. fThe Bullet 1} A Po... Thursdi Octobe 20) 19 oy © J Bl } I unmillei as the m the pistiorm [on and near the ram a - were RE A A k arm Show Flizabet! Sd Io be introduced was Kath | County Champion an oO a ar y aa v x { iY ) i T 2 In the p howmansnip contest, erine Geib, Mastersonville last | pews Bixler, Mount Joy Ri m oal J 4 From Pace 1) ( BR | { Vernon|years queen; Jackie Wolgemuth, farmer was again victorious. Bix- 1 t \ rr ry ", ’ heare 1 ‘ row © SHIE! D EXPERT HERE 1 ) ir Hils e Wt! Baleer. second nd Henry Brmgar- Mt. Jcy RD was crown bearer and | |e. als, won the title in 1847 and 9 | AMC ENC Tov of ( ded the med Bet. 1 Toda ere awarded Paity Kreier flower girl, Mem- [in 1941 won the Dauphin County MATT OITA Ty » . "Ww ' w : % . % sre! Ni : : re A PREMIUM QUALITA Sy NN Ch NAY ou nine Pig Club Show ( ec ars of Farm Women's Society, | hysking championship while living py wpert of Chicago, will personally Fait r rea | Mrs. Jav CGreider w hairms THR ~y ea ( | \ 1 { MIS, Jay Grelder was chairman so | that ounty Except for a ANTHRACITE Le at the Hotel, Loncas- ii wn he Raby Beeve ‘ed hore of dl ning n it co Y ) { a ‘narge ) i > 1 V 2. ‘ler an (el anday and Monday only © pia I Hereford { 13 head of *" Bg. charge | ne crown brief stay in Dauphin, Bixler ha & nd 31, from 9 AM. to | | Ansu 3 Ww display un- Husking Preliminary taken part in all the Lancaster Co. \ x { i . tha 4 . > yey is : : { we fterno n and re Thirty-cne applicants, a new re- | contests, missing the title cne yea & ! | ] W 1 1 he ob 1 n ESSOHE TY + u d to the farms and continued|cord number showed up for the by only 06 of a kushel corn : ) 2 ! Ratt Coir Mount Jor : ' : s : y feed for exhibit again at the/preliminary trials held at 10 aun Bixler, the champ, husked a to- mm 1 ! ! ad al i Nn tel tockyard j of Halong, chum D The lambs will be i 1 1 in wert : E HESS fe mnt Ji wary and then sent i White C B: . ! 3 . | exhibit and sale at Harrisburg ; YH 3 dr El = | ETO A 2 \ n Fhe Corn Queen FLORIN, PA, town RZ; = Be | he Com Queen. ’ Mi. Shevnan will be glad ‘¢ dem- | Fi n R Bru ae on Fast Hem- Phone Mt. Jo; 188 wirate witheut charge Hamu i 1. Betiv Jane Gin field Tw High School student on estan Ave. Chicago 45 ' » WN Yeu Gind tng | TRursda n A chosen nia or rusture | rei Cor BENNETT'S iii { : li a Gi Te ont we x Scheffler & Weaver |... hc own GENERAL REPAIRING | queen was chosen by lot. The & A re | = | ta contest vho made up the Restaur ant WHITE - WAS {ING CUKN & | quee Sas! were: Nancy Hersh- A REA } RI | : 45 EAST MAIN ST. b 1.00%: School; Shirley ; . v. NMauh Machinery & Electrical De- | Man MOUNT I0Y AND vices, Washing Machines Ww thethlown H Club: i a » SINFFE "TING i ————— { ari fieh School | DISH! Jk EC | ING Vianheim St Mount Jov. Pa 1 Elm-Penrvn 4-P ! Phong HG Club; Peuline Longenecker, Eliza- 0 Hours |}. SN Tavs 0.2%5-3mo New Store Tous} rss BROS.| med a ie R SIN GER | Liliana Greider, ¥. Donegal High 8 Pe [| Se Monday thru Thursday FLORIN, PENNA. Rebuilt Electric e crowning of ih | Phone Mt Joy 3-1940 Portable { i = : : 8 Wi queen ey person sve a d é a.m.-1Q Paik. | - | r i 0, i pom felk dancing. Ti Friday and Saturday rs 1 a Ra ; 2 0 neluded: Mr. snd Mrs. Bert Wit- . h i jk bf 4 i En | lenbery Dorothea Mann, Paul | : Ts i 1 Feit Yenlinee r Thom Qual eats NS BE I Closed Sundays Qua ny 1 Ph, Reh —— | A FULL LINE OF mean te | : : FREE 110M" DEMONSTRATION an Mm 4 - ca | given hy Fast D1 | Pugh | SY (oT ty >... = Sewins Michine Sales and Servic Ralph Si | Fruits & Vegetables | pa. 21612311 N. Marker St. p meen ELIZABETHTOWN. PA. | Dwing 1 ‘= r 5 NS { . > =| gram, Cury 0 mous ww cartons | Wlgat MAIR | rors non vn wa Stimulate your ss by adver= | i NOT evervhody reads circular ad- ! Ann: R-1 ~ I thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | West Main St i Mt. Jovy | vertising left on their door step. Ped un PHILCO FRI on amazing money on the purchase of ¢ PHILCO FREEZER | FOR YOUR HOME ON’T miss this opportunity to own a Philco Freezer at PHILCO DH-81. Now 8.1 cu. ft. capacity in 5 ft. cabinet size. 3 com- one for sharp freezing a big saving! When you've saved 20 Birds Eye Frosted Food La- bels, bring them in . partments- at 15° below zero storage. Holds frozen foods. two for sub-zero 280 lbs. of .. we'll give i up to vou $20 credit on either of the new Philco Freezers illustrated here. Offer good for a limited PHILCO AV-75. Amazing upright convenience. So easy to arrange and find what you want. 3 partments hold up to: freezes as low as 15° below. 714 cu. ft. capacity. time only*. Come in while this hig money-saving event is on. reach-in com- 65 Sharp ae Get Your Philco Freezer now on EASY TERMS *Offer ends Dec. 3, 1949 EARL B. LONGENECKER LANDISVILLE, PA. PHONE 4111 FUEL OIL Empat ses wil ae | Lote Patni 40 si for the Marian Bre- which 19 eliminated | tal of 2310 pound: of ears, but who during were } fhe 12 survived, qaulifying | was penclized six pounds of glean- afternoon final contest were | ings missed in the field and for mainly veterans who ad partici- | six and