The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 03, 1949, Image 4

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The Mount Joy Bulletin | "on o> § HATS Fruits & Vegetables Al
dK ng Editor and Publisher I JONG AGO FARM FRESH — THRIFT PRICED Th
Health authorities estimate that |»
Every Thursday at No :
4 + about 500,00 ie ave tu-
p-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa oy 30,000 Americans have tu 20 Years Ago
: berculosis but that only half of !
thowy voalisa 3 ‘os HAVE NEVER known a man to
Sul iplioh. per vear .. $5.0 them realize it. Improved | y Yass 4 - By ~~ ut
St i I Ar $2.00 i ; I d living I'wo New Holland boys made I be more wholeheartedly disliked MRS. CALVIN KRAMER
By Richard Hill Wilkinson

1 east «
2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy. Pa., Thursday, November 3, 1010 | a gi a 4
Dressmakin Alterations
Customer’s Corner


iv Months it S vg shock « . .
. X Moh] «8 x a 1 : public health check-ups an endurance record by flying two | than Henry Spafford. The reason: & Question: Does youl
Single C " eS : ‘ ‘ JOB hi 4 Susitals new methods of kites 70 hours and 53 minute | for it is his braggartl jualitie MARGARET KRAMER A&P give you good F
Sample Copies ......... FREE atment, five helped check the | nj. john Garlin, West Main St, | his oversearing sense of import C8 food at low prices?
death vite. Xray surveys made | jd hi jaw fractured when 8 19 West Donegal Street Mount Joy. Penna. : oh ‘a
Ertered at the | at Mt. in many cities are turning up new | ick by oo piece of wood {7 via tolerate Bini wa lite o 8 44-2 VS 1 ht Is H
struck by ¢ Fa EAA i: ‘hy or-
Joy, Pa. as secon ail mat- | cases that would perhaps not have A wan at New Providence sold! his wife, Madge, but even so our W V mil ions of ; me i
ter under the 3, 1879. | been listed. The person who has | hic tobacco crop 20 cents thru toleration is a chore. The other Ee EA EA A A Ce on CE SE Ee EE i! an. . RO &P JUICY FLORIDA
tubereul Vide ul’ i Pop. night I was over to the Spafford’s their shopping at A&P. 10 he
Meml p | Newspaper | osis, finds it out when it A pear tree about 30 years old| a4 ct th Tor oF H if >
Pul } 7 Association is in its earliest stage ave yo . ane bul tarough an nour of Henry THE TIME FOR ana L
: = a a far better chanc 4 f Wd have | ang 25 feet high is blooming for | bragging, It seems that the big 3 Question: Is A&P a mo- bulls
: wy ance © recovery. | the second time: this vear | boss. in New. York—Henrv is em. o> @ To? Julls,
five. are. shal Fa A ) ! ye s New. York—He m- | | P ki da Wa P nopoly ? a.
TY I we are whe re the free clinics The Booster and Minister- | ployed by the Jason Reid Steamship ump ii an & iNee 1€S calve
EL ) A Ll are held we might co-operate 0 ji] Assoc. of town, unaminously | Company—called up the Philadel: IS HERE — THIS IS THE PLACE TO GET THEM Answer: No. We do only
cheat a disease killer. Many in- Jedged themselves in favor of the phia office where a small share of the na-
| 1
+ + + dustries, school, club are offering | 1; Henry works and tion’s food business... 1

petience and the government does first floor of a three story brick a great Rag ?
ditto to his income, there isn't eee ¢n Marietta St. owned by of mil
his i isn’ : ding M: § uy,” Henry told we iL oy? SNQO ion:
much left. COAL TAKES FRONT PAGE Harry Smith was gutted by fire. | me, referring to the incident GO D Question: Does A&P
Hari S
drive competitors out
of fat,

