The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 29, 1949, Image 8

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    direcitc i
| ——
B—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday. September 29, 1949 NEEDLEWORK GUILD MEETING N EWTOWN
' Guild of America held a meeting at — ———
unga Mothers’ Club will meet the home of the president Mr On Monday evening, October 3rd
A. Horton, last Thursday t 7:45 o'clock in the Newtown
a Ce y : ans ow liscu | roan School House, Ray ind Darlene . a A einz Soups
re Duly i ubit at the P. P. & we room, rubake vill sho hei movie 4 :
Cone | Drala a Down in Price!
nunity Exhibit er TO i i i ih De .
Annual Tngatherin , Guild | pacific Garden Mission, The Mission | NEW Plastic Foam Heinz Cream of
be held ot the Methodist chur ie Sindy od on Tomato Soup
ef 01 The on ro Billy Sunday ant other ot- in Insulation |
wel-| Material Is Called 3 3c
ightest of Solids
olid an
mda inn guests « Rev. and ithe W la’ lightest .
Raymond H a — Rev.) 2M 1g plastic n that swells Chicken Noodle Soup
. . 1p when bake ike a cake to 100 ne
I. Summy and chil- . qa dire. has Gogh 2 cans PHe Ideal Fancy
times its original ORANGE GRAPEFRUIT
sunday sentember 18th Rev. and terial, ‘ 2 cans 27¢ Blended JUICE
Mrs. R. H. Arndt and Mr. and Mrs The new product is expected to
| » oh ‘ C bell and child . | find its way into many uses in ap- a
A : gy ChE Calvin Campbell and children vis. pliances used in farm homes and! pa Wy 46-0z

ind Darlene Bruba- | developed by Westinghouse scien-
if ty tist for use Sat W 1 Stil ting ma Heinz Vegetable Soup
ed Mr. and Mrs. Habet M. Khelg- | the farm. A Q can
PARTS MAN and MECHANIC a ap an AA ne a. tw ah from, 10 fo 20 g rhe cau oe tea HEINZ
redav at the York Fair during | times less than the fluffy meringue
Roy B. Sheet? EXPERIENCED PREFERRED fin wok ion nd | Robert Serine, T 4 BAKED BEANS
| |} 00D WAGES —~ STEADY WORK § iver vf Florin and as. char S710 214 Be men oes oe Und 229
Wittle of Marietta visited Mr
| For Right Men nd Mss. Arstice Wittle on Sunday i eo! HEINZ
LOOK FOR NEW AD NEXT WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Franklin of 2 6.02 5
——————— Richmond, V: visited Mr. and ; i Ra ; cans d ET CH U P
rs. K. Franklin a few days : : 4 23°

NEWCOMER MOTORS, Inc. an and rs. Irvin Witmer wii i i | Special!
family visited ». and M J hn
Iman of Ironville on Sunday.

Everybody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin

Acme Whole Kernel
Golden Sugar
“x } a» a . th children ri Barrv and Dannv :
2 ¥ f M Joy RD2 and Miss . e ; 3
v 8 on Sunday evening,
Mrs. Kote Moore snent Sunday Shown here is a refrigerator Enjoy its fine flavor as it comes from the}
: 2 completely insulated with the can or in fritters, corn Mexican, creole §
2 5 ay aay ya 3 Wg 3 new plastic - foam. insniation a It's the new pack and § ery wt
a Bl aR vO ’ material. This is the way the . 4
: od i § Manheim visited Mr. and Mrs refrigerator looked after the SR eT mate
EOE Bi % % Abram Gamber on Sunday. insulation job was done, but 20.02 C > {fous
ge i fd Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harrington before door liner and other cans Lhe Te ior Kean
i bs ind son of Middletown were Sun- parts were put back in place.
f sponsible for the new product, said
day subper guests of Mr. and Mrs
Edward Isler and family it is the result of a three-year

Search Ior an effective insuls Fresher Produce - - - Better Values dt the Acme
material that will fill large areas,

