The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 15, 1949, Image 5

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| SALE ATTENTION Ch h N ¥ | Postal laws prohibit forward-| The Bulletin, Mi. Jov, Pa., Thursday, September 15, 1949—5
The Ladies Bible Class of Trinity | The Busy Workers (lass of the urc 0 es ing government checks [+ i a ae t
— " ;
NER [ [ | Evang. Cong. Church will hold =» — = . Ee ae
{ DI y rc Il hold a r - [I
D RU H J} WIL OIC & TUM pod Sale at the Market House on/NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL
AYS {}| mage sale at the Parish house on | Capt, 16. Potato Salad, Ma-| THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY FURNACES I

/ .
Me West Main St, Friday and Salad, Baked Beans, Candy,) AND THE ENTIRE SUR- { ht Today S Quiz
= day, September 30 and October 1. [and Cakes will be on sale. ROUNDING COMMUNITY. N
¥ CM . T : cts Pipe or Pipeless I QUESTION:
¥ The doors will open Friday at | | W
4 Aacadam and Lanes 1:00 p. m. and Saturday at 10:00 a. [ The batfish walks on the bottom Churcii of God Forced Air i What makes clothes wear longer and look
; - i a a GC oa oh. 9-15-3t | of streams. using its. fins as feet. Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor | i better?
=~ AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTION=—= | 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship
qq = Em Sunday , September 18, 1949 W
re? i ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN 9:30 a. m. Church School $95 AND up i ANSWER:
The guest speaker will be Dr, B. E. | DRY CLEANING

| Ewing, Supt. of the Pa. Temperance i Yes, ma'am. that's a scientific fact. Here's an-
0 hi Pp. m, Evening Worship 40-Inch Gas Ranges I other fact - - - - you'll look better and feel smart-
AMOS S NEWCOMER | Sermon, “The Power of Example” $99.50 i er when your clothes are beautifully cleaned
Wednesday and pressed by

6:45 p. m. Junior Choir Practice.
7:30 p. m. Junior Prayer Meeting
a9 :
\ @®

ie 7-38-3mc. 8:30 p. m, Senior Choir practice 40-1n. Electric Stoves i
; St. Luke's Episcopal Church | 159.50 i ®
22 | Rev. Donald Boyd Kline | $ 5 fi
i icherlys
9:15 a. m. Church School { $
10:45 he m. Holy East (2nd | KALAMAZO SERVICE | 76-78 East Main Street Mount Joy
r } 1 JOIN THE ALL-AMERICAN TEAM and 4th Sundays) . )
—— After peing engaged in the undertaking 10:45 a. m. Morning Prayer. 351 W. King St. Lanc.. Pa. § | E CALI
1 J ; Fl nme nf hive hme. (Other Sundays) | PHONE 33598 | YOU PHONE 3-4071 w -
business in Mount Joy for the past twenty- Millions of American families have on deposit St. Andrew's Brotherhood Chr- | fi Lag
in American banks more than 53%; billion porate Communion on last Sunday | Rave Pe Ea
eight years, I have moved my license to dollars of savings. In this way, these families oath TO DAYS RR ;
es nl - ave monstrate heir fai in America . .: 7:00 a. m. Holy Eucharist.
the Lancaster Funeral Home, 349 North have demonstrated their faith in Americ a °
my. ~~ : their confidence in American institutions oper- | Mount Joy Methodist Church || oming to unt { YY co oo
Duke Street, Lancaster, where I will be ating under our free enterprise system. The i TR 3 PB
: areas] ts strength of our nation lies in the determination Sunday “Sept. 18 ! | Bs
pleased to have the continued patronage streny : . : 9:30 a. m. Church School |B
of our people to work and save for the things 10:30 a. 'm. Board of Education uf
of my many friends. Funerals will be they want. When you bank with us, you are part My ay and also Junior choir
wk Fa. : ? a rehearsal. ?
9 held at vorur home APY 1] J of this all-American team. We invite you to 6:45 p. m. Youth Feiiowship. WITH FELT-O-GRAPH AND MAGIC!
nelda at your home or your church. . : 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship
come in now and start your account here. Monday I
re in; a) V eon es / Dis ne 2 | tl y d i. 25th
NNNTIONAL MOUNT Joy j, (fii loge io 3 Sues, Sei. 18 Jo may, Sept.

Lancaster Area will attend. Sup- |
1g time.
Tuesday {
gp i “i: |B
7:30 p. m. Senior Choir Rehearsal |
evue R B Sh i nT PN — = 57200 13 served by members of Sunday. Sept. 18 “Out of the Night.” (in technicolor)
Oy . CCtz = AJA Monday. Sept. 19 “The Man who Forgot God.”

| Wednesd: | " Ld
n nna LANCASTER, PA 7:30 a W. 8S. C. S. will con- | Tuesday. Sept. 20 We Too Receive.
Ph } LANCASTER, . : in |B
{duct ¢ al ssionary service ' r
— | / Suet pana) missionary service My Wednesday, Sept. 21 “Beyond Our Own.” NEWSWEEK says “best
r 5 TRE ] — film of its kind ever produced.”
| | IN UNION THE IS STRENGTH | Salwnza Methodist Church 1 PONE! P
i | Rev. James F. Mort, Pastor y’
an Le ALS A Ae | Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | Miss Alice Strickler, Supt. | A Thursday, Sept. 2 ATO
¥ z — SE “TT [Sunday Sept. 18 i ” rv of Redemption.”
i 9:30 a. m. Church School Friday. Sept. 23 Story f P
: Rally Day service { ept. 24 "Bo and His Pra ers.”
i 10:30 a. m. Worship and Sermon. | Saturday. S P y y
ier | | : i : Sunday. Sept. 25 “Reaching From Heaven.
i 3: . m. Laymen’s meeting a
ELL : Mount Joy Church. |
i Wednesday a
7:30 p m. Official Board Meeting
/. Ww 7:30 p. m. Choir rehearsal
——— C. I, SUMMY - Pastor
Evangelical United Brethren
Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor
SE ‘unday Sept. 18
. 9:00 2. m. Sunday School |
10:15 a. m. Morning Worship
7:30 p. m. Evening Worship
: Wednesday
2:13 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Women | Vv ! 1
Society of World Service Institute |
=> at Otterbein Church Lancaster. ®
: 7:30 p. m. Midweek Prayer Ser-
vice. |
Wei m. choir rehearsal MANHEIM R. D. 2. PENMA.

