The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 17, 1949, Image 1

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There’s No Better Way to Reach the People In This Community Than Thru Our Columns

Kaufman T. Keller Presents © 5°
Friendship Fire Co. With New
Pumper Fully Equipped

Last September when K. T.
Keller day wa observed here,
Encourage The our native townsman made a
promise and just eleven months
. later he fulfilled it. When K. 'T
Mt. Joy Hi School as Chrysler calls him, gave the
fire truck he presented us back
Band Club; Join in 1935 the once over, then and
there he decided we deserved
We know everybody in Mount |g mething better.
Joy is indeed proud of our High Shortly after last September's
School Band and why shouldnt {home - coming event. Mr. Keller
they be? had a representative come here
In order to keep inspiration |to consult the firemen relative to
among these young musicians at | thei requirements, Shortly
its best, we must show we have! thereafter Friendship Fire Co
deen interest in them. Next | wa informed that Kelley would
Monday evening August 22 the | replace the 14 year old truck.
monthly meeting of the Mount | He placed an order with Chrysler
Joy High School Band Club will } Corp, for a Dodge 500 gal Pum-
be held per, with a 300 gal. auxiliary tank
The laws will be adopted at and last Saturday his representa-
11 meeting and all members| tive J. F. Berr delivered it here.
are urged to be present. Upon arrival and accompanied
The Membership committee i [ Py Mi M. K. Enterline, Dodge
: er Sa dealer and Mr. John Hendrix and
putting on a drive for new mem- Es : i vs
ber far the vemainder of this, == ried by Chief of Police Neiss
riorth Gre. dolla. ois VOL with both sirens sounding, they
memborsdily. and oars duos drove on ‘Mam Street giving our
(Turn to page 5)
The club will kh soverned by iol secession
Board of Director: consisting of
nine members, eight to be elected
and the ninth to be the music County Gas Co.
supervisor ol the high school | I} I
the proposed +) WII Switch To
clause whereby no appropriation |
of money or other property of N t | Ga S
the club shall be made for any a ura $ oon
purpose other than to defray its Th Lancaster County Gas Co.
legitimate expenses : announced it is considering plans
We have every reason to believe |to use natural gas instead of the
that there will be very encour- | manufactured gas as at present.
aging attendance | Hox Mon- | The action would involve tap-
day meeting ping some, or all, of three natural
gas lines that presently pass on
through the county including
Surplus Potatoes id “Big Inch” and the “Little
Introduction of natural gas
Offered Farmers fuori augment, but not replace,
the present manufactured gas,
the company said. It serves
Here as StockFeed 25.000 customers in Lancaster coun-
Here's one of a number of the ty.
reasons why farmers voted for The company is preparing an
Truman at the last election and {application to the Federal Power
why shouldn't they They sold ( Turn to Page 5)
their potatoes to the Government TE
at a good price and now they can (yf, AND H 4-H CLUB
buy them back at ONLY one |710 HAVE DOGGIE ROAST
cent per hundred pounds or a Tuesday morning the last
trifle over one-half cent for @ meeting of the L and S Its Fun
bushel y To Cook 4-H Club was held.
Thousands of bushels of pota- Miss Hindenach gove an egy
{oe rown in Lancaster County kery demonstration Yeast
and taken over by the govern- | roll were brought Ly some of
ment under the 1949 price sup- ihe members.
port program are how available | Plans were made to attend the |
livestock feed, according to the | 4.11 Round Up at Millersville
federal officials | State Teachers College on Tues
The withoritie urged that] Each member will exhibit the
these potatoes be used for feed { cookic or cake in competition
(Turn to page 5) with other clubs.
