0-11 yy eit Fn District Meeting (From Page 1) Dr. Telephone Directory events at the church. | and His Church.” A commitiee was planned to re- Smith | | then spoke on “Advance for Christ rise and study the charter of the | GOING | I hy te | TO PRESS | headed by the Rev. Mr. include { two ® { of Trustees, | Official Board Notity Business Office COLUMBIA 4-2101 and a member at | { The date | ed. Following the Smith. FE Mrs. | con's HELPERS S. S. CLASS The next meeting will be quarter- ily conference at the Salunga church. has not yet been announc- sessions a social [period was held in honor of Dr. and Mort, will Sunday, two members of the Board | members of the | | | ing will be held at | served with a special program, | Monday, 3 Immediately | CORN AND DOGGIE ROAST i Hcstesses Mrs. Ralph Berrien | Of An y |and Miss Helen Stauffer enter- y {tained members of the Gods | Helpers Sunday School Class © “MM... 3 | St. Mark's Evangelical TU. Changes Church Tuesday evening at > | home of Mrs. Berrier at a corn | and doggie roast. | eee ee et | AIDS TO FARM REPAIRS @ . # a Columbia Telephone Co. In Listings Bingham, engineer, | handy for repairs on the farm. Subscribe for the Bulletin. | come in making Penn State ex- says welding { outfit | 2:30 p. m. ig home HOW ARE YOUR SHOES ? DON'T WAIT TOO LONG BRING THEM IN. 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. Change Your Treadle Sewing Machine Into An Electric Portable Or Console Esti- Pick up and deliver You can also have it electrified in your present cabinet. mate given free. guaranteed service. anywhere, J. V. BINKLEY SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE 216) 111 N. Market Street, Prompt Phone Elizabethtewn, Pa. What, We Call News Have You Been Visiting ? Had Visitors ? Been Divorced ? Bought Anything ? Sold Something ? Had a Party? Been To One? | Got Engaged? | | Been Jilted ? | Joined a Club or “ | Been Thrown Out of One ™ Had Triplets, Quads or | Even a Baby ? . : Had An Accident ? That's News. Please Tell Us So We Can Print It and Tell Your Friends ae. 2 | >. The BULLETIN 8 City Shoe Repairing Co. | MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9661 | aire. i | Saturday NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY | AND THE ENTIRE ROUNDING COMMUNITY. SUR- of God Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor August 7. m. Church School 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship Sermon: “When God Is My Father” Wednesday, August 10 The Annual Congregational Meet- 7:30 p. m. All members of the Church are invited to attend and vote. 9:30 a. Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church L. Dallas Zeigler, Pastor Sunday, August 7 { 9:30 a. m. Boys Day will be ob-|' Mrs who teaches young class in Hershey will be Oscar Lingle men’s bible the speaker. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship Aug. 8 7:00 p. m. Sunday School Board. 8:00 p. m. Official Board. | Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Brethren August Chiques Church of the and Sunday, re 8th is a Youth Conference, Dr |C. C Elis of Juniata College is guest speaker at 7:30 p. m. Sunday: Afterncon service is at Vesp Ss, 0:15 p.m. Evening service, 7:15 p. m. Bring your lunch. Sponsored by the East Fairview | and West Green Tree, Elizabeth- town; White Oak and Chiques | | | | | | | United Brethren Church Rev. John J. Gable, Pastor Sunday August 7th 9:30 a. m. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship In cocperation with the Bible Conference being held in Mount | Gretna, no evening service will { be held. Calvary Bible Church Rev. C. I. Summy, Pastor E. M. Wolgemuth, Supt. Sunday August 7th 9:15 a. m. Bible School 10:25 a. m. Morning Worship Message in Romans 7:00 p. m. Prayer Period 7:30 p.m. Evening Service with | the sermon “He Will Tell Thee { What To Do.” Wednesday 7:45 Prayer Service Mr. Josie Rehkugler is the | Young Peopl le's Department. Glossbrenner speaker. Mt. Pieasant Brethren In Christ Church Elder C. H. Moyer, Pastor Sunday, August 7th 9:00 a. m. