The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 27, 1949, Image 4

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' 2 . i je pe sma ey wa ew ae TE {
4—The Bulletin, Mt. Jov, Pa., Thursday. October 2; , 1946 EFF ili B Bud Fisher
A or - ae = - hy
The County High School Soccer| PROPER SETTING FOR OUR |HELLO! ARE YOU IT ¢
: The Cow » : High Bel 1 Poors | TELEVISION THERE > DON'T HANG wil HELMET / | :
i leac dv hie mn i ue - | \ Pe TURE WE RE N———— 3 uP MUTT! \ LX 4 SY. d 1
log between New Holland and Mt p x GONNA A Noy pre a 0) )
Joy Thursday as hoth squads re- | 4 3 MAKE! (! 0 3 J wv, Su = Macadam Driveways an anes |
rded easy victories and continued 5 = Su SE \ § —
to pace the field with identical five | At a WN 4. i : {
At Mount Joy, Bill Bates, Gerald i 7 NPY A [= Fle
. . Crt 4 AN
Wilson, George McCue and Abe , \ “i sod A AY a - Q {
Koser, continued to pace John Day's | { — Lt \ \ pA |
asin) BER of in) Se vee | AMOS S. NEWCOMER
: A I RAAT TGR le nana a a y adver»
for the six goals that defeated West Manor Twp. Pos. us Joy STATE VETS pi Speakers will present both sides ising in eg *
peter. 6 to Thatche G Srown | TO BE FORUM TOPIC } the Jee ote Wi :
Lampeter, 6 to 0 Hote RF Brooks | =» rr oe of the issue, and the moderator will ROUTE 1, MOUNT JOY DIAL 3-4022
West Lampeter Pos. Mount Joy 5 LF Hornafius The Proposed Veterans’ Bonus 3 |
Nair} =. Duse 4 ornasiu : i be U. S. Judge Guy K. Bard. . 7-28-3mo.
Reinhart G Brown | poi ee; RH Coover | will be the subject for discussion at Dr a C Killheffer
bi RY Brooks | Bowe CH Miller | the next session of the Lancaster . . Xu 1 y - :
Looe RH Co hl L Warlel yi] rect { Community Forum scheduled for 3 E NN I T ’ S Optometrist
—BY— Graybill CH Miller | “Wr fe) IR Wilson | p.m. Sunday, October 30, in Hen- MANHEIM
Wells LH Divet | lick CF McCue | sel Hall, Franklin and Marshall 163 S. Charlotte St, I
A WIS IS E OW L a “ry ig Ha Pe |Erisman I Koser | College campus, Lancaster. An- rant Telephone 137.R
ee i: . rs km: LI Koser | Score by eriods: by Alfred C. Alspach, President of | ” v
Welll I's stot tim: we In. | Beacham LW Bates [MANOR TWP. ...... 0 0 0 0-0 |e forum 45 EAST MAIN ST. Tues Fri. Sat, || yes t
ndi mmer back tc the In- | SSAC ol : 180-1:00.2-5 P. M.
Indian summer back ; WEST LAMPETER 0 0 0 0-90 JOY Looe 4g ne MOUNT JOY 9:30.1:00.2 P n
diens. 1 was prety weil fed MOUNT JOY 012 31-8] ft. Jove Wilson 2. Mo- | BZ C
: hat \ hel 3 Substitut 7 Scoring. Mt. Joy—Wilson 2, Mec- hb h A | 5
Pita inal sweaty hi 1 But > ast ites C w Lan NM i Dy» er 1 Butes 2, Koser | Scheffler & Weaver / Telephone 24-R d
worth ha at's off ow ‘em- | lap eller alloway, Melot; | oy 9 } ret |
the heat's off nos Joy—Shupp. Boyd Hornafise. Es. Substitutes: Manor Twp fev] GENERAL REPAIRING New Store Hours | s
perature’s falling, sweaters appeal *% nan B © 77 Bullock, Good, Schmid, rvin; ce "
K ma: n¢ >0vVel a ’ A shunn : .