YY A doggie roast will be held on
LOCAL CHEV. MECHANICS | Tuesday evening, August 30th at
WILL BE GIVEN AWARDS 16:30 p. m. at the home of Tre-
Diplomas and wallet cards wi wit 11 Stehman.
be presented next week to 48 i
let Mechanics who passed special ' MRS. LEIB IN HOSPITAL
examinations given by the service Mrs. Ida Leib, a former resi-
department in the Harrisburg Zone. | dent here, now residing at Bush-
The skilled men who wil] receive kill, Pike Co. was admitted to
the awards include: Elwood R. Bar- | the Stroudsburg Hospital, having
bour, Moses L. Betz and Robert J. suffered a heart attack. Her
Bachman, all employes of Newcom- : condition is very much improved
er Motors, Inc, of this place. | at this writing.


Here we have group five of #1} f Karen Lee, daughter
these boys and girls of today who | of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rice, Mt.
will eventually be the men and | | Joy.
y Bottom Rcew-John and Ella,
women of tomorrow. children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
They are, top row; left to right: | Engle; Joan and Ronald, children
Kathleen, daughter of Mr, and | of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacob Hos-
Mrs. Edward May, of town; Joy- tetter and Claudia and Douglas,
ce, Patricia, Gloria and Mary, the | c¢nildren of Mr. and Mrs. Claude
children of Mr. and Mrs. Gish of | Rehrer, all of Mt. Joy.


Mount Tov, Pa., Thursday Afternoon.
Mount Joy Bulletin
August 18, 1¢

)49 $2.00 a Year in Advance

Thousands of $s ROAD - LAND DAMAGES Rotarians Shown Joes A BIRTHDAY PARTY The ocal News ortuary ecor
The State Highways Depart- A birthday party was held on °
ment has received $104.500 fr m f | Sunday, Aug. 14th, at the home F Th P tW k ‘Throughout This
Lost Annually By Lancaster County to help meet Color Pictures 0 of Mr. and Mrs Walter J. Woods or € as ce
land damiges incurred in re- 7 Log Cabin Farms” at Lititz, in E L ali
County Residents building the New Holland and Laurel Festival honor of the 71st birthday : Very Briefly Told ntire oC ty
Harrisburg Pikes A tml of | Mr. Harry Kuhns, of this place | | Samuel S. Hoffman, ninety=
ha : rier i S. an,
Don't lose benefits is the plea |$47500 has been paid toward the Tuesday noon found thirty-six Guests were; Mr. and Mrs There will be boat racing at four at Mountville
Q N | ' Cr word i I
of M. 8S. Gleaton, manager of the|New Holland Pike damages and! Rotarians and three guests gath- | Horry R. Kuhn and son, Russell | Long Level on Sunday, Sept. 11 Mrs. Harry C. Bricker, twenty-
local office of the Federal Secur-|$57000 for the Harrisburg Pike. | ered at Hostetter’s for the regular | Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Foreman, | Roy Rhoades, Manheim, has a six. at R2
ity Agency. The State must make up the meeting, with Preside nt Walter | Mr and Mrs. Flwood Martin and | few potato stalks 4 1-2 feet high Harry E. Crom, 81, of Columbia
People must realize that their [rest of an estimated total $750,~ | Sloan presiding President Walt | sons, Dick and Donnie, all of | The workers at Arm wrongs, Lan~ died in the hospital there Sun-
Social Security cards are insur-|000 damages in the Harrisburg | made several announcements, one |town; Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E.|¢aster, have called a strike for Aug day
ance policies with the Federal Pike job and $157,000 for the! of which pertained to the coming | Gerber and children Christian, | 31st Mrs Hannah, E. Bisking 81
J 1 : 3 Te . SG “ { rs. i . y
Government says Alex J Rubin, | New Holland Pike project | Chocolate Bowl football game be- |Irvin, Charles and Sandra Lee of | [he Landisville Lions Club | ite of Norman Bisking, at Col=-
assistant manager of the local of-| About 20 land damage claims | tween Gettysburg and Lebanon | Marietta R1; Mr. and Mrs. Mich- | held a picnic at Long's Park on umbia
