The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 17, 1949, Image 2

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2—The Bulle lin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, August 18, 1919 ( | LAW PROTECTS HOUSES vecently passed a bill providing | Salsa
TT H APPE N I NGS | N EWTOW N | Because of the housing short- | heavy penalties for tearing down You'll he pleased with A&P's
14 4) xX gi age, ode sland’s egislature | dwellings. i |
The Mount Joy Bulletin 2 f LL Mr. Harry Hamilton of E-town, ow — Tend - 3 : - ' d G d |
: New Pack Canned Goods


Mr. Charles Wittle of Marietta, Mr A
: Je > | : ‘ |
Jno. E. Schroll, E ditor and Publisher LONG AGO Joseph Wittle of Columbia visited
JUNE, 1901 SE o xX Mr. and Murs. Aristice Wittle on |
costs Business should reduce tatu Amand | Sunday HIUR |
ry T 1y at ). | prices t promote more sales Mr. gnd M Jol P
St You. P ! . Mr. agqnd Mrs. John Fogie of |
yy 4 whe vages will mean more 20 Years Ago Mountville visited Mrs. Serena
Subscription, per year 29 00 unemployment unless costs are — Fogie on Sunday / |
Six Months . .. $1.00 Gl d to the price list of goods e Boro schools will pen on Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer and QL ° |
Three Months .... 60 nd then the buyer puts thumbs |< 2 family visited Mr. and Mrs. John | E M |
Sagle Ce opics FO 1 1 the r, seeking highey The Florin base ball club will Kauffman of Ironville Sunday ®
amps pies . hy Ss wiges while prices went up, was f Q : VI J. E. Godfrey and children N New financial respon#fibility laws J
nna thhireer Cia nekine cld a festival Saturday evening, wee HH ot strtes olf. in.
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt a ang Labor asking in- \u (24 of York visited Mr. and Mrs. Irvin in most states =F mn ; I= >
RE a Lo creases whe ices weline is | ’ : ~ surgnce more impoftant than ever 1)
Joy, Pa. nd-class mail mat- : wiren price declin 1 . Witmer and family on Thursday. \ ount 0 ' ; I |
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879 nother If business works, all A number of town folks motored Wa, Si su : : Irvi + A) | If you have anfaccident—and 9 "Super is the yi to
te le AA YR h 's . . : y . : dlegrist, rvin oward, , : arra © ine
through advertising, salesmarship | Valley Forge Sunday. | Ol Witm nd Datvin I can't post security up to $11,000 ad A at your A&P Super
wba. : van 1 an rer er i arv - :
Me mber, nnsylvania Newspape new products and friendly reli. Application has been made for ver Y nd ro you lose yor right to drive! And a damage Market. You'll be delighted with
Associalon tions with labor. then according | the sale of natural gas at Ephrata gie went to Philadelphia to see the | suit may wipe gut your life savings! a the high quality and attractive
= 1 " | ball game on Sunday. Insurance is proof of your financial re- prices.
to the Chamber of Commerce, we EDITOR Twenty years later ap- Sle . ih P * .
Mr. and Mrs. Issiah Sumpman of sponsibility=—profection against financial 7 P k
® New ac
For Extra Flavor!
hn m 3 ] may halt the cess plication was made to sel! it in
E D 1 1 O I L I A L 8 yo Joe ton. Tount J i Mt. Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gam- loss. Let us shew you why it pays to insure
Ny i with State Farm Mutual!
A NEW WRINKLE Sunnvburn. schoo] held i cond ber and family of Columbia and .
+b ; ; Sunnyb choo] held its second | | ; Mos Boy Cit i ir I
Man may be made of dust but Movie receipts are falling off | annual reunion. ! » MH Mo oY y! un Ha AMMON R. HOFFER A Prices G Ki Giant S
1 hy 2 ri id weimv visited Mr. and Mrs. ni 13 a B ee
a lot of them lack grit the country to: such | While playing golf at Overbrook, 28 Visieq Ye BN rs ram 119 David St. Phone 3-4901 Mt. Joy, Pa. . 4
SH TAD A | file Gamber on Sunday. In | his Store CA G AT 11:
oo © © in extent King Brothers, a trio of J T. M. Breneman made a hole Mrs. ies Pelle: Millersville
Jertha of
Bef obs it would h Hollywood producers, are making in one. (Editor: Almost 20 years la=- hh M
fore proposing would . ie spending a few davs w Irs. ) 3
3c proj ai . office yo. | ter Joe's son did likewise, pending a few days with Mux ; ot ° TST TN Are The Same 2 17-01 39 Lot
Se - ols ¢

