The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 29, 1949, Image 5

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    | ig v ie v - hey A oy We PT ge . wi EA ET ——————— 3


| | September 27, 28, 29 of this year, [7 The Bulletin, wt. Joy, , Thursday, September 29, 1949~-5
| orin, ad HCCeSS u ear | when : 200 ministera] and lay dele« | = ee re
| | ——— a —— a
{gates from the 156 supporting j= .
‘Scheffler & a en
t churches in castern Pennsylvania GENERAL REPAIRING MARY G. NISSLEY
| comprising the territory east of the | FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Susquehanna River, will meet to GUN s Mount Joy, Pa.
hear reports and plan advance Locks, Machinery & Electrical De- !
work. vices, Washing Machines -
| Manheim St. > . Mount Joy. Pa r=
Phone 3-116 I
NEW 1950 one © 9-25-3mo || I ) N 3
2-tf el — i | :
costa { T 9 | :
| {| The latest in late Summer and
— [ Ranges | B E N N 1 § {| Fall jewelry. Rhinestones and
| ae oe {| Pearls combined in
estaurant Lov Neches
p v as $3.00 (lax incl)
{ i You can have your choice of
C bi 3 R i MOUNT JOY I five different styles
{ Combination Ranges -— !
Restore the original charm and beauty of your home with this full bodied, J | Mond : 1 | ALSO
i i i i i onday thru Saturday Hog ‘
high wality pein, BREINIG'S ALLENTOWN PAINT gives long weoring, Above is a reproduction of the proposed $75,000 Ch urch and parsonage, the present dream of every mem- | $174.50 : Y {| Earrings to Match
protective coating = a beauty that gives your house an appearance of ber of the pastor, congregation, and Sunday School. Dinner served 11-2 and 5 to 8 | = 5
oss . Self cleaning. Full line of colors, : — in A is $2.00 (tax incl.
'S | Newnes lor vers, veil c'eaning, “vililing of colors The Glossbrenner E. U. B.)given to the Building Fund. [ Class Leader: C. S. Nissley, [|
I Church recently closed one of the The Building Fund, anticipating | Fark Shetter, Carl Winters. de . { {|| Come now and see these, plus
A | AR HUR ZERPHEY most successful years in the the erection of new and | Trustess: C. S. Nissley, Park All Size Furnaces Closed Sundays fo n other lovely pieces of
{ 229 N. BARBARA STREET history, Presently the Sunday | facilities some time in the future, | Shetter, B. F. Kauffman, John K. | [ll jewelry at
| MOUNT JOY, PENNA. School is averaging in attendance | has grown considerably. This year | Wittle. I! ; °
| Phone 3-5162 about 230. The average attend- | $7,802 has been put therein. This | Chief Usher is Aaron Buckwalter i |
| ance at the Worship Service in the | brings the total in the fund to C. E. Musseiman is sec'y of the % {
—— CSL TL ee ina je 2 os : Len : SALES & § | i
= | morning is 153 and 71 in the even- . The projects anticipated | Council of Administration. wh - 1! Ya
fll [HAHA Ro LIT] Ie ll lg [111708 1 | ing. There is an average attend- st in the neighborhood of | The Stewards: Elmer Wittle' KALAMAZOO SERVICE { 1 Koser d Watch Shop
R CARL LT TL | ants of 29 at the nvid-week ser- | Aaron Buckwalter, Norman Will,| 3 : | i Chocolate Ave LORIN. PA.
LF | vice. There were 17 new mem- The Florin E. U. B. Church has | Mrs. Earl Royer, and Marlin Gish. 351 Ww. King St., Lanc., Pa. § | | Chocolate Ave. FL :
— mee bers added to the church mem- [one of the best ratings in Eastern | Mrs. C. S. Nissley is president of] PHONE 33598 | Dial Mt. Joy 3-4015
| bership. The present member- | Pennsylvania Conference for their [ the W. S. YEW AC 3 42 at J
Ev [ y V W [ ’ S H HI shi is 229, contril utions. The average am lwo raun is Treas. of _ EEE.
There has been healthy interest | ount given per member is $71.
e ree and progress in the Junior Society The officers for the coming year Mrs. Park: Shetter is Pres. of the]
under the direction of Miss Doro- { are: Ladies Aid.
thy Baker. There are 30 enrolled Sunday Supt.: C. C. Mus- Mrs. Aaron Buckwalter Treas. of
in this department of the work. selman and Park Shetter, | the Ladies Aid. |
The Youth Fellowship under the Sunday School Sec'v.: Mrs. El- | Miss Dorothy Baker is Director
direction of Miss Dora Wittle has | mer Wittle, Albert J. Kleiner and | of childrens work, ®