fice. These policies can and do still wre not sett d in the recon- Valley, Saturday evening, Sept- | ael Johns and son Larry of May- Mor es Sk. Ite vi Rev. George N. Falkenstein, foun-
result in the payment of as much i ion of the New Holland | ember 24 at Hershey town; John Hershey, Doris Her- } Ohad I aang, Ateen, of Aan der of Elizabethtown College, at
as $16,000 to the family of an in- | Pike last yea An undeter-! Sam Miller, a member of the Dorothy Hershey Severly | heim Is the second polio victim Lancaster General Hospital aged
sured worker over a period of mined, but much larger number, | club and the official weather pro-| Hershey, Lloyd Hershey Vivian | in the county ninety vears
vears. People don’t lose their | Still are not settled in the Harris- | gnosticator of the club, gave his [Hershey and John Walters of East| A 1-inch small mouth bas Morris A. Wittel, seventy-nine
insurance policies yet last ve | burg Pike project official weather report This is Beafrice Romendener Ne o Na in 2 river at Col- a native of Rapho township, Nias
ver 1500 = BAYT OY : % EE 0 ighlig aster ¢ p & Mr: > NE 1S veek : :
oy o 180 wage -¢ arners in Lan- ii hg the A of ow 2 Sn ig ae Jind ; Mrs | "A Woaricits Blind wan wos. fned died at a hospital in . Reading.
caster County lost their social se- Weekly meetings and ihe +, Woods ant children $100 tic : He was a former contractor and
curity cards aygroun S ere bers keep a good check on the | Karen, Ronnie and Wanda June. ah gon for selling beer builder at Columbia.
Payments made the report - - | without a license,
. : } : | John A. Shotzberger, eightee
Bureau of Old-Age and Surviv- Cl d F S Our song leader for Tuesday . | BE gateeny x
ors Insurance to the people of ose or eason was Lloyd Klien, a member of ver mg That of Quarryville RD, was killed as 3 Ludwig Ny a
Lancaster County totalled well the Columbis Rotary Club. | his car hit a tree V fron 3 y= Te
over $1,000000 during the last 12 Last Fr. Aug. 12 Lloyd visits the club quite often Ha ened At | John Nissley was chosen as a Tar heirs i ps e nets
months These payments went 3 : (Turn to page 5) PD | dear hoa Hernley Church, | Pita uesday alter an ness S
to qualified holders of Social & The playground closed for the cosas if . | There were nine other candi- | four years. He leaves a wife and
) Id Dy y 3S © DOoCla De - |
summer o friday, Augus 2 | dates children. 'S. Bla
curity account number cards and Aimer 9 Yori Ys Ay st 78 BOX CAR DESTROYED BY Florin Recently | dates. three _ children Mrs Samuel ntz
to thelr fist Mr. Babin had and the top activities of the past FIRE AT LANDISVILLE | Roy L. Winchester, twenty-four | of this boro, is a sister.
) ¢ 8. Mr. ) ac ’ A § JL :
gone to say that ent Yosh wore te luke lam Wednes Aro imately $1,200 d Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Breneman, | of Lancaster, was sent to jail for T—————
St Bt S cent a roximately amage i ili
Iv completed indicate thet those day to Donegal Springs where the Ye a at 7 Fri 2 Mr. and Mrs. Frey, of Elizabeth-|1 to 2 years for stealing his | William B. Barnhart
i thousanls of andl sive Y dol children ate their lunches, played whe ’ Ar oe > n ay town, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Myers, | mother’s clock. William Bear Barnhart, 1613
: sands ¢ nclaimed dol- : hen fire bro n a bo rato pan
Iavs waiting for retired w games and waded in the creek. i 1 Rail i : t on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lehman and fam- | Before the road is even open Swatara Street, Harrisburg, Pa,
lars aiting 0 tired wage- | he Ee : car a 1e ail anc ndustrial | . { : former voside
earners or seasonably employed On Thursday Sheela! Equirment Co. Landisville ily attended the camp meeting at | to traffic motorists are making forse: reside nt of Me oy, past
Wage-earners rev 85 mir el | events were held and the win- . 3 Ls ty Roxborough on Sunday. 1 speedway out of the new high- | Sed away Sunday morning Aug.