to give box -

oll for a young at w¢ his Kate Moore
We ¥ Joung Tan oe Seg ceipts a shot in the arm. Mrs. Jno. Young was removed to Rate Moor: : : ECL TORR £0 EE
girl eat corn on the cob The : Mr. and Mrs. illiam Haines vis- cans lot of
eb hey have suggested a plan, | the hospital at Lancaster for treat- ) ‘ As Those L
s te 3 ) y 1bis - J
: and it may be adopted. whereby ment ited Mrs. Mary I ish of Columbia =~ AMERIC CAN BANKING IN ACTI ON == 1 / Vi ’ ot of
Did ( ve ( . a" o lav ev p f 4 I . / > .
Did you « ves notice thet i n | patrons can attend on the defer- Mrs. Joseph Breneman entertain- n Sur : ( Vi - f I Lord Mott's age
r ttle atte or p : 1 Mr: avid Alle Mr. .
pay very little attention over the | red payment plan. You simply ed at a birthday party in honor of Mi wid Alleman and son, Vi In Ef ect n French Style Stringless I wi
3 3 ocus
and Mrs. Aubrey Boles and daugh-
ter and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sho-
how they do squawk. please and when payday rolls Someone stole thirty: hens. in the | walter all of Marietta visited Mr.
eo 0° , nd Mrs. Edward Isler and daugh-
around you pay. rear of Arthur Brown's residence |“ : ?
rise in price of bread or | 14 the bux ask for 3) Mrs. Harold Shearer of Ida Grove,
nt let Jar ake « a
but cigars take a jump and | card, then attend when you |
Our Super Markets| BEANS 1
2 19-02 33

ter Sunday evening.
As yeu all know there is a i you don’t pay, no more! 54 were given to the firemen foi y a
law regulating noise made by the credit, heis rain festival Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fogie and
y the Coming stivi | - hn
automobiles. There is a must eo A Chivaler driven by John Rol family attended the Barton reunion New Pack sai
/ ys drive y John Roll-
Williams Park on Sunday.

in having a good muffler, partic- CAUTION NOT PANIC | 11 a ; =) i
as van collided with one of Clarence : TZ it
ularly in larger towns. The increase in infantile paraly- | Soho - K Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank and ~ Gn Ee | Standard Quality
Schoek’s trucks. . .
But, te our knowledge, there is «i. aver the nation this sum- John Greiner is now a registered family, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gelt- TOMATOES
macher visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
absolutely no limit as to just how mer, has caused near panic in|, chitect. having passed the Stote
e i i = bert Witmer and son, Ronald on WHO GETS TRE BIGGEST SLICE 3 19.01 28
much n a motorcycle may | sq . We ore
) A me sectiens. It is not so here p ad of Examination.
make. I'his just doesn'te make | in our community, but yet local gs OF Snider of Friday evening | OF OUR NATIONAL INCOME?
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher

ense so why don’t the authorit-| parents must use precaution to p40 party Wednesdny after