vb § Viiv n to New oe it . . ia :
ed me to run up to Ney A distinctive ecazke with a distinctive flavor
: i 3 roposition - Mi t fonry \ 1
When bis family lakes winds | he service, Meet it don't fam Restaurant end pool rem on the inute | answered . a smaller share than we stin
\ i : au int and pool room on the Fiction he phot e. OF PECIAL FEATURE THIS WEEK did 10 years ago. I'm testine
S40 Time was when ccal was just H. FE. Hauer, former proprietor | ‘He's as
York to see him a couple of times,
I must remember to do that.
men must wait until their obitu- | heading of heat. It didn't get the Evan Electrical Store at “Who's Jay?” I ted Answer: No, We have M
0's Jay? askec . )
aries before anvthing good is said | much news ‘space unless of a coal Lancaster $ PE more competitors today 3 for 25¢ Man-C
of them. mine disaster and seldom a lead- J. S. Kauffman raised a beet] ‘Jay?” Why, Jason Reid, who BARTO S QUALI Y than we had 10 years Canac
© 60 ing topic in conversation. Today | Weighing 4 3-4 lbs and measuring | the line, of course ago and many of our son by
Id J
of business? 64.70 SIZE
I's blamed tough when some | a commodity that came under the ©f a general store here purchased


. : : : { “Oh,” 1 said. ' 224 'R : ra hav
Heard an orator the other | coal is a headline item. national | 21 inches in circumference. wy vii . 224 EAST HIGH STREET good competitors have oO
mm XT { y » way get along In any ™ [ | y roprtiepr
evening and when he tried to put| Problem, often a national nuisance | The Young People of West Hem- | = Tax to 80 © onl 4 90% fy ELIZABETHTOWN re PHONE 558-R Wh liek) advertised yilie
: . he : siness, nry went on, ‘tis heir w y milk.
fire into his speech 1 thought it | and regardless of season a men- field Twp. held an . inside track let the boss Rnow off he cin A Tn Jor and Reserv
i ace. T i i wet in the Ironville band hall veh the way Tl ability to compete with
might have keen better had he | ace. The oft-cccurring disuptes | meet in the lronville band hall. depend on you. That's the way I| ~gu 3% 3 kee.
i : oF 3 anc: s QUnto horities conde vd Pr rs writ AT us. hi : OF
put his speech into the fire. between miners and operators has State authorities condemnec 113 | am with Jay. N 937 m|
{ 4 JJ mi
eo 0 big! coal to a power that can Ras } gi Day the een I left the Spafford home an FEE ue Fis RR U 3) : A J she hc
Did vou ever notice that a wo- | [reeze the country into submission ne hundred men were laid off | pour later, furious that I had 3 Thy anti i mild
an will tak ; to ifs demand ome & | at the Cigar Factory staye itying Madge 'S ¥ a § fi Why, then, do the anti. FLORIDA JUICY THIN SKIN of mill
man wiil take a man’s name, his to its demands. It has become a t wparata gar Iactory. stayed so long, pitying Madge RB: trust lawvers want to put Be
time and his peace of mind but | monopoly that compels the nation Mr. Amos Bortzfield of town and disliking Henry with a re op your A&P out of busi- ORANGES Raa A
none of his back talk. to buw, pay its price or do with- owns a hen tHat isn't one bit] newed sense of disgust. ““Some- DEPENDS ON % ness? Se 2
® 0 out. A summer strike of min- | Stingy, she lays two eggs at one| hing" 1 told Reity, my wile, wm 5 : KI 288 dozen a4%5¢ oly
RE {OR FEWER ers isn't the dreaded thing that time. | “ought to be done about that MEH ® | SIZE calf Lc
MORE DOCTORS OR FEWER ica | € Hy er bn Sand Wa Andie Zopdl punk. Now he’s calling Old Man ? Farm |
One «f the arguments in support 2 strike is at this time. roduc- tir. and NUS. Andrew sercher Reid, Jay.’ ¢ ’ TT A art
of: socialized snedicine 3s (hat tion for the coming winter is | Celt brated their 25th wedding an- Tho thi et wn : % { A & P S Annual Fall inte M 5
: . | niversar “The thing to do, elty smiled
would end the shortage of doctors. Stalled while workers, union and { niversary i is to bo amazed at his TT am ALE ah
Y : ; i Te ; Ye its ; oon eo ami at his raving ith 9
The 1948 report of the Werld Med- | 1 meet and walk out of i Fae Cippon : on 2 he not annoyed. He doesn’t hurt any $ 95 3 50 POTA wi 5
ical Association, shows the U. 8, | non-union operators. What-ever | I? Foundry, was burned about the | gone and there's always Madge t M I 14 5 9 "A" SI U.S. NO, | va size oe
arrresses from to % U. 5. NO. | "A" SIZE
propurtion to the settlement, the public will chest and legs by molten iron,| think of.”
50-1b 4
ENGLANDER BODY GUARD | original original 1 Keysto
bag bag = Mount
—_— Rome Beauty Apples3 . 25° | Use
It Costs So Little To Sleep Well Large Walnuts 5 45¢
i Vi eli ers é-ox Cc
training, would mere young men | ] | Bh {was a of : pai ! Dow in D livers Calimyrna Figs pkg 17
want to serve these years to af- i W. Beamenderfer Parnes team won 7-0 { and was bounced out on his ear. @ A
/ ; ve C
has mcre doctors in :
. av. NV iy rag ile tv
the population than eny other na- | PAY, as it eventually bears the while cn duty. “Even Madge,” I replied, “wont
brunt of financial negotiations, | Jacob Bake: has leased eight |