Mrs. Samuel Fry and Mrs. Hen-
ry Rollman and daughter Patsy of | oot \waigh “next to nothing.” Fresh Western Fresh Green
*W res I \ lititz visited Mr. and Mrs Wm The made | eating a
A Ne W I resh Lot CANDY and COGKIES B Haines and family Thursda a | like sy! i ey at aR T i Bi
of these : . : ray. 2 3 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey arton and bo ree renheit until i
' : : ; Special For This Week End B crandson Ronald, of Columbia; | It £0100 times is orifing]
Extra Special : { Vc Toma Homafius, Mr. and| volume, then solidifies. Thousands 10-
8 Mrs. Mart Dellener and daughter, | Sas Dubbles entrapped in ihe bch
Delicious oC os 4 i Thelma of Columbia, visited Mr re a in : iD and give 3
IN CRISP COTTON 13 i o B a r S 1 i Wm © or fon : Foun 9 nt ; : Shr Luscious Red Tokay Grapes 2 Ibs 19¢
F R 0C KS = x BN ed A A es Sweet Fresh Prunes 2's 15¢
D3c Bi petitive Reams hove Sitios wit. Prepared Spinach or Kale et 19¢
» C 10, on : p han oo Mi gus wth and 1 cts, the foan 0
Daniel Geltmacher. low enough in cost t e pract U. S. 1 Jonathan
In i a re : ie
$1.64 ft CR
Second Shipment of B of Brumncrville on Sunday Dias Sve Be Zw Das he U. S. | Red Delicious or Stayman Apples 3's 25¢
LICORICE p07 Donald, visited Wi and Mis |, ee dead a eo 1 U.S. 1 Md. Golden Sweet Potatoes 4" 23¢
tmacher on Monda;
Scotty Dogs |g wisi il Valentine Green Besa: 2 V9
Liberty Brand Whole Sugared Strawberries "6-02 Pka 43¢
An Opening 2. 1h On Sunday, October 2nd in con- y p 4
Feature 5 * ® with World Wide Commun: | 20-02
hi on. World Wide Le Sr PANCAKE MIX co sea prepared 2 ois 2°
will ha sbisrved in all Evangel KING SYRUP 40-0z can P QC
BY: ongregational “hurche I the
Manufacturer's Close Out i a Joy Ra 9 oe a \ Ni PORK & BEANS Asco 2 hz
@ motior icture entitled “The Story A AK MIX Gold Sea) y Bla 4 c
Costume Jewelry Bw Sorel CAKE MIX oii 45
H PU Q ? Bamba y= £ 7 as ay CN ENRICHED MILK Farmdale 4 cans 45¢
tha three times 1 ry low pric Lovel . he 1c Slory o Yamba 1s centerec F\
to Hash pre. ttily from you ne wool 20S = d C Ta ound a native boy who lived with | 7/ : \ MAR SARING Princess Enriched 2 Ibs 43¢
td. collect these Mig vin i witch doctor uncle in the heart | . (
The picture depicts oe / | ill) The Toast of Va. Lee Spicy
all his superstition and | / \ Sf, / the Town Pumpkin
Another Great Women’s & Lif IS 7 darkens, fn i c eel Gy, Ath BS Enriched Supreme Layer Cakes
. 9 rie ts oF : &/ 2 into the village nd taking its toll, | 4 yh. — y ‘
Buy In— Misses — oF ££ x ie villagers flee and leave little i oy ugh n ther tha B BR E A D ea 5c
. % Cr : Bay a, wh was ken, to die. Poot % y os : oe il 5 : E has large 14¢ Golden Pecan 39
Ww 9 Rayon Panties Ji: wri Ce Noa, OT We Ion from | tical me In the tho. loaf BAR CAKES ©? 3J°¢
gon x v "Sh \ r Vilage arrives and Dar ger ( 12h g « attle may
omen S mall. mediun Ti rE i a : Be through treatment is saved. After spread respi nfections to Our Guaranteed Heats Save You Money
lars vg i | voars of Christian training Bamba 1 lighted in,
long vear eR 2 a ; i 1cturns to his own pr oe and leads] 8 resed *h report m the Amer i- i ® A
ouses | \ Toga Fone funni Rain 2 Pork Loin Roas
Ih : : : J : he Pastor, I. Ds me 30]
tr Ke aR pos SH ps ag 2 % The Pa or, L L D allas Ziegler report describes an unusual
: Cad Gear Ce [SE or tends a cordial invitation to the| cage of tuberculosis of the eye in Cc ;
Beautiful I gf ’ oe public to attend. a heifer. A tuberculosis cow with a Ib rib end
J aR ko ne —— Bee 1 i cough tanchioned nex >
WwW omen’s i bad cougl inchioned next to the
Multifilament Bf 7 Mi INERVA PRIN TS i CORNED) oe wikis to have spread | Cut Pork Chops 1 69¢
Crepe Lacy Rayon g * yay oe AVMA points out that this case -
even SSes caus y rats. ol i Ss wid . oy S y LEAN F SH HAMS shank half i» ge
3 revent losses caused by rats E.| tuberculosis s widespread. Al
Si Lo Ee Cc 1 Low J. Udine.. extension entomologist of ugh tuberculosis has been re- Pork Steaks, cut from these Fresh Hams 69¢
Rg, > vd. Priced Je Pa. State College. declares that | duced to : inimum in United
Cc ps 7 5 Pa : sat of : : q 3 states herds, coughers and sneezers Small, Lean Fender (whole or shank half)
% Values to 49¢ he cost of ratproo mg on SMe ave. rev Wala . ve vs 3 €
q] 4 j ll farms would be less than the loss | neveru Wee gopuse | th
eeves a "of 4 A Dr 101 Is I 1 ¥ I 1 a ds they may spread all kinds of res- pb: oe
j ised by js during a year, piratory infections. Isolation of any DRESSED STEWING CHICKENS Ib 49c
® Various Neck Lines tl § 57 wd t is ye . : hs : i jis animal showing respiratory symp-
® 5 Gold Button Front oy Re RA inex; vely fi thi; i PREVENT AUPLE i So to protect | Gountry Style Fr. Sausage Fillets of Haddock 3Ge
E xtremes in weath Skinless Franks Ib 45¢ | Fresh Pan Trout Ib 29¢