ies enact at some regula- | winimize the danger to their chil-.| visited Mr. and Mrs. John Zeager
. . ‘1 1 ai ae 1 on. | SQ, 1: de 7 | a f M . FE | M a A Sr
tions governmng the above. aren There are sone cities Jol H ick oved to of Manheim RD. on Saturday eve Sajaries and w ages or r. and vrs. merican Ne oT Pack
" . : 1 . . John Orstick was removec ‘+ ; . >
This should have serious con- | where the polio increase has be- » hospital at Lancaster suffering Vr. and Mrs. Robert Frank and | Worker represent the lion's share. And from MUSSELMAN'S RED SOUR PITTED
sideration. come dangerous arr: A ie i. ? Iv visite Mrs. William :
[ 0 dangerous to wari ant the from appendiciti family visited Mr. and Ar y illian 1939 through 1947, wages and salaries jumped 20-01 27¢
¢ 69° restrictions against children be- Contest Albert Walt Florin, | Fog lsanger of Wrightsville Sunday Z t : ery ies on
ontractor Albe alters, Florin, > “Qa? - ew wg ~ i
LET THEM EXPLAIN ing present in crowds. The po- : : Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Erb, Colum- 178%. (Cost of living 68%). Under :
is 1 : ' raised a larse tobacco shed on the : : : [ i i RAzERS 55 28
There We 50 MEY oo sam | pd has: Yeachied dis atest Clavton farm, It is 35x10] Pia. B), were Sunday dinner ry our free enterprise syste, the real wage of the ueberries rx can
are i ere Jo | peak is as i dite at- ( r. and Mrs 1 Geltmacher. : : ts
fires” yp BEN Jere. | We PR : M a ’ Mie oo a | feet. f Mr. and Mrs. Dani ; Gelirno worker goes up with hi§ production. America’s -
grant you that is quite true |lempis lo iselale 1e cause an Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher . : » J SAY fai 19«
: : : . : )avid E. Lutz resigne at tl x : ce sco = NG x xR} Srp
throughout this community "but nize childven against it. a a = Lins osigmed i nd Mrs. Jacob Erb visited Rev banks help business meet pay rolls with credit, rune uice FARMS bottle
. Thev ave fi . New Standarc orp : A ta
will those ‘die hards’ please read They have found that the di- Tt ihe w the Lancaster | and Mus Earhart and son Ronald cash and checkipg acéounts. And the workers, S di es IN Oll 3 34-02
11S 5 the eek ol e La ast
TN sease hits a xh e ‘hi 'R 1S av 1
this: re h £3 a sul Fain Lancaster R1 on Sunday. by depositing iq badks, help build the credit
John R. Steelman, assistant to than a relreshed ane. t ol 5 a . Ni Mr. Frederick Sherwood, of Chi- 3 . 3g . HI-C 45
Counterfeit $5. $10 and $20 bills Ar, se ’ ; Te ae Ye 3 % OG a b-0z 2.9c¢ }
feit $5, $10 and ) pool that benefity all. 1's the American way. | range-a Sc...
feesn’'t seem to be a matier of capo. IH visited Thursday with
Del Monte 46-01
and Mrs. R. H. Arndt and Mi THE > Tomaio Juice 24 ;
Reduced Price can |
oC .
ment eliza wel Hitchcock
went ha reciched a pritical | healthiest of children have been
Sage One « them is in the allected. | v7 {ik Mr. : Mrs NAL N Jy
stage. f ther 1 ! The Bulletin’s Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs CUR NATO! [OUN I JOY yy, gost !
Fresident Truman, says there are

oivenlated around here
. x0 voalt) © 0 1¢ clrculatea aroun A
Ve i “re y 1 - Woe ce ome 3
eleven districts where unemploy- | 5f d health sin some of the > — R


Since polio is most dangerous Howard Tekin n and Mr. and Mrs. "MOUNT Jo, PA. k

Scranicn - Wilkes Barre area

. . lurine ate SY . arp |
where 41,000 persons are idle of | bate summer and early Ralph Kindred of Lancaster, visit-
industry. | fall, we musi be extremely cau- | Scrapbook | | ed Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt and



