The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 01, 1949, Image 2

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Zone Bulle tin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, September 1, 1949 a A WARNING TO FARMERS while an animal may appear per-] 4 = sg —
H APPE N | NGS The Bulletin S FAIR SEASON ! fecily healthy, it can be harboring It will Be a Grand
The Mount J oy Bulletin y | tte dessa underlay gems emma]
— of — Scrapbook ! way in the Tihs Se, farmers | from an equally healthy-looking 0 i! i
vere adviser oday to make sure
: nd. | E. Schroll, E ditor and Publisher | ( ING AG 0 +b tliat animals do not bring disease | animal at a fair, a show, or live | S e
ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 = = —— A 3 Week's Best Recipe hazards home with their blue rib- stock sale With Exira Foods FH A&P | :
pul |] ysday at No his mas pg in during the nA, i Aiud Ripe Peach Conserve 1-3 ¢] bon Also recommended was a check- | :
9-11 East M fount Joy, Pa. keeps those a ve i 20 Years Ago on ped maraschino cherries, 3 No matter what stringent sani- {up by a veterinarian of all live- WwW
u ER So Ne endive tice ¢ orange rd peach A tary measures have been taken at| stock returning from fairs. Such a Q Cusion ers |
Ss AT $2.00 Beal waves wid lat * hig - : fm ¢ sugar, 1-2 ¢ chopped nu fairs, any animal shown where procedure, the Foundation said, has
S $1.00 and wish that * high web H. 2 id Son pur-| meats, 1 bottle fruit pectin. Chop | large groups of other animals have | a two-fold purpose i the animal is
Ti 0 pt sre Jn Wopld go bag x! { at hi Je Harry h bout 1-2 ¢ maraschino cher | heen assembled hould be handled | infected. First, special precautions Cor ner
Sia ne 0 from hence it came Falk | Store and vellin for | rie Measure 1-3 ¢ into large | if it has been exposed to infec-| can be taken to see that the di-
ne nl ever-staying you wel- | ¢ 500 00 epal Remove veliortds and | . A rh . bios
ne! fy i tion. warns a bulletin from the Am- | sease does not spread to the other : : JU
En t Mi eo : Brenemi } Son Vy Xe of : i nem ne rom | eviean Foundation for Animal | animals in the herd. Second, treat- If vou Were somes
ow V 1870 TIME FOR FAIRS Ue ee a PNR een | ment to save the animals value un ge 1a. pi 4 + RHI Pha
; Fiir time, the annual big eel Heng Ew i : torn dai . ; Se a A minimum quarantine period of be instituted promptly. stand, wha aq by :
Meml N apet : Ah A} big week | 5B. Berhart Store on East Main} ripe peach Chop or grind} wy br ol cual tations. the Foundation would vou look for?
tot : when business and professional Street cov Bre Consbine cuits and 30 days was recommended | wr all | uch vigilance, the
- : folk get together with ruralites to Elizabethtown Country Club isl measure 3 1-2 c into saucepan animals after fair exhibition, before | said, insures that a win in the At ARP we lube pride A&P Super Markets
. re share in neighborliness in the in- w formed: and. will apply Sor a) with cherris Add nut ai letting them join the home herds. | show ring will not be followed by in the fact that our check- ARE
E | ) { { ) | A I, teresting exhibits and programs Ye nd will make a wolf] Add sugar to fruit in saucepan The Foundation pointed out that] a loss on the farm. ers are courteous, prompt 0 9 il 9
3 de Da ered through the Fair Boards, wrse on the land of Wm. Klein. }and mix well Place over high | a and efficient. pen ti pm
+ + > Attending a Fair is a vacation A er little musical ‘was pre-{ heat, bring to a full rolling boil ] . : EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT {
: a gradu sith | treat and an educational venture. ited by the Lutherar Sunday | and boil hard 1 min, stirring | FROZEN FOOD ; But wher all, ve fon ro
YOROI { om Hy, wit- Fheve is much to learn in the | Schoo the church constantly Remove from heat} to be aceura e SO ALL A&P STORES & {
y SS it him and he acts displays of new machinery, ach- The tem 2 in New York]and stir in fruit pectin Stir and Ice Cold Watermellons half or Whole that they : will iow the MARKETS WILL BE