arners over 65, their wives in Basketball Tt iim] Company officials said work- : : : 14th, in his 90th ve:
and children snd. alsn for thei ©, CC ol 33] Throw: on men were burning rivets with Mrs. Emma Peifer visited her | Way from a point east of town to , m his th year.
or 4 : { } dor hows. 1st Ben Brown, Ind Ben re burning rivets with ant Mrs. Fair xe « | Lancaster. Mr. Barnhart spent all his early
widows, children and dependent | nt Tv acetylene torch while in the pro- Sister, Ts ATTY air who is life i .
parents of deceased wage earners | nfon, 5nd Bel younger cess of dismantling the car as spending some time with Mr. and | I ife in our Borough where he had
No toserance payments can Te Pi VS, - I mn 2nd soaks trom the torch ianited the Mrs. Benj. Fair near Mt. Joy. Ww d h 4 gil oe Later
made ‘unless un application. Ig | I : a , 3d Jack Beaston. Fede of the eo § Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Kauffman | € ngs ruout ne « 2 2 store an
| filed ind delay in filing frequent.- | I ebal hitting 2 distance: Se Thtda other nearhy dite. weve and Mrs. Katie Foreman, Mr. “eal fo, Wg Were he Ves
ly results in some loss of benefits bys 1s: Tony Weber 2d threatened before workmen were and Mis. John Richler, spent the Our Communi t Stey oe Stor or oe
8 loss S.!Ben Clinger, 3d Jack Boyer: ore ere weekend. at Wire, Foreriaws Catto 1 y Stewart’s Dept. Store. After be-
vounger boys: 1st Jim Pennell ane to move them. The Lan- at Perv Co i Hs Cus ing with them for 37 years, he
. 2nd Jack Beaston, 3rd Bob and Salunga fire com-|° D P t Ww k Tented 1a 10S
VF W Held Their [= =. 5d 2 0 hE BST co en During Past Week cn 55, 7,
5 . os TE Vilas spent Wednesday at Cleona. ¥ z
. tween Ben Brown, Ted Williams | tin8uished the blaze. pe cons Mrs. Hazel Clement, 303 E.|daughters, one sister, three grand
? Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Felty, of | M q
on eetin and Toby Weber. Broad jump: | iin St, announces the marriage | children and one great grand-
: Lancaster are spending the weekend . : .
1st Dick Hallgren, 2nd Bob Zel- R f N F ith M 1 Mrs. B. F. Kauff of her daughter, Marie E., to | child.
: with . ar s. B.F Ke » om > :
[ fer, 3rd Tom Zimmerman rie ews rom Bnd ye > Wma | Robert E. Taylor, son of Mr. and] Funeral services were held on
i ove ues a : Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fike attend- | Mis, B Yeiisi y :
On Friday afternoon of the fi- Xe the Qite Breaktos eS { Mrs. KE. J. Casavant, Lynchburg, | Wednesday afternoon at Harris-
ec 16 Quiz Breaktast at 1e Stev- | vr
a : ens : ! nal day the : i and 268 Th D | F | Va burg.
