DELICIOUS! b6—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thur, sday Lucust 25. 1949 Cr You'll be needing Fall Clothes sooner HOSTS than you think — so get into the npn nn ~ rrr closets and dig them out for clean- N ing and pressing now, before the Glenwood Delicious Assorted rush begins. Te, i an ® Your choice of Apple-Strawberry, Currant, Grane, Elderherry, Raspberry or Apple. Specially priced Eicherlys { &:35° 2 Spread it on the children’s bread - - 7€-78 East Main Street Mount Joy and be sure the bread is enviched YOU PHONE 34071 WE CALL Supreme Bread Youngsters love this softer, supreme quality bread that tastes better and stays soft longer. Start now to save - - - g get Supreme. oy —— sui § A if [oc = a oe : hy Ream fi pr q i & ; 4 / ; oh only Bm? Deviisfood Macaroon Crunch nt tee © RS Barfly (0 | 2 Fruit Coffee Rings © 46c BAR CAKES a F S H P F A Cc ICE wr by fu 4 RTA | Almond Coffee Cakes 2 22¢ ea 3c CREAM gr Aa CBR Ww Ed Chocolate Iced Angelfood Cakes ©» 49¢ Hora gS nn nm Ck ~~ aft Nobody trumps SLOAN'S for low prices No sir-¢e! They're our long suit. And that's why vou always get a good deal for your money when vou buy here. You get ace-high values—the known quality and proven dependability of nationally advertised product and you get them at the lowest possible prices. Yes—bigger sav ings are in the cards for you when you get all vour health and beauty aids at this friendly drug store WILDROOT COMBINATION $1.20 Value Cream Oil Liquid Cream Shampoo both for 5Qc ks own RT Packers Olive 0il Shampoo 60c¢ size 2 for 69¢ ~ nan hk 200K COO SB Kodak Baby Brownie Camera New low price $2.75 Prophylactic Nylon Hair Brush al Bank and Trust Company of Mt. Joy. o Stop In and Take Some Home Today! | Ripe. juicy Peaches blended with Cream and Sugar . . . frozen to i 4; a Oi gH »u 2 od Pp Bo 4 6-0z rese-petal smoothness. That's Cloister Dairies FRESH PEACH iF & Y A § | by § WN 3 CAL. TUNA Light Meat Grated Cap 29¢ 1 16-0z Cc $1.00 APRICOTS Ideal Unpeeled Halves can 20 . 19- Combination PEACHES #sco oi Fashioned 1: x29 sional skill and knowledge fo 250 size diagnose and prescribe for FE CREAM . i { Glendale Wisc. b 75° il with hi IC services, come directly to The First Nation- CHEESE LOAF box blend our skill with his, and | ACME FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES in our turn, exert the utmost ar skill—using the finest of Beonomv Size Y ’ " eps 1 precision instruments . . . . ou’ll find modern facilities, trained per- PEECHES G » B 2d 2 and the purest of fresh, stan- pt. $1.49 GALLON 1 75 his blueprint pl: into the . ce SF a pan a _ NEW Richard Hudnut De- Cloister Dairies Ice Cream, in many fresh, delicious $2.49 just right for you. Morthwestern Fresn Prunes 2 '"s 25¢ $2.00 A ™ ’ 3 A JOY FROZEN FOOD Calif. Bartlett Pears 2 'bs 25¢ : Calif. Valencia 2388's ORANGES a a a A A Fresh Full-Podded Lima Beans 2" 25 Colden or White Sugar Corn 6 Toc ee Cream. 