The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 20, 1949, Image 3

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    . The Bulletin. M!. Jov. Pa., Thursday, October 20. 1949—3


. . G Erm re ——===(1 BEEF CATTLE FIELD DAY
All Day Farm Ma hin & H g Sal > | C I VT ANNVILLE, OCTOBER 22 N Are F Fl : ideas
& 110g Jaic Model ound Meeting jp [| 4° 2 YE Prom Shor — Q
| reeders 1 ecders « eel
S £ ) I cattle 1 th ectio ol he (From page 1) Fa i h Ww S J R [
ATURDAY, OCT. 22, 1949 | Observance Of PF. ennsyloania Week foe som we ot el BED rian] TESTA SAID Sale [xegister
1] state will gatner at illarden| 4 es RIN nr Lae D
Da 5 x, 3 i (From Page 6
a > Meo mils worth of Elizabethtown, eight miles south of Her- {| | Farms near Annville for a field litski ] Friday, October the —
i TR CSF ITY 1 IQ ® [n honor of Governc Pen r wl [|| day Saturda ct. 22 Vliss Margaret E'chler spent Sun- © new leatu attracted much in= 1.00 ot 405 So. Market Street, Eliz-
LOTS OF NEW and USED TRACTORS Fe i Oot Bed Lelie i Lancwster visiting Mis, A. terest holding the crowd until the, ctitown a 2% story Brick dwels
John Deeres, Farmalls, Cases, Olivers, Fords, and other makes: Wilt ob 4, Mount joy B I the on Arcee. B lal Crosiond and family nal husking could be | ling, also household goods by Am-
l-and 2-row Corn Pickers Corn Binders, Ensilage Harvesters, il will hold a Model Council Mesting on ¢ Il dc & re 4 ™ MI». Warren Shenk moved hig puted. A new ‘corn shredd |enda W. Binkley. Walter Dupes,
11 Assoc, 1S bein tage to in i varieh n . ry Auct, Sa i
‘ Silo Fillers, Grain Drille, Plows, Harrows, Disc Harrews, Balers, 30P. M H the latest information 1 family und household effets to hown in operation which cuts | uct: Sale at 1p. im
4 Mowers, Rakes TRUCKS, CARS, Lumber, Posts, Cultivators. ® The of d venine willl I tile bcd i oy tl in ‘the Chester Oher 2 dks after th rh is husked saturday. Oct. 22-3-story Frame
‘ fi 1 1 1 ( MING Wl I Ue 1 t ( ( DO I's Lalli 1 hh | ‘ i Sa day, ct, 22 x S y
150 HOGS and SHOATS, sity : a movie titled "Pennsylvania Local G I A I ho are feedir how steers home on Saturday Fianna th kale HY 91 Double Dwelling, No. 52-54 West
r nr Torys Cath. Deivid bring in anything you have to sell. This is a i ides Rn? em Il a MV Ida Easton, of Lancast ier plowing qowh Donegal Street, Mt. Joy, also per=
a good place to Sell and to Buy ® The general public is invit d and ul x 1 tina Patroni at S 1 i ter, M Emma Ke 1950 Centest Planned | sonal property by John L. Zeager,
Next Sale November 19, 1949 meating whicl rill 1 il F 11.1 atronize Bulletin advertisers visite p TAL : Chanrles Ricedord hairman n- | Executor « f Estate of Elizabeth
ating whnich will he!d in the Fire Hall bit - ner on Tuesday tas ii ho | Zoaver. deceased and Attorney-in=-
’ . | DTT 1 rt iA AY x : ey Lie ; ion tha r, deceased a) y
3 G. K. s Machinery and Hog Auction ! se | © JD ¢1C SALE Ir. Harry Bichler of Midland, fusion thal | fact for of Margaret Bopp,
Pa, J S of i vi { fiends in town ove ther county-wi crt i ine | CS. Frank, Auct. personal proper-
_d2-u Livestock, Farmi Implement 1 ives test is vlanned next vei v 1:00 p. m., real estate 2:00 p. m
a - rrr rt Evarybody in This Locality Reads The Bulle atin ind Household Good ihe weeks 0 oi Fir Sole. Friday Evening st ween
LM Leo .. oat Mr. and M B.F. Kauffman and th DRIED ET Nh : a
| —————— — | SATURDAY, OCTOBER 239, 1549 | Wh Tuscan The 14 head 1-H show pigs 0 Wednesday, October 26—In the
! K t H i ° Ee Car 12:30 p m ar. ana a: pi A Huan lav brought from 19 to 25 cents | Village of Rohrerstown, 2 miles west
st " ie the undersigned will offer daughter len Jean, visited Jb ; 1 11g go. | of Lancasier on the Marietta Pike,
OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS €ys onc 0 J itl a € public sale on the premises situsted ines, Samuel Fair at Palmdale on | "00 d F-11915 story house, white asbestos sid-
n the road leading from Manheimig zy evenn ng, 11 rooms with bath and heat,
Saturday, October 22, 1949 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th |}, fo mimi of 0 ae mover ze ana | Grind bis of toe shows pos ae ir
9 rai + : 9.4 \ 1 rah 4 r hello Del und .
