f=The Bulletin, Ni. KX Pa,, Thursda {iciober 27. 1949 i - Ts fra a ryt ews 7222 = ino] RUMMAGE SALE OCTOBER 25 Fresbyterian Churel vi! boid a he north central part ¢f Pennsyl- | Gerald St. Mary's nil f Episcopal | Rummage Sal e Wolgemuth vania was made by David Heisey Cl 1 le | Tao ! { 1 ) ¢ ns weather ava and Jacob Martin | > rds ’ the ! = 1 y 1 the past week-end Joseph Wolgemuth and Ale | larl H mi, | n M lof k distance | Wolgemuth flew to Allentown on! One -— ht Several flew to | busines | tors Yu. Evervbody in this locality re rads, | Willi Grove Speedway where George Fisher and Fred Tobia: | times weekly landing EUMMAGE SALE NOV, 1 - 5 The Bulletin—that's why its adver planes were reported at- | visited the ¢irports at Harrisbu I'he Ladi i ¢ the | tisers got such excellent results € ose Iro and Campbellstown on Sunda Washingt — —— — ——— | PONE ere: John Goff, Warre On f last weeks visitors was Elmer 14 by) Gi Hori Saell Alvi Lawrcace Shupn of the Graver | the wes SAR WINTER: oils ory ua i He Ricl Bringman and | Tank and Nifg. Co. Chicago who | Fy = 3 El Rice mide busine cal n E-town. | Newcomer Motors, Inc. Suk” (l EE Weber flow several friends’ Mv. Shupy construction. en- J MARSH CHIEVROH EY rf = — ME 1 Sunday afternoon. gineer | a concern building and GETS Aa { NC" 0 Ay le cross coun- installing large storage tank He | Lancast AF: ot: 00 Zl 7 Lake Susquehanna in’ state hat in covering hi own | announce oh. o Kutztown, P territiry he travel three or fou | Moreh : (i ind Clarence thousand miles each week and yet ] VAL a ES { the airports at Mt. thanks to his airplane can spend | sducation department 518 1 We get hassis, trans ¥ MISsSion, i -.end ready for winter ov ol CHANGE! 5 quarts of winter grade RADI ATOR Includes tightening Ne connecnons., ERTI-EREFTE! Special price includes 6 Quares anu-treeze, HIRE For even wear, ASK OUR SERVICE MANAGER ... WATCH CUR ADS... FOR CTHER VALUES UNLIMITED! Newcomer Motors, Inc. CHEVRGLETY MOUNT JOY OOO BT Bp ray me a LVI, : TREATS Canned Goods SILVER FLOSS Sauer Kraut No. 22 can 2 25¢ Tomato Juice 46-0z can AL Sli. Pineapple No.2: can AL <2, "PUMPKIN 7D No. 2V can — 2 33. Pork & Beans 3/25¢ Peaches No. can 25 § Sliced & Halves SYA LEADER SALMON on Tall can | 9 = uf HOLMES Sardines Vegetables FRESH.~COOL and CRISP Snowy White Cauliflower iceberg Lettuce : | Cra Ane prs ap (Fe GCL i A (All Kinds) or Home-made Sausage Hess’ Food Stores MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE PHONE 3-9094 MANHEIM 439] These Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday (this week) Fresh & Smoked Home-made Ham Loaf hd Our Goal is $416,798! This 1 nd Huntington any extra room in your heart ? You know what you'd do if she knocked at your door. Put your arms around her, wouldn't you? Call to some- one to bring the cookie jar. Draw her gently into the warm, friendly circle of your love and your care—give her that feeling of belonging her wistful eyes tell you she has never known You can’t do it alone—for all the lonesome children. There isn’t enough of you to go around! But you can send your love a long way with your gift to the united Red Feather campaign. Your dollars stand behind Red Feather services that offer child care and guidance, treatment of physical and * much of his time the: n Pennsyl and Lancaster Sam Pualsbaugh a visited tne Y GEMBERLING to this year’s Everybody GentfilT giver COMMUNITY ointment of | met in the Sunday School room on moved Friday from the a full time | Mcnday, Octcber 23. for the pur- H., Miller apartment to the | pose of forming a Ladies Aid So- Shoop property on 425 Columbia assis- | ciety Avenue, he recently purchased. - . +e oy . “ye. . mental illness, family rehabilitation. And these, too, are the dollars so sorely needed to provide places where s can let off steam . .. gyms, hobby shops, camps, neighborhood centers. A Give even a little more than you planned, won’t you, s united Red Feather campaign? MANY CAMPAIGNS IN ONE A ancaster County's Community Chest Needs Your Contribution! ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND BOY SCOUTS COMMUNITY SERVICE ASSOC. (Children’s & Family Service) GIRL SCOUTS GUIDANCE CLINIC EVERYBODY GIVES All will be used locally for these Agencies: OSTEOPATHIC HOSPITAL ROSSMERE SANATORIUM SALVATION ARMY SHELTER HOME SOCIAL SERVICE EXCHANGE ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL VISITING NURSE ASSOC. Y. W. C. A. LANC. CO. SOCIETY FOR CRIPPLED CHILCREN & ADULTS EVERYBODY BENEFITS! Space Contributed to A Worthy Cause by Gerberich-Payne Shoe Company Home-made Crown Coal A PREMIUM QUALITY ANTHRACITE ESSOHEAT FUEL OIL | PAUL E. HESS FLORIN, PA. Phone Mt. Joy J-4885 C. M. WEBB & SON 122 South Barbara Street MOUNT JOY, PA. ROOFING -— SPOUTING SHEET METAL WORK ROOF PAINTING ! PHONES: Mt. Joy 3-4081 E'town 928R7 SINGER Rebuilt Electric Portable Sewing Machine 54-50 Liberal Trade-in Allowance FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION J. V. BINKLEY Sewing Machine Sales and Service Ph. 216J—111 N. Market St. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. in nor-) tant foothal] and basketball coach. | Election cof officers is as f The was made by | Mrs. Hazel Shenk President; 1 Carlisle | Rev, / nthony F. Kane, principal of | . Helwig, Vice president; | Lanc:ster Catholic High on behalf | Helen Schroll, Treasurer and Bender | of the school board The board, | Jay Barnhart, Secretary cted up n the recommendation of The Ladies Aid will meet every | doe- | the school's athletic association. third Thursday of the month in the several | Gembe ling, a former Mount Joy Sunday school room at 7:30 p.m. it Donegal | High School and Lebantn Valley The November program a friend flew to College athlete, will assume his in charge of Mrs. Hazel Shenk | duties immediately, Father Kane The Ladies Aid will conduct : | “aid He wili assist Kenny Karl food sale at the market house Fri- during / i) school's head coach and direc- day, November 11. tor of athletics, cikes, pies, candy, baked beans pi -_ salad, buns, and salted pea- TOWN | CHURCH OF GOD nuts will be on sale. A COACHING POSITION | FORV'S LADIES AID SOCIETY here i do time ns School! The ladies of the Church of God Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oysters We have Salt Water Oysters Shucked Daily FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS HERYHYY'S ICE CREAM JITRY'S LUNCH BARS J. M. BIESECKER IN REAR AT 14 N. MARKET ST.. MOUNT JOY EVENING JAR the new —— ITE ERT THE FINEST SILVERPLATE * TRADE-MARKS OF ONEIDA LTB, We have it! You'll love it! A beautiful new floral design to have and to hold . . for keeps! Protected against wear by sol- id silver overlay. 52- Piece Service for 8, $59.75, lovely Anti-Tarnish Chest included at no extra charge. A small deposit will hold your gift ‘til Christmas ADAM H. GREER JEWELER 87. E. Main St, Mt. Joy, Pa. PHONE 3-4124 ! gh SN 0. 9 Soot oe ® > 5.0 0 SSP 09.99. 2X > $5 & > > 9 & 9, 9, 9, 0 00.00, o> 0 0 S900 00.00, > 9 $0 0 $0.00 09. ® 04, > 0 Cala’ ® > 9 9. 9 0.00. 00.99, o> 9, 9, > 7 > D0 6% oOo 00% oF. $0200.06 0 00000700 ® '® CRI) 0 0 0 6 Oo 90 Po $0,004 0 00 90.99.90. 00, o>. ® 0030020000 024% 000 0% 2% +2 9. SD o>. 0 ® & 9, > oO. 0 0 Oo 0 oe? Ht 8 00 00.00 905 00 90, 7 > 9, 9, 9. . Xa Xa Xa Ca lar ho, 9, 9. 0. 0 Raa (a De oP. 0. 9. 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cala’ a? $0 S00 00 00.00.09. > > IR) 0.0, a oO Xa X (a Sv ) 9, Hoe 9 oP Caria’ o>. 0. 0. 0 0 P0000 000 9. > 1.8 4 0 Pod SPS eo > 9 @' >, wv 9, COR) >, S000, Cas 9, * >. 0. 0 POI oo 0 SEIS 9 9. Cacia’ 0 aS ev 9, ® 0. 0 $0.0 Oe, ed