7:30 p. m. Dorcas Society meets |

Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church
L. Dallas Zeigler, Pastor
es Day i bo observed with f 1
Miss Maria ifer » speaker. | § | ERP
This wi oo a Rr an [ ker] WORK ’ - ge "HP i : & GRADING
7:30 m. Evening Service ry ~~ _
: Yt m. Young people meets Rock Drilling Cellars
7.30 p. m. Prayer Meeting
Bg go Concrete Breaking, Etc. Trenches, Etc.
—and in the 12 record-breaking months since, patios Whe Chueh -
5. M. Wolgemuth, Supt.
every phase of the automobile business Sunda s. x 18 Te 3 ” PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753
has felt the impact of that historic 10:25 a. m. Morning Worship
7:00 p. m. Prayer Period

: * ° 7:30 Roy Brubaker showing the
DS y introduction by 2ldsmobile film “Out of the Night”, a touching meme
: ’ y heart stirrng story filmed by Par | meee eee rt I a
| This is the first anni- on cific Garden Mission in C hicago |
T versary of one of the FIRST YEAR OF THE "ROCKET This film is in technicolor and is
: by fi critics as one of the
most revolutionary rated by film critics as |
devel nts} September 8—The best religious films available mm n gn > i \ ™
4 yelopmen sin Rocke plant is 7:30 p. m. Monday through |
on ory 533 completed. | |Sunday Sept. 25th, Mr. Brubaker |
Oldsmobile’s brilliant Septewl { unda p 1
« Ey September 15—0Olds- will be showing a different film
Rocket Engine! 1948 mobhile’s new “Rock- each evening. On Sunday night
et” Engine is first there will be two showing Upon
In one short year, presented to thepress, | oo : Mr. Brubaker | L. J. SMITH, Owner
4 en ”» 2 3 the suggestion of
a e ke as che rica’s ¢ - " ! >
te Rogier i eA nd Aron x wok November 8 — The first who says that these films are the
} a rr ar ThE © “Wovewbor. production model [very best obtainable, the Pastor TELEPHONE 3-9731
new level ol perlormance and reliability to 1948 “Rocket” comes off and people of Calvary Bible church
VF motoring. It has earned a unique reputation the line. ( extend welcome to everyone to
® : for smooth, quiet, economical power!

December 9—First’ share in the services.
But you must drive it to believe it! On this pubic Sowing ofthe cr. C O N C R E i E B L O C K &
OCKeL, |
‘ee . : First Presbyterian Church
Rocket” anniversary, your Oldsmobile Dealer VicG
an Sar, al ov. T. A. McGregor, Pastor
cordially invites you to take the wheel of a December 19 — Intro- ti rs 8 res
“Rocket” Engine Oldsmobile . . . and discover duction of the new a
ee : “Rocket” Engine i 9:30 a. m. Church School ° 5
how the “Rocket” combines with Hydra- hw chop Jingu in 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship Crushed Stone Chimney Blocks
Matic Drive for the most thrilling performance “Unconscious Good”
y 3 AP
you've ever known. A phone call will bring Soy Rockers ree
3 y iH; . tl i ngine offered 4 Eu ad
R you a thrilling demonstration ride. Febuary ei pete in the Donegal Presbyterian Church
1949 sensational new Olds- Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor Mortor Cement ~ Flue Lin ing
mobile “88!” Sunday Sept. 8
Hove You Wade Q Date March 22—"Rocket” 9:30 Church School
7:30 Evening Worship
wilZ, Zo Ott £872 Monch. Engine “88” seta “Gneonscious Geod”. Concreting,
climbing record
1949 General Motors Prove Lon i n :
ing Ground. Trinity Lutheran Chure
7 fous Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor Mason & White
May 30— “Rocket”
Steel and
© Aluminum Sash

Wo Engine “88” re Sunday Sept. 18
ng 00 paces i > i ;
ne J the 500-Mile Race at 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. Sand
i 1949 Indianapolis. 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. oO h d
7:00 p. m. Vesper Services. verhea
June 1—Nation-wide
Rocket “88” Demon- a Missionary Society will Lintels Garage Doors

stration Campaign SR,
Yas June launched meet at the home of Mrs Clayton ®
ks Try the “Rocket” ride! Drive the lowest- > : Lefever at Florin. Leader will be
priced “Rocket” Engine car, the brilliant 1949 June 14— 100,000th M Sacra Zink |
ale DR Toa." Cah yo dour rotary J Mrs. George Zink.
ps is built,
7:30 p. m. Evening Worship
’ NEWCOMER MOTORS, Inc. pm. Prayer Mooting & CE | Custom Drilling & Jack Hammer Work — Estimates Cheerfully Given
| ! a vu . Twenty species of oak are used
T i Corner wv. Main & New Haven Sts., Mt. Joy, Pa. lin laine flooring. )