as Al never reached the | fevements in agricultural devel- | City vests dv. Was 103 shim for 5 min. to cool a bit. th Donald Duck Orange Juice ... 27¢, .4 for $1.00 correct price of each ite Mm, i i D |
© opment arden projects, exhibits Is I's e out huyin tobacco} prevent floating fruit Ladle Fillet of Haddock 1b. 50c¢ At A gy Bin ih Closed J ay
eo ef animal Of interest to the | snd offering 20 and 22 cents. { immediately into glasses. Para- : 1 40c a . po y MONDAY, SEPT. 5TH
I nount of advice Women, the knitting, fancy work, A new and modern gla front | fin at once Yield is 11 six ounce Fillet of Cod ik LABOR DAY A
Sip le ive oun. would Nf Tavs of ya res is being pl ced in the Kiu hy ela : Chicken Pie ready to bake 49¢c & 79c W wa should ever make
thin cy had received Phi Beta der 8 Nop Joy, ni hi 0 i 8 OC 2} ied by the Winters iy : hom He Crab Cakes i 47¢ a mistake ‘or if vou have i
Kappa k from the School of | SEE tin i wu: hate ay ying wi ; any suggestions that wi (
Fxrericn I i « i ie rr White or! in with a oad ea re t it green : te i ; Cut np Chicken Fryers i J 1b. 60c help uw Inainidin our |
Sey phasized by the Fair is the WOrk | I a . wii sid a f pid 4 : xr 3 ; strict standards of accu- i
. wa a o .. i K cut hy flying axe, which wag |more flavor than older, large: racy, please let us know. (
izes often are ‘deceiving. Be- | done by the Bovs and Girls 4-H | tossed to him bv a fellow work- ! leave The host gathering time k A
. ca 1S mctimes 3 woman's | Clubs The theme of the club | y Pig is when plant begins to flower Mt. Joy Frozen Food Lec ers Please write:
taumi as a man under It s “Better Living for : ter A 1 1 3¢ btaine y :
Mar big mouth contains World od TO ey § x i > oe he gor i en \ Bo : Ho Sane ph Open Daily 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.. — Friday 8 A. M. to 8 PM Customer Relations \
small tal the qualities of usefulness, co- |} oe re i | dry room S: 2 SOTA. dove DIAL 3-5436 Deperalast
00 operation and leadership, they Rey nd Mrs. Covel returned | me, and summer savory ean be A&P Food Stores A tender, meliow-flavored
Ww ave wirely wo many ha built well. Whether the | missionaries to India, spoke at a | partly sun dried kut basil, tarra- Ee a . = 420 Lexington Avenue smoked ham from A&P will pro-
people nowadays who prefer to} project is raising poultry, beef, | Churcir. of God ervices in the {gon lemon balm and mint need New York 1%, N.Y. vide good eating “no end” for | 76-
stay ne Sunday morning and | swine, sheep, rabbits, crops and | community drying nway: from Hgat to. hold fie holiday week-end. Get yours {
read th funny paper s rather | viegetables or nutrition, home The newly constructed building | flave ind color and prevent th j (
than co to church and listen to a furnishing, sewing, the members | of the Church of Brethren in| mold Cut stems two to three Sunnyfield Short Shanked (None Priced Higher)
good sermon. have become better citizens and. (he West End of Florin is fast | inche from tip Wash leave } . on $ {
® 0 © better farmers. It reminds wus! nearing completion well and drain thoroughly I '} 4 :
A herd administration official | that “as the twig is bent the tree The thru traffic stop signs have | n bunche and hang 5 Den 2 a a
at Washington Friday advised the | is inclind” boon erected ut all. intersections) dry or spread thinly over a higl =
White that there is a ®@ 00 entering Main Street | screcer When leave are dev. | Macadam Driveways and Lanes
great public demand now for ma- IT WONT BE LONG NOW Fire destroved three buildings | Separate from stems, pack in tight \ — .
jor pump priming. Also that When locust trees start to turn | on the Harry Eckinger farm near | containe to prevent loss of the
practically all business men want rewn, when chickory turns blue, | Sealed, waxed cardboard | ESTIMATES CHEERF ULLY GIVEN
the Government to cut spending | when sumac begins to look red. Sunday School cla of the | boxe tin cans with tight covers, | Whole or Full Shank Half Full Butt Half
and taxes. vou see the unmistakable sions of | Methodist Church ught by Mi re used But if glass, the ja oo.