Fhe Mount Joy Post 5752, Vet- | f : yi Yar i mn pn e a 1€$ or ens House at Lancaster Friday | —
erans of Foreign Wars, held their| ™ year were presents morning, sponsored by Garvin C xd
‘ v | Ribbons were given to the win- $ . : Er 8 De As | Patricia Jean Kepple Mrs. Anna B. Roath
meeting of the Cove on | ne f the track and field day uc ea ng Messrs. Earl Gerlitski, John Kis- yp, Eugene Eicherly Mrs. Anna B. Roath, s t
Tuesday night. Jack Liggins was| = Gi He hie ele a9 singer and Carl Buller attended the | M Ed Gy yr 9 r Ti jee f ae
elected Trustee for 3 vears during (Turn to Puge 5) Upper California had a two ; . | Vrs bdna G Kepple, 214 North | five, wife of John R. Roath, 603
¢ oe ; go 1 rn es re es erm doubleheader game between the | Barbara St, announced the mar-|W. Chestnut St, Lancaster, died
we course of the meeting « - re ' = 4ys sho SH , hi ties and a og : BY : a
mander Bail i 1 Mil al | wora EMUTH, INC. NOW Oxford played host to thirty- Phila. oy tics and the Yanked >| riage of her daughter, Patricia Jean | Tuesday in the St. Joseph’s Hos-
ande alley nresented 1 eS J y «AT v Al ss on Sun ay. | A oar J vy r i after : y 1 NGS
Firk with a Certificate of Award IN THEIR NEW LOCATION four fire companies on Friday. A ol ii wa | to Mr. Jay Eugene Eicherly, son of | pital after a long illness. Born
tor ie - sepoire daring). Wolgemuth In , extensive local The second polio case at Camp Torn ¢ anid { Mr. and Mrs. Jay G. Eicherly, 79 E.| In Great Neck, L. I, daughter of
'| electric appliance dealers, who] pp, ; : Che wera urn to page «. | Main St., on Friday, August 12th the late George H. and Emily
the Buddy Poppy Campaign i : Penn, Indiantown, was reported on —————— eee | | ( Id Del M
: ab | where located the rear f the). | The wedding was solemnized : 10U :Long,
Commander Bailey also announc- oe In lp Tea ol '® | Tuesday. RIN ve AAS TIE. The we fing wa apliCronk ne ont Joy, she
I 0 {First National Bank and Irust At the Harrisburg Horse Show MERVIN B. SHELLY, WAS FIRST; | 1:00 p. m. in th, parsonage of Trin- | Was a member of St. John’s Lu-
ed that the Adjutant, Emmest C.| Company building on North Mar- : Or ~ HELEN MILLER. SECOND | ity Lutheran Church here, with the theran Church, Maytown and for
Berglund, Jr., was now a Register- | Oct. 19-26, cash awards to be | v 1€ ! ’
5 y 8 id ket Street, are now in their newly : be A 1200-pound Hereford owned | Rev. Lester Koder officiating The | the past 22 years of St. John's
ed Service Officer. having satisfac- | given as prizes net $30,000. : | gM clatig 1
| l 1 I FT roel location at 14 East Twenty-one persons were in by Mervin B. Shelly, thirteen, Lititz | couple was unattended Lutheran Church, Lancaster. She
torily completed a Training Course . ml 1 nty-one 27 3 . . re . 7 i :
with the nt of Pennsylva- Main opposite The Bulle- jured in nine traffic accidents in R, Was declared grand champion / They left immediately on a wed- | Was active in church school work,
via, V.F.W. Bailey stated that the hy rae Lancaster county over the week- | the Garden Spot Baby Beef Club | ding trip to New York City where having been a Sunday School
nia, + Daley Sta : ’ 1a This firm also specializes in the ond round-up in the Union Stock Yards | they are registered at the St. Moritz, | teacher for fifty years. She al-
new Service Officer would assist all | poi. 0} pe will : . : Wa at : ot. . 3 :
oberon a vo Re re at D leo a] i net and will be John M. Snyder, eighty-three yesterday. i They will be at home in their new | S¢ was a member of the Women's
wobler they ay h: vo “He also | BU Be fo your mmquity, of Mountville, was injured hy an A blue ribbon and 325 . cash { apartment at 76 East Main St., af- Missionary and : Ladies’ Ald ‘So-
: 4 ed tl : li 4 for he | Their sp us Store room 1s] while sitting on his neigh- award went to the winning bullock, | tor August 21st cieties Surviving are her hus-
announced that applicants for 1€ 1 now leing filled with a large bors step selected from a field of 95 baby - a — band, a son, John R. Roath, Jr.