at No. 12 Wes: Meh Street, Mavtown, Pa... consisting of the following: 12:30 P. ML | view and Hosele church fol-| Mi Samuel Shelley spent Sund: tod 1 Nn Eli Funk, Auct. Sale at 2 p. m
1 t Dy Clan i 1 Ze n


TWO BEDROOM SUITES AT OUR NEW SALES BARN JUST EAST OF MOUNT |" { Perry County Cr Bt wes vari re Whe em nee
Small Tables, Sewing Machine. Bed Spring, Feather Pillows and Mat- JOY ON ROUTE 230. oro LIVESTOCK ; {r. and Mrs. Clayton Breneman } Tu wan | es nt og | Friday, October our new
iresscs, G. E. Electric Sweeper. Three 9x12 Axminster Rugs. Scatter Rugs. P| + pair mules, } single line leader; 1m wd M Liovd => © E-town R: =) | Sales Barn just east of Mount Joy,
3-PIECE LIVING ROGM SUITE bh [4 Hostel) wows, 9 cmon fount ity Mr. and Mra: Frank too 8 pound lon Route 230, 60 head of selected
}-woy Floor Lamps. Table Lamps, Lamps. Wash Bowl and 3 4 | ne ne er 200 pullets, . i . ts ‘ aT Esbenshade also purchased the | Holsteins by Keystone Holstein
Pitcher Set, Book Case. Large Leather Rocker. Hall Rack: Occasional ! : and hl Yoo 5 ! Of rve grand hampion f the | ales, Inc.
Chair, Sideboard. Couch, Extension Table with hoards. - { FARMING IMPLEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper , em SEL
G. FE. REFRIGERATOR - 6 CU. FT. — COLEWAN GASOLINE STOVE 7 | Colum! -len 1 bed, | entertained the foliowing guests on | re : "| Saturday, October 29—On Main
. m v Yi: ois: 7 low 1 hav. |} low hav tee y Bet Jane Gind of : os
A Porcelain-top Table, 4 Cane-seated Chairs and Rockers, Utility Cabinet, OL STE oy gon, hay ladder, hay gq... qa. Mr. and VD *harl ; : SS Street in the village of Landisville
Old-fashioned Sink, Ironing Board. Sunbeam Elec ric Iron, Flectric Hot { | rake, Massey-Hartis hay oader,} Mi (Mount Joy Ra at 21 1-4 cont “ pear the Sunoco Gas Station, an-
oP Pl-te, 2-burner Gasoline Stove, Doughtrav, Six Kitchen Chairs. Old- LSTE INS |p ering 6 I gi mower, 20 ft. to- : ; i ih iE ound tiques, household goods and kitch-
fashioned Rocker, Dishes, Fruit Jars, Crocks. Shovels: Rakes: Garden o LS Lo Sd ladders, tobacco plantes am and enitoren hird prize winnei ntered to len furniture by Bertha C. Sanders.
Cultivator; Porch Chairs. and other articles y numerous to mention. pote 1 spike and Mr. Ephraim Hoffman of May- yr... Belser E-town R3 Ww C. S Frank, Auctioneer.