er conditions
LJ Solid color rs ot white and oh 4 A + an : 2 i 3 : 7 : iq ; may cause certam apple varieties . Qari ib ©
2 2 oa I ; 5 Field Mice Sliced Boneless £10 19 Fancy Large Shrimp ' 696
3 116 i HR 3 . oF drop before hey get roper | np 9 po
Pink, Maize & Blue Mo SE geo I BY to drop , bel pray ; To Melon Crops, Seed PRESSED HAM Potato Salad or Slaw 29¢
Shop The New i, % BY 88 | size and color, S. Bittner, ex-
Small, Med. & Large Murphy's er et nsion fruit specialist of the Pa. Untold damage is done each year TES €
B| iio College meets use of hor. | toeacamen ma wer. | OREless Slteak Kish 19
- 2 | mone pravs to held the apples on | melon fields by mice destroying standards th c
Clean, Sanitary Rest Room For Our Customers oe i NS they are ne r= the seed which are planted and al- Sell Water Oysters Standards pt 73
lo so the plants which are up and
i — bearing fruit. H, A. Bowers, Clem- | OUT TODAY American Cenuine Hall
gto 5P. M. " \ ” pa " As Tw a SO ollege crop specialist, says. BiG OCTOBER
Monday $0 A te ie 3:00 A. M. RUMMAGE SALE OCTOBER 29 Bo Ai iggy the iy Family Circle T Oo | L E T TEAPOTS
Through 4 ; J b EX oy ’ Li to v St. Mary's Guild of Episcopal qo mouse gs ot oys he sesd after TI S S U EF less than half price
Thursday y BN 1 NES : 4 B | Church will have a Rummage sale | they are planted, and the pine Maaazine - brown or canary
h 3 gs p JRE Lh 4 } . y iouse cuts off ti lants s a
Closed a ud ais J EA A «Sd os 9:00 P. M. ; cn Saturday, October 29th at the oid 1 Plants st ‘ie = c
Wed lay Friday & Market House from 10 a. m. to 5 copy 5c rolis i each <
Afternoon 12 WwW. MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY, PA. Saturday Pon. re etl Oe : ,— Prices Effc crive September 20, 50, October 1, 1949, Guantity Rights Reserved
There is no better way to boost |
{i Stimulate your business by adver | your business than by local news. | YOUR - DOLLAR BUYS BO ah THE ACME
Cy A an, @ | (5100 in the Bulletin, | paper advertising, ig