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Preaching Salunga Church of the Brethren John Ebersole, Elder In Charge Mr. John Herr, Supt. | Sunday August Tth 9:00 a. m. Sunday School 10:15 a. m. Church Service First Presbyterian Church Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor | Sunday August 7th 9:30 a. m. Church School Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. T. A. McGregor, Pastor | Sunday August Tth 9:30 Church School 10:30 a. m. Worship Service A Minimum Faith day School services in Trinity Lu- theran Church until August 238, when the pastor returns from hi | vacation. | Also, during these weeks the | Church building is undergoing a | | progr: im of repair which is sched uled for completion by Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor There will be no Church cor Sun- August 28. Newtown 7". B. Church Oscar K. Buch, Pastor Sunday, August 7 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. wah p.m Service & Sermon Vednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting & CE. ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. J. from E-town RD1, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Lou- ise, to Russel E. Martin, son of | Mr. and Mrs. Russel Martin from E-tcwn. Miss Fullerton is a Senior ai | Ezst Donegal High School and Mr. Martin is employed by his | father. ———— ell OG | RAYMOND F. EVANS SPOKE | AT ROTARY LUNCHEON Mr. Raymond F. Evans, directo: of Adult Education of Derry Town- | ship Public Schools was the speak- | er at the Tuesday Rotary Luncheon. Visiting Rotarians were W. H. | Hornafius guest of H. Ray Nissly, Dr. R. M. Reynolds, guest of C., Schock, W. de Perrot, Lititz, Roy Koch, Hershey; and Gladstone P Cooley, Berwick, Pa. eee FRIENDSHIP FIRE CO TO HOLD CARNIVAL, AUG, 13TH At the Fire House, North Mar- ket. St., on, Saturday, August * 13, | Friendship Fire Co. ‘will hold their annual carnival. The Elizabethtown High Band will give he concert. for and fifty cash prizes will be awarded. School Games in everyone dollars Patronize Bulletm advertisers. 274 Rotary Club Will (From Page 1) | [ing his annual official visit to | Strictly leach of the thirty-one Rotary | [ An | tical [Clubs in South Central Pennsyl- | | a y [vania, By Richard Hill Wilkinson Rev. Mr. Swaim is Executive Secretary of the Presbyterian iE TROUBLE with vou.” Barry Homes of Central Pennsylvania at said, “is that you're too ana- Newville and Carlisle, lives in lytical. Why don't you throw Mount Holly Springs, is the caution to the wind for on nc minister at the Monaghan Pres- marry the girl?” byterian Church, Dillsburg, and a ugh sighed we took 4 . J ge oh d. His a X member of the Rotary Club of nat look of faintly aloof mmquigence . Carlisle. He is one of the 186 that he always = : . conjured when Rotary District Governors who | «Minute [Barry became are supervising the activities of indi ritical. “You some 7,000 Rotary Cluk which Fiction [critic : ' ouldn’t under- have a membership of 330,000 | vd . aid ' stand, he said. | business and professional execu- ‘You re too impulsive to se what tives in 81 countries and geo- I'm driving at. Let me tell you, if rapliicai reptons tiweushont. the oY graphic: regions p e pays to be careful.” p a 8 Toughoy idl “Sure it does. But it doesn’t pay |W rid. to be overly careful. How doe¢| Each year, this world-wide Valeria feel zbout it?” service organization continues to | “ ve . fod rd . : Ho does she heen? How @0 in numbers and in strength. | vou think she feels? When a pe he bh Pio 0 Dunning the last fiscal year for | girl's in love she knows enough | 247 R Clul Xan yd "Ww ary to be careful herself.” da IX v tary i 2S “yp ling, © 43 Ae Were organized in 37 countries | Meaning f course, that Val's mad about you and she's willing to|of North, South and Central wait until you get through analyzing | America, Europe, Asia, Africa, | i : i { and justify or compensate heriund the islands