46-0 BLENDED JUICE Orange & Grapefruit can 4 3° New low price i Rayve S : : | tall Your, dockor uses M2 yokes Rayos 38 When you are looking for banking ENRICHED MILK 42 48 your condition. Then we 2/33¢ of or en pen, Real) Bat HALF-GALLON .95 U.S. 1 Elberta | Calif. Seedless dard-strength drugs—to make 3 sonnel, along with the desire to be help- 5 bushel 2 19° Ibs Bae lbs prescribed medicine which is lux Home Permanent Refill flavors, is now cvailable at U. S. 1 Mcintosh Red Apples 4 > 29¢ Add 209, Federal excise tax to Cosmetics LOCKER PLANT Manheim St. a ; 3 Sot | 1k Bove flo) LL Large Crisp Pascal Celery 29 Large Cucumbers © Hg Green Peppers 37" 0c oe | | | | Eo doh In This Locality Reads The Bulletin Ventura Brand Lima Beans 12-0z pkg 33¢ Liberty Brand Whole Sugared Strawberries 16-0z pkg 396 Pasco Pure Concentrated Orange Juice 2 6-0z cans 49¢ Ten Years Ago, con IDERL COFFEE pe ky x ie and Save over a Dime a lb 5 Here's a distinctive, rich and 4 i > mellow blend for folks who want 4 To] : the finest. You'll say ldeal Cof- ? fee is just right. It's steel-cut ; 3 naa . KE and vacuum packed to bring ’ you its full “heat-flo” roasted 0 ] d b i We ask you to try ldeal Cof- fee on our guaraniee of come 1’, “8 plete satisfaction. It's specially tS] . i i L Futuramie Power-Team priced this wasx. "Rocke!" Engine, Ps : | § Ibvaccan 4 Hydra-Matic Drivel § i 3 p % 3 Drip oe T 4 Tt a regular i fr 2 : p Ha ; grind | ALL “HEAT-FLO" ROASTED | Save the Coupons for Premiums Asco Coffee 2'°s89c 435c Win- Crest Cofice 2 8lc Ib dic ee eA CLE ACME GUARANTEED QU ALITY ME. ATS LEAN RIB END Porit Loin DJ Pork Chops Center Cut Ib 60° *Hydra-Matic Drive standard Fresh Killed and Fully Dressed equipment on Series "98" and "88" © ® < models, vptional at extra cost on "76." ¥ yi nn g iC en S Ib Freshly Ground Hamburger '" 43c : Lean Sliced Bacon "Sic 10 Years of Proof and Skinless Frankfurts 45¢ . Country Style Fresh Sausage '" 43c Smoothness! You get Hydra-M itic Drive¥ at it Futuramic Economy! With all its brilliant performance, this Oldsmobile Consta nt Improvement Stand Behind Sliced Lebanon Bologna abe 33¢ finest in a “Rocket” Engine Oldsmobile! For Hydra-M: . power-team actually brings new economy to every mile! For the = teamed with “Rocket” power. floats vou on a silken carpet high-compression “Rocket” squeezes more power from 2 0 L D S M 0B | LE'S H Y D R A-M ATIC D R VE { PAN "22 CRAB MEAT fires i gs ~ : ies ; : ome afte od re io J For 10 years, Oldsmobile engineers tage of Hydra-Matic Drive’s effi- | Fancy Large Shrimp Io 89¢c Response! The “Rocket” Hydira-Matic Team means new life, without waste. with true efficiency! Only in Oldsmobile will You have looked ahead and worked ahead ciency. And for 10 years, Oldsmobile Boneless Steak Fish Ib 25¢ can rv new responsiveness, too. Hvdra-Matic Drive ansforms the find this matchless combination . . . the high-compression to make Hydra-Matic performance owners have proved the value of this blazing life of the “Rocket” into surging motion . . . flattens “Rocket” Engine... plus ten-vears-proved Hydra-Matie Drive. even finer and more reliable. Oldsmo- fully automatic drive ia bios of | 20-0z the hills for you... brings horizons nearer! Learn the difference it makes at your Oldsmobile Dealer's today! bile designers have planned and built miles of motoring. The proved Hydra POTATOES Ran bois 2 23° ; automobiles that take full advan- Matic is Oldsmobile Hydra-Matic! | MAYONNAISE Creamy Hom-de-Lite 2 + 33¢ SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER PORK & BEANS Asco 9 igh cans | ! 21-0z ( VAN CAMP'S BEANS 2 ans 33° - See the exquisite sets of Priscilla NEWCOMER MOTORS, Inc. y DINNERS LE By SR Prices Effegtive August 25-26-27, 1948. Quantity Rights Reserved, MOUNT JOY, PA. YOUR DOLLAR :B ry ETT AT THE ACME of smoothness . . . makes all driving effortless and restful! drop of fuel, and Hydra-Matic Drive transmits all that power