ing, and suits and topcoat i yoals t. Jov—Bates 2. Wilson |Breome, Kline, Mt. Joy—Shupp,; | lectric i J
being worn with the aroma of the | 2 MeCue. Kose mares & Wilson’ ped. Bova, Bowman. Miller. GUNS ; 6a.m.- 8 p.m. Eley Gas e g
er Rr Cr | ae coe fo, Maciners & Ny thru Thursday A :
MANHEIM BORO GIRLS vices, Washing Machines so Specialize On |
Which reminds me--my favorite | WIN HOCKEY TILT. 3-0 Manheim St. Mount Joy, Pa, b a.m.~10 p.m. FARM MACHINE WELDING 3
muffler is a series of hole held Manheim Boro defeated Mt. Jovy A Phone 3-4161 Sota Friday und © day . : . AND EQUIPMENT
tigetner by threads. The moths | 5.9, Friday afternoon in a County] Ver — a Automobile and Truck Rol e
used 1t for a tennis net High Section B girls’ field hockey | “0 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING
- I
—————— ame played here | Ger par Fux WHITE WASHING Closed Sundays
1 i a { h » -
1 get so mad at some ol thes We inheim Boro Pos. Mount Joy 3 | i
people who insist on outdoing the Py er, il Ze phey | ony AND over’ S e ing bo
ther person, no matter what. I| Shank Shatto | 3 . i d
A RRO th the success of | Rohrer CF Myers § Delta and Marietta Streets 4
as s » pl sed with ti ucces 4 Longenecker LI Zellers : DISINFECTING MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3- on
my wife's reducing exercises that Hershey LW Fackler | & 5 Simi. |
I boasted: “My wife is really RH Newcomer Cry aN |
etting in shape Two months | Hetrick CH Rosenfeld HESS BROS. Beer! Call 3.41 89 | L
ago, she couldn't even see her feet Nissley LH Beheard Top off your shave with Seaforth Successors To . as | R
Now she can lean over and tcuch Stormers Hy Spangler | Lotion and enjoy the bracing air ef HUBER OBERHOLTZER BULK AND GALLONS For ‘Home Delivery a
or them without bending her knees Simm a5 2 RL | the ScotchHighlands—the cool crisp- FLORIN, PENNA. 1 1 WACKER |
te 4 But my friend (?) outdid me. He | MANHEIM BORO .. 2 I 3 | Rots af ota 4 fem d cools Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 ¢ Lo ga * 98¢ VALLEY FORGE a N
said: “" othing This or- | MOUNT JOY . WwW Seaforth Lotion soothes and coo 8-25-t PIEL'S G d » /s . C
aid: “Tha thing. * This m seh : 3 . smells fresh, not fragrant. Start | FRIDAY — SATURDAY PRIOR 00 news 1 ave 3 astest
ning my wife touched her chin to Substitutions: Manheim Boro—- | | ROLLING ROCK
3 Savvy dros Sark: | your days—and dates—with That | tz
he flor without bending lier Rupreis, Coleman, Clark; Mt. | JC 241 Seaforih Feslingl ALE & PORTER | . :
is i ‘“ ’ ’ Jovy ~Hoffer, Bigler. | Vonderful Se © { b L D at
Ae 4 Dov, thats gre. How i) MOIS BEML keer | Victor J. Schmoll | y ong istance th
did she do that.” I inquired po- Hersher "han : 2 —Distribut m
litely. And he answered: “She Fly § lee iE | OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. Whenever you're bursting with good news that cant o
fe of bed.” rh CRY | [3 i | . ;
fell out of bed. COUNTY SOCCER LEAGUE Drive In For Curb Service wait—spread it by long distance telephone. There is
A young aspirant for a position ENDS IN A DEAD HEAT no quicker way to make miles disappear and you can
en a college football team was Mount Joy and New Holland fin- | OTION do it reasonably too. Long distance telephone rates
i 'k 1 k in the County ! 8 I I
presenting his qualifications to his ish d he i ER in hore In handmado are especially low after 6 P.M. and on Sundays and
coach. aske “Cai vol rt Lague an 1S © Sul | ctoneware jugs | : i
eh Wh : d oo 1 you will te a plavell tor the champion i oly SJ Holidays. Always make long distance your good news -
ast’ fast; vhy, coac yr : . > | . . .
was even born with unny nose.” | ship, time and place to be decided | [ messenger. It's a sign of thoughtfulness that's sure to
-— later. | be appreciated, Ce
, 0 Pwo guys at Chet’s Lar were Tuesday afternoon while New | SAT OCT. 29 | L
discussing the prize fights on the Helland was defeating West Hemp- | Whether you started with a Stanley Steamer or a '49 Ford, {leg java i es
television ‘screen, “I could fight field, Mount Joy was doing likewise | | can cost you your license after only one accident. In case Of aceident, At 2:00 P. M.
y . 7 Hoo bi Hereville | these laws, now effective in 40 states, can require you to show I
better than that pug” said one [to Manor township at Millersville. cial responsibility up to $11,000 or face the bos of yous driving HAMS, DUCKS, TURKEYS th
guy ‘1 was a fighter ¢nce and The defending champions scoring | privileges. Why take chances when State Farm utual can give AND CHICKENS M .
traded punches with the best of | five goals in the final quarter, vou complete protection at lower rates? It'll pay you to call or At COLU BIA TELEPHONE CO. i
them Why fight I | h John Day's club yas held to come in today. PLATT’S oe
lasted two round > tallies in each of the first 3 | AMMON R. HOFFER sl
“That's nothir i ott is but the scoring combination a TW M t Joy. Pa. .