experienced continued interest. | Janet Nentwig { Mrs. John Wittle is Director of]
There are 28 enrolled in this area Sunday School Treas: J. K.! Youn Work. # |
of the churches activity. Wittle, Kenneth Nissley. Mr. B. F. Kauffman is Director|
The Ladies” Aid, with a member- Sunday School Librarians: Wm. of the Senior Choir. | MANHEIM R. D. 2, PENNA.
ship of 56 persons, had a total in- | Buller, Lester Weaver, Elmer For- | Mrs. Norman Will is the Church
come of $1,200 dollars. ward, Sylvester Eppler Melvin | Pianist. {
The W. S. includes 118 mem- | Ryder. \ Rev. Gable is Pres. of Brother-|
bers contributed $358.00 to the Sunday Schoel Chorister: S. E. | hood.
{ work of missions. Musselman and Arthur Braun. | Mrs. Jacob is Treas. of Brother

Wo i on pining, Seal Eom, Tote Arthur Braun is Treas. of AIR COMPRESSOR ; 3 EXCAVATING
A GUERNSEY _PAVI LION Vi this amount nearly $500.00 was Musselman. | The Building Fund. WORK & CRADING
MiLesE.oF LANC. Wi! | | Ail
Church of the Brethren | oq]
— ON ROUTE 30 John Kader Ia Charge Rock Driliay me | Cellars
: av S DY= 4]
Sunday Sept. oy soot |} Concrete Breaking, Etc. rt Trenches, Etc.
10:15 a. m. Church Service
Everybody is invited.

St. Luke's Episcopal Church

Rev. Donald Boyd Kline
1 i 2 =A Vicar PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753
r 9:15 a. m. Church School
Opening Date Octo el P- m. 1€:45 a. m. Holy Eucharist (2nd
A Sponsored By and 4th Sundays)
JOHN JESBERG FLLIS ROWE 10:45 a. m. Morning Prayer.
St. Andrew's Brotherhood Cor-
porate Communion on last Sunday
of each month.
7:00 a. m. Holy Eucharist.

; so (0 a nL i Churcin of God
. There Are Still RALLY DAY Sure Coin Er
SUNDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1949 So a, a ant
“Christ Is Our Passover”
% A Limited Number . Newtown E. U. B. Church 2 p,m. Evening Worship

1 elunacner, Wednesday
7:30 p. m. Junior Prayer Meeting
"oo < '
— HIRT AY OO! 8:30 p. m. Senior Choir practice
UJ L/1 i i 7 a -
= OF = Ne | tories, ana group sing Trinity Lutheran Church
1 Mild f 1) <i} Mrs. Paul Berg Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor
NM t Tov will ba on : Sunday October 2
am on a 9:30 a. m. Sunday School
{IN N SERVICE / rr. M 10:30 a. m Holy C#nmunion
Buch Pa , 7:00 p. m. Vesper Services.

Judrict wii REE Wednesday
Jers 7:30 p. m. Church Council to
NIN OTR vn 1 r meet at Parish House

Rev. O, kK. Buch, Pasicr Newtown U. B. Church
Iv tha Yidann Mixed Oscar K. Buch, Pastor
4 9 Of f sSindgl y+ DY N¢ 1 IVI X¢
At Your New nig Bd fli, Sud Or
Ne x Bode ih ae : : : 9:00 a. m. Sunday School.
1 Wii fie SON eT 107 the entire doy. 7:00 p. m. Evening Worship
i He will also teach the M S On Wednesday
7:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting C. E.
Rally Day is on Oct. 9th
All are welcome. Mt. Joy Mennonite Church
IE Ts Henry Garber. Amos iess, and
a Trinitv | : ‘ Henry Frank, Pastors
Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church | Mount Joy Methodist Church enry ang,
L. Dallas Zeigler, Pastor | Rev. James F. Mort, Pastor Sunday October 2
: 9 . « 9: a. . Sunday
Sunday Octobe. 2 | Joseph Shaeffer, Supt. Yoo Xm i d y had)
9:30 a. m. Sunday School { Sunday Octcber 2 :00 a. m. Church Servi
es 10:30 a. m. Morning wership | 9:30 a. m. Church School ii
; | World-wide communion i Junior Choir Rehearsal follows' Chiques Church of the Brethren
y 6: 0p. BK L.C. HB Church School | Jody October 2
7:30 p. m. Evening Service 6:30 p. m. Youth Fellowship Sunday Oct. 2nd at 7:30 p. m
A mction picture entitled “The 6:45 p. m. Junior Choir Practice ; an Old Fashicned Hymn Sing--
S 3's 3 a’ a : ¥ + i ‘vorv Tole »!
oy of Bamba [ 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship Everyone Welcome!
Monday Holy Communion
I M JOY q 7h p.m: Quarterly Conference | Tuesday First Presbyterian Church
ues ay : ay "0 In str. TF Melireoor pastor
i 2 1 30 m, and 7:30 .m, West Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor
® 8:00 p. m. Young people meets ! Pp. 2 HL Pp : «ot : -
| Advance meeting in St. | Friday, Sept. 30