of the Pacific. shortcomings in your mind.” rss UB Hugh gestured indifferently. “Fig- ure it that way, ‘if you like,” TWO WEEKS BIBLE SCHOOL “Wouldn't it be a shock to you CLOSED AT CROSS ROADS if you discovered yourself to bel A two week Daily Vacation | wrong. I nes Val Trp Bible School ended Friday at the someone else right under your . Ne ad : Ole ote ht 5 Cross Roads Brethren In Christ 10se. : ne : : |Church, The Superintende “She won't.” sail Hush conti. The Superintendent P dently. “Girls aren’t made that|Hess announced an average en- way.” He stood up. “I haven't been rollment of 300 every evening studying psychology and human be- land on Thursday an “open havior five years for nothing.” house” was held, at which time ‘But if st gets tired of Waiting | the parents toured the class and marries some one else in the| . 3 meantime, maybe you'll regret it. : “Don’t be ridiculous. Val won't I'wo projects were developed, | marry anyone else. I know what{a home missionary project the | I'm doing.” first week and a foreign mission- Barry let a fortnight elapse ary project, the seccnd week. he » agd i roac the he fore he again broached | An offering was taken each even- subject of Val, It rankled him, ine f th first eck | t Fol : op ing o; eo 'S reek ar re and he felt better to get it off ng wen his chest. ‘Hate to mention it [toward a fund for the purchase again, Hugh, but Val seems to |of a station wagon for the Mes- think you've been neglecting |siah Orphange, Florin. The | her lately. Can't blame her |second week, the offering went | much, either. toward a fund to educate a doc- | “Out “it!” ugh looke gly. EL | ; Fou ! 3 Hugi oked ugl) ! tor for missionary work. think y ud b * let me tend to nas my own affairs Jarry. The girl loves me and when I get around to ° it, I'll marry her. Goodness, can't ews rom orn you understand that | man shouldn't | jump into such things!" (From page 1) Or : Tom 1 isi Baily of-| their return from Columbus, Ohio. red. “I happen to know Val was a a ¢ Pi : db Mrs. Emma Peifer spent Wednes- ut with someone else last night, iu seas “Good. Comparing the someone day at Landisville visiting Mr. and else with me will be the best thing Mrs. Robert Lawrence. | in the world for her—and me too.” Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kauffman | entertained Mr. and Mrs. Nelson | Felty and Miss Collie Wagner and Mr. Gordon Hilligan of Lancaster. Saturday Co., will have festival at the evening the another old time Florin tertainment by Steve Riley and the Susquehanna Mountaineers with Goo-Goo and Mack, also The Penna. Hot-Shots with lots of Music and tun for everyone, The Gebhart family reunion will be held at the Florin Park on Sun- day, August 14th i Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Breneman, hy Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kolp attend- i hia cd an old-fashioned Hymn Sing at Atglen on Sunday, which wag held fe cut-doors. Rev. Howard Bernhard is holding “A girl in love know s enough to 5 two Wael vevival Ti West Va ye careful herself. Hitch wo nnoyed. Blast if by Mrs. Lloyd Vogel and two sons couldn't Barry mind his own busi- | Spent several days at Wildwood, N Why dic ] have to [J., last week. keep worryi ibot il. It wa Miss Margaret Eichler and Mrs pl in day fhat } fidn't under- | Helen Musser held a surprise show- Nia om 4 v : kne ood il for Miss Nancy Jane Wertz on Yin and was willing to. wait: She Tuesday evening at the Wertz Wa : home, in honor of her forthcoming AGUELY HE wondered who the | marriage to Melvin Ryder, Satur- Vv other man could be she was out |day morning. Present were: Mrs with. It wa: rir amusing in a | Myrtle Hess, Mrs. Lloyd Vogel, Mrs. Way. Pranably Val hod told | pay ah Hilt, Mrs. Caswell, Mrs. | Br et | Zelda Miller, Mrs. David Geib, Mis. year psychology student could tell Kuth Klugh, Mrs. Tom Bronson, vou that was nothing but a feeble | Mrs. Charles Bennett Sr., Mrs. Irma attempt on the part of the female | Wertz, Mrs. Helen