T B. certified I hen, | onditions will be made | 4.0 co © Newcomer es
known by ' rday. Nov. 12 he prem-
TT TY MRS. SUE SINGER M:s. Florence Newcomer, sixty. . Sat gays Mori JX Ou oo i i m
if, x y ses at 200 Marietta Avenue, In the
MONDAY, NOV. 7, 1949 | Walter Dupes, Auel wife of Samuel S. Neweomer, well of Mount Joy, lof of Ans
! dis & Garman, Clks 44-3t | known Kane drugeist, died Fridav tiaues Bouschold od
Li or immersive ib std BES, dled riday hiques and hot Id goods by J
On the farm located in Lancaster Co., miles south of Man. wees ST SALES morning in the Community hospital Avery Engle and Danicl F. Engle,
heim on the road leading from Route 72 to Fruitville Pike on Of Rea UBL & Personal Property | here she had been a patient since EXecutors i oH >
eal Estate & Pers ) dec’d. Sale at 1220 p.m. C
Route 772. | SATURDAY, NOVEMBFR. 12, 1949 | August 18. Death was attributed Tage da i rid Pe
- o Ny EAL
2 5 C O WwW S | In ‘he Borough of Elizabethtown, | te complications. SRE
i 3 No. 441 Park Stree : :
| at No. 141 Park Street Besides her husband, who is a / sday. November 10-—-At the
A 21, STORY | Wednesday, November
: Cia ative « ou she leaves Keystone o:stein Sales Barn east
Many are ffresh or close springers, | FRAME DWELLING native of Mount Joy, she leaves a 8 Soto 3 fon 8a Ts PH ea
balance due throughout the year. be ne and Dat; eqdip sister, Mrs. Olive Evans. ; 1 joy a 2 Mie 2 7) heal
i TOC be aln, e - me urebrec oiste y £ nul
1 The funeral w: eld Monday af-" A
7 SPRINGING HEIFERS } ved tor two apartments, insulated. 3 uneral Was hold Monday ai nd Amanda K. Wolgemuth
3 BULLS | Aso two-car fo: forncon, and burial was made in =
| ‘ Sie Be At ests , the family plot Forest Lawn cem- . redid r 17 p
Balance are heifers from 1 month i. 8 the same time and place the € v plot in Forest Lawn cem- Saturday, N vember 17 On th
. . | following personal property will be | etery. osremises in Silver Spring, in West
to 18 months old. Continuous D.H | i ot ior Sic Yemofeld Twn ory. fram?
I.A. testing has been done for six hs B dre fot st lin'ne room sui! a hs gy Li tors {fram : 1
a \ 3 om suite: ¢ J room e. | Fannie M. Brose welling arge 2-story rame gar-
years. i {| living room suite: electric floor «nd Mi hy ROBEY > . age also 65 It adjoining, and
Lauxmont L. Sensation (He by Lauxmaster the great proven swe. on | bride lamps: General Flectric Re- Mrs Fannie VI fifty-|1,,ussho'd gon by Heary H. Ki
from Yarba Sensaion Pontiac 2nd with 395 days at Gu years {oJ 1al | old fashioned rocker: | “even, wife of Frank B. Brosey,! sp itor of the last Will and
3.9%. 19419.0 milk). Has been our main herd sir: he ast 3 years, There | oie ton table: wash machine: | Mount Jev RD, died Sunday at of Leah H. Heidler, d
will be no less than 30 head of his off-springs in this sa porch swing and glider; chest; cor- | (he. Gener after : i111 Frank, At Sale at
The oldest daughters are completing t their frst records including Lime- ! wnt: cooking. Wenails: and 1e - General Hospital, after an ill
acre Pietertje Pontiac 2 yrs. 5 months, 365 days, 11200 milk, 441.4 fat; Tot ol other articles (00 ness of four days. She was lern
3.94%: Limeacre Sunrise Clohilda 2 yrs. 3 months, 310 days, 10,173 milk; © in Donegal Township, a daughter] ¢ turdayv, Nov prem-
371 fat: 3.7%. : at Sale to commence at 1-00 P. M., | of the late Henry and Alice Co- as : : West