119 David Street Moun oy, Pa .
Tuy. “My brother punched Joe |cf Wilson, McCue and Bates wer i Telephone 3-4901 Silver Springs Cafe | rrr rrr essen en — meres >
Louis right in the ncse into action in the final Ph On The Marietta Pike 3
“No kiddir Gosh Id like to | five goal og oail 'S armacy RET 12, 16 or 20 gauge guns F
nake hands witt ly like that.” Wilson, McCue and Bates each | RLY LiL MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURAN Shells Furnished ® ® 3
Yeah, } llied 2 s while Shupp and Ke The REXALL Store : BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Sponsored by Columbia Roquet merican ec Ion 3
1d the nd But Ve supplied the final two tallie Phone 32-3001 MoU NT JOY. PA. gS
BR ool 8 | POST NO. 185 2
hake h.nds with : MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
tt wns. Th Bir ) The surging power of the Rocket”! N
t was Tewkberrie's 104th birth- The : ; eae 6‘ . » $99 H
yd tha repo: were: inter. n i The smoothness of Hydra Where Friends A re Fri endlier A
hin. “What w ian Matic Drive! teamed =~ |] emer Cy UC
ur long- | r them together for driving at its oe
evity thrilling best! Slip behind the wheel SATURDAY, OCT. 29 TF
“Tt n 1 ve live ) of an Oldsmobile “88” and give this new “power package” a x th
ng,” 7 i k try. You'll be excited as you feel the splendid surge of the Masquerade Ball a
. : Ic
at |] r tool f liquoy A N I i D i A - M A I I i V [ “Rocket” Engine at the take-off. And your excitement will S
Jy whole li mount every mile you drive this flashing Futuramie! Hydra- 8.30 p. m Si
gust then | + terribl Matic Drive pairs with the high-compression power of the : of
= i from 4 n nu " “Rocket” for the easiest, smoothest motoring you've ever
wh ted ihe report. a | i i 5 + U I U A M | 0 PD Ww bE R p A 0 A 5 J known! But it’s on the open highway that this “Rockes” PRIZES ® @ 4
rs Oh y Fayed . . €
ry ow hihi Hydra-Matic action teamwork really pays off. Curves and TWO DOOR PRIZES
Bowl He hills and the long, level stretches of road fall behind like SIX COSTUME PRIZES al
d : magic as you discover this great new power team—the €
: “Rocket” Engine and Hydra-Matic Drive! And it’s Olds. -
w— — W 2 oe Ww
Yesterday we oles mobile alone that has this Futuramic “power package.” So try ith Charlie Neimer Trio c
phone eall It 4 it today! Make a demonstration date with the thrilling new Dancing 10:00 to 1:00 on
calling to oi Rot 88." It's waiting for you at venr dealer's—now! x
name in the obituary colt I vi
“What was hi prof | ol
lerk ced i J O Y (TIN th
avelling salesman | SHOWS MATINEE pi
“Would you like to say anything 7 AND 9:00 P. M AND 3
personal?” asked the clerk | SATURDAYS R E HOLIDAYS
“Well, 1 just found out that 6.8.10 P.M, 2:00 P. M. -
has been carrying on with a Mount Joy, Pa,
man in Chicago.’ 7 v :
“We better ih print that,” ou FRIDAY — SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 - 29 th
clerk said. “How Ing has fhe | RANDOLPH SCOTT — JANE WYATT -in- i
been dead?” | - a ao
‘He starts tomorrow. he had ‘Canadian Pacific” 1X
veplied. | O
Whattaya bet you won't know MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31, NOV. 1-2 Cl
me next Monday in the Hallowe - I
O — LUC -}
en parade? Sp I wear a funny BOB HOPI LUCILLE BALL -in- pi
face all the time. Do you have | «<i TINIE Cas Se 6b 99
Bebe nity and remind wo Sorrowful Jones
-— ANI ees pl
A Shooting ich rt turkeys 4 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 9
an ucks will be held at the
north of Lititz on Saturday Oct | 66 a 9 !
29 by .the Manheim» Young Far m- | | Hellfire
| |
| - at
Ladies Bible Clsss of the Church Mt. O 3- 482 1 NEW nc | CLARK GABLE — ALEXIS SMITH -in- th
of God, Landisvile will serve an 6b n b Pl 99 5
Oyster supper at the Landisville | A um er C
Bic Hall 0 Serato. Ho oon Corner W. Main & New Haven Sts. Mt. Joy, Pa. y N an Play
from 4 to 8 p. n r isi
0 |