tious about children over-doing. |
Pes . : | Mrs. Annie Risser.
NCW WE UNDERSTAND Swimming to become overly tired + + + | = { Rev nd Mis. R. H
AN i 2 - nh oSunaay, eV. . Le . |
RS) y too long hikes, too vigorous with reek’ a ecine . . :
There are many, miny News go! Is wi Week's Best Recipe | motored to. Penn Grove NEW LOW PRICE! ANN PAGE
items one reads in today's news- tennis and baseball. Watch for Frozen Lemon Custard: 1 |. York County, where they were 4.02
: i x | In OrK ol y, Te 1 3
papers that just don’t make any impure water. Kill the house | ceparated, salt, 1-2 ¢ light corn vil | to hear Mr. Albert Tind RETCHUP bottle 15¢
: i I. pl ge 0 ar Nr. / -
SENSE. However, they are quite hes. : All and more we should | sirup, 2-3 « evaporated milk lev. noted colored singer. CIN UNION TH ERE IS STRENGTH | !
i when one wets a peck at | supervise to guard the children’s | chilled icy cold, 3 T lemon juice, | “by © 4 re. ol the ARMOUR'S CQRNED BEEF
pa n 3 Ww : { 1e tentative progran 0 4
boo CUT A ; “five | vellare, Dt yg , "MO! rind. Beat Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation b-
b und. Al a five 1-2 rated lemon ; Newtown School and community | deb Sy p : 16-01 Cc
percenter” hearing at Washington egs white until stiff but not dry n follow Music by the an
2 | reunion iviusice y {
a cough fr ad 1d nts. volk nixture . 8
last week. invoices were brought YOU SAID IT! and fold ni > ith Fvan., Brethren Boys Orphanage TOWN HOUSE @RACKERS #Y
APY hich hh > i me Jieve our readers y "hin lk rerv stiff. Col in p
there Wh showed tnt hows We helieve ols readers will ap. Wh hs x th 4 “I Band of Quincy, Pa 'wo con- RE ba u
freezers were delivered to Mrs. | preciate a revised Getty sburg ad- | temon juice and ring, er certs will be presented at 2:30 p. pkg
Harry Independence, | dress veprinted from another | mixture lightly but thoroughly.) nd 7:30 p.m
. n : n
Mo. two t» Maj. Gen. Harry | newspaper: Pour at once into cold freezing Th al will bo BUTTER FLAVORED THINS BY
( SP agers Wil ’ =
Vaughar, in Washington and| One-score and 16 years ago our | trays and freeze at once al WC pgp. gary M. Tobias, of the E REEBLER Wo 25¢
: : . 2 ev arry N obias, of t : A
quil y number of others. That | fathers brought forth upon this | coldest temperature. l B. Church, Manheim and also Pry
enlightens ywumercus recent en- | nation a new tax, conceived in Evaporated Milk Rev. Andrew M. Dixon of Hager-
tara while the smell | desp tion and dedicated to the Fvaporated milk makes i town. Md The evening speakel
thereon is not too frarant, proposition that all men are fair |serts of smooth texture and rich| =p Umberger Leba- COMPLETE WITH CAPS & RINGS
9 game ( flavor To whip this| J iad
5 non, former chaplain of the U. S. M J Dozen é Dozen
IT CAN'T HAFPEN HERE Now we are engaged in a great | milk it is necessary for it 1o be Navy ason ars Pints <
An uren ployed miner in Ala- | mass of calculations testing | chilled to a temperature ol about ean
Fama ecuitted selling a two | whether that taxpayer or any 1) degrees This can be don FINE GRANULATED
vear ¢!d dauginter for $500, w hich | taxpayer so confused and so im-! easily by pouring milk into a SALU NGA Su ar B Jb 45¢ LE 89 4
he needed to buy an automobile. | poverished can long endure. We | freezing trey and chilling until e bag bag Cc
He planned ell hi seven are met en Form 1040. 'e have | fine crystals to form a-
He plann o sell his We Av ; x Ait Miss Gerry Hicstand returned MARVEL HOME STYLE TWIST
months c¢ld daughter for $600, ii | come to dedicate a large portion round edges Don't dilute the hos from Washington D ~ ©
nme ron ashing nl, . ey
a buyer coul » fo May- | of our income to a fin esting | milk that is to be whipped. And : WW 1a Ib.
td be found. a) u he ne » a final resting 4 X PI : where she was the guest of her 1 eo rea « loaf Cc
be hg has a two-car gara se! | place with these men who here |W hen chilled evaporated milk is M El D | '
cousin, Miss Elaine Danner
[ster he told neolice » $500 1S | Spen heir live : : asily whipped and as stiff as SANT 4
Loter he told pelice the $300 wa pend their lives that they may | easily w Pi d a a i Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Walters SANDWICH ROLL OR
a oift. because he was hard-up spend our money. cream. If it doesn’t whip well i Tedd 1 daugt
SOSH > : : anc weir son Teddy and daugh 3 in
and needed the money, that the It is altogether anguish and !t is not cold enough. tov. Ioan visit > the 1 hoy 1 y Frankfurter Rolls Pkg 15¢
. x le J Oi are visiung e formers 2 4 nS : a
first child was sold because he lorlure that we should do this. Sowing Seeds Now ion v | A ; 1
» . ' 2 : parents a a J :
couldn't give her the things she But in the legal sense we can- Some have already sown seeds Mv. ond Nir. Charles Mowe! 3 5 WHITE HOUSE
necded. But he needed an | not evade, we cannot cheat, we|in early August for pe rennials f Mt. Joy, Mi 1 M R 1 J %
» By baa ( Mit, Joy, Mr. anc IVIT'S russe ah
eutemaebile. This is a rare case. | cannot underestimate this tax. | Select a partly shaded spot oi C 1 t Y Evaporated Milk p ans. 45¢
: 1 J. ooper © own, spent the 7 cans
thank heavens znd no parent can | The collectors, clever and sly, | put cheese cloth over seedbed. veek oo So Ate. os ¢ or §
( 1 : . = : ecek-end a £ intic 1ty 3
understand. As important a role | who computed here, have gone Pansies, violets, English dais, Walter Peifer is convalescing at 4 A SPARKLE GELATIN
as the avtomobile plays in our far beyond our power to add and forget-me-nots sown now can be |,
gm. : . ii home from his recent automolyle
ilien times | subtract. transplanted in September [ne i IRN esser % pkg S eC