tion excepe Palestine where there
are a farge number of refugee Jew- Coa is colossal when it can destroy A
' nation’s economy and bring an Earhart farm near Hossler’s church | peated, *‘ought to be done abou
| entire country hardship and suffer> | Officers of the Game Commission | him.”
acres of woodland on "the John | of these davs.

: / : :
ish fphysicans. We do need more

doctors, especially in certain sec- |, 4 :
ing. It is a monopoly and con- brought 206 prosecutions for viola-

Whether or not my thinking abou
ticn, but by making the medical :
sequently gets into the headlines | tions of the game code during! it had anythir
to do with what

profession a politica] set-up would
that help? With ten years or
more of expensive and intensive |
and conversations. | Sept happened a couple
will never know. Hz
Eg eg pr Jeet
of days later

s fired
iat A Wiest { “Red” Pennnell played

a star .
ng or expl

game of foothall against Penbrook,

reception wa old lev
terwards become a part of the o} S held for Rev. My first reaction when Betty told


| ; Aci leticw a V iki 2 ii i >
socialized medicine system? The | (From Page 1) Rettew and family. newly appoint 1e about it was one of exuberance ® ig - x rs 3
maj rity of dectors and students | Interne at 12:40 p. m. Sunday. jad pe for of t Mark's Church. | 4 fiendish desire to rush over | FEN 4 = n ol RB Na
studying medecine today, say NO. Pr. Kendig of Hempfield Farewell services were held in} and gloat, to sneer: “I told you ES y i's “PILGRIM”
® © | Twp. deputy coroner said death the Landisville Church of God for | Why don’t you call up your frie


AUS , Tap Rev. and Mrs. Cover missionaries | Jay, wise guy?” But this feeli hs TURKE ¥
WHAT MEMORIES WE HAVE | “used by primary shock. to Bh. india | passed immediately. Curiously it | a 8 Hi
i Mir . Lo ogra, da. wr : “WN wire Ouali Fis s+ Thai Price”
The closeness of the conviction. Mrs. Summy, suffering frcm in- Bainbrid hed [i I waz. by one of bit. The Where Quality Is Higher Than Price
: : Rood ‘ alnbridge had a good yaseball i es |
the disappointment displayed by | juries, fractured collar ant this more 1 thought about it the deeper 15 - 31 MARIETTA STREET = MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
i team this season, defeating the
mes and
an injured back, was re- a became 1
strong Ephrata and Strasburg | humiliation
Pink Salmon <0" 39c Be
the spectators in the courtrotm,
the sentiment cf the jury. when | Ported improved at the hospital |
jury { : teams for the county champion-|
where ne husband