Sale to begin at 12:30 p. m., when conditions will be made lnown by > It With noetiiown, M and M Tohn Bend oti ¥ Ment I ee
EMMA ZINN A REAL OPPORTUNITY J nde Sieh ver plow, Bl nd of Rowenns tnd or. © Groff 2! | Saturday, Nov. 5—On the premi-
F. B. Aldinger., Auctioneer. Lauxmont L. P lkadot, 1st prize wing of jomtivators, 3 Op. engme, fr Ea. : 2st) 1 Lae same | og in Rapho Twp., 3 miles North of
318 N. Market S.., Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 42-] Bedford ee ) 1¢ ize 2 1d 1 ), a ughter of | Shon > io oe : Noon ree en . _ purd! A took the fourth pig | Mount Joy on the road leading from
ee mo mere mates rier i : PH, 4 : DO Ihe King's Daughter's Class ofiy v Henry Bomgardner at [Becker's Service Station to Hosslers
4 Te aren Ih» a the Florin E. U. B. Church heldias cent Church, at theo church a valuable
yg 1. i 3 y heir class meeting at the home of Oth 17 thet fruit and poultry farm, 16 acres
hree generation pedigree of fl : pl hil, pil day . Vota) edu their PISS | with 21 story frame house, bank
2 chat 1 1700 tcebacco lath barb | he preziden 8 Adah Eichler on fol or 3
’ 4 3 er . 800 lbs. of fat. | wire. tomato baskets. posts, used) Tue “ evening, The followlr : ir y : : = Sn rn, cte by Albert A. Greenawalt.
a - a : tvhter of Montvic R A Emperor Colanthus, a n {lon r, forl 10 Ve { two : Te ALES Shes aor atin oo ee. 5 0 rank, Auet, Sale at 2/p.m-
ternal brother to “Mor ' and a paternal brother t broader h 1 12-f e, on 3 igi 3 oonts; 1 Landis, to Wes- a
. . il Pan: Pe 4 = 10x12: 2 ds dors (ters Mi i k Via Fshenshade zt 22 cents: Char- Saturday, November 5 — On the
SATUR., OCT. 29, 1 94.9 x nd one fla as up : Rn ntain 600 aw Corn nd v Kraybill, N George Kee 1 ( Col t 19 A located In 08 Village of
AT O'CLOCK Cli averaging ove many other art too merous | ler. Mi Katie Smith, M Max cents: Faul Schwangor to Vesley | ih pps, ory sii
ughter c©t rling, a son i to mentio: we Ve Beonil a | viii i
} Neniw Vrs Krayhill, we al 2. cents Barbara | double house. wash house, electrie,
On my farm, Palmyra Route No. 1, jocated '> mie north of Campbeli- of Marksman out of Em



press Meg Posch. 2nd prize aged | HOUSEHOLD GOODS : : ean :
: 2 Via Laura Granger. Nancy Hans- Warfel to vy Co} at 19 1-2 bv Paul R. Gates and Ethel Gates
wn. 2 miles south Palmyra. 2 miles from Hershey. Ot Q4Q ney : + parr f 10697 Monarcl Ivor 1d black 1-2 : Ss ar .
town les south of Palmyra, 2 miles fro S ow at the Royal 1948 and Liz C1 d 196¢ Lo Me n ran 8, Baty nd | 4 Ls Me Eichler and Rov. Gable Nenev Jean Ginder to Wesley | Welter Dupes, Auct. Sale at 2 pm.
milk, 3.73%, 735 of fat, ond bred to tview Rag Aj | enamel; eatrola, la ze; : 8
>! « sion table 1 « pie Af. or the busin tir re- ben vd ) cent Robert :
Ajax. | tens'on table: side bosrd, combina-|freshments were served and a very Pfaunmille o Croft Ment Market Wednesday, November 10—At the
A daughter of Inka Supreme Majestic who is a son ioe i and bookcase. iron bed : : ft WARE | Keystone Holstein Sales Barn east
- 2 Ny rie Hired = bdr = La “hl enjovable evenin pent Dy | ) -4 cen ra Risser t ie Df
of the World Record Lifetime producer on twice : crib, dressers, washstands, old fast J ; oy eo? | of Mount Joy ca Route 230. 50 head
: 7" \ th 1 G bx nt ; ( 1) « I'roy Risse Purebred Holsteins by C. Arthur
Susreme Ruby Echo, having 219,000 lbs. of in on cradle, ( » din yr AN Aes
1DbYy EC , having 413,UUU 1085. gd i . ol} hn to Ira Cobl t 19 1-2 nt and | and Amanda K. Wolgemuth.