Also Special Mention of Ormsby Korndyke Carnation Tou is he when conditions will be made | ver Myers and was a member ; Hy m niald Cratos
r timz, 3 daughte 3
nearest to an excellent cow of any cow Sold 20 for 8 Jong un > Fo 153 known by 3 | Trinity Evangelical Congregation-'1welling he > fram
selling. Record—365 days 15776, 579.9 F. 3.73%. Fresh May 14-—in 155 | W. D. BOESCH | y rage and personal property by
days she has 10,095 Milk, 379.2 Fat, 3.75% Te at. Her 2-year-old daughter | yr ita. Pupes, i Church here, 5 rae an Keser ei cut of the
has been milked 230 days, she has 309.7 fat; 4.251 ¢ Tes 30% Ja Landic & Garmon, Clks. 14-21 Besides her husband she is), will and Testament f Leah H
A daughter of Dunlogzgin Go'dmaster at 3 years ol age in 32 jin | ree err mater er wpm ener | gUrvived by these children: PrankiMeidler. decd. Personal p operty at
has 11 172 Milk and 403.1 Fat, 3.61% tes er dam at 10 years made = TE, IB Jr of Manheim: Alice, wife of "2:39 bp m. and real estate at 3 p
486 milk: 590.0 fat. ; : | {Vereen ys ot 5 ; wn. CS Frank. Atel
A i old daughter of Saf>master 3 yrs. 314 days. 14044 milk, 464.4 | SIMON P. NISSLEY | re neis Rox ing, E-town RD3: Mm S. I ak, Au
fat. A 3 year old daughter of Elmercft Monogram with 4534F fat, 4.15 MARY G. NISSLEY John, Manheim RDI: Barbara, the 1 or, om lec. 3
test—10,851 milk. Also selling two daughters of Lucifer the one due at! FUNERAL DIRECTORS wife of Henry Hess, Columbia; Friday. RY ul ot pd my 0)
3 a : west \ Mt. Joy. cn Route 231},
sale by the herd sire. | Mount Joy. Rs. Ncrman and Francis, at home; al- g he i of fresh and close sprin
: MILKING EQUIPMENT ho. | mei rrr wee 180° 2 Arthur Myers and Balls bo Keveterie Holstein
Two unit Surge milker complete, used twenty months; Nc | | wm and] a step brother, Harlan Sales. Inc., Mount Joy
4-can electric milk cooler, 18—85 lbs. milk cans, buckets and | | Wetdma Lancs) i 9 oe — —— en
tii : Se I”. an o Aancaster anc
so selling one Ma-Deering milking mach'ne unit in good condition. C HINCOT EAGU E er i : a w Ck
gs sel coo grandchildren. ARTHUR WOLGEMUTI BUYS
FARM MACHINFRY : | = The funeral was held at Man- REGISTERED HOLSTEIN COW
Farmall A tractor, star ter and lie hts, goo | rubber, monte 1 JA Jack | heim this. afterncon. with inter.) C. ‘Arthur Mount
plow: cultivator; tobacco hoes; Mc-Deering dise harrow with 24 « iscs, ment in the Chickies Cemetery Joy has recently acquired a regis-
used one season: three-section spring harrow, 714 ft. cultipacker, rubber- pr 1 Holstein Friesian cow from
tired wagon, with 16 ft. flats with side-boards and brake: G.I. tractor | CLAMS -— i lerec ols i rie en cov ron
a 3 . tes . SOIR, tes esti: the herd of 08k Thompson of
spreader on rubber, used one season; potato cutter. a Ii t M ts !
Sale to commence at 12:39 ¢'clock. Order of sale, implements at 12:30, { J & Ti ud dll ea S Dall's. Wis Change of ownershi;
eat)» at 1 o'clock. Sale will he held Unley cove I. Eh 5 : | oe im ALSO for ‘this Isabelle Plohe De
Lunch by the ladies of the Home Bnilders o icques Church of | Yo. Rue hoon cliicially rocorded by
the Brethren. For catalog write Harvey Rettew, Manheim, Pa. R2; sale Schro 1 1 A FULL LINE OF oo pr 3 eo ¢ ly Wi I
he - Friesian ASSOC
Dupes & Hess—Auctionecrs : y a mn America. ;
Paul D'ehm—Clerk Manheim. Pa.—Owner MOUNT JOY. PA. The Association issued 30,245 re-
i ma Ao F $ & V bl jgistry and transfer certificate to!
pn | ruits egeta €8 pa. breeders caring 1948.
| | ———— ee
Keenco 5 and 8 ft. EARNINGS OF THE P P & L

