The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 28, 1949, Image 4

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ing at 6: 15 p. m.


- {
tori By Gene Bymes [Jem meme | |
Ths Bolla a ) XY uve fv . O 049! y L ene |
d—"The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, July 28, 194 REG’LAR FELLERS meee [4 A ica nN & 1¢ >i .
J J 7 2 | MRS, MCANCI Ti THER, a “ormerl) vy Pate
Friday evening Mount Joy won ™ TWELFTH rN 1
from Maytown 4-6 while Man- ne ’, 1} a DANCING
heim defeated Lititz 10-3 — 1 . | 1 A i,
R-Coller, McCue, Shupp, Esh- an. _ y
leman 2 E-Brandt 2, Bowman, = : 3
Brown, 2 McCue, Eshleman. BB Sun., July st
8 80 Coliex, 3, = A 9 P.M. TO 12
Maytown ab r h 0 a — Ee 3 TO THE MUSIC O
Derr 3b 20 001 Bi OS : 4
B: 20001
i hl WN ads The Bulletin Hn
owner ov 1 LOW DOWN Gretna Theatre Everybody, Everywhere, Re
Brandt 2I 20012 from, rena ¢ ! a A a Green Terrace Orchestra
Geltmacher cf 3002 Jeanette Reese, popular chars | —————— warmers |
Coller p we 3 1 3 1 2 RY GROVE acter woman with the Gretna | were en ES
Rline p : 10008 HICK Playhouse Company has been B U [ LE R’S BEAUTY SALON : = mm
Tota 20 1 218 7) You know, this gévernor of cast as Mrs. Edith Wilkins in tty fogs : rs
-BY~ Mt. Joy Jr. Legion ab r h o a Utah, Mr. Lee--that boy sees eye | Norman Krasna's comedy’ “Dear FLORIN, PENNA. OPEN EVENINGS
McCue cof . SG eye with me. He figures that | Ruth”, which opens a week's en- rn 3 .
A W I S E 0 W L I ogle ct 1 $4 States should have some self-re-|gagement on the Mt. Gretna GE Mid - Summer Specials
: BUDD ol : o ! : 0 4 spect—also some independence. I!stage Thursday, July 28. 8 $3 $5.00 Machineless Permanents $3.95
Harry Kuhn, a carpenter 1b 0 0 0 0 0 been harpin’, Fig Te J os Rew i "thi go 0 oF $6.00 Machineless Permanents $4.95
1 t we har in 1b 3 0 1 6 0 people are tired, on where we are ales but reared in this country, N <* : is $5.95
us ha a" a ve a or l 2-2 2 10 coming out as more. Governors|is a veteran of the stage, making / > $8.00 Permanents 0 $10.00
Mariela She i 1 ( ASSET 1 J and Mayors and Chambers of |her first appearance before the st Cold Waves $5.00 - $8.00 - N PI ; D 't Mis It *
) nost oultrymen, e lel rown 3b 2 x : : : i Thr a
ow fue 18 i Harpe 3 1 0 1 3 giCemmeee Resp on being when only eight. Thell pyoNE MOUNT JOY 34300 TODAY. Haller, Pron * Now Playing on ISS
ow 1as hens ANC {arp D ' & Yai state ‘er Yogi . i. nse. 3 . 5 le go with a. at .
Sard davs. wets twenty ¢ Wilson : 3 0 2 0 1/by this Big Govt. scheme of pu years in stock and ! yin i 3-10-tf You'll chuckle, you'll howl at this gay play
Bovd 2b 1 0 0 0 1iting up half, if the State or the|leading road shows as well as ———
} : : 2 BO i Germer f 1 0 0 0 1 County or the Town will put up}ten months in London have given - —. REET 66 %9
John Grosh should x Hl $ ’ 9 the other half for a new flock of |her excellent training “in thc Ts == ear i
me to farming on act as : Ye posto b si “swimming pools, or an airpcrt etc. | theatre.
Agent bec le cer- Sr ARIES mus nn.
5 Far Ag : No tO False Grol Totals 26 4 918 5 You go to work and elect your- : IF YOUR CLOTHES WEEK ENDING, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3rd
tainly 1% rales VaYIons om 000 ; self a Gov. or a Mayor, and you |: Subscribe for the Bulletin. i
At presen 1¢ nas a patch ol MOUNT JOY 200 02 : .s = : = :
i i a figure he has been around some- NE RR 3 f A teen-age girl writes passionate love letters to a
es 1 1s garden ie the E—Brandt 2, Bowman, Brown. 2B . : Ee 4) 1-age 8 J
Fries in, i } 1 : : es le ; BB > lor 2 2B knows that all the dinero in Sam- i ARE NOT BECOMING | strange lieutenant overseas but signs her name.
grow so that ae = goa ler. 2 28 jeans is re , 5 . NISSLEY {(( Wien the licutenant comes home unexpectedly double-
maling. grou with a wheel- [tock 6. SO Coller 9, Estock 8. bos jeans is put there by us SIMON 7 (| aby oq ; Wilkins §:
pa ng Sind > th 1 wh eee citizens and know too, that MARY as i TO YOU | barreled trouble hits the Wilkins family.