oh hot beer sent for and | ok and they request you 10] pyre destroyed the bum and | beeves this morning. | FLITTINGS Lancaster; a brother, Charles De-
pi 9 a able f " listril oat storage shed on the Bryncoed| Reserve champion is a 775-pound | Mr. and Mrs. Willard Newton and Long, Philadelphia and a number
hoe > ha ue fo ng er We call attention to their spa- dairy farm near Highspire en-| Blank Angus shown by Helen Mil- | sons, have moved to New Jersey, of nieces and nephews.
Augus > elease date se cio « other oe : = 1. 3 2 i " : a re
on a i ili i Page. tailing a loss of $40,000. ler, Manheim R2, who received a { from the Joy Theatre apartments The Funeral will be held at
3 sadly Sm ; i 1 th | \ ’ NT The price of hogs dropped from | $20 prize. | he re. Mr. Newton was music su- Lancaster ¥ ridoy with
These son ha os | LANDISVILLE ‘WOMAN BURNED | "oo per hundred pounds at] C. Kenneth Young, Mount Joy | pervisor in the local schools interment in the Union Cemetery
Post fe wii do | ae { Mere Guondolyn Grayhill, owen. the Lancaster stock market Mon- | Rl, was 18th with an 1140 pound | Mr. and Mrs. John Strickler, who | #! Maytown,
: Street : at time and some | { Ver ndisville re : itte . : TTP.
Bain bre: 1 = : => 2 | ty-eight, Landi ile. was admitted day. Top price was 23 cents. Angus. reside in one of the rear theatre
mem dis of the Post wi RK a a to ay Lancaster General Hospital ee — — | apartments, will move into the a- ’ 1
aces reterans ompleting | «iiffe Byes ah rN CRT TQ i | .
23m ; vo rans In complell : uiferin : re ; ne S( song degre E. D. CLASS OF 1947 METHERELL GETS ONE | partment vacated by the Newtons. ge S | ecor
their applications. urns of both thighs, left arm anc ha vy T 'WO YEARS IN JAIL Ceo Y valk
a fara en \ gas oven exploded in| WELD FIRST REUNION SUN. 10 Ti a As Ia amt Mr. George C. Houck, newly ap-1 Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Gusler, on
ace after a gas oven exploded in arence L. etherell, forty- ir . TH :
3 es 3 : . y pointed music supervisor from Big- tree = 2
BARBARA STREET BRIDGE the kitchen of her home at 8:45 p,| East Donegal High School, they co this boro, was sentenced | 1...: ea aon 218-1 Wood Street, Florin, a daughter
WL 3 rod lass of 1947, held its first re ! : lerville, will move into the Strick-| Friday at the Columbia Hospital
FIRE QUICKLY QUELLED m. Wednesday. glass 0 vai, held Ss hrs. one to two years in county | a, partment M oe | Mrs. Will bial,
Friendship Fire Co. responded REN pa union at Long Park Sunday af- jail he ‘pleaded guilty: to 7 ; I 2 1 5 i bur Hess, Mt.
. > ARE . Jov R¢ p: aughter
to a fire call at 10 a. m. Satur- » ternoon, : Ben Hess, president, charges of solicitation to commit | INVESTIGATING PAYMENT oy G 3 ] . aughtes Sunday. at
day. A passing train had sel Personal Mention at the business session. The pro-{ ov Ho was alse fined $1001 wer ¥ NG PAYME! the General Hospital.