Voy drivin wii] trem TALIM RRR ER
lactations and still going strong. Heck: Siding © { tal licy . Spl
| rockers, Studio tab A gy Walter Schwinger to Ruben Eber-
BULLS | lames, mi ro Le 151e Wa tu DY Record io of Bainbridge Ri at 21 cents Stimulate your business by adver-
iA re EN J Ea Dos Aor | cabinet, Edison n ph vith] «=e hd oN tor] rising in the Bulletin.
0.3 Lo A son of Sonniwilk S gn, yrds. te n! 1 drop ta (Eri nade 13 ip Box Derby ere
A \ al ae 1 we \ 3 1 :
= H D re Br Ce £ ad 1 of Montvic Rag App vereign, w se 1 | ble, weod « t, butt *h 1, tw Ls ¢2 1 first prize | Joy. 1st: Geordie Myers, Bainbridge,
1 . ay 1 {1 twe at Manheim 1 Asin Ny 1, . "
& ea u ed tif ie een producing sensationally and averaging well Couldron furnace iron keitles, (ve ra i agp Te annual 86 x by held | 2nd; C. St Bomgardner, E-town,
4 Dg wasgecn, 1 J oh 1 I 1 1 1 1 x { 1 { > . .
. on . over fit. | : ncon with a field of | 3rd; Paul Stauffer, Mt. Joy, 4th,
» . Voie weep2r, home yy Thursday He wi Xty-six . i gs
Canadian Cows-Heifex Falls A or ot Ds Vor whe is by our [ici hate et by the on Thursday. ix in ne Hoe Mick Senet
ran “AA WA: pe Tm Tne 2 hd Frank A vel v native of Col ( y .
G iv Backed. includ = ; cmd i the $5000 Mistress De Orms by, The « Vi pt el oa ra i 5 1 A : Othe inners were Jay Young | Marietta, 1st: Dorothy Lindemuth
"a backe eluding granddaugh ers « uch outstanding sires as : ‘ | ict 1 oi'umbia, at the Coatesville Hospital 1: Cle W v1 . ;
By agree NE oY ENO Of Ne etna he bull is a daughter of Emperor i M crocks, lard stands, dis and many Loa Hosp nd; Glenn W:lgemuth, third | Czlumkia RD, 2nd; Larry Heistand
Monogram, Montvie Rag Apple Triune and Meatvic we Apple x ae ti Re I x other articles too numerous to men- Jean Loanza, nineteen, form Br { tion Rest Ql . 1 d f
pss ha A con ¢ Yanc wire / A me r articles too mt us to mel . A) . were two consolation at : oi 3 ; ar
Ma:ksman. The very top of the Holste'n breed. Individuality, producing A son ol (zlenatton tg Apple Alert iwi fT | tion v of Mavielis. iy B klvn NY a Salunga, 3rd and Robert Goo 9
ability and breeding were considered when selec ing these aaimals. Quite ‘an son of Fl I Rid : 5.4 ory Oi ; Antipas = POUR Ys, for the isc and Gerald Goodling | Rohrerstown 4th. Mules - Clar-
: . 1 \ 1 ™ 1 \ I } on 1 xy Ww +} 3: ur
a few of these heifers have record dams and a number of these cows All animals from ertified id i t : Putri he a ! m bn, Sey inne! Joceph Shaefter vias | cnee Weidman, Mt. Joy, 1st; Harry
have official records. About 40 of these cows are fresh, the balance close. herds. ent ight, wife of Zenas Lshleman -hairman of the event Smith, Mt. Joy, 2nd; F. Frey, Lan-
2 CHOICE YOUNG BULLS Lunch available a] ; caster, 3rd and Enos Weidman,
Ant I Allison WwW nitching | M '
Mt. Joy, 4th.