AUG ure: ,
AUGUST Saturday, August 27th, the
fe, a child plays a miili
Li af : i ys : : : | accident. He has a fracture of
over. We'd prefer walking. Our creditors will little note | other perennials you mignt star | Y .
: the second vertebrea in the lum- /
® 00 wr long remember what we pay rom seed now as carnation, core-
: > . ar group. ; /
IGUST here, but the Bure of Internal | sis, foxglove, delphinium, aquile- . = i
> . 1 d
I; MIS, « C
California Sweet Seedless


wo is a calmness and seren- Revenue can never forget wh gia, Canterbury bel shasta
There is a « mn J : it Landisville and Salunga Fire Co.
ity that comes’ with mid-August. | we report here: It is for us| daisey, heliopsis. Mix through : : =
iT. a . 1 will hold another festival with FE
There is its fullness of growth. laxpayers rather to be devoted | top four inches of soil some leal | t i xamine this set? You'll
. . a . 1 € tertainment, 200c cats, ang re -
the ripeness and maturity of its here to the fax return which the m ld or peat moss to hold the froshimeint wa find it’s a terrific buy There GR
: : 7 YQ TINE i : Nd. o alien ireshments and lun r everyone. 7 *\ /
plant life. Lush is the word for | government has thus far so no- moisture Give enough watet i Ulli never was a better pigture,
August. That early summer bly spent. it is rather for us to |to germinate seeds and for heal- never a lower price. Here the None
sun that all things green reached he dedicated to the great task thy growth Some people cover I LIZAB ETHTOW N new.w inchsckeen onl Priced
fer, has given them full co r | n : pre js that from ; il w i: | ul ia fe sowing el { featuring locked in tune Rye y 199 lb ic Higher
flower and fruit. They await the these vams hed dollars we take 2nd keep burlap damp by spray- : Witness $; a
Pastor Hiram Lefever of Mt. Cal- tn pic Lure a nar Vv
final picking, are unhurried in | increased devotion fo the few ing two or three times a day. designed cabinet; the “Golden Blas 3112. Fed. Tax CALIFORNIA CRISP PASCAL
AE. >
= : ray is sndinge 31 3 i
their gro ing. The frog, gr3ss- | ramaming thot we here highly Remove but lap as soon as young vary ( hurch Stiending Bible Throat” tone vsl 1 | Installation Extra
i ~onference i ili ; é > system and
hopper, bee, swallow and cicada resclve that next year will not Plants appear tarough soil Conference: at Williamsport this I i or 4 2 CELERY mba
weelt dian phono-jack for attachment of Other Models stalk
hint, in less noisome tones that it | find us in a higher income tax Inspirational RCA Victor's 45 r cord
The break of day lifts the cur- Peter Brubaker, caretaker of $ 20 rpm recor : NEARBY GOLDEN SWEET FRESH

The ca
the car

won't be long before fall days. bracket. 3 Have
There was much haste to grow | That this taxpayer; under- tain on a new life, a new opport- Hershey Brethren Church and i hg : up to $795.00 i CORN 1 one
and fly and chirp when spring | raid, shall figure out more de- unity to strive and to achieve... | cemeiery visited Paul Brandt and It’s to celebrate a special 2 1 2 ears 29 ally fa
hese ded ietivity. Now tha | ductions; and that taxation of sett A i his wite, Washington street, last! occasion—has a lot more spe po Have v
hurry is past and the plants, in- | the people, by the Congress, for 25 LICENSES REVOKED weekend. cial features—a special low * The RCA Victor Television not ste)
sects and people ave relaxed. the government, shall not cause In the week ending August 5. The 50th anniversary of Eliza- price! But why not make us a Dine Copia, png roms mobile
oo 00 our solvency to perish. the bureau of Highway Safety bethtown College, was celebrated spec ial visit and see for yours De installation and fugramteed give ya
A WORD TO THE WISE a withdrew the cards of 602 drivers. last week with services in the Gib- self! AC. ’ available for a asl Fr i promis
The 1. & Chamber of Com- | GETTING YOUNGER Of this number 26 were revoked | ble Memorial Building. r .
merce gives advice for labor and Because they are adopting the and 576 suspended. Operating 0 EARL 3 ——————
method ¢f computing all privileges were restored to 338. FISH ARE DIFFERENT ®
menagement. The suggestion that western
a business recession, which is | ages, every Japanese man, Wwo- TE Fish are not subject to the]
present, must be overcome by not man and child will become from The United States produces a- same types of bacterial infec- ON ENE( "KER
demanding higher wages which one te two years ycunger at the bout 36 billion board feet of lum- |ticns that humans and animals |
.would result in higher production 'end of this year. | ber each year, suffer, LANDISVILLE, PA, PHONE 4111