\ : 3 5 > Te EE a...
fire to the Barbara St. bridge. gram was in charge of the re- and costs | The 1919 legislature ardered an
SUS. | investi: y vhy NNSy SE
Plank ‘oi ihe whder side. were Cpl. James Tierney, of Quantico, | union chairman, Warren Muel- City policeman Howard M | investigation into wh Pennsyl- { WILD HORSES
: ’ . > . iS Spen g $160,0 { any re » sect
afire but that kind of a blaze is| Va. spent a five day furlough with { ler. told the conte Method vania Po ding $160,000,000 on In many remote sections of the
pie for cour fire laddies They | bis wife and son. The committee appointed to was arrested July 21 at Queen Teliof In the next iwe years, southwestern United States wild
have ‘extinguished . similar fives Mrs. Parks Neiss Jr. and. Miss | plan the next reunion includes ated Chestenat Sts. Lancaster. ats { The investigation began Monday. | horses still roam unrestricted.
squinteen times a year since the Dorothy Shank spent Sunday at | Samuel Ney, chairman, Mary Lou ter’ he had apprcached two hLoys, IT —_— TEE
cut went through town. Millersville visiting friends. Kelly, Vivian Snyder, John Dre- aged 15 and 14 years. :
re a — — Mr. and Mrs. Kirchoff and chil- | scher, Betty Ebersole and Nancy sane mart cll A Ae = ene
ACTIVITIES OF OUR POLICE dren of Manheim Mr. and Mrs. | Swope. SCHOOLS HERE OPEN SEPT. 6
These prosecutions were made | John Wilt and children of Middle- pe Everything (but the pupils) is |
the past week by Chief Parks Noles town and Mrs. Ben Horst Sr, spent | LOCAL MOTORIST CHARGED in readiness for the opening of
Rufus P. Bucher, Quarryville R2, | Sunday at Herndon Camp. Fred J. Germer, son of George | the Mount Joy Boro schools on |
no inspection sticker; William EB Mr. Park N. Eberly, 121 N. Mar- | Germer, east of town, was charg- | Tuesday Sept. 6. The teaching
Clark Jr., State College, improper | ket St, is enjoying a two weeks va- | ed by Lancaster police Tuesday with | corps is complete with several
: I I
passing, failure to stop on a signal | cation from his duties at the Wheat- | operating an uninspected motor | last minute changes.
of an officer; B. J. Warrix, Detroit, | ena Corp., at Highspire. vehicle, He will be summoned Complete details will appear in |
Mich., R. E. Runions, Nashville Mr. and Mrs. Joe Detwiler and | for a hearing toefore Alderman A. | next week’s Bulletin.
Tenn, AWOL from Norfolk, Va. | daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Park Eb-|P. Newell. a res
returned to Middletown Air Depot. | erly and children and Mr. and Mrs. —— IN A FEW WEEKS
Es Graybill Stauffer and family spent| MACADAMED PARKING LOT At a meeting of Highway author- |
PAID FOR HIS FUN Monday at Halloway Beach, Mary- Mr. Chester Armstrong, prop- | ities at Lancaster yesterday, held to |
James J. Findley, twenty-six, of | land. rietor of the Washington House | arrange for getting traffic thru the |
Manheim R2, plead guilty to dis- On Sunday, Mrs. Katie Geib and | here had the entire parking lot | County Seat when the new road is an
orderly conduct at a Lancaster | daughter, Florence, and Mr. and] macadamized between the hostel- | opened east of town, it was report- | - 5 Mod
hotel, was prosecuted and given a| Mrs. Park Eberly attended the|ry and Calvary Bible Church, on | ed that this new section will be | Fine New Modern Pumper presented to Friendship Fire Com-
hearing, and paid the costs plus $4| Brethren in Christ Camp Meeting | New Haven Street. This is a opened to traffic within a few | pany, Mount Joy, by Mr. Kaufmen T. Keller, a native of this
for a man’s shirt which was torn. J at Roxbury | marked improvement, } weeks boro, now President of the Chrysler Corporation.