Hen Feeders
® Made of 24 Gauge Galv. Steel
© 3 inch Rounded Wool Perches
On All
® Special Lock Washers
® ['xtra Heavy Reels
® Extra Strong Legs — Will Last
Fer Many Years
A. C

MAYER — Dial 3-4053 — MT. JOY, PA.

It was estimated when the law
was signed that the refund cost
might run high as $1,500,000
mnually but the present applica-

KRALL'S Meat Market
West Main St, Mt. Joy
Earnings after
ne to the comm
sylvania Power & Light mpany
for the nine months period ended
September 30, 1949 were $5,150:064:
equivalent to $1.55 per share, and
for the twelve months period end-
ed September 30, 1949 weve $6,730,
363: equivalent to $2.03 per chare «
common stock outstanding at the
end of the period.
Operating revenues
nine months ending
1949 were $51,647,812;
5.6 percent over lost
ponding period.
n ‘stock
charges accru-
f Penn-
gr mr

for the first!
September 30,
an increase of
year's corres-

Ey Two
Is SEEMS to be universally pre
ipposed id Inspector Ben

Odell, ‘that people who en’'t In
their own ement are al a disads
“I'm thinking of the time Detec
tive Sergeant Rod Upshur went up
to Round Pond for his suinmer va
cation. Rod city bred and city
raised. Hq vorked on the police
force of one of the cow st
cities. He didn't ow a eat deal
about the country and country
ways. But he knew human natin
| 1 1a ne WwW 15
= Minute Rod was stay
Fition Jing at one of those
summer camps
and was having a
pretty dull time, when Henry
Graves, the owner, came to him
with a request
‘““ ‘There’s heen a
up the river a ways,’
ed. ‘Jed Thomas,
he explain-
the local
isn’t so sure but what
there's foul play. I know it's
out of your jurisdiction, but
we'd appreciate having you lend
us a hand.” He smiled flatter-
ingly. ‘You see, your fame as
a detector of crime is far reach-
“Jed Thomas, a farmer by trade,
was congenial and willing to let
Rod assume the entire burden,
* ‘Fact is, Mr. Upshur, there's
been a feud hereabouts. Between
the Hallams and the Spencers.

‘Well, sir, couple days ek
Herm and Punk Hallam co to
me an’ says they was bait diggin’
in their lower pasture and suddenly
they sees a boat with Pat Spencer
in it come sweepin’ around the
bend. He was clear across the river
which is about 200 yards wide there,
an’ they claim he hit a submerge
log and stuck. They claim he

{to push hisself off with an oar an
the oar slipped an’ it
overboard. Well,
swim an’ he just n:
an’ him fell
Pat can't
iturally drowned.
“Jed Thomas drove to
{the Hallam farm and introduced
him to Herm and Punk. They
y big fellow
Rod out
strapping mug,
‘ ‘Sure, sure, we'll down
to the with yuh,” Herm
said in reply to Rod's question.
“I see,” Rod remarked Jed,
‘that you recovered the oar Pat
Spencer lost overboard.’
‘Yep, Jed,
happily, ‘I found it caught
weeds along the bank about 15 yards
downstream. I guess he musta lost
it, just like Punk and Hern
“Punk and Herm laug
replied and not too
1m some

“Sure, we'll go down to the river
with yuh,” Herm said.
‘Wait a minut Rod
ily. ‘Not
nart you made
Officer Thomas, 1
safe in ting
charging them with 1
open. In fact,
didn’t drown his
“‘0 course he did!’ Punk
Hallam said darkly. ‘Listen,
city jigger, vou ain't comin’ up
here an’ gettin’ away with ac-
cusin’ us o° murder. You ain't
secarin’ us, We got each
other for witnesses.’
aid «
You two are
50 fast, boy
sn all rig}

arre these men

S mouths
so did Jed’
said: you know

‘Fine,” said Rod. ‘That makes
the lie all the worse, because you
both declare you saw Spence fall
out of the boat, first dropping his
oar. No, I must confess I am a
city man and the ways of the coun-
try are strange to me. However,
any dumbbell would know afte
looking at that river and see-
ing that bend above here ¢ kno
ing that there's a fast current, that
an oar dropped overboard near the

opposite bank, could never lodge
in underbrush al the | on
this side 15 feet from where re
standing. It would be two or three
miles down stream by now.’
“For a minute, there was silence.
The three men stared at Rod blank-
{ ly. It took quite awhile for the an-
'nouncement to penetrate Officer
Thomas fortunately, recovered first.
He had a gun in his pocket and he
got it out, just as Punk Hallam
jumped at him. He had to shoot
Punk through the shoulder, and
would have done the same to
Herm, apparently, had one more
ounce of grey matter than his
brother. He quit.”
Released by WNU Features
DO eee
When in need of Printing. (any-
{thing) kindly remember the Bulletin!
| The