That 255 billion debt is begin- | an approaching autumn. Early | Wn Differds ri enjoyed a pic- | must be inted black, wrapped lb 69° lb 77:
ning to
v red in the distance. | fallen leaves are already idly ( t Hertzler's wood n dark paper «or stored in very | A MOS 4 N WCOME
LI i i : { ’ 4 dark bl coer. + i
It. Joys 3 IE px ) hoch tie color. of ° Please Note: No slices are_removed from these hams

Ki i Hioating on many a country aM th annual commuli= |
WATCH THOSE KIDDIES tream The vegetable garden | ity Exhibit ha been scheduled | herbs from fading Store in ! ere Ee
Yom schools have already | icminds you of the passing of the 101 October 17, 18 and 19 ol, dey I ROUTE 1. MOUNT JOY DIAL 3-4022 cut FROM 142 TO 18 POUND HAMS ]
opened but a majority will swing | summer weeks as it yields its Jacob Flower Florin, was fa- When Canning 7-28-3mo. | Shank End Butt End Whet
into action next Tuesday, follow- swoet corn, tomatoes, peppers tally injured and h employer | When canning fruit pour Syrup | sess a Ei si; to 6 Pound A io 6s Pounds fn e
ng i Day. Thousands » nd. ¢ sgplan . late comers all.| Nathan Joschik was struck by ato within 1-2 inch from jar top | =A M E R ICAN BAN K 1 N G IN ACT /a to 6'/2 dial 1
young full of life and laugi Fhe znimals begin to show Fall | train at Lancaster Junction The greater the space in the jai Ib 71 privil
ter, will be wending their way 10! activity with the ground hogs. TY | top the longer processing is now Ib you ¢
and from school and here is ow suirrels and rabbits darting and i needed in order to. force oxygen | Vadis Noe: Some slices dle removed from these, larger vals come
annual message to motorists ---- | cearching. They were more T I, al Arti t fron jai Air not forced
PLEASE BE CAREFUL! timid and far less daring in the wo oC IS $j" 0 later cause the fruit in CR ~~ ~~
One « those youngsters Killed | cpyine you recall. Before long (From page 1} { the top to darken f U.S. No. 1 GRADE "A" LARGE NEARBY
njured for life may be your | the change of color of the maple Art He worked in art tepart- Inspirational ( POTATOES 10: 3 = |
own will definitely prove that summer | Ments ob H rper’s Bazaar and the | The use of money is all the ad- | bag
e ® 9 has gone. Soon the shutters will | Stage Magazine. During the war | vintage there is in having money. | FRESH NORTHWESTERN i
AND IT MEANS ALL OF US clese the resort homes. the boats he went from private to captain | =----Benjamin Fran Klin i | J
When Sir Stafford Cripps re- | cleaned ond stored away. all the | doing map reproduction work in EY | ( PRUNES 3 is 23c
minded Britains that the only ve-| lines for bathing suits and beach | the U.S. Army While over-| OATS, GAS AND SORGHUM {
medy their critical financial | tov removed. Al of which he also served as technical Tired of buyin it it today GOLDEN RIPE
condition was for everybody to | reminds us, did someone re- | €Xpest In photograph nd print- | Foc So ille, Tenne e | BANANAS 2 29¢ )
work t and work harder, | momber to put moth balls in| i® for the British Admiralty. | scrgaum mill operator decided’ it a
aading one owes us a liv- | cup winter underwear before e | At the present time he is the art] wa cheaper > buy line, | ~
ng tae ppliecd to all of | wray ped it for storage last Na of the Seiler Printing Co. | hooked his 1 tract: ip to MEET AMERICA’S CAPITALISTS SAE RHA Cc 0