Aal'rowv ) ‘Keep 1€ ( ¢ ~~ - . . LC S
rr L'TOWN DEFEATED OUR JR. every time Sambo divvies one gy 3 Corot Ha 7 So .
: : LEGIGN TEAM HERE MONDAY half for anything that he puts it i | Hilarious Comedy Hit From Broadway
Id PRI IRHIGF De os a E-town had to come from behind on your income tax bill next ES CR LE it TH EY SHOULD BE i
SNOW ha enauring his ea : " ja: whi > ) ( .
plus humidity, plus irsitable | (© Win over Mi Joy here Monday SPring That is what the Go. ml I || Curtain 8:30 p. m. = Adm. $1.00 plus tax
: Lil eo i 1 is | ov ning. The losers took a 2-0 lead and the Mayor should know--and Electric Weldin i CO ING TO us i |
eople. hats too much to Ke 554 $v | .
r a dose n the first inning, but Elizabeth- Positive. and Gas g i I A | er ee ae
a own got four runs off Eshleman in. But this Governor Lee, he is Also Specialize On i {|
Went over t Ament’ age. the second inning and that was thelone that does savvy. He waded FARM MACHINE WELDING i ® |
t ) to aments a J (
vesterday and of all the smells I | ball game. Each team collected sev-/into the Gov. of California and AND EQUIPMENT | i SE ——— J O Y 3ATURDAVS
So Sy 2 t sl] | en hits told him at the meeting of gov- . a | 0 EVENINGS MATINEE
ever smelt I never a smell 1 11s ; Automobile and Truck Welding ® SHOWS
like® that smell smelt. I judged Elizabethtown ab r h o aemors in Colorado Springs that VER SHARPENING fl | f 7 AND 9:00 P. M AND
x fumigating the blade but | Florshimer 2b .4 0 2 1 2 the time may be coming when LAWN MOV na ya in IC e Y S AY T H E A T R HOLIDAYS
li Ww fs ja ED 3 Ee Chapman ss ... v3 0.0 00 Gov. Warren could fold his tent C y Weldin Sho ii yume 00 P. M.
when he, came walling along very yw, Lo yy 1 0 a adi nap - i | ov. Pi
nonchalantly 1 noticed he was Shi Re... 8 010.18: on i” D over S g p | QUALITY CLEANERS | RES Ure Mount Joy, Pa. am
simply smoking an old pipe. D'Agostino 317% 31 of toot ov 9 os : Delta and Marietta Streets { 98 Powe i Mount Jo | ; Cai, ,
HRI on, ge mi I 31 1 2 0 stock and barrell via gifts. MT. JOY, PA. {if 7078 Best Mal Steet Joy | FRIDAY — SATURDAY, JULY 29 - 30
You know there's & way. that just Ble 3b yor ae 2 l : 1 Those Utah folks sure picked | YOU PHONE 3-4071 WE CALL { JEANNE CRAIN - LINDA DARNELL -in-
rejoices when he hears of an auto | nvm or WD 0 0 out for themselves a governor FI Don't i I - 39
ejolces ¢ ars « « rf... “J : te oe 3 eqs | A i ror rs a) ‘
wreck. Socn as he ‘learns ‘of who “is no green pea. Bother Me |= 8 Ee I EF = oA Letéer To Three Wives
onc he parks himself near the Totals .. aie 5 721.5 Yours with the low down i Dusted ith bs
tok hone, hoping it will ring any Mt. Joy Jr. Legion ab » h o a JIMMY Mm wi ry | it a = -
Slepaone, ct p .... 431 1140 — — PULVEX DDT > ®
minute. Shupp ss 2b 3091 21 . A ric i egion MONDAY TUESDAY, AUGUST 1-2
Harple If 11 2 26
cinta to Donegal Airport News| £ metcan BURL IVES — BOTGY DRISCOLS. -in-
Bowman 1b vag . IAW > ’
Risser c 2 0 0 9 1 The spot landing contest spon- 2 hn [YS
Boyd 2b .1 0 0 2 1 sored by the Lancaster Aero PU LVEX sion 0 ; So Dear To My Heart
Fogie rf 1 00 0 0Club was held at the Donegal | ERSTE REN i‘ a cee
Wilco 10 0 1 pron last Sunday afternoon. |" car OWNERS: Tori your cof WELNESDAY — THURSDAY, AUGUST 3
ss Each contestant was allowed | fice, be sure to use Pulvex ROTENONE -