Bulletin, . Joy,


1 Thursday,
November 3. 1949—3

Lancaster County farmers c¢
ating in the soil service techni-
dens’ conservation plan will re-
ceive 52000 units of tree edlings
and multiflory rose
The plant will be distrib ned
free from the Lancaster County
Si] Conservatior Dis rict head
guarters in Quarryville, according
to W. Martin Muth, district con
ervationist Speci 0 | ven
ut include: white pine 19.00)
Scotch pine, 2.000; Norway spruo
9.500; lor 1.0900 black locust
1.500 nd mulafi ose 19.000
——-— - -
Quhserihe for the Bulletin
Rates for cla

ified advertising in
this eolomn are
3 lines or less, minimum dhe
Over 3 lines, per line 10¢
Each add. insertion, per line Sc
FOR SALE: Two W rin Air Furn-
aces, slightly used. Dial Mount Joy
32111 14-11
FOR SALE: 1936 Oldsmobile Sed-
an, good cond. Sadie B. Shenk
Sporting Hill, Manheim R2, Pa
NOTICE: Colored man 58 years
vishes a position as janitor or any
other work. Write 32 Railroad St.,
Mount Joy 44-1tp
I WISH TO THANK frien ds of the
T. C. Depet and elsewhere fo
flowers, cards and kindn while
being hospitalized and convalescing
it heme Mrs Da hy Zeller H4-1tp
FOR SAL E Seasoned Walnut and
Cedar Lumber. D. M. Reid, Phone
169 Newville, Penn: 44-81
PAINTING: Do you need some in-
work? Call S. H. Zerphey.
Landisville 6667.
FOU ND: Hunting Licens
John Way, Decnegal
Mt. Jy. Phone
Write B
M:. Joy 3


FOR SALE: Wool 1 rug 8.3x10.6
condition, price reascnable
Mount Joy 3-5004
SALE. 3-piece
and leggins set, Kelly
Mutton Trim. size 6-X
condition Phone Mt


i in-
vary 1, 1950, an additional six per-
cent (69) will be added to all water
taxes already penalized Mrs. John
B. Greiner, Collector of Water
ta St, Mt J »y Pa 43-t
flex with flash, like new, was $16.-
31 n £11.95. Pocket Kedak $6.95
vith cas Devrv 16mm Projector,
5.00. Victer Klahr Camera Shop,
iiddletown, Pa 4-11
FOR s \LE: 50 one gallon C rorls
H M Hess Midoy . Rl, Pa {41-1
FOR SALE: C Wickens ind Canon
Iress~d, 209 W. Donegal St., Mount
Joy, Penna 39-9tp


14 -({
Ro ud,
green &

also Plumb-
ar & Heating Man. Wolgemuth Ine.
14 East Main Street, Mount Joy. Pa
Phone 3-9681 9-15-tf
Fypewriter Add lach’s, Cash
Registers, Check Writers. New and
Tised. J. M. 111 E Hich St
Elizabethtown, phone 14J. 8-18-tf
FOR SALF CHEAP eng: al com
hination Coal and Cas Range. 140
North Market St, Mt. Joy. Phone
3-3801 =-11-tf
NOTICE: Button nd Buckles cov-

ered, Belts made. Also alterations
Hele Bronson, Florin, Phone Mt
J 799 3-11-t
FOR ALE: Oak bruni r. all sizes
un to 36 ft. lenoth. Sa

Call Jac. G. Baker, acho Pa.
I BN kinds of sera. iron, also
sel] » woord Guy D. Snittler
Phene 5573 Mt. Joy 5-12-tf |
ANTIQUES: Will pay high prices
for antianes of any descrintion. Mr
Hat 161 N. Charlotte St, Man-
ieim, Pa. Phone 407 2-24-tf
WANTED: Female help for gen-
cral office work. Pesition will be
nen in near futu Must be good
at arithmfttic : ne - aoplica-
tic veried ong Dec. 1, 1949
Application forms v be sent on
reauest. Permanent position with
ood Pa. Farm Bureau Cornor-
ion Assoc., Pest office Box ©
Florin, Pa 43-5:
Full Time
Mount Jo
DR IV In NG A NEW CAR? Protect
your right to go on driving it Gel
State Farm Mutual Automobile In-
Irance Under new, strizi fine
ancial responsibility laws 1n most
states, one ac ont could take
away your driver's license! Find
ut today about State Farm's low-
priced protection
119 David St., Mount Joy, Pa
Phone 3-4901 44-