u 1 t out of an ec nomi At least, it is something to keep Vir. Phillips prefer: sculpture and | replace the mule on the end of PEARS 3: 29° x
Si aos {ak i us ORS : BY Ihe yon sow), Jot in Ginking Mw pope bt gin Mrs. Faillips, i oh le which made the | Everyone who has a bank account, a lite insur- [ J :
and added c« sicessions from em- | high, ig Susan will exhibit 14 paintings a i ance policy, all. $5 avings Bond or a share of NS yr ol bog x ith Mushrooms a NORRIS
ployers without added exertion or eS eee of Jim, Malt House, Red! HEAVY IN WEIGHT stock is a capitalist—a stockholder in the free New! Now in Brown Bravy wi |
: ~
in, to strike lo n, Covered Bridge, First) Standard gauge railroad enterprise systend that makes America’s living CLARIDGE ALL BEEF (Reduced Price) | Gra
| nd t! 1 thi
sn i and pensions wiia- Th S d A {IE Sechrist VIL Bube's | modern design weigh mor thar . . 3
: dng it possible to obtain i 11€ vecen nn Soin Bout L100 pounds i i standard the highest in the world. Our enter- HEMBURGERS =: 49¢ >
) { { { astoral, Salling yoat l pound e ard A
x . > } . . . ~ . can
the Rania bv. increasing (From Page 1) Dav. Pink Sidewalle. Fail - A — prise system is the fairest method of rewarding 3
t! Vth 0; the country M S Wiker and son Da- | 1 srans. Mill vid Wilmingtor I 5 | Tove a , . cy: . td. Pit . 3
n vy andscape, Mill and | In Wilmingtin, Ohio, a man had the American w ay of doing things. Tuna Flakes SULTANA Reduced Price 25¢ . 100

throug flictency, we play 1d I Centervili Mi ind Mors. | Still Life Portrait of Jim 1 told police he tole $4.80 to help | 3; . . . or
charad d act “the world now Richard Bates and children Sally | Mr. Phillip painted by Mrs. | pay his $110 income tax hill. | When someone alls you a capitalist, stick out A m Tr % 39 1
owes 1 living.” Ann, Patricia and Dicky, Mr. and | Fhillips in 1942 in Virginia your chest. He's saying you are an American rmour ee = NCRRIS
® 0 6 Viz Viartin B. Heisey and their | Jame will present 12 exhibits. | done recently while the Phillips | [HE Mor-Pork WILSON'S 1 Voor 39c<
ON BEHAIL OF TREES { ater Anne Louise of Eliza- | In scuipture there will be Con were in Merrimae, Mass. Son : 4 Che

We pl ert tiy for the pre- own, au nd Mi ar Aged Extrovert, Group in ave paintings of Mount Joy and oN NION NATIONAL MOU NT JOY p By Corned Beef WILSON'S go 39

sich our natural resource. | Zi and Barry and Rob- culpstone and Che Characters’ | surroundings. | MOUNT JOY. PA. A $
w . 1 I rles Smitl be te 1 y 7 n > NE WHOLE _ 3-Ib
I merica Ki w s the many ia 2: mil i i bie oap. In palette knite paint- Durin the Winter he will il-| aS TE —- - Vi Banquet Chicken €oOKED CHICKEN can 1.69 3
Ww « egiect to protect | Chl Linda, Joseph, | ing, Port of Missing Men, Tobac- | lustrate and write a book on the = EE «> 5 — N :
1 ublie | M nd N ie { . “i 11 1 3 { 14 a ew 19-
1 serve nen in a public yo i id Mari dl of) co Shed. Still Life and Low Tide | soap carving | S Canned Tomatoes Pack 3 so Be
p Portugal, at its entrance, aan Vi Hazel Rcth and | will be shown; in brush painting, | This exhibit marks their first | I 2-1b c
i i fr e I J Robert ) : ANN PA - 39 i rel :
is a plea from the tree: aia Jean Robert John | Portrait of Susan; Merrimac Mas- | exhibit together Two years a- | Grape Jam Reduced Price jar NORRIS