STN TF WEANED CALVES K H 1 Sa | i debit ulead i iy . a ’
A FINE LOT OF WEANED CALVES FROM eystone 0 stein ales, nc. ighty-eignt, a native of Marietta, were Ear] Fsinleman Show Notes
THE ABOVE COWS MOUNT JOY. PENNA t Christ ft. Joy, first; Phares H-ollinger,| There was a record display cof
} I W { y coon i Jaco} : )
> "yy 1 1 . - 1 vit 19 i V | { cor and Jacol Frey "rH t this rear's he «
These cattl> mus’ ko seen to be appreciated. Caitle are all here on Ga 3 EC Dlomss WW & : : : : corn at this year’s show, about
3 a ee ee eet em ol ha We. ! Lititz wi nd 1,860 cars entered by 130 separate

my farm and very Quite i
Ca alogues on of sale when eonditions on Le made knewn by Cor : Disn ap re Cn dy a ch : Li ME hier, ni) ie horse and pony par wi ha
ex 3 +8 f hi at Denver. Bessi noth featur £ the n }
Edward O'Neal & Sons omp ete ISPErsal vidi a
- OF loro {
horse, riding horses & mules. | and for the second time proved

Some of the entries

be judged in crates.

» chow was again held in the
+ tents rented for the occasion

HWS and DUPES Auctioneers.
HERMAN HORST, Clerk hia — O ri Myers was chairman for this | that this is THE way to hold ti
O . in » _ 1 hi tha 5 1s J a) ) C ne
RARE A Phen 60 Register ed—6 Rive a oo)
a I Jacob Riss ixty-seven, f Winne foli-w Pony | Henry St. and the midway extend-
No) IN A T Ti. [2 Fliabethiown RD3 died at St. Jo | - Franci Klin E-town, 1st: | ed from M:rietta Ave. west to the
i i { } 4 i : C, 3 - enh Hospital He was a n Donald Fletcher, Mt. Joy, 2nd and | quoit beds near New Haven St.
BANGS CERTIFIED AND CALFHOOD VACCINATED f the late M N. and Mari zene Enck, E-town, 3rd Th Mt. Joy and E. Donegal Schcol


“ em Horst 1} and a mem of ta horse - John Fisher, Mt. | bands furnished music at the fair.
' Risse Ter Church. H rrr rrr reer
VAT 5 8
On the farm located in Lebanon Co. on Route 834, two and a half ; er Lis J »
a state miles south of Annville, 2 mile north of Route 322 turn north in the i a BB B
village of Fontana, of M 5 i
oy ea Dye IED ST
& 13 an nic J BoB.
35 ued COWS gs 3 E Mis. Harry Horst, Le RD
viartu ) ! id com rgd]
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1949 on a Bre Ae 3 po
LX. LN] as adn 9 You » aD
at 2 p. m., on the premises, 105 Morth Market Street, Eliz- EY r ®
I KY - ., ~
| abethtown, Penna. Ji Ph Hu > i el Fi
° i x there 1 i t I
pe up
All That Certain Tract of Land | onl 2 tle
: a to go to r li I 8 Gi & Us
i situated on northwest intersection of North Market Street Many ore has 5 oF close the balance are due throughout the year. food tored for famil u “0 REGISTERED
. . i res . \ . s i : / Ow £2 dd w
5 and West Hummelstown Sireet, in the Borough of Eliza- 8 SPRINGING HEIFERS. 2 BULLS, BALANCE ARE CALVES form ! Plan a camp tig ke 12 CRADES
5 bethtown., Lancaster County. Pa.. upon which is erected « to 9 months old. y poison al aus i 3] JAN Shad Bnd
- by Selling tha herd sire Elmcroft Loylist an own son of the well known vi WATS SUPPLY i B. Accredited. Bang Certified, many calfhood vaccinated,
. a, Two-and-one-half Story Single Montvic Monogram XXX and from « daugh ter of Montvic Rag Apple Wate: et oi i beans § all eligible to go anywhere—in any state or herd.