Musser, Misses to excite jealousy in the man she | Mildred Gebhart and Ellen Jean loved. Musselman. Three evenings later Hugh's - En phone rang. It was Barry. He HYMN SING AT LANDISVILLE «sounded far away. ‘‘Can’t hear : : 4 | you.” Hugh yelled into the A Hymn Sing will be heid on mouthpiece. “Talk louder.” August 7th at 9:00 p. m. at the “I say,” came Barry's voice, | [andisville Camp Meeting Grounds more distinctly, “that “0 thi I'130b Shaub will be song leader We d you t has hi ned.” | o : y ‘ Wap 4 youn As Special music features, the Gospel “What thing aid Hugh. F Walon wer ‘TH d | “About Val. About her marrying | Four the ongenecker Trio and an someone else right under your|Accordian Duet. Everyone is in- nose. She's done it.” vited to come for an hour of wor- “I don’t believe it,” said Hugh, ship and praise. This program is feeling for the first time a by the North West sensation alarm. > on io: x am. | E of Branch of the Lancaster County “1 saw it happen,’ said Barry. * ii « . | as 91 Christian Endeavor Union. was there. . ST : ———— ee “Good lord Hugh was suddenly very much excited and very con- YOUNG PEOPLES MEETING cerned. AT WEST GREEN TREE CHURCH “You can't say I didn’t warn| The next meeting of the Young you,” Barry's voice said, growing People of West Green Tree Congre- | Tatler, sati ill be an outdoor meeting € / yo. ( yo “Hey! Hold on a minute, Barry! wi can o ! ; b Are you there Yes, yes, 1{to be held at the Green Tree] know you warned me. Guess:I was |Church of the Brethren on, Satur- | | something of a fool. Who was it |day night, August 6 at eight o'clock. | she married? This is terrible!” Rev. Bill Longenecker will be the ‘‘Me,”’; said’ Barry, very: faintly. And then the. line ‘went dead. Relehsed by WNU Features speaker. Special music. Everyone is welcome. ED A AI locality reads its -adver= J tisers get such excellent results, Everybody in this The Bulletin—that’s' why There is no better way to boost your business than by local news paper advertising, Florin Fire Hall with en- | | The Bulletin—that's why its adver- Subscribe for the Bulletin. ————— — RE Everybody in this locality tisers get such excellent results. reads Mattresses Fine Quality INNERSPRING MATTRESSES as low as 537% TUFTLESS PERFECT SLEEPER Mattress & Box Spring Healthful, relaxing support throughout the entire length of your body. “Ribbon Steel” coils give you extra support anl extra buoyancy where you need it most. Mattress or Box Spring $4050 Coil Springs $1495 KEENER.... Home Furnishings Ph. 3-5601 15-31 Marietta Ave., Mount Joy, Open Mon, Fri. and Sa’. Evenings [Ze Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, August 4, 19495 - —— ——————— ——————————————————— ' Phares Landis ATTENTION FARMERS Service When You Need It DONEGAL AVIATION SERVICE Will Dust or Spray YOUR CROPS OR ORCHARDS: Tomatoes, Corn, Tobacco and other crops. JUST CALL YOUR LOCAL AIRPORT DONEGAL AIRPORT PHONE, MT. JOY 3-5354 ; | 6-9-tf Pz aaa de = > | - > FOR Every O ion ery ccast I Baby | ; i CUPS, SPOONS, BRACELETS, NECKLACES, RINGS, COMB AND BRUSH SETS | | Wedding CLOCKS, HAND-PAINTED TRAYS, SILVER, VASES I Engagement DIAMONDS, WATCHES, PEARLS Birthday JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVER { : i SAT y ! Gomg-away (Gifts MUSIC BOXES, DRESSER ELECTRIC MIXER, ASTER SETS, WATCHES, PEN AND PENCIL TRAVALARM CLOCKS, WALLETS SETS, ® ADAM H. GREER Jeweler 87 East Main Street Dial 3-4124 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. | C. ROBERT FRY MANHEIM R. WORK Rock Drilling AIR COMPRESSOR Concrete Breaking, Etc. D. 2, PENNA, f— EXCAVATING & GRADING Cellars Trenches, Etc. PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753 STAUFFER'S QUARRIES L. J. SMITH, Owner CONCRETE BLOCKS Crushed Stone Mortor Cement Concreting, Mason & White Sand Lintels TELEPHONE 3-9731 Chimney Blocks ET Flue Lining Steel and Aluminum Sash Overhead Garage Doors FIRE PLACE UNITS and CCESSORIES Custom Drilling & Jack Hammer Work - Estimates Cheerfully Given