d to order
| FOR SALE: Brown enameled Heat-
rola, in good condition. Amy Kram=-
| er. 105 New Haven St., Mt. Joy.
GARAGE DOORS: 8'x7’, 8x8,
10'x10°, 12'x12’, In stock for im=
mediate delivery, Automatic electrie
overhead door operators. Controlled
| rom the dash of your car, Also a
lot of commercial and pivoted steel
| sash. Paul A. Martin, Mount Joy,
| Pa Phone 3-3011 4-17-40
Experienced Sewing Machine
Unexperienced for other work.
Mount Joy

of Leah H. Heidler, deceas-
of West Hempfield township,
Lancaster County.
Letters testamentary on said
estate having been granted to the
andersigned, all persons indebted
thereto are requested to make im-
mediate payment, and those having
ed, hte
claims or demands against the
same, will present them without
delay for settlement to the under-
signed residing at Landisville, Pa.

James N. Lightner Executor
Attorney 42-64
Estate of Ellen B. Funk, late of
Mount Joy. Borough, Lancaster,
County, deceased.
Letters testamentary on said
estate having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted
thereto are requested to make
and those hav-
or demands against the
present them without
settlement to the under=
ing claims
same, will
delay for
Mount Joy, Penna.
Lcuis S. May, Executor
Randolph C. Ryder Atty’s 43-6t

Estate of Samuel Funk, late of
Mount Joy, Borough, Lancaster,
County, deceased.
Letiers testamentary on said es-
te having been granted to the un-
| dersigned, all persons indebted
thereto are requested to make im-
mediate payments, and those having
claims or demands against the same,
will present them without delay for

e'tlement to the undersigned
Mount Joy, Penna.
Louis S. May, Executor
Randolph C. Ryder Atty’s 43-6t
Estate of Bertha M. Kraybill de-
ceased, late of Mount Joy Borough,
Lancaster County, Penna.
Letters of administration on said
estate having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted
thereto are requested to make im=
mediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same
will present them without delay foi
settlement to the undersigned, res
iding at Elizabethtown, Pa., R.D. 1.
Samuel S. Wenger, Att'y 39-6t
* Administrator
STERING call Columbia 48101 or
Sts., Columbia, Pa. 3-31-tf
PICKING “Wood Bro.”

No job too darge or small. Robert G.
Hostetter, 1132 Mt. Joy St., Eliza-
bethtown, Pa. Call after 5 p. m.
Phone 198-J. 9-15-2mo.
Is there an individual corpora-
ticn, Oil Company or anyone in-
terested in the best location for a
sas or service station, auto agency
and used car lot, Road House, Ov-
er Night Cabins, Refreshment cr
“fruit Stand, etc. along the high-
way hetween Harrisburg and Lan-
ester? The location comprises
over 5 acres at a hard road inter-
ection on the new 4-lane highway
east of Mt. and hos every ad-

vantage, Big Chickies Creek = along
ane side, macadam highway along
the other Ample car and trailer
parking, svacious grove, shady and
nicturesque If vou want a- real
locaticn, nct quick Call, phone
r see Jno. E. Schroll, Owner,
Mount Joy, Pa 7-22-tf
No‘ice is hereby given that at
7:30 P. M. on Nevember 7, 1949 at
the Borough Hall, Mount Joy, Lan-
caster County, Pa.. the Council of
the Borough of Mount Joy is to
consider the adovtion of certain pro-
posed amendments to the Zoning
tho Borough, which
amendments have heretofore heen
submitted the Borouch Planing
Commission as required by law.
The amendments to be considered
propose the following:
1. To include dwelling trailers in
Ordinanc of
the definition and reouirements for
residences and dwellings. and to
prohibit location of dwelling trail-
ers and other vehicles used for
dwelling purpos~c in Residence “A”
in1 Residence “B” districts.
2. To impose penalties for viola-
tion of the Zoning Ordinance.
Copies of the proposed amend-
ments are on file in the office of the
Borough Secretary, and may be in-
spected bv any person interested
at his office No. 128 N. Barbara
Street, Mount Joy. Pa., between
the hours of 9 A. M., and 8 P. M.
Monday to Friday, inclusive. and
9 A. M. and 6 P. M. Saturday.
43-2t Borough Secretary