; 6 | Triune, thus combining two of the really great sires. ring thie t The 35th Carles Soot sale held und
® ® The young cattle are all sired by him: also ithe cows are carrying to j yo all ilk i i the helen) hi Spot sele held under cover at]. M,
gp ric WwW e 1 mn o his service. This herd includes: Ruhnit oe oll seo th BRUBARER FARM, 4 miles south of LANCASTER, PENNA,
Ho sped Grd A DAUGHTER OF MONTVIC RAG APPLE TRIUNE sar and Sau. Iho : just off Routes 72 and 222 necr WILLOW STREET VILLAGE
aT known as nimber 106 North Mcisket Street, containing 3 A DAUGHTER OF ELMCROFT MONOGRAM ee en 5 STCTLY i ek CRITI: YO im
3 Rooms and Bath. A DAUGHTER OF ELMCROFT RAG APPLE MONA (CH DESTRGY WEED! nd FIRST CALF HEIFERS - large, deep bodied. good ud-
2 A DAUGHTER OF MONTVIC CHIEFTAIN 30ih Yiu can BUT na Hol von) id od 1 a “ i
Sy Property fronts 45 feet on North Market Street and ex- A DAUGHTER OF MONTVIC POSCH RAG APPLE 2nd Teel oe bo Barnet : sid, ey ey A A Se
ie tends in depth of that width approximately 122 feet. House TWO DAUGHTERS OF GLENAFTON RAG APPLE FALCON en Is cellent production records.
Sn, 4 is well constructed, and is a Corner Proparty, only one » J Ly J ight now. Cut the weeds, pili 5 BRED AND OPEN HEIFERS very choice, by popular sires.
N tg block from Center Square. Special Mention of the Granddaughter of Sovereion them and burning the kil 5 BULLS including 2 fram a leading Eastern United States breed-
Idea! locoiion for Residence or Professional Offices, and will be fresh to the Service of Enchanter, this is on of the ny a 3 I > nie ee Hunts Plaine, 8. ¥, hue
“ with Ample Parking. All Conveniences, including Brand ing animals to be sold this fall This is a good herd, beautiful large INCRFASE GRAIN SLOWLY i no ha
: > Tiwi straight animals, most of them are vaccinated. In new in Lo onl Consignments from weli-known breeders of Penna. and Maryland.
5 New Fully Automatic Celco> Hecting Plant, New. Com- This herd is run in D. H. I. A. (Records at Sale). ‘iz ibe : a a i 2 WELY COWS and HEIFERS, all selected from good herds of
Bedescnind Sha 5 B i . 1) I ally 1 wstorn and Western Ontario Canada.
red Berkshire Shoats i ing some
! Sale to be held on the premises on Friday, October 0 Pure @ old grain This will i IT iS A PROVEN MARKET PLACE FOR BOTH BUYER AND
"4 28, 1949 at 2 o'clock p. m., when terms and conditions 250 WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS void digestive upse § DELLER ®
: | starting to lay. Vaccinated. YY Lunch or dinner avaliable. Sale at 12:00 Ne ’
A Wil sg made keows by Sale to start at 12:30 o'clock. Poultry and Shoats sold at 12:30. Everybody in this locality reads : Sarna: Sale wt 12:03 Neow yood Rene
RB Cattle at 1:00 o'clock. The Bulletin—that's why its adver- Yor Banat fists Fis , a ~~ ORR
JL Ray Westafer, Executor For catalog write to Harvey Rettew, Manheim, Pa., R2, Sales Man- tisers get such excellent results For Be Rigo ion, ‘phone Strashuy, Pa. 3661 -
\ of Jenny L. Ralfensperger, deccased. ager. | Tee or + Groff, Local Representative, Strasburg. Pa.
ai = id HH Nillie Se er, Washington Joro
F. B. Austins Conditions by H | iy Sas Thuy I R. AUSTIN BACKUS
PE SP! ‘ney. . on TE Si
ALURED C. ALSP orney a Hess & Dupes, Auctioneers. Hermon S. ossler | re SALES MANAGER & AUCTIONEER, MEXICO, N. Y.
a SM ESN. LEBANON, PA, Ri, OWNER | Subscribe for the Bulletin. ———"