Totals ............ 26 2 721 ¢ three landings and the two best] Flea Powder. Specially formulated for cats. Friday & Saturday RANDGLEH SCOTT — ELLA RAINES -in-
E-TOWN 040 001 0—5 were judged. Lelan: Bailey of = _- | " & 99
MOUNT JOY A 200 000 0—2 Elizabethtown won first place 9 J i Y 2 wa ob Walking Hills
E Bowman, i 2B -Harple, Ee “Lloyd Nissly of Mt. Joy RD and B E N N F, T S i eo Ar
h Baker BS D a oi [Mylin Micken of Lancaster were PE] _ SATORDAY, AUGUST §
Just lool t1 expl ion « ‘en in a, ? re ied for second lace Other 1 y 1 RIDA SATURD AUGUST 5. 6
x : , McCue 6.. LP—Esh- | ti€ d for seconc place. her ; >»
Eli's fac A Beam ema winners were Herb Shelly; third tau rant P. R. R. I ARKING LOT JOHN PAYNE — GAIL RUSSEL -in- J
Bs the irag. anotner ‘wreck 2 i Albert Forry Fourth and John E. e ;
rt business opening | NINE HERE THURS. Earl Heisey and Till Risser
r n Have MOUNT JOY |
tows He : nana 5 i Br In cne of the best played games made a one day visit to Ocean FRIDAY:
el Ve y ha of the season Mount Joy's Junior City Ne q — . 3 —
Po 1 , | Legion team defeated Millersville George Minick and John Haw- Monday thru Saturday | Joe Kistler And His Band
aC I hid ere last Thursday evening 2-1. flew to Wilmington, Del i 1 d 3 i
i Of ie ] : ~ | Dinner served 11-2 and 5 to
I That same evening Marietta. Norman Sprecher and Stehman SATURDAY:
1 qt AVY "| won from Maytown 6 - 0. Landis visited the Harrisburg Cl d S d | ?
Pose °' | Mt. Joy Jr. Legion ab r h o alState Airport, ose undavys Th Sh iff Of P I H il
} 0 McCue p . 31340 2 Alvin Heisey took a short cross y | e eri un mn 0 ow ( ma
—— ae | Shupp ss 4 0 : trip to Reading. : ba ae
You Know 1 ig ; E ype an of a 1 0 1 o George Fisher and Fred Tobias Delicious Chicken Corn Soup and Other Refreshments
I Lar wa : : ; u y Bowrdan 1b 1 0 0 5 0 flew to New York state.
duck he husband protested. | Brown © .3 0 114 1 Raymcnd Garman made a 300 FREE PARKING STREET DANCING
Well, tother mornin ¥e came | Wilson Ji ++ 3 0 0 1 cross country trip to Lorain,
int n to make X 1 Nana! By gis 3 : fg 2 0 : Ohio. Mr. Garman left Donegal S$ O MN P Rn Zz E S A 54 A SATURDAY NI 1 k AUG, 6
1 liveries nd it her i oya : i lat 8:30 a. m. Sunday and return- ’
top, guess SE discoverer Totals 26 2 521 7ed the same day at 6:30 p. m. BULK AND GALLONS - fe rrr TS ——————————
No Milk"! Se or 2 pe “Mille Jrs. ab r h o a Total flying time for the trip on- [ Positively Biggest Show 00
bottle Now I've heard of |g 3 1 0 1 1ly eight and one half hours. N 0 D il SHORTY FINCHER PROUDLY PRESENTS 4 .
bers forgetting their to s he H 3 3 0 : : Harry Reynolds flew to Cam- ow pen al y 2 00 . 0f The Year
did I hear of a milklady tevenson c¢ 3 dn NJ ; 1 es en
: iy yornill Se What | Henry cf 3:00 1 CQ y Se ——
pry te nu Ethel | Eghbb’h p SO 06 0 2 MOUNT GRETNA H Pi i
Vere you tanking 1bou Lhe > 4 o - :
. of Barr 1b 3 OF 70 " i PY JOH IN NY
TT ————— Glick If 39090 00 ELIZABETHTOWN LAKE BEACH we A
A West Main Streeter had a|Broome 1 20020 2 HELLAM, IA. 1 MILE SOUTH ON YORKANA ROAD Ad
Fi : oy : Marfel 2! . Avs SOV . The King { the Hil billies
re ) week with the farmers Warfel 3b .... 2 0 0 0 1 Mrs John Heisey returned to her 1e King o
he thought he would buy his Total 2 o 12 6 home on Mt. Joy street from a two- ALSO THE FAMOUS SUNDAY, JULY 31 .