the conviction of Tokyo Rese was hip Si aff rd? Mart in im LB ib i
atie vith Hip 1 the S1HD, yallore i hi Mi ce
announced, leads us to remark on | with hi hd internal mn- aia | ha L nn t bo 3
uries \ — EXT DAY 1 called Hal Wheaton y On the
the shor: mem: ry of Americans, | J" N™ \ l i
ed him to have lunch heim o
Our temper, when under stress of [he vehicles police said had col- S h IN F f : ’ C C 1. :
war, towards our ene Eh and oir | at right angles and {ded C 00 ews rom np Brach $ andy orn bag 29c Route
es sKlddea




forgive and ferget when danger | Off the scft shoulder distance of T {
has passed, is remarkable. Char- 3 feet Skid m indicated | - Donegal wp. i t C d Meats for School L nches
ity, compnssien, forgiveness are fine | Huntzinger 1} applied his brakes | anne eals Jor choo! Many a
quali‘ies, necessary in man to distance of 63 feet before the “our stude council member Treet ARMOLR'S 129 3c balance
i 1: T I collision . attend Te | meeting of
make him lovible. These are the | collision li adde d the annual meeting o 7 8
qualities we seck to find, for they Ihe Witch. ho mer hi : ne ste es 0 on gs nt oii Mor-Pork"" 312-0 41c
labor for peace Bu metimes | death w 1 nt eld at Manor High School, Mil-
i hy : nt a etnies “ + 1048 Pontiac edan ersville, Friday, November 4. They 12-02 < 4
uch qualities can be detrimental nd ww on the lot at Ament's wil! “i P Hick \) Corned ARs can 41 to 18 me
te peace, even dangerous for a The hree are Hour Brubaker, Peggy HICKS, 1.A. test
i Ss 1 it three passengers +43,
intio | ® Clara Anna Weaver and Josep! 4 - ean
nation were riding on the front seat and | © + Weaver ond Joseph | 7 Prem *™ te 39 , Years.
S99 he right front door Brandy
n igh 1 aoc was pushed au
BFGIN AT HCME pradticollv: their. the sar Coming assemblies in the East { R&R boz 79¢< from Ya
= nali-=way thru the car ; 3 iy ) 13 C en BONED can 3.9%. 19
Our Secretary of State speaks to Bens Vout : 4 Donegal High School will be ag fol- er
. y \ pbeamendaerier was a ono the | i 3
na‘ions of the Western Hemis- | [ate Willian 1 8S I | “| lows: November 4—Induction of vi iy |
: late Willian ind Saran Landis | 4 : ou SUNNYFIELD 5-1b 10-lb Cc 1e ol
phere, to try to establish peace | Beamenderfor ahd fer the post 38 new members by the Donegal Flour FAMILY bag © bag acre Pie
amongst themselves Overthrows © | Chapter of the National Honor So- 0; 1
: > veal was in business as a bricklay- aT G Gi $ P» No 19 7]
of government in Central and So. | o He w x i f ciety, November 11—Armistice Day reemn an eas «n 371 fat;
. 1s 1 member 0 he : 1
America is a menace to demoera | Program - speaker, Prof. Elmer | Be G f , Also
4 rica ¢ ni der a- tour) vies . gram < . . 2%
buen to demoera- | Church of God. here and was an | = speaker, Prof. Eim um or Lifesavers 3 nedrest
cy, a threat to the welfare of the t Hoover, Elizabethtown College. Ma- om
: elaer of the church, served on al | 4 NABISCO 2.1b c selling, |
hemisphere, But, what abeut the | Church Board and was’ Sundat jor Hoover was an army chaplain Spiced Wafers OR IVIN'S # box 59 days she