who would pass by and on ™ + M Harvey Wea- chusetts; Gravity Denied nd | go, fou ntings wer a
1 tts; Gravity 1 20, 1 paintings were exhibited | in 42 :
1 ina Ve 1 I 1 1 1 | ANN quart c
ra a hand against me, | V i M ind Mrs. | Girl in Green Portrait of Sus- | at the Lancaster Art Association | ERAT cok | Salad Dress oa PAGE ‘* jor tey
barken erc you harm me. I am |! ¢ Kreine nd hildren, | an was painted by Mr. Phillips | Fall Exhibit Susan exhibited in IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH ] i 1 GOLDEN BLOSSOM 20-01 8 ]
5 . Ds Forre AT { 4
tho heat ef your hearth en the t na Jerr) vl ind Mrs. | [ast yea Vermont in 1940; James exhibited | i neapp e SLICED can :
cold winter nights: th friendly | Picaar Kreine ind laughter, Some (of the painting were ' in New York th \ J
: } : oon dd 8S 1 5 4 ! he same yeal Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation M h |] 10-52 18¢ ~~
vd veening you from the ) Philadelphia Mu NA | —————— og ars ma OWS RECIPE oko : C
ire owns aud ay Jets ave| Mrs. E Willies, a ; | ar
mer sun; and my fruits ar 2 I id Rolls MARVEL-FRANKFURTER pkg 15¢ phg. 22°
hing draughts quenching a H d erma J and . OR HAMBURGER of 8 of 12
th iS you journey on. I am ugn Kathy « New Jerse 3 Sand i h S d fn i 29¢ NORRIS
th eam that helds vour house. val nd Mi Robert Charles and J WiC prea PAGE i :
tee ai a weve] SICO C Pop Corn ui «19° |B] Stra
which you lie, and the timber | delphia: nd Mi Walter W 0] L x ONTRIBUTIONS © or LIGHTLY SALTED beg : b
that builds your bozt. I am the! B ind children Shirley Ann ) Pretzels cao san min 15¢ 1B
handle of your hoe, the door of Walter J Robert Barry and : J 70 DATE TO ie ze haw pe I

sour bomen, the woof of Fils Wed Ms de | | PUBIC | SCHOOLS Iona Peaches 2 7 43° Caly
id ; Pears DEL MONTE HALVES 29-oz 33c :
cofhin I am the gift of God and | children Jo2nn ind Ronald of aay
friend .ef man. Read VI ind Mrs. Howard EDUCED ca
willy Rist: of Quon Me ond Mi Boscul Coffee wo 60° |] 2ca
can :

They tell us about a high pres- |!

sure area that generaily stays I and Mrs. Lloyd Williams and
THE REASON FOR V1 Thomas Diffenbaugh Jr. of Mid- : Sa | .
The heat waves have dashed dletown; Mi and Mrs. Morris \ J ‘ Peanut Buiter TAN pos -33¢
high over much of the country Kaufiman ond daughter Mary ’ \ ] and
to break some summer records, | Ann ol Landisviile, Mr. and Mrs : : \ y
\ 1 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, P LC
i Ms | Yl . Mam dt. ount Joy, Ia. ¢
out over the Atlantic and is now SOD arry f Lancaster; Mr. and JO
over the Bok | Mrs. M. B. Ginder, Mr. and Mrs SICO Cus MERS are the BENEFACTORS
K Charles and son Richard,
knewn as the Bermuda i i San ; A . . :
When it dees move in, it settles Snave and daughter, The MORE SICO CUSTOMERS ~ The MORE All Prices In This Store He
over Florida snd Georgia and. in | f Manheim and Murs.
the winter, gives the . northernly | Francis Brcoks of Mountville i: PROFITS for PUBLIC SCHOOLS. - Are The Same As Those
states an unusually mild winter. aN | MOUN'
The high pressure keeps the coid A very successful youth Fell w= ; pd ] APRIL, 1949 In Effect In Our Super Markets | PHONE 3
Canadian winds from bearing | ship meeting wag held in the EUB
down with such force. When | Church at Ironville Sunday. | : J These Pri