; Wednesday 5 : Paul's Methodist Church Lancaster 7:30 p. m. Communicn prepara=-
7:30 p.m Prayer Meeting | 7:30 p. m. Senior Choir Rehearsal | tory service at Donegal.
2:30 p. m. Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. Hi-Gem class meets Sunday, Oct. 2 of : ; :
Sunday October 9th is Rally Day | ees 9:30 a. m. Church School Good lighting can work miractes wise take valuable daylight working
October 16th Missionary Conf Salunza Methodist Cravch Union World Wide Communion farm! D: a ine shoite hours can be done after dark whe
! You Are ntereste RR Be 7 dort. PR Service at Donegal at 11 a. m. on your farm! Days growing shorter Cf e afte ark when
St. Mark's | > ae Ser) i" X 6:30 p. m. Westminster Fellowship ...but with plenty of ever-ready your farm workshop is adequately
Ini ISs ce rickler, Sup ss Peggy Garber, leader. Report . . . jor Thi y i
Ey ingelic l United Brethren | Sunday October ? Miss Peggy Garber, lea e7. electric lighting vou can keep sum- lighted. F'his means extra time
IN A Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor 9:30 Ct % School on the New Life Conference by e - for oth he turd
- 1 . | die a. ’ rC oe MW . 1 . { . x 1 3 I'es o & or
hi ’ Sunday 2 « 10:30 a. m Serine Miss Sally Ann Nissley. mertime hours all winter long ? er durimg
ty 30) Sunday Scheel Holy Communion = 7:30 p. m. Evening Worshi You'll find good lighting actually hours.
10:15 a. m. Morning Worship T o Communion «H op Eo ta Ship ou md good lighting actualiy
Werld-wide Communion uestay SUA pays for itself, And too—proper lighting in the

farmyard will give vy W=COS
7:30 p. m. Evening Worship : give You lo pst
a +1 arent 2 3aniizo smber 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. . West —
) Secu ie Fu | T i me Positi on Rect plion 4 nd Baptize members District Ae! rT at St. Donegal Presbyterian Church
For example, electric lighting in

Tuesday Pauls Methodist Church Lancaster Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor : burglar insurance. To a prowler,
7:30 p. m. Women’s Society of | Wednesday i Friday vour poultry house can increase pT i loss ee: CRE
World Service aid Ladics: Ald So 7:30 p. m. Sunshine Bible Class| 7.30 pp. m. World wide commun- vititer ze when: son farmyard lighting means, Stay
ing . : : - ) ER : pb : ’
ciety at the home of Miss Alice | Meeting ion preparatory service at Donegal : 82 1 cut! this farm is protected.
MAY APPLY Marie Nissley, Salunga who has A Sunday, October 2 prices are at their as much : :
YOU charge cf the program. | Mt. Pleasant 9:30 Church School as 200%. Hens stay awake | hl See your farm equipment dealer
Wednesday Jrethren In Christ Church 11:00 a. m. World-Wide Com- hele chs-glay awake longer... today about lichting « rf
= a . am. 2 : ay : g g on your farm.
7:30 p. m. Midweek Prayer Ser- | Elder C. H. Moyer, Pastor munion Service. get more...drink : Dr "
J arn vice Sunday.’ October 2 amie Meee emma i Let him explain in detail how good
5 - 1 : ET § ‘Cc COOS, .
A T : h e S to r oO 8:30 b. m, Meeting of the Church | 9:00 a. m. Pandy) Schbol 150TH ANNUAL SESSION BEING Hud more egg lighting can make your farm safer,
ww Council Administration 16:30 ‘a.m. Preaching “ : ey Cons J ‘
“00 io 4 Choir dg yt HELD ‘AT MILLERSBURG Also—odd jobs that would other- more modern and more profitable.
Thursday Erisman Menonite Church The one hundred fiftieth annual ’

AT AN Y TIME Ye p.m. ii or ague I ets | gunday. October 2 session of the East Pennsylvania
at Christian Miller, E-Town RI. 9:00 5. ni. Sunday Schoo X of Whites
; rr err 4 oy en 2 or Cox Yenc: i owed PENNSYLVANIA POWER LIGHT COMPANY
Brethren Wing of the Evangelical
rice, Chester K. Lehman, Harris-

When in need of Printing. (any- net be | io United Bretliien Church, convenes
; : | onburg, Va. will be in charge. : :
EE | thing) kindly remember the Bulletin! Everyone is welcome, in Millersburg; Dauphih County, on . - wh A