Peace at home as zn example t0 | School superintendent for 15 “J | during World War II. November 18 ‘Don’t be annoyed at his ravings. | WARRANTY OR | 6-01 Cc has beer
give emphasis to our speech- | He als, wa it . Safety Plogramt. November 33 He doesn't hurt anyone, and Tuna Flakes PICKWICK BRANDS .. can 23 Ad
mzking | democracy? This | | Ath of te Thanksgiving Assembly Here's Madge to tik of.” ANN t has 1 17
* is ei acy, is Stes to . “ mpecla I 3 ASSe " vor . oN
ni ocracy his | Lancaster Automobile Club. ee org Sham Hasson Salad Dressing Tw 41 185 milk
country has a nation-wide strike Cre ; hild .chool chorus and speaker to be an- ive you heara abo lenry AG
. . Surviving are aese children: o { asked when we werk ted 1-ib :
in the s‘eel and coal industries ncunced, and November 30 Bow ov Eales B i P fi AJ
i & 1 . Tis 2 . cu y anc 3 o i at. p
R RD3; Marie : a= BOY Mul nodded, avoiding mye) es ure Lar print
Can 2 grovernment condemn up- ! : 1% | Wood in “Adventures with Chalk”... : : Cot i test—10,¢
oh J : A ny, at home: = : met the poor vil } treet VEGETABLE 1-16 < 3-1b cale ‘TY
risings in other countries while , J { Rol The seniors plan to issue a year-| {his morni 1 Aron’ 1 savit exo SHORTENING can can sale A
A Joyv and Rob- > Ene od 4
they have such controversy be- book “The D sgali as e- | that it {eal
3 3 hoc he onegalian as In pre hat it w n ordeal baie WHITE 28-02 <
. ih + ichildren and ' SR isi it : Tw
cween labor and capital, within Marti vious years. John Hart is faculty I thoughtfully Adisht ciga e u er i 4-con ol
; 3 y vive: Martin ten ag al Ry = : ° a! -C2 >
Mr arie : adviser id. *“ f 5 t.. Ait 13-01 2-1b ;
their own boundaries. that they Hay LL. of | Adviser. yr ¢ I said think « Vadge. vet's even if up wii hus little follow, just as this nurse 1s 50 expertly doing Comet Rice 2 gor 23¢ ee also selli
are endangering their own econ- : Seem lA lcd Isn't there something we can do?” vith his eri killed doctors, x-rav and laboratory technici Stewart
g ow with ns crip legs. Skilled doctors, x-ray anc voratory technicians - 5
nr Perle He lite 1 ) | 0 i) WITH CHEESE SAUCE 15-01 c
omy. Perhaps the smaller na- The funeral wa held is “Well,” said Hal, “I've been are all working to straighten his twisted legs. Red Feather health services acaroni FRANCO-AMERICAN cans
: : e funeral was held in the : } oh
tiens to the south of us, would cl £ Ghd h Wed : Farm Workers wondering, too. Poor yt! irom which he and many thes rs benefit are important to everyone in our 5 PREPARED 15, 01 x \ Farn
a! 12 il { 10) ere on 5 AQ r In 1 iL
respect us more, pay more atten- | ft He coughed. “I called Bob Tar- cominunity. They bring strength to the weak, health to the ill and paghetti ANN PAGE 2 cans 25 ] p i
. la ernoon vy interme i - . i i . > used one
tion to our advice, if we were ti 5° nd erment in (rom page 1» lor of the Taylor Lines this | happiness to so many. Y help support Red Feather health services Stollen C ff Calk tired we
yey ME herve. Caldwell said this smell morning. Beb says that he might | though vour Community Chest. When vou make your pledge this yeas, | 0 ee e each manne