wife a gift, so he picked up the MOUNT JOY as 100 100 0—2 month's vacation at Ocean City. i WSM WINDY LEE
table, carried it out of the house, | xii I FRSVILLE 100 000 0—1 John Barto will start baking at GOLF COURSE Direct From Grand Old Opry -
put it on his head and trotted on EE. Barr, Brown, Boyd, Wilson his new bakery on East High street THE ONE AND ONLY WITH
down the rcad with it. 2, BB Eshbach 3. SO—McCue 14 iphis Saturday. Much delay was en- Open Every Night - ¥ TAT rales 3
A neighbor met him and said; Eshbach 8, cae. countered by breaking plate glass 5.19-tf The JOLLY JES ERS
“Hello, Tom, are you moving? : IN windows which were replaced by |~ : ‘
“No it is the missus. She says MT. JOY NETMEN ace | the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. DESIRABLE in The Gay 90's Revue
henever 1 buy her anything it | EASILY LANCASTER rE A a
When ja » Why 9 2 vou Mount Joy defeated the Lan- Coe: SL is dere. fre a 3 .
never fits t hy are you : 3 er ar cs, 5 vas
; W199 a y | caster Tennis Club, 7-2, in an | -
carrying the table? “I'm going | caster i ov by » tion of a 0
a oe t i he 1 t 1} le Inter-County Tennis League match fo Sin o 8 Cousin Lee and Gang € €4s0n an orn rl
> 7 re explained on the local courts Saturday. RR ire 2 Sar Ai ° FOR SAI E This act alone is > a whole show
cloth, 0 eXple a. SIRT Th workers, materials and new - - - uh Ph
D il tellin Yon Harold Fellenbaum (MJ) Qe: ments, r Janet S$ Animal ircus
© you recall my teiing JYOU| Ralph Engstrom 5-7, 6-4, ER Marietta-Lancaster Pike ond
that Bill Enck fell off the chair | nq 6-4. RETAINS TENNIS CHAMP se Di
| yank Zi ate ar : Mount Joy-Columbia Pike, e
2 fire house a week or so Frank Zink (MJ) defeated Earl : iow 3
at the a a. a n't quite sat- Koth, 6-3, 6-1. : Frank Zink, E-town College ten One mile north of Kinderhook and Nemo and Range Riders gn A Comedy Bicycle Act.
a d i n ) t Gene Cer (MJ) defeated Ken Ns eam Sap, He two miles East of Marietta, on in- Ed 4
jsheq wih us Janding, S50 14S!! Daulby 6-33, 6-2 county singles championship € | tersection Marietta-Columbia Pike Hl > EY PET
fell off again, this time Clarence McCue (L) defeated i 4 o i
Bt Toe Richard Divet 0-6, 6-4 and 6. "id Harold Fellenbaum, of this | gg orice Near Schoo |§ Sallie and Shorty Fincher € I'eggy lLaylor Irio
a Joe Germer (MJ) defeated P'ace, to beat which he aller .
i A WISE OVL Chatles DeMartino 6-4, 0-6 and Harold won the opening set 6-3. Nal IRE With BOB and JACK THOMAS One of the best Adagio Acts.
: ome | WD defoureq NERt 75 6-1 and 6-d H. H. Siegrist )
1949 BASEBALL SCHE 3ob Kramer (MJ) defeatec Bob Zink, paired with Elwood - : ah 7 " ~~
dete onoman 5-7 6-1 and 6-2. yO 7-7-4t Columbia Rl, Pa,
LANCO MIDGET LEAGUE Pet Hon Ta Ar b Snyder won the doitbles by. harlie Trussell your M. ® RE X
tL : . | Crider and * Fellenbaum } (MJ) ing Harold Fellenbaum and Gene WN Ww
% |. Wednesday, August 3 defssted Bod (BU lend 24 6-2 ¥8 and G2 (ATHLETES FO Rom ° DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS BIG SHOW
am “Divet ind Zink (MJ) defeated Three years ago Fellenbaum and NON ONE Hou, LL ADMISSION 50
Monday, Augus ret 2 I ate : . ‘ “a g
J ay SY Bri aulby 6-2. 6-2 Crider were champs. " ‘ YEFY .
Monat Joy a Marietta Epson md Dain oe 52 i I. wot. legend Yous die. hate, at oir ADULTS 50¢ Tax Included FREE PARKING CHILDREN UNDER TWELVE -FREE | J
Wednesday, August 10 ° . thi 1 ds! drug T- Er 1.2 TRONS Le CHILDREN UNDER TWELVE FREE
Millersville at Mount Joy ~ There is no better way to boost| Everybody in this locality rea PENETRATES, Recher MORE germs Plenty of paring space a : :
All home games to be played on | your business than by local news| The Bulletin—~that's why its adver- - to KILL the itch, Today at : : i Ever ybody Everywhere Reads The Bulletin
the High School athletic field, start- ! paper advertising. [tisers get such excellent results, Sloan's Pharmacy J i