set a better example for control-
tl MY sm. 1 ~ ~ .
ling disorder group was left Fehind to clean up | be able to do something for | give enough for all Red Feather services. . Marvel Bread hous Zot 19< Sal»
5s : * Pp 'EPORT TAT : . Henry on « a- | ou ie
8s a Given fichily asks. why P.P.&L. REPORT AWARDED the harvest of potatoes. fenr) our recommenda | cat!» at
: : 8 : "CITATION OF EXCELLENCE Ts Tabor will he. crasniz] tion.” I S d D dozen In 20¢ Lunc
stm Penmylvania Pownr & Light | od in Ham City 0 bean the “1 sess ernest, wats ve | | Ancaster Co’s, Community Chest gare Ontits Bar: ie Bre
and steel, be seitled before strik- Er TRIN =A has > ol SUB > il edt 4 Y i E 19 aA
ing? Can't a lawful process : on b 1948 annual repor! has | push in the citrus fruit harvest in| 3NSWerL. Yo est Pe S conomy XS c pi
‘ ss 3 : eeh awa at I After And it was. Hen: and Madge 7 ° © I 3
take place? Isn't it possible to lence for hat area on Nov. Tth. After the : : : 2 N d Y C b f Cr § Wh REGULAR 14.01 18¢ Paul De
S " | citrus harvest there the group willl wl a three days later. I un i ee S Our ontri ution ean © eat OR QUICK pkg
u've got a new 37! r psi
i om 8 om TL ov va ag Momo] EE eB aw | Shredded Wheat 2 31 | | —
ded a Citation of Excel-
the second straight year

come fo terms without effecting in Financial World's selection of the

the entire operation of a nation?”


You give him the answers, wo Presentation of the PP&L award | in the Spring and will end up at | A Se OUR GOAL IS $416,798 !
g e = pti , : “Yes,” he said with a bored look 27-02 Cc lo
éan't was made to the company’s presi- Salunga. of his face. “Bob Tavl called 4 EVERYBODY GIVES EVERY? | auer raut cans | K
ant, . . x 3 is face. ol aylor called up aE L
s 00 dent, Chas E Oakes, it a dinner Coming here in early July, the .< coon as he heard that I was fre i Vie RYPODY BENEFITS ! A
: FOR YOUR GOOD es ing Ri New = ee FL force harvested beans, tomatoes, and asked if I'd consider a position This Space Contributed to A Worthy Cause by : F
leaders ym p te Sang 3 :
Despite the figures that the | Canada, gathering together to view | and other crops. Ae-| with him. Well, you kn NY when. a I
death iate from tuberculosis, was | the winning entries. The dinner | cording to Everett Byrnes, camp man offers you more money FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPA y| . ain t. ount oy ad. : .
lowest in the United States his- Ws in honor of the winners in the bookkeeper and cleck, the largest 1 glanced at Betty. There was a | ‘ J I 0:
rious indust:ia ‘lassifications ir i wested w atce ai smile on her face. I suppose ’ 9
tory, the number of new cases is | nd Ist ia a In | single item harvested was potatces. en fms on ; REC 1 ppg OF MOUNT JOY
on the increase. There is a de- ged Ye, ahnual reporis were [p, that the workers dag and | She. Was amusaq, J "Hi je M Federal D T : : I
J , | 2 rabies 1 NI. cause an hour later, with Henry Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ‘
cline in deaths from tuberculosis This is the second award received bagged an estimated 100,000 sacks still blowing, I was mad enough to | : HY — — : eI
but an alarming number of new Ly PP&L on its 1948 annual report. | ©f Lancaster county pounds. | choke him, and almost did 1
cases, In 1947 there were 133,000 | At the 17th annual convention of Caldwell said about 400 pounds Released by WNU Features ry rod ~ : ® |
. . . ee 1 etme - Meese. or be >
hew cases reported to health au- Edison Electric Institute, earlier this | of beef and pork was barbecued We Wu GET 4 F
. a dad nO + ar RYE 8 | 3
thorities., In 1948 there were 145. | year, the report was awarded Ihe (ver an open fire on the camp - Everybody reads newspapers but and Pring THE }
| wee bronze plagu for t : : + oy : Ci 2 i : | §
000. The 1947 Figure was 33,0 Da th rt in "the ele oti grounds on the last evening of the | NOT &vérybody reads circular ad- Your Ads MONEY A
percent higher than in 1940, industry 3 | camp. J vertising left on their door step. | J {
1 RR